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#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
IN 2020
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Organic search is the main traffic driver for
e-commerce and shopping sites after direct one
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
However e-commerce sites have characteristics
that make it challenging to optimize them
Highly dynamic
High number of
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
… as they can end up causing common SEO issues!
duplication and
Internal linking
Crawl budget
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Ecommerce sites can
be amazing sites to
sharpen your SEO skills
Not sure if it’s fun… or SEO fun
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
…Particularly your
technical SEO ones
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Let’s see how!
Optimizing products
pages with limited
control and highly
dynamic inventory
Internal linking and
indexing of facets with
Crawl budget
Internal linking
duplication and
1. 2.
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti#productseo at #smxwest by @aleyda from @orainti
products pages
with limited
control and
highly dynamic
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
All paths of your site lead to your products pages,
which can make or break conversions
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Your products
pages are
to attract bottom
of the funnel
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Product pages
tend to be also
highly shared
and a magnet
for backlinks
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
… which can end up making them some
of your top URLs traffic wise too
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
It’s easy to
errors with
them though
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Which at an
basis, doesn’t
only hurt your
rankability and
user experience
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
…But also
ultimately, makes
you lose traffic
and conversions
that you could
otherwise refer
to other products
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti#productseo at #smxwest by @aleyda from @orainti#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Automated validation for
consistent indexing and internal
linking is required through your
products lifecycle
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
within the system
when products
are listed
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Don’t allow the same product to be listed twice by the
same vendor to add it in many categories or locations
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
If you’re also a
marketplace and there
are too many identical
products from different
vendors, enable a single
product URL for the
same product
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Define a number of maximum relevant categories to
connect with products, but don’t add them to the URLs
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Use characteristics to differentiate products metadata &
descriptions to be specific to target & rank with them
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Each product should be listed in at least a full
categories>sub-categories>facets path that is indexable
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
These categories/facets should be linked through their
canonical URLs, avoiding the usage of parameters
Don’t link to
Category URLs
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Linking and including in the XML sitemaps
the original products URLs too
Don’t link to
Product URLs
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
What happens when products are not sold anymore?
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
When the product goes out of stock, it should be then
eliminated from listings, internal search & XML sitemap
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
If it’s a
temporary status
or you’re unsure,
the product page
should remain
related products
until it comes
back or during a
minimum time
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Giving also the
option to users
to be notified
when the
product comes
back in stock
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Feature a message explaining
why the user is redirected
If it’s permanent & the page has backlinks, traffic or
conversions, 301-redirect to indexable parent category
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Avoid 301-redirects to generic or non-relevant
categories that won’t keep the old page relevance
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Another option is 301-redirecting to similar product
but it can cause high volume of chain redirects
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Avoid 302
redirects to make
sure you pass the
old product page
value while
making sure the
actually works
and is relevant
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Don’t show 404s for out of stock products
w/ backlinks, you miss value & is bad experience
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
You can use 410 http status for permanent out of
stock pages with no backlinks nor rankings/traffic
your error page
to be usable
and relevant
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Schedule continuous crawls to run & be delivered
automatically to identify remaining crawlability issues
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Set real time SEO
monitoring and
alerts, to be
warned if your
product pages
change their
crawlability or
indexing status
Little warden & content king
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Integrate Web traffic
and rankings data to
alerts validations,
prioritizing the ones
of those product
pages with certain
minimum value
Little warden & content king
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Configure the alerts
to be directly
delivered to your
communication or PM
system to facilitate
their validation
Zapier, Integromat
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
It's about
aligning the
crawling and
indexing of
your products to
their lifecycle to
maximize their
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Internal linking
and indexing of
facets with
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Should a shoe query of a specific model and color be
targeted by a product or a listing page?
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Should you
canonicalize a
facet after a
certain level of
depth to its
parent category?
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
You want to avoid a sub-optimal ranking & experience
by ranking with a too specific product page …
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
… or a still too generic sub-category that won’t be as
relevant for the user, who will need to filter further
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Sometimes this happens because the relevant
indexable facet doesn’t exist on the site
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Sometimes is because
queries are targeted by
indexable internal
search result pages that
generate content
duplication issues and
are not internally
linked, not ranking well
as a result
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Sometimes the
relevant facet
does exist but is
not correctly self-
canonicalized and
is not indexed as
a result
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
… or it hardly has internal links because the
navigation towards it is not crawlable
#seomarketplaces by @aleyda from @orainti
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
But you also don't want to waste your site crawling
on not worthy to be indexed nor ranked URLs…
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
It's about aligning your
Web taxonomy indexing
and internal linking with the
audience demand and your
providers supply… if it
doesn’t spark joy, it
shouldn’t be indexable!
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
On one hand, it depends
on the demand volume
and intent: How many
searches does the query
have and what are the
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
… on the other,
the existing
supply: How
many of these
products do you
have to offer?
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Also, can these queries generate conversions that
will compensate the optimization efforts of the facet?
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Those facets
with too little
products or
targeting non-
popular queries
should be
canonicalized to
their parents
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
While obfuscating
their internal
linking, to avoid
crawling not
meant to be
indexed pages
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
However, you want
to start indexing
and optimizing
facets that target
worthy queries for
which you have
enough products
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
How can you identify these
opportunities with so many
category levels, facets and
products on your site?
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
You can quickly
validate the most
popular sub-topics
searched along your
products categories/
brands with keyword
research tools that will
group and show
searches for them
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @oraintianalytics
Monitor your internal search results queries:
repeated, relevant ones that you’re not targeting yet
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Do the same with your trending products per category:
what are their brands, characteristics and/or locations?
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @oraintisistrix
Look for ranked
but cannibalized
products queries
results w/ non-
trivial search
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @oraintisemrush
… Verify if your ranked pages are continuously
switching in search results for these queries
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @oraintisurfer
Analyze the top
ranked pages
above yours:
What type of
pages are they?
What kind of
information do
they feature? Do
they provide a
better experience
than yours?
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @oraintisemrush
Check and
compare the
indexable facets of
the competitors
outranking you
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
How can you differentiate and organize your Web
listings to better address users need in their journey?
Category Sub-Category Facet Sub-Facet
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
It’s not only about
start indexing and
linking to them,
but optimizing
their offering to
fulfill the user
search experience
and facilitate its
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
It should be about
showcasing the
existing supply to
satisfy a non-trivial
audience demand
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
... indexing &
linking your Web
including facets,
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Remember that is
not about indexing
more pages, but the
right pages that are
the best
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Sounds like too
much work to do?
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
It's doable when you have resources and flexibility
to optimize the platform configuration accordingly
When changes are released
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
Ecommerce SEO
challenges while
sparking joy!
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
... which can be
highly profitable
and worthy!
#seomarketplaces by @aleyda from @orainti
Thanks! Questions?
#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
I’m Aleyda Solis
* SEO Consultant & Founder at Orainti
* SEO Speaker at +100 Events in +20 countries
* Author “SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.”
* Crawling Mondays YouTube SEO Video Series Host
* #SEOFOMO Newsletter Wrangler
* Blogger in Search Engine Land & Search Engine Journal
* Featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post
* European Search Personality of the Year in 2018

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Aleyda Solís

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  • 1. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti HOW TO WIN SEO FOR ECOMMERCE IN 2020 #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 2. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Organic search is the main traffic driver for e-commerce and shopping sites after direct one
  • 3. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti However e-commerce sites have characteristics that make it challenging to optimize them Complex taxonomy Highly dynamic inventory High number of products
  • 4. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti … as they can end up causing common SEO issues! Content indexing, duplication and cannibalization issues Internal linking challenges Crawl budget issues
  • 5. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Ecommerce sites can be amazing sites to sharpen your SEO skills Not sure if it’s fun… or SEO fun
  • 6. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti …Particularly your technical SEO ones
  • 7. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Let’s see how! Optimizing products pages with limited control and highly dynamic inventory Internal linking and indexing of facets with non-standardized attributes Crawl budget issues Internal linking challenges Content indexing, duplication and cannibalization issues 1. 2.
  • 8. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti#productseo at #smxwest by @aleyda from @orainti Optimizing products pages with limited control and highly dynamic inventory #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 9. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti All paths of your site lead to your products pages, which can make or break conversions
  • 10. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Your products pages are valuable to attract bottom of the funnel searches
  • 11. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Product pages tend to be also highly shared and a magnet for backlinks
  • 12. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti … which can end up making them some of your top URLs traffic wise too
  • 13. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti It’s easy to generate errors with them though
  • 14. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Which at an aggregated basis, doesn’t only hurt your Website crawlability, products rankability and user experience …
  • 15. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti …But also ultimately, makes you lose traffic and conversions that you could otherwise refer to other products
  • 16. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti#productseo at #smxwest by @aleyda from @orainti#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Automated validation for consistent indexing and internal linking is required through your products lifecycle
  • 17. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Establish minimum descriptions requirements within the system when products are listed
  • 18. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Don’t allow the same product to be listed twice by the same vendor to add it in many categories or locations
  • 19. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti If you’re also a marketplace and there are too many identical products from different vendors, enable a single product URL for the same product
  • 20. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Define a number of maximum relevant categories to connect with products, but don’t add them to the URLs
  • 21. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Use characteristics to differentiate products metadata & descriptions to be specific to target & rank with them
  • 22. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Each product should be listed in at least a full categories>sub-categories>facets path that is indexable
  • 23. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti These categories/facets should be linked through their canonical URLs, avoiding the usage of parameters Don’t link to canonicalized Category URLs
  • 24. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Linking and including in the XML sitemaps the original products URLs too Don’t link to canonicalized Product URLs
  • 25. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti What happens when products are not sold anymore?
  • 26. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti When the product goes out of stock, it should be then eliminated from listings, internal search & XML sitemap Don’t link
  • 27. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti If it’s a temporary status or you’re unsure, the product page should remain indexable recommending related products until it comes back or during a minimum time
  • 28. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Giving also the option to users to be notified when the product comes back in stock again
  • 29. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Feature a message explaining why the user is redirected If it’s permanent & the page has backlinks, traffic or conversions, 301-redirect to indexable parent category
  • 30. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Avoid 301-redirects to generic or non-relevant categories that won’t keep the old page relevance
  • 31. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Another option is 301-redirecting to similar product but it can cause high volume of chain redirects
  • 32. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Avoid 302 redirects to make sure you pass the old product page value while making sure the destination actually works and is relevant
  • 33. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Don’t show 404s for out of stock products w/ backlinks, you miss value & is bad experience
  • 34. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti You can use 410 http status for permanent out of stock pages with no backlinks nor rankings/traffic Personalize your error page to be usable and relevant
  • 35. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Schedule continuous crawls to run & be delivered automatically to identify remaining crawlability issues Ryte
  • 36. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Set real time SEO monitoring and alerts, to be warned if your product pages change their crawlability or indexing status Little warden & content king
  • 37. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Integrate Web traffic and rankings data to alerts validations, prioritizing the ones of those product pages with certain minimum value Little warden & content king
  • 38. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Configure the alerts to be directly delivered to your communication or PM system to facilitate their validation Zapier, Integromat
  • 39. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti It's about aligning the crawling and indexing of your products to their lifecycle to maximize their value
  • 40. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Internal linking and indexing of facets with non- standardized attributes #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 41. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Should a shoe query of a specific model and color be targeted by a product or a listing page?
  • 42. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Should you canonicalize a facet after a certain level of depth to its parent category?
  • 43. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti You want to avoid a sub-optimal ranking & experience by ranking with a too specific product page …
  • 44. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti … or a still too generic sub-category that won’t be as relevant for the user, who will need to filter further
  • 45. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Sometimes this happens because the relevant indexable facet doesn’t exist on the site
  • 46. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Sometimes is because queries are targeted by indexable internal search result pages that generate content cannibalization/ duplication issues and are not internally linked, not ranking well as a result
  • 47. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Sometimes the relevant facet does exist but is not correctly self- canonicalized and is not indexed as a result
  • 48. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti … or it hardly has internal links because the navigation towards it is not crawlable #seomarketplaces by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 49. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti But you also don't want to waste your site crawling on not worthy to be indexed nor ranked URLs…
  • 50. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti It's about aligning your Web taxonomy indexing and internal linking with the audience demand and your providers supply… if it doesn’t spark joy, it shouldn’t be indexable!
  • 51. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti On one hand, it depends on the demand volume and intent: How many searches does the query have and what are the characteristics?
  • 52. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti … on the other, the existing supply: How many of these specific products do you have to offer?
  • 53. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Also, can these queries generate conversions that will compensate the optimization efforts of the facet? >
  • 54. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Those facets with too little products or targeting non- popular queries should be canonicalized to their parents levels
  • 55. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti While obfuscating their internal linking, to avoid crawling not meant to be indexed pages
  • 56. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti However, you want to start indexing and optimizing facets that target worthy queries for which you have enough products
  • 57. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti How can you identify these opportunities with so many category levels, facets and products on your site?
  • 58. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti You can quickly validate the most popular sub-topics searched along your products categories/ brands with keyword research tools that will group and show searches for them directly Semrush
  • 59. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @oraintianalytics Monitor your internal search results queries: repeated, relevant ones that you’re not targeting yet
  • 60. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Do the same with your trending products per category: what are their brands, characteristics and/or locations?
  • 61. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @oraintisistrix Look for ranked but cannibalized categories/ products queries results w/ non- trivial search volume
  • 62. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @oraintisemrush … Verify if your ranked pages are continuously switching in search results for these queries
  • 63. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @oraintisurfer Analyze the top ranked pages above yours: What type of pages are they? What kind of information do they feature? Do they provide a better experience than yours?
  • 64. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @oraintisemrush Check and compare the indexable facets of the competitors consistently outranking you
  • 65. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti How can you differentiate and organize your Web listings to better address users need in their journey? Category Sub-Category Facet Sub-Facet
  • 66. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti It’s not only about start indexing and linking to them, but optimizing their offering to fulfill the user search experience and facilitate its conversion
  • 67. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti It should be about effectively showcasing the existing supply to satisfy a non-trivial audience demand
  • 68. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti ... indexing & linking your Web taxonomy, including facets, accordingly
  • 69. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Remember that is not about indexing more pages, but the right pages that are the best
  • 70. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Sounds like too much work to do?
  • 71. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti It's doable when you have resources and flexibility to optimize the platform configuration accordingly When changes are released
  • 72. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti#seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti Winning Ecommerce SEO challenges while sparking joy!
  • 73. #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti ... which can be highly profitable and worthy!
  • 74. #seomarketplaces by @aleyda from @orainti Thanks! Questions? #seoforecommerce by @aleyda from @orainti I’m Aleyda Solis * SEO Consultant & Founder at Orainti * SEO Speaker at +100 Events in +20 countries * Author “SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.” * Crawling Mondays YouTube SEO Video Series Host * #SEOFOMO Newsletter Wrangler * Blogger in Search Engine Land & Search Engine Journal * Featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post * European Search Personality of the Year in 2018