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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Or as we like to call it:
Online Community Building
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or as we like to call it: Online Community Building
You’re here because you’ve been hearing
the term SEO and wondering how it can
help. You’re not sure if it’s hype or
Presentation Outline
Why I s SEO Important?
Start With Strategy
• Increase web traffic
• Inc rease soc ial media audienc e
• Inc rease trac kable leads
• Improve sales c onversion rates
Our Software
• Wordpress (Y oast SEO) -Google -
Soc ial Media - Cision - SEM Rush - Adobe
eNotic e – i M ovi e/ CapCut

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SEO Presentation
SEO PresentationSEO Presentation
SEO Presentation

This document provides an introduction to search engine optimization (SEO). It begins with an overview of SEO and an explanation of why SEO is important for getting targeted traffic and exposure. It then describes how search engines like Google work by crawling the web, indexing pages, and using algorithms to determine relevance and rank pages. The document discusses how SEO relates to professional writing and provides examples of job titles in the SEO field. It also offers tips on doing keyword research and provides resources for learning more about SEO and starting one's own website to gain hands-on experience.

Derric social media-tactics-gmc
Derric social media-tactics-gmcDerric social media-tactics-gmc
Derric social media-tactics-gmc

This document appears to be a slide deck from a presentation on social media tactics. The presentation discusses understanding the purpose of social media as relationship and engagement building rather than direct selling. It provides many specific tactics for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others, and recommends tools to help with automation, analytics, and content discovery. The overall message is that successful social media involves helping others and building relationships rather than just self-promotion.

Wake Up Your Website - Ektron Breakfast Seminar
Wake Up Your Website - Ektron Breakfast SeminarWake Up Your Website - Ektron Breakfast Seminar
Wake Up Your Website - Ektron Breakfast Seminar

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: • Visitor, Site and Digital Marketing Trends • How to Wake Up Your Website • Personas and Content Targeting • Personas and Site Search in the Real World • 6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Mobile

methodfactorycontent targetingsite search
Reasons to SEO
• Inc rease Web Traffic
• Grow Social Audience
• Inc rease Online Lead Gen
• Stay i n Front of Prospec ts
• Communi c ate ‘New’ News
Reasons Not to SEO
• Closing Soon
• Large Existing Database
• Large Soc ial Audienc e
• Existing Paid Ad Budget
• Other Marketing Efforts
Reasons to SEO
• Inc rease Web Traffic
• Grow Social Audience
• Inc rease Online Lead Gen
• Stay i n Front of Prospec ts
• Communi c ate ‘New’ News
Reasons Not to SEO
• Closing Soon
• Large Existing Database
• Large Soc ial Audienc e
• Existing Paid Ad Budget
• Other Marketing Efforts
Why is SEO important?
• Trillions of Searches (Google
has approx. 92% of search).
• 50 Billion Connected Devices
• 53% of web traffic comes from
organic search (top 4 results
get over 95% of traffic).
• 90% of web pages get no
organic search traffic from
• 76% of people who search ‘nearby’ on
their smartphones visit a business within
a day.
• 90% of consumers have used the
internet to find a local business in the
last year.
• 91% of consumers say that positive
reviews make them more likely to use a
• Your Customers are Online…
What does Chat GPT Say?
• Inc reased Visibility and Traffi c
• Credibility and Trust
• Better User Experience
• Higher ROI
• Targeted Traffi c
• Competitive Advantage
• Local Reach
• Data Insights

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Online marketing workshop april13
Online marketing workshop april13Online marketing workshop april13
Online marketing workshop april13

This document provides an agenda and overview for an online marketing workshop presented by Sam Shetty in April 2013. The workshop covers various topics related to online marketing including search engine optimization (SEO), Google Analytics, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, mobile websites, and conversion rate optimization. It also discusses trends in online spending in Australia, the changing consumer purchase journey, and how to focus online marketing efforts on consumer needs and goals rather than just promoting the business.

SocialMatica - 3 Audience Building Tools You Must Have
SocialMatica - 3 Audience Building Tools You Must HaveSocialMatica - 3 Audience Building Tools You Must Have
SocialMatica - 3 Audience Building Tools You Must Have

The document summarizes audience building tools and strategies for social media. It discusses three key tools: 1) Strategic Campaign Research which allows searching influencers and content, 2) Social Network Management which automates tasks on YouTube, and 3) Capturing Your Audience through engaging WordPress plugins. The document also provides recommendations on content formation, knowing your audience, and becoming a thought leader to build an audience. Additional resources and services are listed at the end.

youtubeaudience buildingsocial media
Growth Hacking at SPN
Growth Hacking at SPNGrowth Hacking at SPN
Growth Hacking at SPN

Introduction to Growth Hacking: - Principles - Examples (from US and from #FrenchTech) - Theory - AARRR / Metrics - Tools - Must read stuff And plenty other things!

growthmobile growth hackingdigital strategy
Start With
What do you want to accomplish?
Without a good strategy, it won’t
P r o j e c t S t r a t e g y M a p
Increase Web
• Consistent Posting Strategy
• Regular Content Creation
• Media Distribution (Cision)
• PR Outreach (Cision)
• Backlink/Referral Traffic
(SEM Rush)
Increase Social
Media Audience
• Post Consistently
• Content of Value
( V i d e o , I n f o g r a p h i c , A r t i c l e , A t t r i b u t e , A d v o c a c y )
• Peak Time Posting
• Go Live; Vertical Content
• Solve Problems
• Engage and Interact
Time to take your medicine… No easy way!
Trackable Leads &
• Form Fills
• Phone Click Tracking
• Page view
• Scroll
• Video_start
• Add to cart
• Begin checkout
• File download
• User Experience
(UX) Design

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SEO - What is it?
SEO - What is it?SEO - What is it?
SEO - What is it?

Woj takes you on a journey to demystify the art and science of Search Engine Optimisation. Explore the true facts about SEO, the history of Google and other search engines and what the current landscape looks like. Arm yourself with valuable tips on production & writing for search engines as well as Woj’s indispensable do-and-don’t best practice guide so you can leave the session ready to take action!

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SESOME's take on Online Brand Building
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SESOME's take on Online Brand Building

Our take on marketing, branding and how the power shift has tipped in favour of the consumer. Looking at the various marketing channels, how the interelate, how search and new technology will change this forever.

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Omni-Channel Marketing Strategies for Conferences
Omni-Channel Marketing Strategies for ConferencesOmni-Channel Marketing Strategies for Conferences
Omni-Channel Marketing Strategies for Conferences

With limited budget and a lean staff, trying to get 3,000 people to attend an annual conference can seem overwhelming since traditional marketing plans don’t typically account for variability. Learn how some associations have thrown out the traditional DIY model in favor of an omni-channel strategy (automated marketing) that leverages marketing platforms. Learn how even a marketing staff as small as three can still deliver results and exceed expectations. Create a framework for your own omni-channel conference marketing plan that creatively combines a social media strategy supplemented by digital advertising.

conference marketingmarketing automationasae
Get Out of
Your Comfort
• Most Lessons Aren’t Free
• Invest in Data
• What Have You Tried
That’s New?
• Where Do You See
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or as we like to call it: Online Community Building
• Wordpress ( Y o a s t S E O )
• Google
• Social Media ( H o o t s u i t e )
• Cision
• SEM Rush
• eNotice

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Two Roads Hospitality Revenue & Reservations Conference Presentation #2

The document discusses how revenue management and digital marketing can create a symbiotic relationship through collaboration, using common metrics and KPIs, integrating data sources, and enabling continuous improvement. It provides examples of how to optimize marketing mix based on channel economics and understand the ecosystems of the revenue and marketing teams. The goal is to move from siloed reporting to integrated analytics that support holistic business decision making.

Velocity Campus - Customer Discovery 2
Velocity Campus - Customer Discovery 2Velocity Campus - Customer Discovery 2
Velocity Campus - Customer Discovery 2

My VeloCity Campus session on how to set up a launch page, how to buy ads to generate traffic, test market demand, how to split A/B test. In this session, I covered the essential steps needed to test market demand, build a launch page, conduct keyword research, launch an AdWords campaign and measure and track demand. Extracted from my experiences building a startup during the Next36 as well as during my 14 Day Startup Challenge. More information available on my blog at

start upa/b testingcustomer discovery
How Do I Know If My SEO Is Working?
How Do I Know  If My SEO Is Working?How Do I Know  If My SEO Is Working?
How Do I Know If My SEO Is Working?

Part 3 of Boostability's Summer SEO webinar series. As requested by our webinar attendees, we are going to go over some different ways you can research and find how effective your SEO tactics have been in helping your website rise in the ranks!

analyticssearch engine optimizationweb analytics
• Keyword Analysis
• Data Model ( e v e n t s v s s e s s i o n s )
• User Centric Focus
C r o s s D e v i c e T r a c k i n g
• Automated Insights
/ M a c h i n e L e a r n i n g
• Data collection
W e b / a p p / o f f l i n e
• Reporting and Analysis
Social Media
• Post Consistently
• Content of Value
• ( V i d e o , I n f o g r a p h i c , A r t i c l e , A t t r i b u t e , A d v o c a c y )
• Trending Topics ( H a w k T u a h )
• Peak Time Posting
• Go Live; Vertical Content
• Solve Problems
• Engage and Interact
• M e d i a O u t r e a c h
• I n f l u e n c e r / P o d c a s t / B l o g
C o n t a c t s
• E a r n e d M e d i a P l a c e m e n t s
• K e y w o r d R e l e v a n c e
• R e p o r t i n g a n d A n a l y s i s
• U p d a t e s a n d S u p p o r t
SEM Rush
(Ahrefs; Moz; Screaming Frog)
• Keyword Tracking
• Traffic Analysis
• Domain Authority
• Backlink Tracking

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This document discusses how companies can build talent pipelines by engaging both active and passive job seekers. It recommends that companies simplify the candidate experience, automate communications, and build talent communities to source interested candidates and reduce time-to-hire. Examples are provided of how talent pipelines can be built through mobile and online engagement, targeted communications, and search engine optimized landing pages. Metrics are shown for how one company hired over 200 candidates in the first year from their talent pipeline.

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Website design is all about the process. From branding, to target audiences, to choosing the right calls-to-action. Also discuss S.E.O., social integration, and promoting your site once it goes live.

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Democratization and Decisions through Data: Scaling Search at the Enterprise ...
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Presented on Thursday, September 19th, 2019 at the W Hotel in Washington D.C. for Advanced Search Summit D.C. If you want to build an army of minions for your SEO efforts, you'll find quite quickly that scaling with industry pros isn't always practical or possible. In this session, Keith Goode, Sr. SEO Strategist at IBM will discuss how enterprise organizations are building centers of excellence focused on democratizing best search practices, instilling a Decisions through Data mindset, and making the entire digital experience practice Agile. Learn how to establish a solid framework, break that framework into actionable efforts, and enable the entire organization to move your search experience forward.

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• C o n s t a n t C o n t a c t
• M a i l c h i m p
• A c t i v e C a m p a i g n
• M a g n e t M a i l
/Time Mgt
• T a s k M a n a g e m e n t
• T i m e B l o c k i n g
• M i n d Y o u r C a p a c i t y
• K n o w Y o u r S t r e n g t h s
• U s e Y o u r B u d g e t
Project Plan
8 Week Lead Time
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Event Page on Social
Blog/Event Article
Landing Page
Press Release Distribution
Social Posting
eNotice Distribution
Printed Postcards
Direct Mail Campaign
Paid Social
Paid Programmatic
Personal Invites
Group Invites (Social)
Thank You
Follow up/next invite
Media Project
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or as we like to call it: Online Community Building

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Special thanks to the Network of Executive Women for allowing us the time to share our presentation with them on Monday.

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A starter presentation from my session for Nebraska.Code 2018 explaining how to use reporting in Google Analytics to understand how to attract your intended audience and monitor conversion activity at your website.

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Why Video-Why Now.pptx
Why Video-Why Now.pptxWhy Video-Why Now.pptx
Why Video-Why Now.pptx

Consumption rates for video are astounding. When determining who your ideal client is, it’s not a matter of if they watch video (self produced, non-network television), but how much and where? Are you taking advantage of video? Reasons to start: • A picture is worth a thousand words, A video is worth a million • Say more with less • People are reading less and want to know what your brand is saying • Paragraphs of copy are glanced over or labeled as TLDR • Your business needs thumb-stopping content Joe Skibbie of JRS Mar/Com will review current statistics, share wins and losses from clients, and outline what you need to incorporate video into your marketing efforts in 2022.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or as we like to call it: Online Community Building

  • 1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Or as we like to call it: Online Community Building 0 6 / 2 5 9 : 0 0 A M C S T
  • 3. WELCOME JRS MAR/COM You’re here because you’ve been hearing the term SEO and wondering how it can help. You’re not sure if it’s hype or reality?
  • 4. Presentation Outline Why I s SEO Important? Start With Strategy • Increase web traffic • Inc rease soc ial media audienc e • Inc rease trac kable leads • Improve sales c onversion rates Our Software • Wordpress (Y oast SEO) -Google - Soc ial Media - Cision - SEM Rush - Adobe eNotic e – i M ovi e/ CapCut JRS MAR/COM
  • 5. Do I SEO? Reasons to SEO • Inc rease Web Traffic • Grow Social Audience • Inc rease Online Lead Gen • Stay i n Front of Prospec ts • Communi c ate ‘New’ News JRS MAR/COM Reasons Not to SEO • Closing Soon • Large Existing Database • Large Soc ial Audienc e • Existing Paid Ad Budget • Other Marketing Efforts
  • 6. Do I SEO? Reasons to SEO • Inc rease Web Traffic • Grow Social Audience • Inc rease Online Lead Gen • Stay i n Front of Prospec ts • Communi c ate ‘New’ News JRS MAR/COM Reasons Not to SEO • Closing Soon • Large Existing Database • Large Soc ial Audienc e • Existing Paid Ad Budget • Other Marketing Efforts
  • 7. JRS MAR/COM Why is SEO important? • Trillions of Searches (Google has approx. 92% of search). • 50 Billion Connected Devices Projected. ( cument/8326056) • 53% of web traffic comes from organic search (top 4 results get over 95% of traffic). • 90% of web pages get no organic search traffic from Google. • 76% of people who search ‘nearby’ on their smartphones visit a business within a day. • 90% of consumers have used the internet to find a local business in the last year. • 91% of consumers say that positive reviews make them more likely to use a business. • Your Customers are Online…
  • 8. What does Chat GPT Say? • Inc reased Visibility and Traffi c • Credibility and Trust • Better User Experience • Higher ROI • Targeted Traffi c • Competitive Advantage • Local Reach • Data Insights JRS MAR/COM
  • 9. Start With Strategy JRS MAR/COM What do you want to accomplish? Without a good strategy, it won’t happen. P r o j e c t S t r a t e g y M a p
  • 10. Increase Web Traffic JRS MAR/COM • Consistent Posting Strategy • Regular Content Creation • Media Distribution (Cision) • PR Outreach (Cision) • Backlink/Referral Traffic (SEM Rush)
  • 11. Increase Social Media Audience • Post Consistently • Content of Value ( V i d e o , I n f o g r a p h i c , A r t i c l e , A t t r i b u t e , A d v o c a c y ) • Peak Time Posting • Go Live; Vertical Content • Solve Problems • Engage and Interact JRS MAR/COM Time to take your medicine… No easy way!
  • 12. Improve Trackable Leads & Conversions JRS MAR/COM • Form Fills • Phone Click Tracking • Page view • Scroll • Video_start • Add to cart • Begin checkout • File download • User Experience (UX) Design
  • 13. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone JRS MAR/COM • Most Lessons Aren’t Free • Invest in Data • What Have You Tried That’s New? • Where Do You See Yourself?
  • 15. Software JRS MAR/COM • Wordpress ( Y o a s t S E O ) • Google • Social Media ( H o o t s u i t e ) • Cision • SEM Rush • eNotice
  • 17. Google • Keyword Analysis • Data Model ( e v e n t s v s s e s s i o n s ) • User Centric Focus C r o s s D e v i c e T r a c k i n g • Automated Insights / M a c h i n e L e a r n i n g • Data collection W e b / a p p / o f f l i n e • Reporting and Analysis JRS MAR/COM
  • 18. Social Media (Hootsuite) • Post Consistently • Content of Value • ( V i d e o , I n f o g r a p h i c , A r t i c l e , A t t r i b u t e , A d v o c a c y ) • Trending Topics ( H a w k T u a h ) • Peak Time Posting • Go Live; Vertical Content • Solve Problems • Engage and Interact JRS MAR/COM
  • 19. Cision • M e d i a O u t r e a c h • I n f l u e n c e r / P o d c a s t / B l o g C o n t a c t s • E a r n e d M e d i a P l a c e m e n t s • K e y w o r d R e l e v a n c e • R e p o r t i n g a n d A n a l y s i s • U p d a t e s a n d S u p p o r t JRS MAR/COM
  • 20. SEM Rush (Ahrefs; Moz; Screaming Frog) JRS MAR/COM • Keyword Tracking • Traffic Analysis • Domain Authority • Backlink Tracking
  • 21. eNotice • C o n s t a n t C o n t a c t • M a i l c h i m p • A c t i v e C a m p a i g n • M a g n e t M a i l JRS MAR/COM
  • 22. Scheduling /Time Mgt • T a s k M a n a g e m e n t • T i m e B l o c k i n g • M i n d Y o u r C a p a c i t y • K n o w Y o u r S t r e n g t h s • U s e Y o u r B u d g e t JRS MAR/COM Project Plan 8 Week Lead Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Event Page on Social Blog/Event Article Landing Page Press Release Distribution Social Posting eNotice Distribution Printed Postcards Direct Mail Campaign Paid Social Paid Programmatic Personal Invites Group Invites (Social) Thank You Follow up/next invite Media Project Admin Media Social

Editor's Notes

  1. We turn your marketing activities into an internal news room with you as the Media Director: Content Creation Topical Authority Product/Service Advocacy Social Growth
  2. We turn your marketing activities into an internal news room with you as the Media Director: Content Creation Topical Authority Product/Service Advocacy Social Growth
  3. We turn your marketing activities into an internal news room with you as the Media Director: Content Creation Topical Authority Product/Service Advocacy Social Growth