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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
7 E-Commerce SEO

… and how to Solve Them
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Organic search is the bigger traffic driver to
online stores, even well known ones, after direct
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
The biggest e-
commerce platforms
acknowledge this
and have started to
provide more SEO
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
However, e-commerce sites characteristics

make them challenging to optimize for search…
A high number of
pages due to
products volume
Constant URLs
changing status
due to dynamic
Same products
information than
other Websites

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The document discusses how to create content that generates leads rather than just traffic. It emphasizes focusing content on customers' needs through a solid content strategy, deep understanding of the target audience, expertise-driven content, and analytics tracking. Specific tips include researching common customer questions, identifying their best potential customers, and addressing popular search queries with in-depth answers from subject experts. The goal is to solve customers' problems and generate leads through helpful, targeted content.

How To EAT Links.pptx
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How To EAT Links.pptx

This document discusses how to build links that satisfy Google's E.A.T. (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) guidelines. It introduces the concepts of E.A.T. and explains why links that increase the linked page's perceived quality are more valuable. Specific linking strategies are presented such as guest blogging, Wikipedia links, and Google My Business citations. The key takeaway is that links following E.A.T. principles help pages by boosting their perceived quality in search engine algorithms.

Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf
Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdfCore Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf
Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf

This document outlines a 4-step process for conducting a Core Web Vitals audit: 1) Benchmark key pages by measuring LCP, FID, and CLS metrics, 2) Investigate audit results to understand issues, 3) Test optimization changes and re-measure metrics, 4) Prioritize fixes based on impact and effort required. The goal is to identify opportunities to improve load performance and user experience.

#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
… as they generate fundamental SEO issues!

Crawl budget
Internal linking
Poor content
pages that won’t
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Online stores are
great to improve
your abilities to
tackle SEO issues at
scale to achieve
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Let’s see 7 common e-commerce
SEO errors & how to fix them
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
1. No-Indexed sub-categories or
facets pages with traffic potential
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti

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Aprender a desarrollar estudios de palabras clave enfocados a identificar términos que conviertan para el éxito de tu proceso SEO y alcance de objetivos a nivel de conversión.

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This document discusses how SEOs often answer questions with the vague response of "it depends" and provides better alternatives. It recommends developing reusable resources like diagrams, charts and frameworks to more clearly explain SEO scenarios, processes and criteria. This helps avoid vague answers, establish trust, and facilitate decision making. It also encourages analyzing activities and setting replicable systems to improve services and grow expertise.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
2. Un-linked sub-categories or facet
pages with traffic potential
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Many e-commerce won’t rank for popular terms as
they’ll noindex sub-categories or facets by default…
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Some sites canonicalize all their sub-categories or
facets to their main categories…
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
… or even block them from being crawled!

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This document outlines an SEO strategy inspired by Gareth Southgate's plan to improve the England football team. It presents a three step target setting framework: 1) Be competitive in 6-12 months, 2) achieve tournament success in 1-2 years, and 3) be number one in 2-3 years. Key metrics such as visibility, site health, traffic, and time on page are identified and targets are set for each step. Accompanying tasks are mapped to the metrics and timeline to execute the plan, such as link campaigns, technical fixes, and content updates. The strategy aims to provide structure through measurable goals and accountability.

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The document discusses common mistakes and issues that can negatively impact SEO processes and outcomes. It recommends establishing a quality assurance framework to avoid execution errors from a lack of stakeholder understanding. This includes educating teams, setting guidelines, implementing validation workflows before and after changes, and monitoring metrics to catch issues early. Regular communication across teams and aligning SEO goals with business goals can help gain support and resources to avoid common challenges.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
to avoid content duplication & control crawl budget,
some also noindex & obfuscate their internal links too
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
However, subcategories & facets can connect with
popular searches with high commercial intent
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
If your sub-categories/facets can’t rank, your
products pages will do it instead but worse…
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
.. with inconsistent rankings between many “somewhat
relevant” product pages cannibalizing each other

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This document contains the transcript of a presentation about incorporating machine learning into internal linking audits. The presentation discusses analyzing a website's internal link structure using machine learning techniques like topic modeling and fuzzy matching to identify opportunities for new or improved internal links. It provides a 6-step process for discovery, analysis, clustering content by topic, identifying link opportunities, prioritizing where to link, and measuring the impact of implemented links. The goal is incremental improvements to internal linking that can boost SEO over time through better content organization and discoverability.

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This was a talk from BrightonSEO September 2021 and covers not only the importance of internal linking but also how to do it. It also covers a number of examples and additional tips.

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The document discusses scaling SEO through a product-led approach. It describes how content production and performance analysis can be scaled using templates, natural language generation, and data aggregation/dashboards. Specific strategies discussed include scaling content production through AI-assisted templates reviewed by specialists, and scaling analytics through custom dashboards integrating internal and external data to surface hidden opportunities. The overall message is that many aspects of SEO can be scaled through automation and data-driven approaches while maintaining quality.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
… main categories will also rank instead in other
scenarios but will have poorer conversions too
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Should you index a sub-category or facet page?
Are there enough
products at the sub-
category/facet level
to satisfy the user
The sub-category/facet
has enough search
volume to compensate
their optimization
This is why is
recommended than
rather than no
indexing by default,
to validate the
supply and demand
of each sub-
category/facet to
assess their
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
It’s fundamental to
develop a keyword
research to identify
the search volume
related to each sub-
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
.. as well as the
number of
unique products
offered per sub-
to satisfy the

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The document discusses applying neuroscience concepts to search engine optimization. It begins with an overview of the presenter's background in neuroscience and cognitive psychology. The presentation then covers topics like capturing attention, cognitive biases, heuristics in decision making, social proof, and the role of emotions. The goal is to optimize websites for users by understanding how the brain processes information, makes judgments and decisions. The key takeaway is that an effective SEO strategy puts the user's experience and needs at the forefront.

eCommerce Internal Linking - Into the Spider-Verse (BrightonSEO edition)
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In this talk, I’ll show smart internal linking tricks big brands are using. I’ll teach how these ideas can be used by medium and small-sized online stores as well. My website - Free SEO Pro Chrome extension - eCommerce SEO Mastery course - Tech SEO Pro course -

seoecommercesearch engine optimization
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
If there’s a demand and supply that compensates sub-
categories and facets optimization, index them!
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Don’t link to
Category URLs
… without forgetting to allow their crawling and
effectively link them through their canonical URLs
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
3. Internal search results pages that
cannibalize and won’t rank well
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Some e-commerce sites still index their internal
search results pages to attract rankings & traffic..

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Learn to tackle the most common ecommerce SEO issues and opportunities before they become horror stories.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
… allowing
also their
without any
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
The issue here
is that we can
end up easily
ranking for
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Causing content duplication with categories/sub-
categories/facets that are indexable & meant to rank
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
… that end up being cannibalized in Google search
results by these other pages…

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Aleyda Solis gives a presentation on 5 tips for ecommerce SEO. She discusses allowing only crawlable URLs to be indexed to optimize crawl budget, setting indexation rules to avoid duplication and thin content, setting rules for expired products and campaigns to maintain their value, identifying mobile search behaviors to target mobile users, and leveraging search features and snippets to improve visibility and conversions. The document provides details on each of these tips.

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How can you make the most and optimize your e-commerce product pages? In this presentation I show you how you can optimize them to attract more and better organic search traffic and conversions.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Ranking in
positions than
a category/
facet that
feature more
content & are
better linked
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
To avoid this,
some sites decide
to canonicalize
from their internal
search results
pages to their
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
… although the
best is to 301-
redirect internal
search results to
their relevant
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Instead of directly
indexing them,
monitor your
internal searches
to identify
with potential to
create and index

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Learn how to prioritize your ecommerce SEO process to maximize your visibility and achieve your online store organic search traffic and revenue goals.

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How to maximize your e-commerce driven SEO? Here are the key areas to address and how to prioritize your SEO actions.

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The document discusses principles for e-commerce SEO, including connecting with audience needs across the purchase journey, prioritizing high-demand content while removing duplicate pages to optimize crawl budget, and organizing online store content and pages to correspond with user search queries and intent at different stages of the purchase process. The principles are aimed at improving organic search performance and revenue through a more audience-focused and optimized online presence.

#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
4. Categories and sub-categories
pages with little unique
commercial content to rank
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
As we saw before, categories/sub-categories/facets
connect with some of the most important searches…
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
However, many of these
pages only feature links to
products, without any
descriptive text, which
makes them hard to rank
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
A common approach is to
add descriptive text at
the end of the products
listings to improve their
relevance without hurting

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When Your Inventory Changes: SEO Tips For Changing Product Pages       When Your Inventory Changes: SEO Tips For Changing Product Pages
When Your Inventory Changes: SEO Tips For Changing Product Pages

How can you optimize your products URLs to make the most out of them from a search and conversion perspective while avoiding the most common lifecycle issues of your inventory? Take a look!

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Aleyda Solis — SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce Websites
Aleyda Solis — SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce WebsitesAleyda Solis — SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce Websites
Aleyda Solis — SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce Websites

These slides were presented at the SEMrush webinar "5 Hours of SEO | SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce Websites". Video replay and transcript are available at

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Competitive SEO Analysis: How to Identify Opportunities to Win #TheInbounder
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How to drive your SEO for growth and win over your competitors? In this presentation I show you hot to identify the best opportunities to drive a competitive SEO process.

#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
The problem is that many times this content is not
really useful and doesn’t connect with user intent…
John Mueller:
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Sometimes entire articles
are placed at the bottom of
the products listings, with
an informational intent, not
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
John Mueller:
This type of text can end up confusing Google about
the nature/intent of the categories pages …
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
It’s then fundamental to
develop a keyword
research to identify the
questions that are made
in this phase of the
purchasing journey to
clarify customers doubts
Semrush, sistrix

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This document summarizes Aleyda Solis's presentation on competitive SEO analysis. It recommends identifying real competitors targeting the same keywords, comparing their authority, content, and technical SEO against one's own site to find opportunities. Prioritize keywords where competitors have lost visibility or aren't ranking highly. Leverage on-page and off-page strengths like local relevance or ability to implement changes faster than bigger competitors. The goal is a strategic SEO approach that optimizes the entire digital presence and customer experience, not just keywords in isolation.

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Learn how to align SEO criteria and principles to content development to achieve better organic search results.

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How to optimize marketplaces, e-commerce or inventory driven Websites? In this presentation you have actionable tips to improve the most common technical related issues of marketplaces sites.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
You can use
optimization tools
that offer relevant
depending on
content nature
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Supporting categories/facets pages to sell better too

users that they
products they’re
seeing are the best
for their scenario
Clarify any
doubt around the
use and
characteristics of
the products
Inform why
they’re in the best
place to buy these
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Integrating them with
the necessary visibility
within the listing to
fulfill their role with
users too
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Check this Glenn’s
case study showing
how cutting “fluff”
content in e-
commerce content
impacted in better

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The document discusses optimizing a website for mobile-first search engine optimization (SEO). It recommends implementing a responsive web design or dynamic serving to serve the appropriate desktop or mobile version to users. Key areas to focus on include making the mobile content fast loading, accessible without interruptions, and optimized with structured data and rich snippets. Mobile search queries should be analyzed and targeted with relevant mobile-optimized content to improve search visibility and conversions on mobile.

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The document discusses optimizing a website for mobile-first search engine optimization (SEO). It recommends developing a responsive mobile website or mobile-specific site, optimizing page speed, implementing AMP pages, ensuring accessible mobile content, adding relevant structured data, and tracking mobile search queries and performance. The overall message is that mobile-first practices are crucial as search becomes increasingly dominated by mobile users.

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The document discusses optimizing a website for mobile-first search engine optimization (SEO). It recommends developing a responsive mobile website or dedicated mobile site, optimizing pages for speed and usability on mobile, implementing AMP pages where appropriate, optimizing mobile content, and using structured data and rich snippets to improve visibility in mobile search results. The overall goal is to analyze mobile search behavior and priorities and ensure the website is accessible, optimized and relevant for users on mobile devices.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
5. Products pages with poor unique
descriptive content
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Product pages target a very long tail of queries that
can end up generating most of your traffic
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Users also tend
to share
products pages
more than
categories, so
they attract
backlinks and
direct traffic too
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
products pages
also tend to show
little unique
content that and
Google tend to
leave them out of
their index due to
that too

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Mobile-First SEO - The Marketers Edition #3XEDigitalMobile-First SEO - The Marketers Edition #3XEDigital
Mobile-First SEO - The Marketers Edition #3XEDigital

How to target your SEO process to a reality of more people searching on mobile devices than desktop and an upcoming mobile first Google index? Check it out.

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Using SEO to Achieve your Content Goals by @aleyda at #ConfabMN
Using SEO to Achieve your Content Goals by @aleyda at #ConfabMN Using SEO to Achieve your Content Goals by @aleyda at #ConfabMN
Using SEO to Achieve your Content Goals by @aleyda at #ConfabMN

The document discusses how SEO can help content creators achieve their goals by identifying audience needs through keyword research and improving the visibility of relevant content in search results. It provides tips for SEO professionals to work with content teams, including mapping keywords to content topics, optimizing content for targeted keywords, and using structured data to enhance search visibility of different content types and formats. The overall message is that SEO and content teams should collaborate by leveraging SEO techniques to better understand audiences and increase the discoverability of useful content.

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In this session I'll go through the main causes of SEO processes failure and provide actionable tips to overcome the most common challenges to achieve SEO success.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
This is why is
fundamental to
enhance products
pages with valuable
information, that
describe the product
and help to sell,
supporting the
customer decision
making process
Comparisons Q&As
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Title & Meta
with version
and Color
with version
and color
Heading with
version and
Start by differentiating similar products using their
specific characteristics within the metadata…
Heading with
version and
Title & Meta
with version
and Color
with version
and color
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
generation tools
to advance faster
as an input to
copywriters & neural text
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
If you have many identical or very similar products
with a very short lifespan..

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How to Leverage Content Curation in SEO #BrightonSEOHow to Leverage Content Curation in SEO #BrightonSEO
How to Leverage Content Curation in SEO #BrightonSEO

Aleyda Solis discusses how content curation can be leveraged for SEO purposes. She explains that content curation involves finding, organizing and sharing the most relevant content on a topic. There are five models of content curation: aggregation, elevation, chronology, mashup, and distillation. An effective content curation strategy can provide more content sources and ideas, in a bot-friendly format, to help improve SEO metrics like links and rankings. She provides tips on setting up tools and processes to efficiently curate content on an ongoing basis.

search engine optimizationseo
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023Hreflang: 
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023

Learn if hreflang annotations are still necessary in Intenational SEO projects in 2023, in which scenarios and how to effectively implement it while minimizing issues and maximizing success and impact.

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How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm
How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKommHow to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm
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The document discusses effective SEO reporting. It recommends establishing meaningful goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) connected to those goals. Goals and KPIs should vary based on the intended audience, such as management wanting to see business metrics like ROI and revenue, while SEO teams want to see operational metrics like rankings and backlinks. Reports should communicate results, explain causes of results, and drive action to achieve goals. Dashboards alone are insufficient and reports require additional data storytelling, analysis, and recommendations. The effectiveness of SEO reporting can impact support and success.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
It’s better to
consolidate them
in “static"
aggregator pages
that offer the
different products
of the same type,
characteristics of
different sellers
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
6. Products pages with backlinks
and traffic that generate errors or
are inconsistently redirected
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Some products
URLs tend to
have a very
short lifespan
and end up
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
.. these don’t only affect the site crawl health, but its
rankings and traffic attracted by these pages

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In this presentation you'll learn the criteria, process and areas to focus on to develop international SEO audits for success.

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7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO
7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO
7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO

The document discusses 7 common ways to fail at international SEO. These include launching in too many non-profitable markets, choosing the wrong international targeting for your business, not localizing international content, incorrectly setting hreflang annotations, choosing the wrong web structure for international markets, redirecting users automatically based on IP, and only relying on hreflang annotations to geolocate. The author provides tips to avoid each of these pitfalls and succeed with international SEO.

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¡Adiós a las Historias de Horror SEO! 
Aprende a Establecer un Framework de C...
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¡Adiós a las Historias de Horror SEO! 
Aprende a Establecer un Framework de C...

Aprende a establecer un framework de calidad para evitar errores en tu proceso SEO a través de esfuerzos de educación, validación y monitorización.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
It’s common when analyzing products URLs to find
not only HTTP errors but redirects with issues..
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
This is why is fundamental to establish rules and
criteria to manage their crawling and indexing…
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Before creating
a new URL,
validations to
verify if the
product existed
in the past, and
use the old
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
When doing a product “pre-launch”, use the same
URL that the product page will have when is sold…

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Learn how to develop SEO audits that get implemented and allow you to achieve SEO success by following these principles, best practices and resources.

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Cómo Crear 
Informes SEO de Éxito
Cómo Crear 
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Informes SEO de Éxito

Aprende a crear informes SEO que te permitan alcanzar el éxito siguiendo 3 principios para elegir KPIs relevantes, presentar tus datos de forma clara y efectiva y aprovechar principios de narración de los datos para generar el impacto que deseas para alcanzar los objetivos establecidos en el proceso.

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Aprende a gestionar proyectos SEO complejos de forma exitosa siguiendo principios de gestión de proyectos: 1. Influenciando para obtener apoyo a actividades SEO 2. Rapidez y agilidad para ejecutar y aprovechar oportunidades 3. Ejecutando de forma efectiva y consistente para construir en vez de cazar errores

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Remember to list products in the relevant and
indexable categories/sub-categories/facets ….
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Don’t link to
Product URLs
… and link to them using their canonical URLs,
avoiding canonicalized ones
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Use product structured data to specify their
characteristics and improve their SERP snippet
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Create and send products feeds through the
merchant center to maximize their visibility

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
When a
product is out
of stock,
eliminate its
inclusion in
listings, XML
sitemaps and
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
If it’s a temporary
status: the product
page should be
kept indexable,
allowing users to
be notified when is
back to stock,
offering similar
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
The product structured data and feeds should be
updated and show their out of stock status too
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
If it’s permanently out of stock, and the product has

a new version, 301-redirect towards it
301 redirect to new
product page, while
alerting users.

Update internal links, XML
sitemaps and product

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Este documento describe cómo diagnosticar y recuperarse de una caída en el tráfico orgánico de SEO. Explica que la mayoría de las caídas son causadas por actualizaciones de Google u errores de implementación, y proporciona una guía paso a paso para identificar la causa específica y tomar las medidas correctivas adecuadas, como optimizar el contenido, corregir errores técnicos o crear nuevo contenido relevante. También enfatiza la importancia de establecer un marco de trabajo de SEO saludable con monitoreo y validación contin

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Add a
explaining to the
user why it’s
being redirected
… if there isn’t a new product version, but the page
has backlinks, traffic, rankings: 301 redirect to category
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Don’t do
302 temporary
redirects that
don’t pass the
former page
popularity and/
or redirect to a
category page
Don’t do
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Don’t show 404 http errors for out of stock products
with backlinks: you’ll lose value + is bad experience
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
the error
page offering
alternatives to
make it usable
You can use 404s/410s in pages out of stock that
don’t have traffic, rankings, nor backlinks

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How to successfully manage an SEO process? Is about having Influence to earn support, Be fast and agile and Be consistent and error free. I explain how in this presentation!

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El documento habla sobre estrategias de SEO internacional. Recomienda priorizar unos pocos mercados internacionales en lugar de todos a la vez, basándose en el tráfico actual, potencial y objetivos. También recomienda elegir la estructura web apropiada para cada mercado considerando factores como geolocalización, competencia y escalabilidad. Además, advierte evitar posicionar páginas en mercados no relevantes y usar redirecciones automáticas basadas en la ubicación IP.

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SEO Success in 2021 - #IWES2021

The document discusses strategies for SEO success in 2021. It recommends aligning SEO efforts with a website's product triangle to set strategic priorities. Understanding user search intent and connecting content to their search journeys is emphasized to better fulfill needs. Leveraging Google's search features and developing brand authority can help expand visibility and grow search popularity. Areas to focus on minimizing include poor user experience issues like slow site speed. Overall the document provides guidance on optimizing content, technical aspects, and link building to achieve SEO goals in 2021.

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Al internal links, search pages, XML Sitemaps & feeds
should eliminate these unavailable products URLs
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Establish rules in your store platform for each of
these scenarios, to configure accordingly
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Set recurring automated crawls to identify still
existing issues and solve them too
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Use real
time monitoring
systems to
perform this
much more
receiving alerts
Little Warden & Content King

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How to win in SEO in 2021? In this presentation I go through the main core areas to maximize and to minimize for success.

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PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language that is particularly suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is primarily used for server-side scripting but can also be used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is renowned for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration with various databases and web servers, making it one of the most popular languages for building dynamic websites and web applications.led by Mr. Hirdesh Bharadwaj, is an ideal choice for summer training in PHP in Delhi. With Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years of experience in the field, Webs Jyoti offers top-notch training in PHP development. One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects.Ducat offers comprehensive PHP training with a strong focus on practical implementation and live projects. Their course covers the latest industry standards and trends, ensuring that students are well-prepared for job placements​ ​. Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Voice Search Optimization ACIL Computer Education: Known for its industry-standard training, ACIL offers various PHP courses ranging from basic to advanced levels. They emphasize hands-on training with real-world simulations and provide job assistance and placement guarantees for certain courses​. APTRON Gurgaon: APTRON offers a well-structured PHP course with modules on basic to advanced PHP concepts, webs jyoti, and CodeIgniter. They also provide live project experience and job placement assistance. ​​SLA Consultants India: SLA offers an advanced PHP training program designed by experienced professionals. Their course includes live projects, instructor-led classroom sessions, and extensive practical exposure to ensure students are industry-ready​ ​. Each of these institutes has its own strengths, so you might choose one based on specific criteria such as course content, faculty experience, or placement records.Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Webs Jyoti ensures that students receive top-notch education and support to kickstart their careers in coding and software development.One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects. Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years experien

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
You can integrate
traffic and ranking
data to only get
alerts of those
pages with a
minimum value
Little Warden & Content King
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
7. Not establishing a full Web
structure allowing to connect
through all customer journey
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
There is high traffic potential beyond categories
pages in the buyer journey: brands, comparisons, etc.
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Many e-commerce sites don’t feature Web areas &
content that allow to rank for more relevant queries
Brand hub Model comparisons Gift Cards

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
It’s key to
develop a keyword
research and content
audit, that allows to
map all the different
queries types during
the buying journey
with a relevant areas/
content type that
satisfies their need
Brand page
Comparison page
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
To help, I’ve created this reference for e-commerce
sites, to avoid forgetting relevant queries types…
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
… you can also see examples of known online stores
for each and copy/paste from Google sheets
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti

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#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Following the previous advice is how you’ll minimize
these most common issues..
Crawl budget
Internal linking
Poor content
pages that won’t
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
and maximize
your organic
search results
results to
achieve your
sales goals
#ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
Thanks! Questions?
I’m Aleyda Solis

* SEO Consultant & Founder at Orainti

* SEO Speaker at +100 Events in +20 countries

* Author “SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.”

* Crawling Mondays Video & Podcast Series Host

* #SEOFOMO Newsletter Wrangler

* Maker

* European Search Personality of the Year in 2018

* Co-Founder

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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís

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Aleyda Solis — SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce Websites
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Competitive SEO Analysis: How to Identify Opportunities to Win #TheInbounder
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Aleyda Solís en The Inbounder
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Aleyda Solís en The Inbounder
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7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon

  • 1. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti 7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes 
 … and how to Solve Them #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 2. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Organic search is the bigger traffic driver to online stores, even well known ones, after direct semrush
  • 3. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti The biggest e- commerce platforms acknowledge this and have started to provide more SEO related functionalities..
  • 4. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti However, e-commerce sites characteristics 
 make them challenging to optimize for search… A high number of pages due to products volume Complex categorization Constant URLs changing status due to dynamic inventory Same products information than other Websites
  • 5. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti … as they generate fundamental SEO issues! 
 Crawl budget problems Content cannibalization issues Internal linking challenges Poor content pages that won’t rank
  • 6. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Online stores are great to improve your abilities to tackle SEO issues at scale to achieve results
  • 7. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Let’s see 7 common e-commerce SEO errors & how to fix them #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 8. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti 1. No-Indexed sub-categories or facets pages with traffic potential #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 9. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti 2. Un-linked sub-categories or facet pages with traffic potential #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 10. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Many e-commerce won’t rank for popular terms as they’ll noindex sub-categories or facets by default…
  • 11. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Some sites canonicalize all their sub-categories or facets to their main categories…
  • 12. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti … or even block them from being crawled! 

  • 13. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti to avoid content duplication & control crawl budget, some also noindex & obfuscate their internal links too #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 14. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti However, subcategories & facets can connect with popular searches with high commercial intent
  • 15. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti If your sub-categories/facets can’t rank, your products pages will do it instead but worse…
  • 16. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti .. with inconsistent rankings between many “somewhat relevant” product pages cannibalizing each other
  • 17. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti … main categories will also rank instead in other scenarios but will have poorer conversions too
  • 18. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Should you index a sub-category or facet page? Index Noindex No Are there enough products at the sub- category/facet level to satisfy the user need? No Yes Yes Demand Supply The sub-category/facet has enough search volume to compensate their optimization This is why is recommended than rather than no indexing by default, to validate the supply and demand of each sub- category/facet to assess their potential
  • 19. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti It’s fundamental to develop a keyword research to identify the search volume related to each sub- category/facet…
  • 20. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti .. as well as the number of unique products offered per sub- category/facet to satisfy the demand
  • 21. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti > If there’s a demand and supply that compensates sub- categories and facets optimization, index them!
  • 22. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Don’t link to canonicalized Category URLs … without forgetting to allow their crawling and effectively link them through their canonical URLs
  • 23. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti 3. Internal search results pages that cannibalize and won’t rank well #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 24. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Some e-commerce sites still index their internal search results pages to attract rankings & traffic..
  • 25. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti … allowing also their crawling without any constraint
  • 26. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti The issue here is that we can end up easily ranking for non-relevant terms..
  • 27. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Causing content duplication with categories/sub- categories/facets that are indexable & meant to rank
  • 28. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti … that end up being cannibalized in Google search results by these other pages…
  • 29. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Ranking in worse positions than a category/ sub-category/ facet that feature more comprehensive content & are better linked
  • 30. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti To avoid this, some sites decide to canonicalize from their internal search results pages to their alternate categories/sub- categories/facets …
  • 31. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti … although the best is to 301- redirect internal search results to their relevant categories/sub- categories/facets pages
  • 32. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Instead of directly indexing them, monitor your internal searches to identify categories/facets with potential to create and index
  • 33. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti 4. Categories and sub-categories pages with little unique commercial content to rank #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 34. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti As we saw before, categories/sub-categories/facets connect with some of the most important searches…
  • 35. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti However, many of these pages only feature links to products, without any descriptive text, which makes them hard to rank
  • 36. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti A common approach is to add descriptive text at the end of the products listings to improve their relevance without hurting conversion…
  • 37. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti The problem is that many times this content is not really useful and doesn’t connect with user intent… John Mueller:
  • 38. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Sometimes entire articles are placed at the bottom of the products listings, with an informational intent, not commercial
  • 39. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti John Mueller: This type of text can end up confusing Google about the nature/intent of the categories pages …
  • 40. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti It’s then fundamental to develop a keyword research to identify the questions that are made in this phase of the purchasing journey to clarify customers doubts Semrush, sistrix
  • 41. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Frase You can use content optimization tools that offer relevant suggestions depending on content nature
  • 42. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Supporting categories/facets pages to sell better too 
 Confirming users that they products they’re seeing are the best for their scenario Clarify any doubt around the use and characteristics of the products Inform why they’re in the best place to buy these products
  • 43. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Integrating them with the necessary visibility within the listing to fulfill their role with users too
  • 44. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Check this Glenn’s case study showing how cutting “fluff” content in e- commerce content impacted in better rankings
  • 45. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti 5. Products pages with poor unique descriptive content #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 46. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Product pages target a very long tail of queries that can end up generating most of your traffic
  • 47. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Users also tend to share products pages more than categories, so they attract valuable backlinks and direct traffic too
  • 48. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti However, products pages also tend to show little unique content that and Google tend to leave them out of their index due to that too
  • 49. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti This is why is fundamental to enhance products pages with valuable information, that describe the product and help to sell, supporting the customer decision making process Unique descriptions Comparisons Q&As Reviews Complementary Products Similar Products
  • 50. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Title & Meta Description with version and Color Product Description with version and color Product Heading with version and Color VS Start by differentiating similar products using their specific characteristics within the metadata… Product Heading with version and Color Title & Meta Description with version and Color Product Description with version and color
  • 51. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Leveraging automated content generation tools to advance faster as an input to copywriters & neural text
  • 52. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti If you have many identical or very similar products with a very short lifespan..
  • 53. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti It’s better to consolidate them in “static" products aggregator pages that offer the different products of the same type, brand, characteristics of different sellers
  • 54. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti 6. Products pages with backlinks and traffic that generate errors or are inconsistently redirected #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 55. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Some products URLs tend to have a very short lifespan and end up generating errors…
  • 56. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti .. these don’t only affect the site crawl health, but its rankings and traffic attracted by these pages
  • 57. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti It’s common when analyzing products URLs to find not only HTTP errors but redirects with issues..
  • 58. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti This is why is fundamental to establish rules and criteria to manage their crawling and indexing…
  • 59. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Before creating a new URL, establish validations to verify if the product existed in the past, and use the old URL…
  • 60. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti When doing a product “pre-launch”, use the same URL that the product page will have when is sold…
  • 61. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Remember to list products in the relevant and indexable categories/sub-categories/facets ….
  • 62. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Don’t link to canonicalized Product URLs … and link to them using their canonical URLs, avoiding canonicalized ones
  • 63. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Use product structured data to specify their characteristics and improve their SERP snippet
  • 64. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Create and send products feeds through the merchant center to maximize their visibility
  • 65. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti When a product is out of stock, eliminate its inclusion in listings, XML sitemaps and feeds
  • 66. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti If it’s a temporary status: the product page should be kept indexable, allowing users to be notified when is back to stock, offering similar products
  • 67. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti The product structured data and feeds should be updated and show their out of stock status too
  • 68. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti If it’s permanently out of stock, and the product has 
 a new version, 301-redirect towards it 301 redirect to new product page, while alerting users. 
 Update internal links, XML sitemaps and product feeds
  • 69. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Add a notification explaining to the user why it’s being redirected … if there isn’t a new product version, but the page has backlinks, traffic, rankings: 301 redirect to category
  • 70. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Don’t do this Avoid 302 temporary redirects that don’t pass the former page popularity and/ or redirect to a non-relevant category page Don’t do this
  • 71. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Don’t show 404 http errors for out of stock products with backlinks: you’ll lose value + is bad experience
  • 72. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Personalize the error page offering alternatives to make it usable You can use 404s/410s in pages out of stock that don’t have traffic, rankings, nor backlinks
  • 73. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Al internal links, search pages, XML Sitemaps & feeds should eliminate these unavailable products URLs
  • 74. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Establish rules in your store platform for each of these scenarios, to configure accordingly
  • 75. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti ryte Set recurring automated crawls to identify still existing issues and solve them too
  • 76. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Use real time monitoring systems to perform this identification much more quickly, receiving alerts too Little Warden & Content King
  • 77. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti You can integrate traffic and ranking data to only get alerts of those pages with a minimum value Little Warden & Content King
  • 78. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti 7. Not establishing a full Web structure allowing to connect through all customer journey #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 79. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti There is high traffic potential beyond categories pages in the buyer journey: brands, comparisons, etc.
  • 80. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Many e-commerce sites don’t feature Web areas & content that allow to rank for more relevant queries Brand hub Model comparisons Gift Cards
  • 81. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti It’s key to develop a keyword research and content audit, that allows to map all the different queries types during the buying journey with a relevant areas/ content type that satisfies their need Guides/articles Brand page Comparison page …..
  • 82. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti To help, I’ve created this reference for e-commerce sites, to avoid forgetting relevant queries types…
  • 83. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti … you can also see examples of known online stores for each and copy/paste from Google sheets
  • 84. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Really?
  • 85. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Following the previous advice is how you’ll minimize these most common issues.. Crawl budget problems Content cannibalization issues Internal linking challenges Poor content pages that won’t rank
  • 86. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti … and maximize your organic search results results to achieve your sales goals
  • 87. #ecommerceseo at #deepseocon by @aleyda from @orainti Thanks! Questions? I’m Aleyda Solis * SEO Consultant & Founder at Orainti * SEO Speaker at +100 Events in +20 countries * Author “SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.” * Crawling Mondays Video & Podcast Series Host * #SEOFOMO Newsletter Wrangler * Maker * European Search Personality of the Year in 2018 * Co-Founder