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#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Moving sites like moving houses can be a pain
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
You want
to take your
belongings with you
without leaving,
breaking, losing
You want to
update your details,
to refer and be found
in your new
You want to
correctly reorganize
your belongings in
your new location
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Both require a lot of work
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
You want
to take your
belongings with you
without leaving,
breaking, losing
You want to
update your details,
to refer and be found
in your new
You want to
correctly reorganize
your belongings in
your new location
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
…That can be shockingly similar!

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The document discusses how Apps Script can be used to program spreadsheets and leverage JavaScript functions and APIs. It provides examples of parsing URLs, cleaning data, and custom functions. Apps Script allows integrating APIs to scrape search results, classify data using machine learning, and monitor website changes. Functions can make spreadsheets more powerful and automate tasks like notifying users. The document encourages learning JavaScript and Apps Script to unlock these capabilities within spreadsheets.

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Thriving as an SEO Specialist: Frameworks & Tips to Manage Complex SEO Processes
Thriving as an SEO Specialist: Frameworks & Tips to Manage Complex SEO ProcessesThriving as an SEO Specialist: Frameworks & Tips to Manage Complex SEO Processes
Thriving as an SEO Specialist: Frameworks & Tips to Manage Complex SEO Processes

How to successfully manage an SEO process? Is about having Influence to earn support, Be fast and agile and Be consistent and error free. I explain how in this presentation!

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#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Without proper SEO support Web migrations in
general can have painful traffic consequences too
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
However, with proper SEO support Web migrations
in general can provide traffic growth opportunities…
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Like when you move to a new, bigger, better place

#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Migrations will also increase in complexity based on the
required level of change depending on their type & goal
Different URLs,
Same Domain
Different Protocol, 

Same Domain
Different Domain Name,
Same Type
Same URL
Redesign or CMS
migration while
keeping URL
Product rebranding,
area renaming or
structural content
acquisition or Web
Internal expansion
or consolidation
Different Domain
Name and Type

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The document discusses common mistakes and issues that can negatively impact SEO processes and outcomes. It recommends establishing a quality assurance framework to avoid execution errors from a lack of stakeholder understanding. This includes educating teams, setting guidelines, implementing validation workflows before and after changes, and monitoring metrics to catch issues early. Regular communication across teams and aligning SEO goals with business goals can help gain support and resources to avoid common challenges.

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In this talk, given for SEO Mastery Summit 2022, I: - propose a continuous improvement planning approach for web architecture - highlight the importance of goal-driven site architecture planning - highlight the relationship between site goals, user personas, and search intent - demonstrate ways of considering search intent in both page planning and structure planning - highlight the benefits of having an intent-driven website architecture - highlight different ways to troubleshoot for intent mismatch - recommend some further reading to get set you on a path of success ✨ If you want to read the talk write-up, head over to:

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#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
International Web migrations are those w/ a higher
complexity due to more factors to be changed
signals of Web

Link Popularity
towards localized
search behavior
Internal expansion
or consolidation
Different Domain
Name and Type
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
It’s really like moving houses, the further you go, 

the more complex it becomes
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
They can also end-up with painful traffic consequences 

if these factors are not taken into consideration
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
But if correctly executed, can consolidate a site authority
across its international markets and facilitate its growth

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Tasked with a content audit? It can seem impossible when you have thousands of URLs to sift through alone. But in this talk, Lucy will provide actionable steps on how to do a content audit, walking you through what to cull and what to keep, plus providing methods to quickly break down pages by different search intents to simplify your work. Built on past experience, Lucy will also offer advice on how to get clients on board with your content audit, plus top tips to get your recommendations implemented.

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The Hidden Gems of Low search volume
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The document discusses strategies for content creation targeting low search volume keywords. It notes that while some marketers ignore these keywords, they can be high intent terms that are likely to convert if addressed with relevant content. The document advocates mapping out related low search volume topics, creating templates with rules for metadata, and programmatically launching many pages to cover niche topics. When this was tested with a 100-page pilot, it led to 105% traffic growth and 25% higher conversions after expanding the program to over 5,000 pages. The conclusion is that low search volume keywords should not be ignored as they can find "precious" intent if addressed properly.

#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
It’s then critical to start by assessing if you 

really need an international Web migration
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Is it really necessary to do an international Web
migration to achieve the desired result?
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Especially if it’s to
expand your
international Web
presence in new
competitive markets
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
A migration can be necessary in some international Web
scenarios based on the current & desired Web structure
To start targeting
To decrease
complexity and
consolidate popularity
To consolidate
international versions
1 2 3
To move from non-
supported regional

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This document discusses how to control Googlebot's crawling of a website. It notes that Googlebot often does not crawl all pages of large websites due to limited crawl budgets. It recommends analyzing website logs and other metrics like pages crawled, indexed, ranked, impressions, clicks and conversions to understand Googlebot's behavior. The key factors that influence Googlebot are described as the "magic triangle" of links, content, and technical aspects. All three need attention to help Googlebot fully crawl and index a website.

#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The 1st scenario
happens when
the already
existing market
is targeted with
a ccTLD that
can’t be reused
to launch
another one
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Option B
Option A
Option C
This scenario has its own specific alternatives too

To start targeting international audiences
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Option A
Avoiding the migration of the current site while
releasing independent domains for each new market
* Better to not lose current market status by avoid migrating the used ccTLD
* Better for higher geolocation by using ccTLDs for new markets
* Worse to grow overall link popularity faster with independent properties
* Not recommended when starting in competitive markets where having an
established link profile will be a higher advantage than using a ccTLD with no links
To start targeting international audiences
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Avoiding the migration of the current site while
enabling a single gTLD w/ subdirectories
* Will also avoid losing any current market status by keeping the existing ccTLD
* Better to grow overall link popularity faster by starting to use a single gTLD with
geolocated subdirectories for additional markets
* Not recommended either when starting in competitive markets where having an
established link profile will be a higher advantage than using a ccTLD with no links
Option B
To start targeting international audiences

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#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Or migrating the current site to a gTLD 

to consolidate all of the international versions
Option C
* Will migrate the current ccTLD to a geolocalised subdirectory in a gTLD, so
might lose rankings for the current market in the short term
* Better to grow overall link popularity faster by starting to use a single
gTLD with geolocated subdirectories for all markets
* Recommended when starting in more competitive markets where having an
established link profile will be a higher advantage than using a ccTLD with
no links
To start targeting international audiences
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The 2nd scenario
happens when
lowering costs/
complexity while
popularity with a
single gTLD featuring
instead of ccTLDs
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The 3rd scenario takes
place when it's
identified that the
value of targeting
different countries
doesn’t compensate
since user behavior is
very similar, the traffic
low and you could
instead target the
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The 4th scenario
happens when
realising that the
regional domains
such as .eu or .asia
are not geolocated
by Google and a
country (or
targeting is
needed instead

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The document discusses optimizing product listing pages (PLPs) on ecommerce websites. It begins with the author describing their experience finding a website with little obvious "tech debt" issues to address. They then analyze which page templates drive the most revenue, finding PLPs account for 60% of organic revenue. The author breaks down PLPs into individual components and suggests prioritizing optimization of filters and internal linking. They argue for considering metrics beyond just search volume, like user behavior and conversion data, when deciding which page variants to focus on.

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The SEO Guide to Migrate International Websites #SMProfs
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How to migrate internationally targeted Websites? Learn the usual scenarios, SEO criteria and steps to follow to avoid missing anything important.

seointernational seoweb migrations
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
For each scenario
is key to take
international SEO
factors into
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The pros & cons of the international Web structure 

to be replaced and the one to be used in each context
Country Language
Are your top
using ccTLDs?
Is the domain
authority of your
Is the domain
authority of your
Do you need
a flatter &
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The role of the Web structure geolocation 

serpchecker, seominion
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
As well as the ranked domains link popularity 

in the target markets to be competitive
3 ccTLDs, 12 gTLDs 5 ccTLDs, 13 gTLDs

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Conquering International Search Markets: #InternationalSEO at #SMConnectConquering International Search Markets: #InternationalSEO at #SMConnect
Conquering International Search Markets: #InternationalSEO at #SMConnect

This document provides guidance on international SEO. It recommends starting by validating potential markets through analyzing organic search traffic, mobile traffic, seasonality, search volume and competition for different countries and languages. Next it discusses optimizing the website structure for international targeting, ensuring content and experience is localized properly. It also covers configuring hreflang tags and metadata correctly. Finally, it discusses understanding the target international audience through analyzing popular topics, traffic sources, influencers and competitors to develop content and link building strategies. The overall goal is to make international SEO efforts successful and ensure the ROI is higher than costs.

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In this presentation Aleyda goes through actionable steps to follow to effectively migrate your Websites without losing rankings and traffic and take the opportunity to grow it.

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Multinational SEO Success #SMS2017
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Multinational SEO Success #SMS2017

The document discusses best practices for multinational SEO. It recommends selecting the appropriate international web structure like ccTLDs, subdirectories, or subdomains based on the target country or language. It also stresses the importance of fully localizing all content, design, and metadata for different international audiences. Proper implementation of hreflang tags is highlighted as critical for specifying the language and country of each page version to avoid traffic cannibalization across versions.

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#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The country and language source of your existing 

links vs. your competitors in each target market
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The content to be kept & changed based on relevance 

& localisation for the old vs. new audience behavior
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The different
geolocation signals
used by Google
that you should
also include and/or
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The configurations
Google doesn’t
officially use and
you should also be
aware of

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Mobile Search World #LearnInbound
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Mobile Search World #LearnInbound

Search is now mobile driven: How can you optimize and maximize your site results with it? Here are criteria, guidelines and tools to use for a mobile-first SEO process.

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Mobile Search World #SearchStarsSEWinning in a 
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Learn how to win SEO in a mobile first search world: from technical validation, to content optimisation & AMP. Learn what you can do to maximize your results.

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How can help integrate with other areas to drive multi-channel growth? Check out these use cases and scenarios that will bring results.

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#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
… and how Google
internationally, to
avoid unnecessary
blockage, redirects
or unsupported
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
After assessing
these factors: Does
it still makes sense
to migrate to
achieve your
international SEO
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
If so, continue with the process by identifying which are
the affected URLs based on the Web migration scope
Next Current
… …
International Web
domain consolidation
+ Rebrand 

*Fake Example
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
The international assessment will drive the SEO
configuration and validation during the Web migration
Pages Crawlability (HTTP Status, Robots.txt)
Content Indexability (Canonicalization, meta robots)
SSL Certificate
Pages Content Relevance
Pages Internal linking
Pages Speed
Home Page
Category Page
Sub-Category Page
Product Page
Main Blog Page
Blog Category Page
Blog post
For Each Page
XML Sitemaps
GSC Configuration
Old vs. New Geolocation (GSC, hreflang)
Old vs. New content localization
Old vs. New link popularity for target market

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This document discusses establishing a successful international digital marketing strategy. It recommends starting by validating potential international markets by analyzing traffic, search visibility, competitors, and profitability. The top performing markets can then be targeted by optimizing the website experience for those audiences, including language, currency, and localization of content, navigation, and design. Proper international targeting and consistency across versions is important to provide the best user experience.

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At the 2015 MnSearch Summit, Aleyda Solis delivered a great presentation titled "How to Effectively Establish & Run a Successful International Digital Marketing Strategy".

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Taking your International SEO to the next level at #SMXParis

This document summarizes an international SEO presentation given at SMX Paris 2014 by Aleyda Solis. The presentation stressed that international SEO requires a full strategic approach, including optimizing the international web structure, creating localized and relevant content for target audiences, and developing an international link building campaign. It provided best practices for each element, such as selecting the appropriate international web structure based on language vs. country targeting, conducting localized keyword research, and developing content optimized for the keywords and terms used in each market.

seointernational seo
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Without forgetting to identify any SEO aspects to both
keep and improve when doing the migration
Old New
Thin, Duplicate Content
Slow Speed
Hierarchical Navigation
Relevant Titles
Page specific, expanded Content
Fast Speed
Hierarchical Navigation
Relevant Titles
To Keep
To Improve
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Make sure you
have capacity and
flexibility to
implement all this
before moving
ahead with the
Design & UX
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Once you have validated it, is then actually time to
start with the international Web migration
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Crawl all the affected URLs and gather their SEO
metrics: indexability, traffic, rankings, external links..

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The document discusses how SEO can be cross-functional and collaborative by providing examples of how SEO insights and analysis can help other areas of marketing like international expansion, mobile optimization, content strategy, and reputation management. It provides specific tools and strategies for using SEO to identify international growth opportunities, optimize for mobile queries and page speeds, create helpful content, and maximize exposure across search and social platforms. The overall message is that a cross-functional approach to SEO can help drive more visibility, traffic, and conversions when aligned with other marketing channels.

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The SEO Guide for Successful Web migrations #EUSearchCon
The SEO Guide for Successful Web migrations #EUSearchConThe SEO Guide for Successful Web migrations #EUSearchCon
The SEO Guide for Successful Web migrations #EUSearchCon

How to avoid losing traffic, and most importantly, keep your old rankings in a Web migration scenario? Take a look at these steps, tools and criteria to take into consideration.

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#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Identify orphaned pages, to avoid missing any 

important URLs that you need to migrate
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Obtain the traffic and ranked queries for 

which these pages are ranking for
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
So you can easily consolidate all the information of the
top pages to be prioritised in the Web migration
Top Pages Technical Configuration Relevance Popularity Traffic Ranked Queries
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
To assess well if they should be kept or not, and where
they should be 301-redirected in the new location

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How to make sure that you don't only avoid missing but actually improving your organic search visibility and traffic during a Web migration? Check out these steps, criteria and tools.

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7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO
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7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO

The document discusses 7 common ways to fail at international SEO. These include launching in too many non-profitable markets, choosing the wrong international targeting for your business, not localizing international content, incorrectly setting hreflang annotations, choosing the wrong web structure for international markets, redirecting users automatically based on IP, and only relying on hreflang annotations to geolocate. The author provides tips to avoid each of these pitfalls and succeed with international SEO.

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Learn how to move your SEO actions and efforts for a Google's mobile first index and most of searches coming from mobile devices

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#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Which of these actually spark joy by bringing value:
conversions, traffic, rankings & links?
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Leave them out
Were they typos, didn’t
existed, didn’t brought nor can
bring rankings, links, traffic?
301-redirect to parent
Did they existed but were not
indexable, didn’t brought
rankings, links & traffic nor can
bring in the future?
301-redirect to new page
Did they existed, were
indexable and brought or have
potential to bring rankings,
links & traffic?
Define rules for their migration to give the best possible
search and user experience, based on importance
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
This is also a great opportunity to prune your site, 

and avoid bringing old errors to the new one
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Follow the “should
you prune or
optimize a page
from your site”

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Mobile First & AMP, Structured Data & SERP Features, HTTPS migration - Learn which are the SEO strategies that will allow you to maximize results in 2017.

seosearch engine optimization
Winning SEO in a Mobile First World #Ungagged
Winning SEO in a Mobile First World #UngaggedWinning SEO in a Mobile First World #Ungagged
Winning SEO in a Mobile First World #Ungagged

How to make the most out of mobile search? From Google's mobile first index, to rich results, to AMP & PWAs... take a look at the possibilities, steps, criteria and tools to use.

seosearch engine optimizationmobile seo
The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest
The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFestThe Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest
The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest

How to effectively achieve success in International Search Markets? Here you have the ingredients for your growth!

international seoseo
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Establish what to keep or to improve in the technical,
content and geolocation of the old vs new URLs
Old Pages Titles, Descriptions & H1s New Pages Titles, Descriptions & H1s
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Defining also new pages to create in order to keep 

the rankings of old terms if you’re also rebranding
Next UK

is now 

Current UK Links to
Next UK Current UK
Next Current
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
While targeting the transactional and new branded
queries with the to be migrated pages
Old Pages
New Pages
Legacy Pages
Old Localized
Queries and
New Localized
Queries and
Old Localized
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Verify that you’re not leaving anything out before
testing the international Web migration
The change is
needed to better
achieve your
international seo
You have taken into
consideration all the
relevant Web
properties URLs
You have
mapped each old
URL to a new
The new URL
destinations are
correctly configured
from a technical
new URL
content is
relevant to the
The new
URLs will keep
the international
Web targeting of the
old ones and set/

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Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...
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Expanding and growing your web search presence abroad can be tough, especially if you're starting from scratch in competitive countries and industries. You now have something less to worry about though: Aleyda will share insights, actionable tips and steps to follow to maximize your chances of success learned by doing international SEO to hundreds of sites across the globe for multinational to local startups in Europe, USA and Latin America.

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How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm
How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKommHow to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm
How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm

The document discusses effective SEO reporting. It recommends establishing meaningful goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) connected to those goals. Goals and KPIs should vary based on the intended audience, such as management wanting to see business metrics like ROI and revenue, while SEO teams want to see operational metrics like rankings and backlinks. Reports should communicate results, explain causes of results, and drive action to achieve goals. Dashboards alone are insufficient and reports require additional data storytelling, analysis, and recommendations. The effectiveness of SEO reporting can impact support and success.

seoseo reportsseo reporting
Building a Modern Day 
E-commerce SEO Strategy
Building a Modern Day 
E-commerce SEO StrategyBuilding a Modern Day 
E-commerce SEO Strategy
Building a Modern Day 
E-commerce SEO Strategy

Learn how to prioritize your ecommerce SEO process to maximize your visibility and achieve your online store organic search traffic and revenue goals.

seoecommerce seoseo for ecommerce
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Once the changes are defined, release them 

to validate in a closed test environment
Deepcrawl, Sitbulb, Screaming Frog, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Validate the changes by manually comparing first the 

top old vs. new types of pages in the test environment
Pages Crawlability (HTTP Status, Robots.txt)
Content Indexability (Canonicalization, meta robots)
SSL Certificate
Pages Content Relevance
Pages Internal linking
Pages Speed
Home Page
Category Page
Sub-Category Page
Product Page
Main Blog Page
Blog Category Page
Blog post
For Each Page
XML Sitemaps
GSC Configuration
Old vs. New Geolocation (GSC, hreflang)
Old vs. New content localization
Old vs. New link popularity for target market
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
List crawl the old URLs to check if the 301-redirects have
been set as specified & go to the relevant new locations
Deepcrawl, Sitbulb, Screaming Frog, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Do a full audit of the new Web destination in test to
check if the pages are completely optimised as expected
Deepcrawl, Sitbulb, Screaming Frog, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl

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Aprende a establecer un framework de calidad para evitar errores en tu proceso SEO a través de esfuerzos de educación, validación y monitorización.

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Learn to tackle the most common ecommerce SEO issues and opportunities before they become horror stories.

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How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...
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Maximize cost-effective SEO implementation and achieve SEO success with SEO audits that get implemented: * Make your SEO audits solutions focused to develop action driven recommendations * Prioritize your SEO recommendations based on impact and effort, with SEO low-hanging fruits * Establish ongoing actions to prevent new SEO issues & leverage opportunities during the process * Connect each of your SEO recommendations to SMARTER SEO goals * Format SEO recommendations to facilitate actionability and collaboration * Develop frequent recommendations reviews & tests to keep them relevant and impactful

seoseo auditsseo process
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Pay specific attention here to the canonicalisation 

and hreflang annotations configuration
Deepcrawl, Sitbulb, Screaming Frog, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
It’s all working as expected? If so it’s then time to
move on and release the international Web migration
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
If the migration will take a bit, return a 503 HTTP status
to tell Google there’s a maintenance going on
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Do a list crawl of all of the old Websites URLs again to
verify that they’re correctly 301-redirecting as expected

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Make SEO Audits that Matter & Get Implemented for SuccessMake SEO Audits that Matter & Get Implemented for Success
Make SEO Audits that Matter & Get Implemented for Success

Learn how to develop SEO audits that get implemented and allow you to achieve SEO success by following these principles, best practices and resources.

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Cómo Crear 
Informes SEO de Éxito
Cómo Crear 
Informes SEO de ÉxitoCómo Crear 
Informes SEO de Éxito
Cómo Crear 
Informes SEO de Éxito

Aprende a crear informes SEO que te permitan alcanzar el éxito siguiendo 3 principios para elegir KPIs relevantes, presentar tus datos de forma clara y efectiva y aprovechar principios de narración de los datos para generar el impacto que deseas para alcanzar los objetivos establecidos en el proceso.

seosearch engine optimization
Cómo Gestionar Proyectos SEO Complejos de Forma Exitosa #SEonthebeach
Cómo Gestionar Proyectos SEO Complejos de Forma Exitosa #SEonthebeachCómo Gestionar Proyectos SEO Complejos de Forma Exitosa #SEonthebeach
Cómo Gestionar Proyectos SEO Complejos de Forma Exitosa #SEonthebeach

Aprende a gestionar proyectos SEO complejos de forma exitosa siguiendo principios de gestión de proyectos: 1. Influenciando para obtener apoyo a actividades SEO 2. Rapidez y agilidad para ejecutar y aprovechar oportunidades 3. Ejecutando de forma efectiva y consistente para construir en vez de cazar errores

seoposicionamiento en buscadores
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Look again for and fix any non-301 redirects, loops,
chains, or anything going to incorrect URLs
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Prioritise to fix high-traffic pages w/ 301-redirects going
to wrong or non-indexable pages and redirects chains
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Crawl the new web location and make sure is not
only accessible but optimised as recommended
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Look for pages that are
blocked, no-indexed,
linking, canonicalising
or referring in hreflang
tags to old URLs

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Learn how to communicate SEO and influence with decision makers leveraging clear data presentation, using relevant KPIs and following story telling principles with your SEO reports.

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Learn how to avoid SEO F*ck ups by setting an SEO Quality framework by educating, validating and monitoring your SEO process activities.

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Identificando Búsquedas que Conviertan en tu Customer Journey
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Aprender a desarrollar estudios de palabras clave enfocados a identificar términos que conviertan para el éxito de tu proceso SEO y alcance de objetivos a nivel de conversión.

seoestudio palabras claveproceso seo
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Remember to set
analytics & search
console for the
new international
properties before
releasing too
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Once fixed, you
can submit your
new and old

& XML sitemaps
to be re-crawled
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
For domains level migrations, submit it too through 

the Google’s change of address option
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Use a Web monitoring service to send alerts if there 

are changes in the old and new pages configurations
Little Warden, ContentKing

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How to develop a keyword research to identify queries that will convert at every stage of the customer journey and you can target in your SEO process? Take a look at this presentation with steps, criteria and tools.

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Cómo Diagnosticar y Recuperar de una Caída de Tráfico SEO #SEOnderground
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Este documento describe cómo diagnosticar y recuperarse de una caída en el tráfico orgánico de SEO. Explica que la mayoría de las caídas son causadas por actualizaciones de Google u errores de implementación, y proporciona una guía paso a paso para identificar la causa específica y tomar las medidas correctivas adecuadas, como optimizar el contenido, corregir errores técnicos o crear nuevo contenido relevante. También enfatiza la importancia de establecer un marco de trabajo de SEO saludable con monitoreo y validación contin

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Frameworks y tips para gestionar con éxito procesos SEO en entornos complejos
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¿Cómo alcanzar el éxito SEO en entornos complejos? En esta presentación comparto métodos, flujos de trabajo y criterios a tomar en cuenta al gestionar el proceso SEO para alcanzar resultados.

seoproceso seoposicionamiento en buscadores
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Start monitoring the new vs. old Web properties
indexing URLs evolution w/ the Search Console
Google Search Console
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Follow-up &
compare the new
vs. old locations
main queries &
pages rankings and
CTR using Search
Console with
Google Data Studio
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
It will allow you to
compare directly
the ranked queries
along their old vs.
new pages
blending the two
properties data
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @oraintiseomonitor
Check the trend
of your top
queries for the
target markets,
organising them
in groups to
facilitate analysis

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How to Become a Successful Remote SEO Consultant #LisbonSEOMeetup

In this presentation I go through the main challenges when becoming a remote based SEO professional, and how to overcome them when working as a consultant.

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SEO Internacional: Acciones a Priorizar y Errores a Evitar #3HorasDeSEO
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SEO Internacional: Acciones a Priorizar y Errores a Evitar #3HorasDeSEO

El documento habla sobre estrategias de SEO internacional. Recomienda priorizar unos pocos mercados internacionales en lugar de todos a la vez, basándose en el tráfico actual, potencial y objetivos. También recomienda elegir la estructura web apropiada para cada mercado considerando factores como geolocalización, competencia y escalabilidad. Además, advierte evitar posicionar páginas en mercados no relevantes y usar redirecciones automáticas basadas en la ubicación IP.

seoproceso seoseo internacional
SEO Success in 2021 - #IWES2021
SEO Success in 2021 - #IWES2021SEO Success in 2021 - #IWES2021
SEO Success in 2021 - #IWES2021

The document discusses strategies for SEO success in 2021. It recommends aligning SEO efforts with a website's product triangle to set strategic priorities. Understanding user search intent and connecting content to their search journeys is emphasized to better fulfill needs. Leveraging Google's search features and developing brand authority can help expand visibility and grow search popularity. Areas to focus on minimizing include poor user experience issues like slow site speed. Overall the document provides guidance on optimizing content, technical aspects, and link building to achieve SEO goals in 2021.

seosearch engine optimization
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @oraintisemrush
Track and compare
the previous vs.
new Web locations
SERP features too,
to identify
opportunities to
improve the
format and
structured data
usage on content
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Put your evolution into context comparing versus 

your competitors for your tracked terms…
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
... as well as overall old vs. new sites visibility share

#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @oraintiSEOmonitorwayback machine
If the evolution is
not the expected
one, compare non-
performing pages
with old and
optimize further

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#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Request an update to the most authoritative linking 

sites to go to your new international Web pages
semrush, majestic, pitchbox, kerboo, ahrefs
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Aligning SEO through the international Web migration 

to keep geolocation, relevance & popularity
Pages Crawlability (HTTP Status, Robots.txt)
Content Indexability (Canonicalization, meta robots)
SSL Certificate
Pages Content Relevance
Pages Internal linking
Pages Speed
Home Page
Category Page
Sub-Category Page
Product Page
Main Blog Page
Blog Category Page
Blog post
XML Sitemaps
GSC Configuration
Old vs. New Geolocation (GSC, hreflang)
Old vs. New content localization
Old vs. New link popularity for target market
For Each Page
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
Moving internationally requires a lot of work..
#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
…but can be
positive in the
relevant scenarios
to better target
and compete in

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SEO for Revenue, Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand
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Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
I’m Aleyda Solis…
*SEO Consultant & Founder at Orainti
*SEO Speaker at +100 Events in +20 countries
*Author “SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.”
*Crawling Mondays YouTube SEO Video Series Host
*Blogger in Search Engine Land & Search Engine Journal
*Featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post
*European Search Personality of the Year in 2018
Thanks! Questions?

#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti

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Aleyda Solís
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How to Win SEO in Complex Web Migrations Scenarios #YoastCon
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Aleyda Solís
Multinational SEO Success #SMS2017
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Multinational SEO Success #SMS2017
Aleyda Solís
Winning in a 
Mobile Search World #LearnInbound
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Mobile Search World #LearnInboundWinning in a 
Mobile Search World #LearnInbound
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Winning in a 
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
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MnSearch, The Minnesota Search Engine Marketing Association
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Taking your International SEO to the next level at #SMXParis
Aleyda Solís
Do's & Dont's for HTTPs migrations #SearchLDN
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Do's & Dont's for HTTPs migrations #SearchLDN
Aleyda Solís
Cross Functional SEO at #UKMarketingDay
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Aleyda Solís
The SEO Guide for Successful Web migrations #EUSearchCon
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
Mobile-First SEO at #InOrbit2017
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
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Aleyda Solís
The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest
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The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest
Aleyda Solís
Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...
Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...
Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...
Marketing Festival

Similar to Winning SEO when Migrating International Websites #dguconf (20)

The SEO Guide to Migrate International Websites #SMProfs
The SEO Guide to Migrate International Websites #SMProfsThe SEO Guide to Migrate International Websites #SMProfs
The SEO Guide to Migrate International Websites #SMProfs
Conquering International Search Markets: #InternationalSEO at #SMConnect
Conquering International Search Markets: #InternationalSEO at #SMConnectConquering International Search Markets: #InternationalSEO at #SMConnect
Conquering International Search Markets: #InternationalSEO at #SMConnect
How to Win SEO in Complex Web Migrations Scenarios #YoastCon
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How to Win SEO in Complex Web Migrations Scenarios #YoastCon
Multinational SEO Success #SMS2017
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Multinational SEO Success #SMS2017
Winning in a 
Mobile Search World #LearnInbound
Winning in a 
Mobile Search World #LearnInboundWinning in a 
Mobile Search World #LearnInbound
Winning in a 
Mobile Search World #LearnInbound
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Mobile Search World #SearchStarsSE
Winning in a 
Mobile Search World #SearchStarsSEWinning in a 
Mobile Search World #SearchStarsSE
Winning in a 
Mobile Search World #SearchStarsSE
Cross-Functional SEO at #SearchFest
Cross-Functional SEO at #SearchFestCross-Functional SEO at #SearchFest
Cross-Functional SEO at #SearchFest
3 Steps to Establish a Successful International Digital Marketing Process #MN...
3 Steps to Establish a Successful International Digital Marketing Process #MN...3 Steps to Establish a Successful International Digital Marketing Process #MN...
3 Steps to Establish a Successful International Digital Marketing Process #MN...
2015 MnSearch Summit - Aleyda Solis - How to Effectively Establish & Run a Su...
2015 MnSearch Summit - Aleyda Solis - How to Effectively Establish & Run a Su...2015 MnSearch Summit - Aleyda Solis - How to Effectively Establish & Run a Su...
2015 MnSearch Summit - Aleyda Solis - How to Effectively Establish & Run a Su...
Taking your International SEO to the next level at #SMXParis
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Do's & Dont's for HTTPs migrations #SearchLDN
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Do's & Dont's for HTTPs migrations #SearchLDN
Cross Functional SEO at #UKMarketingDay
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The SEO Guide for Successful Web migrations #EUSearchCon
The SEO Guide for Successful Web migrations #EUSearchConThe SEO Guide for Successful Web migrations #EUSearchCon
The SEO Guide for Successful Web migrations #EUSearchCon
The Ultimate SEO Guide for Successful Web Migrations at #DigitalOlympus
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7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO
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7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO
Mobile-First SEO at #InOrbit2017
Mobile-First SEO at #InOrbit2017Mobile-First SEO at #InOrbit2017
Mobile-First SEO at #InOrbit2017
SEO in 2017 - How to Win & Maximize Results #CCDK17
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SEO in 2017 - How to Win & Maximize Results #CCDK17
Winning SEO in a Mobile First World #Ungagged
Winning SEO in a Mobile First World #UngaggedWinning SEO in a Mobile First World #Ungagged
Winning SEO in a Mobile First World #Ungagged
The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest
The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFestThe Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest
The Key Ingredients for International SEO Success #MKTFest
Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...
Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...
Aleyda Solis - Conquering International Search Markets: The key ingredients f...

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Aleyda Solís
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Winning SEO when Migrating International Websites #dguconf

  • 1. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti WINNING SEO WHEN MIGRATING INTERNATIONAL WEBSITES #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 2. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Moving sites like moving houses can be a pain
  • 3. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti You want to take your belongings with you without leaving, breaking, losing anything important You want to update your details, to refer and be found in your new address You want to correctly reorganize your belongings in your new location fast #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Both require a lot of work
  • 4. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti You want to take your belongings with you without leaving, breaking, losing anything important You want to update your details, to refer and be found in your new address You want to correctly reorganize your belongings in your new location fast URLS 301-REDIRECT URLS LINKS & CONFIGURATION UPDATE #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti …That can be shockingly similar!
  • 5. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Without proper SEO support Web migrations in general can have painful traffic consequences too BEFORE AFTER
  • 6. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti However, with proper SEO support Web migrations in general can provide traffic growth opportunities…
  • 7. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Like when you move to a new, bigger, better place
 #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 8. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Migrations will also increase in complexity based on the required level of change depending on their type & goal Different URLs, Same Domain Different Protocol, 
 Same Domain Different Domain Name, Same Type Same URL Redesign or CMS migration while keeping URL structure HTTPS Swaps Product rebranding, area renaming or structural content changes Company rebranding, acquisition or Web consolidation Internal expansion or consolidation Different Domain Name and Type
  • 9. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti International Web migrations are those w/ a higher complexity due to more factors to be changed Geolocalization signals of Web property Geolocated 
 Link Popularity Relevance towards localized search behavior Internal expansion or consolidation Different Domain Name and Type
  • 10. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti It’s really like moving houses, the further you go, 
 the more complex it becomes
  • 11. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti They can also end-up with painful traffic consequences 
 if these factors are not taken into consideration ccTLD gTLD
  • 12. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti But if correctly executed, can consolidate a site authority across its international markets and facilitate its growth ccTLD gTLD
  • 13. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti It’s then critical to start by assessing if you 
 really need an international Web migration
  • 14. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Is it really necessary to do an international Web migration to achieve the desired result?
  • 15. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Especially if it’s to expand your international Web presence in new competitive markets
  • 16. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti A migration can be necessary in some international Web scenarios based on the current & desired Web structure To start targeting international audiences .com/uk/ To decrease complexity and consolidate popularity .com/uk/ .com/us/ .com/au/ .com/it/.it .com/fr/.fr To consolidate unprofitable international versions .com/es/.es .com/es/.mx .com/es/.ar 1 2 3 To move from non- supported regional targeting .com/uk/.eu .com/fr/ .com/es/ 4
  • 17. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti The 1st scenario happens when the already existing market is targeted with a ccTLD that can’t be reused to launch another one Don’t
  • 18. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Option B .com/us/ .com/au/ Option A .com .au Option C .com/uk/ .com/us/ .com/au/ This scenario has its own specific alternatives too
 To start targeting international audiences 1
  • 19. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Option A .com .au Avoiding the migration of the current site while releasing independent domains for each new market * Better to not lose current market status by avoid migrating the used ccTLD * Better for higher geolocation by using ccTLDs for new markets * Worse to grow overall link popularity faster with independent properties * Not recommended when starting in competitive markets where having an established link profile will be a higher advantage than using a ccTLD with no links 1 To start targeting international audiences
  • 20. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti 1 Avoiding the migration of the current site while enabling a single gTLD w/ subdirectories * Will also avoid losing any current market status by keeping the existing ccTLD * Better to grow overall link popularity faster by starting to use a single gTLD with geolocated subdirectories for additional markets * Not recommended either when starting in competitive markets where having an established link profile will be a higher advantage than using a ccTLD with no links .com/us/ .com/au/ Option B To start targeting international audiences
  • 21. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti 1 Or migrating the current site to a gTLD 
 to consolidate all of the international versions .com/uk/ .com/us/ .com/au/ Option C * Will migrate the current ccTLD to a geolocalised subdirectory in a gTLD, so might lose rankings for the current market in the short term * Better to grow overall link popularity faster by starting to use a single gTLD with geolocated subdirectories for all markets * Recommended when starting in more competitive markets where having an established link profile will be a higher advantage than using a ccTLD with no links To start targeting international audiences
  • 22. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti The 2nd scenario happens when lowering costs/ operational complexity while consolidating popularity with a single gTLD featuring geolocalized subdirectories instead of ccTLDs
  • 23. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti The 3rd scenario takes place when it's identified that the value of targeting different countries doesn’t compensate since user behavior is very similar, the traffic low and you could instead target the language
  • 24. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti US US EU EU The 4th scenario happens when realising that the regional domains such as .eu or .asia are not geolocated by Google and a country (or language) targeting is needed instead
  • 25. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti For each scenario is key to take international SEO factors into consideration… #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 26. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti The pros & cons of the international Web structure 
 to be replaced and the one to be used in each context Yes Country Language Are your top competitors using ccTLDs? Yes Yes USE CCTLDS No No USE GEOLOCALIZED SUBDIRECTORIES YesNo USE SUBDIRECTORIES USE SUB- DOMAINS No WHAT’S YOUR INTERNATIONAL TARGET? Is the domain authority of your competition higher? Is the domain authority of your competition higher? Do you need a flatter & differentiated structure?
  • 27. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti The role of the Web structure geolocation 
 serpchecker, seominion
  • 28. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti As well as the ranked domains link popularity 
 in the target markets to be competitive cognitiveseo 3 ccTLDs, 12 gTLDs 5 ccTLDs, 13 gTLDs
  • 29. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti The country and language source of your existing 
 links vs. your competitors in each target market Cognitiveseo
  • 30. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti The content to be kept & changed based on relevance 
 & localisation for the old vs. new audience behavior
  • 31. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti The different geolocation signals used by Google that you should also include and/or modify
  • 32. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti The configurations Google doesn’t officially use and you should also be aware of
  • 33. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti … and how Google crawls internationally, to avoid unnecessary blockage, redirects or unsupported configurations
  • 34. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti After assessing these factors: Does it still makes sense to migrate to achieve your international SEO goals? #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 35. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti If so, continue with the process by identifying which are the affected URLs based on the Web migration scope Next Current … … International Web domain consolidation + Rebrand 
 *Fake Example
  • 36. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti The international assessment will drive the SEO configuration and validation during the Web migration Pages Crawlability (HTTP Status, Robots.txt) Content Indexability (Canonicalization, meta robots) 301-Redirects SSL Certificate Pages Content Relevance Pages Internal linking Pages Speed Home Page Category Page Sub-Category Page Product Page Main Blog Page Blog Category Page Blog post For Each Page Verify XML Sitemaps GSC Configuration Old vs. New Geolocation (GSC, hreflang) Old vs. New content localization Old vs. New link popularity for target market
  • 37. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Without forgetting to identify any SEO aspects to both keep and improve when doing the migration Old New Thin, Duplicate Content Slow Speed Hierarchical Navigation Relevant Titles Page specific, expanded Content Fast Speed Hierarchical Navigation Relevant Titles To Keep To Improve 301-Redirects
  • 38. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Make sure you have capacity and flexibility to implement all this before moving ahead with the process SEO Design & UX Marketing Development #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti
  • 39. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Once you have validated it, is then actually time to start with the international Web migration
  • 40. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Crawl all the affected URLs and gather their SEO metrics: indexability, traffic, rankings, external links.. Deepcrawl
  • 41. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Identify orphaned pages, to avoid missing any 
 important URLs that you need to migrate Deepcrawl
  • 42. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Obtain the traffic and ranked queries for 
 which these pages are ranking for URLProfiler
  • 43. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti So you can easily consolidate all the information of the top pages to be prioritised in the Web migration Top Pages Technical Configuration Relevance Popularity Traffic Ranked Queries
  • 44. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti To assess well if they should be kept or not, and where they should be 301-redirected in the new location
  • 45. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Which of these actually spark joy by bringing value: conversions, traffic, rankings & links?
  • 46. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Leave them out Were they typos, didn’t existed, didn’t brought nor can bring rankings, links, traffic? 301-redirect to parent category Did they existed but were not indexable, didn’t brought rankings, links & traffic nor can bring in the future? 301-redirect to new page version Did they existed, were indexable and brought or have potential to bring rankings, links & traffic? Define rules for their migration to give the best possible search and user experience, based on importance
  • 47. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti This is also a great opportunity to prune your site, 
 and avoid bringing old errors to the new one
  • 48. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Follow the “should you prune or optimize a page from your site” flowchart
  • 49. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Establish what to keep or to improve in the technical, content and geolocation of the old vs new URLs Old Pages Titles, Descriptions & H1s New Pages Titles, Descriptions & H1s
  • 50. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Defining also new pages to create in order to keep 
 the rankings of old terms if you’re also rebranding 301-Redirect Next UK
 is now 
 Current UK Links to Next UK Current UK Next Current
  • 51. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti While targeting the transactional and new branded queries with the to be migrated pages Old Pages New Pages Legacy Pages Old Localized Queries Transactional Queries and New Localized Queries Transactional Queries and Old Localized Queries
  • 52. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Verify that you’re not leaving anything out before testing the international Web migration The change is needed to better achieve your international seo goal You have taken into consideration all the relevant Web properties URLs You have correctly mapped each old URL to a new relevant destination The new URL destinations are correctly configured from a technical perspective The new URL destinations content is relevant to the targeted queries The new URLs will keep the international Web targeting of the old ones and set/ update configuration accordingly
  • 53. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Once the changes are defined, release them 
 to validate in a closed test environment Deepcrawl, Sitbulb, Screaming Frog, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl
  • 54. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Validate the changes by manually comparing first the 
 top old vs. new types of pages in the test environment Pages Crawlability (HTTP Status, Robots.txt) Content Indexability (Canonicalization, meta robots) 301-Redirects SSL Certificate Pages Content Relevance Pages Internal linking Pages Speed Home Page Category Page Sub-Category Page Product Page Main Blog Page Blog Category Page Blog post For Each Page Verify XML Sitemaps GSC Configuration Old vs. New Geolocation (GSC, hreflang) Old vs. New content localization Old vs. New link popularity for target market
  • 55. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti List crawl the old URLs to check if the 301-redirects have been set as specified & go to the relevant new locations Deepcrawl, Sitbulb, Screaming Frog, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl
  • 56. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Do a full audit of the new Web destination in test to check if the pages are completely optimised as expected Deepcrawl, Sitbulb, Screaming Frog, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl
  • 57. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Pay specific attention here to the canonicalisation 
 and hreflang annotations configuration Deepcrawl, Sitbulb, Screaming Frog, Ryte, Botify, OnCrawl
  • 58. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti It’s all working as expected? If so it’s then time to move on and release the international Web migration
  • 59. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti If the migration will take a bit, return a 503 HTTP status to tell Google there’s a maintenance going on
  • 60. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Do a list crawl of all of the old Websites URLs again to verify that they’re correctly 301-redirecting as expected
  • 61. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Look again for and fix any non-301 redirects, loops, chains, or anything going to incorrect URLs
  • 62. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Prioritise to fix high-traffic pages w/ 301-redirects going to wrong or non-indexable pages and redirects chains
  • 63. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Crawl the new web location and make sure is not only accessible but optimised as recommended
  • 64. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Look for pages that are blocked, no-indexed, linking, canonicalising or referring in hreflang tags to old URLs
  • 65. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Remember to set analytics & search console for the new international properties before releasing too
  • 66. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Once fixed, you can submit your new and old URLs 
 & XML sitemaps to be re-crawled
  • 67. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti For domains level migrations, submit it too through 
 the Google’s change of address option
  • 68. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Use a Web monitoring service to send alerts if there 
 are changes in the old and new pages configurations Little Warden, ContentKing
  • 69. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Start monitoring the new vs. old Web properties indexing URLs evolution w/ the Search Console Google Search Console
  • 70. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Follow-up & compare the new vs. old locations main queries & pages rankings and CTR using Search Console with Google Data Studio
  • 71. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti It will allow you to compare directly the ranked queries along their old vs. new pages blending the two properties data sources
  • 72. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @oraintiseomonitor Check the trend of your top queries for the target markets, organising them in groups to facilitate analysis
  • 73. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @oraintisemrush Track and compare the previous vs. new Web locations SERP features too, to identify potential opportunities to improve the format and structured data usage on content
  • 74. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Put your evolution into context comparing versus 
 your competitors for your tracked terms… seomonitor
  • 75. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti ... as well as overall old vs. new sites visibility share
  • 76. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @oraintiSEOmonitorwayback machine If the evolution is not the expected one, compare non- performing pages with old and optimize further
  • 77. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Request an update to the most authoritative linking 
 sites to go to your new international Web pages semrush, majestic, pitchbox, kerboo, ahrefs
  • 78. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Aligning SEO through the international Web migration 
 to keep geolocation, relevance & popularity Pages Crawlability (HTTP Status, Robots.txt) Content Indexability (Canonicalization, meta robots) 301-Redirects SSL Certificate Pages Content Relevance Pages Internal linking Pages Speed Home Page Category Page Sub-Category Page Product Page Main Blog Page Blog Category Page Blog post XML Sitemaps GSC Configuration Old vs. New Geolocation (GSC, hreflang) Old vs. New content localization Old vs. New link popularity for target market For Each Page Verify
  • 79. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti#internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti Moving internationally requires a lot of work..
  • 80. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti …but can be positive in the relevant scenarios to better target and compete in international markets
  • 81. #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti I’m Aleyda Solis… *SEO Consultant & Founder at Orainti *SEO Speaker at +100 Events in +20 countries *Author “SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.” *Crawling Mondays YouTube SEO Video Series Host *Blogger in Search Engine Land & Search Engine Journal *Featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post *European Search Personality of the Year in 2018 Thanks! Questions?
 #internationalwebmigrations at #dguconf by @aleyda from @orainti