SlideShare a Scribd company logo
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Identifying Top Converting Queries at
Every Stage of the Customer Journey
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
We tend to
underestimate the
strategic value of
keyword &
research, focusing
more on the SEO
audit at the start
of the process
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
However, a Profitable SEO
Process Starts by Targeting
the Right Queries with the
Right Content
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
To avoid problems like…
ranking well
for top queries
but with very
poor SERP
Ranking in top
positions and
growing organic
search traffic
without improved
Pages losing
rankings in
every Google
Core Update…
Not correctly
scoping the
number & types of
queries to target to
achieve goals and
justify SEO

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Learn how to make the most out of international SEO to grow your organic search results and profits from international markets: criteria, do's and dont's, tools and more.

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TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOsTechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs

The document discusses how Apps Script can be used to program spreadsheets and leverage JavaScript functions and APIs. It provides examples of parsing URLs, cleaning data, and custom functions. Apps Script allows integrating APIs to scrape search results, classify data using machine learning, and monitor website changes. Functions can make spreadsheets more powerful and automate tasks like notifying users. The document encourages learning JavaScript and Apps Script to unlock these capabilities within spreadsheets.

apps scriptseogoogle sheets
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
It’s about driving the keyword research

using these fundamental questions

Is your target
audience &

Is your audience
looking for

In the buying
journey are they

Do you need to
take them to
satisfy their needs

Do you need to be
shown to maximize

Ranking for these
queries is going to
help goals
Right Queries +
Right Content
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda

Is your Target Audience and
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Start by understanding
the site business
offering: What’s the
product/service about?
What’s a conversion for
the site?
Remote Jobs
Publications by Hiring
Remote Jobs
Applications by
Qualified Jobs
Remote Job Board & Alerts
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
What are the most prominent features/characteristics
and business “unique selling proposition”?

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7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon
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Avoid the most common SEO issues, challenges and mistakes by going through this presentation with tips, criteria and tools to use independently of your online store Web platform, and grow your organic search results

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This document discusses how SEOs often answer questions with the vague response of "it depends" and provides better alternatives. It recommends developing reusable resources like diagrams, charts and frameworks to more clearly explain SEO scenarios, processes and criteria. This helps avoid vague answers, establish trust, and facilitate decision making. It also encourages analyzing activities and setting replicable systems to improve services and grow expertise.

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How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...
How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...
How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...

Maximize cost-effective SEO implementation and achieve SEO success with SEO audits that get implemented: * Make your SEO audits solutions focused to develop action driven recommendations * Prioritize your SEO recommendations based on impact and effort, with SEO low-hanging fruits * Establish ongoing actions to prevent new SEO issues & leverage opportunities during the process * Connect each of your SEO recommendations to SMARTER SEO goals * Format SEO recommendations to facilitate actionability and collaboration * Develop frequent recommendations reviews & tests to keep them relevant and impactful

seoseo auditsseo process
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Who’s the target audience of the site? What’s their
profile? What do they care about?
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Develop user
personas to
establish each
audience type
profile and
using tools like
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
What are those queries and pages that already have
better and worse rankings, CTR & conversions?
Search Analytics for Sheets
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Which are the top organic search competitors? Which
are the best ranked players in your site sector?
Semrush Sistrix

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Identificando Búsquedas que Conviertan en tu Customer Journey

Aprender a desarrollar estudios de palabras clave enfocados a identificar términos que conviertan para el éxito de tu proceso SEO y alcance de objetivos a nivel de conversión.

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The Worst SEO Issues of Online Stores in 2022 & How to Fix Them #YoastCon2022
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Learn about the most common SEO issues of online stores or e-commerce websites and how to fix them in a cost effective way.

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Learn to tackle the most common ecommerce SEO issues and opportunities before they become horror stories.

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#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
How they’re already ranking vs. your site? For which
relevant terms are they’re ranking & your site is not?
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda

Is your audience looking for?
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Establish terms patterns based on the identified USPs,
features, personas, current rankings & competitors
Remote SMBs
Global Enterprises
Project Management
Workflow Management
Project planning
Task Management
Productivity Management
Remote Communication
Digital Marketing
Web Design
Web Development
Project Reporting
Project Reporting
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Use the terms patterns as “seed” in keywords tools to
identify related search queries per area/topic/need
Semrush Sistrix

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Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf
Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdfCore Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf
Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf

This document outlines a 4-step process for conducting a Core Web Vitals audit: 1) Benchmark key pages by measuring LCP, FID, and CLS metrics, 2) Investigate audit results to understand issues, 3) Test optimization changes and re-measure metrics, 4) Prioritize fixes based on impact and effort required. The goal is to identify opportunities to improve load performance and user experience.

How to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performance
How to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performanceHow to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performance
How to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performance

Understanding and diagnosing indexation issues is vital to SEO success, but until very recently, getting good data was nearly impossible. Google’s newly-introduced URL Inspection API opens a new world of possibilities for tracking indexation. In this talk, Simon explores how to leverage this data to monitor status, spot changes, and catch issues in realtime — no coding required!

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[BrightonSEO 2022] Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Listing Pages
[BrightonSEO 2022] Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Listing Pages[BrightonSEO 2022] Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Listing Pages
[BrightonSEO 2022] Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Listing Pages

The document discusses optimizing product listing pages (PLPs) on ecommerce websites. It begins with the author describing their experience finding a website with little obvious "tech debt" issues to address. They then analyze which page templates drive the most revenue, finding PLPs account for 60% of organic revenue. The author breaks down PLPs into individual components and suggests prioritizing optimization of filters and internal linking. They argue for considering metrics beyond just search volume, like user behavior and conversion data, when deciding which page variants to focus on.

seotechnical seobrightonseo
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Make sure to not
leave any
important main
topic out by
checking the
different keywords
groups with higher
search volume
from SEMrush
Magic Tool
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Create lists of each topic related terms, making sure

to take into consideration synonyms
Tool Software System
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Use most popular
informational and
modifiers to obtain
most popular
queries as well as
related questions in
Google, Quora and
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
You can also obtain suggested queries from

YouTube and Google for free with Suggestmrx

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When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all. That’s SEO QA in a nutshell. The key to online life, love and success is: testing. Testing involves product, devs and SEOs. Tests: everyone wants them but time and accountability get in the way. In this talk, Gianna Brachetti-Truskawa and Myriam Jessier go over how to automate, semi-automate and fake it till you make it QA testing methods that do not rely on developers and minimize inter-team frictions. They’ll also show basic tests everyone should carry out to save some anxiety. They’ll also discuss the mysterious mysteries: everything that can go wrong and all of the things NO ONE EVER TELLS YOU.

seoquality assuranceqa
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Complement your queries using your paid search terms
in case the site has also PPC campaigns running
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Create topic clusters with queries to group them:

Are you leaving any topic/area out? Complete if so!
Cluster Army
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Consolidate, deduplicate and get the search volume/
difficulty/trend/features metrics for those missing them
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Sistrix creates
automatic clusters
from keywords lists,
providing monthly
search volume,
device distribution
and expected traffic
trends for them

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How can you achieve results in your SEO process without having to wait for months? In this presentation I go through criteria to use to identify quick win opportunities!

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I want you to go away after this with a really clear view on why less definitely is more, what you can do to decide what actually is too much content to have on your site, and how to go about reducing the number of pages you’ve got. Ultimately, you’re here to find out how to reduce the amount of work you have to do in the long-run to get the same amount or more traffic.

Strategies & Tactics For Overcoming Enterprise SEO Challenges
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#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Verify for which of these you’re already ranking

to use as a criteria to prioritize the terms
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Prune for an initial queries list to target using
fundamental criteria that validates alignment
Business Relevance
Profitable Search Volume
Current Position
Existing Page/Content
Level of Competition
Search Trend
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Check the level of competition based on your own
pages if they already exist for higher accuracy
Semrush Surfer
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda

In the buying journey are users

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Have your website rankings dropped recently? Do you need help figuring out what might have caused it? In my experience, it's one of three factors: an algorithm, internal changes or external factors. Click through my deck to learn more.

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Learn how to target your SEO audit to avoid the most common pitfalls while targeting it to be strategical, actionable, prioritized and continuous to maximize your SEO growth.

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Day 2 Session: Essential Steps for Performing an Effective SEO Audit Presentation: Tools of the Trade for Running SEO Audits by Benj Arriola #SMX #24A

seo auditsmxseo issues
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda

Do you need to take users to satisfy
their needs?
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
It’s critical to assess the audience intent with queries
to identify what’s the best way to target them
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
… is it at the awareness phase, with informational
queries researching how does products/services work?
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
If so, these should be targeted with guides and
resources pages

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The Ultimate SEO Guide for Successful Web Migrations at #DigitalOlympus
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How to make sure that you don't only avoid missing but actually improving your organic search visibility and traffic during a Web migration? Check out these steps, criteria and tools.

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When Your Inventory Changes: SEO Tips For Changing Product Pages
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How can you optimize your products URLs to make the most out of them from a search and conversion perspective while avoiding the most common lifecycle issues of your inventory? Take a look!

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Speaking in Tongues: Establishing a Successful International Web Presence #SM...
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How to win international SEO? Take a look at the process, criteria and tools to use to expand your organic search visibility in international markets.

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#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
… or is it at the consideration stage, with more
commercially driven queries assessing options to buy?
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
In this case, then the queries should be targeted by
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
… or is the user at the purchase stage, with branded
products queries, already convinced to purchase?
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
If that’s the case, then it should be product pages the
ones meant to rank to satisfy the need and convert

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From the SMX West Conference in San Jose, California, March 1-3, 2016. SESSION: Search Engine Friendly Web Design. PRESENTATION: Search Engine Friendly Web Design: Designing For People Who Use Search Engines - Given by Shari Thurow, @sharithurow - Omni Marketing Interactive, Founder and SEO Director. #SMX #12D

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The document discusses how to leverage dynamic search ads (DSAs) to improve search engine marketing campaigns. It covers how DSAs work, who should use them, their pros and cons, best practices, and advanced automated strategies. DSAs allow advertisers to target long-tail search queries without having to create many individual ads. The document provides tips on setting up DSAs, optimizing with negative keywords and analytics, and using automation to further optimize bids, budgets, and ad pausing based on performance metrics.

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Alexis talks about what it means to be in an agency, things we're thinking about, shifts we've seen within our client-base, the future of marketing and SEO.

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#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Keywords tools like Sistrix already provide insights
about their intent, per query basis or in bulk
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Take into consideration different queries variations/
synonyms w/ same need, to be targeted by same page
Project Management tool for Remote work
Project Management Software for Remote teams
Remote Online Project Management Tool
Online Project Management Software for Remote Teams
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Do you have
doubts? Check the
pages ranking in
top positions and
the search
features! What is
the nature of
these pages? Are
they the same for
the similar
Informational/Commercial Blend
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
This cheatsheet
assigning intent to
most common
types of queries
and pages types
to which they
should be mapped
w/ examples for E-
commerce & SaaS
will help you

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AMP: Do or Die? #SMXeast
AMP: Do or Die? #SMXeast AMP: Do or Die? #SMXeast
AMP: Do or Die? #SMXeast

The document discusses Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and provides best practices for implementing AMP. Some key points: - AMP can help improve mobile site speed and visibility in Google search, but is not meant to replace a mobile site and has limitations. - Proper AMP implementation requires validating functionality can be replicated using AMP components and ensuring a consistent user interface across original and AMP pages. - Common AMP errors relate to unsupported attributes/tags and should be prioritized for fixing based on page impact and frequency. - Monitoring AMP usage and errors through Google Search Console and other tools can help optimize implementation. - Internal linking should only be to original URLs and non

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SEO For Marketplaces: Overcoming Technical Challenges #WTSFest
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How to optimize marketplaces, e-commerce or inventory driven Websites? In this presentation you have actionable tips to improve the most common technical related issues of marketplaces sites.

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Conquering International Search Markets: #InternationalSEO at #SMConnect
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Conquering International Search Markets: #InternationalSEO at #SMConnect

This document provides guidance on international SEO. It recommends starting by validating potential markets through analyzing organic search traffic, mobile traffic, seasonality, search volume and competition for different countries and languages. Next it discusses optimizing the website structure for international targeting, ensuring content and experience is localized properly. It also covers configuring hreflang tags and metadata correctly. Finally, it discusses understanding the target international audience through analyzing popular topics, traffic sources, influencers and competitors to develop content and link building strategies. The overall goal is to make international SEO efforts successful and ensure the ROI is higher than costs.

international seoseosearch engine optimization
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Use these resources to establish intent and audience
type per targeted query…
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda well as to map page to queries, using intent,
checking if ranked page is ok, or new is needed
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Tools like
Keywords Insights
can automate this
process: creating
clusters, showing
ranked pages types
and current
rankings, saving
you time!
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Use this information to prioritize optimization efforts
and prune your targeted queries further

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Negative Audiences & Audience Shaping - SMX Advanced
Negative Audiences & Audience Shaping - SMX AdvancedNegative Audiences & Audience Shaping - SMX Advanced
Negative Audiences & Audience Shaping - SMX Advanced

The document discusses using negative audiences in digital marketing campaigns. It provides four examples of unwanted target audiences: already known leads, poor website engagement, wrong persona, and unwanted audience patterns. Negative audiences can be used to shape target audiences by focusing messaging and optimizing targeting strategies. Audience shaping involves layering audiences in a hierarchy and excluding lower priority audiences from higher priority campaigns.

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Strategical SEO Audits that Drive Growth at #DigitalOlympus
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Strategical SEO Audits that Drive Growth at #DigitalOlympus

Actionable tips to identify the issues & opportunities that matter the most and capitalize on quick wins and higher potential queries to drive out SEO efforts

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Competitive Research for SEO - SMX East 2014
Competitive Research for SEO - SMX East 2014Competitive Research for SEO - SMX East 2014
Competitive Research for SEO - SMX East 2014

Understanding why your competitors are ranking for specific keywords can be tough. After all, there isn't typically one main factor driving their success. To really understand and actually benefit from the competitive analysis, you have to understand the bigger picture beyond just need to understand your competitor's strategy. This presentation, given at SMX East 2014, breaks down how/what to look for.

competitive analysissearch engine optimizationseo
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda

Do you need to be shown to maximize
your search visibility?
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Assess opportunities to leverage search features
inclusion for your targeted queries w/ mapped pages
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
You can prioritize those that can give you more
aggregated visibility for your targeted terms list…
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
… and deprioritize those showing features you know
you can’t leverage and will generate a low CTR

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Creating a Customer Centric Keyword Strategy | SMX East 2015
Creating a Customer Centric Keyword Strategy | SMX East 2015Creating a Customer Centric Keyword Strategy | SMX East 2015
Creating a Customer Centric Keyword Strategy | SMX East 2015

Does your keyword strategy reflect what your customers are actually looking for? Get tips on identifying real-time searches and learn how to ensure your content strategy actual targets your customers.

content marketingkeyword researchcontent
How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO
How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEOHow to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO
How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO

Develop your audits by making them actionable, prioritized & strategical to drive growth in your SEO Process.

search engine optimizationseo
Aleyda Solis — SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce Websites
Aleyda Solis — SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce WebsitesAleyda Solis — SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce Websites
Aleyda Solis — SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce Websites

These slides were presented at the SEMrush webinar "5 Hours of SEO | SEO for Marketplaces and e-Commerce Websites". Video replay and transcript are available at

aleyda solisjason barnarddavid iwanow
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Make sure to
also take this
when prioritizing
your content &
structured data
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda

Is ranking for these queries going to
help you achieve goals?
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
What’s the potential of your identified total
addressable market? Is it enough for a positive ROI?
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
How much you can bring if you rank in top 10 for

the targeted queries in a year? Forecast it!

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Why General Ranking Factors Are Dead! SEO Ranking Factors in 2017

Why General Ranking Factors Are Dead 2017! SEO Ranking Factors in 2017. Next up was Marcus Tober from Searchmetrics. His company also analyzed ranking factors, but rather than look at factors by keyword search volume, he looked at factors by general trends versus individual industry/niche trends.

seo ranking factors in 2017seo ranking factorswhy general ranking factors are dead
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023Hreflang: 
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023

Learn if hreflang annotations are still necessary in Intenational SEO projects in 2023, in which scenarios and how to effectively implement it while minimizing issues and maximizing success and impact.

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How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm
How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKommHow to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm
How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm

The document discusses effective SEO reporting. It recommends establishing meaningful goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) connected to those goals. Goals and KPIs should vary based on the intended audience, such as management wanting to see business metrics like ROI and revenue, while SEO teams want to see operational metrics like rankings and backlinks. Reports should communicate results, explain causes of results, and drive action to achieve goals. Dashboards alone are insufficient and reports require additional data storytelling, analysis, and recommendations. The effectiveness of SEO reporting can impact support and success.

seoseo reportsseo reporting
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Configure projection taking into consideration CTR
values using SERP/Device, search volume w/seasonality
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
…as well as conversion rate, to identify additional
revenue, taking into account the alternative Ads cost
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Do you want to develop the forecasts from scratch
yourself? Take a look at these excellent resources!
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Use the
international SEO
ROI Calculator to
assess if the
expected additional
conversions will
generate a positive
ROI taking into
consideration costs

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How to Develop International SEO Audits for Success #IntSSHow to Develop International SEO Audits for Success #IntSS
How to Develop International SEO Audits for Success #IntSS

In this presentation you'll learn the criteria, process and areas to focus on to develop international SEO audits for success.

seointernational seo
Building a Modern Day 
E-commerce SEO Strategy
Building a Modern Day 
E-commerce SEO StrategyBuilding a Modern Day 
E-commerce SEO Strategy
Building a Modern Day 
E-commerce SEO Strategy

Learn how to prioritize your ecommerce SEO process to maximize your visibility and achieve your online store organic search traffic and revenue goals.

seoecommerce seoseo for ecommerce
7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO
7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO
7 Ways Not to Fail at International SEO

The document discusses 7 common ways to fail at international SEO. These include launching in too many non-profitable markets, choosing the wrong international targeting for your business, not localizing international content, incorrectly setting hreflang annotations, choosing the wrong web structure for international markets, redirecting users automatically based on IP, and only relying on hreflang annotations to geolocate. The author provides tips to avoid each of these pitfalls and succeed with international SEO.

seointernational seo
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
If not, expand
and/or refine
accordingly, until
your forecasts are
aligned with your
established SEO
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
Just remember to ask the right questions,

to identify the right queries for the right content!

Is your target
audience &

Is your audience
looking for

In the buying
journey are they

Do you need to
take them to
satisfy their needs

Do you need to be
shown to maximize

Ranking for these
queries is going to
help goals
Right Queries +
Right Content
#convertingqueries at #smxconvert by @aleyda
I’m Aleyda Solis

* SEO Consultant & Founder at Orainti

* SEO Speaker at +100 Events in +20 countries

* Author “SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.”

* Crawling Mondays Video & Podcast Series Host

* #SEOFOMO Newsletter Wrangler

* Maker

* European Search Personality of the Year in 2018

* Co-Founder
Thank you! See you at the next SMX

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