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The power of
probabilistic thinking in
Andrew Charlton
Managing Director of Crawl
SEOs are no better than
a coin toss at predicting
SEO performance.
SEOs are also no better at predicting which of
two pages should rank for a keyword.
SEOs are also no better at predicting which of
two pages should rank for a keyword.

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How to automate a long tail SEO strategy for ecommerce

BrightonSEO 2022: presentation by Verbolia's CEO on how to automate a long tail SEO strategy for ecommerce.

Kleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdf
Kleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdfKleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdf
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This document discusses how AI and automation can revolutionize the SEO value chain. It argues that AI can enable a symbiotic relationship between SEO strategy and technical implementation by powering automated competitive analysis, strategy suggestions, and one-click fixes. This represents a new approach that can improve time-to-market and optimize implementation timescales through a no-code model.

Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023
Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023
Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023

With the help of my favourite case study, I'm showcasing how I took a data-driven approach to scale SEO for a travel brand. I've covered how I collected data, found trends, and converted them into opportunities. Those opportunities were tested before the grand deployment, which resulted in multifold growth in SEO visibility and revenue.

data driven seoenterprise seotravel seo
You instinctively think
in probabilities.
We’re not so good
at communicating
SEOs who think
probabilistically, can:
Estimate their impact on performance
Make more of the right decisions
Create strategies that balance risk/reward
Communicate uncertainty

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We always hope to see our digital PR campaigns take off, but sometimes they can take off in the worst way. From inaccurate data to misleading headlines, there are plenty of ways that we can fall into data-related pitfalls. I explore some of the most common data dangers and how to avoid them so your campaigns don’t end up on the wrong side of digital PR Twitter, keeping you and your clients happy!

digital prseodigital marketing
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This document provides tips for knowledge service businesses to have profitable client projects even during an economic recession. It emphasizes focusing on fundamentals like tracking billable time to ensure at least 75% utilization, creating processes to scale the business, leading a team effectively, and overcommunicating with clients. Mastering these areas through attitude and the right tools can help a founder navigate difficult times, as an individual cannot achieve everything and needs systems in place.

agencymanagementproject management
What is in a link?
What is in a link?What is in a link?
What is in a link?

This document discusses the value and uses of hyperlinks. It explains that hyperlinks can help understand a person's influence, interests, and peers. Hyperlinks also allow you to find influencers around a topic or identify the authors of a news site. The key takeaway is that having access to true link data and understanding how to analyze link information can provide new insights.

Let’s talk about
Enrico Fermi.
What information
would allow me to best
answer the question?
How many piano tuners are there in Chicago?
# of Pianos in
How often
pianos are
How long it
takes to tune
a piano.
# of hours per
year a piano
tuner works.
How many piano tuners are there in Chicago?
# of people in
% of people that
own a piano?
1.5m 3m
2 in 100? (guesstimate)
# of Pianos in

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An SEO professional can learn on how to improve their relationship with developer and get technical SEO errors solved without a hassle This talk is about prioritising SEO activities based on regular cadence and at the same time calculating the risk radius of the high level decisions taken. About me: I have 7 years of experience in SEO, I work as an independent SEO consultant, co-host of #SEOTalk Twitter chat (which is India's oldest digital marketing Twitter chat up and running since 2012). If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out me on Twitter: @parthsuba77 and send me an email on parthsuba77[at]gmail[dot]com

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How to create content that generates leads -- not just traffic.pptx
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The document discusses how to create content that generates leads rather than just traffic. It emphasizes focusing content on customers' needs through a solid content strategy, deep understanding of the target audience, expertise-driven content, and analytics tracking. Specific tips include researching common customer questions, identifying their best potential customers, and addressing popular search queries with in-depth answers from subject experts. The goal is to solve customers' problems and generate leads through helpful, targeted content.

How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website
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How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website

Talk by Louise at SEO Brighton in April 2022. It is really easy to design and build a beautiful but slow WordPress website! The Google update for Core Web Vitals is a set of SEO ranking signals to help website owners improve the speed and user experience for their website. In this talk Louise will share with you how to adjust your WordPress site to improve your Core Web Vital scores. The strategies are different for each metric so she will go through each one and give you some practical ideas you can take back and action or ask your developer to implement.

core web vitalswordpresscwv
Example: our client provides meeting
room spaces across the UK.
“How much organic
traffic could we attract
by focusing on
coworking spaces in
all of our locations?”
Est. organic traffic per
local landing page.
# of local landing
“How much organic
traffic could we attract
by focusing on
coworking spaces in
all of our locations?”
Est. organic traffic per
local landing page
# of local landing
Est. CTR
Avg. search volume
Est. competitor traffic
Example: our client provides meeting
room spaces across the UK.
Probabilistic Thinking in SEO - BrightonSEO October 2022
Probabilistic Thinking in SEO - BrightonSEO October 2022

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Lucy Dodds - BrightonSEO Autumn 22

Tasked with a content audit? It can seem impossible when you have thousands of URLs to sift through alone. But in this talk, Lucy will provide actionable steps on how to do a content audit, walking you through what to cull and what to keep, plus providing methods to quickly break down pages by different search intents to simplify your work. Built on past experience, Lucy will also offer advice on how to get clients on board with your content audit, plus top tips to get your recommendations implemented.

seocontentcontent strategy
Shining a light on the dark funnel
Shining a light on the dark funnelShining a light on the dark funnel
Shining a light on the dark funnel

The document discusses the "dark funnel" which refers to the invisible or unknown steps a company takes when researching and evaluating vendors before making a purchase decision. It notes that over 75% of companies have already made their decision before engaging with a vendor. It then discusses how marketers can shine light on the dark funnel by building online communities, monitoring website behavior and intent data, and having a self-reinforcing marketing approach to identify companies in the early stages of consideration. Measuring engagement in the dark funnel can help marketers gain a better understanding of attribution and improve conversion rates.

b2bb2b salesb2b marketing
How to get more traffic with less content - BrightonSEO
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How to get more traffic with less content - BrightonSEO

I want you to go away after this with a really clear view on why less definitely is more, what you can do to decide what actually is too much content to have on your site, and how to go about reducing the number of pages you’ve got. Ultimately, you’re here to find out how to reduce the amount of work you have to do in the long-run to get the same amount or more traffic.

1. Which keywords are most
Aggregate CTR by average position.
2. Aggregate CTR by
position. 0.85%
60,000 0.85% 510
264 750
x =
Search volume CTR Clicks p/m
How do you make more
of the right decisions?

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The document discusses review generation and management. It begins by defining review generation as creating a strategy to gather reviews from customers, and review management as the process of responding to, promoting, and analyzing reviews. It then provides reasons why review generation is important, such as improving reputation and search engine rankings. The bulk of the document outlines a six step process for review generation and management: 1) Audit current reviews, 2) Generate new reviews, 3) Monitor and analyze reviews, 4) Manage reviews, 5) Share reviews widely, and 6) Repeat the process. Specific tactics are provided for each step. The document closes by showcasing results from one company that increased its reviews and ends with resource links.

seolocal seobrightonseo
Crawl Budget: Everything you Need to Know
Crawl Budget: Everything you Need to KnowCrawl Budget: Everything you Need to Know
Crawl Budget: Everything you Need to Know

Crawl budget refers to the number of pages a site is allowed to request that Google crawls on a daily basis. It is important because exceeding the crawl budget can lead to pages not being indexed. The document provides tips on how to identify a site's current crawl rate, issues impacting crawl budget like errors and duplicate content, and strategies for optimizing demand and capacity such as improving site speed and creating fresh content regularly. The goal is identifying any crawl issues and optimizing the crawl budget to have the most important pages indexed.

The Quickest Win in SEO – How to do Internal Linking the Right Way
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The Quickest Win in SEO – How to do Internal Linking the Right Way

This was a talk from BrightonSEO September 2021 and covers not only the importance of internal linking but also how to do it. It also covers a number of examples and additional tips.

seointernet marketingdigital marketing
of outcome
x =
What could you
What are the chances
this will happen?
“Should we focus on the coworking space
or expand internationally in the US?”
US expansion
Upper estimate (750)
Lower estimate (264)
Upper estimate (1,000)
Lower estimate (300)
Can you test
Have others done
this before?
Have you done
this before?
How do you improve your subjective
Partial rollout?
Same change
Similar change
Other sites?
Use common

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Influencing Discovery, Indexing Strategies For Complex Websites

Google is making an assumption about the page's quality based on other pages on the domain. Their classifications are based on URL patterns and website architecture. As a result, moving these pages from "awareness" to the crawl queue can be de-prioritized based on the lack of quality they have found on similar pages.

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Don't be a cannibal
Don't be a cannibalDon't be a cannibal
Don't be a cannibal

The document discusses keyword cannibalization, which occurs when multiple pages on a website contain the same or similar keywords. This can hurt a website's search engine rankings, traffic from search engines, and conversions. The document provides tips on how to identify cannibalization issues, such as by monitoring keyword rankings and traffic share over time. It also gives recommendations for avoiding cannibalization, such as by regularly auditing content for duplicates and setting policies for user-generated content.

Introduction to site search analytics by SearchBroker
Introduction to site search analytics by SearchBrokerIntroduction to site search analytics by SearchBroker
Introduction to site search analytics by SearchBroker

This paper is about the challenge of using analytics to drive your findability strategy and measure how well it’s achieving on its objectives.

searchandisinginternet retailingsite search
SEO strategies
should be like an
investment portfolio.
Digital PR
Website migration
Technical SEO fixes
Smaller bets can prove impact early and bridge
the trust gap between stakeholder or client.
canonical tags
Minor title
tag changes
XML sitemap
There’s power in
tiny gains.
Your words set
20%- 80% probability
80% probability

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Google is transitioning its search algorithms to be based on machine learning, including RankBrain. This will make algorithms more winner-take-all, rewarding sites that perform well according to signals like click-through rate (CTR) and engagement. The document provides five strategies for SEOs to survive this change: 1) Use tools to identify "donkey" pages with low CTR and convert them to "unicorns" with high CTR through headline testing. 2) Leverage social media ads and remarketing to increase brand awareness and CTR. 3) Monitor engagement signals like bounce rate. 4) Promote inspirational brand content through Facebook ads. 5) Delete poor performing pages to avoid negative impact. The key is focusing

searchlove londonsearchloverankbrain
Debunking Ad Testing
Debunking Ad TestingDebunking Ad Testing
Debunking Ad Testing

Voted "Best overall presentation from Heroconf London 2017" “Google doesn’t understand your business, so better pick the winner yourself” – that’s how most PPC professionals approach ad testing. Rotating your ads and waiting for statistical significance has been accepted as the best practice approach for years. The problem: It doesn’t work. Statistical significance sounds fantastic, but with regards to AdWords, it’s nonsense. This presentation looks at two things: Why the best practice approach can’t possibly work – and how it actually doesn’t. To this end, it includes exclusive data on a large number of ad tests that didn’t go as you would’ve expected. This presentation covers * Why statistical significance has no place in ad testing * What actually happens if you follow the industry best practice * Why simpler approaches can actually lead to better results

adwordsgoogle adwordsad testing
SEO - April 2011
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SEO - April 2011

The document summarizes an SEO seminar presented by Zeke Camusio. It outlines a 9-step SEO process including running projections, testing assumptions with AdWords, keyword research, competitive analysis, site optimization, content creation, local SEO, link building, and analytics. It then provides more details on Zeke's proven step-by-step SEO system and how to monetize SEO traffic. The seminar includes tips, tools, and strategies for improving search engine rankings and growing a business through organic search engine results.

“We will achieve a 40%
increase in organic traffic in 12
“There’s a 95% probability
organic traffic will increase by
20-40% in the next 12 months.”
“There’s a 95% probability
organic traffic will increase by
20-40% in the next 12 months.”
“We don’t have enough data to
provide an estimate. ”
Anchor your estimates with
business and market realities.
Compare your estimates with market growth.
Control your unknowns.
Clarify your dependencies.

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The document discusses strategies for writing effective headlines and ads based on an analysis of viral content headlines. It finds that the most shared headlines on Facebook and Twitter follow common structures that include an emotional element, content element, topic element, and sometimes a format or promise element. Specific words like "amazing" and phrases including numbers, signs, and photos tend to be very effective on Facebook. Headlines focusing on trends, facts, and tips work best on Twitter, while LinkedIn responds more to words like "successful" and content about trends and the future. The document provides examples of how to apply these findings to create engaging ads and headlines.

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BrightonSEO October 2022 - Martijn Scheybeler - SEO Testing: Find Out What Wo...

This document discusses SEO testing and experimentation. It provides examples of types of SEO tests that could be done, such as pre-post testing, A/B testing, and combining different measurement approaches. Specific cases are also mentioned, like testing the impact of internal linking, HTML sitemaps, and changes to page titles and meta descriptions. The document emphasizes that SEO testing takes work to set up properly and find meaningful results, but it is important for identifying what strategies are truly effective.

Split Testing for SEO - 9 Months of Learning
Split Testing for SEO - 9 Months of LearningSplit Testing for SEO - 9 Months of Learning
Split Testing for SEO - 9 Months of Learning

What have we learning from 9 months of SEO split testing? What works and what failed? How do you run your own tests? All of that and a free tool. Hooray free. If you want something a little more comprehensive, all these tests were run by me with DistilledODN our split testing platform. Find out more here! -

seosplit testingdistilled
Thank you.

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