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Google Sheets + SEO = ❤
How to build your own SEO
Workbook in Google Sheets… for Free
Google sheets is even
more popular than Excel
now to handle SEO data!
A free SEO workbook in
30 minutes? Really?
Are you crazy?
That’s the beauty of
Google Sheets! There’s
so much built-in
Let’s start building our SEO workbook in Google Sheets
from scratch!

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SEO low hanging Fruit - Identifying High Impact Opportunities Fast #SEOforUkr...
SEO low hanging Fruit - Identifying High Impact Opportunities Fast #SEOforUkr...SEO low hanging Fruit - Identifying High Impact Opportunities Fast #SEOforUkr...
SEO low hanging Fruit - Identifying High Impact Opportunities Fast #SEOforUkr...

Learn how to identify high-impact SEO opportunities in your SEO Process fast, going through common scenarios that you can use to maximize your SEO results.

seoseo analysisseo audits
The Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdf
The Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdfThe Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdf
The Value of Featured Snippets (BrightonSEO 2023).pdf

The document discusses featured snippets in Google search results. It begins by explaining what featured snippets are and their value for searchers. It then provides tips for developing a featured snippet strategy, including focusing keyword research on question keywords and optimizing content with headers, images, and schema markup. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of keyword research and checking all SEO best practices to start winning featured snippets.

seodigital marketingmarketing
The Content & Buyer Show: Let's Map #WTSFest
The Content & Buyer Show: Let's Map #WTSFestThe Content & Buyer Show: Let's Map #WTSFest
The Content & Buyer Show: Let's Map #WTSFest

Do you sometimes find it difficult to create targeted content for a specific point in your buyer's journey? Well, maybe you are not using the right content. In this talk, we go through the different content formats there are and how those can be mapped to a specific buyer's journey.

content marketingcontentseo
1. Start analyzing your
organic search rankings
status: increases/decreases
Select the dates ranges to compare in the GSC performance
report and export it via the Google Sheets Built-in feature
Add “comparison” columns and a use the IFS function to
compare clicks, impressions, CTR
=IFS(B2>C2, "Increased", B2<C2, "Decreased", TRUE, "Didn't Change")
=IFS(condition1, value1, [condition2, value2, …])
You can also compare positions
=IFS(AND(K2=0,L2>K2), "Decreased", AND(L2=0,L2<K2), "Increased",
K2>L2, "Decreased", K2<L2, "Increased", TRUE, "Didn't Change")

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Product, service and category page links (and how to get them) - Rebecca Moss...
Product, service and category page links (and how to get them) - Rebecca Moss...Product, service and category page links (and how to get them) - Rebecca Moss...
Product, service and category page links (and how to get them) - Rebecca Moss...

Rebecca heads up the Digital PR team at JBH, delivering creative digital PR strategies for lifestyle brands. After working in SEO for more years than she would care to admit, Rebecca's presentation reveals how the SEO industry has fallen out of love with large-scale hero campaigns, and shifted back to fundamentals of earning links using content marketing techniques.

Thriving as an SEO Specialist: Frameworks & Tips to Manage Complex SEO Processes
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Thriving as an SEO Specialist: Frameworks & Tips to Manage Complex SEO Processes

How to successfully manage an SEO process? Is about having Influence to earn support, Be fast and agile and Be consistent and error free. I explain how in this presentation!

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How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...
How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...
How to Make SEO Audits That Matter & Get Implemented for SEO Success - The Ex...

Maximize cost-effective SEO implementation and achieve SEO success with SEO audits that get implemented: * Make your SEO audits solutions focused to develop action driven recommendations * Prioritize your SEO recommendations based on impact and effort, with SEO low-hanging fruits * Establish ongoing actions to prevent new SEO issues & leverage opportunities during the process * Connect each of your SEO recommendations to SMARTER SEO goals * Format SEO recommendations to facilitate actionability and collaboration * Develop frequent recommendations reviews & tests to keep them relevant and impactful

seoseo auditsseo process
Modify the cells colors with “conditional formatting”
so you can easily identify those “decreasing” keywords
Now you can easily identify which are the the terms that
haven’t not only decreased in clicks but also in positions
2. Which of your top pages
need more backlinks for
better rankings?
Use the Search Analytics Add-on to get the terms and pages
that attract more clicks along their ranked pages directly

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SEO Tool Overload😱... Google Data Studio to the rescueSEO Tool Overload😱... Google Data Studio to the rescue
SEO Tool Overload😱... Google Data Studio to the rescue

Google Sheet Template >>> Ask any person in SEO what tool they use, and you'll more likely than not get a list of tools answered. SEO's need different perspectives, the right tool for the right job, but with an explosion of data produced by these tools, things get overwhelming really fast. To be able to tie things together, Nils will explore ways to streamline the data from your tools and build a single source of truth with Google Data Studio, helping you to make the right decisions. You'll learn about using QUERY functions in Google Sheets, applying Machine Learning to do fuzzy matching on keywords and search queries, and much more... --- Want access to the Google Sheets and Google Data Studio TEMPLATES --> ---

Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius
Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk RadiusAgile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius
Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius

An SEO professional can learn on how to improve their relationship with developer and get technical SEO errors solved without a hassle This talk is about prioritising SEO activities based on regular cadence and at the same time calculating the risk radius of the high level decisions taken. About me: I have 7 years of experience in SEO, I work as an independent SEO consultant, co-host of #SEOTalk Twitter chat (which is India's oldest digital marketing Twitter chat up and running since 2012). If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out me on Twitter: @parthsuba77 and send me an email on parthsuba77[at]gmail[dot]com

technical seoseoseotalk
Monet BrightonSEO Slides 2022
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Monet BrightonSEO Slides 2022

David vs Goliath: The rise of sustainable fashion against fast fashion giants Slides from BrightonSEO October 2022. This talk covered the rise of sustainable brands against fast fashion giants. Opening with a brief intro into the David vs Goliath principle and how that can be aligned to online retail today. This talk was a comparison of the ecommerce space, specifically fast fashion and its impact socially, environmentally and lastly online. Providing SEO "stones" to use against the Goliath of your industry.

Export your Backlinks and linking sites from Google Search
Console to Google Sheets
Integrate the backlinks metrics along the top pages and
queries using the VLOOKUP+IFERROR functions
VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])
Use the color scale w/ conditional format rules to easily show
URLs w/ more clicks, less backlinks and not the best rankings
3. Identify which pages targeting
popular terms need to improve
their internal linking

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Kleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdf
Kleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdfKleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdf
Kleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdf

This document discusses how AI and automation can revolutionize the SEO value chain. It argues that AI can enable a symbiotic relationship between SEO strategy and technical implementation by powering automated competitive analysis, strategy suggestions, and one-click fixes. This represents a new approach that can improve time-to-market and optimize implementation timescales through a no-code model.

What we can learn from losing SEO tests
What we can learn from losing SEO testsWhat we can learn from losing SEO tests
What we can learn from losing SEO tests

Will Critchlow's presentation at BrightonSEO October 2022. At SearchPilot, we run huge numbers of tests. It's natural to look first to the winning tests, but there is a lot we can learn from the tests that fail - both the inconclusive ones and the negative outcomes. Learn how we run SEO tests, how we analyse winners and losers, and take advantage of the lessons we have learned from dozens of losing tests. Take away actionable insights you can use in your own testing or SEO program.

TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOsTechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs

The document discusses how Apps Script can be used to program spreadsheets and leverage JavaScript functions and APIs. It provides examples of parsing URLs, cleaning data, and custom functions. Apps Script allows integrating APIs to scrape search results, classify data using machine learning, and monitor website changes. Functions can make spreadsheets more powerful and automate tasks like notifying users. The document encourages learning JavaScript and Apps Script to unlock these capabilities within spreadsheets.

apps scriptseogoogle sheets
Export your top internally linked pages from the
Google Search Console to Google Sheets
Integrate the internal links metrics in the top ranked pages
and terms sheets using the VLOOLUP +IFERROR functions
Use the color scale w/ conditional formatting to identify
pages that need better internal linking to rank better
4. Identify which are the worst
converting queries to better
optimize your pages towards them

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BrightonSEO - Master Crawl Budget Optimization for Enterprise Websites
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BrightonSEO - Master Crawl Budget Optimization for Enterprise Websites

For every website on the internet, Google has a fixed budget for how many pages their bots can and are willing to crawl. The internet is a big place, so Googlebot can only spend so much time crawling and indexing our websites. Crawl budget optimization is the process of ensuring that the right pages of our websites end up in Google’s index and are ultimately shown to searchers. Google’s recommendations for optimizing crawl budget are rather limited, because Googlebot crawls through most websites without reaching its limit. But enterprise-level and ecommerce sites with thousands of landing pages are at risk of maxing out their budget. A 2018 study even found that Google’s crawlers failed to crawl over half of the webpages of larger sites in the experiment. Influencing how crawl budget is spent can be a more difficult technical optimization for strategists to implement. But for enterprise-level and ecommerce sites, it’s worth the effort to maximize crawl budget where you can. With a few tweaks, site owners and SEO strategists can guide Googlebot to regularly crawl and index their best-performing pages.

seobrightonseocrawl budget optimization
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This document discusses how SEOs often answer questions with the vague response of "it depends" and provides better alternatives. It recommends developing reusable resources like diagrams, charts and frameworks to more clearly explain SEO scenarios, processes and criteria. This helps avoid vague answers, establish trust, and facilitate decision making. It also encourages analyzing activities and setting replicable systems to improve services and grow expertise.

seomarketingsearch engine optimization
eCommerce Internal Linking - Into the Spider-Verse (BrightonSEO edition)
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In this talk, I’ll show smart internal linking tricks big brands are using. I’ll teach how these ideas can be used by medium and small-sized online stores as well. My website - Free SEO Pro Chrome extension - eCommerce SEO Mastery course - Tech SEO Pro course -

seoecommercesearch engine optimization
Use the Google Analytics Add-On to get the pages with more
organic traffic and their engagement metrics
Use the CONCATENATE function to get the complete
URLs instead of only the paths, so they can be matched
Use the VLOOKUP function along an IFERROR to integrate
the Google Analytics Metrics in your GSC data sheet
Now you can analyze the pages w/ more traffic that has worse
engagement, along their terms to better optimize for them

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Don't be a cannibal
Don't be a cannibalDon't be a cannibal
Don't be a cannibal

The document discusses keyword cannibalization, which occurs when multiple pages on a website contain the same or similar keywords. This can hurt a website's search engine rankings, traffic from search engines, and conversions. The document provides tips on how to identify cannibalization issues, such as by monitoring keyword rankings and traffic share over time. It also gives recommendations for avoiding cannibalization, such as by regularly auditing content for duplicates and setting policies for user-generated content.

7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon
7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon
7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon

Avoid the most common SEO issues, challenges and mistakes by going through this presentation with tips, criteria and tools to use independently of your online store Web platform, and grow your organic search results

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How can you achieve results in your SEO process without having to wait for months? In this presentation I go through criteria to use to identify quick win opportunities!

seosearch engine optimization
5. Identify relevance issues
(and potential new content
opportunities) of your top pages
by looking into their metadata
along CTR and position
Use the IMPORTXML function to extract the title,
meta description and H1 of the top pages via xpath
IMPORTXML(url, xpath_query)
Check pages w/ high impressions and good positions but low
CTR: Are they the relevant ones to rank for those queries? If
so, are the title, meta description and H1 optimized?
You can quickly verify if the title, meta description & H1
include the keywords for which they’re ranking for
SEARCH(search_for, text_to_search, [starting_at])

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Leverage AI To Maximize SEO Efficiency While Keeping Quality
Leverage AI To Maximize SEO Efficiency While Keeping QualityLeverage AI To Maximize SEO Efficiency While Keeping Quality
Leverage AI To Maximize SEO Efficiency While Keeping Quality

Discover how LLMs can enhance the efficiency of your SEO activities and workflows while maintaining SEO quality. Credit: Aleyda Solis.

How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO
How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEOHow to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO
How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO

Develop your audits by making them actionable, prioritized & strategical to drive growth in your SEO Process.

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Key reasons why optimising your internal web search is essential for SEO and a proven method to get it right, grow traffic, improve conversion and improve UX.

Do you need to assess more than the allowed by IMPORTXML
limitations? Check out IMPORTFROMWEB…
To avoid this
Use this
function is powered by a
Freemium plugin
There are also SEO crawlers that export to Google Sheets so
you can easily grab the latest crawled data from there
6. Validate the redirects
of a Web migration

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How to Optimise the SHIT out of Your Internal Search

Key reasons why optimising your internal web search is ESSENTIAL for SEO and a proven method to get it right, grow traffic, improve conversion and improve UX. Presentation delivered as part of Search Leeds 2018 at the First Direct Arena.

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Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEOInbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO

Historically, SEO was a very technical discipline. Over time, that shifted as Strategists began touting the death of SEO and claiming all you need is great content. Today, SEO is going back to those technical roots. From simple data markup to more complex proprietary technologies like AMP; now more than ever SEOs & marketers have to be technical masters. Learn why it's important to embrace these technical roots, what technologies we should be learning now, and how to stay ahead of the curve.

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Large Site SEO Architecture - #BrightonSEO 2015
Large Site SEO Architecture - #BrightonSEO 2015Large Site SEO Architecture - #BrightonSEO 2015
Large Site SEO Architecture - #BrightonSEO 2015

An overview of the challenges of large site SEO architecture and a case for a new pattern of developing the web - "Destination Oriented Architecture". Followed by the proposed measurement framework of "Destination to Crap Ratios" and a set of technical examples of applying these ideas.

search engine optimizationseogoogle
Use the IF Function to
compare if the HTTP
status, the URL and title
of a destination page are
the ones that you had
define for a migration
=IF(D2=301, "correct", “incorrect")
=IF(B2=E2, "correct", “incorrect")
Defined Implemented
7. What are the SERP
features opportunities
for your top queries?
functions + Xpath, w/ the help of Chrome extensions

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Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage
Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stageBest practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage
Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage

Think back to the last time you applied for a job. It doesn’t matter if you work in-house or agency side – it’s likely that there was a line in your job spec that read “a good understanding of best practice”. But when you turned up on your first day at work, knowing the best thing to do in every situation that might arise I doubt you were surprised to find out that the best thing to do couldn’t be done. The website wasn’t built that way. The client won’t sign that off. That’ll never get past legal. So you need to come up with the second best thing to do. That’s not part of best practice. Opinions come to a head and nothing gets done because businesses are mistaken in their opinion that doing nothing is fine if the best thing can’t be done. But best practice is a misnomer anyway. When we say best practice what we really mean is standard practice. If all you ever implement is standard practice that’s all you’ll be. Standard. If you can’t even reach standard your business deserves to fail. Where does best practice even come from though? People treat it as if it’s some kind of bible handed down from the gatekeepers – the guys who can shut off your revenue. Best practice is actually more like Wikipedia than a bible. It’s populated by everyone who works in the industry and most of it is factually incorrect. You should get 0 points for referencing it. The only things in there that actually do come from the channel owners are loaded with bias. Contributions from experts are self-serving and so many pat each other and themselves on the back that received wisdom becomes perceived fact. But if neither are reliable – and if what everyone is doing is the same thing – isn’t there a chance that doing something, anything different could drive better results than best practice? I would always overrule an expert if the data says otherwise. If we know our customers want X and the channel owners want Y, we should spend our time getting X to work with Y and not the other way around. Staff are fearful that deliberately setting out to do something that isn’t best practice will result in an automatic dismissal. I’m not saying it won’t. As a result, people will wait months or years for best practice to be implemented because it’s safe. The channel owners told us to do it. The experts concurred. Businesses spend a lot of money and a lot of time being average because nobody gets sacked for being average. After all – it’s in the job description.

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Internal Search Optimization (iSEO): Creating Promoted Search Results Improv...
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Internal Search Optimization (iSEO): Creating Promoted Search Results Improv...

Internal Search Optimization, or iSEO as I like to call it. The process of optimizing your site’s internal search results To help users find information Via a query As fast as possible And To take them to the most relevant results. When you think about it, it’s sort of a combination of SEO, paid search, and UX skills all wrapped up in one and this is what I’m going to dive into today. Presented at PubCon 2015 (Las Vegas)

internal searchiseoonsite search
Modern SEO Players Guide
Modern SEO Players GuideModern SEO Players Guide
Modern SEO Players Guide

This document discusses various tactics for improving SEO and site performance. It provides tips on keyword research using persona targeting, content strategy, internal linking to distribute link equity, log file analysis to understand crawl budget opportunities, auditing JavaScript sites, gaining real estate in SERPs through featured snippets and domain stacking, speed optimizations like code ordering and preloading/prerendering resources, and using analytics to better predict user behavior.

seoadvanced seomike king
How to know which Xpath to use to extract the elements that
you want from the SERPs? By using these extensions!
Add your top terms, desired country and language to the
Search Result URL along the XPATH for the ranked pages
… the ranked pages titles
… if the SERPs are including carousels

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Stress-free Website Redesign for Search and Social - Mozinar

Dana Lookadoo's Mozinar covers 5 Steps to Dot Calm that walk you through a process for little loss in rankings and traffic from a site redesign or migration. Highlights include: * What to expect with a site redesign * Goal setting & data collection * Auditing the current site * Personas & surveying your audience * Keyword strategy, IA, content & design * SEO-friendly CMS & WordPress plugins * QA, testing & launch “gotchas” * Looking good in social * BONUS: Free Excel worksheets! So get ready for 138 slides of redesign goodness!

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Content Strategists: Use SEO to achieve your content goals #ConfabEU
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Content Strategists: Use SEO to achieve your content goals #ConfabEU

Learn how to align SEO criteria and principles to content development to achieve better organic search results.

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Making Technical Seo The Foundation Of Performance Content
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Making Technical Seo The Foundation Of Performance Content

This presentation was taken from our "Lifting the Lid on Performance Content" and presented by Darren Konskier from DeepCrawl. It covers: - An introduction to DeepCrawl - How Technical SEO Fits In To Performance Content - How to achieve optimum Search Engine performance

seoperformance contentcontent marketing
… or featured snippets
… obtaining their PAA and related searches
You can take this to the next level by using the Apipheny
Add-on to import any SERP API data to Google Sheets
Add the Apipheny API URL to query it from Google Docs
and obtain the SERP features of your search results

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Promoting your website_through_search_engine
Promoting your website_through_search_enginePromoting your website_through_search_engine
Promoting your website_through_search_engine

This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) best practices including: 1. Conducting keyword research and optimizing content and pages around targeted keywords. 2. Getting backlinks from other high-quality, relevant websites to increase authority and ranking. 3. Using SEO techniques like keyword tags, descriptive meta descriptions, and search engine-friendly URLs.

Promoting website through_search engine
Promoting website through_search enginePromoting website through_search engine
Promoting website through_search engine

The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. It begins by defining search engines and how they index web pages. It then defines SEO as the process of improving a website to increase its ranking in organic search results. The document outlines several important on-page SEO techniques including keyword research, optimizing page content and metadata with keywords, getting backlinks, maintaining fresh content, and avoiding duplicate content or black hat tactics. It stresses that following white hat SEO best practices like creating high-quality content is important for long-term success.

From Web Site to Web App: Fantastic Optimisations and Where To Find Them
From Web Site to Web App: Fantastic Optimisations and Where To Find ThemFrom Web Site to Web App: Fantastic Optimisations and Where To Find Them
From Web Site to Web App: Fantastic Optimisations and Where To Find Them

Emily Grossman's presentation from SearchLove London 2017 (including Bonus Slides on Safari details).

8. Analyze and Classify
your unstructured
Meaning Cloud allows you
to analyze and classify
“unstructured” content
by identifying the
sentiment, concepts,
entities and languages
They have a Google
Sheets Add-on that you
can use for free for up to
20K requests per month
Add the text to categorize in the first column, and use
the “deep categorization” functionality to categorize it

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Make Web Not War 2010
Make Web Not War 2010Make Web Not War 2010
Make Web Not War 2010

The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for dynamic websites. It covers SEO principles of indexing, relevance and popularity. It provides information on search engine market shares in Quebec and the benefits of SEO for web developers. The document also discusses information architecture, link juice distribution, tools for SEO audits and recommendations for implementing SEO best practices.

nvimicrosoftweb not war
Website Keyword Research, Why It Matters and How to Do It
Website Keyword Research, Why It Matters and How to Do ItWebsite Keyword Research, Why It Matters and How to Do It
Website Keyword Research, Why It Matters and How to Do It

This document discusses the importance of keyword research for SEO and provides tips on how to conduct keyword research. It recommends brainstorming keywords, gathering keyword data from tools like Google AdWords and Trends, and interpreting the data to identify targeted keywords and create an optimization plan. The document also covers optimizing web pages and Google AdWords campaigns for keywords, using the Google Search Console to monitor keyword performance, and generating website content through blogging to attract more keywords.

seogoogle adwordskeyword research
SXSW Search Camp: Search Engine Optimization
SXSW Search Camp: Search Engine OptimizationSXSW Search Camp: Search Engine Optimization
SXSW Search Camp: Search Engine Optimization

This document summarizes a presentation on search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses various technical SEO topics like sitemaps, robots.txt files, duplicate content, site speed and errors. It also covers non-technical topics like keyword research, content topics, and the importance of authority and relevance for rankings. The presentation emphasizes the role of search and organic traffic for marketing and provides tips for structure, keywords and content optimization to improve SEO performance.

sxswseocontent strategy
Classify any text of
your site using the
taxonomy system
or creating yours
Use the “sentiment
analysis” feature to
assess it from any of
the supported
… and there’s more of
course! Check out these
awesome Google Sheets
Sheets for Marketers, Hannah Rampton’s tools
& Dave Sottimano Website

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From Website to Web App - Indexing, Optimizing, and Auditing Experiences for ...
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From Website to Web App - Indexing, Optimizing, and Auditing Experiences for ...

The document discusses optimizing web apps for search engines. It covers indexing web apps by using clean URLs, canonical tags, and server-side rendering. It also discusses optimization techniques like making the app mobile friendly, adding structured data for search results, and improving speed by optimizing images, inlining critical CSS/JS, code splitting, and following the PRPL pattern. The document provides tips on rendering web apps for search engines and users to improve both indexing and user experience.

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Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023
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how to use it successfully in 2023Hreflang: 
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023
Is it really still necessary and 
how to use it successfully in 2023

Learn if hreflang annotations are still necessary in Intenational SEO projects in 2023, in which scenarios and how to effectively implement it while minimizing issues and maximizing success and impact.

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How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm
How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKommHow to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm
How to Develop Successful SEO Reports #SEOKomm

The document discusses effective SEO reporting. It recommends establishing meaningful goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) connected to those goals. Goals and KPIs should vary based on the intended audience, such as management wanting to see business metrics like ROI and revenue, while SEO teams want to see operational metrics like rankings and backlinks. Reports should communicate results, explain causes of results, and drive action to achieve goals. Dashboards alone are insufficient and reports require additional data storytelling, analysis, and recommendations. The effectiveness of SEO reporting can impact support and success.

seoseo reportsseo reporting
+ SEO = ❤
Thanks! I’m Aleyda Solís
* SEO Consultant & Founder de Orainti
* SEO Speaker
* Author “SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.”
* Crawling Mondays Host
* #SEOFOMO Newsletter Wrapper
* co-founder

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How to Build your Own SEO Workbook in Google Sheets for Free #WTSVirtual

  • 1. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Google Sheets + SEO = ❤ How to build your own SEO Workbook in Google Sheets… for Free #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL
  • 2. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Google sheets is even more popular than Excel now to handle SEO data!
  • 3. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL A free SEO workbook in 30 minutes? Really? Are you crazy? That’s the beauty of Google Sheets! There’s so much built-in already.
  • 4. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL#SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Let’s start building our SEO workbook in Google Sheets from scratch!
  • 5. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL#SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL 1. Start analyzing your organic search rankings status: increases/decreases
  • 6. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Select the dates ranges to compare in the GSC performance report and export it via the Google Sheets Built-in feature
  • 7. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Add “comparison” columns and a use the IFS function to compare clicks, impressions, CTR =IFS(B2>C2, "Increased", B2<C2, "Decreased", TRUE, "Didn't Change") #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL =IFS(condition1, value1, [condition2, value2, …])
  • 8. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL You can also compare positions =IFS(AND(K2=0,L2>K2), "Decreased", AND(L2=0,L2<K2), "Increased", K2>L2, "Decreased", K2<L2, "Increased", TRUE, "Didn't Change")
  • 9. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Modify the cells colors with “conditional formatting” so you can easily identify those “decreasing” keywords
  • 10. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Now you can easily identify which are the the terms that haven’t not only decreased in clicks but also in positions
  • 11. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL#SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL 2. Which of your top pages need more backlinks for better rankings?
  • 12. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUALHTTPS://GSUITE.GOOGLE.COM/MARKETPLACE/APP/SEARCH_ANALYTICS_FOR_SHEETS/1035646374811 Use the Search Analytics Add-on to get the terms and pages that attract more clicks along their ranked pages directly
  • 13. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Export your Backlinks and linking sites from Google Search Console to Google Sheets
  • 14. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Integrate the backlinks metrics along the top pages and queries using the VLOOKUP+IFERROR functions =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,backlinks!$A$2:$J$2830,2,false),”") VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])
  • 15. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Use the color scale w/ conditional format rules to easily show URLs w/ more clicks, less backlinks and not the best rankings
  • 16. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL#SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL 3. Identify which pages targeting popular terms need to improve their internal linking
  • 17. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Export your top internally linked pages from the Google Search Console to Google Sheets #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL
  • 18. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Integrate the internal links metrics in the top ranked pages and terms sheets using the VLOOLUP +IFERROR functions =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,internallinks!$A$2:$J$2830,2,false),"")
  • 19. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Use the color scale w/ conditional formatting to identify pages that need better internal linking to rank better
  • 20. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL#SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL 4. Identify which are the worst converting queries to better optimize your pages towards them
  • 21. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUALHTTPS://DEVELOPERS.GOOGLE.COM/ANALYTICS/SOLUTIONS/GOOGLE-ANALYTICS-SPREADSHEET-ADD-ON Use the Google Analytics Add-On to get the pages with more organic traffic and their engagement metrics
  • 22. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Use the CONCATENATE function to get the complete URLs instead of only the paths, so they can be matched
  • 23. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Use the VLOOKUP function along an IFERROR to integrate the Google Analytics Metrics in your GSC data sheet =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,organictraffic!$A$2:$H$807,4,false),””)
  • 24. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Now you can analyze the pages w/ more traffic that has worse engagement, along their terms to better optimize for them
  • 25. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL#SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL 5. Identify relevance issues (and potential new content opportunities) of your top pages by looking into their metadata along CTR and position
  • 26. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Use the IMPORTXML function to extract the title, meta description and H1 of the top pages via xpath =IMPORTXML(B2,"//title") =IMPORTXML(B2,”//meta[@name=‘description’]/@content") =IMPORTXML(B2,"//h1") IMPORTXML(url, xpath_query)
  • 27. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Check pages w/ high impressions and good positions but low CTR: Are they the relevant ones to rank for those queries? If so, are the title, meta description and H1 optimized?
  • 28. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL You can quickly verify if the title, meta description & H1 include the keywords for which they’re ranking for SEARCH(search_for, text_to_search, [starting_at])
  • 29. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Do you need to assess more than the allowed by IMPORTXML limitations? Check out IMPORTFROMWEB… To avoid this Use this
  • 31. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUALSITEBULB There are also SEO crawlers that export to Google Sheets so you can easily grab the latest crawled data from there
  • 32. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL#SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL 6. Validate the redirects of a Web migration implementation
  • 33. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Use the IF Function to compare if the HTTP status, the URL and title of a destination page are the ones that you had define for a migration
  • 34. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL =IF(D2=301, "correct", “incorrect") =IF(B2=E2, "correct", “incorrect") Defined Implemented
  • 35. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL#SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL 7. What are the SERP features opportunities for your top queries?
  • 36. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Scrape SERPs w/ the IMPORTXML or IMPORTFROMWEB functions + Xpath, w/ the help of Chrome extensions
  • 37. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL How to know which Xpath to use to extract the elements that you want from the SERPs? By using these extensions!
  • 38. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Add your top terms, desired country and language to the Search Result URL along the XPATH for the ranked pages
  • 39. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL … the ranked pages titles
  • 40. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL … if the SERPs are including carousels
  • 41. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL … or featured snippets
  • 42. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL … obtaining their PAA and related searches
  • 43. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL You can take this to the next level by using the Apipheny Add-on to import any SERP API data to Google Sheets +
  • 44. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Add the Apipheny API URL to query it from Google Docs and obtain the SERP features of your search results
  • 46. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUALHTTPS://WWW.MEANINGCLOUD.COM/PRODUCTS/GOOGLE-SHEETS-ADDON Meaning Cloud allows you to analyze and classify “unstructured” content by identifying the sentiment, concepts, entities and languages
  • 47. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUALHTTPS://GSUITE.GOOGLE.COM/MARKETPLACE/APP/MEANINGCLOUD/731647936149?PANN=CWSDP&HL=EN They have a Google Sheets Add-on that you can use for free for up to 20K requests per month
  • 48. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Add the text to categorize in the first column, and use the “deep categorization” functionality to categorize it
  • 49. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Classify any text of your site using the predefined taxonomy system or creating yours
  • 50. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Use the “sentiment analysis” feature to assess it from any of the supported languages
  • 51. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL#SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL … and there’s more of course! Check out these awesome Google Sheets Resources..
  • 52. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Sheets for Marketers, Hannah Rampton’s tools & Dave Sottimano Website
  • 54. #SEOSHEETS BY @ALEYDA FROM @ORAINTI AT #WTSVIRTUAL Thanks! I’m Aleyda Solís * SEO Consultant & Founder de Orainti * SEO Speaker * Author “SEO. Las Claves Esenciales.” * Crawling Mondays Host * #SEOFOMO Newsletter Wrapper * co-founder