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10 Top Tips for Social
Job Seekers
By Jobhop
These days, recruiters and
employers see you before they
see you.
That's right...
Many employers are using Social Media as a screening tool
to determine your fit for the role. So your online activity
could be the reason you get, or don't get the job!
So how do you maximise your online presence so that it
makes and not breaks your career?
Follow these top tips:
Add new skills to your profile
Add relevant skills to your profile so recruiters looking for candidates with your background can find you.
1. Add new skills to your profile
Add relevant skills to
your profile so
recruiters looking
for candidates with
your background
can find you.
2. Target companies
You will be hard-pressed to find a company that doesn’t at least have a Twitter or Facebook account. Follow the
accounts of the companies where you’re applying so you can get an idea of what’s important to them and what their
‘personality’ is like.
You will be hard-pressed to find a
company that doesn't at least have a
Twitter or Facebook account. Follow
the accounts of the companies where
you're applying so you can get an idea
of what's important to them and what
their personality is like.
Also look at the organisations which
might make a good employer and hone
in on them.
3. Be careful what you say
You need to present the best
image of yourself online.
Whether you're tweeting,
blogging or updating your
Facebook status, it is very
important that you maintain
your reputation and professional
credibility. The last thing you
want to do is to destroy all your
hard work by making a careless
Tweet. What you do on Social
Media is there to stay - so think
before you post, tweet, share or
4. Activate your privacy
You need to make sure you're
effectively managing the
information that's available
about you online by ensuring
that your personal information
on Facebook is private.
Use the Privacy Settings menu to
change what's visible to others
and ensure that its set to Friends
and not Everyone. This way, if an
employer searches you, they
wont be able to see the details
of your profile and delve into
your personal life.
5. Follow industry news
You wont find just one social media
network that works best for all job
seekers but the important thing is to
know which platforms are most used by
your industry. Find out the latest
happenings by following industry blogs,
signing up to newsletters and joining
industry groups on LinkedIn. This will
help you stay up to date with the latest
industry information and will also
provide you with the opportunity to
make connections which could result in
possible job leads.
6. Start your own blog
Blogging can be a great
way to demonstrate your
knowledge and passion
to a potential employer.
You never know - your
blog could be reposted
and it may catch the eye
of a recruiter or hiring
7. Engage in online conversations
Participating in discussion
forums and online
conversations will help you
to establish yourself as an
expert in a particular field.
It also demonstrates that
you are serious about
contributing to your
industry if you're sharing
content, answering
questions and forwarding
8. Add a professional
profile picture
In whatever industry or
profession you work in, it is
now almost inevitable that a
potential employer will
check your online profiles.
Make sure that your picture
is appropriate for employers
to see. Doing so puts a face
to a name and helps to
project a friendly and
approachable image.
9. Find hidden vacancies
Many jobs can be landed before
they're even advertised if you're able
to get in quickly. Look into internal
recruitment and also seek out word-
of-mouth advice as a good way of
getting your foot in the door before
anyone else.
10. Remain positive
Everyone gets
knockbacks when
looking for work
so don't take it
personally if
you're rejected or
don't even get a
response because
its usually not
because of
anything you have
done wrong.
As long as you're conscious
about what you put online,
you're on the right track!
Good luck with your job search!
If you have any questions, don't
be shy! Head over to our Twitter
or Facebook @Jobhop and drop
us a message!

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Resumes, Cover Letters, and Applying Online
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Top 10 Tips for Social Jobseekers

  • 1. 10 Top Tips for Social Job Seekers By Jobhop
  • 2. These days, recruiters and employers see you before they see you. That's right...
  • 3. Many employers are using Social Media as a screening tool to determine your fit for the role. So your online activity could be the reason you get, or don't get the job! So how do you maximise your online presence so that it makes and not breaks your career?
  • 5. Add new skills to your profile Add relevant skills to your profile so recruiters looking for candidates with your background can find you. 1. Add new skills to your profile
  • 6. Add relevant skills to your profile so recruiters looking for candidates with your background can find you.
  • 8. You will be hard-pressed to find a company that doesn’t at least have a Twitter or Facebook account. Follow the accounts of the companies where you’re applying so you can get an idea of what’s important to them and what their ‘personality’ is like. You will be hard-pressed to find a company that doesn't at least have a Twitter or Facebook account. Follow the accounts of the companies where you're applying so you can get an idea of what's important to them and what their personality is like. Also look at the organisations which might make a good employer and hone in on them.
  • 9. 3. Be careful what you say
  • 10. You need to present the best image of yourself online. Whether you're tweeting, blogging or updating your Facebook status, it is very important that you maintain your reputation and professional credibility. The last thing you want to do is to destroy all your hard work by making a careless Tweet. What you do on Social Media is there to stay - so think before you post, tweet, share or blog!
  • 11. 4. Activate your privacy settings
  • 12. You need to make sure you're effectively managing the information that's available about you online by ensuring that your personal information on Facebook is private. Use the Privacy Settings menu to change what's visible to others and ensure that its set to Friends and not Everyone. This way, if an employer searches you, they wont be able to see the details of your profile and delve into your personal life.
  • 14. You wont find just one social media network that works best for all job seekers but the important thing is to know which platforms are most used by your industry. Find out the latest happenings by following industry blogs, signing up to newsletters and joining industry groups on LinkedIn. This will help you stay up to date with the latest industry information and will also provide you with the opportunity to make connections which could result in possible job leads.
  • 15. 6. Start your own blog
  • 16. Blogging can be a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and passion to a potential employer. You never know - your blog could be reposted and it may catch the eye of a recruiter or hiring manager.
  • 17. 7. Engage in online conversations
  • 18. Participating in discussion forums and online conversations will help you to establish yourself as an expert in a particular field. It also demonstrates that you are serious about contributing to your industry if you're sharing content, answering questions and forwarding links.
  • 19. 8. Add a professional profile picture
  • 20. In whatever industry or profession you work in, it is now almost inevitable that a potential employer will check your online profiles. Make sure that your picture is appropriate for employers to see. Doing so puts a face to a name and helps to project a friendly and approachable image.
  • 21. 9. Find hidden vacancies
  • 22. Many jobs can be landed before they're even advertised if you're able to get in quickly. Look into internal recruitment and also seek out word- of-mouth advice as a good way of getting your foot in the door before anyone else.
  • 24. Everyone gets knockbacks when looking for work so don't take it personally if you're rejected or don't even get a response because its usually not because of anything you have done wrong.
  • 25. As long as you're conscious about what you put online, you're on the right track!
  • 26. Good luck with your job search!
  • 27. If you have any questions, don't be shy! Head over to our Twitter or Facebook @Jobhop and drop us a message!