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The TOP 100 Tips for Successfully
Landing Your Next Job or
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When you’re at that crossroad in your life where you are ready to
make a change and choose a path to achieve self-actualization you
are likely to feel a lot of excitement and exhilaration. Yet amid all
that excitement can be confusion, fear and anxiety. Choosing to
advance your career can be a life changing decision, but if you
approach it in a haphazard way you are likely to experience some
frustration and angst at the process.
This white paper was designed with someone like you in mind. Someone who is ambitious and
has a success plan outlined for what you plan to achieve over the duration of your career.
Someone like you who sees what you do as not just a necessary evil to keep food on the table,
but who actually sees what you do as something that defines you as a person. Whether you are
just getting started, or have been climbing the ladder of success for a while, you will find benefit
from reviewing these tips and implementing some of them into your strategy.
Following are the TOP 100 tips that we believe you should heed in your journey to success. Our
tips are organized into 10 sections, each with 10 detailed tips to help you launch your career to the
next level.
Career Assessment and Exploration Tips
1. If you’re not sure what you want to do as a career or what your next career should be, use a
career assessment questionnaire or tool to guide you as you explore your interests.
2. To get the best interpretation and understanding of the results of your assessment, you
should work with a career counselor or coach.
3. If you cannot afford a career coach or counselor, take advantage of the many online
assessment tools that are available free or for a nominal cost.
4. A career assessment will typically measure one or more of the following: personality,
interests, skills, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, learning style, temperament, and
workplace values.1
5. Career assessments are good for helping you understand yourself and what you have to
offer so that you can in turn communicate this to a potential employer.
6. Be open to trying something you didn’t initially consider. Sometimes based on your
responses to the assessment questions, the results may suggest something you never
thought about, but that is worth further exploration.
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7. If you choose to use free or online assessment tools, take several different ones so you can
learn more about yourself and get a better overall picture of your strengths, weaknesses,
personality, interests etc..
8. Trust your gut and your own knowledge of yourself. If the assessment tells you something
you know is incorrect, then you should disregard that bit of information. Keep in mind there
is a margin of error on these tools.
9. Use a SWOT analysis to evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
This is an essential activity in assessing your career readiness and interests.
10.Have fun! There is no right or wrong outcome from taking a career assessment. You will
learn some new things about yourself and confirm some things you already knew. Either
way you will be better informed for making this important life decision!
Personal Branding Tips
1. Job searching is like shopping. Both you and the employer take turns being the buyer and
the seller. When YOU are the seller, you are selling yourself as a product. You need a
clear and compelling brand so employers can perceive the benefits of your product when
they are shopping for candidates, giving you an advantage over your competition.
2. Be authentic. Don’t create a fake persona. Your brand should always be about who you
are, what you believe in and what you are passionate about.
3. Identify and outline the advantages of your brand. How would an employer benefit from
having you as an employee? Be sure these benefits matter to the employer and are
4. Create awareness about your brand. Get on the radar screen of those you want to know
about you.
5. Determine if what you have to offer is something that employers are looking for. Are
companies hiring for your brand? How many competitors are there for what you do or want
to do?
6. Once you have defined your brand, determine how you are going to position your brand.
How are you going to prove you are the best at what you do?
7. Develop an elevator speech. Be able to tell what you do in 90 seconds or less.
8. Practice your elevator speech so you can deliver it effortlessly and with credibility. If you
sound confident you’re more likely to be believed!
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9. Represent your brand in the way you carry yourself – your actions, attitude and attire tell
the story about your brand. Make sure it’s a story you want to tell.
10.Take advantage of networking opportunities where you can sell your brand and product.
Career/Professional Development for Promotion Opportunities
1. Before you begin any campaign where you are seeking a promotion, be sure to evaluate
your work performance and how you are perceived by your boss, co-workers and even
2. Keep a career journal to help you reflect on your accomplishments, create plans and
document successes and failures in your current situation, providing valuable insights
and helping you manage your career.
3. Keep track of your accomplishments and the impact these accomplishments have on
organizational success.
4. Seek and obtain additional training to continue your education, keep your skill-set
relevant and stay current on trends in your industry.
5. Take initiative by pushing beyond your comfort zone and taking on challenging tasks
and projects.
6. Ensure that you are a positive addition to a team by enhancing and improving on your
communication skills and your relationships with other team member.
7. Know what your best career move is. Don’t just move into a position because it seemed
like the natural next step. Make sure the new position fits into the your personal and
professional branding and marketing.
8. If you have a good supervisor/manager who genuinely cares about your success, share
your career goals with him/her. Your success is a good look for your boss so he/she
has a vested interest in seeing you advance in your career.
9. Review and apply for internal job postings, even if it is with a department outside your
10.Identify a gap that needs filling, and submit a proposal to your superiors outlining how
you are the best person to fill that gap. This shows initiative and creativity, and adds
value to the organization while positioning you well for openings.
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Internet and Social Media Tips
1. All social media platforms are not created equal. Learning the etiquette of each site and
how it will help or hurt your efforts is essential.
2. Begin with professional profiles and usernames. Stay as close to your real name as
possible, and always upload a picture that shows you in a tasteful and professional light.
3. Use searchable keywords in your profile so that you will show up in searches.
4. Twitter is not just for sharing what you’re eating for lunch. Twitter generates
conversation across the globe and is a form of blogging called micro-blogging. Use
twitter to showcase your knowledge on a wide variety of topics being discussed every
second. You never know who will pick up your post!
5. Facebook is possibly the most popular socializing platform. Although Facebook is not
primarily used as a professional or job search platform, what you do on Facebook can
have an impact on your professional career. Whether you have a Facebook account, or
your friends and family are the ones with the account, be familiar with that gets posted
about you!
6. LinkedIn is today’s primary online professional networking site. Don’t make the mistake
however of just creating a profile and connect to random people. LinkedIn allows you to
connect to people you already know, ask for recommendations and list your skills,
expertise and education.
7. Another very important use of LinkedIn is the group feature. Join groups in your
industry where you can start discussions, participate in already active discussions, and
post questions.
8. While you don’t have to be on every social media platform that exists, it is good to be
aware of what they are and how they are trending. You want to be on sites that
employers will be using. If you want to be found, you need to be where they are looking.
9. Whichever platform you use, follow people of influence and those who make decisions
within companies. Like the company’s Facebook page, follow them and their key
personnel on Twitter. Social media will work for you if you are active and relevant.
10.Those who get the most referrals are usually the ones who spend time networking, and
social networking is a very relevant and prevalent form of networking today. Don’t
ignore it.
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Internship Success Tips
1. If you plan on using internships as an avenue to gain work experience, keep in mind
most organizations prefer interns who are in school. Snagging and keeping a great
internship will require you to keep your GPA at an acceptable level and enroll for some
credit hours each semester.
2. Know your goals and what you want to gain from your internship. Create a blueprint
and seek out opportunities that will help you grow professionally. You have the right to
expect work that advances your potential when you join the paid workforce. Don’t stay
in an internship where all you’re doing is making coffee and copies.
3. Keep in mind that many if not most internship opportunities are unpaid. But the good
ones provide valuable experience that could put you head and shoulders above your
4. Take every opportunity to learn more about the company and/or the industry. Ask
questions and learn as much as you can about everything you can. Don’t allow yourself
to be boxed into the “intern” parameters. Just because you’re an intern doesn’t mean
you’re daft.
5. Find a mentor within the company, someone who can coach you and guide you on the
right path.
6. Be proactive about turning your internship opportunity into a career move. Make sure
the company is one you really want to work for, and create your plan of approach to
engage your supervisor and other key decision makers into converting your position to
full time at the end of your internship.
7. Interest in working for the company is only half of the equation. The other half requires
you to work hard. Go above and beyond the call of duty to show how much you’re
learning and how good you are at what you do. Whether paid or unpaid demonstrating
the right attitude toward the job makes for easier decision making when the time comes.
8. Ask for extra work and to be put on projects. Willingness to step outside your job
description while you’re an intern is a great way to show initiative and make a great
9. Be creative and share ideas that could be implemented to enhance the way things are
done. Don’t criticize the way they do things, but instead suggest and demonstrate your
different approach as an alternative. This shows you can add value.
10.Keep track of your accomplishments and contributions. You already know your
internship experiences will look good on your resume. By quantifying how your
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contributions helped the business you are able to substantiate why you should be hired
for a full time position with the company.
Networking Tips
1. Networking is about establishing professional relationships with people you know, who
are often be invaluable to your job search efforts. Tap into your professional network for
advice, recommendations and referrals to others you might not know but who have
decision making power within organizations that may be hiring.
2. Aim for a direct network of 250 people. This may sound like a huge number especially
if you haven’t really started building your network. But according to the experts, 250 is a
nice reachable number for most. Remember this is a goal! You will be growing your
network over time so don’t be intimidated by the number.
3. 2
If you're a college student or new grad, you'll probably find these to be the best kinds of
network contacts:
a. Classmates
b. Alumni, especially recent grads
c. Parents
d. Parents of classmates
e. Other relatives
f. Professors, especially your adviser
g. Fraternity brothers, sorority sisters, and Greek organization alumni
h. College administrators
i. Coaches
j. Guest speakers in your classes
k. Informational interviewees
4. 3
If you're an established job-seekers, you'll probably find these to be the best kinds of
network contacts:
a. Members of professional organizations
b. Your past or present co-workers
c. Friends you're in touch with regularly
d. Old friends, such as college buddies whom you see infrequently
e. Members of your religious community
f. Peer volunteers
g. Informational interviewees
h. Your kids' friends' parents
i. Your mentor(s)
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j. Business associates, such as customers, clients, vendors, and suppliers
5. Pick your networking events carefully. Not every event or activity will get you the results
you need. Join local networking groups or sign up for groups on websites like to meet other professionals in your field or industry that may be
connected to the people who make hiring decisions in their organizations.
6. Not all jobs are advertised publicly! As a matter of fact, the statistics suggest that only
about 5%-20% of openings are actually advertised. The remaining 80%-95% are
shared by word of mouth through networking.
7. Does the thought of networking intimidate you? Find a friend who you can pare up with
and attend these event together. Write out and practice your “elevator speech” so you
can be more confident delivering it.
8. Don’t hide at the back of the crowd in your online networking community! This is a great
opportunity for you to brand yourself and establish yourself as an expert by writing and
submitting great content. Search engines pick up on your activity thereby making you
more visible to potential employers.
9. Beware of “digital dirt”. Clean up your image online so that it does not impact your
offline activity. Regularly Google yourself to see what comes up. Take care of any
items or activities that may have a negative effect on your efforts.
10.Remember to say “Thank You”. If properly utilized, your network will yield wonderful
leads that could result in new connections, great conversations and possibly new job
offers! Remember to reach back and thank those who helped make this happen and
pay-it-forward by doing the same for someone else.
References and Recommendations Tips
1. It is important to understand that one of your most important and influential tools as a
job seeker, is your list of references. Always have an active list of 3 – 5 references you
can use. Maintain a good relationship with your references and always ask permission
before you use them as a reference. Select references carefully as sometimes they can
be the deciding factor in you getting or not getting the job.
2. Select people who know you professionally and who will speak highly of you in a
reference check. Be strategic about your choice of people who will provide a reference
for you. Pick people who know your strengths and abilities.
3. Prepare your references so they can do the best job possible on your behalf. It is OK to
discuss the position you have applied for and asking them to speak to and highlight
specific skills that they have observed which apply to the job you’re trying to get.
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4. If you ask someone to write a letter of recommendation for you, first clear it with them
that it is OK to reuse the letter in other job search scenarios. Then ask them to provide
the letter in an editable format so you can change the date and address it appropriately
to meet your needs.
5. Keep your references up to date with your progress. If you did not get the position, let
them know. If you got the position, of course, let them know! Always thank your
references for their support, regardless of the outcome.
6. Never submit your list of references with your application unless it is explicitly requested.
Do not include the names of your references on your resume. Submit references on a
separate reference sheet that matches the template used for your resume.
7. Collect all relevant information from your references, and keep the information up to
date. If job titles change or they move to a different company you want to update the
information. It will not be a good look if a company calls one of your references only to
find out they’re no longer reachable at the number you provided.
8. If you plan on using your former employer as a reference, make sure you know what
they will be saying about you. Request copies of your files so you will know what’s in
them. When you know what you’re facing you can do damage control, or create a plan
of action to improve weak skill sets. Knowing what’s in your files puts you in a better
position to address any potential negatives.
9. If there are items you can’t erase from your history, deal with them head-on. You will be
respected and even commended for not trying to hide faults. Often this level of
disclosure will elevate you as a trustworthy candidate. Try to show what you learned in
that previous situation and what strategies you will use to ensure it is not repeated.
10.Above all, be honest in your interview and on all documents you provide during the
hiring process. This ensures there are no discrepancies in the details of your
experience when your potential employer conducts your reference check.
Tips for Researching Companies
1. Research is a critical component of your job search efforts. Ideally, you should begin
your research well before you begin submitting applications. Learn about companies in
your field or industry. If you are planning to relocate, research companies in the area
you’re moving to. When you are ready to submit applications this research will be
invaluable because you will know which companies you really want to work for or
associate with. At a minimum, if you missed the opportunities for early research, do a
thorough review on any company that invites you for an interview.
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2. Research is a purposeful, goal oriented, targeted activity. This process of discovery
helps you identify companies that will be a good fit for you and you for them. So in
addition to checking for potential job openings, also try to answer these questions: What
do you like to do? What are you passionate about? What qualities would you like to see
in your employer? What qualities will dry you absolutely crazy? What is your personal
stance on varying social issues? How important is it for the company you work for to
share those views?
3. There are many places to find information about a company, not least of which is the
company’s website. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are just some of the search engines you
can use to search the company online. Also scout news items for industry information,
or for stories about the company.
4. Schedule an informational interview with individuals within companies you are interested
in learning more about. An informational interview helps you get inside information from
someone who already works at the company. This is an extension to your networking
5. Be very planful about what you will ask in the informational interview. Remember you
are the interviewer in this case. Ask questions that will help you understand the
company and how employees really feel about working there. This list of questions is a
great place to start.
6. Informational interviews also allow you to understand the company’s needs, its
weaknesses, or areas of opportunity that you might be able to help them improve in.
7. Consider job-shadowing. Any job seeker, whether mid-career or recent college
graduate may use this particular research tool. Job-shadowing opens up opportunities
to learn insider information about a company’s culture or about an industry that you can
use in making your career advancing decisions. Not all companies offer this type of
opportunity though, so some research is essential.
8. Select someone in a role you aspire to, or a position you would like to hold. Job-
shadowing experiences can last anywhere from a few hours to a week or more. Try to
make this time as meaningful as possible so you can apply the lessons you learn to the
opportunities that are within your current reach. In other words, don’t try to shadow the
CEO if you are not ready to jump into a CEO role.
9. Invite the person you are shadowing out to lunch to show appreciation for their time.
This strategy will also help to reveal the “lunchtime culture” of the company, whether
most people go out to lunch, or most bring a lunch with them to work.
10.Treat the job-shadowing experience with respect. Arrive on time, dress appropriately;
be courteous, attentive and enthusiastic. Ask of questions about your observations, but
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be mindful that the person you’re shadowing is actually working so you may have to
observe and save questions for later.
Salary and Job Offer Negotiations4
1. Salary Myth: Asking for a Lower Salary Will Improve Chances of Hire
Reality: You know what you’re worth, so don’t be intimidated when it comes time to ask
for what you are worth. By requesting a lower salary for yourself, you set yourself up for
failure (either in not even being considered for the position, or, if hired, struggling to
overcome the low salary).
2. Salary Myth: Negotiating Salary or Other Parts of Job Offer Is Frowned Upon
Reality: Unless the employer clearly stated that negotiations are not allowed, be
confident in your negotiation as long as you’re being realistic and reasonable and
respectful to the process. Employers generally respect your desire to receive the best
possible offer.
3. Salary Myth: Accepting First Offer is Safest Strategy for Job-Seekers
Reality: By the time the employer makes you an offer they have carefully considered
that you are the person they want to hire. So don’t feel pressured to accept the offer the
minute it is placed before you. Take some time to understand the offer before you
accept. This is critical when you are reviewing multiple offers, but is equally important
even when it is your only offer. Don’t simply accept, but always take a day or two to
assimilate and evaluate what is before you.
4. Salary Myth: Negotiating Salary in a Weak Economy is a Bad Idea
Reality: A weak economy typically results in fewer opportunities. But the opportunities
that do exist remain competitive. Don’t make the assumption that you have to expect
less pay if you’re job-searching in slow economic times.
5. Salary Myth: Believing That Everything is Negotiable in the Job Offer
Reality: This depends entirely on the actual situation. Sometimes the employer will not
allow any type of negotiations. In such cases any attempts on your part to negotiate are
likely to result in them rescinding the offer. In other situations it depends on the level of
the job. In a lower level job, there will be less room for negotiation. Higher executive
level jobs may allow for more negotiations.
6. Salary Myth: Asking for Offer in Writing Will Offend the Employer
Reality: You should always expect written notice of the offer. There are no exceptions
to that rule. This typically comes in the form of an employment contract or job-offer
letter. When you receive a job offer during an interview or over the phone, the best
strategy is to ask when you should expect the offer in writing.
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7. Use data from research to determine your market value. This is critical information you
should know so that you can justify and negotiate a better salary. Keep in mind the
harder it is to find others with your qualification, the more valuable you are to the
organization, and the more leverage you will have to negotiate.
8. If you dislike the negotiation process and decide not to, keep in mind that future raises
are based on your starting salary. If you are promoted to a higher position within the
company, your new salary may not be comparable to that paid to an external candidate.
The higher your starting salary, the better your raises will look as you advance in the
9. Never bring up salary during the early stages of the interviewing process. Furthermore,
you should not bring up the topic until and unless the employer brings it up. Unless you
have a strong sense that you are the top candidate and that an offer is imminent, always
let the employer make the first move when it comes to the salary discussion.
10.Be willing to walk away from negotiations or from the job offer if that’s what is
necessary. Don’t get trapped into thinking you have to take the job whether or not it
meets your needs. If the salary turns out to be something you can’t work with, it is OK
to say thanks but no thanks. However note that if you have no other offers on the table,
you will be back to square one.
Work-Life Balance Tips
1. Research employer policies for implementing work-life balance strategies. More
employers today understand the need to balance work with life outside of work. Ask
people in your network who work for the company you’re considering about such
2. If you are currently employed with the company, research if there are company policies
in place and how the company handled previous requests for consideration. In some
companies work-life balance strategies are implemented on a department by
department basis. Make sure the department you are considering feels the way you do
about work-life balance.
3. Don’t assume that your company will frown on the idea. If you are still new in your
position, you may want to build your case so that you can clearly show how you will be
even more valuable and productive if these concessions are allowed.
4. If you’re struggling to balance your life in your current career, and work-life balance
strategies is not on the radar, you might want to consider a career change. “Some
careers are more stressful and time-consuming than others. If you need more time for
yourself or your family, now may be the time to explore careers that are less stressful
and more flexible.”5
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5. In some instances you may simply need to find a different and less stressful role within
current career field and/or company.
6. Learn strategies for better time management. Often times, the stress you feel from your
job or workload is a direct result of poor time management and being disorganized. Set
SMART goals for yourself and set out to achieve your goals according to a realistic time
7. You can also achieve balance in your life by simply taking the control reigns back.
Learn prioritize, and be OK with using the word NO. Note: You might want to be in your
new job for a little while before you start wielding that “N” word, however!
8. Be realistic about how much time it actually takes to complete a specific task. If it really
takes 2-hrs to do it, schedule 2-hrs since 30-mins will not be enough!
9. Be O.K. with “putting off for tomorrow what you CAN’T do today.” Yes, that’s a twist on
the old adage. Look. You are not super human! No matter how hard you try, you will
NOT be able to fit it all in one day! Set yourself up for success and let some things wait!
10.Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. Sometimes people get bogged down with things that don’t
have an impact on the big picture. Balance looks different for everyone, and it changes
from day to day. So, learn to let some of the small things go sometimes. Whether they
be work related, or at home some things will not get done every day, and you need to be
OK with that.
Works Cited:
Katharine Hansen Ph.D., Randall. S. Hansen Ph.D. (2013). Retrieved from Quintessential

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TOP 100 tips for successfully landing your next job or promotion

  • 1. The TOP 100 Tips for Successfully Landing Your Next Job or Promotion
  • 2. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 2 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 Introduction When you’re at that crossroad in your life where you are ready to make a change and choose a path to achieve self-actualization you are likely to feel a lot of excitement and exhilaration. Yet amid all that excitement can be confusion, fear and anxiety. Choosing to advance your career can be a life changing decision, but if you approach it in a haphazard way you are likely to experience some frustration and angst at the process. This white paper was designed with someone like you in mind. Someone who is ambitious and has a success plan outlined for what you plan to achieve over the duration of your career. Someone like you who sees what you do as not just a necessary evil to keep food on the table, but who actually sees what you do as something that defines you as a person. Whether you are just getting started, or have been climbing the ladder of success for a while, you will find benefit from reviewing these tips and implementing some of them into your strategy. Following are the TOP 100 tips that we believe you should heed in your journey to success. Our tips are organized into 10 sections, each with 10 detailed tips to help you launch your career to the next level. Career Assessment and Exploration Tips 1. If you’re not sure what you want to do as a career or what your next career should be, use a career assessment questionnaire or tool to guide you as you explore your interests. 2. To get the best interpretation and understanding of the results of your assessment, you should work with a career counselor or coach. 3. If you cannot afford a career coach or counselor, take advantage of the many online assessment tools that are available free or for a nominal cost. 4. A career assessment will typically measure one or more of the following: personality, interests, skills, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, learning style, temperament, and workplace values.1 5. Career assessments are good for helping you understand yourself and what you have to offer so that you can in turn communicate this to a potential employer. 6. Be open to trying something you didn’t initially consider. Sometimes based on your responses to the assessment questions, the results may suggest something you never thought about, but that is worth further exploration. 1
  • 3. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 3 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 7. If you choose to use free or online assessment tools, take several different ones so you can learn more about yourself and get a better overall picture of your strengths, weaknesses, personality, interests etc.. 8. Trust your gut and your own knowledge of yourself. If the assessment tells you something you know is incorrect, then you should disregard that bit of information. Keep in mind there is a margin of error on these tools. 9. Use a SWOT analysis to evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This is an essential activity in assessing your career readiness and interests. 10.Have fun! There is no right or wrong outcome from taking a career assessment. You will learn some new things about yourself and confirm some things you already knew. Either way you will be better informed for making this important life decision! Personal Branding Tips 1. Job searching is like shopping. Both you and the employer take turns being the buyer and the seller. When YOU are the seller, you are selling yourself as a product. You need a clear and compelling brand so employers can perceive the benefits of your product when they are shopping for candidates, giving you an advantage over your competition. 2. Be authentic. Don’t create a fake persona. Your brand should always be about who you are, what you believe in and what you are passionate about. 3. Identify and outline the advantages of your brand. How would an employer benefit from having you as an employee? Be sure these benefits matter to the employer and are measurable. 4. Create awareness about your brand. Get on the radar screen of those you want to know about you. 5. Determine if what you have to offer is something that employers are looking for. Are companies hiring for your brand? How many competitors are there for what you do or want to do? 6. Once you have defined your brand, determine how you are going to position your brand. How are you going to prove you are the best at what you do? 7. Develop an elevator speech. Be able to tell what you do in 90 seconds or less. 8. Practice your elevator speech so you can deliver it effortlessly and with credibility. If you sound confident you’re more likely to be believed!
  • 4. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 4 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 9. Represent your brand in the way you carry yourself – your actions, attitude and attire tell the story about your brand. Make sure it’s a story you want to tell. 10.Take advantage of networking opportunities where you can sell your brand and product. Career/Professional Development for Promotion Opportunities 1. Before you begin any campaign where you are seeking a promotion, be sure to evaluate your work performance and how you are perceived by your boss, co-workers and even customers. 2. Keep a career journal to help you reflect on your accomplishments, create plans and document successes and failures in your current situation, providing valuable insights and helping you manage your career. 3. Keep track of your accomplishments and the impact these accomplishments have on organizational success. 4. Seek and obtain additional training to continue your education, keep your skill-set relevant and stay current on trends in your industry. 5. Take initiative by pushing beyond your comfort zone and taking on challenging tasks and projects. 6. Ensure that you are a positive addition to a team by enhancing and improving on your communication skills and your relationships with other team member. 7. Know what your best career move is. Don’t just move into a position because it seemed like the natural next step. Make sure the new position fits into the your personal and professional branding and marketing. 8. If you have a good supervisor/manager who genuinely cares about your success, share your career goals with him/her. Your success is a good look for your boss so he/she has a vested interest in seeing you advance in your career. 9. Review and apply for internal job postings, even if it is with a department outside your own. 10.Identify a gap that needs filling, and submit a proposal to your superiors outlining how you are the best person to fill that gap. This shows initiative and creativity, and adds value to the organization while positioning you well for openings.
  • 5. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 5 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 Internet and Social Media Tips 1. All social media platforms are not created equal. Learning the etiquette of each site and how it will help or hurt your efforts is essential. 2. Begin with professional profiles and usernames. Stay as close to your real name as possible, and always upload a picture that shows you in a tasteful and professional light. 3. Use searchable keywords in your profile so that you will show up in searches. 4. Twitter is not just for sharing what you’re eating for lunch. Twitter generates conversation across the globe and is a form of blogging called micro-blogging. Use twitter to showcase your knowledge on a wide variety of topics being discussed every second. You never know who will pick up your post! 5. Facebook is possibly the most popular socializing platform. Although Facebook is not primarily used as a professional or job search platform, what you do on Facebook can have an impact on your professional career. Whether you have a Facebook account, or your friends and family are the ones with the account, be familiar with that gets posted about you! 6. LinkedIn is today’s primary online professional networking site. Don’t make the mistake however of just creating a profile and connect to random people. LinkedIn allows you to connect to people you already know, ask for recommendations and list your skills, expertise and education. 7. Another very important use of LinkedIn is the group feature. Join groups in your industry where you can start discussions, participate in already active discussions, and post questions. 8. While you don’t have to be on every social media platform that exists, it is good to be aware of what they are and how they are trending. You want to be on sites that employers will be using. If you want to be found, you need to be where they are looking. 9. Whichever platform you use, follow people of influence and those who make decisions within companies. Like the company’s Facebook page, follow them and their key personnel on Twitter. Social media will work for you if you are active and relevant. 10.Those who get the most referrals are usually the ones who spend time networking, and social networking is a very relevant and prevalent form of networking today. Don’t ignore it.
  • 6. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 6 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 Internship Success Tips 1. If you plan on using internships as an avenue to gain work experience, keep in mind most organizations prefer interns who are in school. Snagging and keeping a great internship will require you to keep your GPA at an acceptable level and enroll for some credit hours each semester. 2. Know your goals and what you want to gain from your internship. Create a blueprint and seek out opportunities that will help you grow professionally. You have the right to expect work that advances your potential when you join the paid workforce. Don’t stay in an internship where all you’re doing is making coffee and copies. 3. Keep in mind that many if not most internship opportunities are unpaid. But the good ones provide valuable experience that could put you head and shoulders above your competition. 4. Take every opportunity to learn more about the company and/or the industry. Ask questions and learn as much as you can about everything you can. Don’t allow yourself to be boxed into the “intern” parameters. Just because you’re an intern doesn’t mean you’re daft. 5. Find a mentor within the company, someone who can coach you and guide you on the right path. 6. Be proactive about turning your internship opportunity into a career move. Make sure the company is one you really want to work for, and create your plan of approach to engage your supervisor and other key decision makers into converting your position to full time at the end of your internship. 7. Interest in working for the company is only half of the equation. The other half requires you to work hard. Go above and beyond the call of duty to show how much you’re learning and how good you are at what you do. Whether paid or unpaid demonstrating the right attitude toward the job makes for easier decision making when the time comes. 8. Ask for extra work and to be put on projects. Willingness to step outside your job description while you’re an intern is a great way to show initiative and make a great impression. 9. Be creative and share ideas that could be implemented to enhance the way things are done. Don’t criticize the way they do things, but instead suggest and demonstrate your different approach as an alternative. This shows you can add value. 10.Keep track of your accomplishments and contributions. You already know your internship experiences will look good on your resume. By quantifying how your
  • 7. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 7 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 contributions helped the business you are able to substantiate why you should be hired for a full time position with the company. Networking Tips 1. Networking is about establishing professional relationships with people you know, who are often be invaluable to your job search efforts. Tap into your professional network for advice, recommendations and referrals to others you might not know but who have decision making power within organizations that may be hiring. 2. Aim for a direct network of 250 people. This may sound like a huge number especially if you haven’t really started building your network. But according to the experts, 250 is a nice reachable number for most. Remember this is a goal! You will be growing your network over time so don’t be intimidated by the number. 3. 2 If you're a college student or new grad, you'll probably find these to be the best kinds of network contacts: a. Classmates b. Alumni, especially recent grads c. Parents d. Parents of classmates e. Other relatives f. Professors, especially your adviser g. Fraternity brothers, sorority sisters, and Greek organization alumni h. College administrators i. Coaches j. Guest speakers in your classes k. Informational interviewees 4. 3 If you're an established job-seekers, you'll probably find these to be the best kinds of network contacts: a. Members of professional organizations b. Your past or present co-workers c. Friends you're in touch with regularly d. Old friends, such as college buddies whom you see infrequently e. Members of your religious community f. Peer volunteers g. Informational interviewees h. Your kids' friends' parents i. Your mentor(s) 2 3
  • 8. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 8 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 j. Business associates, such as customers, clients, vendors, and suppliers 5. Pick your networking events carefully. Not every event or activity will get you the results you need. Join local networking groups or sign up for groups on websites like to meet other professionals in your field or industry that may be connected to the people who make hiring decisions in their organizations. 6. Not all jobs are advertised publicly! As a matter of fact, the statistics suggest that only about 5%-20% of openings are actually advertised. The remaining 80%-95% are shared by word of mouth through networking. 7. Does the thought of networking intimidate you? Find a friend who you can pare up with and attend these event together. Write out and practice your “elevator speech” so you can be more confident delivering it. 8. Don’t hide at the back of the crowd in your online networking community! This is a great opportunity for you to brand yourself and establish yourself as an expert by writing and submitting great content. Search engines pick up on your activity thereby making you more visible to potential employers. 9. Beware of “digital dirt”. Clean up your image online so that it does not impact your offline activity. Regularly Google yourself to see what comes up. Take care of any items or activities that may have a negative effect on your efforts. 10.Remember to say “Thank You”. If properly utilized, your network will yield wonderful leads that could result in new connections, great conversations and possibly new job offers! Remember to reach back and thank those who helped make this happen and pay-it-forward by doing the same for someone else. References and Recommendations Tips 1. It is important to understand that one of your most important and influential tools as a job seeker, is your list of references. Always have an active list of 3 – 5 references you can use. Maintain a good relationship with your references and always ask permission before you use them as a reference. Select references carefully as sometimes they can be the deciding factor in you getting or not getting the job. 2. Select people who know you professionally and who will speak highly of you in a reference check. Be strategic about your choice of people who will provide a reference for you. Pick people who know your strengths and abilities. 3. Prepare your references so they can do the best job possible on your behalf. It is OK to discuss the position you have applied for and asking them to speak to and highlight specific skills that they have observed which apply to the job you’re trying to get.
  • 9. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 9 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 4. If you ask someone to write a letter of recommendation for you, first clear it with them that it is OK to reuse the letter in other job search scenarios. Then ask them to provide the letter in an editable format so you can change the date and address it appropriately to meet your needs. 5. Keep your references up to date with your progress. If you did not get the position, let them know. If you got the position, of course, let them know! Always thank your references for their support, regardless of the outcome. 6. Never submit your list of references with your application unless it is explicitly requested. Do not include the names of your references on your resume. Submit references on a separate reference sheet that matches the template used for your resume. 7. Collect all relevant information from your references, and keep the information up to date. If job titles change or they move to a different company you want to update the information. It will not be a good look if a company calls one of your references only to find out they’re no longer reachable at the number you provided. 8. If you plan on using your former employer as a reference, make sure you know what they will be saying about you. Request copies of your files so you will know what’s in them. When you know what you’re facing you can do damage control, or create a plan of action to improve weak skill sets. Knowing what’s in your files puts you in a better position to address any potential negatives. 9. If there are items you can’t erase from your history, deal with them head-on. You will be respected and even commended for not trying to hide faults. Often this level of disclosure will elevate you as a trustworthy candidate. Try to show what you learned in that previous situation and what strategies you will use to ensure it is not repeated. 10.Above all, be honest in your interview and on all documents you provide during the hiring process. This ensures there are no discrepancies in the details of your experience when your potential employer conducts your reference check. Tips for Researching Companies 1. Research is a critical component of your job search efforts. Ideally, you should begin your research well before you begin submitting applications. Learn about companies in your field or industry. If you are planning to relocate, research companies in the area you’re moving to. When you are ready to submit applications this research will be invaluable because you will know which companies you really want to work for or associate with. At a minimum, if you missed the opportunities for early research, do a thorough review on any company that invites you for an interview.
  • 10. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 10 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 2. Research is a purposeful, goal oriented, targeted activity. This process of discovery helps you identify companies that will be a good fit for you and you for them. So in addition to checking for potential job openings, also try to answer these questions: What do you like to do? What are you passionate about? What qualities would you like to see in your employer? What qualities will dry you absolutely crazy? What is your personal stance on varying social issues? How important is it for the company you work for to share those views? 3. There are many places to find information about a company, not least of which is the company’s website. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are just some of the search engines you can use to search the company online. Also scout news items for industry information, or for stories about the company. 4. Schedule an informational interview with individuals within companies you are interested in learning more about. An informational interview helps you get inside information from someone who already works at the company. This is an extension to your networking activities. 5. Be very planful about what you will ask in the informational interview. Remember you are the interviewer in this case. Ask questions that will help you understand the company and how employees really feel about working there. This list of questions is a great place to start. 6. Informational interviews also allow you to understand the company’s needs, its weaknesses, or areas of opportunity that you might be able to help them improve in. 7. Consider job-shadowing. Any job seeker, whether mid-career or recent college graduate may use this particular research tool. Job-shadowing opens up opportunities to learn insider information about a company’s culture or about an industry that you can use in making your career advancing decisions. Not all companies offer this type of opportunity though, so some research is essential. 8. Select someone in a role you aspire to, or a position you would like to hold. Job- shadowing experiences can last anywhere from a few hours to a week or more. Try to make this time as meaningful as possible so you can apply the lessons you learn to the opportunities that are within your current reach. In other words, don’t try to shadow the CEO if you are not ready to jump into a CEO role. 9. Invite the person you are shadowing out to lunch to show appreciation for their time. This strategy will also help to reveal the “lunchtime culture” of the company, whether most people go out to lunch, or most bring a lunch with them to work. 10.Treat the job-shadowing experience with respect. Arrive on time, dress appropriately; be courteous, attentive and enthusiastic. Ask of questions about your observations, but
  • 11. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 11 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 be mindful that the person you’re shadowing is actually working so you may have to observe and save questions for later. Salary and Job Offer Negotiations4 1. Salary Myth: Asking for a Lower Salary Will Improve Chances of Hire Reality: You know what you’re worth, so don’t be intimidated when it comes time to ask for what you are worth. By requesting a lower salary for yourself, you set yourself up for failure (either in not even being considered for the position, or, if hired, struggling to overcome the low salary). 2. Salary Myth: Negotiating Salary or Other Parts of Job Offer Is Frowned Upon Reality: Unless the employer clearly stated that negotiations are not allowed, be confident in your negotiation as long as you’re being realistic and reasonable and respectful to the process. Employers generally respect your desire to receive the best possible offer. 3. Salary Myth: Accepting First Offer is Safest Strategy for Job-Seekers Reality: By the time the employer makes you an offer they have carefully considered that you are the person they want to hire. So don’t feel pressured to accept the offer the minute it is placed before you. Take some time to understand the offer before you accept. This is critical when you are reviewing multiple offers, but is equally important even when it is your only offer. Don’t simply accept, but always take a day or two to assimilate and evaluate what is before you. 4. Salary Myth: Negotiating Salary in a Weak Economy is a Bad Idea Reality: A weak economy typically results in fewer opportunities. But the opportunities that do exist remain competitive. Don’t make the assumption that you have to expect less pay if you’re job-searching in slow economic times. 5. Salary Myth: Believing That Everything is Negotiable in the Job Offer Reality: This depends entirely on the actual situation. Sometimes the employer will not allow any type of negotiations. In such cases any attempts on your part to negotiate are likely to result in them rescinding the offer. In other situations it depends on the level of the job. In a lower level job, there will be less room for negotiation. Higher executive level jobs may allow for more negotiations. 6. Salary Myth: Asking for Offer in Writing Will Offend the Employer Reality: You should always expect written notice of the offer. There are no exceptions to that rule. This typically comes in the form of an employment contract or job-offer letter. When you receive a job offer during an interview or over the phone, the best strategy is to ask when you should expect the offer in writing. 4
  • 12. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 12 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 7. Use data from research to determine your market value. This is critical information you should know so that you can justify and negotiate a better salary. Keep in mind the harder it is to find others with your qualification, the more valuable you are to the organization, and the more leverage you will have to negotiate. 8. If you dislike the negotiation process and decide not to, keep in mind that future raises are based on your starting salary. If you are promoted to a higher position within the company, your new salary may not be comparable to that paid to an external candidate. The higher your starting salary, the better your raises will look as you advance in the company. 9. Never bring up salary during the early stages of the interviewing process. Furthermore, you should not bring up the topic until and unless the employer brings it up. Unless you have a strong sense that you are the top candidate and that an offer is imminent, always let the employer make the first move when it comes to the salary discussion. 10.Be willing to walk away from negotiations or from the job offer if that’s what is necessary. Don’t get trapped into thinking you have to take the job whether or not it meets your needs. If the salary turns out to be something you can’t work with, it is OK to say thanks but no thanks. However note that if you have no other offers on the table, you will be back to square one. Work-Life Balance Tips 1. Research employer policies for implementing work-life balance strategies. More employers today understand the need to balance work with life outside of work. Ask people in your network who work for the company you’re considering about such policies. 2. If you are currently employed with the company, research if there are company policies in place and how the company handled previous requests for consideration. In some companies work-life balance strategies are implemented on a department by department basis. Make sure the department you are considering feels the way you do about work-life balance. 3. Don’t assume that your company will frown on the idea. If you are still new in your position, you may want to build your case so that you can clearly show how you will be even more valuable and productive if these concessions are allowed. 4. If you’re struggling to balance your life in your current career, and work-life balance strategies is not on the radar, you might want to consider a career change. “Some careers are more stressful and time-consuming than others. If you need more time for yourself or your family, now may be the time to explore careers that are less stressful and more flexible.”5 5
  • 13. ©2013 Workplace Learning Solutions LLC 13 TheTOP100TipsforSuccessfullyLandingYourNextJoborPromotion 2013 5. In some instances you may simply need to find a different and less stressful role within current career field and/or company. 6. Learn strategies for better time management. Often times, the stress you feel from your job or workload is a direct result of poor time management and being disorganized. Set SMART goals for yourself and set out to achieve your goals according to a realistic time table. 7. You can also achieve balance in your life by simply taking the control reigns back. Learn prioritize, and be OK with using the word NO. Note: You might want to be in your new job for a little while before you start wielding that “N” word, however! 8. Be realistic about how much time it actually takes to complete a specific task. If it really takes 2-hrs to do it, schedule 2-hrs since 30-mins will not be enough! 9. Be O.K. with “putting off for tomorrow what you CAN’T do today.” Yes, that’s a twist on the old adage. Look. You are not super human! No matter how hard you try, you will NOT be able to fit it all in one day! Set yourself up for success and let some things wait! 10.Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. Sometimes people get bogged down with things that don’t have an impact on the big picture. Balance looks different for everyone, and it changes from day to day. So, learn to let some of the small things go sometimes. Whether they be work related, or at home some things will not get done every day, and you need to be OK with that. Works Cited: Katharine Hansen Ph.D., Randall. S. Hansen Ph.D. (2013). Retrieved from Quintessential Careers: