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Today Social Media Affects
You Getting A Job!
Presenter: Rita Witherly, MoZen Inc., Managing Partner
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We will discuss:
• 1st impressions today, no longer from the first phone interview
or your 1st handshake…
• 98% of companies use social media to learn about you.
Rita Witherly, MoZen Inc,
Mg. Partner
p y
• Thus, Social media must be part of your job strategy.
• Caution: 70% of managers have not hired a candidate due to
their online image!
• 3 highest rated Social Media sites
• So, what is, YOUR online image/brand?
• Understanding your online image & tips clean-up your image.
• Social Media tips.
• 9 ways to use social media to land a job.
• 11 websites to advance your career. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
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LinkedIn – Largest professional network. Learn to use the
full power of LinkedIn to job search, effectively using your
connections and utilize all the information available.
Facebook - Use Facebook for professional networking. 900
million active users.
Instagram – Instagram a good way to establish your
Major Social Media Sites
Instagram – Instagram a good way to establish your
personal brand. It demonstrates your marketable skill and
enhances your overall digital image.
Twitter - Twitter is also for social networking and micro
blogging and today, job searching via instant messaging or a
web interface.
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
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Top Social Media Sites
• Revolutionized the way people communicate and conduct business.
• It’s not just what you say, but who you know.
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©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
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Top Social Media Sites
•Sharing sensitive and private information with millions of users, can open
“Pandora’s Box”, especially if job hunting.
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
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• What is your Social Media history?
• How do you communicate with others?
What companies Look For:
• How do you communicate about others?
• Do you spread negativity about a peers or employers?
• How does the profile represent your skills and experience?
• Is your image ‘a fit’ for the company?
• Is your resume data consistent, accurate and truthful?
• Internal connections are checked.
• Does social media reinforce what you said in your resume?
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
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1. Check For and Remove from social media sites:
• 26% of people have discriminatory comments.
• Negative comments or perceived confidential information.
• Bad-mounted previous employer, co-workers or clients.
• 53% have inappropriate photos and bad language.
• 44% have at least one picture of drinking or drug use
• 29% are not written well have spelling & grammar errors
Clean Up Your On-line Reputation
29% are not written well, have spelling & grammar errors.
• 24% lied about their qualifications.
2. ‘Red Flags’ to hiring managers:
• Information not resume consistent.
• Comments about drugs or drinking.
• Facebook likes & dislikes along with friends comments.
3. No forms or permission are required as it’s in public domain.
• Your information is easily, accessible and can reinforce your
resume or disqualify you.
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
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1. Create an online presence including a Google profile.
2. Be consistent with resume info. across all social media sites.
3. Google your name and check your online image, often.
4. Careful What You Tweet and post or what your friends do, it
all becomes part of your identity.
5. Activate your privacy settings.
6 D 't C t With E
Social Media Tips
6. Don't Connect With Everyone
7. Create Online Profiles and Build your personal Brand.
8. You can Job Search on LinkedIn, & find company contacts.
9. Make Sure Employers Can Find You, easily.
10.Boost Your Career With Social Networking.
11.Hiring managers, want to reduce ‘New Hire Risks’ so use
social media as it – has been built over time and
demonstrates the real you.
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©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
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1. Indeed – most comprehensive desktop job boards.
2. Good.Co - job search is about self-discovery & job discovery.
3. Switch –Brings you, positions based on your skills and
experience and you can apply via your mobile device.
4. Glassdoor - segmented into different categories: jobs,
companies, salaries and interviews.
5 Simply Hired- job aggregator search by date or relevance
8 Free Mobile Job Search Apps
5. Simply Hired- job aggregator, search by date or relevance.
6. cPro Craigslist Free Client - browse everything from contract gigs
to full-time positions.
7. - University of Cambridge, instant
psychological assessment that accurately predicts your psychological
traits from your digital footprints on social media and online behavior.
Now you see why, your web image is so important. A lot of Hiring
managers will take the easy way out and not question what they
discover and you may not even have had a phone screen yet.
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Get Raised – are you being paid adequately & negotiation.
2.–free website & tools to create
compile your digital presence in one professional location.
3. Comparably - salary calculator (are you underpaid) by
industry, gives you an idea of cultural fit.
11 Websites to Help Find a Job
y, g y
4. Fiverr- “gig”place, sell your expertise to people for extra $$
develop new skills or stay busy.
5. Meetup - cool things to do, professional industry networking
or attend a panel with hottest companies in your field.
6. High Brow – free sends 10 days of “bite-sized” lessons
every morning on your choice of topics.
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
11 Websites to Help Find a Job
7. Opportunity - networking platform, job listing alert system, sales lead
tool, and partnership breeding ground. Ensures you’re meeting people who
can actually advance your career.
8. Inside Jobs –Defines career path, figures out the type of education & skills
you need to get there. Offers info. On skills, salary, & responsibilities.
9. Career Bliss – happiest jobs, tips, techniques and job advice to advance your9. Career Bliss happiest jobs, tips, techniques and job advice to advance your
10. job board overlays Facebook and shows you who in your
network can connect you with specific openings.
11. gives you more of a professional identity. More than 3
million job listings and 20,000 internships listings, plus you can get
recommendations and you can earn badges.
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
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1. Start a blog & join group discussions in your field.
2. Create a Google, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook & YouTube
account. Create a personal website.
3. Follow career choice companies on Facebook and Twitter.
4 M dif i tti U ll & h k
Use social media to land a job
4. Modify your privacy settings. Use spell & grammar check.
5. Employers post on social media prior to their website.
6. Claim your domain name & manage your reputation.
7. Get embarrassing content removed -Facebook has built-in
content removal tools also talk to friends.
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Contact:
1. Create a resume to fit a smart phone screen, it is the future.
2. Polish your profile: a professional photo, compelling head-line, and
clear outline of skills/experience.
3. Create personal website.
4. Be attentive. Job tablet & phone apps respond faster than job boards
and company websites.
Final Tips
and company websites.
5. Be professional in this more casual environment.
6. We broadcast our entire life… So guard your reputation.
7. If you or others ever post it, it is always out there!
8. Get Job apps so you can connect with hiring managers &
apply for jobs with just a few taps on phone or tablet.
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
Thank You, I hope this was of value
1. Check out our updated website. 
Go to the Training & Development page &
scroll to the bottom and you will see 
multiple links to help people in transition.
2. Connect with me on LinkedIn & grow your 
network. Put in your invitation you were in 
the audience of this presentation.
©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.

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Mo zen inc_getting_a_job_using_social media

  • 1. 4/16/2016 1 ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: Today Social Media Affects You Getting A Job! Presenter: Rita Witherly, MoZen Inc., Managing Partner Split picture We will discuss: • 1st impressions today, no longer from the first phone interview or your 1st handshake… • 98% of companies use social media to learn about you. AGENDA Rita Witherly, MoZen Inc, Mg. Partner p y • Thus, Social media must be part of your job strategy. • Caution: 70% of managers have not hired a candidate due to their online image! • 3 highest rated Social Media sites • So, what is, YOUR online image/brand? • Understanding your online image & tips clean-up your image. • Social Media tips. • 9 ways to use social media to land a job. • 11 websites to advance your career. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Split picture LinkedIn – Largest professional network. Learn to use the full power of LinkedIn to job search, effectively using your connections and utilize all the information available. Facebook - Use Facebook for professional networking. 900 million active users. Instagram – Instagram a good way to establish your Major Social Media Sites Instagram – Instagram a good way to establish your personal brand. It demonstrates your marketable skill and enhances your overall digital image. Twitter - Twitter is also for social networking and micro blogging and today, job searching via instant messaging or a web interface. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Split picture Top Social Media Sites • Revolutionized the way people communicate and conduct business. • It’s not just what you say, but who you know. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 2. 4/16/2016 2 ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: Split picture Top Social Media Sites •Sharing sensitive and private information with millions of users, can open “Pandora’s Box”, especially if job hunting. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Split picture • What is your Social Media history? • How do you communicate with others? What companies Look For: • How do you communicate about others? • Do you spread negativity about a peers or employers? • How does the profile represent your skills and experience? • Is your image ‘a fit’ for the company? • Is your resume data consistent, accurate and truthful? • Internal connections are checked. • Does social media reinforce what you said in your resume? ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Split picture 1. Check For and Remove from social media sites: • 26% of people have discriminatory comments. • Negative comments or perceived confidential information. • Bad-mounted previous employer, co-workers or clients. • 53% have inappropriate photos and bad language. • 44% have at least one picture of drinking or drug use • 29% are not written well have spelling & grammar errors Clean Up Your On-line Reputation 29% are not written well, have spelling & grammar errors. • 24% lied about their qualifications. 2. ‘Red Flags’ to hiring managers: • Information not resume consistent. • Comments about drugs or drinking. • Facebook likes & dislikes along with friends comments. 3. No forms or permission are required as it’s in public domain. • Your information is easily, accessible and can reinforce your resume or disqualify you. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Split picture 1. Create an online presence including a Google profile. 2. Be consistent with resume info. across all social media sites. 3. Google your name and check your online image, often. 4. Careful What You Tweet and post or what your friends do, it all becomes part of your identity. 5. Activate your privacy settings. 6 D 't C t With E Social Media Tips 6. Don't Connect With Everyone 7. Create Online Profiles and Build your personal Brand. 8. You can Job Search on LinkedIn, & find company contacts. 9. Make Sure Employers Can Find You, easily. 10.Boost Your Career With Social Networking. 11.Hiring managers, want to reduce ‘New Hire Risks’ so use social media as it – has been built over time and demonstrates the real you. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 3. 4/16/2016 3 ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: Split picture 1. Indeed – most comprehensive desktop job boards. 2. Good.Co - job search is about self-discovery & job discovery. 3. Switch –Brings you, positions based on your skills and experience and you can apply via your mobile device. 4. Glassdoor - segmented into different categories: jobs, companies, salaries and interviews. 5 Simply Hired- job aggregator search by date or relevance 8 Free Mobile Job Search Apps 5. Simply Hired- job aggregator, search by date or relevance. 6. cPro Craigslist Free Client - browse everything from contract gigs to full-time positions. 7. - University of Cambridge, instant psychological assessment that accurately predicts your psychological traits from your digital footprints on social media and online behavior. Now you see why, your web image is so important. A lot of Hiring managers will take the easy way out and not question what they discover and you may not even have had a phone screen yet. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Get Raised – are you being paid adequately & negotiation. 2.–free website & tools to create compile your digital presence in one professional location. 3. Comparably - salary calculator (are you underpaid) by industry, gives you an idea of cultural fit. 11 Websites to Help Find a Job y, g y 4. Fiverr- “gig”place, sell your expertise to people for extra $$ develop new skills or stay busy. 5. Meetup - cool things to do, professional industry networking or attend a panel with hottest companies in your field. 6. High Brow – free sends 10 days of “bite-sized” lessons every morning on your choice of topics. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. 11 Websites to Help Find a Job 7. Opportunity - networking platform, job listing alert system, sales lead tool, and partnership breeding ground. Ensures you’re meeting people who can actually advance your career. 8. Inside Jobs –Defines career path, figures out the type of education & skills you need to get there. Offers info. On skills, salary, & responsibilities. 9. Career Bliss – happiest jobs, tips, techniques and job advice to advance your9. Career Bliss happiest jobs, tips, techniques and job advice to advance your career. 10. job board overlays Facebook and shows you who in your network can connect you with specific openings. 11. gives you more of a professional identity. More than 3 million job listings and 20,000 internships listings, plus you can get recommendations and you can earn badges. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Split picture 1. Start a blog & join group discussions in your field. 2. Create a Google, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook & YouTube account. Create a personal website. 3. Follow career choice companies on Facebook and Twitter. 4 M dif i tti U ll & h k Use social media to land a job 4. Modify your privacy settings. Use spell & grammar check. 5. Employers post on social media prior to their website. 6. Claim your domain name & manage your reputation. 7. Get embarrassing content removed -Facebook has built-in content removal tools also talk to friends. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 4. 4/16/2016 4 ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: 1. Create a resume to fit a smart phone screen, it is the future. 2. Polish your profile: a professional photo, compelling head-line, and clear outline of skills/experience. 3. Create personal website. 4. Be attentive. Job tablet & phone apps respond faster than job boards and company websites. Final Tips and company websites. 5. Be professional in this more casual environment. 6. We broadcast our entire life… So guard your reputation. 7. If you or others ever post it, it is always out there! 8. Get Job apps so you can connect with hiring managers & apply for jobs with just a few taps on phone or tablet. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved. Thank You, I hope this was of value 1. Check out our updated website.  Go to the Training & Development page & scroll to the bottom and you will see  multiple links to help people in transition. 2. Connect with me on LinkedIn & grow your  network. Put in your invitation you were in  the audience of this presentation. ©2016 MoZen Inc. All rights reserved.