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Job Hunting 101
The Art of the Job Search
Applying for a job can be a lot like a
guessing game.
The Art of the Job Search
The Art of the Job Search
To succeed in science, you need to have a game plan. This is
especially true in the current research environment.
There are a multitude of options from which scientists can choose
when deciding on a career, and it is not uncommon for Ph.D.-
level trainees to pursue nontraditional paths.
But identifying the job that is right for you—whether in academe
or beyond—takes work, and competing successfully for that job
warrants a new approach to career planning.
Individuals need to master new skill sets to compete successfully
for research positions both within and outside academe.
The Art of the Job Search
A single strategy will not work for everyone. Take time to analyze
individual characteristics to help formulate a plan for your career.
1. Evaluate your own skills, values, and interests.
2. Use this self-assessment as a guide for exploring and evaluating career
opportunities in your field and, ultimately, identifying your preferred
career, as well as an alternative option that you think you’d be happy
3. Set some specific goals to prepare you for the career paths to which you
4. Research the Institutes, Universities/Colleges, or Industry Companies
you want to work at.
5. Put the plan into place. Hopefully you should be able to discuss these
goals and outline strategies with your primary mentor.
The Art of the Job Search
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology’s
(FASEB’s) has come up with a interactive, Web-based career-
planning tool.
This web-based too will help you identify the career goals that are
right for you and develop a step-by-step plan to reach those goals.
It includes exercises to guide you through the self-assessment
process, and it will help you determine which of 20 scientific
career paths best fits your skills and interests. For each career
path, there is an extensive list of resources in the form of articles,
books, and professional organizations, which you can scrutinize
to gain a better understanding about careers you are unfamiliar
with. Finally, there is a tool to assist you in setting and achieving
your goals.
I gave up my lunch hour for this,
what am I going to learn?
How to build a Job Hunter’s Toolbox to blast
off your career!
Job Hunter’s Toolbox
1.Social Media
2.Elevator Speech
3.Cover Letter and CV
Social Media
From liking to tweeting and pinning, social media is being used in the job market. Employers
are using it to find top talent and job seekers are finding ways to stand out from the
Employers are also increasingly paying attention to what their employees and prospective
employees are doing on social media sites. This can be a good thing or a bad thing,
depending on what you’re doing online.
Using social media sites wisely can help your career in a number of ways:
• Building your knowledge Base
• Become a regular reader of blogs and websites in your field. You will be constantly learning,
and you’ll probably be as aware of coming trends as well-known experts in your industry.
• Building your credibility
• By blogging about your field, leaving comments on other people’s blogs, and participating in
industry conversations on Twitter, LinkedIn, and other sites, you’ll begin to build credibility as
someone who, at a minimum, has an intense interest in and passion for the field.
• Establishing yourself as a expert
• If you participate in the above and do it well, people will notice.
• Dramatically expanding your network
• This kind of online participation means that you’ll start to build dozens of professional contacts,
people you can call on when you’re job searching or seeking professional advice.
Social Media
Pharmaceutical and biotech companies are on Facebook and they’re posting
news and jobs daily. If you haven’t liked these pages, you’re missing some
valuable career and industry information.
Twitter is quickly becoming a main biotechnology and pharmaceutical news
sources and allows individuals to connect with industry professionals on
Twitter more than any other social media channel.
LinkedIn is used much more frequently by biotechnology professionals than
Twitter or Facebook. 56% report that they use LinkedIn at least weekly to
search for industry news or company information. This isn’t surprising given
that LinkedIn is touted as more of a networking site for professionals than a
true social media channel.
2012 poll conducted by
Social Media
Smart Ways to Use Social
Media in Your Job Search
Social Media
Use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to
Network Your Way Into a Job.
Social Media
Let people know you’re looking!
Whether on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, let your friends and followers know that you’re
looking for a job. Even better, tell them what type of job you’re looking for. They may not
know of any openings right now, but if they know you’re available, they’ll think of you when a
position opens up. That will help you hear about openings before they’re listed on popular job
Social Media
Don’t be afraid to network on Facebook
Don’t make the mistake of overlooking your network in Facebook, especially if you already
have hundreds of friends. It can sometimes be more useful for job hunting than LinkedIn,
because friends who know you personally have more of a stake in helping you. They want
you to succeed—so use that to your advantage.
Social Media
Make sure your Facebook profile is private.
Much of your Facebook profile is public by default, and you probably don’t want a potential
employer browsing your personal updates. Under Account, then Privacy Settings, choose
“Friends Only.” That way, an employer who Googles you won’t be able to see the details of
your profile, your photos, or your personal status updates.
Social Media
Find information about hiring managers.
Before you submit your resume, look up the hiring manager on LinkedIn and Twitter.
LinkedIn profiles and Twitter feeds are gold mines of information on individuals. Knowing
more about the person who’s hiring can help you tailor your cover letter to their needs and
Social Media
Hyperlink your resume or CV
Add the URL for your Twitter handle and LinkedIn profile to your contact information on your
resume. Not only does this offer the employer another way of getting in touch with you and
seeing how you interact online, it also shows that you’re social media-savvy, a skill valued by
many employers.
Social Media
Make Google Be Your Friend
If you don’t like what pops up when you Google yourself (because you know an employer will
Google you), create a LinkedIn profile. Fill out your profile completely and become active on
the network. That will help push your profile to the top of Google’s search results, which
means a potential employer will see what you want them to see.
Social Media
Join industry chats on Twitter
Look for chats that revolve around your industry, or the industry you want to work in. Joining
online conversations helps you keep up-to-date on the industry, meet helpful contacts, and
showcase your expertise in your field. You may also want to network with other job seekers
through weekly conversations like #mysciencecareers or #thescientistcareers.
Social Media
Seek out job-search advice
All three of these networks are great places to find advice on job-hunting and mingle with
other job seekers. Join LinkedIn groups that focus on job search. Follow career experts on
Twitter, and “like” their pages on Facebook. That way you’ll get tips for your search even
when you’re not looking for them.
Social Media
Other means to identify people to network with:
1. Pubmed or patent databases
2. Join a Professional Society
3. Conferences
4. Alumni databases
5. Old Lab mates
6. Nature Network
Remember, Social Media does not replace
traditional networking means!
Elevator Speech
What is an Elevator Speech?
• An “elevator speech" is a 15 - 30 second overview of
an individual's knowledge, skills, and
accomplishments. Your elevator speech should
consist of your name and title, occupation, field of
interest or desired position, and something special
about yourself: talents, experience or approach. The
goal is to stand out from the crowd, so be
• The term comes from the time it takes to complete a
normal elevator ride from the top to the bottom
Elevator Speech
When will I use it?
• Events designed specifically for networking.
• The casual networking opportunities we encounter
nearly every day -- the kids' soccer games, plane
flights, waiting in line to buy tickets, and on and on.
• Job interviews, where the Elevator Speech can
provide the answer to at least two common interview
queries: "Tell me about yourself" and "Why should I
hire you?"
Elevator Speech
The key point of your elevator
pitch is not to ask the person to
do something for you – it's to
tell that person what you can
do for him or her.
Elevator Speech
How do I create my elevator
Elevator Speech
Write it Out!
Start by filling a page with the things you'd want to people to know
about you. Then cut that down to half a page, then a quarter page
and finally to three bullet points that give a snapshot of your career.
Elevator Speech
Practice, Practice, Practice!
Rehearse your pitch. Try it out with friends and in front of a mirror or
into a tape or video recorder. Repeat it out loud over and over until
reciting it is second nature.
Elevator Speech
Prepare at least two versions
Craft one pitch for formal settings like job interviews and another
version for social settings where you can do informal networking.
The informal version should include several nuggets about your
personal life.
Elevator Speech
Express enthusiasm!
• Don't let delivering your pitch devolve into monotone reciting.
Stay lively, even the 129th time you use it. You want to wake your
listeners up, not put them to sleep.
• Smile. Again, it is a simple gesture and someone is more likely to
remember a candidate who smiled at the end than one who didn’t.
• Close with your name. These will be your last words and you
want to ensure that your audience remembers you.
Cover Letter and CV
This is your first impression! First impressions are hard to change, and
most hiring managers and HR make a first impression very quickly.
It is extremely important to tailor your CV and cover letter to the
position you are targeting so employers know how your skills meet
their needs.
The job package you submit needs to be free of errors, especially
spelling, grammatical, and formatting errors.
It also needs to contain ALL the information and components asked for
in the job posting.
Cover Letter and CV
The Cover Letter; to write or not to write?
Does anyone even look at the correspondence that accompanies
your CV/Resume and job application?
The answers vary widely even among career experts and HR pros,
so since you don’t know if or who will be reading them, you must
write a compelling cover letter which makes the case for why you
should be hired.
Cover Letter and CV
The Cover Letter; to write or not to write?
Typically 1 page with 3 or 4 paragraphs.
First paragraph should introduce yourself (elevator speech) and
address how you found the job.
Second paragraph should address why you are interested in this specific position and
this employer. You should also highlight accomplishments in this section. This is not
the place to regurgitate your CV or resume.
The third paragraph should state your broad research goals. What do you hope to do
if they hire you.
The fourth paragraph should state why you are a good fit for this opening and your
interest in scheduling an interview to further discuss.
The closing paragraph should state your willingness to provide additional information
or answer any questions. Also make sure to thank them!
Make sure you address individuals correctly!
Cover Letter and CV
The Cover Letter; to write or not to write?
Remember it's a professional document, so don't go too over-the-top. Yes,
trying to figure out ways to be creative may be difficult, but don't go
overboard out of desperation. And especially don't say anything like
this summer analyst did in his cover letter, which made him a
laughing stock on Wall Street:
"I am unequivocally the most unflaggingly hard worker I know, and I love self-
improvement. I have always felt that my time should be spent wisely, so I
continuously challenge myself ... I decided to redouble my effort by placing out of
two classes, taking two honors classes, and holding two part-time jobs. That
semester I achieved a 3.93, and in the same time I managed to bench double my
bodyweight and do 35 pull-ups.“
Leave out personal information. It is not the place to get into your needs,
they are just evaluating you and your fit in the organization.
Cover Letter and CV
What is the difference between a CV and a
A curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that outlines your entire
academic history. It is used most often to apply for faculty
positions at colleges and universities, for research-intensive
positions at national labs or research institutes, and for fellowships,
grants, or awards.
A resume is a summary of your experiences and skills relevant to
the field of work you are entering. It highlights your
accomplishments to show a potential employer that you are
qualified for the work you want. It is not a biography of everything
you have done.
It is common to tailor separate resumes to fit each career field in
which you are job searching.
Cover Letter and CV
Guide to Writing a CURRICULUM VITAE (CV)
What categories should I include in my CV?
At the very least, a CV should include:
• Contact information (professional)
• Education
• Professional Positions (brief descriptions; optional)
• Honors and Awards
• Grant Funding
• Leadership/Service (Focus on professional life or science
• Teaching and mentoring
• Invited presentations and/or seminars (national meetings or first
• Publications
Cover Letter and CV
Guide to Writing a CURRICULUM VITAE (CV)
What is the appropriate length for a CV?
Length is less important in a CV than completeness. Your CV
should include your complete academic history and is not typically
limited by length, as is a resume.
Should I include job descriptions for every position listed on my
Not necessarily. Most academic search committees may focus
solely on your institution and your advisor. Given this focus,
listing your title, institution, advisor, location, and dates you
attended or were employed there are required. Additionally, most
faculty reviewers expect to see dates listed on the left-hand side of
the page.
Cover Letter and CV
Guide to Writing a CURRICULUM VITAE (CV)
Does order matter on a CV?
Yes. It is critical for you to consider the position you are applying
for and/or the audience you are writing for when compiling a CV.
For example, if you are applying for a faculty position at a small
college, you will want to list your teaching experience on the first
page of your CV and your research experience and publications
later in your document. The reverse would be true if you
were applying to a research-intensive university or institute.
Cover Letter and CV
Guide to Writing a Resume
What categories should I include in my resume?
• Objective or Summary– Speak directly to the position you are applying
for, i.e… Elevator Speech
• Qualifications – List several key skills listed in job description. Do not
forget to choose soft skills as well.
• Accomplishments - List accomplishments to show you make a
difference in the workplace. You can include your accomplishment(s)
directly under each position or in a separate category called
Accomplishments, Achievements, or Contributions.
• Experience - Provide a presentation of where you worked, in what
positions, and for how long. Convey what the positions were about and
what your main responsibilities were.
• Licenses or Certifications
• Education
• Professional Affiliations
Cover Letter and CV
Guide to Writing a Resume
How do I make my resume standout?
1. Write With a Great Understanding of Your Industry
As you write your resume, it’s important that you add information that shows
you know the industry inside and out. Adding keywords and phrases is a great
way to get this done. Be as specific as possible in your job target, branding
statement, career summary, professional history, etc. about your
accomplishments in the past and what you can contribute now.
2. Zero in on the Company’s Needs
Your job is to research the specific needs and wants of the company you are
applying for and address those needs so that you can showcase how you will
make a difference.
3. Prioritize Your Qualifications and Quantify Results
If you want your resume to stand out, it’s important that you always list your
greatest accomplishments first. Whatever you’ve pulled off in your career that
will “wow” hiring managers should be as close to the top of any section of your
resume as possible. Also take time to quantify your results. Talk about how few
days it took for you to meet a goal and how much of the industry was affected by
your results to help the hiring manager visualize the amazing contributions
you’ve made.
Best places to find job openings:
1. Science
2. Nature
3. Indeed
4. Biotechnology Industry Organization - provides
ability to search non-profits in the life science
industry by state.
7. Smaller and medium size companies have their own
websites and career pages. May not post on large
sites due to cost.
The curse of the Applicant Tracking System!
Many people still believe that most companies have hiring managers who
read through every resume and make a decision about who they want to
contact, WRONG! Almost all employers, even very small companies, use an
applicant tracking system.
Why? These systems have the ability to sort through all of the resumes
looking for keywords that apply to the position. The ATS system can screen
and eliminate resumes from people who don't match the criteria, leaving
only the most suitable matches for the hiring manager to look over. It saves
the company time and money, making the hiring process more streamlined.
How do I beat the ATS system and make sure my CV/resume is seen?
1. Play the Game!
• Apply to the opening and complete the online application.
• Fill in all the information requested by an online application process, even if it’s listed as
optional. Recruiters often sort by optional information to filter out applicants, and filling in all
fields will ensure you don’t get caught in a screening filter.
• Fill in all information requested by an online application process, even if it’s included in your
resume. This information can be used to filter out applicants before a hiring manager comes to
the point of opening the resume itself.
• If you’re being referred by an employee, make sure the ATS knows it, because it’s smart enough to
care and will rate your resume higher.
• If the ATS offers options, opt for uploading your resume (PDF) instead of cutting and pasting. If
you have to fill in text boxes, make sure to use ASCII formatting (no tabs or bullets, use Courier
12pt, left justified, and make sure you count the number of words.
• Do not include graphics or logos on a resume; they can garble the information the ATS processes.
And then…
• If you know the hiring manager, directly email your application
package. Include cover letter and cv/resume in one PDF file.
• Make sure the subject in the email is clearly stated.
• Make sure the body of the email is concise and to the point!
• Use your social media connections and/or contacts to assist with
putting your information directly in the hands of the decision
• Don’t be afraid to befriend a recruiter!
Best places to find jobs:
1. Mentor or Scientific Network
2. Professional Societies
3. Print or on-line journals
4. -
5. Newscientistjobs -
6. -
7. Association of American Medical Colleges -
If you are going to consider a career at a Research or Education Institute do
your homework! Know what you want and what you need! Then apply to
those you really want!
Factors to consider:
• Balance of research, clinical practice, and teaching commitments/focus
• Type of Institution
• Level of competition and expectations
• Resources to complete your work (core services, equipment,
collaborators, etc…)
• Geographic preference
• Family needs
• Personal needs
Consider the time frame for applications and how long it may take before finding a
position. It is typically a 8-12 month process from application to joining in this area.
Early Fall
• Begin to research and consider what you are looking for in a career
• Reach out to your mentors and advisors for advice and openings
• Start networking and raise your scientific visibility
• Put together a job packet
• Request reference letters
• Start applying
Late Fall – Winter
• Continue applying
• Prepare presentations
• Interview
• Job offers and accept a position
Summer – late Summer
• Relocate and begin to new position
Who makes up a Search Committees?
• They are typically tenured or tenure track faculty
• The committee will vary in size and in the power they weld
• Members are typically over committed and very busy
• Inherently skeptical and critical
• May only be peripherally interested in your work
• They will try and get a quick picture of you and your research
• Looking for you to make their job easier
It is important to remember:
You are judged initially by your application packet and Recommendation Letters!
Did you follow instructions?
Did you include all materials requested?
Search Committees and what they look for:
• A track record of excellence in research and teaching
• A strong skill set, relevant to your goals
• A good fit with the needs of the department
• Strong communication skills, both verbally and orally. This typically is judged by
presentation skills and writing abilities in grants and papers
• Strong teaching and mentoring skills
• Evidence of leadership
• Evidence of being a good colleague
Leadership and being a good colleague are hard to judge on paper, but they will judge by:
• Committee’s you are or have been a member of
• Professional Societies you participate in
• Recommendation Letters
• They will call colleagues who know you.
What is typically asked for in an application packet?
1. Cover Letter
2. CV
3. Research and/or Teaching Plan
4. Letters of Reference
Sometimes they may ask for:
1. Representative reprints on publications
2. Transcripts
3. Teaching evaluation or teaching portfolio (1 page essay of teaching style and
4. Diversity statement
Goals of a Research Statement
 You want to highlight your successes and convince them there are many more to
 Make the reader want to learn more about you and invite you to an interview to
do so.
 Do not worry about full details. Give them enough to sell the work and fill in the
details during an interview.
 Remember fundability will be important and will be a consideration by the Search
Committee. Help the committee see your plans and vision and how it can win
grant awards.
What should a Research Statement look like?
1. Your research statement should be brief and well-organized:
• Aim for one to three pages (longer statements are sometimes appropriate).
• Discuss recent & current research.
• Place your work in a broader context or framework – the big picture.
• Discuss how you became interested in your topic and why it continues
to interest you.
• Answer the “so what?” question. How does your research contribute to
the field? Why does your research matter? Why is it important?
• Briefly describe any significant recognition your research has received -
publications, presentations, grants, awards, etc.
What should a Research Statement look like?
• Discuss future research:
• What are your short-term research goals (2-5 years)?
• Discuss 2-3 feasible research ideas that interest you.
• Explain how your goals build on (but are not necessarily direct
extensions of) your recent work.
• Describe your ideas about potential funding sources, collaborative
partners, facilities, etc.
• Consider detailing how you will involve students in your research and
how your research relates to your teaching.
• Indicate how your research goals align with departmental goals.
• What are your longer term research goals (5+ years)?
What should a Research Statement look like?
• Your statement should include Appropriate Detail:
• Your plan should be well-considered, realistic, and practical.
• Include enough detail to show depth of knowledge but do not go
overboard with minutiae.
• Consider including some preliminary data – perhaps using tables,
graphs, or other illustrations
What should a Research Statement look like?
2. Your research statement should be pleasing to the eye and easy to read.
• Single-spaced or 1.5 spaced
• Concise paragraphs
• Short bulleted lists
• Clear subject headings focused on major research themes. Guide the reader.
3. Your statement should not include grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors!
Have your research statement reviewed for grammar and content!
Common Criticisms of a Research Statement
1. Over ambitious
2. No clear science direction
3. Work is not displayed in a broader context. No big picture
4. Poorly written
5. Does not address goals of department or fit in with department
6. If it does require facilities or equipment not easily available, no solution provided
or not addressed
Goals of a Teaching Statement
• A teaching statement is a usually a 1-2 page single-spaced essay that explains your
teaching strategies and goals in the context of teaching positions you have held or
seek to hold.
• This is not a conceptual or theoretical essay, but more of a narrative about your
teaching style. This narrative includes:
• Personal beliefs of teaching and learning
• Description of how you teach
• A justification of why you teach this way, using examples.
• Considers student body of institution and whether it is lab based or classroom
A Well Written Teaching Statement
• Clear evidence you walk the walk
• Are attuned to the differences in learning styles and abilities
• Show you are able to learn from your mistakes
• Enthusiasm for teaching
• Well written, clear, and jargon free
Common Criticisms of a Teaching Statement
1. Lacks experience to support ideas
2. Assumes students all learn in the same way. Does not reflect the needs of students
3. Rigid in views, not willing to be flexible
4. No willingness to learn
5. Poorly written
Have your teaching statement reviewed for grammar and content!
Letters of Recommendation
1. What to ask for
• 3 - 4 detailed, personal letters. You need to ask for a positive/strong/great letter.
2. When to ask
• Start early. Give letter-writers a minimum of two weeks, and preferably a month or more, to write letters.
3. Who to ask
• Think of the image you want to put forward. Find the people to bring together to help you put forth this image.
Have them write the letters.
• Ph.D. advisor, Postdoc advisor, collaborators, etc…
4. Provide a template
• Give them an outline, bullet points, or even a fully-baked draft — of what you'd like the reference letter to say is the
most effective
5. Provide them information
• Your CV
• Brief description of positions and places you are applying too
6. Follow up
• Provide reminders of deadlines. Give ample time.
• Inform them of the outcomes and how their letter helped.
• Thank them.

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VARI - Job Hunting 101 for Postdoctoral Fellows

  • 1. Postdoctoral Lunch and Learn Job Hunting 101
  • 2. The Art of the Job Search Applying for a job can be a lot like a guessing game.
  • 3. The Art of the Job Search
  • 4. The Art of the Job Search To succeed in science, you need to have a game plan. This is especially true in the current research environment. There are a multitude of options from which scientists can choose when deciding on a career, and it is not uncommon for Ph.D.- level trainees to pursue nontraditional paths. But identifying the job that is right for you—whether in academe or beyond—takes work, and competing successfully for that job warrants a new approach to career planning. Individuals need to master new skill sets to compete successfully for research positions both within and outside academe.
  • 5. The Art of the Job Search A single strategy will not work for everyone. Take time to analyze individual characteristics to help formulate a plan for your career. 1. Evaluate your own skills, values, and interests. 2. Use this self-assessment as a guide for exploring and evaluating career opportunities in your field and, ultimately, identifying your preferred career, as well as an alternative option that you think you’d be happy with. 3. Set some specific goals to prepare you for the career paths to which you aspire. 4. Research the Institutes, Universities/Colleges, or Industry Companies you want to work at. 5. Put the plan into place. Hopefully you should be able to discuss these goals and outline strategies with your primary mentor.
  • 6. The Art of the Job Search Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology’s (FASEB’s) has come up with a interactive, Web-based career- planning tool. This web-based too will help you identify the career goals that are right for you and develop a step-by-step plan to reach those goals. It includes exercises to guide you through the self-assessment process, and it will help you determine which of 20 scientific career paths best fits your skills and interests. For each career path, there is an extensive list of resources in the form of articles, books, and professional organizations, which you can scrutinize to gain a better understanding about careers you are unfamiliar with. Finally, there is a tool to assist you in setting and achieving your goals.
  • 7. I gave up my lunch hour for this, what am I going to learn? How to build a Job Hunter’s Toolbox to blast off your career!
  • 8. Job Hunter’s Toolbox 1.Social Media 2.Elevator Speech 3.Cover Letter and CV 4.Applying
  • 9. Social Media From liking to tweeting and pinning, social media is being used in the job market. Employers are using it to find top talent and job seekers are finding ways to stand out from the competition. Employers are also increasingly paying attention to what their employees and prospective employees are doing on social media sites. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what you’re doing online. Using social media sites wisely can help your career in a number of ways: • Building your knowledge Base • Become a regular reader of blogs and websites in your field. You will be constantly learning, and you’ll probably be as aware of coming trends as well-known experts in your industry. • Building your credibility • By blogging about your field, leaving comments on other people’s blogs, and participating in industry conversations on Twitter, LinkedIn, and other sites, you’ll begin to build credibility as someone who, at a minimum, has an intense interest in and passion for the field. • Establishing yourself as a expert • If you participate in the above and do it well, people will notice. • Dramatically expanding your network • This kind of online participation means that you’ll start to build dozens of professional contacts, people you can call on when you’re job searching or seeking professional advice.
  • 10. Social Media Pharmaceutical and biotech companies are on Facebook and they’re posting news and jobs daily. If you haven’t liked these pages, you’re missing some valuable career and industry information. Twitter is quickly becoming a main biotechnology and pharmaceutical news sources and allows individuals to connect with industry professionals on Twitter more than any other social media channel. LinkedIn is used much more frequently by biotechnology professionals than Twitter or Facebook. 56% report that they use LinkedIn at least weekly to search for industry news or company information. This isn’t surprising given that LinkedIn is touted as more of a networking site for professionals than a true social media channel. 2012 poll conducted by
  • 11. Social Media Smart Ways to Use Social Media in Your Job Search
  • 12. Social Media Use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to Network Your Way Into a Job.
  • 13. Social Media Let people know you’re looking! Whether on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, let your friends and followers know that you’re looking for a job. Even better, tell them what type of job you’re looking for. They may not know of any openings right now, but if they know you’re available, they’ll think of you when a position opens up. That will help you hear about openings before they’re listed on popular job boards.
  • 14. Social Media Don’t be afraid to network on Facebook Don’t make the mistake of overlooking your network in Facebook, especially if you already have hundreds of friends. It can sometimes be more useful for job hunting than LinkedIn, because friends who know you personally have more of a stake in helping you. They want you to succeed—so use that to your advantage.
  • 15. Social Media Make sure your Facebook profile is private. Much of your Facebook profile is public by default, and you probably don’t want a potential employer browsing your personal updates. Under Account, then Privacy Settings, choose “Friends Only.” That way, an employer who Googles you won’t be able to see the details of your profile, your photos, or your personal status updates.
  • 16. Social Media Find information about hiring managers. Before you submit your resume, look up the hiring manager on LinkedIn and Twitter. LinkedIn profiles and Twitter feeds are gold mines of information on individuals. Knowing more about the person who’s hiring can help you tailor your cover letter to their needs and desires.
  • 17. Social Media Hyperlink your resume or CV Add the URL for your Twitter handle and LinkedIn profile to your contact information on your resume. Not only does this offer the employer another way of getting in touch with you and seeing how you interact online, it also shows that you’re social media-savvy, a skill valued by many employers.
  • 18. Social Media Make Google Be Your Friend If you don’t like what pops up when you Google yourself (because you know an employer will Google you), create a LinkedIn profile. Fill out your profile completely and become active on the network. That will help push your profile to the top of Google’s search results, which means a potential employer will see what you want them to see.
  • 19. Social Media Join industry chats on Twitter Look for chats that revolve around your industry, or the industry you want to work in. Joining online conversations helps you keep up-to-date on the industry, meet helpful contacts, and showcase your expertise in your field. You may also want to network with other job seekers through weekly conversations like #mysciencecareers or #thescientistcareers.
  • 20. Social Media Seek out job-search advice All three of these networks are great places to find advice on job-hunting and mingle with other job seekers. Join LinkedIn groups that focus on job search. Follow career experts on Twitter, and “like” their pages on Facebook. That way you’ll get tips for your search even when you’re not looking for them.
  • 21. Social Media Other means to identify people to network with: 1. Pubmed or patent databases 2. Join a Professional Society 3. Conferences 4. Alumni databases 5. Old Lab mates 6. Nature Network Remember, Social Media does not replace traditional networking means!
  • 22. Elevator Speech What is an Elevator Speech? • An “elevator speech" is a 15 - 30 second overview of an individual's knowledge, skills, and accomplishments. Your elevator speech should consist of your name and title, occupation, field of interest or desired position, and something special about yourself: talents, experience or approach. The goal is to stand out from the crowd, so be memorable. • The term comes from the time it takes to complete a normal elevator ride from the top to the bottom floor.
  • 23. Elevator Speech When will I use it? • Events designed specifically for networking. • The casual networking opportunities we encounter nearly every day -- the kids' soccer games, plane flights, waiting in line to buy tickets, and on and on. • Job interviews, where the Elevator Speech can provide the answer to at least two common interview queries: "Tell me about yourself" and "Why should I hire you?"
  • 24. Elevator Speech The key point of your elevator pitch is not to ask the person to do something for you – it's to tell that person what you can do for him or her.
  • 25. Elevator Speech How do I create my elevator speech?
  • 26. Elevator Speech Write it Out! Start by filling a page with the things you'd want to people to know about you. Then cut that down to half a page, then a quarter page and finally to three bullet points that give a snapshot of your career.
  • 27. Elevator Speech Practice, Practice, Practice! Rehearse your pitch. Try it out with friends and in front of a mirror or into a tape or video recorder. Repeat it out loud over and over until reciting it is second nature.
  • 28. Elevator Speech Prepare at least two versions Craft one pitch for formal settings like job interviews and another version for social settings where you can do informal networking. The informal version should include several nuggets about your personal life.
  • 29. Elevator Speech Express enthusiasm! • Don't let delivering your pitch devolve into monotone reciting. Stay lively, even the 129th time you use it. You want to wake your listeners up, not put them to sleep. • Smile. Again, it is a simple gesture and someone is more likely to remember a candidate who smiled at the end than one who didn’t. • Close with your name. These will be your last words and you want to ensure that your audience remembers you.
  • 30. Cover Letter and CV This is your first impression! First impressions are hard to change, and most hiring managers and HR make a first impression very quickly. It is extremely important to tailor your CV and cover letter to the position you are targeting so employers know how your skills meet their needs. The job package you submit needs to be free of errors, especially spelling, grammatical, and formatting errors. It also needs to contain ALL the information and components asked for in the job posting.
  • 31. Cover Letter and CV The Cover Letter; to write or not to write? Does anyone even look at the correspondence that accompanies your CV/Resume and job application? The answers vary widely even among career experts and HR pros, so since you don’t know if or who will be reading them, you must write a compelling cover letter which makes the case for why you should be hired.
  • 32. Cover Letter and CV The Cover Letter; to write or not to write? Typically 1 page with 3 or 4 paragraphs. First paragraph should introduce yourself (elevator speech) and address how you found the job. Second paragraph should address why you are interested in this specific position and this employer. You should also highlight accomplishments in this section. This is not the place to regurgitate your CV or resume. The third paragraph should state your broad research goals. What do you hope to do if they hire you. The fourth paragraph should state why you are a good fit for this opening and your interest in scheduling an interview to further discuss. The closing paragraph should state your willingness to provide additional information or answer any questions. Also make sure to thank them! Make sure you address individuals correctly!
  • 33. Cover Letter and CV The Cover Letter; to write or not to write? Remember it's a professional document, so don't go too over-the-top. Yes, trying to figure out ways to be creative may be difficult, but don't go overboard out of desperation. And especially don't say anything like this summer analyst did in his cover letter, which made him a laughing stock on Wall Street: "I am unequivocally the most unflaggingly hard worker I know, and I love self- improvement. I have always felt that my time should be spent wisely, so I continuously challenge myself ... I decided to redouble my effort by placing out of two classes, taking two honors classes, and holding two part-time jobs. That semester I achieved a 3.93, and in the same time I managed to bench double my bodyweight and do 35 pull-ups.“ Leave out personal information. It is not the place to get into your needs, they are just evaluating you and your fit in the organization.
  • 34. Cover Letter and CV What is the difference between a CV and a resume? A curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that outlines your entire academic history. It is used most often to apply for faculty positions at colleges and universities, for research-intensive positions at national labs or research institutes, and for fellowships, grants, or awards. A resume is a summary of your experiences and skills relevant to the field of work you are entering. It highlights your accomplishments to show a potential employer that you are qualified for the work you want. It is not a biography of everything you have done. It is common to tailor separate resumes to fit each career field in which you are job searching.
  • 35. Cover Letter and CV Guide to Writing a CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) What categories should I include in my CV? At the very least, a CV should include: • Contact information (professional) • Education • Professional Positions (brief descriptions; optional) • Honors and Awards • Grant Funding • Leadership/Service (Focus on professional life or science outreach) • Teaching and mentoring • Invited presentations and/or seminars (national meetings or first author) • Publications
  • 36. Cover Letter and CV Guide to Writing a CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) What is the appropriate length for a CV? Length is less important in a CV than completeness. Your CV should include your complete academic history and is not typically limited by length, as is a resume. Should I include job descriptions for every position listed on my CV? Not necessarily. Most academic search committees may focus solely on your institution and your advisor. Given this focus, listing your title, institution, advisor, location, and dates you attended or were employed there are required. Additionally, most faculty reviewers expect to see dates listed on the left-hand side of the page.
  • 37. Cover Letter and CV Guide to Writing a CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) Does order matter on a CV? Yes. It is critical for you to consider the position you are applying for and/or the audience you are writing for when compiling a CV. For example, if you are applying for a faculty position at a small college, you will want to list your teaching experience on the first page of your CV and your research experience and publications later in your document. The reverse would be true if you were applying to a research-intensive university or institute.
  • 38. Cover Letter and CV Guide to Writing a Resume What categories should I include in my resume? • Objective or Summary– Speak directly to the position you are applying for, i.e… Elevator Speech • Qualifications – List several key skills listed in job description. Do not forget to choose soft skills as well. • Accomplishments - List accomplishments to show you make a difference in the workplace. You can include your accomplishment(s) directly under each position or in a separate category called Accomplishments, Achievements, or Contributions. • Experience - Provide a presentation of where you worked, in what positions, and for how long. Convey what the positions were about and what your main responsibilities were. • Licenses or Certifications • Education • Professional Affiliations
  • 39. Cover Letter and CV Guide to Writing a Resume How do I make my resume standout? 1. Write With a Great Understanding of Your Industry As you write your resume, it’s important that you add information that shows you know the industry inside and out. Adding keywords and phrases is a great way to get this done. Be as specific as possible in your job target, branding statement, career summary, professional history, etc. about your accomplishments in the past and what you can contribute now. 2. Zero in on the Company’s Needs Your job is to research the specific needs and wants of the company you are applying for and address those needs so that you can showcase how you will make a difference. 3. Prioritize Your Qualifications and Quantify Results If you want your resume to stand out, it’s important that you always list your greatest accomplishments first. Whatever you’ve pulled off in your career that will “wow” hiring managers should be as close to the top of any section of your resume as possible. Also take time to quantify your results. Talk about how few days it took for you to meet a goal and how much of the industry was affected by your results to help the hiring manager visualize the amazing contributions you’ve made.
  • 41. Applying Industry Best places to find job openings: 1. Science 2. Nature 3. Indeed 4. Biotechnology Industry Organization - provides ability to search non-profits in the life science industry by state. 5. 6. 7. Smaller and medium size companies have their own websites and career pages. May not post on large sites due to cost.
  • 42. Applying Industry The curse of the Applicant Tracking System! Many people still believe that most companies have hiring managers who read through every resume and make a decision about who they want to contact, WRONG! Almost all employers, even very small companies, use an applicant tracking system. Why? These systems have the ability to sort through all of the resumes looking for keywords that apply to the position. The ATS system can screen and eliminate resumes from people who don't match the criteria, leaving only the most suitable matches for the hiring manager to look over. It saves the company time and money, making the hiring process more streamlined.
  • 43. Applying Industry How do I beat the ATS system and make sure my CV/resume is seen? 1. Play the Game! • Apply to the opening and complete the online application. • Fill in all the information requested by an online application process, even if it’s listed as optional. Recruiters often sort by optional information to filter out applicants, and filling in all fields will ensure you don’t get caught in a screening filter. • Fill in all information requested by an online application process, even if it’s included in your resume. This information can be used to filter out applicants before a hiring manager comes to the point of opening the resume itself. • If you’re being referred by an employee, make sure the ATS knows it, because it’s smart enough to care and will rate your resume higher. • If the ATS offers options, opt for uploading your resume (PDF) instead of cutting and pasting. If you have to fill in text boxes, make sure to use ASCII formatting (no tabs or bullets, use Courier 12pt, left justified, and make sure you count the number of words. • Do not include graphics or logos on a resume; they can garble the information the ATS processes. And then…
  • 44. Applying Industry CHEAT! • If you know the hiring manager, directly email your application package. Include cover letter and cv/resume in one PDF file. • Make sure the subject in the email is clearly stated. • Make sure the body of the email is concise and to the point! • Use your social media connections and/or contacts to assist with putting your information directly in the hands of the decision makers! • Don’t be afraid to befriend a recruiter!
  • 45. Applying Academe Best places to find jobs: 1. Mentor or Scientific Network 2. Professional Societies 3. Print or on-line journals 4. - 5. Newscientistjobs - 6. - 7. Association of American Medical Colleges -
  • 46. Applying Academe If you are going to consider a career at a Research or Education Institute do your homework! Know what you want and what you need! Then apply to those you really want! Factors to consider: • Balance of research, clinical practice, and teaching commitments/focus • Type of Institution • Level of competition and expectations • Resources to complete your work (core services, equipment, collaborators, etc…) • Geographic preference • Family needs • Personal needs
  • 47. Applying Academe Consider the time frame for applications and how long it may take before finding a position. It is typically a 8-12 month process from application to joining in this area. Early Fall • Begin to research and consider what you are looking for in a career • Reach out to your mentors and advisors for advice and openings • Start networking and raise your scientific visibility • Put together a job packet • Request reference letters • Start applying Late Fall – Winter • Continue applying • Prepare presentations • Interview Spring • Job offers and accept a position Summer – late Summer • Relocate and begin to new position
  • 48. Applying Academe Who makes up a Search Committees? • They are typically tenured or tenure track faculty • The committee will vary in size and in the power they weld • Members are typically over committed and very busy • Inherently skeptical and critical • May only be peripherally interested in your work • They will try and get a quick picture of you and your research • Looking for you to make their job easier
  • 49. Applying Academe It is important to remember: You are judged initially by your application packet and Recommendation Letters! Did you follow instructions? Did you include all materials requested?
  • 50. Applying Academe Search Committees and what they look for: • A track record of excellence in research and teaching • A strong skill set, relevant to your goals • A good fit with the needs of the department • Strong communication skills, both verbally and orally. This typically is judged by presentation skills and writing abilities in grants and papers • Strong teaching and mentoring skills • Evidence of leadership • Evidence of being a good colleague Leadership and being a good colleague are hard to judge on paper, but they will judge by: • Committee’s you are or have been a member of • Professional Societies you participate in • Recommendation Letters • They will call colleagues who know you.
  • 51. Applying Academe What is typically asked for in an application packet? 1. Cover Letter 2. CV 3. Research and/or Teaching Plan 4. Letters of Reference Sometimes they may ask for: 1. Representative reprints on publications 2. Transcripts 3. Teaching evaluation or teaching portfolio (1 page essay of teaching style and examples 4. Diversity statement
  • 52. Applying Academe Goals of a Research Statement TO GET THE READER EXCITED ABOUT YOU, YOUR RESEARCH and YOUR FUTURE RESEARCH PLANS!  You want to highlight your successes and convince them there are many more to come!  Make the reader want to learn more about you and invite you to an interview to do so.  Do not worry about full details. Give them enough to sell the work and fill in the details during an interview.  Remember fundability will be important and will be a consideration by the Search Committee. Help the committee see your plans and vision and how it can win grant awards.
  • 53. Applying Academe What should a Research Statement look like? 1. Your research statement should be brief and well-organized: • Aim for one to three pages (longer statements are sometimes appropriate). • Discuss recent & current research. • Place your work in a broader context or framework – the big picture. • Discuss how you became interested in your topic and why it continues to interest you. • Answer the “so what?” question. How does your research contribute to the field? Why does your research matter? Why is it important? • Briefly describe any significant recognition your research has received - publications, presentations, grants, awards, etc.
  • 54. Applying Academe What should a Research Statement look like? • Discuss future research: • What are your short-term research goals (2-5 years)? • Discuss 2-3 feasible research ideas that interest you. • Explain how your goals build on (but are not necessarily direct extensions of) your recent work. • Describe your ideas about potential funding sources, collaborative partners, facilities, etc. • Consider detailing how you will involve students in your research and how your research relates to your teaching. • Indicate how your research goals align with departmental goals. • What are your longer term research goals (5+ years)?
  • 55. Applying Academe What should a Research Statement look like? • Your statement should include Appropriate Detail: • Your plan should be well-considered, realistic, and practical. • Include enough detail to show depth of knowledge but do not go overboard with minutiae. • Consider including some preliminary data – perhaps using tables, graphs, or other illustrations
  • 56. Applying Academe What should a Research Statement look like? 2. Your research statement should be pleasing to the eye and easy to read. • Single-spaced or 1.5 spaced • Concise paragraphs • Short bulleted lists • Clear subject headings focused on major research themes. Guide the reader. 3. Your statement should not include grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors! Have your research statement reviewed for grammar and content!
  • 57. Applying Academe Common Criticisms of a Research Statement 1. Over ambitious 2. No clear science direction 3. Work is not displayed in a broader context. No big picture 4. Poorly written 5. Does not address goals of department or fit in with department 6. If it does require facilities or equipment not easily available, no solution provided or not addressed
  • 58. Applying Academe Goals of a Teaching Statement • A teaching statement is a usually a 1-2 page single-spaced essay that explains your teaching strategies and goals in the context of teaching positions you have held or seek to hold. • This is not a conceptual or theoretical essay, but more of a narrative about your teaching style. This narrative includes: • Personal beliefs of teaching and learning • Description of how you teach • A justification of why you teach this way, using examples. • Considers student body of institution and whether it is lab based or classroom based
  • 59. Applying Academe A Well Written Teaching Statement • Clear evidence you walk the walk • Are attuned to the differences in learning styles and abilities • Show you are able to learn from your mistakes • Enthusiasm for teaching • Well written, clear, and jargon free
  • 60. Applying Academe Common Criticisms of a Teaching Statement 1. Lacks experience to support ideas 2. Assumes students all learn in the same way. Does not reflect the needs of students 3. Rigid in views, not willing to be flexible 4. No willingness to learn 5. Poorly written Have your teaching statement reviewed for grammar and content!
  • 61. Applying Academe Letters of Recommendation 1. What to ask for • 3 - 4 detailed, personal letters. You need to ask for a positive/strong/great letter. 2. When to ask • Start early. Give letter-writers a minimum of two weeks, and preferably a month or more, to write letters. 3. Who to ask • Think of the image you want to put forward. Find the people to bring together to help you put forth this image. Have them write the letters. • Ph.D. advisor, Postdoc advisor, collaborators, etc… 4. Provide a template • Give them an outline, bullet points, or even a fully-baked draft — of what you'd like the reference letter to say is the most effective 5. Provide them information • Your CV • Brief description of positions and places you are applying too 6. Follow up • Provide reminders of deadlines. Give ample time. • Inform them of the outcomes and how their letter helped. • Thank them.