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Certified Application Developer Professional.PREVIEW.pdf
Certified Application Developer Professional
141 pages
Copyright © 2020 Zulk Shamsuddin, PhD / GAFM ACADEMY
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-304-26212-7
The Certified Application Developer Professional (CADP) is a gold-standard
certification from The Global Academy of Finance and Management ®. Earning the
CADP designation demonstrates that you have skills and experience in the design of
business applications, application development, testing, application deployment,
technical support, business communication, project management, and with strong
problem-solving skills.
Stand out from the crowd with the Certified Application Developer Professional
certification and carry the title “CADP” after your name.
Benefits of Becoming a Certified Application Developer Professional
To be successful as an application development manager, you should have
exceptional foresight, great communication skills, working knowledge of different
engineering disciplines and how they relate to one another, and an aptitude for
managing risk and compliance. Ideally, candidates will have proof of their supervisory
and technical skills.
Get this certification and enjoy these benefits:
• recognized credibility
• on-going continuous professional development
• greater employment prospects across the globe
• use CADP designation to your name, on business cards, and CV.
• get recognition of your skills and competencies as specified on the accredited
training certificate.
• Use the certification card to establish professional relationship during social
networking, events, et cetera
• get listed in the GAFM® Directory of Certified/Chartered Professionals
Use the post-nominal CADP or Certified Application Developer Professional after
your name on business cards, CVs, and personal portfolios.
Introduce yourself with this exclusive certification card during networking,
business events, conferences, training, and anywhere.
Importance of Certification
Certificates and certifications, the names for these credentials sound confusingly
similar. But there are important differences. Here’s what you need to know about these
resume-enhancing options and how they might advance your career.
What Is a Certificate?
Earning a certificate is about education. Certificates are academic credentials
awarded by colleges, universities, or other educational institutions. Students in
certificate programs learn new knowledge in a specific subject or discipline and earn a
certificate by successfully completing the coursework. “An ideal student for a
certificate program is someone who is willing to go through the experience of growing
their own skillset, being real about what they want to learn, and working with others,”
says Jennifer Diamond, an instructor for the UW Certificate in Project Management.
Many certificate programs have few, if any, admission requirements, making them an
excellent option if you want to move forward in your career. The programs are usually
noncredit and take less time to complete than a degree. Certificates are commonly
listed on resumes as education, and some meet education requirements for first-time or
renewed certifications.
What Is a Certification?
When you have the professional knowledge you need, a certification allows you
to prove it. Certifications indicate mastery of skills or standards. Professional
certifications are granted by industry groups or career-related organizations. These
groups assess your qualifications, usually through an exam or application process.
Many certifications include the privilege to use a related designation following your
professional title. Certification differs from a license, which permits you to work in a
certain profession and is usually issued by a government or regulatory agency.
The Value of Certification
• Certification helps in learning new technologies, skills, and abilities for a
specific promotion. Earning a new certification or an advanced certification in
a particular area of expertise can help in advancing your career.
• Professional certification shows consumers and potential employers that you
are committed to your profession and are well-trained. It gives them
confidence in your abilities and knowledge. Certification makes you more
valuable to employers, so you can expect to earn more than someone without
• Certifications can give you the chance to learn needed skills and be a quick
way to show employers you have those skills. On the other hand, certifications
can require studying or coursework, and cost up to several hundred dollars to
The information systems (IS) project is a component of an information technology
(IT) project. An IT project comprised of servers, networks, data centers, databases,
storage, and many others including applications that are also called “software or
systems”. This book focuses on project management associated with application
development specifically the processes that will be used to implement software
development projects. There are several methods available today to manage a software
project, the decision to adopt a particular method is dependent upon several factors
which include budget, schedule, quality and customer requirements. This book focuses
on the method to manage software development projects using the SDLC model which
is comprised of six phases that include system initiation, system requirements, system
design, system construction, system acceptance, and system implementation. This book
will guide you to manage information systems projects from ground zero using a
structured methodology that will guide you to take on any information systems project
with confidence.
The Business Case and proposed solution developed during project conceptual
phase are re-examined to ensure that they are still relevant and address an existing
organizational need. This validation effort provides the Project Team with the basis for
a detailed schedule defining the steps needed to obtain a thorough understanding of the
business requirements and an initial view of staffing needs. In addition, a high-level
schedule is developed for subsequent phases of the system development life cycle
The needs of the business are captured in as much detail as possible. The Project
Manager leads the Project Team in working with the Customers to define what it is that
the new system must do. By obtaining a detailed and comprehensive understanding of
the business requirements, the Project Team can develop the Functional Specification
that will drive the system design.
The Functional Specification developed during System Requirements phase will be
used as input into the development of a complete technical solution. This solution
dictates the technical architecture, standards, specifications and strategies to be
followed throughout the building, testing, and implementation of the system. The
completion of System Design also marks the point in the project at which the Project
Manager should be able to plan, in detail, all future project phases.
This is the phase throughout which the Project Team build and test the various
modules of the application, including any utilities that will be needed during System
Acceptance and System Implementation. As system components are built, they will be
tested both individually and in logically related and integrated groupings until such
time as a full system test has been performed to validate functionality. Documentation
and training materials are also developed during this phase.
This phase focuses on system validation efforts that shift from those team members
responsible for developing the application to those who will ultimately use the system
in the execution of their daily responsibilities. In addition to confirming that the system
meets functional expectations, activities are aimed at validating all aspects of data
conversion and system deployment.
The final phase of the SDLC which comprises all activities associated with the
deployment of the application. These efforts include training, installation of the system
in a production setting, and transition of ownership of the application from the Project
Team to the Customer. The final process is the closure of a project which should
include contract closure and administrative closure. Contract closure ensures that all of
the deliverables and agreed-upon terms of the project have been completed and
delivered so that the project can end. It allows resources to be reassigned and settlement
or payment of any account, if applicable.
Project management execution and controlling functions which include
communications management, risk management, scope management, issues
management, and project team management are being applied throughout the various
phases of the system development life cycle, these are described from Chapter 7
Any company will need an accounting system, payroll system, human resource
management system, enterprise resource planning system, or any business applications
to improve efficiency and increases productivity in addition to seamless
communication with their customers they interact with. These applications were
developed from scratch back in the early 80s as limited vendors are supplying off-the-
shelve software at that time. In the early 90s, several software companies are offering
standard off-the-shelf business applications that can deliver the solutions within a
shorter period. However, there is no such thing as “one size fits all”, customization is
imminent when dealing with enterprises in the digital economy. These applications
were installed to include other requirements and usually, the implementations require
some customization effort. Despite all these, other applications need to be developed
from ground zero simply because the business processes that support the enterprise
functional operations are unique to that organization where standard off-the-shelf
applications are scarce or they do not provide the functionalities required. So, you need
people like Systems Analyst, Analyst Programmer, Solution Architect, Software Tester,
and others to deliver the custom-designed applications.
SDLC is by far still the best method to build software from the ground up. The six
phases of the SDLC are discussed in the following chapters.
To apply:
Certified Application Developer Professional.PREVIEW.pdf
The purpose of System Initiation is to validate the proposed solution developed
during the conceptual phase of the project management life cycle and to estimate the
system development effort in greater detail. In this phase, the broad parameters of the
new system are defined, and applicable system development activities are identified.
Once the overall approach has been confirmed, it is necessary to estimate the effort
and resources required for the next phase in elemental detail and to provide high-level
estimates for subsequent phases, to the extent necessary to support the system
development life cycle deliverables and activities of System Initiation.
The following roles are involved in carrying out the processes of this phase.
Detailed descriptions of these roles can be found in the Glossary section.
• Project Manager
• Project Sponsor
• Business Analyst
• Technical Lead
If a Project Sponsor has not been identified, the Project Manager must work with
Customer management to identify and formally appoint someone to that position.
Because the Project Sponsor will champion the project within the organization,
secure spending authority and resources, and provide support to the Project Manager, it
is imperative that he/she be identified as early in the project management lifecycle as
possible. Building the relationship between the Project Manager and the Project
Sponsor is critical to project success.
At a minimum the manager for the project and certain individuals who can provide
support in preparing for the project should be identified. In selecting the Project Team,
definition of the skills required to perform current tasks as well as skills for future
project tasks is needed. Immediate project needs should be met first. After Project
Team members have been identified, the Project Manager should provide them with a
project orientation and review with individual team members their current and future
roles on the project. This establishes a baseline understanding of team members’
project responsibilities, which will be useful for conducting performance reviews later
in the project.
Development of the Project Charter will require review of documentation compiled
or presented during Project Origination. Materials and information reviewed may
include: the strategic plan, a formal document produced by the Customer that outlines
the business goals and direction over a designated number of years; the Project
Proposal, including the initial Business Case, which describes the project objectives
and how they support the Customer’s strategic business direction; project selection
criteria, defining the parameters used in determining whether or not to undertake a
project and identifying its business justification and measurements of its success; and
information from a previous project similar in size, scope and objectives.
The purpose of developing the Project Charter is to document critical success
factors; define and secure commitment for the resources required to complete System
Initiation. The charter also documents the project’s mission, history, and background,
describes the business problem the project is intended to resolve, and lists the benefits
to be realized by the Customer as a result of implementing the product or service. To
write an effective, comprehensive charter, the Project Manager must work with the
Project Sponsor and any appropriate subject matter experts and Stakeholders.
The Project Charter should summarize the scope, schedule, budget, quality
objectives, deliverables, and milestones of the project. Any risks or assumptions should
be documented in the Project Charter. Assumptions may include things that must go
right, such as a particular team member being available for the project, or specific
criteria used in developing the Project Management plan estimates. It should serve as
an important communication tool that provides a consolidated source of information
about the project that can be referenced throughout the project life cycle. The Project
Charter should not only identify the project sponsor, project manager, and project team,
but also when and how they will be involved throughout the project life cycle.
The Project Charter is an output of the System Initiation processes and serves as an
input to System Requirements phase. The Project Charter, as you know by now,
authorizes the project. Projects do not exist without a Project Charter. In some
instances, however, a contract can serve as the Project Charter. As a quick review, here
are some exam essentials you should know about the Project Charter:
• The Project Charter names the project and provides a description of the product.
• The Project Charter names the project manager and assigns the project manager a
level of authority for managing resources, finances, and decisions on the project.
• The Project Charter details the Business Case of the project. The Business Case
identifies the business need behind the project, and establishes why the project has
been created.
• The Project Charter provides detailed product description. This is a description of
the desired future state the project will create.
• The Project Charter is signed and approved by a member of management that has
the proper authority to ascertain the needed resources and charge the project
manager with the management duties. The person signing the charter is high
enough in the organization to be considered 'over' the project team members and
functional managers.
• The Project Charter should be written so as not to require change as the project
Maintaining information about the project in an organized fashion facilitates new
team member transitions and creates a central point of reference for those developing
project definition documents. Most importantly, it provides an audit trail documenting
the history and evolution of the project. All relevant project-related material,
documents produced, decisions made, issues raised and correspondence exchanged
must be captured for future reference and historical tracking.
By the end of the project, a project repository may include the following materials:
• Project Proposal and supporting documentation, including the Business Case
• Project description/definition documents such as the Project Charter and the
Project Management plan
• Any working documents or informal documents defining Cost, Scope,
Schedule and Quality of the project
• Project Schedules (baseline and current)
• Project financials
• Project Scope changes and requests log
• Project Status Reports
• Team member Progress Reports and timesheets
• Issue log and details (open and resolved)
• Project acceptance log by deliverable
• Risk identification/model documentation
• Audit results
• Correspondence, including any pivotal or decision-making
• Meeting notes, results, and/or actions
The written scope statement is a document that serves as input to future System
Design efforts. The scope statement should include:
• the business needs the project will address
• what the project will accomplish, how it will be accomplished and by whom
• what the end result of the project will be (e.g., a product, service, other).
• a list of project deliverables, which, when produced and accepted, indicate
project completion.
Also included is a list of those deliverables that are not in scope for the project.
The Project Manager must be specific about what is in scope and what is not in scope,
as the weaker the boundaries between the two, the more difficult it will be to effect the
change control process if required later in the project. Also, the details regarding what
is in and what is out of scope are critical input to the creation of a detailed Project
Schedule. The Project Charter, including the project outcome description, provides
necessary information for defining the Project Scope relative to the business need and
benefit for the organization undertaking the project.
The preliminary scope statement which is an output of System Initiation, is the
guide for all future project decisions. It is the key document to provide understanding
of the project purpose. The scope statement provides justification for the project
existence, lists the high-level deliverables, and quantifies the project objectives. The
scope statement is a powerful document that the project manager and the project team
will use as a point of reference for potential changes, added work, and any project
The scope statement includes or references the following:
• Project justification: Identifies the business needs of the project. It answers
why the project has been authorized. This is important since it provides
guidance should the project undergo cuts and trade-offs of deliverables.
• Project's product: The scope statement reiterates the details of the project
• Project deliverables: The high-level deliverables of the project should be
identified. These deliverables, when predefined metrics are met, signal that the
project scope has been completed. When appropriate, the scope statement
should also list what deliverables are excluded from the project deliverables.
For example, a project to create a new food product may state that it is not
including the packaging of the food product as part of the project. Items and
features not listed as part of the project deliverables should be assumed to be
• Project objectives: Project objectives are specific conditions that determine
the success of a project. Conditions are typically cost, schedule, and quality

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Certified Application Developer Professional.PREVIEW.pdf

  • 4. Copyright © 2020 Zulk Shamsuddin, PhD / GAFM ACADEMY All rights reserved. ISBN: 978-1-304-26212-7
  • 5. INTRODUCTION The Certified Application Developer Professional (CADP) is a gold-standard certification from The Global Academy of Finance and Management ®. Earning the CADP designation demonstrates that you have skills and experience in the design of business applications, application development, testing, application deployment, technical support, business communication, project management, and with strong problem-solving skills. Stand out from the crowd with the Certified Application Developer Professional certification and carry the title “CADP” after your name. Benefits of Becoming a Certified Application Developer Professional To be successful as an application development manager, you should have exceptional foresight, great communication skills, working knowledge of different engineering disciplines and how they relate to one another, and an aptitude for managing risk and compliance. Ideally, candidates will have proof of their supervisory and technical skills. Get this certification and enjoy these benefits: • recognized credibility • on-going continuous professional development • greater employment prospects across the globe • use CADP designation to your name, on business cards, and CV. • get recognition of your skills and competencies as specified on the accredited training certificate.
  • 6. • Use the certification card to establish professional relationship during social networking, events, et cetera • get listed in the GAFM® Directory of Certified/Chartered Professionals Use the post-nominal CADP or Certified Application Developer Professional after your name on business cards, CVs, and personal portfolios. Introduce yourself with this exclusive certification card during networking, business events, conferences, training, and anywhere. Importance of Certification Certificates and certifications, the names for these credentials sound confusingly similar. But there are important differences. Here’s what you need to know about these resume-enhancing options and how they might advance your career. What Is a Certificate? Earning a certificate is about education. Certificates are academic credentials awarded by colleges, universities, or other educational institutions. Students in certificate programs learn new knowledge in a specific subject or discipline and earn a certificate by successfully completing the coursework. “An ideal student for a certificate program is someone who is willing to go through the experience of growing their own skillset, being real about what they want to learn, and working with others,” says Jennifer Diamond, an instructor for the UW Certificate in Project Management. Many certificate programs have few, if any, admission requirements, making them an excellent option if you want to move forward in your career. The programs are usually noncredit and take less time to complete than a degree. Certificates are commonly
  • 7. listed on resumes as education, and some meet education requirements for first-time or renewed certifications. What Is a Certification? When you have the professional knowledge you need, a certification allows you to prove it. Certifications indicate mastery of skills or standards. Professional certifications are granted by industry groups or career-related organizations. These groups assess your qualifications, usually through an exam or application process. Many certifications include the privilege to use a related designation following your professional title. Certification differs from a license, which permits you to work in a certain profession and is usually issued by a government or regulatory agency. The Value of Certification • Certification helps in learning new technologies, skills, and abilities for a specific promotion. Earning a new certification or an advanced certification in a particular area of expertise can help in advancing your career. • Professional certification shows consumers and potential employers that you are committed to your profession and are well-trained. It gives them confidence in your abilities and knowledge. Certification makes you more valuable to employers, so you can expect to earn more than someone without certification. • Certifications can give you the chance to learn needed skills and be a quick way to show employers you have those skills. On the other hand, certifications can require studying or coursework, and cost up to several hundred dollars to take.
  • 8. INFORMATION SYSTEM The information systems (IS) project is a component of an information technology (IT) project. An IT project comprised of servers, networks, data centers, databases, storage, and many others including applications that are also called “software or systems”. This book focuses on project management associated with application development specifically the processes that will be used to implement software development projects. There are several methods available today to manage a software project, the decision to adopt a particular method is dependent upon several factors which include budget, schedule, quality and customer requirements. This book focuses on the method to manage software development projects using the SDLC model which is comprised of six phases that include system initiation, system requirements, system design, system construction, system acceptance, and system implementation. This book will guide you to manage information systems projects from ground zero using a structured methodology that will guide you to take on any information systems project with confidence. SYSTEM INITIATION The Business Case and proposed solution developed during project conceptual phase are re-examined to ensure that they are still relevant and address an existing organizational need. This validation effort provides the Project Team with the basis for a detailed schedule defining the steps needed to obtain a thorough understanding of the business requirements and an initial view of staffing needs. In addition, a high-level schedule is developed for subsequent phases of the system development life cycle (SDLC).
  • 9. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The needs of the business are captured in as much detail as possible. The Project Manager leads the Project Team in working with the Customers to define what it is that the new system must do. By obtaining a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the business requirements, the Project Team can develop the Functional Specification that will drive the system design. SYSTEM DESIGN The Functional Specification developed during System Requirements phase will be used as input into the development of a complete technical solution. This solution dictates the technical architecture, standards, specifications and strategies to be followed throughout the building, testing, and implementation of the system. The completion of System Design also marks the point in the project at which the Project Manager should be able to plan, in detail, all future project phases. SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION This is the phase throughout which the Project Team build and test the various modules of the application, including any utilities that will be needed during System Acceptance and System Implementation. As system components are built, they will be tested both individually and in logically related and integrated groupings until such time as a full system test has been performed to validate functionality. Documentation and training materials are also developed during this phase. SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE This phase focuses on system validation efforts that shift from those team members responsible for developing the application to those who will ultimately use the system in the execution of their daily responsibilities. In addition to confirming that the system meets functional expectations, activities are aimed at validating all aspects of data conversion and system deployment. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION The final phase of the SDLC which comprises all activities associated with the deployment of the application. These efforts include training, installation of the system in a production setting, and transition of ownership of the application from the Project Team to the Customer. The final process is the closure of a project which should include contract closure and administrative closure. Contract closure ensures that all of the deliverables and agreed-upon terms of the project have been completed and delivered so that the project can end. It allows resources to be reassigned and settlement or payment of any account, if applicable. Project management execution and controlling functions which include communications management, risk management, scope management, issues management, and project team management are being applied throughout the various phases of the system development life cycle, these are described from Chapter 7 onwards.
  • 10. WHY CUSTOM-BUILT APPLICATIONS? Any company will need an accounting system, payroll system, human resource management system, enterprise resource planning system, or any business applications to improve efficiency and increases productivity in addition to seamless communication with their customers they interact with. These applications were developed from scratch back in the early 80s as limited vendors are supplying off-the- shelve software at that time. In the early 90s, several software companies are offering standard off-the-shelf business applications that can deliver the solutions within a shorter period. However, there is no such thing as “one size fits all”, customization is imminent when dealing with enterprises in the digital economy. These applications were installed to include other requirements and usually, the implementations require some customization effort. Despite all these, other applications need to be developed from ground zero simply because the business processes that support the enterprise functional operations are unique to that organization where standard off-the-shelf applications are scarce or they do not provide the functionalities required. So, you need people like Systems Analyst, Analyst Programmer, Solution Architect, Software Tester, and others to deliver the custom-designed applications. SDLC is by far still the best method to build software from the ground up. The six phases of the SDLC are discussed in the following chapters. To apply:
  • 12. Chapter 1 : SYSTEM INITIATION The purpose of System Initiation is to validate the proposed solution developed during the conceptual phase of the project management life cycle and to estimate the system development effort in greater detail. In this phase, the broad parameters of the new system are defined, and applicable system development activities are identified. Once the overall approach has been confirmed, it is necessary to estimate the effort and resources required for the next phase in elemental detail and to provide high-level estimates for subsequent phases, to the extent necessary to support the system development life cycle deliverables and activities of System Initiation. THE PEOPLE The following roles are involved in carrying out the processes of this phase. Detailed descriptions of these roles can be found in the Glossary section. • Project Manager • Project Sponsor • Business Analyst • Technical Lead IDENTIFY THE PROJECT SPONSOR If a Project Sponsor has not been identified, the Project Manager must work with Customer management to identify and formally appoint someone to that position. Because the Project Sponsor will champion the project within the organization, secure spending authority and resources, and provide support to the Project Manager, it is imperative that he/she be identified as early in the project management lifecycle as possible. Building the relationship between the Project Manager and the Project Sponsor is critical to project success. IDENTIFY PROJECT TEAM At a minimum the manager for the project and certain individuals who can provide support in preparing for the project should be identified. In selecting the Project Team, definition of the skills required to perform current tasks as well as skills for future project tasks is needed. Immediate project needs should be met first. After Project Team members have been identified, the Project Manager should provide them with a project orientation and review with individual team members their current and future roles on the project. This establishes a baseline understanding of team members’ project responsibilities, which will be useful for conducting performance reviews later in the project.
  • 13. REVIEW HISTORICAL DATA Development of the Project Charter will require review of documentation compiled or presented during Project Origination. Materials and information reviewed may include: the strategic plan, a formal document produced by the Customer that outlines the business goals and direction over a designated number of years; the Project Proposal, including the initial Business Case, which describes the project objectives and how they support the Customer’s strategic business direction; project selection criteria, defining the parameters used in determining whether or not to undertake a project and identifying its business justification and measurements of its success; and information from a previous project similar in size, scope and objectives. DEVELOPING THE PROJECT CHARTER The purpose of developing the Project Charter is to document critical success factors; define and secure commitment for the resources required to complete System Initiation. The charter also documents the project’s mission, history, and background, describes the business problem the project is intended to resolve, and lists the benefits to be realized by the Customer as a result of implementing the product or service. To write an effective, comprehensive charter, the Project Manager must work with the Project Sponsor and any appropriate subject matter experts and Stakeholders. The Project Charter should summarize the scope, schedule, budget, quality objectives, deliverables, and milestones of the project. Any risks or assumptions should be documented in the Project Charter. Assumptions may include things that must go right, such as a particular team member being available for the project, or specific criteria used in developing the Project Management plan estimates. It should serve as an important communication tool that provides a consolidated source of information about the project that can be referenced throughout the project life cycle. The Project Charter should not only identify the project sponsor, project manager, and project team, but also when and how they will be involved throughout the project life cycle.
  • 14. EXAMINING THE PROJECT CHARTER The Project Charter is an output of the System Initiation processes and serves as an input to System Requirements phase. The Project Charter, as you know by now, authorizes the project. Projects do not exist without a Project Charter. In some instances, however, a contract can serve as the Project Charter. As a quick review, here are some exam essentials you should know about the Project Charter: • The Project Charter names the project and provides a description of the product. • The Project Charter names the project manager and assigns the project manager a level of authority for managing resources, finances, and decisions on the project. • The Project Charter details the Business Case of the project. The Business Case identifies the business need behind the project, and establishes why the project has been created. • The Project Charter provides detailed product description. This is a description of the desired future state the project will create. • The Project Charter is signed and approved by a member of management that has the proper authority to ascertain the needed resources and charge the project manager with the management duties. The person signing the charter is high enough in the organization to be considered 'over' the project team members and functional managers. • The Project Charter should be written so as not to require change as the project progresses. ESTABLISH THE PROJECT REPOSITORY Maintaining information about the project in an organized fashion facilitates new team member transitions and creates a central point of reference for those developing project definition documents. Most importantly, it provides an audit trail documenting the history and evolution of the project. All relevant project-related material, documents produced, decisions made, issues raised and correspondence exchanged must be captured for future reference and historical tracking.
  • 15. By the end of the project, a project repository may include the following materials: • Project Proposal and supporting documentation, including the Business Case • Project description/definition documents such as the Project Charter and the Project Management plan • Any working documents or informal documents defining Cost, Scope, Schedule and Quality of the project • Project Schedules (baseline and current) • Project financials • Project Scope changes and requests log • Project Status Reports • Team member Progress Reports and timesheets • Issue log and details (open and resolved) • Project acceptance log by deliverable • Risk identification/model documentation • Audit results • Correspondence, including any pivotal or decision-making • Meeting notes, results, and/or actions DEFINE SCOPE The written scope statement is a document that serves as input to future System Design efforts. The scope statement should include: • the business needs the project will address • what the project will accomplish, how it will be accomplished and by whom • what the end result of the project will be (e.g., a product, service, other). • a list of project deliverables, which, when produced and accepted, indicate project completion. Also included is a list of those deliverables that are not in scope for the project. The Project Manager must be specific about what is in scope and what is not in scope, as the weaker the boundaries between the two, the more difficult it will be to effect the
  • 16. change control process if required later in the project. Also, the details regarding what is in and what is out of scope are critical input to the creation of a detailed Project Schedule. The Project Charter, including the project outcome description, provides necessary information for defining the Project Scope relative to the business need and benefit for the organization undertaking the project. PRELIMINARY SCOPE STATEMENT The preliminary scope statement which is an output of System Initiation, is the guide for all future project decisions. It is the key document to provide understanding of the project purpose. The scope statement provides justification for the project existence, lists the high-level deliverables, and quantifies the project objectives. The scope statement is a powerful document that the project manager and the project team will use as a point of reference for potential changes, added work, and any project decisions. The scope statement includes or references the following: • Project justification: Identifies the business needs of the project. It answers why the project has been authorized. This is important since it provides guidance should the project undergo cuts and trade-offs of deliverables. • Project's product: The scope statement reiterates the details of the project product. • Project deliverables: The high-level deliverables of the project should be identified. These deliverables, when predefined metrics are met, signal that the project scope has been completed. When appropriate, the scope statement should also list what deliverables are excluded from the project deliverables. For example, a project to create a new food product may state that it is not including the packaging of the food product as part of the project. Items and features not listed as part of the project deliverables should be assumed to be excluded. • Project objectives: Project objectives are specific conditions that determine the success of a project. Conditions are typically cost, schedule, and quality