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Building Your Online Credibility Email:  [email_address] Web: Blog: LinkedIn:  Twitter:
What do you want to get out of this session?
Your  online credibility  is an increasingly important way of showcasing your specialised knowledge and expertise which will build your online reputation.  As more people engage with the social web differentiating yourself become imperative. What is Online Credibility
Anyone can start a blog or start participating in forums.  We live in a world where we expect people to be qualified on what they write about – but you don't need qualifications in the social web.  Your online credibility is the evidence of your expertise What is Online Credibility
Online credibility is a perception your customers, potential customers, business / collaboration partners get when they visit your blog, read your comments online, read your profile, etc. which is why it takes time to build. What is Online Credibility
If a person thinks your business or you as an individual, lacks credibility, then they lack the trust in your business and you as an individual to deliver the project / service This credibility goes beyond your website, it is your footprint on the Internet.  What is Online Credibility
What is Online Credibility People are using the Internet as a resource to find out about everything, including you and your business Your online credibility is either  The opinion people would have of you if they read about you through the Internet. How the internet supports or denies what people already know of you in the 'real world'
Why Do I Need Online Credibility?
What's the benefit? Increase visitors to you  website Boost conversion / hit rate on sales Become an online expert within your niche Build trust with existing & potential customers Build rapport with your existing network
Why Do I Need Online Credibility People use the Internet to find out whether they should trust somebody that they are about to meet or have just met. This isn't new - the main way people work out whether to trade with people on Ebay is through their personal recommendations and reputation score. When people want to do business with you, they will check the web to search for 'red flags' or for information to help them understand you better.
How do you research people you've met? How do you use Linkedin?
Phase One : Research The first phase is to work out what information is already out there about you.  Find out what is already out there Role play the sort of searches people will make about you ..     e.g. Google 'John Smith IBM Consulting' or 'John Smith Leeds'. 
Phase One : Research You also need to know if new information appears Set up alerts on the following sites on your brand term, personal name, competitors etc. Google alerts Trackur Twitter searches (Twitbeep,Hootsuite)
Phase Two : Create your Profile Add your own authoritative information You have the opportunity to create the authoritative version of information about you. Use your own personal website and other websites to create online profiles Your own website Linkedin Slideshare Twitter Relevant forums Although the main websites are the most important, you should also try get mentioned on as many other sites as possible. 
Phase Two : Create your Profile Ensure the information matches peoples searches People often only have a small amount of information to find you by, your name and location or your name and business for instance. Make sure your profiles contain all of these items of business. e.g.  Name (as it is used Steve/Steven or maiden name) Location (City, County) Photograph Business name and category Hobbies
Phase Two : Create your Profile Solicit recommendations / feedback People trust other people's opinions,  especially people they know
Phase Two : Create your Profile Appear human   People have an innate filter that can decipher through advertising and fluff. They trust people who appear human, not people who try to appear perfect. Complete your profiles on the sites you're involved in Write in a natural style  Don't be too over the top  Include your hobbies Don't forget that your profile has to be appropriate for people who know you well also!
Phase Two : Create your Profile Include a photograph or two Photographs tell people a lot about you, including a photograph will not only confirm that they have found the right person but will also portray your personality in ways that you can't do in text Think about getting a photographer to help Don't be too 'Dallas' Include photographs from events you have taken part in
Phase Three : Create Content Say something useful People judge you by what you say so say something useful. Search engines will find this content useful too.. Demonstrate your expertise The best way to show your knowledge is to write about what you know. Contribute answers on forums or blogs, write articles or blog posts about topics related to your area of expertise Offer your opinion Don't be afraid to offer your opinion on things, don't just copy what everyone else says. Be prepared to be wrong occasionally, people will forgive you.
Phase Four : Interact The Internet is not a broadcast medium Don't forget that the Internet isn't a broadcast medium. This is the single biggest mistake that companies and individuals make. The Internet is enabling one of the biggest conversations the world has ever seen. Becoming part of this conversation is critical to developing a strong online reputation
Phase Four : Interact Consistency rules Creating content online is very easy. Creating the time to do so on a regular basis is very hard.  People will only check back on you on a regular basis if you say something on a regular basis.  Search engines also like 'fresh' content
Phase Four : Interact Engage with every interaction It creates a very positive reaction if you respond to people who start to comment on your articles, website, blog or linkedin profile Even if you only manage a virtual 'nod of the head' (i.e. just a 'thanks!' will do)
Phase Four : Interact Keep the High Ground Always keep in mind that :- The internet remembers everything Your personality is judged by it's extremes Always keep the high ground. If you find yourself annoyed, type a response and then delete it - normally this gets it out of your system.  You will inevitably end up encountering 'trolls' at some point. There goal in life is to provoke a reaction, the more negative the better. An important phrase on the Internet is "Don't feed the trolls"
Take 5 minutes Working in Pairs Talk about the opportunities you have got to grow your online credibility Think about the timescales and level of commitment / resources to do this
Thanks for you time.. Any further questions? Email:  [email_address] Web: Blog: LinkedIn:  Twitter:

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Online credibility

  • 1. Building Your Online Credibility Email: [email_address] Web: Blog: LinkedIn: Twitter:
  • 2. What do you want to get out of this session?
  • 3. Your online credibility is an increasingly important way of showcasing your specialised knowledge and expertise which will build your online reputation. As more people engage with the social web differentiating yourself become imperative. What is Online Credibility
  • 4. Anyone can start a blog or start participating in forums. We live in a world where we expect people to be qualified on what they write about – but you don't need qualifications in the social web. Your online credibility is the evidence of your expertise What is Online Credibility
  • 5. Online credibility is a perception your customers, potential customers, business / collaboration partners get when they visit your blog, read your comments online, read your profile, etc. which is why it takes time to build. What is Online Credibility
  • 6. If a person thinks your business or you as an individual, lacks credibility, then they lack the trust in your business and you as an individual to deliver the project / service This credibility goes beyond your website, it is your footprint on the Internet. What is Online Credibility
  • 7. What is Online Credibility People are using the Internet as a resource to find out about everything, including you and your business Your online credibility is either  The opinion people would have of you if they read about you through the Internet. How the internet supports or denies what people already know of you in the 'real world'
  • 8. Why Do I Need Online Credibility?
  • 9. What's the benefit? Increase visitors to you website Boost conversion / hit rate on sales Become an online expert within your niche Build trust with existing & potential customers Build rapport with your existing network
  • 10. Why Do I Need Online Credibility People use the Internet to find out whether they should trust somebody that they are about to meet or have just met. This isn't new - the main way people work out whether to trade with people on Ebay is through their personal recommendations and reputation score. When people want to do business with you, they will check the web to search for 'red flags' or for information to help them understand you better.
  • 11. How do you research people you've met? How do you use Linkedin?
  • 12. Phase One : Research The first phase is to work out what information is already out there about you.  Find out what is already out there Role play the sort of searches people will make about you ..     e.g. Google 'John Smith IBM Consulting' or 'John Smith Leeds'. 
  • 13. Phase One : Research You also need to know if new information appears Set up alerts on the following sites on your brand term, personal name, competitors etc. Google alerts Trackur Twitter searches (Twitbeep,Hootsuite)
  • 14. Phase Two : Create your Profile Add your own authoritative information You have the opportunity to create the authoritative version of information about you. Use your own personal website and other websites to create online profiles Your own website Linkedin Slideshare Twitter Relevant forums Although the main websites are the most important, you should also try get mentioned on as many other sites as possible. 
  • 15. Phase Two : Create your Profile Ensure the information matches peoples searches People often only have a small amount of information to find you by, your name and location or your name and business for instance. Make sure your profiles contain all of these items of business. e.g.  Name (as it is used Steve/Steven or maiden name) Location (City, County) Photograph Business name and category Hobbies
  • 16. Phase Two : Create your Profile Solicit recommendations / feedback People trust other people's opinions,  especially people they know
  • 17. Phase Two : Create your Profile Appear human   People have an innate filter that can decipher through advertising and fluff. They trust people who appear human, not people who try to appear perfect. Complete your profiles on the sites you're involved in Write in a natural style  Don't be too over the top  Include your hobbies Don't forget that your profile has to be appropriate for people who know you well also!
  • 18. Phase Two : Create your Profile Include a photograph or two Photographs tell people a lot about you, including a photograph will not only confirm that they have found the right person but will also portray your personality in ways that you can't do in text Think about getting a photographer to help Don't be too 'Dallas' Include photographs from events you have taken part in
  • 19. Phase Three : Create Content Say something useful People judge you by what you say so say something useful. Search engines will find this content useful too.. Demonstrate your expertise The best way to show your knowledge is to write about what you know. Contribute answers on forums or blogs, write articles or blog posts about topics related to your area of expertise Offer your opinion Don't be afraid to offer your opinion on things, don't just copy what everyone else says. Be prepared to be wrong occasionally, people will forgive you.
  • 20. Phase Four : Interact The Internet is not a broadcast medium Don't forget that the Internet isn't a broadcast medium. This is the single biggest mistake that companies and individuals make. The Internet is enabling one of the biggest conversations the world has ever seen. Becoming part of this conversation is critical to developing a strong online reputation
  • 21. Phase Four : Interact Consistency rules Creating content online is very easy. Creating the time to do so on a regular basis is very hard. People will only check back on you on a regular basis if you say something on a regular basis.  Search engines also like 'fresh' content
  • 22. Phase Four : Interact Engage with every interaction It creates a very positive reaction if you respond to people who start to comment on your articles, website, blog or linkedin profile Even if you only manage a virtual 'nod of the head' (i.e. just a 'thanks!' will do)
  • 23. Phase Four : Interact Keep the High Ground Always keep in mind that :- The internet remembers everything Your personality is judged by it's extremes Always keep the high ground. If you find yourself annoyed, type a response and then delete it - normally this gets it out of your system. You will inevitably end up encountering 'trolls' at some point. There goal in life is to provoke a reaction, the more negative the better. An important phrase on the Internet is "Don't feed the trolls"
  • 24. Take 5 minutes Working in Pairs Talk about the opportunities you have got to grow your online credibility Think about the timescales and level of commitment / resources to do this
  • 25. Thanks for you time.. Any further questions? Email: [email_address] Web: Blog: LinkedIn: Twitter:

Editor's Notes

  1. The objective of the campaign is to throw the net wide To listen to the conversations where people might be considering Obashi To built a voice and credibility in these communities So they recognise you as a valuable resource of information on enterprise architechure overall, so the rest is then a soft sell
  2. The objective of the campaign is to throw the net wide To listen to the conversations where people might be considering Obashi To built a voice and credibility in these communities So they recognise you as a valuable resource of information on enterprise architechure overall, so the rest is then a soft sell
  3. The objective of the campaign is to throw the net wide To listen to the conversations where people might be considering Obashi To built a voice and credibility in these communities So they recognise you as a valuable resource of information on enterprise architechure overall, so the rest is then a soft sell
  4. The objective of the campaign is to throw the net wide To listen to the conversations where people might be considering Obashi To built a voice and credibility in these communities So they recognise you as a valuable resource of information on enterprise architechure overall, so the rest is then a soft sell
  5. The objective of the campaign is to throw the net wide To listen to the conversations where people might be considering Obashi To built a voice and credibility in these communities So they recognise you as a valuable resource of information on enterprise architechure overall, so the rest is then a soft sell