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Building a Great Student Profile
Showcase your experience and interests.

1. Craft an informative profile headline                       6. Update your status weekly
Your profile headline gives people a short, memorable          A great way to stay on other people’s radar screens and
way to understand who you are in a professional context.       enhance your professional image is to update your
Think of the headline as the slogan for your professional      status at least once a week. Tell people about events
brand, such as “Student, National University” or “Recent       you’re attending, major projects you’ve completed,
honors grad seeking marketing position.” Check out the         professional books you’re reading, or any other news
profiles of students and recent alums you admire for           that you would tell someone at a networking reception or
ideas and inspiration.                                         on a quick catch-up phone call.

2. Pick an appropriate photo                                   7. Show your connectedness with badges
LinkedIn is not Facebook. If you choose to post a              Joining Groups and displaying the group badges on your
photograph — and we recommend that you do — select             profile are perfect ways to fill out the professionalism of
a professional, high-quality headshot of you alone. That       your profile and show your desire to connect to people
means no party photos, cartoon avatars, or cute pics of        with whom you have something in common. Most
your puppy.                                                    students start by joining their university’s LinkedIn group
                                                               as well as the larger industry groups related to the career
3. Show off your education                                     they want to pursue.
Include information about all institutions you’ve attended.
Include your major and minor if you have one, as well as       8. Collect diverse recommendations
highlights of your activities. It’s also appropriate to        The most impressive LinkedIn profiles have at least one
include study abroad programs and summer institutes.           recommendation associated with each position a person
Don’t be shy — your LinkedIn profile is an appropriate         has held. Think about soliciting recommendations from
place to show off your strong GPA and any honors or            professors, internship coordinators and colleagues,
awards you’ve won.                                             employers, and professional mentors.

4. Develop a professional summary                              9. Claim your unique LinkedIn URL
Your summary statement should resemble the first few           To increase the professional results that appear when
paragraphs of your best-written cover letter — concise         people type your name into a search engine, set your
and confident about your goals and qualifications.             LinkedIn profile to “public” and claim a unique URL for
Include relevant internships, volunteer work, and extra-       your profile.
curriculars. Present your summary statement in short
blocks of text or bullet points for easy reading.              10. Share your work
                                                               A final way to enhance your LinkedIn profile is to add
5. Fill “Specialties” with keywords                            examples of your writing, design work, or other
“Specialties” is the place to include key words and            accomplishments by displaying URLs or adding LinkedIn
phrases that a recruiter or hiring manager might type into     Applications. By including URLs, you can direct people
a search engine to find a person like you. The best place      to your website, blog, or Twitter feed. Through
to find relevant keywords is in the job listings that appeal   Applications, you can share a PowerPoint or store a
to you and the profiles of people who currently hold the       downloadable version of your resume.
kinds of positions you want.

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  • 1. Building a Great Student Profile Showcase your experience and interests. 1. Craft an informative profile headline 6. Update your status weekly Your profile headline gives people a short, memorable A great way to stay on other people’s radar screens and way to understand who you are in a professional context. enhance your professional image is to update your Think of the headline as the slogan for your professional status at least once a week. Tell people about events brand, such as “Student, National University” or “Recent you’re attending, major projects you’ve completed, honors grad seeking marketing position.” Check out the professional books you’re reading, or any other news profiles of students and recent alums you admire for that you would tell someone at a networking reception or ideas and inspiration. on a quick catch-up phone call. 2. Pick an appropriate photo 7. Show your connectedness with badges LinkedIn is not Facebook. If you choose to post a Joining Groups and displaying the group badges on your photograph — and we recommend that you do — select profile are perfect ways to fill out the professionalism of a professional, high-quality headshot of you alone. That your profile and show your desire to connect to people means no party photos, cartoon avatars, or cute pics of with whom you have something in common. Most your puppy. students start by joining their university’s LinkedIn group as well as the larger industry groups related to the career 3. Show off your education they want to pursue. Include information about all institutions you’ve attended. Include your major and minor if you have one, as well as 8. Collect diverse recommendations highlights of your activities. It’s also appropriate to The most impressive LinkedIn profiles have at least one include study abroad programs and summer institutes. recommendation associated with each position a person Don’t be shy — your LinkedIn profile is an appropriate has held. Think about soliciting recommendations from place to show off your strong GPA and any honors or professors, internship coordinators and colleagues, awards you’ve won. employers, and professional mentors. 4. Develop a professional summary 9. Claim your unique LinkedIn URL Your summary statement should resemble the first few To increase the professional results that appear when paragraphs of your best-written cover letter — concise people type your name into a search engine, set your and confident about your goals and qualifications. LinkedIn profile to “public” and claim a unique URL for Include relevant internships, volunteer work, and extra- your profile. curriculars. Present your summary statement in short blocks of text or bullet points for easy reading. 10. Share your work A final way to enhance your LinkedIn profile is to add 5. Fill “Specialties” with keywords examples of your writing, design work, or other “Specialties” is the place to include key words and accomplishments by displaying URLs or adding LinkedIn phrases that a recruiter or hiring manager might type into Applications. By including URLs, you can direct people a search engine to find a person like you. The best place to your website, blog, or Twitter feed. Through to find relevant keywords is in the job listings that appeal Applications, you can share a PowerPoint or store a to you and the profiles of people who currently hold the downloadable version of your resume. kinds of positions you want.