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Centre for Distance and Online Education
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
Semester – IV
Course Scheme & Syllabus
(MBA-Supply Chain Management)
(Open and Distance Learning)
CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 2
Centre for Distance and Online Education
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
MBA (ODL), Semester – IV
(Supply Chain Management)
Course Scheme & Syllabus
Course Name Credits
1. MB-4001 Strategic Management 3
2. MB-4002 Decision Making Skills 3
3. MB-4403 Retail Logistics and Supply Chain
4. MB-4404 Logistics legal Framework 3
5. MB-4405 Material Handling in Logistics 3
6. MB-4406 Supply Chain Risk Management 3
7. MB-4407 Export Import Management 3
8. MB-4408 Total Quality Management 3
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Course Name: Strategic Management
Course Code : MB-4001 Total Credits : 03
Course Objective:
1. The objective of the course are to help the students gain and understanding of the events & problems
which occur in day to day working of organizations.
2. Student is expected to develop a diagnostic and problem solving approach.
3. It will help the students to sharpen his comprehension, analytical, descriptive and international skills..
Learning Outcome:
At the end of the course learners will be able to;
1. Student will understand the Strategic aspects of organization & art of decision making
2. This course will provide a holistic overview of critical aspects of organization.
3. Understand various models of Strategic Management.
Course Contents
UNIT –I Nature of strategic planning / management
1.1 Dynamic environment
1.2 Strategic management
1.3 strategic planning and strategy
1.4 Thinking map of strategic planning process
1.5 Situational analysis
1.6 Benefits of strategic planning and management
1.7 Hierarchy of strategies
Unit-2 Understanding and analyzing the external environment
2.1 External nature of Strategic management,
2.2 Goals and limitations of environmental analysis,
2.3 Components of General environment/
2.4 Process of external environmental analysis
2.5 General, Industry and International Environmental Factors;
2.6 Analysis of Environment,
2.7 Diagnosis of Environment – factors influencing it; Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile
2.8 Internal Strengths and Weaknesses; Factors affecting these.
Unit – 3 Service area competitor analysis
3.1 Purpose of competitor analysis
3.2 Service Area competitor analysis
Unit- 4 Internal environmental analysis/ competitive advantage
4.1 value chain
4.2 components of value chain,
4.3 Strategic thinking map and steps
4.4 Techniques of Internal Analysis;
4.5 Strategic Advantage
4.6 Profile (SAP)
4.7 Diagnosis of Strengths and Weaknesses;
Unit -5 Directional Strategies
5.1 mission & vision 5.2 values and strategic goals
5.3 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship 5.4 Managing Private-Public Partnerships
5.5 Mergers, Acquisition and Corporate Restructuring
5.6 Resource Based Strategy 5.7 Technology Management
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5.8 Transformation for Sustainable Superior Performance
5.9 Firm Resources & Resource Dynamics
5.10 Corporate Diversification 5.11Strategic Alliances
5.12 Product Differentiation 5.13Vertical Integration
5.14 Narrowing the choices; Managerial Choice Factors, Choice Processes.
5.15 Strategic Gap Analysis,
5.16 ETOP-SAP Matching, BCG Product – Portfolio Matrix, G.E. Nine Cell Planning Grid;
5.17 Contingency Strategies; Prescriptions for choice of Business Strategy; Choosing International
Unit-6 Developing strategic alternatives
6.1 Decision logic and strategic thinking map for strategy formulation
Unit-7 Evaluation of alternatives and strategic choice
7.1 TOWS matrix, PLC analysis, BCG Portfolio analysis, SPACE MATRIX
7.2 Control and Evaluation Process;
7.3 Motivation to Evaluate;
7.4 Criteria for Evaluation;
7.5 Measuring and Feedback;
7.6 Evaluation and Corrective Action.
Unit- 8 Strategy implementation
8.1 implementing Strategy Through Value Adding Service Delivery & Their Supporting Strategies.
8.2 Implementing Strategy Through Unit Action Plans.
8.3 Building organizational capabilities, Dealing with complexity, Re-shaping business models, Tools for
implementation, Delivering success.
Unit- 9 Mitigating Political and Financial Risk
9.1 Learning how other companies have dealt successfully with host-country political risk and why some
strategies continue to
9.2 Responding adeptly to changes in the financial environment, optimizing financial strategy in a global
downturn, and preparing to adjust strategy quickly when the economy rebounds
9.3 Preparing your organization to respond to governmental changes in different countries
Unit-10 Defining International Strategy and Building a Global Organization
10.1 Recognizing when a company's competitive advantage can be leveraged more effectively on a global
playing field
10.2 Determining the extent to which the company should be globally diversified in its businesses and
10.3 Evaluating which strategic activities to own and which to execute through alliances or outsourcing
10.4 Deciding how the organization and its incentive system can best support specific global strategy
10.5 Global trends, Successful expansion strategies, Managing the global value chain, Global value
creation: adding value scorecard, Strategies for capturing global value: aggregation, adaptation,
Suggested Reading:
1. Lawrence R. Jauch and William F. Glueck, ―Business Policy and Strategic Management‖, McGraw Hill Book
Co., New York,
2. Glen Boseman and ArvindPhatak, ―Strategic Management : Text and Cases ― , John Wiley and Sons,
Singapore, 1989
3. Daniel J. McCarthy, Robert J. Minichiello, and Joseph R. Curran, ―Business Policy and Strategy‖ Richard D.
Irwin, AITBS, New Delhi, 1988
4. Roanld C. Christenesen,.Kenneth R. Andrews and Joseph L. Bower, ―Business Policy – Text and Cases ― ,
Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Illinois, 1978
5. AzhaKazmi, ― Business Policy‖, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1999
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Course Name: Decision Making Skills
Course Code : MB-4002 Total Credits : 03
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to help students to learn, acquaint them and acquire skill for all the facets of
Decision Making..
Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand, learn and apply the skills of decision
making in the management field.
Course Contents
Unit -1 Introduction to Decision Making.
Unit -2 Case Method of Teaching and Case Analysis.
Unit -3 SWOC Analysis.
Unit -4 Report Writing.
Unit -5 Cases on Decision Making Skills.
Suggested Reading:
1. Cases on Decision Making Skills available at internet, websites, books, etc.
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Course Name: Retail Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Course Code : MB-4403 Total Credits : 03
Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to Retail Logistics and Supply Chain Management
• Overview of Retail Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Definition, scope, and importance
in the retail industry, Evolution and trends in retail logistics and supply chain management.
• Different components of a retail supply chain, including sourcing, procurement, production,
distribution, and retailing, Exploration of sourcing, procurement, production, distribution, and
• Distribution center management and operations, inventory management and control in a retail
context, and transportation and warehousing in retail supply chains.
• The role of technology in optimizing retail supply chains, and the application of software and
hardware for efficiency and effectiveness.
• Compliance with regulations and policies in retail logistics, and sustainability and environmental
responsibilities in retail supply chains.
Unit 2: Demand Forecasting and Inventory Management
• Methods of demand forecasting in retail
• Factors influencing demand and their impact on forecasting.
• Inventory classification and ABC analysis, along with inventory control models and strategies.
• Understanding Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) and its benefits for retailers and suppliers.
• Implementation and challenges of VMI in retail supply chains.
• Strategies for order fulfillment, meeting customer expectations
• Measuring/improving customer service levels in retail logistics.
Unit 3: Distribution and Transportation in Retail Supply Chains
• Retail distribution network design and optimization, multi-channel and omni-channel
• Modes of transportation and their suitability for retail logistics, route optimization, and cost-
effective transportation strategies.
• Challenges and solutions for last-mile delivery in retail, including same-day delivery and last-
mile innovations.
• Developing and maintaining effective relationships with suppliers, collaborative planning,
forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR).
• Cooperation and collaboration among retailers, suppliers, and logistics partners, along with the
benefits and challenges of collaborative supply chain relationships.
Unit 4: Technology and Innovation in Retail Logistics
• Automation and robotics in retail logistics.
• IoT, AI, and blockchain in enhancing supply chain efficiency.
• Emerging trends and technologies shaping the future of retail logistics.
• Case studies on successful implementations of innovative technologies in retail.
• Integration of data analytics for decision-making in retail logistics.
• Adoption of e-commerce platforms and digital tools to optimize retail logistics operations.
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Unit 5: Legal Aspects of Logistics Operations
• Legal systems and their implications on logistics operations.
• Key legal principles and concepts relevant to logistics, including contracts, liability, and
• Complying with regulations and policies in retail logistics.
• Sustainability and environmental responsibilities in retail supply chains.
• Ethical Considerations in Logistics and responsibilities within the logistics framework.
• Social Impact and Responsibility of logistics operations within the retail industry.
Reference Books:
1. "Retail Supply Chain Management: Quantitative Models and Empirical Studies" by
Narendra Agrawal, Stephen A. Smith, and Michael D. Smith.
2. "Retail Logistics: A Complete Guide to Retailing Logistics Management" by John Fernie
and Leigh Sparks.
3. "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation" by Sunil Chopra and
Peter Meindl.
4. "Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach" by Joel D. Wisner, Keah-
Choon Tan, and G. Keong Leong.
5. "Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management" by John Mangan, Chandra L. Lalwani,
and Tim Butcher.
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Course Name: Logistics legal Framework
Course Code : MB-4404 Total Credits : 03
Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to Logistics Legal Framework
• Overview of Legal Framework, Understanding the legal environment in logistics and supply
chain management.
• The role and significance of legal regulations in logistics operations.
• Legal Systems and Logistics
• Different legal systems and their impact on logistics practices.
• International and national legal frameworks relevant to logistics.
Unit 2: Contract Law in Logistics
• Formation and Elements of Contracts, Essential elements and formation of contracts in logistics.
• Contract terms, conditions, and clauses specific to logistics agreements.
• Contract Management and Administration
• Contract negotiation, drafting, and enforcement in logistics.
• Risk mitigation and dispute resolution in logistics contracts.
Unit 3: Transportation Law and Regulation
• Regulatory Framework for Transportation
• Overview of transportation laws and regulations in various jurisdictions.
• Key regulatory bodies and their roles in the transportation sector.
• Carrier Liability and Responsibilities, Liability of carriers in transportation contracts.
• Cargo claims, insurance, and risk management in transportation.
Unit 4: International Trade and Customs Compliance
• International Trade Regulations
• Understanding global trade laws and their impact on logistics.
• Compliance with international trade agreements and treaties.
• Customs Compliance and Documentation
• Import and export regulations, customs procedures, and documentation.
• Tariffs, duties, and customs valuation in international logistics.
Unit 5: Risk Management and Legal Compliance in Logistics
• Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Logistics
• Identifying and evaluating risks in logistics operations.
• Risk management strategies and insurance in logistics.
• Legal Compliance and Ethical Considerations
• Complying with environmental, safety, and labor laws in logistics.
• Ethical considerations and corporate social responsibility in logistics.
Reference Books:
1 "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Reducing Cost and Improving Service"
by Martin Christopher - This book offers insights into supply chain and logistics strategies,
including legal considerations.
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2 "International Logistics: The Management of International Trade Operations" by Pierre A. David
and Ashlyn M. David - It covers legal aspects related to international logistics and trade
3 "Transportation, Logistics, and the Law" by William J. Augello - A comprehensive book focusing
on legal aspects specifically related to transportation and logistics.
4 "Freight Forwarder's Intermediary Role in Multimodal Transport Chains: A Social Network
Approach" by A.J. Marthinsen and D.J. Lowe - This book explores the intermediary role of
freight forwarders and the legal framework associated with their operations.
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Course Name: Material Handling in Logistics
Course Code : MB-4405 Total Credits : 03
Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to Material Handling in Logistics
• Understanding the basic concept of material handling.
• Exploring its significance in logistics and supply chain management.
• Definition and Importance, Defining material handling and its importance in various
• Highlighting the role of material handling in efficient logistics operations.
• Types of Material Handling, Classifying material handling based on its types and
• Understanding the variety of methods employed for efficient material handling.
Unit 2: Equipment and Technology in Material Handling
• Identifying different types of equipment used for lifting, moving, and storing materials.
• Exploring their specific roles and functionalities in material handling.
• Automation and Technology, Recognizing the role of automation and technology in
modern material handling.
• Understanding how automation enhances efficiency and accuracy in material handling
Unit 3: Warehouse Design and Layout for Material Handling
• Warehouse Layout Planning, Learning the fundamental principles and best practices for
designing an efficient warehouse layout.
• Considering factors influencing layout decisions in material handling.
• Storage Systems and Equipment, Understanding various storage systems and equipment
that aid effective material storage within warehouses.
• Evaluating the suitability of different systems based on specific material handling needs.
Unit 4: Inventory Management and Material Flow
• Exploring techniques for effective inventory management and control within the
material handling process.
• Understanding the impact of accurate inventory control on material flow and overall
• Material Flow Optimization, Developing strategies to optimize the movement and flow of
materials within a warehouse or facility.
• Implementing measures for streamlining material handling processes and enhancing
Unit 5: Safety, Compliance, and Sustainability in Material Handling
• Emphasizing the importance of safety protocols and practices in material handling
operations to prevent accidents and injuries.
• Implementing safety measures to ensure a secure working environment.
• Regulatory Compliance and Sustainability, Focusing on compliance with legal and
environmental regulations concerning material handling.
• Addressing sustainability practices for eco-friendly material handling and operations.
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Reference Books:
1 "Material Handling and Logistics in Manufacturing: A Lean and Agile Approach" by Hongyi
Cai and Christopher D. Yang.
2 "Unit Operations of Particulate Solids: Theory and Practice" by Enrique Ortega-Rivas.
3 "Warehouse Management: A Complete Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in
the Modern Warehouse" by Gwynne Richards.
4 "Handbook of Material Handling" by Sandeep Kumar.
5 "Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management" by Jay Heizer and
Barry Render.
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Course Name: Supply Chain Risk Management
Course Code : MB-4406 Total Credits : 03
Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to Supply Chain Risk Management
• Overview of Supply Chain Management and Risks
• Definition and components of supply chain management.
• Identifying and understanding risks in the supply chain.
• Importance and Benefits of Supply Chain Risk Management
• Exploring the significance of mitigating risks in the supply chain.
• Analyzing the potential benefits and competitive advantages of effective risk
Unit 2: Types and Sources of Supply Chain Risks
• Internal Supply Chain Risks
• Risks originating within the organization affecting the supply chain.
• Strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate internal risks.
• External Supply Chain Risks
• Risks originating from the external business environment affecting the supply chain.
• Strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate external risks.
Unit 3: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies
• Risk Assessment Techniques
• Risk identification, assessment, and prioritization methodologies in supply chain.
• Analyzing and understanding the impact and likelihood of risks.
• Risk Mitigation and Response Strategies
• Developing strategies to mitigate identified risks.
• Implementing response strategies for effective risk management.
Unit 4: Technologies and Tools for Supply Chain Risk Management
• Advanced Technologies for Risk Monitoring
• Role of technology, data analytics, and real-time monitoring in risk management.
• Utilizing software and tools for risk assessment and prediction.
• Simulation and Modelling for Risk Analysis
• Understanding simulation and modelling techniques for supply chain risk analysis.
• Application of simulation in evaluating risk scenarios and decision-making.
Unit 5: Resilience and Sustainability in Supply Chain Risk Management
• Supply Chain Resilience
• Building resilience strategies to cope with and recover from disruptions.
• Strategies for building flexibility and adaptability in the supply chain.
• Sustainability and Ethical Considerations
• Sustainability principles and ethical considerations in supply chain risk management.
• Strategies for sustainable and responsible risk management practices in the supply
Reference Books:
1 "Supply Chain Risk Management: An Emerging Discipline" by Gregory L. Schlegel and Robert J. Trent.
2 "Operations and Supply Chain Risk Management: Integration and Partnering for Operational Success" by Alexander
Hübner and Dmitry Ivanov.
3 "Supply Chain Risk: Understanding Emerging Threats to Global Supply Chains" by John Manners-Bell and Daniel
4 "Global Supply Chain Risk Management: Emerging Tools, Strategies, and Challenges" by Nada Sanders.
5 "Supply Chain Risk Management: Tools for Analysis" by Kevin McCormack.
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Course Name: Export Import Management
Course Code : MB-4407 Total Credits : 03
Course Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to International Trade and Export Import Management
• Overview of International Trade, Global trade landscape and its significance.
• Factors driving international trade and its impact on the economy.
• Introduction to Export Import Management
• Defining export and import management.
• Importance of efficient export-import operations for businesses.
Unit 2: Export and Import Procedures and Documentation
• Export Procedures and Documentation
• Exploring the step-by-step process of exporting goods.
• Documentation and compliance requirements in export operations.
• Import Procedures and Documentation
• Understanding the import process and its documentation.
• Compliance, clearance, and regulatory aspects in importing goods.
Unit 3: International Market Analysis and Entry Strategies
• Market Research and Analysis
• Conducting market research for international trade.
• Analyzing market trends, competition, and consumer behavior.
• Market Entry Strategies
• Exploring different strategies for entering international markets.
• Evaluating modes of entry such as exports, joint ventures, subsidiaries, etc.
Unit 4: Trade Finance and Payment Mechanisms
• Trade Finance and Payment Instruments
• Understanding trade finance and its importance in international trade.
• Types of payment mechanisms and their applicability.
• Risk Management in International Trade
• Identifying and managing risks associated with international transactions.
• Risk mitigation strategies and insurance in international trade.
Unit 5: Legal and Regulatory Aspects in Export Import Management
• Export Import Laws and Regulations
• Understanding the legal framework governing international trade.
• Compliance with export-import laws and regulations.
• Customs and Tariff Policies
• Understanding customs procedures, duties, and tariff policies.
• Customs compliance and documentation requirements.
Reference Books:
1 "Export/Import Procedures and Documentation" by Thomas E. Johnson and Donna L. Bade.
2 "Global Business Today" by Charles W. L. Hill and G. Tomas M. Hult.
3 "Export Import Management" by Justin Paul and Rajiv Aserkar.
4 "International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace" by Charles W. L. Hill.
5 "Export-Import Theory, Practices, and Procedures" by Belay Seyoum.
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Course Name: Total Quality Management
Course Code : MB-4408 Total Credits : 03
Course Contents
Unit–1: Introducing Knowledge Management
• Introduction to emerging business paradigms, Basic Knowledge-Related Definitions.
• Introduction to Knowledge Management, Defining the Data, Information, and Knowledge
from Data Processing to Knowledge-based Systems.
• Types of Knowledge and Human’s Learning Models.
• Approaches to DBMS, Information systems and organizational learning, Information
• Role of Knowledge Management, Classification of Knowledge Management Systems, Total
Quality Management, Forces Driving Knowledge Management, Expert’s Reasoning
Unit-2:Knowledge Management System life Cycle
• Introduction to Knowledge management system life cycle
• Challenges in building knowledge management system
• Knowledge evaluation, Knowledge processing
• Knowledge implementation, Identifying Knowledge Centers
• Nonaka’s Model of Knowledge Creation and Transformation
• Impediments to Knowledge Sharing
Unit-3: Knowledge Management techniques, Systems and tools
• Introduction to Knowledge Management Architecture, Knowledge Capture Process
• Identifying Experts - Single and Multiple Experts
• Knowledge Capture Techniques: On-site Observation, Brainstorming, Consensus Decision
Making, Nominal Group Technique
• Delphi Method, Repertory Grid, Concept Mapping, Blackboarding
• Knowledge analysis, Organizational Knowledge Dissemination
• Knowledge Management Systems and Tools
• Organizational Knowledge Management Architecture and Implementation Strategies
Unit-4: Knowledge Codification
• Introduction to Knowledge Codification
• Benefits of Knowledge Codification
• Knowledge Codification in the KM System Life Cycle
• Codification Tools-Knowledge Map, Decision Table
• Decision Tree, Frames ,Production Rules, Case-based Reasoning
Unit -5 System testing and Deployment
• Introduction to Quality Assurance
• Knowledge management testing
• Hurdles in KMS Testing, Logical Testing Approaches
• System Testing & Deployment in KMSLC
• Factors affecting System Deployment
Unit-6:Knowledge transfer and sharing
• Introduction to Knowledge Transfer & Knowledge Sharing
• Fundamentals of Knowledge transfer
• Learning from data - The Concept of Learning
• Data Visualization, Neural Networks –The basic
• The Knowledge transfer in e-world, Knowledge Portals and Knowledge Management Tools
• Groupware categories and applications, Organizational Collaborative Platforms
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Reference Books:
1. "Total Quality Management: Text, Cases, and Readings" by James R. Evans and William M.
2. "The Essential Deming: Leadership Principles from the Father of Quality" by W. Edwards
Deming, edited by Joyce Nilsson Orsini.
3. "Juran's Quality Handbook: The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence" by Joseph M.
Juran, A. Blanton Godfrey, and J. M. Juran.
4. "Quality Management for Organizational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality" by David
L. Goetsch and Stanley B. Davis.
5. "Total Quality Management: Key Concepts and Case Studies" by Kim Hua Tan.

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MBA SC ODL IV Sem Scheme Syllabus us.pdf

  • 1. Centre for Distance and Online Education Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore MBA (ODL) Semester – IV Course Scheme & Syllabus (MBA-Supply Chain Management) (Open and Distance Learning)
  • 2. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 2 Centre for Distance and Online Education Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore MBA (ODL), Semester – IV (Supply Chain Management) Course Scheme & Syllabus S. No. Course Code Course Name Credits 1. MB-4001 Strategic Management 3 2. MB-4002 Decision Making Skills 3 3. MB-4403 Retail Logistics and Supply Chain Management 3 4. MB-4404 Logistics legal Framework 3 5. MB-4405 Material Handling in Logistics 3 6. MB-4406 Supply Chain Risk Management 3 7. MB-4407 Export Import Management 3 8. MB-4408 Total Quality Management 3
  • 3. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 3 CENTRE FOR DISTANCE AND ONLINE EDUCATION Course Name: Strategic Management Course Code : MB-4001 Total Credits : 03 Course Objective: 1. The objective of the course are to help the students gain and understanding of the events & problems which occur in day to day working of organizations. 2. Student is expected to develop a diagnostic and problem solving approach. 3. It will help the students to sharpen his comprehension, analytical, descriptive and international skills.. Learning Outcome: At the end of the course learners will be able to; 1. Student will understand the Strategic aspects of organization & art of decision making 2. This course will provide a holistic overview of critical aspects of organization. 3. Understand various models of Strategic Management. Course Contents UNIT –I Nature of strategic planning / management 1.1 Dynamic environment 1.2 Strategic management 1.3 strategic planning and strategy 1.4 Thinking map of strategic planning process 1.5 Situational analysis 1.6 Benefits of strategic planning and management 1.7 Hierarchy of strategies Unit-2 Understanding and analyzing the external environment 2.1 External nature of Strategic management, 2.2 Goals and limitations of environmental analysis, 2.3 Components of General environment/ 2.4 Process of external environmental analysis 2.5 General, Industry and International Environmental Factors; 2.6 Analysis of Environment, 2.7 Diagnosis of Environment – factors influencing it; Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP) 2.8 Internal Strengths and Weaknesses; Factors affecting these. Unit – 3 Service area competitor analysis 3.1 Purpose of competitor analysis 3.2 Service Area competitor analysis Unit- 4 Internal environmental analysis/ competitive advantage 4.1 value chain 4.2 components of value chain, 4.3 Strategic thinking map and steps 4.4 Techniques of Internal Analysis; 4.5 Strategic Advantage 4.6 Profile (SAP) 4.7 Diagnosis of Strengths and Weaknesses; Unit -5 Directional Strategies 5.1 mission & vision 5.2 values and strategic goals 5.3 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship 5.4 Managing Private-Public Partnerships 5.5 Mergers, Acquisition and Corporate Restructuring 5.6 Resource Based Strategy 5.7 Technology Management
  • 4. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 4 5.8 Transformation for Sustainable Superior Performance 5.9 Firm Resources & Resource Dynamics 5.10 Corporate Diversification 5.11Strategic Alliances 5.12 Product Differentiation 5.13Vertical Integration 5.14 Narrowing the choices; Managerial Choice Factors, Choice Processes. 5.15 Strategic Gap Analysis, 5.16 ETOP-SAP Matching, BCG Product – Portfolio Matrix, G.E. Nine Cell Planning Grid; 5.17 Contingency Strategies; Prescriptions for choice of Business Strategy; Choosing International Strategies. Unit-6 Developing strategic alternatives 6.1 Decision logic and strategic thinking map for strategy formulation Unit-7 Evaluation of alternatives and strategic choice 7.1 TOWS matrix, PLC analysis, BCG Portfolio analysis, SPACE MATRIX 7.2 Control and Evaluation Process; 7.3 Motivation to Evaluate; 7.4 Criteria for Evaluation; 7.5 Measuring and Feedback; 7.6 Evaluation and Corrective Action. Unit- 8 Strategy implementation 8.1 implementing Strategy Through Value Adding Service Delivery & Their Supporting Strategies. 8.2 Implementing Strategy Through Unit Action Plans. 8.3 Building organizational capabilities, Dealing with complexity, Re-shaping business models, Tools for implementation, Delivering success. Unit- 9 Mitigating Political and Financial Risk 9.1 Learning how other companies have dealt successfully with host-country political risk and why some strategies continue to 9.2 Responding adeptly to changes in the financial environment, optimizing financial strategy in a global downturn, and preparing to adjust strategy quickly when the economy rebounds 9.3 Preparing your organization to respond to governmental changes in different countries Unit-10 Defining International Strategy and Building a Global Organization 10.1 Recognizing when a company's competitive advantage can be leveraged more effectively on a global playing field 10.2 Determining the extent to which the company should be globally diversified in its businesses and markets 10.3 Evaluating which strategic activities to own and which to execute through alliances or outsourcing 10.4 Deciding how the organization and its incentive system can best support specific global strategy choices 10.5 Global trends, Successful expansion strategies, Managing the global value chain, Global value creation: adding value scorecard, Strategies for capturing global value: aggregation, adaptation, arbitrage; Suggested Reading: 1. Lawrence R. Jauch and William F. Glueck, ―Business Policy and Strategic Management‖, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 2. Glen Boseman and ArvindPhatak, ―Strategic Management : Text and Cases ― , John Wiley and Sons, Singapore, 1989 3. Daniel J. McCarthy, Robert J. Minichiello, and Joseph R. Curran, ―Business Policy and Strategy‖ Richard D. Irwin, AITBS, New Delhi, 1988 4. Roanld C. Christenesen,.Kenneth R. Andrews and Joseph L. Bower, ―Business Policy – Text and Cases ― , Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Illinois, 1978 5. AzhaKazmi, ― Business Policy‖, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1999
  • 5. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 5 CENTREFORDISTANCEANDONLINEEDUCATION Course Name: Decision Making Skills Course Code : MB-4002 Total Credits : 03 Course Objective: The objective of this course is to help students to learn, acquaint them and acquire skill for all the facets of Decision Making.. Learning Outcome: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand, learn and apply the skills of decision making in the management field. Course Contents Unit -1 Introduction to Decision Making. Unit -2 Case Method of Teaching and Case Analysis. Unit -3 SWOC Analysis. Unit -4 Report Writing. Unit -5 Cases on Decision Making Skills. Suggested Reading: 1. Cases on Decision Making Skills available at internet, websites, books, etc.
  • 6. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 6 CENTREFORDISTANCEANDONLINEEDUCATION Course Name: Retail Logistics and Supply Chain Management Course Code : MB-4403 Total Credits : 03 Course Contents Unit 1: Introduction to Retail Logistics and Supply Chain Management • Overview of Retail Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Definition, scope, and importance in the retail industry, Evolution and trends in retail logistics and supply chain management. • Different components of a retail supply chain, including sourcing, procurement, production, distribution, and retailing, Exploration of sourcing, procurement, production, distribution, and retailing. • Distribution center management and operations, inventory management and control in a retail context, and transportation and warehousing in retail supply chains. • The role of technology in optimizing retail supply chains, and the application of software and hardware for efficiency and effectiveness. • Compliance with regulations and policies in retail logistics, and sustainability and environmental responsibilities in retail supply chains. Unit 2: Demand Forecasting and Inventory Management • Methods of demand forecasting in retail • Factors influencing demand and their impact on forecasting. • Inventory classification and ABC analysis, along with inventory control models and strategies. • Understanding Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) and its benefits for retailers and suppliers. • Implementation and challenges of VMI in retail supply chains. • Strategies for order fulfillment, meeting customer expectations • Measuring/improving customer service levels in retail logistics. Unit 3: Distribution and Transportation in Retail Supply Chains • Retail distribution network design and optimization, multi-channel and omni-channel distribution. • Modes of transportation and their suitability for retail logistics, route optimization, and cost- effective transportation strategies. • Challenges and solutions for last-mile delivery in retail, including same-day delivery and last- mile innovations. • Developing and maintaining effective relationships with suppliers, collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR). • Cooperation and collaboration among retailers, suppliers, and logistics partners, along with the benefits and challenges of collaborative supply chain relationships. Unit 4: Technology and Innovation in Retail Logistics • Automation and robotics in retail logistics. • IoT, AI, and blockchain in enhancing supply chain efficiency. • Emerging trends and technologies shaping the future of retail logistics. • Case studies on successful implementations of innovative technologies in retail. • Integration of data analytics for decision-making in retail logistics. • Adoption of e-commerce platforms and digital tools to optimize retail logistics operations.
  • 7. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 7 Unit 5: Legal Aspects of Logistics Operations • Legal systems and their implications on logistics operations. • Key legal principles and concepts relevant to logistics, including contracts, liability, and regulations. • Complying with regulations and policies in retail logistics. • Sustainability and environmental responsibilities in retail supply chains. • Ethical Considerations in Logistics and responsibilities within the logistics framework. • Social Impact and Responsibility of logistics operations within the retail industry. Reference Books: 1. "Retail Supply Chain Management: Quantitative Models and Empirical Studies" by Narendra Agrawal, Stephen A. Smith, and Michael D. Smith. 2. "Retail Logistics: A Complete Guide to Retailing Logistics Management" by John Fernie and Leigh Sparks. 3. "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation" by Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl. 4. "Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach" by Joel D. Wisner, Keah- Choon Tan, and G. Keong Leong. 5. "Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management" by John Mangan, Chandra L. Lalwani, and Tim Butcher.
  • 8. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 8 CENTREFORDISTANCEANDONLINEEDUCATION Course Name: Logistics legal Framework Course Code : MB-4404 Total Credits : 03 Course Contents Unit 1: Introduction to Logistics Legal Framework • Overview of Legal Framework, Understanding the legal environment in logistics and supply chain management. • The role and significance of legal regulations in logistics operations. • Legal Systems and Logistics • Different legal systems and their impact on logistics practices. • International and national legal frameworks relevant to logistics. Unit 2: Contract Law in Logistics • Formation and Elements of Contracts, Essential elements and formation of contracts in logistics. • Contract terms, conditions, and clauses specific to logistics agreements. • Contract Management and Administration • Contract negotiation, drafting, and enforcement in logistics. • Risk mitigation and dispute resolution in logistics contracts. Unit 3: Transportation Law and Regulation • Regulatory Framework for Transportation • Overview of transportation laws and regulations in various jurisdictions. • Key regulatory bodies and their roles in the transportation sector. • Carrier Liability and Responsibilities, Liability of carriers in transportation contracts. • Cargo claims, insurance, and risk management in transportation. Unit 4: International Trade and Customs Compliance • International Trade Regulations • Understanding global trade laws and their impact on logistics. • Compliance with international trade agreements and treaties. • Customs Compliance and Documentation • Import and export regulations, customs procedures, and documentation. • Tariffs, duties, and customs valuation in international logistics. Unit 5: Risk Management and Legal Compliance in Logistics • Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Logistics • Identifying and evaluating risks in logistics operations. • Risk management strategies and insurance in logistics. • Legal Compliance and Ethical Considerations • Complying with environmental, safety, and labor laws in logistics. • Ethical considerations and corporate social responsibility in logistics. Reference Books: 1 "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Reducing Cost and Improving Service" by Martin Christopher - This book offers insights into supply chain and logistics strategies, including legal considerations.
  • 9. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 9 2 "International Logistics: The Management of International Trade Operations" by Pierre A. David and Ashlyn M. David - It covers legal aspects related to international logistics and trade operations. 3 "Transportation, Logistics, and the Law" by William J. Augello - A comprehensive book focusing on legal aspects specifically related to transportation and logistics. 4 "Freight Forwarder's Intermediary Role in Multimodal Transport Chains: A Social Network Approach" by A.J. Marthinsen and D.J. Lowe - This book explores the intermediary role of freight forwarders and the legal framework associated with their operations.
  • 10. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 10 CENTREFORDISTANCEANDONLINEEDUCATION Course Name: Material Handling in Logistics Course Code : MB-4405 Total Credits : 03 Course Contents Unit 1: Introduction to Material Handling in Logistics • Understanding the basic concept of material handling. • Exploring its significance in logistics and supply chain management. • Definition and Importance, Defining material handling and its importance in various industries. • Highlighting the role of material handling in efficient logistics operations. • Types of Material Handling, Classifying material handling based on its types and methods. • Understanding the variety of methods employed for efficient material handling. Unit 2: Equipment and Technology in Material Handling • Identifying different types of equipment used for lifting, moving, and storing materials. • Exploring their specific roles and functionalities in material handling. • Automation and Technology, Recognizing the role of automation and technology in modern material handling. • Understanding how automation enhances efficiency and accuracy in material handling processes. Unit 3: Warehouse Design and Layout for Material Handling • Warehouse Layout Planning, Learning the fundamental principles and best practices for designing an efficient warehouse layout. • Considering factors influencing layout decisions in material handling. • Storage Systems and Equipment, Understanding various storage systems and equipment that aid effective material storage within warehouses. • Evaluating the suitability of different systems based on specific material handling needs. Unit 4: Inventory Management and Material Flow • Exploring techniques for effective inventory management and control within the material handling process. • Understanding the impact of accurate inventory control on material flow and overall operations. • Material Flow Optimization, Developing strategies to optimize the movement and flow of materials within a warehouse or facility. • Implementing measures for streamlining material handling processes and enhancing productivity. Unit 5: Safety, Compliance, and Sustainability in Material Handling • Emphasizing the importance of safety protocols and practices in material handling operations to prevent accidents and injuries. • Implementing safety measures to ensure a secure working environment. • Regulatory Compliance and Sustainability, Focusing on compliance with legal and environmental regulations concerning material handling. • Addressing sustainability practices for eco-friendly material handling and operations.
  • 11. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 11 Reference Books: 1 "Material Handling and Logistics in Manufacturing: A Lean and Agile Approach" by Hongyi Cai and Christopher D. Yang. 2 "Unit Operations of Particulate Solids: Theory and Practice" by Enrique Ortega-Rivas. 3 "Warehouse Management: A Complete Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse" by Gwynne Richards. 4 "Handbook of Material Handling" by Sandeep Kumar. 5 "Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management" by Jay Heizer and Barry Render.
  • 12. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 12 CENTREFORDISTANCEANDONLINEEDUCATION Course Name: Supply Chain Risk Management Course Code : MB-4406 Total Credits : 03 Course Contents Unit 1: Introduction to Supply Chain Risk Management • Overview of Supply Chain Management and Risks • Definition and components of supply chain management. • Identifying and understanding risks in the supply chain. • Importance and Benefits of Supply Chain Risk Management • Exploring the significance of mitigating risks in the supply chain. • Analyzing the potential benefits and competitive advantages of effective risk management. Unit 2: Types and Sources of Supply Chain Risks • Internal Supply Chain Risks • Risks originating within the organization affecting the supply chain. • Strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate internal risks. • External Supply Chain Risks • Risks originating from the external business environment affecting the supply chain. • Strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate external risks. Unit 3: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies • Risk Assessment Techniques • Risk identification, assessment, and prioritization methodologies in supply chain. • Analyzing and understanding the impact and likelihood of risks. • Risk Mitigation and Response Strategies • Developing strategies to mitigate identified risks. • Implementing response strategies for effective risk management. Unit 4: Technologies and Tools for Supply Chain Risk Management • Advanced Technologies for Risk Monitoring • Role of technology, data analytics, and real-time monitoring in risk management. • Utilizing software and tools for risk assessment and prediction. • Simulation and Modelling for Risk Analysis • Understanding simulation and modelling techniques for supply chain risk analysis. • Application of simulation in evaluating risk scenarios and decision-making. Unit 5: Resilience and Sustainability in Supply Chain Risk Management • Supply Chain Resilience • Building resilience strategies to cope with and recover from disruptions. • Strategies for building flexibility and adaptability in the supply chain. • Sustainability and Ethical Considerations • Sustainability principles and ethical considerations in supply chain risk management. • Strategies for sustainable and responsible risk management practices in the supply chain. Reference Books: 1 "Supply Chain Risk Management: An Emerging Discipline" by Gregory L. Schlegel and Robert J. Trent. 2 "Operations and Supply Chain Risk Management: Integration and Partnering for Operational Success" by Alexander Hübner and Dmitry Ivanov. 3 "Supply Chain Risk: Understanding Emerging Threats to Global Supply Chains" by John Manners-Bell and Daniel Hyams. 4 "Global Supply Chain Risk Management: Emerging Tools, Strategies, and Challenges" by Nada Sanders. 5 "Supply Chain Risk Management: Tools for Analysis" by Kevin McCormack.
  • 13. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 13 CENTREFORDISTANCEANDONLINEEDUCATION Course Name: Export Import Management Course Code : MB-4407 Total Credits : 03 Course Contents Unit 1: Introduction to International Trade and Export Import Management • Overview of International Trade, Global trade landscape and its significance. • Factors driving international trade and its impact on the economy. • Introduction to Export Import Management • Defining export and import management. • Importance of efficient export-import operations for businesses. Unit 2: Export and Import Procedures and Documentation • Export Procedures and Documentation • Exploring the step-by-step process of exporting goods. • Documentation and compliance requirements in export operations. • Import Procedures and Documentation • Understanding the import process and its documentation. • Compliance, clearance, and regulatory aspects in importing goods. Unit 3: International Market Analysis and Entry Strategies • Market Research and Analysis • Conducting market research for international trade. • Analyzing market trends, competition, and consumer behavior. • Market Entry Strategies • Exploring different strategies for entering international markets. • Evaluating modes of entry such as exports, joint ventures, subsidiaries, etc. Unit 4: Trade Finance and Payment Mechanisms • Trade Finance and Payment Instruments • Understanding trade finance and its importance in international trade. • Types of payment mechanisms and their applicability. • Risk Management in International Trade • Identifying and managing risks associated with international transactions. • Risk mitigation strategies and insurance in international trade. Unit 5: Legal and Regulatory Aspects in Export Import Management • Export Import Laws and Regulations • Understanding the legal framework governing international trade. • Compliance with export-import laws and regulations. • Customs and Tariff Policies • Understanding customs procedures, duties, and tariff policies. • Customs compliance and documentation requirements. Reference Books: 1 "Export/Import Procedures and Documentation" by Thomas E. Johnson and Donna L. Bade. 2 "Global Business Today" by Charles W. L. Hill and G. Tomas M. Hult. 3 "Export Import Management" by Justin Paul and Rajiv Aserkar. 4 "International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace" by Charles W. L. Hill. 5 "Export-Import Theory, Practices, and Procedures" by Belay Seyoum.
  • 14. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 14 CENTREFORDISTANCEANDONLINEEDUCATION Course Name: Total Quality Management Course Code : MB-4408 Total Credits : 03 Course Contents Unit–1: Introducing Knowledge Management • Introduction to emerging business paradigms, Basic Knowledge-Related Definitions. • Introduction to Knowledge Management, Defining the Data, Information, and Knowledge from Data Processing to Knowledge-based Systems. • Types of Knowledge and Human’s Learning Models. • Approaches to DBMS, Information systems and organizational learning, Information processing. • Role of Knowledge Management, Classification of Knowledge Management Systems, Total Quality Management, Forces Driving Knowledge Management, Expert’s Reasoning Methods. Unit-2:Knowledge Management System life Cycle • Introduction to Knowledge management system life cycle • Challenges in building knowledge management system • Knowledge evaluation, Knowledge processing • Knowledge implementation, Identifying Knowledge Centers • Nonaka’s Model of Knowledge Creation and Transformation • Impediments to Knowledge Sharing Unit-3: Knowledge Management techniques, Systems and tools • Introduction to Knowledge Management Architecture, Knowledge Capture Process • Identifying Experts - Single and Multiple Experts • Knowledge Capture Techniques: On-site Observation, Brainstorming, Consensus Decision Making, Nominal Group Technique • Delphi Method, Repertory Grid, Concept Mapping, Blackboarding • Knowledge analysis, Organizational Knowledge Dissemination • Knowledge Management Systems and Tools • Organizational Knowledge Management Architecture and Implementation Strategies Unit-4: Knowledge Codification • Introduction to Knowledge Codification • Benefits of Knowledge Codification • Knowledge Codification in the KM System Life Cycle • Codification Tools-Knowledge Map, Decision Table • Decision Tree, Frames ,Production Rules, Case-based Reasoning Unit -5 System testing and Deployment • Introduction to Quality Assurance • Knowledge management testing • Hurdles in KMS Testing, Logical Testing Approaches • System Testing & Deployment in KMSLC • Factors affecting System Deployment Unit-6:Knowledge transfer and sharing • Introduction to Knowledge Transfer & Knowledge Sharing • Fundamentals of Knowledge transfer • Learning from data - The Concept of Learning • Data Visualization, Neural Networks –The basic • The Knowledge transfer in e-world, Knowledge Portals and Knowledge Management Tools • Groupware categories and applications, Organizational Collaborative Platforms
  • 15. CDOE-DAVV, MBA (ODL, 02 Year) w.e.f. November 2022 Page | 15 Reference Books: 1. "Total Quality Management: Text, Cases, and Readings" by James R. Evans and William M. Lindsay. 2. "The Essential Deming: Leadership Principles from the Father of Quality" by W. Edwards Deming, edited by Joyce Nilsson Orsini. 3. "Juran's Quality Handbook: The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence" by Joseph M. Juran, A. Blanton Godfrey, and J. M. Juran. 4. "Quality Management for Organizational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality" by David L. Goetsch and Stanley B. Davis. 5. "Total Quality Management: Key Concepts and Case Studies" by Kim Hua Tan.