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The Chartered Facilities Manager.PREVIEW.pdf
The Chartered Facilities Manager
Copyright © 2020 Zulk Shamsuddin, PhD / GAFM ACADEMY
All rights reserved. Revised edition: Nov 2022
ISBN: 9781458306692
The Chartered Facilities Manager (ChFM) is a gold-standard certification
exclusively from the Global Academy of Finance and Management ®. Earning this
certification demonstrates that you have skills and experience in facilities
management which include the maintenance of buildings, road maintenance,
manufacturing plants, tools and machineries, heating, ventilation and air-
conditioning systems, ensuring that the facilities meet statutory requirements and
comply with occupational health and safety standards.
It forms the basis of the assessment that individuals must pass to earn the
Chartered Facilities Manager status and inclusion in the Directory of The GAFM
Academy of Finance and Management Certified Professionals. Individuals with several
years of experience in facilities management are encouraged to acquire this
Differentiate yourself from the crowd with the skills-certified Chartered Facilities
Manager certification.
Certificates and certifications, the names for these credentials sound confusingly
similar. But there are important differences. Here’s what you need to know about
these resume-enhancing options and how they might advance your career.
Earning a certificate is about education. Certificates are academic credentials awarded
by colleges, universities or other educational institutions. Students in certificate
programs learn new knowledge in a specific subject or discipline and earn a
certificate by successfully completing the coursework. “An ideal student for a
certificate program is someone who is willing to go through the experience of
growing their own skillset, being real about what they want to learn, and working
with others,” says Jennifer Diamond, an instructor for the UW Certificate in
Project Management. Many certificate programs have few, if any, admission
requirements, making them an excellent option if you want to move forward in
your career. The programs are usually noncredit and take less time to complete
than a degree. Certificates are commonly listed on resumes as education, and
some meet education requirements for first-time or renewed certifications.
When you have the professional knowledge you need, a certification allows you to
prove it. Certifications indicate mastery of skills or standards. Professional
certifications are granted by industry groups or career-related organizations. These
groups assess your qualifications, usually through an exam or application process.
Many certifications include the privilege to use a related designation following
your professional title. Certification differs from a license, which permits you to
work in a certain profession and is usually issued by government or regulatory
Benefits of Becoming a Certified/Chartered Professional
• Certification provides tangible evidence that an individual has excelled in
their specialized field of expertise.
• Certification demonstrates the attainment of a body of knowledge within a
specialized area staying current on new technological innovations.
• Certification demonstrates a strong commitment to professionalism
through its ethics and continuing professional development requirements.
• Certification allows individuals to maintain significant input into the
advanced credentialing process.
• Certification provides clients with an assurance that they are engaging
highly qualified and certified professionals on their projects.
Introduce yourself with this exclusive certification card during networking,
business events, conference, and anywhere. Certification makes a difference.
The facilities manager should be self-motivated, extremely organized, and have
strong communication and project management aptitude.
Employers typically seek candidates with a bachelor’s degree and the following
• Leadership and human relations skills
• Ability to quantify contributions to the productivity of the organization
• Ability to quantify the impact of various facility initiatives on the productivity
of the employees and the organization
• Understanding the financial metrics of the organization
• Comprehending value to the end-user of the facility
• Communicating the strategic importance of facility management as a tool to
support the organizational vision.
• Perceiving the knowledge economy in terms of meeting the needs of the
facility’s end-users
• Comprehending the use of technology for adding value
• Understanding the concept of branding a facility for the purposes of meeting
the strategic needs of a facility’s end-users
• Understanding the processes associated with facilities management.
• Assess the knowledge and competencies of the processes associated with
facilities management.
• Applying the appropriate techniques and tools for facilities management.
• Learn how facilities management fits into the overall enterprise facilities
• Adopting best practices and methodology for the deployment of facilities
management activities.
Skills and Competencies
This book addresses the following skills and competencies to qualify for the
Chartered Facilities Manager certification.
1. Facilities Management
2. Procurement Management
3. Contract Management
4. Project Management
5. Risk And Compliance
6. Relationship Management
To apply: CLICK HERE
Facilities management strategy is a tool for facility management that focuses on
improving the workplace to boost productivity, performance and well being of workers
in a company. For efficient and effective services, facilities management strategy
allows the deeper understanding of the needs of an organisation or business and places
procedures and processes to meet these needs.
The right strategy goes beyond providing day to day support and service and
starts creating long term initiatives that can sustain the life of assets and improve
productivity. The driving force behind a facilities management strategy is the safety
and happiness of the people in the facility.
Facility management refers to how facilities at an organization are managed and
maintained. These facilities are not limited to offices but can also include mechanical
and electrical utilities or the company's physical resources with the potential to cause
the employees a safety or health hazard. Facility management is affected by technology
changes and advancements imploring facility managers to identify technology
investments that can positively influence facilities management.
Facilities management strategy is a collaboration between facility management
and facility planning focusing on long term outcomes and involves incorporating
facility management into company initiatives. Facilities management strategy calls for
an understanding of business goals and linking them to facility management to improve
the workplace and organization. It's driven by goals.
Facility management can ensure that companies are running efficiently and
effectively. Buildings with a facility management team run properly as they are
responsible for the day to day analysis of utilities at the company as well as
maintenance and repairs. They also take part in strategic planning activities of the
company to aid the growth of employee productivity and cut down costs.
Studies have shown that the best workplace environment can affect productivity
and improve the well being of workers which can affect business output and the
success of organisations as a whole. For example, clean working space and bathrooms
can make workers feel comfortable and secure. Facilities management takes care of
such services. With skilled management experts and your own facilities manager, we
can offer you tailor-made management services both on a short or long-term basis so
you can focus on other aspects of your business without worry.
Facility management involves so many responsibilities that include ensuring
comfort, functionality, safety and happiness of occupants in a building that is being
managed. To successfully accomplish all these, there are facility management
objectives that should be met and these objectives can fit all types of facilities.
For everything to run smoothly as you manage a building, establish and maintain
communication with occupants and stakeholders of the building. Such dialogue can
help you learn how they view the facility and they can also offer invaluable suggestions
to make the environment more comfortable and safe. For every facility that Busters
Group is offering facility management to, our team invents an easy but vital system for
communication for occupants to tell us their recommendations and opinions on how the
job should be done better so every occupant is happy and feels secure.
Safety is always our main concern here at Busters Group. By being aware of
potential health risks and creating strategies to correct and avoid some of these risks we
can keep a lot of people safe. In buildings that we are managing, we focus on
bathrooms because they are an essential part of any building. By maintaining
cleanliness, freshness and stocking them with adequate toiletries we make them as
pleasant as possible for every visit made. Our team also focuses on reducing the level
of moisture and mould growth in bathrooms by doing regular inspections on stalls and
investing in high-density polyethene that not only improves the quality of air but also
prevents mould growth.
Some things if left unchecked for a long time can ultimately affect the
functionality of utilities in a building. Routine checks can help identify any building
deficiencies and avoid bigger problems in future. A facility manager is responsible to
make these routine checks every three to 6 months.
Making the facility more energy-efficient can save money. By going over the
expenses of the building on water, gas and electricity a manager can identify how much
is being spent and ways of reducing energy wastage. Investing in equipment that can
save energy such as energy-efficient light bulbs, boosting existing equipment and
sealing off leaks on pipes can reduce and prevent more wastage of energy.
Strategic facility planning (SFP) is a key process that can enhance the delivery of
services from a facility management team to its stakeholders. An SFP can reduce
delays and customer dissatisfaction with services being offered and ensures that all
facility management activities are in line with the corporate direction of the business.
With SFP a facility manager can help organizations become effective and conducive
space for workers. The process follows these steps:
1) Clarify Your Strategic Position
To know the right needs of a facility, an analysis of the current position or
conditions of the building must be done. The team must study the values, culture,
vision and goals of the organization they want to work with and develop strategies that
will be in line with these core values. The facility manager must understand where the
organization is heading, what changes might occur and how they will affect the real
estate needs of the organization. This can help predict future needs, requirements and
costs for operations, maintenance and space.
2) Prioritize Your Objectives
After identifying the needs, a facility manager must evaluate the objectives that
collaborate with the core values and vision of the organization and how each chosen
objective can help reach set goals. Priority should be given to objectives that are more
urgent, relate more to the needs of stakeholders and can support the performance of
everyone at the workplace.
3) Formulate A Strategy
Formulating a strategy involves identifying the right initiatives to reach set
objectives and creating a time frame to reach them.
4) Implement and Manage The Strategy
With the plan on paper, it can be implemented, but for its success, everyone in
the organization must be aware of what sort of strategies you have put in place. Team
members should know what their roles will be throughout the facility management
5) Monitor and Evaluate Strategy
To determine if the strategy is successful, continue to monitor the work being
done and check if progress matches up with set priorities. Managers can also take
opinions from members of the organization to see if the work they are providing is up
to their standards. Where priorities or changes must be made in approach, the manager
is also responsible for these.
It takes control to perfectly carry out strategic facility management. The
International Facility Management Association list's four steps to successfully
implement a strategic facility plan:
Strategic facility management is guided by goals and the capacity of facilities to
support such goals. The strategy must be well understood before it is executed and this
goes beyond knowing the time frame to identifying if the strategy has enough resources
to run.
The second step in facilities management calls for a deeper understanding and
experimentation on how the plan can be put into action. Use experimental and analytic
tools to help fully build the strategy. By using scenario planning you can have a
systematic layout of the plan and to analyse focus areas we use SWOT (Strengths,
Weaknesses, opportunities and Threats) analysis. Brainstorming and Strategic Creative
Analysis (SCAN) can help the whole team come up with facility improvement ideas.
Developing a strategic facility plan is easy after outlining what you want to do
and how to do it. A facility manager is usually the one who hands in this physical plan
to executive managers for approval. The plan details what changes should be made to
the facility, why they should happen and what will be done for such changes to occur.
Like a business plan, the facility plan shows the time frame for actions, responsibilities
of team members and shows how success will be measured.
After the plan is approved, it's time for action. Strategic facility management
requires leaders that can execute the changes in line with the strategic management
facilities plan and who are able to track and report changes and improvements to the
overall plan. These leaders should value the vision at the facilities level and know how
it affects the goals of the business. After implementation, continue to measure the
success of the strategy on different aspects of the business.
Some facilities depend on fully functioning equipment to run. A business
continuity plan is like a contingency plan that identifies the key assets of a facility and
the potential risks that the asset has. The plan also shows how business operations
could be affected if the asset stopped functioning. With evaluation and the right plan,
you can ensure that a business or facility does not stop its operations if the inevitable
should occur.
Facilities management is the process by which an organization ensures that its
buildings, systems, and services support the organization’s core operations and processes as
well as contribute to achieving its strategic objectives in changing conditions. It focuses
resources on meeting user needs to support the key role of people in organizations and
strives to continuously improve quality, reduce risks and ensure value for money. It is an
important management function and business service. Major organizations worldwide are
using it as part of their strategy for restructuring to provide a competitive edge. It can also
ensure that buildings and support services improve customer responsiveness and
contribute to business objectives.
The scope of the discipline covers all aspects of property, space, environmental
control, health and safety, and support services, and requires that appropriate control
points are established in the organization. The facilities management plan will set out
these policies and identify corporate guidelines and standards. It will describe the
organization, its structure, procedures and responsibilities. Facilities management policies
lay out an organization’s response to vital issues such as space allocation and charging,
environmental control and protection, and direct and contract employment. The policies
will set a direction for the organization and establish the values of and attitudes toward
the facilities users including the corporation, its operating units and customers, individual
employees and the public.
Facilities management entails the integration of people, technology and support
services to achieve an organization’s mission. It is concerned primarily with the quality
of service to all stakeholders in the organization. In a service level model, the informed
buyer assesses needs, agrees on the desired service levels and purchases services to
meet them. The facilities organization must enable managers to focus on buying the
best standard of service achievable within an agreed budget.
The primary objective of facility management is to deliver the optimum facility
management services stipulated in the contractual agreement within the scope, budget,
and quality requirements. The emphasis here is on management and business rather
than the technical aspects of the facility management mission.
Both the organization and the facility manager should have a specific philosophy
about facilities.
• Facility management is an essential business function; the facility manager is a
business manager and should be placed at the same level as the managers of
human relations and/or information technology.
• Different types of organizations require different approaches to facility
management (and services may be provided in-house or contracted out), but
there are a limited number of ways to organize depending upon the mission.
• Every FM organization will have some element contracted out so contract
negotiation and administration skills are essential for every facility manager.
• Facility managers need to be innovative in their contracting. Low-bid
contracts are seldom appropriate, and we must partner with our contractors
and consultants while insisting that they perform if they are to continue
working for us.
• Good facility management is based on the good leadership of a proper
• Facility managers need to have the same level of business skills as their
management colleagues.
• Facility managers must know their business both the FM business and the
business they support.
• While it is improving, facility management needs better basic research and
better application of both existing research and best practices.
• Facility managers are in a position where they can influence how substantial
organizational resources are spent. Conduct your business with the highest
degree of ethics and a sense of stewardship.
• Sustainability, security, and emergency management are functions with great
management and customer interest, which every FM must accommodate.
A major challenge for the facility manager is forming a facility’s staff and getting
it to function as a team. Unfortunately, many factors in a company work counter to a
team approach, which is why a facility manager must be a leader, not simply a
manager. We have mentioned repeatedly the diverse nature of staffing in most facility
departments; staff, contractors, and consultants. This allows for both maximizations of
skills and flexibility to meet peak workloads. Yet all members of the team, regardless
of employment status, must feel that they are important members of one team. This is
true even for one-time contractors. In some organizations, even though it makes sense,
a staff member is never to be placed in a position subordinate to a consultant.
Bureaucratic personnel policies or traditions that preclude such assignments often run
contrary to effective team building and require an aggressive leader to get them
modified. In today’s contractor and consultant-laden business world, this consultant
may be the best (or only) person, to train, manage, and guide an employee, regardless
of staffing status.
Unfortunately, some good management techniques often run contrary to good
teamwork. Excessive dependence on quantitative measurement, particularly measuring
one work unit against another, often leads to cutting corners, bickering, and even
sabotage. Quantitative measurements always must be evaluated in context and used as
indicators for discussion on ways to improve, not as the final word. Likewise,
subordinate objectives must reinforce departmental goals. Successful teamwork and
subordinates who stress an understanding and support of the entire organization must
be rewarded.
The main principle of FM service management is to ensure the FM project will
meet or exceed stakeholders’ needs and expectations. The FM project team must
develop a good relationship with key stakeholders, especially the project sponsor and
the key project stakeholders of the project, to understand what quality means to them.
One of the causes for poor project evaluations is the project focuses only on meeting
the written requirements for the main outputs and ignores other stakeholder needs and
expectations for the project.
Quality must be viewed on an equal level with scope, schedule, and budget. If a
project sponsor is not satisfied with the quality of how the project is delivering the
outcomes, the project team will need to make adjustments to the scope, schedule, and
budget to satisfy the project sponsor’s needs and expectations. To deliver the project
scope on time and within budget is not enough, to achieve stakeholder satisfaction the
project must develop a good working relationship with all stakeholders and understand
their stated or implied needs.
FM Quality Service Management consists of three main processes.
Plan Quality Management
Plan Quality Management refers to the process of identifying quality
requirements and standards for the project and its deliverables and documenting how
the project will demonstrate compliance with quality requirements.
Perform Quality Assurance
Perform Quality Assurance refers to the process of auditing the quality
requirements and the results from quality control measurements to ensure that
appropriate quality standards and operational definitions are used.
Control Quality
Control Quality refers to the process of monitoring and recording results of
executing quality activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.
© Copyright GAFM ACADEMY Registered Facilit ies Manager Certification Program ‹ "I CHO "CE CF GO [
The first step in the FM quality management planning process is to define
quality. The project manager and the team must identify what quality standards will be
used in the project, it will look at the project sponsor, key project stakeholders, the
organization and other key stakeholders to come up with a good definition of quality. In
some instances, the organization or the area of specialization of the project
(engineering, IT, FM, health, water, or education) may have some standard definitions
of quality that can be used by the project.
Identifying quality standards is a key component of quality definition that will
help identify the key characteristics that will govern project activities and ensure the
key project stakeholders and project sponsors will accept the project outcomes.
Quality management implies the ability to anticipate situations and prepare
actions that will help bring the desired outcomes. The goal is the prevention of defects
through the creation of actions that will ensure that the project team understands what
is defined as quality.
One source for the definition of quality comes from the project sponsor. the
project must establish conversations with the project sponsor to be familiar with and
come to a common understanding of what the project sponsor defines as quality. The
project sponsor may have certain standards of what is expected from the project, and
how the project delivers the expected benefits to the key project stakeholders. This is in
line with the project’s ultimate objective that the project outcomes have the ability to
satisfy the stated or implied needs.
Another source for quality definition comes from the key project stakeholders;
the project team must be able to understand how the key project stakeholders define
quality from their perspective, a perspective that is more focused on fitness for use, the
project outcomes must be relevant to the current needs of the key project stakeholders
and must result in improvements to their lives. The team can create, as part of the
baseline data collection, questions that seek to understand how the key project
stakeholders define the project will meet their needs and a question that also helps
define what project success looks like from the perspective of a beneficiary.
The development organization may have its own quality standards that can reflect
the technical and managerial nature of the project. The organization may require from
the project timely and accurate delivery of project information needed for decision-
making, or compliance to international or locally recognized quality standards that
define specific technical areas of the project, this is quite often in health, water and
nutrition projects.
All materials or services have characteristics that facilitate the identification of its
quality. The characteristics are part of the conditions of how the material, equipment
and services are able to meet the requirements of the project and are fit for use by the
key project stakeholders. Quality characteristics relate to the attributes, measures and
methods attached to that particular product or service.
• Functionality is the degree, by which equipment performs its intended function,
this is important, especially for clinical equipment, that the operation should behave as
• Performance is how well a product or service performs the key project
stakeholders intended use. A water system should be designed to support extreme
conditions and require little maintenance to reduce the cost to the community and
increase its sustainability.
• Reliability represents the ability of the service or product to perform as intended
under normal conditions without unacceptable failures. The material used for blood
testing should be able to provide the information consistently and dependably that will
help identify critical diseases. The trust of the key project stakeholders is dependent
upon the quality of the tests.
• Relevance represents the characteristic of how a product or service meets the
actual needs of the key project stakeholders, it should be pertinent, applicable, and
appropriate to its intended use or application.
• Timeliness represents how the product or service is delivered in time to solve the
problems when its needed and not after, this is a crucial characteristic for health and
emergency relief work.
• Suitability defines the fitness of its use, its appropriateness and correctness, the
agriculture equipment must be designed to operate on the sole condition the key
project stakeholders will use it on.
• Completeness defines the quality that the service is to be completed and includes
the entire scope of services. Training sessions should be completed and include all the
material needed to build a desired skill or knowledge.
• Consistency ensures services are delivered in the same way for every beneficiary.
For example, clinical tests need to be done using the same procedure for every patient.
Quality characteristics are not limited to the material, equipment or service
delivered to the key project stakeholders, but also apply to the material, equipment, and
services the project staff uses to deliver the project outputs. These include the vehicles,
computers, various equipment, tools and consulting services the project purchases and
uses to carry out its activities.
Quality characteristics must be included in all materials, equipment and services
the project will purchase, the procurement officers must have a complete description of
what is required by the project, otherwise, a procurement office may purchase the
goods or services based on her or his information of the product.

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The Chartered Facilities Manager.PREVIEW.pdf

  • 4. Copyright © 2020 Zulk Shamsuddin, PhD / GAFM ACADEMY All rights reserved. Revised edition: Nov 2022 ISBN: 9781458306692
  • 5. INTRODUCTION The Chartered Facilities Manager (ChFM) is a gold-standard certification exclusively from the Global Academy of Finance and Management ®. Earning this certification demonstrates that you have skills and experience in facilities management which include the maintenance of buildings, road maintenance, manufacturing plants, tools and machineries, heating, ventilation and air- conditioning systems, ensuring that the facilities meet statutory requirements and comply with occupational health and safety standards. It forms the basis of the assessment that individuals must pass to earn the Chartered Facilities Manager status and inclusion in the Directory of The GAFM Academy of Finance and Management Certified Professionals. Individuals with several years of experience in facilities management are encouraged to acquire this certification. Differentiate yourself from the crowd with the skills-certified Chartered Facilities Manager certification. IMPORTANCE OF CERTIFICATION Certificates and certifications, the names for these credentials sound confusingly similar. But there are important differences. Here’s what you need to know about these resume-enhancing options and how they might advance your career. WHAT IS A CERTIFICATE?
  • 6. Earning a certificate is about education. Certificates are academic credentials awarded by colleges, universities or other educational institutions. Students in certificate programs learn new knowledge in a specific subject or discipline and earn a certificate by successfully completing the coursework. “An ideal student for a certificate program is someone who is willing to go through the experience of growing their own skillset, being real about what they want to learn, and working with others,” says Jennifer Diamond, an instructor for the UW Certificate in Project Management. Many certificate programs have few, if any, admission requirements, making them an excellent option if you want to move forward in your career. The programs are usually noncredit and take less time to complete than a degree. Certificates are commonly listed on resumes as education, and some meet education requirements for first-time or renewed certifications. WHAT IS A CERTIFICATION? When you have the professional knowledge you need, a certification allows you to prove it. Certifications indicate mastery of skills or standards. Professional certifications are granted by industry groups or career-related organizations. These groups assess your qualifications, usually through an exam or application process. Many certifications include the privilege to use a related designation following your professional title. Certification differs from a license, which permits you to work in a certain profession and is usually issued by government or regulatory agencies. Benefits of Becoming a Certified/Chartered Professional • Certification provides tangible evidence that an individual has excelled in their specialized field of expertise.
  • 7. • Certification demonstrates the attainment of a body of knowledge within a specialized area staying current on new technological innovations. • Certification demonstrates a strong commitment to professionalism through its ethics and continuing professional development requirements. • Certification allows individuals to maintain significant input into the advanced credentialing process. • Certification provides clients with an assurance that they are engaging highly qualified and certified professionals on their projects. Introduce yourself with this exclusive certification card during networking, business events, conference, and anywhere. Certification makes a difference. SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS The facilities manager should be self-motivated, extremely organized, and have strong communication and project management aptitude. Employers typically seek candidates with a bachelor’s degree and the following skills: • Leadership and human relations skills • Ability to quantify contributions to the productivity of the organization • Ability to quantify the impact of various facility initiatives on the productivity of the employees and the organization • Understanding the financial metrics of the organization
  • 8. • Comprehending value to the end-user of the facility • Communicating the strategic importance of facility management as a tool to support the organizational vision. • Perceiving the knowledge economy in terms of meeting the needs of the facility’s end-users • Comprehending the use of technology for adding value • Understanding the concept of branding a facility for the purposes of meeting the strategic needs of a facility’s end-users BENEFITS OF BECOMING A CHARTERED FACILITIES MANAGER • Understanding the processes associated with facilities management. • Assess the knowledge and competencies of the processes associated with facilities management. • Applying the appropriate techniques and tools for facilities management. • Learn how facilities management fits into the overall enterprise facilities management • Adopting best practices and methodology for the deployment of facilities management activities. Skills and Competencies This book addresses the following skills and competencies to qualify for the Chartered Facilities Manager certification.
  • 9. 1. Facilities Management 2. Procurement Management 3. Contract Management 4. Project Management 5. Risk And Compliance 6. Relationship Management To apply: CLICK HERE
  • 10. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Facilities management strategy is a tool for facility management that focuses on improving the workplace to boost productivity, performance and well being of workers in a company. For efficient and effective services, facilities management strategy allows the deeper understanding of the needs of an organisation or business and places procedures and processes to meet these needs. The right strategy goes beyond providing day to day support and service and starts creating long term initiatives that can sustain the life of assets and improve productivity. The driving force behind a facilities management strategy is the safety and happiness of the people in the facility. WHAT IS FACILITY MANAGEMENT? Facility management refers to how facilities at an organization are managed and maintained. These facilities are not limited to offices but can also include mechanical and electrical utilities or the company's physical resources with the potential to cause the employees a safety or health hazard. Facility management is affected by technology changes and advancements imploring facility managers to identify technology investments that can positively influence facilities management. WHAT IS A FACILITIES MANAGEMENT STRATEGY? Facilities management strategy is a collaboration between facility management and facility planning focusing on long term outcomes and involves incorporating facility management into company initiatives. Facilities management strategy calls for an understanding of business goals and linking them to facility management to improve the workplace and organization. It's driven by goals.
  • 11. WHY IS FACILITY MANAGEMENT MORE RELEVANT THAN EVER? Facility management can ensure that companies are running efficiently and effectively. Buildings with a facility management team run properly as they are responsible for the day to day analysis of utilities at the company as well as maintenance and repairs. They also take part in strategic planning activities of the company to aid the growth of employee productivity and cut down costs. Studies have shown that the best workplace environment can affect productivity and improve the well being of workers which can affect business output and the success of organisations as a whole. For example, clean working space and bathrooms can make workers feel comfortable and secure. Facilities management takes care of such services. With skilled management experts and your own facilities manager, we can offer you tailor-made management services both on a short or long-term basis so you can focus on other aspects of your business without worry. WHAT ARE FACILITY MANAGEMENT'S OBJECTIVES? Facility management involves so many responsibilities that include ensuring comfort, functionality, safety and happiness of occupants in a building that is being managed. To successfully accomplish all these, there are facility management objectives that should be met and these objectives can fit all types of facilities. COMMUNICATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS AND OCCUPANTS For everything to run smoothly as you manage a building, establish and maintain communication with occupants and stakeholders of the building. Such dialogue can help you learn how they view the facility and they can also offer invaluable suggestions to make the environment more comfortable and safe. For every facility that Busters Group is offering facility management to, our team invents an easy but vital system for
  • 12. communication for occupants to tell us their recommendations and opinions on how the job should be done better so every occupant is happy and feels secure. PROVIDE A SAFE AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT Safety is always our main concern here at Busters Group. By being aware of potential health risks and creating strategies to correct and avoid some of these risks we can keep a lot of people safe. In buildings that we are managing, we focus on bathrooms because they are an essential part of any building. By maintaining cleanliness, freshness and stocking them with adequate toiletries we make them as pleasant as possible for every visit made. Our team also focuses on reducing the level of moisture and mould growth in bathrooms by doing regular inspections on stalls and investing in high-density polyethene that not only improves the quality of air but also prevents mould growth. BE MINDFUL OF DEFICIENCIES Some things if left unchecked for a long time can ultimately affect the functionality of utilities in a building. Routine checks can help identify any building deficiencies and avoid bigger problems in future. A facility manager is responsible to make these routine checks every three to 6 months. IMPROVE AND ENDORSE ENERGY EFFICIENCY Making the facility more energy-efficient can save money. By going over the expenses of the building on water, gas and electricity a manager can identify how much is being spent and ways of reducing energy wastage. Investing in equipment that can save energy such as energy-efficient light bulbs, boosting existing equipment and sealing off leaks on pipes can reduce and prevent more wastage of energy. WHAT ARE THE 5 STEPS IN STRATEGIC FACILITY PLANNING? Strategic facility planning (SFP) is a key process that can enhance the delivery of services from a facility management team to its stakeholders. An SFP can reduce delays and customer dissatisfaction with services being offered and ensures that all facility management activities are in line with the corporate direction of the business. With SFP a facility manager can help organizations become effective and conducive space for workers. The process follows these steps: 1) Clarify Your Strategic Position To know the right needs of a facility, an analysis of the current position or conditions of the building must be done. The team must study the values, culture, vision and goals of the organization they want to work with and develop strategies that will be in line with these core values. The facility manager must understand where the organization is heading, what changes might occur and how they will affect the real estate needs of the organization. This can help predict future needs, requirements and costs for operations, maintenance and space.
  • 13. 2) Prioritize Your Objectives After identifying the needs, a facility manager must evaluate the objectives that collaborate with the core values and vision of the organization and how each chosen objective can help reach set goals. Priority should be given to objectives that are more urgent, relate more to the needs of stakeholders and can support the performance of everyone at the workplace. 3) Formulate A Strategy Formulating a strategy involves identifying the right initiatives to reach set objectives and creating a time frame to reach them. 4) Implement and Manage The Strategy With the plan on paper, it can be implemented, but for its success, everyone in the organization must be aware of what sort of strategies you have put in place. Team members should know what their roles will be throughout the facility management plan. 5) Monitor and Evaluate Strategy To determine if the strategy is successful, continue to monitor the work being done and check if progress matches up with set priorities. Managers can also take opinions from members of the organization to see if the work they are providing is up to their standards. Where priorities or changes must be made in approach, the manager is also responsible for these. IMPLEMENTING STRATEGIC FACILITY MANAGEMENT It takes control to perfectly carry out strategic facility management. The International Facility Management Association list's four steps to successfully implement a strategic facility plan: Understand Strategic facility management is guided by goals and the capacity of facilities to support such goals. The strategy must be well understood before it is executed and this goes beyond knowing the time frame to identifying if the strategy has enough resources to run. Analyze The second step in facilities management calls for a deeper understanding and experimentation on how the plan can be put into action. Use experimental and analytic tools to help fully build the strategy. By using scenario planning you can have a systematic layout of the plan and to analyse focus areas we use SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and Threats) analysis. Brainstorming and Strategic Creative Analysis (SCAN) can help the whole team come up with facility improvement ideas.
  • 14. Plan Developing a strategic facility plan is easy after outlining what you want to do and how to do it. A facility manager is usually the one who hands in this physical plan to executive managers for approval. The plan details what changes should be made to the facility, why they should happen and what will be done for such changes to occur. Like a business plan, the facility plan shows the time frame for actions, responsibilities of team members and shows how success will be measured. Act After the plan is approved, it's time for action. Strategic facility management requires leaders that can execute the changes in line with the strategic management facilities plan and who are able to track and report changes and improvements to the overall plan. These leaders should value the vision at the facilities level and know how it affects the goals of the business. After implementation, continue to measure the success of the strategy on different aspects of the business. BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING Some facilities depend on fully functioning equipment to run. A business continuity plan is like a contingency plan that identifies the key assets of a facility and the potential risks that the asset has. The plan also shows how business operations could be affected if the asset stopped functioning. With evaluation and the right plan, you can ensure that a business or facility does not stop its operations if the inevitable should occur. Facilities management is the process by which an organization ensures that its buildings, systems, and services support the organization’s core operations and processes as well as contribute to achieving its strategic objectives in changing conditions. It focuses
  • 15. resources on meeting user needs to support the key role of people in organizations and strives to continuously improve quality, reduce risks and ensure value for money. It is an important management function and business service. Major organizations worldwide are using it as part of their strategy for restructuring to provide a competitive edge. It can also ensure that buildings and support services improve customer responsiveness and contribute to business objectives. The scope of the discipline covers all aspects of property, space, environmental control, health and safety, and support services, and requires that appropriate control points are established in the organization. The facilities management plan will set out these policies and identify corporate guidelines and standards. It will describe the organization, its structure, procedures and responsibilities. Facilities management policies lay out an organization’s response to vital issues such as space allocation and charging, environmental control and protection, and direct and contract employment. The policies will set a direction for the organization and establish the values of and attitudes toward the facilities users including the corporation, its operating units and customers, individual employees and the public. Facilities management entails the integration of people, technology and support services to achieve an organization’s mission. It is concerned primarily with the quality of service to all stakeholders in the organization. In a service level model, the informed buyer assesses needs, agrees on the desired service levels and purchases services to meet them. The facilities organization must enable managers to focus on buying the best standard of service achievable within an agreed budget. The primary objective of facility management is to deliver the optimum facility management services stipulated in the contractual agreement within the scope, budget, and quality requirements. The emphasis here is on management and business rather than the technical aspects of the facility management mission. Both the organization and the facility manager should have a specific philosophy about facilities. • Facility management is an essential business function; the facility manager is a business manager and should be placed at the same level as the managers of human relations and/or information technology. • Different types of organizations require different approaches to facility management (and services may be provided in-house or contracted out), but there are a limited number of ways to organize depending upon the mission. • Every FM organization will have some element contracted out so contract negotiation and administration skills are essential for every facility manager. • Facility managers need to be innovative in their contracting. Low-bid contracts are seldom appropriate, and we must partner with our contractors and consultants while insisting that they perform if they are to continue working for us. • Good facility management is based on the good leadership of a proper organization. • Facility managers need to have the same level of business skills as their management colleagues.
  • 16. • Facility managers must know their business both the FM business and the business they support. • While it is improving, facility management needs better basic research and better application of both existing research and best practices. • Facility managers are in a position where they can influence how substantial organizational resources are spent. Conduct your business with the highest degree of ethics and a sense of stewardship. • Sustainability, security, and emergency management are functions with great management and customer interest, which every FM must accommodate. THE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT TEAM A major challenge for the facility manager is forming a facility’s staff and getting it to function as a team. Unfortunately, many factors in a company work counter to a team approach, which is why a facility manager must be a leader, not simply a manager. We have mentioned repeatedly the diverse nature of staffing in most facility departments; staff, contractors, and consultants. This allows for both maximizations of skills and flexibility to meet peak workloads. Yet all members of the team, regardless of employment status, must feel that they are important members of one team. This is true even for one-time contractors. In some organizations, even though it makes sense, a staff member is never to be placed in a position subordinate to a consultant. Bureaucratic personnel policies or traditions that preclude such assignments often run contrary to effective team building and require an aggressive leader to get them modified. In today’s contractor and consultant-laden business world, this consultant may be the best (or only) person, to train, manage, and guide an employee, regardless of staffing status. Unfortunately, some good management techniques often run contrary to good teamwork. Excessive dependence on quantitative measurement, particularly measuring one work unit against another, often leads to cutting corners, bickering, and even sabotage. Quantitative measurements always must be evaluated in context and used as indicators for discussion on ways to improve, not as the final word. Likewise, subordinate objectives must reinforce departmental goals. Successful teamwork and subordinates who stress an understanding and support of the entire organization must be rewarded.
  • 17. FM SERVICE MANAGEMENT The main principle of FM service management is to ensure the FM project will meet or exceed stakeholders’ needs and expectations. The FM project team must develop a good relationship with key stakeholders, especially the project sponsor and the key project stakeholders of the project, to understand what quality means to them. One of the causes for poor project evaluations is the project focuses only on meeting the written requirements for the main outputs and ignores other stakeholder needs and expectations for the project. Quality must be viewed on an equal level with scope, schedule, and budget. If a project sponsor is not satisfied with the quality of how the project is delivering the outcomes, the project team will need to make adjustments to the scope, schedule, and budget to satisfy the project sponsor’s needs and expectations. To deliver the project scope on time and within budget is not enough, to achieve stakeholder satisfaction the project must develop a good working relationship with all stakeholders and understand their stated or implied needs. FM Quality Service Management consists of three main processes. Plan Quality Management Plan Quality Management refers to the process of identifying quality requirements and standards for the project and its deliverables and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance with quality requirements. Perform Quality Assurance Perform Quality Assurance refers to the process of auditing the quality requirements and the results from quality control measurements to ensure that appropriate quality standards and operational definitions are used. Control Quality Control Quality refers to the process of monitoring and recording results of executing quality activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes. © Copyright GAFM ACADEMY Registered Facilit ies Manager Certification Program ‹ "I CHO "CE CF GO [
  • 18. FM QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING The first step in the FM quality management planning process is to define quality. The project manager and the team must identify what quality standards will be used in the project, it will look at the project sponsor, key project stakeholders, the organization and other key stakeholders to come up with a good definition of quality. In some instances, the organization or the area of specialization of the project (engineering, IT, FM, health, water, or education) may have some standard definitions of quality that can be used by the project. Identifying quality standards is a key component of quality definition that will help identify the key characteristics that will govern project activities and ensure the key project stakeholders and project sponsors will accept the project outcomes. Quality management implies the ability to anticipate situations and prepare actions that will help bring the desired outcomes. The goal is the prevention of defects through the creation of actions that will ensure that the project team understands what is defined as quality. SOURCES OF QUALITY DEFINITION One source for the definition of quality comes from the project sponsor. the project must establish conversations with the project sponsor to be familiar with and come to a common understanding of what the project sponsor defines as quality. The project sponsor may have certain standards of what is expected from the project, and how the project delivers the expected benefits to the key project stakeholders. This is in line with the project’s ultimate objective that the project outcomes have the ability to satisfy the stated or implied needs. Another source for quality definition comes from the key project stakeholders; the project team must be able to understand how the key project stakeholders define quality from their perspective, a perspective that is more focused on fitness for use, the project outcomes must be relevant to the current needs of the key project stakeholders and must result in improvements to their lives. The team can create, as part of the baseline data collection, questions that seek to understand how the key project stakeholders define the project will meet their needs and a question that also helps define what project success looks like from the perspective of a beneficiary. The development organization may have its own quality standards that can reflect the technical and managerial nature of the project. The organization may require from the project timely and accurate delivery of project information needed for decision- making, or compliance to international or locally recognized quality standards that define specific technical areas of the project, this is quite often in health, water and nutrition projects.
  • 19. FM QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS All materials or services have characteristics that facilitate the identification of its quality. The characteristics are part of the conditions of how the material, equipment and services are able to meet the requirements of the project and are fit for use by the key project stakeholders. Quality characteristics relate to the attributes, measures and methods attached to that particular product or service. • Functionality is the degree, by which equipment performs its intended function, this is important, especially for clinical equipment, that the operation should behave as expected. • Performance is how well a product or service performs the key project stakeholders intended use. A water system should be designed to support extreme conditions and require little maintenance to reduce the cost to the community and increase its sustainability. • Reliability represents the ability of the service or product to perform as intended under normal conditions without unacceptable failures. The material used for blood testing should be able to provide the information consistently and dependably that will help identify critical diseases. The trust of the key project stakeholders is dependent upon the quality of the tests. • Relevance represents the characteristic of how a product or service meets the actual needs of the key project stakeholders, it should be pertinent, applicable, and appropriate to its intended use or application. • Timeliness represents how the product or service is delivered in time to solve the problems when its needed and not after, this is a crucial characteristic for health and emergency relief work. • Suitability defines the fitness of its use, its appropriateness and correctness, the agriculture equipment must be designed to operate on the sole condition the key project stakeholders will use it on.
  • 20. • Completeness defines the quality that the service is to be completed and includes the entire scope of services. Training sessions should be completed and include all the material needed to build a desired skill or knowledge. • Consistency ensures services are delivered in the same way for every beneficiary. For example, clinical tests need to be done using the same procedure for every patient. Quality characteristics are not limited to the material, equipment or service delivered to the key project stakeholders, but also apply to the material, equipment, and services the project staff uses to deliver the project outputs. These include the vehicles, computers, various equipment, tools and consulting services the project purchases and uses to carry out its activities. Quality characteristics must be included in all materials, equipment and services the project will purchase, the procurement officers must have a complete description of what is required by the project, otherwise, a procurement office may purchase the goods or services based on her or his information of the product.