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Fixing the Indexability Challenge:
A Data-Based Framework
Areej AbuAli
#MozCon 2019
I’m here to talk to you about a framework
that I came up with to fix a client’s
indexability challenge
But more importantly…
(And I only realised this after I’d finished preparing this talk)
I’m also here to talk to you about how
“Technical Problems are People Problems”
I first met this client back in 2017
They’re a job aggregator site
Their website was struggling
89%YoY decrease in organic visibility
Organic Traffic
Y1 X
Y2 Y
Change -46%
They barely ranked…
Competitor OrganicVisibility
And their site was so massive;
we struggled to crawl it
To make this work, we need to fix the
fundamentals first
We need to fix their tech
So this talk is about my 18-month
relationship with this client
It’s about what worked, what didn’t work
and what I would have done differently
The Initial Findings
Links Tech Content
I started working on a comprehensive audit
I ended up with a 70-page document
There was a total of 50 recommendations
Some of the main things included were…
72% of backlinks came from only
3 referring domains
Their on-page content was full of
duplication and missing the basics
There were NO sitemaps
Canonical tags were not set up correctly
And their internal linking structure
was a nightmare
Every recommendation was outlined using a
traffic light system
And every section was split into
Problem, Effect & Solution
We had a half-day audit handover meeting
where I walked them through all
of our recommendations
Everyone was in good spirits
Yet I couldn’t help but feel it
was not enough…
Something was missing
Everything I recommended up till
now was solid
But I had a gut feeling that due to the
nature of their site…
These recommendations wouldn’t
quite cut it
I had to go back to the drawing board
The Supplementary Findings
Also Known As…
The Findings I Should’ve Found The First Time
Round But Didn’t So I’m Choosing To Call It
Supplementary Findings To Sound
Like An Expert.
They’re a job aggregator site – in essence, they’re a
job search engine
That means that every single search
conducted could, potentially, be
crawled and/or indexed
if it wasn’t built right
That’s equivalent to an infinite number
of potential searches!
Which part was their site
not getting right?
I knew that it was impossible to crawl
The one time I tried to fully crawl the site,
it returned over 2.5 million URLs
And I could only crawl it by excluding
massive sections
[MozCon 2019]  Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework
And if their pages couldn’t be crawled,
then they would never be
indexed properly…
And they won’t rank
So there were three problems that
needed to be fixed
Crawling Indexing Ranking
It was apparent that there were no rules in
place to help direct robots
Unique URLs were created, using up all
possible filter combinations
This can create a potentially-unlimited
number of URLs
And all the pages looked exactly the
same – they just had a list of jobs!
Google was wasting crawl budget by
crawling duplicate thin pages and
attempting to index them
The ‘Aha!’ Moment
It was apparent that there were no rules in
place to help direct robots
I needed to create a customised framework
that instructs bots on what to do and
what not to do
The job aggregator industry seemed to be
doing one of two things
Limiting indexable pages
à miss out on ranking opportunity
Limiting indexable pages
à miss out on ranking opportunity
Not limiting indexable pages
à wind up with reduced link equity
My framework was going to do neither
Instead it would use search volume data
to determine which pages are
valuable to search engines
So how exactly would this work?
It starts off by passing
the search query
through a keyword
combination script
This script outputs different combinations
for the search conducted
It does that by changing the order of
keywords to see all possible combinations
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4! = 24 combinations
These combinations will increase based
on the search query and filters applied
Even though Google will regard most
of these combinations as the same…
The script will help avoid duplicating
pages that have different versions
of the same thing
It then searches the
database to see
if this job is available
If (Job # Available)
Load a page stating so
and no-index it
If (Job = Available)
Search the keyword
database for all
keyword combinations
from the script
Fetch search volume
data for these
keyword combinations
For search volume data, we recommended
using API
If (SearchVolume > 50)
A page is then created
using the highest SV
keyword combination
that is both indexed
and crawled
If (SearchVolume < 50)
Load page for users
but no-index it
Your search volume cut-off can be updated
at anytime and is based on what makes
sense for your industry
[MozCon 2019]  Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework
There is always the possibility of
errors occurring
What if there’s a tie-breaker?
(Several keyword combinations having the
same search volume)
Create an indexed crawlable page based
on the keyword used in the
user search query
What if the API was down?
(And you’re unable to generate search volume data)
Load a no-index page for usability
and don’t store the query in the database
As for their internal linking structure…
This was the status of their header
This is what we recommended
We also provided internal linking
recommendations for their footer and
job advertisement pages
And an exact breakdown of their filter
system on job search pages
As for their sitemaps – they
had none
We recommended creating and
splitting them up
Blog Sitemap
Job Advertisements Sitemap
Job Results Sitemap
Ancillary Sitemap
The final step was to help them sort out
their content
Even if they were only indexing high
search volume pages; their
content was very thin
Their chances to rank would
still be minimal
They had the same H1,Title Tag & Meta
Description for every filtered
indexed page
Most competitors automatically generate
optimised meta tags
They needed to do the same for
indexable filter pages
Other than a company page and a
handful of blog posts, there were
no core content pages
So we performed in-depth keyword research
and opportunity analysis to see what
content generates traffic
And we provided a content audit
and strategy to go with it
My ‘Aha!’ Moment felt complete
This was the piece of the puzzle
that was missing
Four Months Later
The client confirm that they
implemented everything
[MozCon 2019]  Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework
The first thing that caught my attention
was their site went from over
2.5M crawled pages to 20K
Which initially felt like good news…
Until I realised that their traffic had
Remember this?
Organic Traffic
Y1 X
Y2 Y
Change -46%
Organic Traffic
Y1 X
Y2 Y
Y3 Z
Change -86%
[MozCon 2019]  Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework
The Mini Audit Findings
Also Known As…
The Findings I’m Rushing To Find In A Panic
To Prove That They Haven’t Implemented
My Recommendations Accurately,
Hence I Am Still An Expert.
I went through the original list of
50 recommended actions
At that point, there were 29 that had
not been implemented
I also discovered ten new issues that were
affecting their indexability
Google was choosing to only index
20% of the submitted sitemap
Googlebot will choose to visit their site less
if their indexability is not in check
The client explained that they’ve added
canonical tags and felt that was enough
They’re relying on Googlebot to:
1) Crawl the pages
They’re relying on Googlebot to:
1) Crawl the pages
2) Find the canonical tags
They’re relying on Googlebot to:
1) Crawl the pages
2) Find the canonical tags
3) Then choose to ignore them
Canonical tags are simply hints for bots
Google might decide to ignore the
tags and pick other pages to index
Almost 80K pages had been indexed
despite not being submitted
via the sitemap
And some pages were included in the
sitemap but not indexed
Because this page was the one
discovered via internal links
Over 5K similar pages with parameters
were getting indexed
Your main goal is to maximise crawl budget
You cannot use canonical tags as a
sticking plaster to fix that
This implementation was still incomplete
I had to change my way of conveying
this message
I put a stop to the endless stream of emails
and scheduled a face-to-face meeting
We reviewed each and every single
remaining task and discussed them in detail
Behold the wonders of Google Sheets!
We re-prioritised tasks and put
estimated completion dates
It was not an easy meeting but
it felt productive
Where are we now?
On a personal level, I discovered that I
suffer from Imposter Syndrome
This was my constant state of mind
I was working closely with the CTO
throughout this project
I felt he didn’t trust me or my knowledge
So, what would I have done differently?
If I could go back in time, I would realise
what the actual problem was
All technical problems are people problems
The SEO recommendations were solid
Getting it implemented was the hard part
As a tech SEO, the most you can do
is to influence priorities
You have no control
In this instance, I didn’t manage to
persuade him to implement
the recommendations
I also learned that the way I’ve been
doing SEO audits is plain wrong
I always focused on delivering a set
of comprehensive actions
Instead, maybe I should just deliver
a SINGLE recommendation
And once that’s implemented…
Then, and only then, will I recommend
And maybe I shouldn’t recommend
Until there are only Nice-To-Do’s
left to do
Because they are simply a distraction from
the main problem
This talk does not have a happy ending…
It is not a successful case study…
There’s no upward visibility graph and
page one rankings for me to show off…
This talk is about real life
It’s about a framework I created that
fixes indexability issues that I’m proud of
and I know in my gut *works*
So I wanted to share it with you
Because I can see this applied across
many sites in plenty of industries
And I’d love forYOU to implement it
So I’m going to share my full
methodology with you
And just remember…
Getting the basics right is so fundamental
If you can do nothing else,
just do the tech.
Areej AbuAli
Tweet things @areej_abuali

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