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NuRelm, Inc. Online Marketing Sampler Platter   NuRelm E-Business Software [email_address] NuRelm, NuContent and Osmosis are trademarks of NuRelm, Inc. © 2005 NuRelm, Inc. All Rights Reserved
What We’ll Cover Agenda: Introductions Ingredients : Elements of your online marketing program Prep : Getting everything ready Cook : Put your plan in action Enjoy : Measure results, adjust, do it all over again
Who We Are NuRelm provides  Internet-based software and services  to a wide variety of industries, including  construction, medical, manufacturing, and non-profit.
What We Do Osmosis Web-based training delivery Online course development NuContent Web content management software Hosting and Web development services Integration of open source CMSes  Online Marketing Analysis of existing online marketing Ongoing marketing services Web Development/Design Professional Web site design Development of sites in an array of languages
Who are you? Quick introduction and statement about what you’d like to get out of the presentation.
First Thing First ... Build a Good Web Site: Full of good, up-to-date information Visually pleasing Easy to navigate No broken links, pages, functions/graphics Don’t submit a site that makes you look bad.
Planning a Website Who is your  audience  and what do they want? What are the site’s  goals ? What  content  needs to be on the site? How will content be  structure d? What  functionality  will you need to support these things?
Online Marketing: The Two Big Questions Two Basic Questions: How will people find your website in the first place? What makes people come back to (or tell a friend)? If we can answer these questions, then we know where to start. ? ? ? ? ?
How Do They Find Your Site? Where visitors come from: Search engines Links from other sites Online communities Offline marketing Referrals from other people Good news: you can influence  all  of these items! !
What Makes Them Come Back? People return for … Good, relevant, updated content Event listings Program descriptions Good, frequent articles Online communities Discussion forums (not easy to get started)‏ Blogs Getting people to return to your site does not have to cost money, but it requires  your time .
What IS Online Marketing? Step 1: Find Me! (alternate title: Looking For Love In All the Right Places)‏ Big search engines Social networking Articles / press Paid listings Membership organizations Local search listings Your Site!
Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! What makes people come back to a website once they find it? POP QUIZ!
But What IS Online Marketing? You must have a site that works and that does what a client wants, but once that’s in place,  GOOD CONTENT  is what will usually bring them back. Step 2: Come Back! (alternate title: Hold Me)‏ Good structure GOOD CONTENT Good functionality
Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! How can you make your website’s visitors bend to your will and do things you want them to do on your site? POP QUIZ!
But What IS Online Marketing? You must have a site that works and that does what a client wants, but once that’s in place,  GOOD CONTENT  is what will usually bring them back. Good structure GOOD CONTENT Good functionality Step 3: Do What I Want! (alternate title… oh, never mind)‏
Find Me: Search Engines Rankings generated by each search engine’s proprietary algorithms Basics: Good page titles, descriptions, structure, readability (your web developer should know what these mean)‏ Items that will make the difference: Good content, lots of good links to your site Links from other sites to your site are critical to building good organic results. People won’t link to you if your content is bad. So, good content is critical! What are “organic” results and how do I beef mine up?
Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! Who’s got some suggestions on revving up your site’s organic search results? POP QUIZ!
Tell Search Engines: How Do I Register? Different for Each Search Tool: Go to each search engine where you want to submit Look for a link to something like “Submit your site” Follow the instructions Google’s “Submit your site” link is in their “About Google” section.
Tell Search Engines: How Do I Register?
Who Should I Register With? Pick a Few Top Search Engines Spiders : Google, Bing Directories : Yahoo,, (check out  for an interesting list of directories) ‏ Don’t worry about registering with everyone - choose 3 to 8 top spiders and any directories that seem relevant.
How do SE’s Rank My Site? They’re All Different: Other links to your site: commonly used Relevant content: commonly used Human ranking: always used on directory listings Meta tags: rarely used for ranking Every common ranking technique relies on  good Web site content .
Find Me: Search Engines From a 2007 article on Ok, this is weird, but ... Smileys = Websites Fingers = Links Big = High PageRank Got it?
What Not to Do … There Are No Shortcuts Fake meta-tags don’t work anymore Fake entry pages rarely work Expensive search engine submission services are rarely useful Search engine programmers are smart, and they have seen it all – attempting to deceive them will get you ranked lower or removed.
Example: Links from Other Sites Be creative and look for honest, relevant linking opportunities.
Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! What are some other creative ways to build links to your website? POP QUIZ!
Example: Online Newsletter What:  NuRelm sends customers, partners and prospects periodic informational newsletters. Results : Much  more effective  than newspaper ads, much  cheaper . Caution : Good newsletters require  effort  on your part.
eNewsletters: How do they work? 1. Subscriber Database 2. Build Database 3. Newsletter Content / Format 4. Send It! Subscriber List
Find Me: Social Networking To be honest, I don't even know what  ALL  of these are. But I know the big ones. Grab an “AddThis” button from Do you have kids? Ask them about these sites.
Find Me: Articles / Press Free article submission sites are all over the Web Benefits: Get recognized as an expert Built trust It's often free Example sites: Come on, writing a good, relevant article isn't  that  much trouble!  Ok, con your co-workers into it, it's worth it. Want to be recognized as an expert in your field?  Here's your chance!
Find Me: Paid Listings Paid listings go live immediately Great complement to organic search efforts Example: Check out Need instant gratification?
Find Me: Paid Listings Pick one or more ads Pick one or more sets of keywords Pick a max daily budget
Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! Which keyword will cost you less per click on AdWords: “auto repair” or “ monroeville auto repair” ? POP QUIZ!
Find Me: Membership Orgs Ensure that your website is listed in their online directory (and if they don't have an online member directory, tell them to call NuRelm!)‏ Find out how you can advertise events on their email blasts You're paying these guys … make sure you're making the most of them. Look for ways to help fellow members that also help you.  We do workshops like this … fun for us, useful for you, everybody wins.  We wish they would serve beer at these things, though.
Find Me: Local Search Find out who's providing local search directories in your area and get listed. Check out the big players: Google - Yahoo - These are often free (Google and Yahoo are free), so make sure you're on them! Lots of organizations (like member orgs) are providing local business searches.
Keep Marketing As with content updates, schedule online marketing activities Put someone in charge of online marketing. Try this: get an intern and tell him to spent a day finding places to place links and publish online articles, and to put the results in a spreadsheet for you. The Internet seems magical sometimes. Unfortunately, it’s not … marketing must go on, just like in the real world.
Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! What other marketing tasks can you put into your marketing plan and get your hapless intern to do?  How will you track what they’re doing? POP QUIZ!
Monitor Your Plan’s Progress Monitor site statistics (example on next page)‏ Ask for customer feedback (possibly with online forms)‏ Track business activities that originated from the Web site and assess your investment Google Analytics will tell you more about your site visitors than you even want to know.  And it’s FREE! If you don’t know how well your efforts are working then how … oh you know the rest.
Web site statistics programs provide a wealth of data. You can learn: How many people visited What they are viewing What search engines they used, and what search words What kind computer they use Much more … Monitor your progress
Monitor your progress: Example
Put processes in place Come up with a plan to update content and market your site. Do it. Track what happened. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
Work smarter, not harder:  small / medium orgs can compete with big business on the Web Treat the Web like everything else:  take a methodical approach, put processes in place, just like with other aspects of your business Conclusion
Sam Shaaban [email_address] 724-430-0490 Thanks!

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Workshop Online Marketing Short 08 25 09(2)

  • 1. NuRelm, Inc. Online Marketing Sampler Platter NuRelm E-Business Software [email_address] NuRelm, NuContent and Osmosis are trademarks of NuRelm, Inc. © 2005 NuRelm, Inc. All Rights Reserved
  • 2. What We’ll Cover Agenda: Introductions Ingredients : Elements of your online marketing program Prep : Getting everything ready Cook : Put your plan in action Enjoy : Measure results, adjust, do it all over again
  • 3. Who We Are NuRelm provides Internet-based software and services to a wide variety of industries, including construction, medical, manufacturing, and non-profit.
  • 4. What We Do Osmosis Web-based training delivery Online course development NuContent Web content management software Hosting and Web development services Integration of open source CMSes Online Marketing Analysis of existing online marketing Ongoing marketing services Web Development/Design Professional Web site design Development of sites in an array of languages
  • 5. Who are you? Quick introduction and statement about what you’d like to get out of the presentation.
  • 7. First Thing First ... Build a Good Web Site: Full of good, up-to-date information Visually pleasing Easy to navigate No broken links, pages, functions/graphics Don’t submit a site that makes you look bad.
  • 8. Planning a Website Who is your audience and what do they want? What are the site’s goals ? What content needs to be on the site? How will content be structure d? What functionality will you need to support these things?
  • 9. Online Marketing: The Two Big Questions Two Basic Questions: How will people find your website in the first place? What makes people come back to (or tell a friend)? If we can answer these questions, then we know where to start. ? ? ? ? ?
  • 10. How Do They Find Your Site? Where visitors come from: Search engines Links from other sites Online communities Offline marketing Referrals from other people Good news: you can influence all of these items! !
  • 11. What Makes Them Come Back? People return for … Good, relevant, updated content Event listings Program descriptions Good, frequent articles Online communities Discussion forums (not easy to get started)‏ Blogs Getting people to return to your site does not have to cost money, but it requires your time .
  • 12. Prep
  • 13. What IS Online Marketing? Step 1: Find Me! (alternate title: Looking For Love In All the Right Places)‏ Big search engines Social networking Articles / press Paid listings Membership organizations Local search listings Your Site!
  • 14. Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! What makes people come back to a website once they find it? POP QUIZ!
  • 15. But What IS Online Marketing? You must have a site that works and that does what a client wants, but once that’s in place, GOOD CONTENT is what will usually bring them back. Step 2: Come Back! (alternate title: Hold Me)‏ Good structure GOOD CONTENT Good functionality
  • 16. Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! How can you make your website’s visitors bend to your will and do things you want them to do on your site? POP QUIZ!
  • 17. But What IS Online Marketing? You must have a site that works and that does what a client wants, but once that’s in place, GOOD CONTENT is what will usually bring them back. Good structure GOOD CONTENT Good functionality Step 3: Do What I Want! (alternate title… oh, never mind)‏
  • 18. Find Me: Search Engines Rankings generated by each search engine’s proprietary algorithms Basics: Good page titles, descriptions, structure, readability (your web developer should know what these mean)‏ Items that will make the difference: Good content, lots of good links to your site Links from other sites to your site are critical to building good organic results. People won’t link to you if your content is bad. So, good content is critical! What are “organic” results and how do I beef mine up?
  • 19. Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! Who’s got some suggestions on revving up your site’s organic search results? POP QUIZ!
  • 20. Cook
  • 21. Tell Search Engines: How Do I Register? Different for Each Search Tool: Go to each search engine where you want to submit Look for a link to something like “Submit your site” Follow the instructions Google’s “Submit your site” link is in their “About Google” section.
  • 22. Tell Search Engines: How Do I Register?
  • 23. Who Should I Register With? Pick a Few Top Search Engines Spiders : Google, Bing Directories : Yahoo,, (check out for an interesting list of directories) ‏ Don’t worry about registering with everyone - choose 3 to 8 top spiders and any directories that seem relevant.
  • 24. How do SE’s Rank My Site? They’re All Different: Other links to your site: commonly used Relevant content: commonly used Human ranking: always used on directory listings Meta tags: rarely used for ranking Every common ranking technique relies on good Web site content .
  • 25. Find Me: Search Engines From a 2007 article on Ok, this is weird, but ... Smileys = Websites Fingers = Links Big = High PageRank Got it?
  • 26. What Not to Do … There Are No Shortcuts Fake meta-tags don’t work anymore Fake entry pages rarely work Expensive search engine submission services are rarely useful Search engine programmers are smart, and they have seen it all – attempting to deceive them will get you ranked lower or removed.
  • 27. Example: Links from Other Sites Be creative and look for honest, relevant linking opportunities.
  • 28. Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! What are some other creative ways to build links to your website? POP QUIZ!
  • 29. Example: Online Newsletter What: NuRelm sends customers, partners and prospects periodic informational newsletters. Results : Much more effective than newspaper ads, much cheaper . Caution : Good newsletters require effort on your part.
  • 30. eNewsletters: How do they work? 1. Subscriber Database 2. Build Database 3. Newsletter Content / Format 4. Send It! Subscriber List
  • 31. Find Me: Social Networking To be honest, I don't even know what ALL of these are. But I know the big ones. Grab an “AddThis” button from Do you have kids? Ask them about these sites.
  • 32. Find Me: Articles / Press Free article submission sites are all over the Web Benefits: Get recognized as an expert Built trust It's often free Example sites: Come on, writing a good, relevant article isn't that much trouble! Ok, con your co-workers into it, it's worth it. Want to be recognized as an expert in your field? Here's your chance!
  • 33. Find Me: Paid Listings Paid listings go live immediately Great complement to organic search efforts Example: Check out Need instant gratification?
  • 34. Find Me: Paid Listings Pick one or more ads Pick one or more sets of keywords Pick a max daily budget
  • 35. Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! Which keyword will cost you less per click on AdWords: “auto repair” or “ monroeville auto repair” ? POP QUIZ!
  • 36. Find Me: Membership Orgs Ensure that your website is listed in their online directory (and if they don't have an online member directory, tell them to call NuRelm!)‏ Find out how you can advertise events on their email blasts You're paying these guys … make sure you're making the most of them. Look for ways to help fellow members that also help you. We do workshops like this … fun for us, useful for you, everybody wins. We wish they would serve beer at these things, though.
  • 37. Find Me: Local Search Find out who's providing local search directories in your area and get listed. Check out the big players: Google - Yahoo - These are often free (Google and Yahoo are free), so make sure you're on them! Lots of organizations (like member orgs) are providing local business searches.
  • 38. Enjoy
  • 39. Keep Marketing As with content updates, schedule online marketing activities Put someone in charge of online marketing. Try this: get an intern and tell him to spent a day finding places to place links and publish online articles, and to put the results in a spreadsheet for you. The Internet seems magical sometimes. Unfortunately, it’s not … marketing must go on, just like in the real world.
  • 40. Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! What other marketing tasks can you put into your marketing plan and get your hapless intern to do? How will you track what they’re doing? POP QUIZ!
  • 41. Monitor Your Plan’s Progress Monitor site statistics (example on next page)‏ Ask for customer feedback (possibly with online forms)‏ Track business activities that originated from the Web site and assess your investment Google Analytics will tell you more about your site visitors than you even want to know. And it’s FREE! If you don’t know how well your efforts are working then how … oh you know the rest.
  • 42. Web site statistics programs provide a wealth of data. You can learn: How many people visited What they are viewing What search engines they used, and what search words What kind computer they use Much more … Monitor your progress
  • 44. Put processes in place Come up with a plan to update content and market your site. Do it. Track what happened. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
  • 45. Work smarter, not harder: small / medium orgs can compete with big business on the Web Treat the Web like everything else: take a methodical approach, put processes in place, just like with other aspects of your business Conclusion
  • 46. Sam Shaaban [email_address] 724-430-0490 Thanks!

Editor's Notes

  1. Cost: Compare to print advertising! Effectiveness: If you can come up with something people are interested in enough to subscribe, they will read it! Also, compare to our own experience with print advertising.