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SEO testing: Find out
what works for SEO
Martijn Scheybeler
VP Marketing at RVshare
👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋
Who has done SEO testing?
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I bet, you’ve all done SEO testing
👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋
Who has done SEO experimentation?

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How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website
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How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website

Talk by Louise at SEO Brighton in April 2022. It is really easy to design and build a beautiful but slow WordPress website! The Google update for Core Web Vitals is a set of SEO ranking signals to help website owners improve the speed and user experience for their website. In this talk Louise will share with you how to adjust your WordPress site to improve your Core Web Vital scores. The strategies are different for each metric so she will go through each one and give you some practical ideas you can take back and action or ask your developer to implement.

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[BrightonSEO 2022] Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Listing Pages
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The document discusses optimizing product listing pages (PLPs) on ecommerce websites. It begins with the author describing their experience finding a website with little obvious "tech debt" issues to address. They then analyze which page templates drive the most revenue, finding PLPs account for 60% of organic revenue. The author breaks down PLPs into individual components and suggests prioritizing optimization of filters and internal linking. They argue for considering metrics beyond just search volume, like user behavior and conversion data, when deciding which page variants to focus on.

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Shining a light on the dark funnel
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Shining a light on the dark funnel

The document discusses the "dark funnel" which refers to the invisible or unknown steps a company takes when researching and evaluating vendors before making a purchase decision. It notes that over 75% of companies have already made their decision before engaging with a vendor. It then discusses how marketers can shine light on the dark funnel by building online communities, monitoring website behavior and intent data, and having a self-reinforcing marketing approach to identify companies in the early stages of consideration. Measuring engagement in the dark funnel can help marketers gain a better understanding of attribution and improve conversion rates.

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What is SEO Testing?
How can YOU do SEO
What’s been tested?
Figuring out if correlation actually does mean causation.
Figuring out if correlation actually does mean causation.

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The document discusses featured snippets in Google search results. It begins by explaining what featured snippets are and their value for searchers. It then provides tips for developing a featured snippet strategy, including focusing keyword research on question keywords and optimizing content with headers, images, and schema markup. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of keyword research and checking all SEO best practices to start winning featured snippets.

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How to produce great multilingual content, even when you can't read it | Laur...
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Laura will cover the importance of multilingual, properly localised content as part of an international marketing strategy, exploring some actionable steps to making that happen and highlighting some common pitfalls to avoid.

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Brighton SEO 2023 - ML Lessons For Total Search.pdf
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This document discusses using machine learning to optimize paid search incrementality. It outlines limitations with traditional approaches that analyze paid and organic search performance separately or through one-time tests. The presented solution uses machine learning to build a full picture of search data and continuously optimize bids to maximize the incremental value of paid search while minimizing costs. Case studies demonstrate how the approach provides unique insights into paid and organic relationships and answers questions about budget efficiencies.

BrightonSEO October 2022 - Martijn Scheybeler - SEO Testing: Find Out What Works for SEO
Can you
nd what works
across multiple sites?
Figuring out if correlation actually does mean causation.
Does changing X work for site Y?
Lucky you! You’re moving the needle for your business, keep it up! 🥇
Does changing X work in vertical Y?
Holy smokes! You might have found something that is repeatable and could impact results in 1 industry.

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Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023
Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023
Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023

With the help of my favourite case study, I'm showcasing how I took a data-driven approach to scale SEO for a travel brand. I've covered how I collected data, found trends, and converted them into opportunities. Those opportunities were tested before the grand deployment, which resulted in multifold growth in SEO visibility and revenue.

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How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...
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This document contains the transcript of a presentation about incorporating machine learning into internal linking audits. The presentation discusses analyzing a website's internal link structure using machine learning techniques like topic modeling and fuzzy matching to identify opportunities for new or improved internal links. It provides a 6-step process for discovery, analysis, clustering content by topic, identifying link opportunities, prioritizing where to link, and measuring the impact of implemented links. The goal is incremental improvements to internal linking that can boost SEO over time through better content organization and discoverability.

seomachine learningmarketing
SEO at Scale - BrightonSEO April 2022
SEO at Scale - BrightonSEO April 2022SEO at Scale - BrightonSEO April 2022
SEO at Scale - BrightonSEO April 2022

The document discusses scaling SEO through a product-led approach. It describes how content production and performance analysis can be scaled using templates, natural language generation, and data aggregation/dashboards. Specific strategies discussed include scaling content production through AI-assisted templates reviewed by specialists, and scaling analytics through custom dashboards integrating internal and external data to surface hidden opportunities. The overall message is that many aspects of SEO can be scaled through automation and data-driven approaches while maintaining quality.

seoseo automationscaling seo
Does changing X work in vertical Y,
across industries Z, A, B, C?
Well holy 💨🔥 you might have found something that could mean correlation == causation.
Can you create a 🛝📕?
Taking the 🎨 out of 🧬
Figuring out if correlation actually does mean causation.
Don’t worry, 🎨 is still important.
You still have to come up with what to test, and be creative on how to best implement/strategize it.

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Networking for SEOs (and why it matters)

This document discusses networking for SEOs. It begins by noting that many SEOs feel insecure about their networking skills. The document then discusses why networking is important for career progression and finding jobs. It notes that two out of five SEOs have found jobs through their networks. The document also discusses how to network effectively, including preparing for events by researching other attendees, starting conversations, asking questions, sharing personal details, knowing when to move on in conversations, and following up after events. It emphasizes that the goal of networking is building long-term industry connections.

Martin McGarry - SEO strategy c/o England manager Gareth Southgate
Martin McGarry - SEO strategy c/o England manager Gareth SouthgateMartin McGarry - SEO strategy c/o England manager Gareth Southgate
Martin McGarry - SEO strategy c/o England manager Gareth Southgate

This document outlines an SEO strategy inspired by Gareth Southgate's plan to improve the England football team. It presents a three step target setting framework: 1) Be competitive in 6-12 months, 2) achieve tournament success in 1-2 years, and 3) be number one in 2-3 years. Key metrics such as visibility, site health, traffic, and time on page are identified and targets are set for each step. Accompanying tasks are mapped to the metrics and timeline to execute the plan, such as link campaigns, technical fixes, and content updates. The strategy aims to provide structure through measurable goals and accountability.

seomarketing strategysearch engine optimization
Holistic Search - Developing An Organic First Strategy
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Holistic Search - Developing An Organic First Strategy

The cliché goes that Paid and Organic search work in silos and we have all been a witness to that. I'll be talking you through why you should be developing your search strategy holistically and how to do this.

This is NOT simple.
Have you ever read a science paper? Doesn’t matter the type of science.
What is SEO Testing?
How can YOU do SEO
What’s been tested?
How to Test

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Slides from AccuraCast MD, Farhad Divecha's presentation at Brighton SEO. In his talk, Farhad discussed how the removal of third-party cookies will affect SEO and advised delegates on practical, actionable things they can do to best equip their business to overcome the potential challenges involved.

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In this presentation Rene will cover the highs and lows of managing a large Ecommerce website migration for the first time. Migrations can be overwhelming so in this talk Rene will cover how to tackle the SEO essentials, stakeholder and developer management as well as how to to gain key learnings. Of course, redirects, how to change the URL structure for the better and server-side rendering will all feature. This is a high level inspirational talk centered around the highs and lows of the hike to the migration finish line with hopefully some key take-aways along the way.

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BrightonSEO October 2022 - Log File Analysis - Steven van Vessum.pdf
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This document discusses how log file insights can help companies improve their crawling, indexing and organic marketing performance. It outlines some of the common issues companies face like not understanding search engine behavior and not reflecting on their past work. With log file insights accessible in real-time and automatically distilled, companies can answer critical questions to speed up their crawl times, see how search engines are handling their updated content and troubleshoot issues. The presenter promotes their solution, ContentKing, which provides real-time log file analysis from CDN logs to help companies learn what search engines know and keep sharpening their SEO strategies.

crawling log file analysis
Pre - Post
Content Testing Technical SEO Internal Linking
Uplift Uplift + Pre/Post
✅ ❌ ❌
❌ ✅ ✅
Version A
Version B
Version 2
Version 1 Version 4
Version 3
Distributing Tra
c in SEO Experimentation
25% of pages 25% of pages 25% of pages 25% of pages
50% of pages 50% of pages

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How to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performance

Understanding and diagnosing indexation issues is vital to SEO success, but until very recently, getting good data was nearly impossible. Google’s newly-introduced URL Inspection API opens a new world of possibilities for tracking indexation. In this talk, Simon explores how to leverage this data to monitor status, spot changes, and catch issues in realtime — no coding required!

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Improving Crawling and Indexing using Real-Time Log File Insights
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Interesting insights from log files are often kept within silos, not shared with content teams. This prevent content teams from reaching their full potential. Learn how they can improve crawling and indexing though leveraging insights from log file analysis, all in real-time.

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C-T-R-You Ready for 2021?! - On-SERP SEO Strategies
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As SEOs we have to do all in our power to drive more and more relevant clicks to our website, but the SERP is an over-populated and competitive space filled with ads and Google integrations, so we need to stand out as much as we can. Izzi's new talk covers useful strategies you can use in 2021 to: better analyze and interpret searcher intents, scale the creation of rich results and featured snippets, satisfying "needs met" and more.

Lessons Learned (the 🤺 way)
Learning 1:
Divide in 4,
not in 2
Learning 2:
Have a
Learning 3:
Be able to
Avoid Analysis = Paralysis
Having One is Better Than Nothing
Provide More Control For Anomalies
Bonus Lesson
Learning 4:
Make Money & Be Aware of Business Rules
Solutions/‘Software’ for SEO Testing
Going Advanced 🛠
Aka. You don’t have engineers or support to solve (your) issues.

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From past experiences with data, Dave knows relying on your gut can be a mistake. Instead, we need to take comfort in the validation of solid data to ensure we’re making profitable decisions. Sharing real client examples, Dave will run through the essential steps: how to decide on a hypothesis, create conditions, and gather data.

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6 steps to earning more leads using Local SEO
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People search online every day for local services and products, but unless your link appears in the top spots on the results page, chances are they aren't finding you. Local SEO agency owner Eagan Heath will share the steps his agency Get Found Madison takes to make themselves and their clients appear at the top of Google searches. He'll cover these actions in his "Local SEO checklist," a phrase which often ranks on page 1 nationally itself! Leave with an action plan for getting your small business found.

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- What is an SEO’s role in building a website? - What is an IA? - Building a website data-first: Case Studies - Building a website data-first: The Process - Recap

seolondonseoblue array
Edge SEO
or other providers.
Rewrite on the 🦋
How do you know what worked?
Measurement Framework
Often Measure Backwards: Transactions > Sessions > Indexed > Crawled > Published.
Pre-Post / A versus B / Combined

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Seo Presentation
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Seo Presentation

This is a quick presenation on why Search Engine Optimization is everyone's concern, not just the developer's

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Lily Ray - Optimize the Forest, Not the Trees: Move Beyond SEO Checklist - Mo...

Lily Ray, Vice President of SEO Strategy & Research at Amsive, explores optimizing strategies for sustainable growth and explores the impact of AI on the SEO landscape.

[Elite Camp 2016] Martijn Scheijbeler - Optimization for Content Sites
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[Elite Camp 2016] Martijn Scheijbeler - Optimization for Content Sites

What makes optimizing different for a publisher then for example an ecommerce site. In this session Martijn from The Next Web will show you how they focus on CRO and SEO to have users engage more with their content and services. We'll go into learning how to create the best process on how to work on both of them at the same time to have maximum impact.

by CXL
analyticscroconversion optimization
Pre-Post Analysis
July 2022
Initial launch of the page.
September 2022
You changed the META description
and tweaked the title to better align.
🚀 📈
October 2022
Results are taking off!
Version A
Version B
Version 2
Version 1 Version 4
Version 3
A/B Testing
25% of pages 25% of pages 25% of pages 25% of pages
50% of pages 50% of pages
Version A
Version B
Pre Post
Combining measurement theories
Month X Month Y
50% of pages 50% of pages
Month X Month Y
Did the 🌎 around you change?
Offsetting 🦢 Black Swan Events with Actual Results

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Amazon Search Summit - the need for split testing in SEO
Amazon Search Summit - the need for split testing in SEOAmazon Search Summit - the need for split testing in SEO
Amazon Search Summit - the need for split testing in SEO

Showing the complexity of Google's search results, and the lack of understanding we generally have of what works and what doesn't - meaning we need to use a more scientific approach. Finally - a bunch of lessons and data from split tests we have run

SERPs: They're Not All About You - Keith L. Goode - Pubcon Austin 2016
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SERPs: They're Not All About You - Keith L. Goode - Pubcon Austin 2016

Keith L. Goode presented on changes happening in search engine results pages (SERPs). The presentation discussed how Google is rewriting page titles for 23% of top results, reducing the number of results shown on SERPs which makes ranking harder, and including more local listings and instant answers which takes up valuable real estate. Goode advised focusing on relevant titles, mitigating duplication, targeting topics not keywords, and creating how-to and instructional content to work with these SERP changes. The presentation emphasized controlling on-page elements and adopting a user-first approach to succeed with evolving personalized search algorithms.

How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...
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How to Incorporate ML in your SERP Analysis, Lazarina Stoy -BrightonSEO Oct, ...

Google conducts 800,000 experiments and improvements to search annually to optimize search results for users. In 2021 alone, Google made 5,000 improvements to search. As of August 2022, 92% of all search queries are handled by Google. The document then provides an in-depth overview of how to conduct a comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) analysis, including competitor analysis, entity analysis, sentiment analysis, search intent analysis, language use analysis, and rank analysis. It recommends leveraging tools like Google APIs, Data for SEO, and GPT-3 to automate the analysis and provide classifications. The analysis is intended to guide content and keyword strategy execution rather than replace it.

Upstream/Industry Metrics
Google Search Console
Search Volume & Number of Ranked Keywords + CTR%
SEMrush / Ahrefs
Search Visibility & Average Ranked Keywords
Internal Metrics
Log Files
# of Pages Crawled & Crawl Frequency
Google Search Console
# of Pages Indexed & Other Metrics
Google Analytics
c + Transactions & Other Business Metrics
SEO Experimentation should
drive revenue but it’s not always
the intent
“ ”
Case 1:
Internal Linking
Case 2:
HTML Sitemaps + XML Sitemaps
Case 3:
Title & META Description

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Keeping Up with Google's Insane Pace of Change
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Keeping Up with Google's Insane Pace of Change

Rand Fishkin's presentation on how marketers can scale with the updates and shifts Google makes on a regular basis, and how to be successful with SEO in 2013.

If i only_had_a_website
If i only_had_a_websiteIf i only_had_a_website
If i only_had_a_website

This document provides an overview of key considerations for small businesses before investing in a new website. It emphasizes that the primary goal of any website should be to attract visitors through search engine optimization (SEO) like targeting relevant keywords in content, titles, headings and descriptions. Ongoing maintenance is also important, like keeping content fresh and growing backlinks, to ensure the website continues attracting visitors over time. Business owners are advised to do research on their industry and competitors before hiring a designer.

If i only_had_a_website
If i only_had_a_websiteIf i only_had_a_website
If i only_had_a_website

If I Only Had A Website discusses the basic knowledge suggested for small business owners seeking their first website.

affordable website designkansassbdc
Letting a search engine know that an XML sitemap
has been refreshed/updated by pinging them seems
like something that could speed up the crawl of the
actual XML sitemap which speeds up indexation?
By pinging Google and Bing after an XML sitemap is
updated, we expect to see an increase in time to
discovery/crawl of the new URLs and the XML
sitemap being crawled.
After an XML sitemap has been regenerated, we
send a ping to Google and Bing with the URL of the
XML sitemap.
Measured the impact in our log
les of Google and
Bing looking at the XML sitemap after the ping and
saw an immediate crawl basically start to happen.
Down the line this was leading to faster discovery of
URLs and re-crawls which was a primary objective.
After creating hundreds of guides over the years
around popular destinations for camper rentals. We
needed to make sure that all the long-tail keywords
that it picked up along the way are properly getting
attention through internal links.
Will adding internal links push the internal authority
of guides for long-tail keywords. We think this will
push the average ranking of pages.
Implement to enable us to create link
blocks on the
y based on our own business needs.
Don’t have all learnings, yet. But important to realize
that the smallest impact on this test will have a long.
If you’re hoping for just 📈 results…
Yeah, I’m sorry! 📉
With the amount of orphaned pages it’s becoming a
problem to get more additional pages ranked for
long-tail keywords.
By adding HTML sitemaps we’re able to provide
internal links to currently orphaned pages. This will
help power additional rankings for long-tail
Implement HTML sitemaps that will list links to
currently orphaned pages.
Adding HTML sitemaps and providing a crawlable
structure increased the number of pages indexed by

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Advanced Keyword Research
Advanced Keyword ResearchAdvanced Keyword Research
Advanced Keyword Research

The document discusses ways to continue optimizing keywords after initial keyword research, including: 1) Analyzing site analytics like bounce rates to identify underperforming pages and keywords 2) Conducting competitive analysis of top competitors to find new keyword opportunities 3) Performing heuristic evaluations like talking to experts to gain insights beyond data

Website Keyword Research, Why It Matters and How to Do It
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Website Keyword Research, Why It Matters and How to Do It

This document discusses the importance of keyword research for SEO and provides tips on how to conduct keyword research. It recommends brainstorming keywords, gathering keyword data from tools like Google AdWords and Trends, and interpreting the data to identify targeted keywords and create an optimization plan. The document also covers optimizing web pages and Google AdWords campaigns for keywords, using the Google Search Console to monitor keyword performance, and generating website content through blogging to attract more keywords.

seogoogle adwordskeyword research
Seo process for 2017
Seo process for 2017Seo process for 2017
Seo process for 2017

This document discusses various on-page and off-page SEO techniques for optimizing websites and improving search engine rankings. It provides a detailed checklist of on-page SEO factors including optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, URLs, headings, keyword density, multimedia, and site speed. Off-page techniques discussed include link building, social media promotion, and monitoring rankings. The document emphasizes that SEO requires ongoing optimization and adapting to changes in search engine algorithms.

Who’s already doing this❓
Who can you learn from❓
Share results! 📈📉
A negative result of your experiment is NOT a failure, it’s a learning. So share it!
👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋
Want to do more with this next week?
Confidential Do Not Share
Thank you.
Enjoy BrightonSEO!

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The Toughest Battles in SEO are Internal - Rachel Costello, Technical SEO, De...

Battling it out in the SERPs with your competitors is one thing, but battling it out within your own company to get SEO tasks actioned is the real challenge in our industry. Rachel will talk you through how to prioritise and demonstrate the value of your SEO work in order to get tasks moved up the development queue, as well as receiving the buy-in your team deserves. In this session we will cover how to pick your battles for your SEO projects (and win them), building your case for presenting required actions, as well as how to get things done and prove both the results of your projects and the importance of SEO within your company.

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SEO is cool. didn't agree? I have managed to rank keywords like sbi personal loan single handedly. Here are the outcomes of my work: 1. I increased traffic 1k to 100k/pm 2. Increased DA 15 to 30. 3. Got 400+ organic leads. 4. Reduced Spam score 36 to 1. 5. Ranked highly competitive keyword 6. 900+ keywords on first page. 7. Increase High Quality Backlinks { before 400, Now 20k}

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BrightonSEO October 2022 - Martijn Scheybeler - SEO Testing: Find Out What Works for SEO

  • 1. SEO testing: Find out what works for SEO @MartijnSch Martijn Scheybeler VP Marketing at RVshare
  • 2. 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 Who has done SEO testing? @MARTIJNSCH
  • 3. 🫵 🫵 🫵 🫵 🫵 🫵 I bet, you’ve all done SEO testing @MARTIJNSCH
  • 4. 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 Who has done SEO experimentation? @MARTIJNSCH
  • 5. What is SEO Testing? How can YOU do SEO experimentation? What’s been tested? @MARTIJNSCH
  • 7. “ WHAT CAUSES THE NEEDLE TO MOVE. ” @MARTIJNSCH Figuring out if correlation actually does mean causation.
  • 8. “ WHAT CAUSES THE NEEDLE TO MOVE. ” @MARTIJNSCH Figuring out if correlation actually does mean causation. Consistently!
  • 10. Can you fi nd what works across multiple sites? @MARTIJNSCH Figuring out if correlation actually does mean causation.
  • 11. Does changing X work for site Y? @MARTIJNSCH Lucky you! You’re moving the needle for your business, keep it up! 🥇
  • 12. Does changing X work in vertical Y? @MARTIJNSCH Holy smokes! You might have found something that is repeatable and could impact results in 1 industry.
  • 13. Does changing X work in vertical Y, across industries Z, A, B, C? @MARTIJNSCH Well holy 💨🔥 you might have found something that could mean correlation == causation.
  • 14. Can you create a 🛝📕? @MARTIJNSCH
  • 15. Taking the 🎨 out of 🧬 @MARTIJNSCH Figuring out if correlation actually does mean causation.
  • 16. Don’t worry, 🎨 is still important. @MARTIJNSCH You still have to come up with what to test, and be creative on how to best implement/strategize it.
  • 17. This is NOT simple. @MARTIJNSCH Have you ever read a science paper? Doesn’t matter the type of science.
  • 18. What is SEO Testing? How can YOU do SEO experimentation? What’s been tested? @MARTIJNSCH
  • 22. @MARTIJNSCH Pre - Post Content Testing Technical SEO Internal Linking Uplift Uplift + Pre/Post ✅ ❌ ❌ ❌ ✅ ✅ Analysis Engineering Scalable
  • 24. Version A Template Version B Version 2 Version 1 Version 4 Version 3 Distributing Tra ffi c in SEO Experimentation 25% of pages 25% of pages 25% of pages 25% of pages 50% of pages 50% of pages @MARTIJNSCH
  • 25. Lessons Learned (the 🤺 way) Learning 1: Divide in 4, not in 2 Learning 2: Have a hypothesis Learning 3: Be able to analyze! Avoid Analysis = Paralysis Having One is Better Than Nothing Provide More Control For Anomalies * HARD @MARTIJNSCH
  • 26. Bonus Lesson Learning 4: Business Criteria Make Money & Be Aware of Business Rules @MARTIJNSCH
  • 27. Solutions/‘Software’ for SEO Testing 🛠 DIY @MARTIJNSCH
  • 28. Going Advanced 🛠 Aka. You don’t have engineers or support to solve (your) issues. @MARTIJNSCH
  • 29. Edge SEO Through @MARTIJNSCH or other providers. Rewrite on the 🦋 * FLY
  • 30. How do you know what worked? @MARTIJNSCH
  • 31. Measurement Framework Often Measure Backwards: Transactions > Sessions > Indexed > Crawled > Published. @MARTIJNSCH
  • 32. Pre-Post / A versus B / Combined @MARTIJNSCH
  • 33. Pre-Post Analysis @MARTIJNSCH ———— July 2022 Initial launch of the page. ———— September 2022 You changed the META description and tweaked the title to better align. 🚀 📈 ———— October 2022 Results are taking off!
  • 34. Version A Template Version B Version 2 Version 1 Version 4 Version 3 A/B Testing 25% of pages 25% of pages 25% of pages 25% of pages 50% of pages 50% of pages @MARTIJNSCH
  • 35. Version A Template Version B Post Pre Post Pre Combining measurement theories Month X Month Y 50% of pages 50% of pages @MARTIJNSCH Month X Month Y
  • 36. Did the 🌎 around you change? @MARTIJNSCH Offsetting 🦢 Black Swan Events with Actual Results
  • 37. Upstream/Industry Metrics Google Search Console Search Volume & Number of Ranked Keywords + CTR% @MARTIJNSCH SEMrush / Ahrefs Search Visibility & Average Ranked Keywords
  • 38. Internal Metrics 🪵 Log Files # of Pages Crawled & Crawl Frequency Google Search Console # of Pages Indexed & Other Metrics Google Analytics Tra ffi c + Transactions & Other Business Metrics @MARTIJNSCH
  • 39. SEO Experimentation should drive revenue but it’s not always the intent @MARTIJNSCH “ ”
  • 40. Case 1: Internal Linking Case 2: HTML Sitemaps + XML Sitemaps Case 3: Title & META Description @MARTIJNSCH
  • 41. XML SITEMAP PING 🛠 Letting a search engine know that an XML sitemap has been refreshed/updated by pinging them seems like something that could speed up the crawl of the actual XML sitemap which speeds up indexation? Idea By pinging Google and Bing after an XML sitemap is updated, we expect to see an increase in time to discovery/crawl of the new URLs and the XML sitemap being crawled. Hypothesis After an XML sitemap has been regenerated, we send a ping to Google and Bing with the URL of the XML sitemap. Solution Measured the impact in our log fi les of Google and Bing looking at the XML sitemap after the ping and saw an immediate crawl basically start to happen. Down the line this was leading to faster discovery of URLs and re-crawls which was a primary objective. Learning 💡 🤑 🧐 🛠 @MARTIJNSCH
  • 42. INTERNAL LINKING After creating hundreds of guides over the years around popular destinations for camper rentals. We needed to make sure that all the long-tail keywords that it picked up along the way are properly getting attention through internal links. Idea Will adding internal links push the internal authority of guides for long-tail keywords. We think this will push the average ranking of pages. Hypothesis Implement to enable us to create link blocks on the fl y based on our own business needs. Solution Don’t have all learnings, yet. But important to realize that the smallest impact on this test will have a long. Learning 💡 🤑 🧐 🛠 @MARTIJNSCH
  • 43. If you’re hoping for just 📈 results… Yeah, I’m sorry! 📉 @MARTIJNSCH
  • 44. HTML SITEMAP 🛠 DIY With the amount of orphaned pages it’s becoming a problem to get more additional pages ranked for long-tail keywords. Idea By adding HTML sitemaps we’re able to provide internal links to currently orphaned pages. This will help power additional rankings for long-tail keywords. Hypothesis Implement HTML sitemaps that will list links to currently orphaned pages. Solution Adding HTML sitemaps and providing a crawlable structure increased the number of pages indexed by X%. Learning 💡 🤑 🧐 🛠 @MARTIJNSCH
  • 45. Who’s already doing this❓ & Who can you learn from❓ @MARTIJNSCH
  • 46. Share results! 📈📉 @MARTIJNSCH A negative result of your experiment is NOT a failure, it’s a learning. So share it!
  • 47. 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 Want to do more with this next week? @MARTIJNSCH
  • 48. Confidential Do Not Share Thank you. Enjoy BrightonSEO!