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Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish |
Why Great Marketers
Must Be Great Skeptics
This Presentation Is Online Here:
Great Skepticism
I have some depressing news…

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Choose Short Men & Tall Women
Choose Short Men & Tall WomenChoose Short Men & Tall Women
Choose Short Men & Tall Women

Rand Fishkin's presentation on 12 SEO & Inbound Marketing tactics that ignore common, irrational biases in favor of smart tactics & solutions

inbound marketingirrational biasseomoz
Ranking Factors Data 2011: SMX Elite Sydney
Ranking Factors Data 2011: SMX Elite SydneyRanking Factors Data 2011: SMX Elite Sydney
Ranking Factors Data 2011: SMX Elite Sydney

The document summarizes data from a survey of 132 SEO professionals about factors that influence Google search rankings. It finds that SEOs now believe links are less important, comprising 45% of Google's algorithm compared to 65% in 2009. It also finds that diversity of links matters more than quantity, and links from a variety of root domains correlate most strongly with higher rankings. Facebook shares correlate most strongly out of social media factors, more so than Twitter metrics. Long titles, URLs and domains correlate negatively with rankings.

seomozsmx sydneyseo
Optimizing Your Web Traffic: Turning Data and Insight into Actionable Market...
Optimizing Your  Web Traffic: Turning Data and Insight into Actionable Market...Optimizing Your  Web Traffic: Turning Data and Insight into Actionable Market...
Optimizing Your Web Traffic: Turning Data and Insight into Actionable Market...

Learn to turn analytics and research into higher conversion rates. Results of qualitative analysis based on user feedback and customer experience recordings. Evaluation of top 5 traffic landing pages and conversion funnel - Increase Website Sales - Increase Leads - Increase Email Opt-Ins - Deeper Insight of Personas

google analyticsconversion rate optimizationweb analytics
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
Does anyone in this room believe that the Earth
doesn’t revolve around the Sun?
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics

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The Death & Rebirth of SEO
The Death & Rebirth of SEOThe Death & Rebirth of SEO
The Death & Rebirth of SEO

The document summarizes how search engine optimization (SEO) has changed dramatically from 2001 to 2011. In the early 2000s, SEO involved on-page optimization of keywords and links. By 2011, search engine results pages (SERPs) are highly personalized, featuring instant answers, maps, news, and social annotations. Rankings are influenced by social networks, geography, and personalization. Modern SEO requires an inbound marketing approach across all digital channels, with a focus on content, video, thought leadership, social media, and measuring performance.

rand fishkinmozsocial media marketing
Weird magic-power-googleplus
Weird magic-power-googleplusWeird magic-power-googleplus
Weird magic-power-googleplus

This document discusses the potential benefits and strategies for using Google+ as a social media platform. It outlines that while Google+ has over 1.85 billion accounts, its active user base is smaller than platforms like Facebook and Twitter. However, Google+ provides unique benefits like influencing search engine results through authorship and sharing on circles. The document provides tips for businesses and individuals to maximize their reach and engagement on Google+ such as using visual content, sharing to the right audiences, and leveraging communities.

How you can use social media to impact the world
How you can use social media to impact the worldHow you can use social media to impact the world
How you can use social media to impact the world

EdgeRank refers to Facebook's system for determining the visibility of posts and content. It considers the strength of the relationship between users, assigns more value to more involved actions like comments than likes, and considers the age of connections and content with older ones being less valuable. The system aims to increase or decrease the value of certain actions to improve the Facebook experience.

social media marketingsocial networkingsocial media
The Earth (and everything
in the solar system,
including the Sun) revolves
around our system’s
gravitational Barycenter,
which is only sometimes
near the center of the Sun.
Let’s try a more
marketing-centric example...
In 2009, Conversion
Rate Experts built us a
new landing page, and
increased our
subscribers by nearly
25%. What did they do?
Via CRE’s Case Study
One of the most
commonly cited facts
about CRE’s work is the
“long landing page.”

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The 7 Biggest Trends in SEO: 2016
The 7 Biggest Trends in SEO: 2016The 7 Biggest Trends in SEO: 2016
The 7 Biggest Trends in SEO: 2016

Rand Fishkin's presentation covering 7 of the biggest trends in SEO in 2016 from changes in Google's handling of keywords to CTR opportunities to machine learning and more.

seomozsearch engine marketing
Mozcation Seattle 2011
Mozcation Seattle 2011Mozcation Seattle 2011
Mozcation Seattle 2011

The document discusses various observations from November and December 2011 regarding changes in search engine optimization and search engine results pages. Key points include an increase in advertising in SERPs, changes to rich snippets and how they are displayed, the prevalence of video in search results, fluctuations in keyword data availability, differences between how Bing and Google rank pages, and the advantages brands have in search visibility and clicks.

inbound marketingbingmozcation
Google Ranking Factors 2014: Correlations, Testing, & Hypotheses
Google Ranking Factors 2014: Correlations, Testing, & HypothesesGoogle Ranking Factors 2014: Correlations, Testing, & Hypotheses
Google Ranking Factors 2014: Correlations, Testing, & Hypotheses

Rand Fishkin's presentation from the SMX Munich Ranking Factors session on correlations seen with higher Google rankings, testing of anchor text, and some hypotheses about potential future ranking factors.

The Crap Skeptic The Good Skeptic The Great Skeptic
Let’s change our
landing page to
be a long one
right now!
We should A/B
test a long
landing page in
our conversion
How do we know
page length was
responsible? What
else changed?
The Crap Skeptic The Good Skeptic The Great Skeptic
“I do believe sadly it’s
going to take some
diseases coming back to
realize that we need to
change and develop
vaccines that are safe.”
“Listen, all magic is
scientific principals
presented like "mystical
hoodoo" which is fun,
but it's sort of
"The good thing about
science is that it's true
whether or not you
believe in it."
In fact, we’ve changed our
landing pages numerous
times to shorter versions and
seen equal success. Length, it
would seem, was not the
primary factor in this page’s
What separates the crap, good, & great?

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Fundamentals of Great SEO
Fundamentals of Great SEOFundamentals of Great SEO
Fundamentals of Great SEO

The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) fundamentals. It discusses the growth of Google queries, importance of search engine traffic, how WordPress makes sites SEO-friendly, keyword research techniques, link building strategies, and how social media can help with SEO directly and indirectly. The target audience is people looking to improve their search engine rankings and traffic.

The SEO Revolution Will Not Be Televised
The SEO Revolution Will Not Be TelevisedThe SEO Revolution Will Not Be Televised
The SEO Revolution Will Not Be Televised

This document summarizes Rand Fishkin's presentation on the changing SEO landscape. Major points include: (1) the diversity of result types on search engine results pages now includes more than just blue links, (2) Google is cannibalizing traffic by answering queries themselves, and (3) transparency has decreased with the "not provided" count. Modern SEO also requires adapting to subtle algorithm changes, content growth outpacing queries, and machine learning. The SEO industry is quietly revolutionizing as classic tactics decline and new opportunities require building brands rather than just keywords and links.

What Startup Execs Need to Know About SEO in 2017
What Startup Execs Need to Know About SEO in 2017What Startup Execs Need to Know About SEO in 2017
What Startup Execs Need to Know About SEO in 2017

This document summarizes key points from a presentation on SEO in 2017 given by Rand Fishkin. The main points are: 1) Google dominates online traffic referrals, increasing its share to over 64% in 2017. Facebook and other major sites lost traffic share. 2) Most search happens on Google, with the average user searching 3-4 times per day on desktop and mobile. Click-through rates are higher for organic than paid search on Google. 3) Ranking in traditional search results may no longer be enough, as over 18 unique types of search engine results pages now appear, reducing organic traffic to some sites. 4) SEO does not work for every organization depending on

seostartup marketingsearch engine optimization
Assumes one belief-reinforcing
data point is evidence enough
Doesn’t question what’s truly
causal vs. merely correlated
Doesn’t seek to validate
Doesn’t make assumptions about
why a result occurred
Knows that correlation isn’t
necessarily causal
Validates assumptions w/ data
Seeks to discover the reasons
underlying the results
Knows that correlation
doesn’t imply causality
Thoroughly validates, but doesn’t
let imperfect knowledge stop
Will more conversion tests
lead to better results?

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The Story of Moz: 1981-2011
The Story of Moz: 1981-2011The Story of Moz: 1981-2011
The Story of Moz: 1981-2011

The story of how inbound marketing helped take SEOmoz from near failure to surprising success and the lessons learned.

inbound marketingstartupsentrepreneurship
Introduction to SEO
Introduction to SEOIntroduction to SEO
Introduction to SEO

This lengthy (150+ slides), but very comprehensive presentation is designed to help experienced SEOs train those new to the practice over a 2-3 hour, interactive session. It covers the search engine landscape, the SEO process, keyword research, link building and the emergence of social media as a ranking signal.

rand fishkinseomozseo
The Power of Moz's Keyword Explorer
The Power of Moz's Keyword ExplorerThe Power of Moz's Keyword Explorer
The Power of Moz's Keyword Explorer

This slide deck walks through Keyword Explorer, Moz's tool for keyword research, designed by Rand to help with many of the pernicious problems inherent in the keyword discovery and prioritization processes.

internet marketingseomozcontent marketing
Obviously the more tests we
run, the better we can
optimize our pages. We
need to build a “culture of
testing” around here.
Via Wordstream’s What is a Good Conversion Rate?
Via Wordstream’s What is a Good Conversion Rate?
Do Those Who Test More Really Perform Better?
Hmm… There’s no correlation
between those who run more
tests across more pages and
those who have higher
conversion rates. Maybe the
number of tests isn’t the right

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Why SEO That Used to Work, Fails
Why SEO That Used to Work, FailsWhy SEO That Used to Work, Fails
Why SEO That Used to Work, Fails

This document discusses how SEO has changed and tactics that used to work no longer do. It provides 6 key points: 1. SEO must be strategic rather than tactical. It involves understanding audiences, amplification opportunities, and marketing funnels. 2. Building a powerful brand may be more important than optimizing a site, as brands have invested in SEO and benefit from changes in Google's algorithm. 3. Choosing keywords is more complex and involves considering opportunity, features, and intent overlap rather than just volume and value. 4. Links should be earned like a publicist rather than manually built, as scalable strategies like great content are more effective than manipulative tactics. 5

seoinbound marketingmoz
SMX Munich Keynote: Moz Ranking Factors
SMX Munich Keynote: Moz Ranking FactorsSMX Munich Keynote: Moz Ranking Factors
SMX Munich Keynote: Moz Ranking Factors

Rand Fishkin's presentation from SMX Munich sharing early data from SEOmoz's biennial search engine ranking factors survey and correlation data from 10K+ Google search results.

rand fishkinsmx munichgoogle
B2B Marketing and The Power of Twitter
B2B Marketing and The Power of TwitterB2B Marketing and The Power of Twitter
B2B Marketing and The Power of Twitter

Twitter gives B2B marketers a powerful opportunity to access broad networks of brands, companies and decision makers on Twitter. Supported by the latest research, we demonstrate why Twitter is not optional and why private and publicly listed brands are missing out on a solid opportunity if they do not incorporate Twitter into their marketing mix. We demonstrate that Twitter is not optional for brands engaged with B2B marketing. We include the most recent data from multiple leading sources, including The Social Media Examiner, Inc.; Twitter, Inc.; Regalix, Inc. and others. Twitter provides private and publicly-listed brands an opportunity to engage with broad networks of other brands, firms and key decision makers that also use Twitter. We note that Twitter's active user base is comprised of 250 million plus users and is growing. When used effectively and in combination with communication strategy and tools, Twitter represents the optimal platform for deploying ongoing messaging. When viewed as a communications hub, Twitter is unrivaled through its ability to integrate other channels and information sources and to coordinate their priority and emphasis. Twitter is effective at relaying information on channels that include Websites, Press releases, Instragram, Facebook, Snapchat, URLs, and any other linkable source of information, and driving traffic to these same sources. We note that press releases and awareness in general can be difficult for some brands and companies to generate but that Twitter is a proven solution. Sky Alphabet is a social media marketing agency that utilizes Twitter to achieve growth, awareness and sales objectives through integrated forms of traditional and digital communications driven by Twitter. We understand that Twitter is "not easy" because of its unrelenting requirement for fresh and relevant content, but it is this same requirement that makes Twitter the ideal platform for brands, companies, people and products that are prepared to express themselves through such an advanced channel. Author: Steve Yanor Aug 2016. @skyalphabet Research sources: Regalix, Inc. Twitter, Inc. Social Media Examiner, Inc.

b2bdigital marketinggoogle plus
Via Factors That Drive How Quickly You Can Run New Online Tests
Word of Mouth
Word of Mouth
Amount of Pain
Effort Required
Historical Experiences
Social Proof
Discovery Path
(it’s a complex process)
How do we know where our
conversion problems lie?
Ask Smart Questions to the Right People
Potential Customers
Who Didn’t Buy
Those Who Tried/Bought But
Didn’t Love It
Customers Who
Bought & Loved It
demographic, &
Professional, demographic, &
psychographic characteristics
demographic, &
What objections did you
have to buying?
What objections did you have;
how did you overcome them?
What objections did
you overcome; how?What would have made you
stay/love the product?
What would have made
you overcome them?
What do you love
most? Can we share?

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Read the full article with even more details at

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ELSA France "Teaching is us!"
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This document discusses key concepts and principles for organizing a curriculum review at a school. It addresses factors that should guide curriculum choices like mission and vision statements. It also discusses curriculum models and how assessment should inform curriculum planning. Additional topics covered include the importance of transferable skills, 21st century learning skills, and monitoring curriculum implementation through lesson observations and student interviews. The overall purpose is to provide guidance on conducting a thorough and meaningful curriculum review process.

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Design in Tech Report 2017
Design in Tech Report 2017Design in Tech Report 2017
Design in Tech Report 2017

PDF, audio, and voiceover are now available on Today’s most beloved technology products and services balance design and engineering in a way that perfectly blends form and function. Businesses started by designers have created billions of dollars of value, are raising billions in capital, and VC firms increasingly see the importance of design. The third annual Design in Tech Report examines how design trends are revolutionizing the entrepreneurial and corporate ecosystems in tech. This report covers related M&A activity, new patterns in creativity × business, and the rise of computational design.

We can start by targeting
the right kinds of
customers. Trying to please
everyone is a recipe for
Our tests should be
focused around
overcoming the
objections of the people
who best match our
customer profiles
Testing button colors
Testing headlines, copy,
visuals, & form fields

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This document outlines Netflix's culture of freedom and responsibility. Some key points: - Netflix focuses on attracting and retaining "stunning colleagues" through a high-performance culture rather than perks. Managers use a "Keeper Test" to determine which employees they would fight to keep. - The culture emphasizes values over rules. Netflix aims to minimize complexity as it grows by increasing talent density rather than imposing processes. This allows the company to maintain flexibility. - Employees are given significant responsibility and freedom in their roles, such as having no vacation tracking or expense policies beyond acting in the company's best interests. The goal is to avoid chaos through self-discipline rather than controls. - Providing

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Infographic: Medicare Marketing: Direct Mail: Still The #1 Influencer of Seniors Switching And Choosing Medicare Plans.

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The Marketer's Guide To Customer Interviews
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The Marketer's Guide To Customer Interviews

A step-by-step guide on how to doing customer interviews that reveal revenue-boosting insights. This deck is made exclusively for marketers & copywriters.

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Designing for how customers
think about their problems &
your solution
Does telling users we
encrypt data scare them?
Via Visual Website Optimizer
Could this
actually HURT

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スマホマーケットの概要と、 マーケティングの失敗例と改善 (アナリティクス アソシエーション 特別セミナー)
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アナリティクス アソシエーション 特別セミナー 改善活動を継続する鍵は何だろう? ~グロースハックに学ぶビジネス改善~

TrustRadius Conversion Rate Optimization Survey Results 2014
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TrustRadius Conversion Rate Optimization Survey Results 2014

Results from the 2014 Conversion Rate Optimization Survey. 2,300 TrustRadius members and 1,800 site visitors were asked to participate in the 2014 CRO survey to understand their practice maturity level, tool usage and spend on Digital Analytics and A/B testing software. The key results are included in this presentation.

a/b testing softwarecroconversion rate optimization
Payments Trends 2017
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Payments Trends 2017

Capgemini reports on the major 2017 trends in the payments industry which revolve around three core areas of payment instruments, regulatory and industry initiatives, and key stakeholder strategies. Currently, the global payments industry is undergoing a paradigm shift with an influx of technology, demographic, and regulatory dynamics. While the customer facing part of the value chain continues to witness high levels of innovation, service providers are still grappling with back-end infrastructure enhancements. Trends such as new opportunities in the payments industry in terms of adoption of Open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), growth in digital payments, innovation in cross-border payments, and challenges from the entry of alternative service providers are impacting the industry in terms of fostering competition, nurturing innovation, and enhancing process and system-related efficiencies.

Via Visual Website Optimizer
Via Visual Website Optimizer
A/B Test Results
They found that without the secure icon had over
400% improvement on conversions as compared
to having the image.
[Note: results ARE statistically significant]
We need to remove the
security messages on our
site ASAP!
We should test this.

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The team at asked 20 of the world's top conversion rate optimization experts to share their top tip for making your eCommerce website convert. The responses were amazing and we assembled them in this SlideShare. Advice includes topics related to A/B testing, usability, metrics, cart abandonment, design philosophy, customer experience & more.

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How to Earn the Attention of Today's Buyer

The document discusses the importance of connecting with buyers in an inbound way and how to execute the connect stage of the inbound sales methodology. It recommends defining buyer personas, outreach sequences for each persona, and personalized outreach content. It provides examples of developing buyer personas, sequences, and content for different lead sources like inbound leads and common connections. The document also provides examples of scripts for connect calls with different lead types and how to get buyer buy-in for longer exploratory conversations.

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HubSpot Research shares new data on why people use ad blockers and what marketers and advertisers need to do to keep people from blocking out ads completely. Hint: it's stop using interruptive and annoying ads.

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Is this the most meaningful test we
can perform right now?
(I’m not saying it isn’t, just that we
should prioritize intelligently)
Via Kayak’s Most Interesting A/B Test
Via Kayak’s Most Interesting A/B Test
A/B Test Results
“So we decided to do our own experiment about this
and we actually found the opposite that when we
removed the messaging, people tended to book less.”
- Vinayak Ranade, Director of Engineering for Mobile, KAYAK
Good thing we
Good thing we
Your evidence is
no match for my

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What is Inbound Recruiting?
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What is Inbound Recruiting?

Finding and hiring amazing people is hard. Build your employer brand and create a personalized candidate experience with inbound recruiting.

Add the Women Back: Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon
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Add the Women Back: Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon

The lack of visible female role models is pervasive in the tech industry, particularly on Wikipedia, where just under 17% of Wikipedia biographies were on women. That's why HubSpot wrote fourteen Wikipedia entries for remarkable women in tech to help inspire young women to reach positions at the highest levels of STEM.


The document provides an overview of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in Vietnam and makes recommendations to promote the country's PPP program. It summarizes that Vietnam passed new PPP decrees in 2015 but faces challenges developing projects, including a lack of capacity and coordination among government agencies. It recommends developing a visible pipeline of priority projects, improving government capacity through training, and streamlining regulations to address inconsistencies and gaps regarding key issues like viability gap funding, land rights, and dispute resolution.

What should we expect
from sharing our content
on social media?
Social CTR
Just find the average social
CTRs and then try to match
them or do better. No
Via’s Analysis of CTR on Twitter
Via’s Analysis of CTR on Twitter

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Google主催の「Google アナリティクス 360 お客様向けセミナー @ 2017/2/27」にて登壇した際のプレゼンテーション資料です。

How to Create a Growth Framework
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How to Create a Growth Framework

In this presentation I breakdown growth into 4 parts, understanding your funnel (top 3 acquisition channels & bottle necks), defining your customer personas & metrics and lastly a walkthrough of my simple growth process. Here's a link to my growth framework google spreadsheet: For more information on growth hacking visit my blog or download my book:

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Why Great Marketers Must be Great Skeptics: Rand Fishkin,
Why Great Marketers Must be Great Skeptics: Rand Fishkin, Moz.comWhy Great Marketers Must be Great Skeptics: Rand Fishkin,
Why Great Marketers Must be Great Skeptics: Rand Fishkin,

This document summarizes Rand Fishkin's presentation on the importance of skepticism for marketers. It discusses how crap, good, and great skeptics approach new claims and recommendations. Great skeptics thoroughly validate assumptions with data, know that correlation does not imply causation, and don't let imperfect knowledge stop progress. The document provides examples of claims marketers might encounter and how different types of skeptics would respond, emphasizing the need for repeated testing and understanding underlying factors.

online marketingoptimizationconversion rate
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
306/701 = 43.6%... WTF??
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics

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[Elite Camp 2016] Martijn Scheijbeler - Optimization for Content Sites
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What makes optimizing different for a publisher then for example an ecommerce site. In this session Martijn from The Next Web will show you how they focus on CRO and SEO to have users engage more with their content and services. We'll go into learning how to create the best process on how to work on both of them at the same time to have maximum impact.

by CXL
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Analytics, Search, Social Media, and Optimization: Why Has Marketing Gotten S...
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From search and social media to analytics and optimization, marketing has really gotten geeky. It's nearly impossible to keep up, so what should business owners know about online marketing in order to make good decisions about their web presence? This presentation is both a broad overview of key web marketing disciplines as well as a quick dive into some of the concepts and vocabulary behind them. Presented on Wednesday, August 18th to the Women Business Owners Special Interest Group of the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce.

marketing optimizationcustomer experienceoptimization
Phew! We’re not alone.
Via Chartbeat
Assuming social metrics and
engagement correlate was a
flawed assumption. We need
to find a better way to measure
and improve social sharing.
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics

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Lean Analytics & Analytics Dashboards
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Analytics is more than "slap on the google analytics tag and we're done". Any good Digital project starts out with a good set of Goals & Objectives...but when was the last time that you measured the result of those goals & objectives? Lean Analytics is about integrating the analytics in the whole process...from the start. In a LEAN way

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The document discusses the goals and challenges of web analytics. It outlines four main goals of web analytics: to better understand users, make decisions based on data, improve the website by removing barriers, and improve conversions and sales. It also discusses challenges such as acting on findings and identifying the most important metrics to focus on.

How To Solve Problems You've Not Seen In SEO Before | Spring Brighton SEO 202...
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If you're used to working with a full SEO team at an agency, what do you do if you move client-side and encounter issues you've never seen before? And you can't find answers via the usual channels? Being unable to find similar examples in the community is pretty unusual in 2021, but when it happens it can be a real learning curve to diagnose and solve them yourself. Using a case study from the last 18 months, Mat looks at achieving the balance between the process of elimination and data interpretation, and uses a touch of conspiracy theorising to resolve the problems.

Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
OK. We can create some
benchmarks based on these
numbers and their averages,
then work to improve them over
That is an insane amount
of variability!
There are other factors at work
here. We need to understand
them before we can create
smart metrics or useful

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SEO Worst Practices and Local SEO Tips
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The document outlines bad SEO practices like overpromising results, using irrelevant broad keywords, employing blackhat techniques, and shady link building. It warns against changing metrics of success and notes these could be signs of poor SEO. The document advocates thorough keyword research, whitehat on-page optimization, building natural links, and consistent reporting to measure realistic goals.

[MozCon 2019] Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework
[MozCon 2019]  Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework[MozCon 2019]  Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework
[MozCon 2019] Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework

[MozCon 2019] How do you turn an unwieldy 2.5 million-URL website into a manageable and indexable site of just 20,000 pages? Areej will share the methodology and takeaways used to restructure a job aggregator site which, like many large websites, had huge problems with indexability and the rules used to direct robot crawl. This talk will tackle tough crawling and indexing issues, diving into the case study with flow charts to explain the full approach and how to implement it.

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Lessons Learned from Surviving Bankruptcy
Lessons Learned from Surviving BankruptcyLessons Learned from Surviving Bankruptcy
Lessons Learned from Surviving Bankruptcy

This document discusses lessons learned from surviving bankruptcy and promoting adaptive organizational change. It warns against arrogance, bureaucracy, and complacency, and advocates creating a culture of positive adaptive change. Technical changes like increasing customer service are compared to deeper adaptive changes involving reevaluating business processes and customer experiences. The importance of understanding an organization's corporate psyche and mythology is discussed. Adaptive change requires pushing a system into a new equilibrium. The document also discusses testing myths around paid and organic search, validating assumptions with data, and considering the entire customer ecosystem rather than single metrics. It emphasizes simplifying processes and solutions.

Audience Affinity
Limitations to Visibility
Let’s start by examining the data
and impacts of timing.
Via Facebook Insights
Via Followerwonk

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Advanced Keyword Research
Advanced Keyword ResearchAdvanced Keyword Research
Advanced Keyword Research

The document discusses ways to continue optimizing keywords after initial keyword research, including: 1) Analyzing site analytics like bounce rates to identify underperforming pages and keywords 2) Conducting competitive analysis of top competitors to find new keyword opportunities 3) Performing heuristic evaluations like talking to experts to gain insights beyond data

Google Analytics For Content Marketing
Google Analytics For Content MarketingGoogle Analytics For Content Marketing
Google Analytics For Content Marketing

This document discusses setting up Google Analytics to better track and measure the performance of content marketing efforts. It recommends building out data by tracking metrics beyond just conversions, such as email subscriptions, downloads, and video views. This allows measuring engagement and value at different stages of the customer journey. It also suggests using custom dimensions to track additional details like author, date, or word count. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of standardizing insights through dashboards and reports to easily monitor key metrics and compare performance of different content types and sections of a website.

marketinganalyticsgoogle analytics
H/F University Presents: Growth Hacks - Rand Fishkin
H/F University Presents: Growth Hacks - Rand FishkinH/F University Presents: Growth Hacks - Rand Fishkin
H/F University Presents: Growth Hacks - Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEOmoz, the most popular source for SEO software, presents tips on conversion rate optimization. Or as it's better known, how to get people to buy and not just browse. Sponsored by::Windows 8 App Store * Video on

crorand fishkingrowth hacks
Via Google Analytics
There’s a lot of nuance, but we
can certainly see how
messages sent at certain times
reach different sizes and
populations of our audience.
Comparing a tweet or share sent
at 9am Pacific against tweets
and shares sent at 11pm Pacific
will give us misleading data.
But, we now know three things:
#1 - When our audience is online
#2 – Sharing just once is suboptimal
#3 – To be a great skeptic (and
marketer), we should attempt to
understand each of these inputs with
similar rigorousness

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Content-Driven Link Building: What Does Good Look Like?
Content-Driven Link Building: What Does Good Look Like?Content-Driven Link Building: What Does Good Look Like?
Content-Driven Link Building: What Does Good Look Like?

The document discusses content-driven link building strategies and how to measure their effectiveness. It describes analyzing over 4,500 content pieces, 3,500 links, and 170 client campaigns to identify trends. The analysis found that data visualization, full page takeovers, and thought leadership performed best on average. It also found that nofollow links have remained stable while mentions have increased. The document advocates using a data-led system to inform strategies, manage client expectations, and determine what approaches work best for specific clients and industries.

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Helping customers find you online - Rand Fishkin at Business of Software Conf...
Helping customers find you online - Rand Fishkin at Business of Software Conf...Helping customers find you online - Rand Fishkin at Business of Software Conf...
Helping customers find you online - Rand Fishkin at Business of Software Conf...

Presented at Business of Software Conference, Rand Fishkin (Moz founder and all round great guy) presents his summary of what to love and what to leave in SEO for 2014. In a constantly changing field, Rand stands out as presenting the clearest and most accessible advice on what should work to help your customers find you online. Watch if you have any responsibility for finding customers, creating content or building marketing.

business of software conferenceseosaas
SEO Tactics to Love vs. Leave
SEO Tactics to Love vs. LeaveSEO Tactics to Love vs. Leave
SEO Tactics to Love vs. Leave

This document summarizes Rand Fishkin's presentation on SEO tactics that should be embraced versus left behind in 2015. It discusses how SEO has evolved over the past 5 years with more complex algorithms, user data signals, and an ability to detect manipulative links. Some tactics to leave behind include relying only on AdWords for keyword research, creating keyword-targeted pages of content at scale, acquiring links through directories and profiles, and expecting social sharing alone to improve rankings. Tactics to embrace include using multiple data sources for keyword research, focusing on uniquely valuable and helpful content, building relationships to earn editorial links, using content to drive social amplification, and measuring ROI at the page or section level rather than keywords.

Do they work? Can we make
them more effective?
Share Buttons
After relentless testing, OKTrends found that the
following share buttons worked best:
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics

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Phil Nottingham - How the best strategies start with the right metrics

Slides from Learn Inbound 2016 in Dublin, exploring the problems with bad measurement and how this affects strategy.

market analysisvideoanalytics
Great Failures in Competitive Intelligence
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Great Failures in Competitive Intelligence

Rand's presentation from SEMPDX's Searchfest 2015 on how to avoid the common mistakes in competitive analysis and competitive intelligence.

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Big Picture CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) | Rand Fishkin, Moz
Big Picture CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) | Rand Fishkin, MozBig Picture CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) | Rand Fishkin, Moz
Big Picture CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) | Rand Fishkin, Moz

This document discusses conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategies beyond simple A/B testing. It recommends asking customers questions to understand obstacles to conversion. CRO is about moving customers through the stages of discovery, testing, consideration, and conversion to becoming long-term subscribers. The document provides 10 tips for CRO including making pages fast, aligning design with intent, using empathy and emotion over complexity, reducing steps, adding video and product details, and understanding individual customer contexts rather than just copying tactics.

growconfgrow conference 2013cro
OKTrends found that removing all but a
single button (the “like” on Facebook) had
the most positive effect.
And that waiting until the visitor had scrolled
to the bottom of the article produced the
highest number of actions
We should remove all our
social sharing buttons and
replace them with a single
slide-over social CTA for
Facebook likes!
Buzzfeed has also done a tremendous amount of social
button testing & optimization…

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Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond
Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & BeyondKeeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond
Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond

This document summarizes Rand Fishkin's presentation on how marketers can keep up with Google in 2017 and beyond. It discusses 5 key things marketers must do: 1) diversify traffic sources to reduce reliance on Google, 2) create a scalable link building strategy with decreasing friction, 3) use searcher intent and changing SERP features to break through Google's results, 4) evolve keyword targeting to match Google's sophistication, and 5) focus on searcher engagement which may be a new key ranking factor. The presentation explores how Google is increasingly using machine learning and user data in its algorithms.

web marketingmozseo
SparkToro Beta Sneak Peek
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SparkToro Beta Sneak Peek

Get an early look at the marketing and customer research problems SparkToro exists to solve, beta product screenshots, use cases, and pricing/launch plans.

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The Healthcare Search Landscape in 2019: SEO, Content Marketing, & More
The Healthcare Search Landscape in 2019: SEO, Content Marketing, & MoreThe Healthcare Search Landscape in 2019: SEO, Content Marketing, & More
The Healthcare Search Landscape in 2019: SEO, Content Marketing, & More

Rand Fishkin discusses key topics in healthcare SEO and digital marketing in 2019. He summarizes how Google's search algorithm is changing to favor direct answers and paid results over organic clicks. This could impact search behavior by increasing zero-click searches. Fishkin then provides recommendations for marketers to focus on controlling their brand presence, influencing content publishers, and shifting focus to long-tail keywords. He also explores the growth of Amazon and voice assistants, and how influencer marketing has become difficult to track. Marketers are advised to build their brand organically before focusing on ads and conversions.

search engine optimizationseosearch
And sometimes they do this…
And sometimes this…
Is Buzzfeed still in testing mode?
They’ve found it’s best to show different buttons
based on both the type of content and how you
reached the site.

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Building Influence in 2019
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Building Influence in 2019

As web marketing undergoes its biggest shift in a decade, how we impact audiences needs to evolve. In this presentation, Rand shows how web marketers in content, search, social, and advertising (+ influencer marketing) can shift their strategic and tactical investments to align with what the big platforms offer, and how consumer behavior has changed, too.

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Influence Not Influencers
Influence Not InfluencersInfluence Not Influencers
Influence Not Influencers

Influencer marketing can be a powerful tactic, but the practice is far too narrow, and often focused on wrong metrics. In this presentation, Rand expands on what marketing through influence can do, and shows examples of a higher ROI form of marketing through channels of influence (not just Instagram & YouTube "influencers")

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The Next Era of Web Marketing: 2019 & Beyond
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The Next Era of Web Marketing: 2019 & Beyond

Rand's presentation from Engage PDX 2019 on the shifting web platforms and how marketers can best respond.

seoweb marketinginternet marketing
OK… Well, then let’s do
that… Do it now!
Testing a small number of the
most impactful social button
changes should produce
enough evidence to give us a
direction to pursue.
Buzzfeed & OKTrends share several
unique qualities:
1) They have huge amounts of
social traffic
2) Social shares are integral to their
business model
3) The content they create is
optimized for social sharing
Unless we also fit a number of
these criteria, I have to ask again:
Is this the most meaningful test
we can perform right now?

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How to Kick Butt with Your Email Outreach
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How to Kick Butt with Your Email Outreach

Rand's presentation from Searchlove on how to get (almost) everything you've ever wanted with just an email. If you're trying to do email outreach to improve your content marketing, social media efforts, link building, public relations opportunities, networking, product feedback, and more, these slides are for you!

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The Big 7 Startup Marketing Mistakes
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How startups often screw up their marketing and growth efforts, along with tactical tips to improve and fix these oversights.

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Why Your Saas Marketing Sucks (and how to fix it)
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Rand's presentation from RECUR 2018 on how to address many of the core issues that cause SaaS marketing to go off the rails.

saassaas marketingsparktoro
BTW – it is true that testing social
buttons can coincide with a lot of
other tests (since it’s on content
vs. the funnel), but dev resources
and marketing bandwidth
probably are not infinite 
Does it still work better
than standard link text?
Anchor Text
Psh. Anchor text links
obviously work. Otherwise
Google wouldn’t be
penalizing all these sites for
getting them.
It has been a while since we’ve
seen a public test of anchor text.
And there’s no way to know for
sure how powerful it still is.

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SEO on the SERPs - Brighton SEO Closing Talk
SEO on the SERPs - Brighton SEO Closing TalkSEO on the SERPs - Brighton SEO Closing Talk
SEO on the SERPs - Brighton SEO Closing Talk

Rand's presentation from Brighton SEO, Fall 2018 focusing on the shifts in Google's behavior toward the SERP and away from referring outlinking traffic.

7 Lessons That Would Have Made Me a Better Entrepreneur
7 Lessons That Would Have Made Me a Better Entrepreneur7 Lessons That Would Have Made Me a Better Entrepreneur
7 Lessons That Would Have Made Me a Better Entrepreneur

This document provides 7 lessons that would have made the author a better entrepreneur: 1) Focus on doing one thing well rather than many things, as it is easier to build a brand. 2) Prioritize crafting an emotionally resonant story over tactics or pursuing big markets. 3) Build for an audience you have a connection to rather than one you don't. 4) Launch products that early testers rave about rather than minimal viable products. 5) Get quality work done in fewer hours rather than long hours which reduces productivity. 6) Hire for cultural fit and train for competence rather than hiring the wrong people. 7) Have reasonable expectations of success and consider options beyond becoming a unicorn or failing.

The Search & SEO World in 2018
The Search & SEO World in 2018The Search & SEO World in 2018
The Search & SEO World in 2018

Rand Fishkin discusses changes in search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine results pages (SERPs) in 2018. Google controls over half of all web searches but distributes traffic across different domains relatively evenly. Features like featured snippets and knowledge panels now make up a large portion of clicks. Marketers must adapt by optimizing for these features through content, links and other signals. Personalization also plays a bigger role, as Google tailors results based on location, device and user history. Overall, SEO requires a focus on providing helpful answers rather than just links.

search engine optimizationsearchweb marketing
Testing in Google is very, very hard.
There’s so many confounding
variables – we’d have to choose our
criteria carefully and repeat the test
multiple times to feel confident of any
1) Three word, informational keyword phrase with relatively light
competition and stable rankings
Test Conditions:
2) We selected two results (“A” and “B”), ranking #13 (“A”) and
#20 ( “B”) in logged-out, non-personalized results
3) We pointed links from 20 pages on 20 unique, high-DA, high-
trust, off-topic sites at both “A” and “B”
A) We pointed 20 links from 20
domains at this result with anchor
text exactly matching the query
B) We pointed 20 links from the
same 20 pages as “A” to this URL
with anchor text that did not contain
any words in the query
After 20 days, all of the links had
been indexed by Google. “A” and “B”
both moved up 4 positions. None of
the other results moved more than 2

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SEO in 2017/18
SEO in 2017/18SEO in 2017/18
SEO in 2017/18

Rand's presentation from Web Summit Lisbon 2017 covering how the SEO world has evolved and what's needed to rank and succeed in Google.

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Why Startups Suck at Marketing
Why Startups Suck at MarketingWhy Startups Suck at Marketing
Why Startups Suck at Marketing

One of the biggest reasons startups fail is the inability to scalably attract customers at low cost. In this presentation, Rand covers 8 reasons startups miss out on marketing success, and tips for how to overcome these pitfalls.

startup marketingweb marketinginfluencer marketing
The Invisible Giant that Mucks Up Our Marketing
The Invisible Giant that Mucks Up Our MarketingThe Invisible Giant that Mucks Up Our Marketing
The Invisible Giant that Mucks Up Our Marketing

Rand's presentation on the biases of cultural conditioning in the marketing world, and how history and media nudges marketers to make bad choices (along with loads of tactical SEO, social media, and content marketing tips).

marketingweb marketingseo
See? Told you it works.
While both results moved up the
same number of positions, it’s
almost certainly the case that #13
to #9 was against more serious
challengers, and thus anchor text
would seem to make a difference.
That said, I’d want to repeat this a
few times.
Princess Bubblegum and I are in
agreement. We should do the test
at least 2-3 more times keeping as
many variables as possible the
1) Three word, informational keyword phrase with relatively light
competition and stable rankings
Early Results from a Second Test:
2) We selected two results (“A” and “B”), ranking #20 (“A”) and
#14 ( “B”) in logged-out, non-personalized results
3) We pointed links from 20 pages on 20 unique, high-DA, high-
trust, off-topic sites at both “A” and “B”

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B2B SEO in 2017
B2B SEO in 2017B2B SEO in 2017
B2B SEO in 2017

The document discusses search trends and tactics for B2B SEO success in 2017. It provides data on search volumes and where people search showing that Google continues to dominate but is gaining more share. It also discusses different types of search results like featured snippets and how they impact organic click-through rates. Finally, it outlines six tactics for B2B SEO success, including optimizing for related precursor queries, publishing on platforms that easily rank, using lead magnets to capture content without barriers, recruiting influential contributors for links, and planning for a long-term investment with little short-term ROI.

seomozb2b marketing
How to Survive Google's Trojan Horsing of the Web
How to Survive Google's Trojan Horsing of the WebHow to Survive Google's Trojan Horsing of the Web
How to Survive Google's Trojan Horsing of the Web

Rand's presentation from Mozcon 2017 on how Google enters and often crowds out competitors in vertical search spaces (and how marketers can fight back against this threat).

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Inside Google's Numbers in 2017
Inside Google's Numbers in 2017Inside Google's Numbers in 2017
Inside Google's Numbers in 2017

Google continues to dominate search and increase its share. According to data, Google's core search increased 5.9% from October 2016 to May 2017 while its closest competitors like Yahoo and Bing declined. Google distributes search traffic relatively evenly across sites while Facebook and YouTube tend to concentrate traffic on very large sites. Reddit and YouTube send the majority of their referral traffic to just a handful of top sites.

search engine optimizationgoogleweb search
B) We pointed 20 links from 20
domains to this URL with anchor
text that did not contain any words
in the query
A) We pointed 20 links from the
same pages/domains at this result
with anchor text exactly matching
the query phrase
After 16 days, all of the links
had been indexed by Google.
“A” moved up 19 positions to
#1! B moved up 5 positions to
#9. None of the other results
moved more than 2 positions.
Good thing we
This is looking more
conclusive, but we
should run at least
one more test.
Anchor text =
rankings. Stick a
fork in it!
Does it influence Google’s non-
personalized search rankings?

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Why We Can't Do SEO WIthout CRO
Why We Can't Do SEO WIthout CROWhy We Can't Do SEO WIthout CRO
Why We Can't Do SEO WIthout CRO

This presentation examines how Google's ranking systems have prioritized searcher-task-accomplishment, and how SEOs must respond by optimizing for this process.

googleconversion rate optimizationseo
The Digital Marketer's Framework
The Digital Marketer's FrameworkThe Digital Marketer's Framework
The Digital Marketer's Framework

Rand's presentation on how to select strategic, digital marketing investments for your brand. Advice: step back, stop doing what you're good at or what you've been hired/asked to do in order to figure out what channels and tactics might work even better.

digital marketingmarketing strategyppc
SEO & UX: So Happy Together
SEO & UX: So Happy TogetherSEO & UX: So Happy Together
SEO & UX: So Happy Together

When SEO and UX practices are combined, the results can be extraordinary. Rand walks through how the practices have evolved to have far more combined value than tensions and tradeoffs, and some ways for each to learn from the other.

uxweb designsearch engine optimization
Good discussion about Google+ correlations in this post
Google+ is just too damn high.
Good discussion about Google+ correlations in this post
From a comment Matt Cutts left on the blog post:
“Most of the initial discussion on this thread seemed to take from the blog
post the idea that more Google +1s led to higher web ranking. I wanted to
preemptively tackle that perception.”
Good discussion about Google+ correlations in this post
To me, that’s Google working really hard to NOT say “we don’t use any data
from Google+ (directly or indirectly) at all in our ranking algorithms.” I would
be very surprised if they said that.
Google explicitly SAID +1s
don’t affect rankings. You
think they’d lie so blatantly?
As if.

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The Intersection Between AI & Paid Media Management - Curtiss Gulash
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The Intersection Between AI & Paid Media Management - Curtiss Gulash

Lately, it’s been feeling a little Terminator-y out there, huh? But the future of paid media isn’t an employment battle between AI and humans like some believe. Instead, it’s about collaboration and another powerful tool to add to the digital marketer’s tool belt. In fact, the best digital marketers have been integrating AI-elements into their work for years… with one caveat - there’s still an industry professional driving the bus. Join Curtiss Gulash, Director of Paid Media, at Be Found Online, to explore the strengths and weaknesses of AI (as well as humans), and how those qualities can complement one another to develop stronger, more informed, and more efficient paid media campaigns. It’s time to turn and embrace the machine to carve out a path for improving efficiency across your accounts with your new AI companions!

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Traditional Foods Of Australia and The History
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One of the most iconic foods in Australia is the meat pie. This handheld snack or meal consists of a pastry shell filled with minced meat, most commonly beef, and savoury gravy. It is often enjoyed at sporting events or as a quick and satisfying lunch option. Visit -

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In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, yesterday's strategies simply won't suffice. Join us for a groundbreaking session on revenue based marketing where we'll explore cutting-edge approaches and the latest strategies that can supercharge your digital marketing plans. Discover how to leverage performance-based PR, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing to drive revenue, optimize your campaigns, and achieve measurable results. We'll dive into effective methods for building brand awareness, cultivating deep engagement, driving conversions, and fostering lasting customer loyalty. Prepare to gain fresh ideas, valuable insights, and innovative methodologies designed to elevate your digital marketing efforts to new heights. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your strategy and stay ahead of the curve! Key Takeaways: 1. Advanced Revenue-Driven Strategies: Learn how performance-based PR, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing can drive revenue and optimize your marketing efforts. 2. Building and Engaging Your Audience: Discover effective methods for increasing brand awareness and cultivating deep engagement with your target audience. 3. Driving Conversions and Loyalty: Gain insights into strategies for driving conversions and fostering lasting customer loyalty to sustain your brand's growth.

digital marketingmarketingsales
The correlations are surprisingly
high for something with no
connection. There have been
several tests showing no result,
but if all it takes is a Google+ post,
let’s do it!
First, remember how hard it is to
prove causality with a public test
like this. And second, don’t let
anything but consistent, repeatable,
provable results sway your opinion.
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
At 10:50am, the test URL ranked
#26 in logged-out, non-
personalized, non-geo-biased,
Google US results.

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SEO for Revenue, Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand
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SEO for Revenue, Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand

Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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42 minutes later, after ~30
shares, 40 +1s, and several
other G+ accounts posting
the link, the target moved up
to position #23
48 hours later, after 100 shares
of the post, 95 +1s, and tons of
additional posts, the result was
back down to #25
At least we proved one thing –
the Google+ community is
awesome. Nearly 50 people
shared the URL in their own
posts on G+!
Many G+ users
personalized results,
however, were clearly

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Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024
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Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024

The "Digital Marketing Metrics" PDF by Digital Scape provides a detailed guide to essential metrics used in digital marketing. It explains the importance of metrics in tracking and optimizing marketing efforts, offering definitions, formulas, and examples for each metric. The document covers metrics such as Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Cost of Acquisition (COA), Click Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate (CVR), Cost Per Sale (CPS), Bounce Rate, and Lead Conversion Rate (LCR). The aim is to equip marketers with the knowledge needed to make data-driven decisions and enhance campaign performance. Learn what is metrics, difference in metrics, different types of metrics and calculation.

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Create Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick Mattar
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Create Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick Mattar

Nick will present his "best of" findings from reviewing and testing more than 200 generative AI platforms over the last three years. While some programs will save you more than half the time, you can bet to save at least 50% of your time creating content if you begin using these tools. Key Takeaways: Attendees will walk away with a comprehensive list of generative AI programs that will make their lives easier. From blogging to video production and even AI marketing assistants, you will learn about nearly 20 AI platforms that are guaranteed to make your life easier in some way.

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The continued disappearance of the third party cookie has both targeting and tracking implications for open-web advertising and marketing. We'll discuss where context, identity graphs and first party data are being used to substitute for third-party cookies. We'll also discuss where CTV and other newer media channels are maturing to allow for household or personal targeting. Key Takeaways: Learn how to effectively target prospects and consumers at various stages using a combinations of targeting types across channels.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Something very strange is
happening in relation to the test
URL in my personalized results,
though. It’s actually ranking
LOWER than in non-personalized
Could Google be donking up the test?
Sadly, it’s impossible to know.
GASP!!! The posts did move
the result up, then someone
from Google must have
seen it and is messing with
Sigh… It’s possible that Jenny’s
right, but impossible to prove. We
don’t know for sure what caused
the initial movement, nor can we
say what’s causing the weird
personalized results.

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CampusEdge offers a comprehensive suite of tools including financial management, human resources, student information, and more. It promotes streamlined processes and data integration. Enhanced efficiency and productivity through automation, data centralization, and real-time insights. Improved decision-making based on accurate data and analytics. Allows for seamless scalability to adapt to the changing needs of educational institutions. Enables consolidation of various functions into a single platform. Initial planning and assessment of requirements. Configuration and customization of the software to fit the institution's unique structure and processes. Comprehensive training programs for staff to ensure effective utilization. Phased deployment strategy to minimize disruptions.

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More testing is needed, but how
you do it without any potential
monkey wrenches is going to be a
big challenge.
That said, remember this:
Phew! We’re not alone.
Via Chartbeat
If I were Google, I wouldn’t use
Google+ activity by itself to rank
anything, but I would connect G+
to my other data sources and
potentially increase a page’s
rankings if many pieces of data
told a story of engagement &
value for visitors.
Ready to Be Your Own Skeptic?

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Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics

  • 1. Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish | Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
  • 2. This Presentation Is Online Here:
  • 4. I have some depressing news…
  • 7. Does anyone in this room believe that the Earth doesn’t revolve around the Sun?
  • 9. The Earth (and everything in the solar system, including the Sun) revolves around our system’s gravitational Barycenter, which is only sometimes near the center of the Sun.
  • 10. Let’s try a more marketing-centric example...
  • 11. In 2009, Conversion Rate Experts built us a new landing page, and increased our subscribers by nearly 25%. What did they do? Via CRE’s Case Study
  • 12. One of the most commonly cited facts about CRE’s work is the “long landing page.”
  • 13. The Crap Skeptic The Good Skeptic The Great Skeptic Let’s change our landing page to be a long one right now! We should A/B test a long landing page in our conversion funnel. How do we know page length was responsible? What else changed?
  • 14. The Crap Skeptic The Good Skeptic The Great Skeptic “I do believe sadly it’s going to take some diseases coming back to realize that we need to change and develop vaccines that are safe.” “Listen, all magic is scientific principals presented like "mystical hoodoo" which is fun, but it's sort of irresponsible.” "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it."
  • 15. In fact, we’ve changed our landing pages numerous times to shorter versions and seen equal success. Length, it would seem, was not the primary factor in this page’s success.
  • 16. What separates the crap, good, & great?
  • 17. Assumes one belief-reinforcing data point is evidence enough Doesn’t question what’s truly causal vs. merely correlated Doesn’t seek to validate
  • 18. Doesn’t make assumptions about why a result occurred Knows that correlation isn’t necessarily causal Validates assumptions w/ data
  • 19. Seeks to discover the reasons underlying the results Knows that correlation doesn’t imply causality Thoroughly validates, but doesn’t let imperfect knowledge stop progress
  • 20. Will more conversion tests lead to better results? Testing
  • 21. Obviously the more tests we run, the better we can optimize our pages. We need to build a “culture of testing” around here.
  • 22. Via Wordstream’s What is a Good Conversion Rate?
  • 23. Via Wordstream’s What is a Good Conversion Rate? Do Those Who Test More Really Perform Better?
  • 24. Hmm… There’s no correlation between those who run more tests across more pages and those who have higher conversion rates. Maybe the number of tests isn’t the right goal.
  • 25. Via Factors That Drive How Quickly You Can Run New Online Tests
  • 26. Trust Word of Mouth Likability Design Associations Word of Mouth Amount of Pain CTAs UX Effort Required Process Historical Experiences Social Proof Copywriting CONVERSION DECISION Timing Discovery Path Branding Price (it’s a complex process)
  • 27. How do we know where our conversion problems lie?
  • 28. Ask Smart Questions to the Right People Potential Customers Who Didn’t Buy Those Who Tried/Bought But Didn’t Love It Customers Who Bought & Loved It Professional, demographic, & psychographic characteristics Professional, demographic, & psychographic characteristics Professional, demographic, & psychographic characteristics What objections did you have to buying? What objections did you have; how did you overcome them? What objections did you overcome; how?What would have made you stay/love the product? What would have made you overcome them? What do you love most? Can we share?
  • 29. We can start by targeting the right kinds of customers. Trying to please everyone is a recipe for disaster.
  • 30. Our tests should be focused around overcoming the objections of the people who best match our customer profiles
  • 33. Designing for how customers think about their problems & your solution
  • 34. THIS!
  • 35. Does telling users we encrypt data scare them? Security
  • 36. Via Visual Website Optimizer Could this actually HURT conversion?
  • 37. Via Visual Website Optimizer
  • 38. Via Visual Website Optimizer A/B Test Results They found that without the secure icon had over 400% improvement on conversions as compared to having the image. [Note: results ARE statistically significant]
  • 39. We need to remove the security messages on our site ASAP!
  • 40. We should test this.
  • 41. Is this the most meaningful test we can perform right now? (I’m not saying it isn’t, just that we should prioritize intelligently)
  • 42. Via Kayak’s Most Interesting A/B Test vs.
  • 43. Via Kayak’s Most Interesting A/B Test A/B Test Results “So we decided to do our own experiment about this and we actually found the opposite that when we removed the messaging, people tended to book less.” - Vinayak Ranade, Director of Engineering for Mobile, KAYAK
  • 44. Good thing we tested! Good thing we tested! Your evidence is no match for my ignorance!
  • 45. What should we expect from sharing our content on social media? Social CTR
  • 46. Just find the average social CTRs and then try to match them or do better. No brainer.
  • 47. Via’s Analysis of CTR on Twitter
  • 48. Via’s Analysis of CTR on Twitter
  • 53. Phew! We’re not alone. Via Chartbeat
  • 54. Assuming social metrics and engagement correlate was a flawed assumption. We need to find a better way to measure and improve social sharing.
  • 58. OK. We can create some benchmarks based on these numbers and their averages, then work to improve them over time.
  • 59. That is an insane amount of variability!
  • 60. There are other factors at work here. We need to understand them before we can create smart metrics or useful expectations
  • 62. Let’s start by examining the data and impacts of timing.
  • 66. There’s a lot of nuance, but we can certainly see how messages sent at certain times reach different sizes and populations of our audience.
  • 67. Comparing a tweet or share sent at 9am Pacific against tweets and shares sent at 11pm Pacific will give us misleading data.
  • 68. But, we now know three things: #1 - When our audience is online #2 – Sharing just once is suboptimal #3 – To be a great skeptic (and marketer), we should attempt to understand each of these inputs with similar rigorousness
  • 69. Do they work? Can we make them more effective? Share Buttons
  • 70. After relentless testing, OKTrends found that the following share buttons worked best:
  • 73. OKTrends found that removing all but a single button (the “like” on Facebook) had the most positive effect.
  • 74. And that waiting until the visitor had scrolled to the bottom of the article produced the highest number of actions
  • 75. We should remove all our social sharing buttons and replace them with a single slide-over social CTA for Facebook likes!
  • 76. Buzzfeed has also done a tremendous amount of social button testing & optimization…
  • 77. And sometimes they do this…
  • 79. Is Buzzfeed still in testing mode?
  • 80. Nope. They’ve found it’s best to show different buttons based on both the type of content and how you reached the site.
  • 81. OK… Well, then let’s do that… Do it now!
  • 82. Testing a small number of the most impactful social button changes should produce enough evidence to give us a direction to pursue.
  • 83. Buzzfeed & OKTrends share several unique qualities: 1) They have huge amounts of social traffic 2) Social shares are integral to their business model 3) The content they create is optimized for social sharing
  • 84. Unless we also fit a number of these criteria, I have to ask again: Is this the most meaningful test we can perform right now?
  • 85. BTW – it is true that testing social buttons can coincide with a lot of other tests (since it’s on content vs. the funnel), but dev resources and marketing bandwidth probably are not infinite 
  • 86. Does it still work better than standard link text? Anchor Text
  • 87. Psh. Anchor text links obviously work. Otherwise Google wouldn’t be penalizing all these sites for getting them.
  • 88. It has been a while since we’ve seen a public test of anchor text. And there’s no way to know for sure how powerful it still is.
  • 89. Testing in Google is very, very hard. There’s so many confounding variables – we’d have to choose our criteria carefully and repeat the test multiple times to feel confident of any result.
  • 90. 1) Three word, informational keyword phrase with relatively light competition and stable rankings Test Conditions: 2) We selected two results (“A” and “B”), ranking #13 (“A”) and #20 ( “B”) in logged-out, non-personalized results 3) We pointed links from 20 pages on 20 unique, high-DA, high- trust, off-topic sites at both “A” and “B”
  • 91. A) We pointed 20 links from 20 domains at this result with anchor text exactly matching the query phrase #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 B) We pointed 20 links from the same 20 pages as “A” to this URL with anchor text that did not contain any words in the query
  • 92. #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 After 20 days, all of the links had been indexed by Google. “A” and “B” both moved up 4 positions. None of the other results moved more than 2 positions.
  • 93. See? Told you it works.
  • 94. While both results moved up the same number of positions, it’s almost certainly the case that #13 to #9 was against more serious challengers, and thus anchor text would seem to make a difference. That said, I’d want to repeat this a few times.
  • 95. Princess Bubblegum and I are in agreement. We should do the test at least 2-3 more times keeping as many variables as possible the same.
  • 96. 1) Three word, informational keyword phrase with relatively light competition and stable rankings Early Results from a Second Test: 2) We selected two results (“A” and “B”), ranking #20 (“A”) and #14 ( “B”) in logged-out, non-personalized results 3) We pointed links from 20 pages on 20 unique, high-DA, high- trust, off-topic sites at both “A” and “B”
  • 97. B) We pointed 20 links from 20 domains to this URL with anchor text that did not contain any words in the query #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 A) We pointed 20 links from the same pages/domains at this result with anchor text exactly matching the query phrase
  • 98. #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 After 16 days, all of the links had been indexed by Google. “A” moved up 19 positions to #1! B moved up 5 positions to #9. None of the other results moved more than 2 positions.
  • 99. Good thing we tested! This is looking more conclusive, but we should run at least one more test. Anchor text = rankings. Stick a fork in it!
  • 100. Does it influence Google’s non- personalized search rankings? Google+
  • 101. Good discussion about Google+ correlations in this post Google+ is just too damn high.
  • 102. Good discussion about Google+ correlations in this post From a comment Matt Cutts left on the blog post: “Most of the initial discussion on this thread seemed to take from the blog post the idea that more Google +1s led to higher web ranking. I wanted to preemptively tackle that perception.”
  • 103. Good discussion about Google+ correlations in this post To me, that’s Google working really hard to NOT say “we don’t use any data from Google+ (directly or indirectly) at all in our ranking algorithms.” I would be very surprised if they said that.
  • 104. Google explicitly SAID +1s don’t affect rankings. You think they’d lie so blatantly? As if.
  • 105. The correlations are surprisingly high for something with no connection. There have been several tests showing no result, but if all it takes is a Google+ post, let’s do it!
  • 106. First, remember how hard it is to prove causality with a public test like this. And second, don’t let anything but consistent, repeatable, provable results sway your opinion.
  • 108. #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 At 10:50am, the test URL ranked #26 in logged-out, non- personalized, non-geo-biased, Google US results.
  • 109. 42 minutes later, after ~30 shares, 40 +1s, and several other G+ accounts posting the link, the target moved up to position #23 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26
  • 110. #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 48 hours later, after 100 shares of the post, 95 +1s, and tons of additional posts, the result was back down to #25
  • 111. At least we proved one thing – the Google+ community is awesome. Nearly 50 people shared the URL in their own posts on G+!
  • 112. Many G+ users personalized results, however, were clearly affected.
  • 113. #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 Something very strange is happening in relation to the test URL in my personalized results, though. It’s actually ranking LOWER than in non-personalized results.
  • 114. Could Google be donking up the test? Sadly, it’s impossible to know.
  • 115. GASP!!! The posts did move the result up, then someone from Google must have seen it and is messing with you!!!
  • 116. Sigh… It’s possible that Jenny’s right, but impossible to prove. We don’t know for sure what caused the initial movement, nor can we say what’s causing the weird personalized results.
  • 117. More testing is needed, but how you do it without any potential monkey wrenches is going to be a big challenge. That said, remember this:
  • 118. Phew! We’re not alone. Via Chartbeat
  • 119. If I were Google, I wouldn’t use Google+ activity by itself to rank anything, but I would connect G+ to my other data sources and potentially increase a page’s rankings if many pieces of data told a story of engagement & value for visitors.
  • 120. Ready to Be Your Own Skeptic?
  • 121. Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish |