SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Creating an inclusive
Miracle Inameti-Archibong
John Lewis Finance
There are so many
things I want to change.
What can I
What’s within
my control?
of homepages had
accessibility errors.
April 2021, WebAIM
of the errors were missing
alt text.
April 2021, WebAIM

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BrightonSEO - NLP for SEOs - How to optimise your content for BERT.pptx

How have robots learned to read? This talk goes over the process within natural language processing, how BERT works, and how these learnings can be applied to content optimisation.

[BrightonSEO 2022] Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Listing Pages
[BrightonSEO 2022] Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Listing Pages[BrightonSEO 2022] Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Listing Pages
[BrightonSEO 2022] Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Product Listing Pages

The document discusses optimizing product listing pages (PLPs) on ecommerce websites. It begins with the author describing their experience finding a website with little obvious "tech debt" issues to address. They then analyze which page templates drive the most revenue, finding PLPs account for 60% of organic revenue. The author breaks down PLPs into individual components and suggests prioritizing optimization of filters and internal linking. They argue for considering metrics beyond just search volume, like user behavior and conversion data, when deciding which page variants to focus on.

seotechnical seobrightonseo
BrightonSEO April 2023 Similar AI: Automation recipes for SEO success
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BrightonSEO April 2023 Similar AI: Automation recipes for SEO success

Automation recipes for SEO success. A presentation from BrightonSEO (the April 2023 edition): about some of the automation ingredients & recipes that Similar AI users have written that grew ranking & traffic... and the ones that didn't. Topics covered include: automation, no code SEO, keyword research, Google Search Console, ChatGPT, site maps, SERPs, faceted navigation, linking and more.

seoautomationno code
“…Any of us could find the
abilities we enjoy today gone
1 IN 5
14.1 million people in the UK
are living with a disability.
An estimated 2 million
people are living with sight
loss. Department of Works
& Pensions.

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Lucy Dodds - BrightonSEO Autumn 22
Lucy Dodds - BrightonSEO Autumn 22Lucy Dodds - BrightonSEO Autumn 22
Lucy Dodds - BrightonSEO Autumn 22

Tasked with a content audit? It can seem impossible when you have thousands of URLs to sift through alone. But in this talk, Lucy will provide actionable steps on how to do a content audit, walking you through what to cull and what to keep, plus providing methods to quickly break down pages by different search intents to simplify your work. Built on past experience, Lucy will also offer advice on how to get clients on board with your content audit, plus top tips to get your recommendations implemented.

seocontentcontent strategy
Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf
Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdfCore Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf
Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf

This document outlines a 4-step process for conducting a Core Web Vitals audit: 1) Benchmark key pages by measuring LCP, FID, and CLS metrics, 2) Investigate audit results to understand issues, 3) Test optimization changes and re-measure metrics, 4) Prioritize fixes based on impact and effort required. The goal is to identify opportunities to improve load performance and user experience.

How to get more traffic with less content - BrightonSEO
How to get more traffic with less content - BrightonSEOHow to get more traffic with less content - BrightonSEO
How to get more traffic with less content - BrightonSEO

I want you to go away after this with a really clear view on why less definitely is more, what you can do to decide what actually is too much content to have on your site, and how to go about reducing the number of pages you’ve got. Ultimately, you’re here to find out how to reduce the amount of work you have to do in the long-run to get the same amount or more traffic.

Our vision is
our dominant
..of what we learn is done
through perception,
learning, cognition, and
other activities mediated
through vision.
Disability is both apparent and non-
Visual acuity Light & glare
Limited field
of vision
Source: WebAIM
Those with more
significant vision
loss consistently
reported higher
levels of internet
Advanced Intermediate Beginner

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How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website
How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress websiteHow to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website
How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website

Talk by Louise at SEO Brighton in April 2022. It is really easy to design and build a beautiful but slow WordPress website! The Google update for Core Web Vitals is a set of SEO ranking signals to help website owners improve the speed and user experience for their website. In this talk Louise will share with you how to adjust your WordPress site to improve your Core Web Vital scores. The strategies are different for each metric so she will go through each one and give you some practical ideas you can take back and action or ask your developer to implement.

core web vitalswordpresscwv
Crawl Budget: Everything you Need to Know
Crawl Budget: Everything you Need to KnowCrawl Budget: Everything you Need to Know
Crawl Budget: Everything you Need to Know

Crawl budget refers to the number of pages a site is allowed to request that Google crawls on a daily basis. It is important because exceeding the crawl budget can lead to pages not being indexed. The document provides tips on how to identify a site's current crawl rate, issues impacting crawl budget like errors and duplicate content, and strategies for optimizing demand and capacity such as improving site speed and creating fresh content regularly. The goal is identifying any crawl issues and optimizing the crawl budget to have the most important pages indexed.

Hreflang tags: everything you need to know to start implementing them
Hreflang tags: everything you need to know to start implementing themHreflang tags: everything you need to know to start implementing them
Hreflang tags: everything you need to know to start implementing them

The takeaway: 1. Why/What/How of hreflang 2. Some examples of practical application 3. Canonical VS hreflang 4. Common hreflang mistakes 5. Is hreflang a ranking factor?

£17.1 billion of potential spending
is lost because of inaccessible
websites (Click-away pound).
15% of the world’s population lives
with a disability (WHO, 2021).
This 15% is often
underrepresented and ignored in
marketing efforts (BBC, 2021;
Mallon, 2019).
“65% of customers find that “a
positive experience with a brand
[is] more influential than great
advertising” (PWC).

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BrightonSEO October 2022 - Martijn Scheybeler - SEO Testing: Find Out What Wo...
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This document discusses SEO testing and experimentation. It provides examples of types of SEO tests that could be done, such as pre-post testing, A/B testing, and combining different measurement approaches. Specific cases are also mentioned, like testing the impact of internal linking, HTML sitemaps, and changes to page titles and meta descriptions. The document emphasizes that SEO testing takes work to set up properly and find meaningful results, but it is important for identifying what strategies are truly effective.

Google Sheets For SEO - Tom Pool - London SEO Meetup XL
Google Sheets For SEO - Tom Pool - London SEO Meetup XLGoogle Sheets For SEO - Tom Pool - London SEO Meetup XL
Google Sheets For SEO - Tom Pool - London SEO Meetup XL

First delivered at London SEO Meetup XL on May 4th, 2022. This talk focuses on a number of different tips and tricks that can be used to help improve the overall analysis of data within Google Sheets. A number of formulae are covered within this talk, including: REGEXMATCH & REGEXREPLACE TRANSLATE COUNTIF VLOOKUP INDEX MATCH IFNA The talk finally touches on the usage of the =QUERY formula, and how it can aid in a number of different situations. An example of creating a top ten dashboard is provided. A sample Google Spreadsheet with all formulae discussed can be seen here:

Monet BrightonSEO Slides 2022
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Monet BrightonSEO Slides 2022

David vs Goliath: The rise of sustainable fashion against fast fashion giants Slides from BrightonSEO October 2022. This talk covered the rise of sustainable brands against fast fashion giants. Opening with a brief intro into the David vs Goliath principle and how that can be aligned to online retail today. This talk was a comparison of the ecommerce space, specifically fast fashion and its impact socially, environmentally and lastly online. Providing SEO "stones" to use against the Goliath of your industry.

83% of participants with access
needs limit their shopping to sites
that they know are accessible
(Click-Away Pound).
86% have chosen to pay more for a
product from an accessible website
(Click-Away Pound).
Over 10 lawsuits per day in 2021

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Kleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdf

This document discusses how AI and automation can revolutionize the SEO value chain. It argues that AI can enable a symbiotic relationship between SEO strategy and technical implementation by powering automated competitive analysis, strategy suggestions, and one-click fixes. This represents a new approach that can improve time-to-market and optimize implementation timescales through a no-code model.

Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023
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Data Driven Approach to Scale SEO at BrightonSEO 2023

With the help of my favourite case study, I'm showcasing how I took a data-driven approach to scale SEO for a travel brand. I've covered how I collected data, found trends, and converted them into opportunities. Those opportunities were tested before the grand deployment, which resulted in multifold growth in SEO visibility and revenue.

data driven seoenterprise seotravel seo
Probabilistic Thinking in SEO - BrightonSEO October 2022
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Probabilistic Thinking in SEO - BrightonSEO October 2022

Andrew talks through practical ways to think in probabilities to make better decisions in SEO at BrightonSEO. From methodologies to help you increase the chances of successful outcomes, to reframing decisions as bets to prioritise your recommendations.

COVID 19 has accelerated the move
to digital services.
Many essential services have moved
online exclusively with very limited
or restricted offline alternatives.
..of GP practice have
switched to a system of
total remote triage (NHS
Digital, Appointments in
General Practice).
Increase in NHS APP
registration (NHS Digital,
Appointments in General

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Can you trust AI with your content?
Can you trust AI with your content?Can you trust AI with your content?
Can you trust AI with your content?

Systems like OpenAI have put AI content generation into everyone's hands, but can you trust that content? Data from 3 original studies into AI content

Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius
Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk RadiusAgile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius
Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius

An SEO professional can learn on how to improve their relationship with developer and get technical SEO errors solved without a hassle This talk is about prioritising SEO activities based on regular cadence and at the same time calculating the risk radius of the high level decisions taken. About me: I have 7 years of experience in SEO, I work as an independent SEO consultant, co-host of #SEOTalk Twitter chat (which is India's oldest digital marketing Twitter chat up and running since 2012). If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out me on Twitter: @parthsuba77 and send me an email on parthsuba77[at]gmail[dot]com

technical seoseoseotalk
Accessibility and why it matters
Accessibility and why it mattersAccessibility and why it matters
Accessibility and why it matters

The document discusses accessibility and why it matters. It defines accessibility as whether a product like a website can be used by people of all abilities and disabilities. It notes that accessibility is important for people with various disabilities like blindness, deafness, motor impairments, cognitive disabilities, and more. The document emphasizes that accessibility is a human right according to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It also notes there is a strong business case for accessibility as it can improve search results, reduce costs, and increase audience reach. The document provides tips for making products more accessible, such as following W3C guidelines, using semantic HTML, providing text alternatives, ensuring sufficient color contrast and resizeable text, and testing with assist

Use of e-prescription
services also increased, with
1.25 million nominations
((NHS Digital, Appointments in
General Practice).
Since January 2015, banks have been
closing at a rate of around 54 each
month (
By we will 2025 we will see worsen
economic inequality as the tech-
savvy pull further ahead of those
who have less access to digital tools
(Pew Research Centre).

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A11y presentation accessibility testing for qa
A11y presentation accessibility testing for qaA11y presentation accessibility testing for qa
A11y presentation accessibility testing for qa

This document provides an overview of accessibility testing. It discusses: 1) What accessibility testing is and how it ensures applications are usable for people with disabilities. 2) Common disabilities and assistive technologies used, including visual impairments, cognitive disabilities, hearing impairments, and mobility issues. 3) Accessibility as a legal requirement in Ontario under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) which mandates compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

a11ytoa11yassistive technology
Rediscovering Accessibility for Future Tech - Everyone is affected!
Rediscovering Accessibility for Future Tech - Everyone is affected!Rediscovering Accessibility for Future Tech - Everyone is affected!
Rediscovering Accessibility for Future Tech - Everyone is affected!

The document discusses the evolving landscape of accessibility in an era of touchscreens, gestures, voice assistants, and other natural interfaces. As these technologies become mainstream, they introduce new accessibility challenges. Standards like WCAG and WAI-ARIA provide frameworks, but may need to be updated to address accessibility in contexts like mobile use and distracted environments. The lines between assistive and mainstream technologies are also blurring, requiring reexamination of approaches.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Global Accessibility Awareness DayGlobal Accessibility Awareness Day
Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Presentation given by Claudio Luis Vera and Lisette Arocha for Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2018

Your audits should cover the four
principles of accessibility as
outlined by WCAG.
Information and user interface
must be presentable to users in
ways they can perceive.
Alt text
Text alternatives for any
non-text content.
..of all homepage
accessibility error is due
to missing alternative
text (WebAIM).

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Accessibility Standards For Customer Service
Accessibility Standards For Customer ServiceAccessibility Standards For Customer Service
Accessibility Standards For Customer Service

This document summarizes Ontario's accessibility standards for websites and customer service. It outlines that by 2012, all Ontario businesses with employees must comply with standards from the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act to make their websites and customer service accessible. The standards are based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines which define principles like content must be perceivable, operable, understandable and robust. It provides an overview of who the standards apply to and what requirements must be met.

BDA - The Importance of Digital Accessibility and why it should matter to the...
BDA - The Importance of Digital Accessibility and why it should matter to the...BDA - The Importance of Digital Accessibility and why it should matter to the...
BDA - The Importance of Digital Accessibility and why it should matter to the...

Lyndon's presentation on "The Importance of Digital Accessibility and why it should matter to the business sector in 2014" to highlights the importance of making businesses accessible for all.

Identifying and fixing the most common web accessibility issues
Identifying and fixing the most common web accessibility issuesIdentifying and fixing the most common web accessibility issues
Identifying and fixing the most common web accessibility issues

In this talk, you will learn how to identify the most common WCAG 2 failures using a screen reader and browser extensions, and the best way to fix them through good practices and semantic development.

a11yaccessibilityscreen readers
No text describing where the
link will go if clicked or
 Empty links
 Non-descriptive links
 Linked images
Missing form input label.
Empty description of what the
various fields and controls in the
form are for.
Missing Label
Empty Buttons.
No text describing the function of
the button.

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Web Accessibility
Web AccessibilityWeb Accessibility
Web Accessibility

Web Accessibility in its simplest definition is all about making sure websites work for the widest possible audience. This seminar would involve a quick introduction to Web Accessibility, Web Accessibility Issues, Guidelines etc.

Digital Divide And Accessibility
Digital Divide And AccessibilityDigital Divide And Accessibility
Digital Divide And Accessibility

The document discusses accessibility in the virtual workplace and outlines opportunities and challenges. It notes that accessibility is a civil right and that 48.9 million Americans have disabilities. International surveys found most government and business websites inaccessible. The document outlines moral, legal and compliance issues and strategies for overcoming barriers through universal design, guidelines like WCAG 2.0, tools for evaluation, outreach, and inclusive policies.

Digital Divide And Accessibility
Digital Divide And AccessibilityDigital Divide And Accessibility
Digital Divide And Accessibility

The document discusses accessibility in the virtual workplace and opportunities and challenges presented. It notes that around 20% of people globally experience barriers to internet access due to disabilities. Compliance with accessibility standards can help overcome barriers and create job opportunities. Guidelines like WCAG provide principles for making digital content perceivable, operable, understandable and robust for people with disabilities. Following these guidelines can help businesses tap into untapped markets and support human rights.

Syncronised captions.
Alternatives for time-based
Make transcripts and audio
files available.
Adaptable formats (visually,
audibly, tactilely.
Create content that can be
presented in different ways .
Meaningful sequence.
Use of colour Resize text
Make it easier for users to
see and hear content .
Colour contrast Audio Control
(Images from Squarespace)

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2009: Social inclusion in a Digital Age
2009: Social inclusion in a Digital Age2009: Social inclusion in a Digital Age
2009: Social inclusion in a Digital Age

Presentation given by Jonathan Hassell (Head of Audience Experience & Usability) and Robin Christopherson (Head of Accessibility Services, AbilityNet) at Internet 2010, London in 2010. Covers: how many people in the UK are still unconnected from the internet, and how 25% fewer disabled people are using the internet than the general population; what the reasons for this lag in usage by disabled people might be (and definitely are not); how use of assistive technologies in the UK is much lower than the expected percentages (from Microsoft Forrester research in 2003); how My Web My Way ( provides information on assistive technologies and browser/OS accessibility settings to help disabled people; how website personalisation technologies can help all users (no matter how contradictory their needs) get a better user-experience; how the BBC ATK is aiming to provide these features on

digital inclusionassistive technology usagebbc
Usability ≠ Accessibility. An intro to web accessibility for agencies.
Usability ≠ Accessibility. An intro to web accessibility for agencies.Usability ≠ Accessibility. An intro to web accessibility for agencies.
Usability ≠ Accessibility. An intro to web accessibility for agencies.

This document provides an introduction to web accessibility for agencies. It begins with defining accessibility and the types of impairments it addresses. It discusses the differences between usability and accessibility, and notes that accessibility focuses on making products extensible to a variety of devices. The document then covers the business case for accessibility, how to implement accessibility, and provides a checklist to determine if a project requires an accessible approach. It emphasizes that accessibility is best incorporated from the start of a project.

uuagaccessibility guidelineswcag
Enhancing the User Experience for People with Disabilities
Enhancing the User Experience for People with DisabilitiesEnhancing the User Experience for People with Disabilities
Enhancing the User Experience for People with Disabilities

In this webinar, attendees learned about the following: 1. Disability Market Trends: Understanding the disability market and barriers faced by people with disabilities in the digital world. 2. Accessible Technology: Discover how people with disabilities use technology to engage with brands digitally. 3. Web Accessibility Guidelines, Standards and Regulations: Learn about mandated requirements and how they benefit consumers. 4. Success Stories: See how leading organizations have enhanced the user experience for people with disabilities through an integrated approach to web accessibility compliance that delights

The interface cannot require
interaction that a user cannot
Make all functionality
available from a keyboard.
Colour contrast Audio Control
Creating An Inclusive Web
Provide users enough time
to read and use content.
Re-authentication Pause

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Accessibility testing kailash 26_nov_ 2010
Accessibility testing kailash 26_nov_ 2010Accessibility testing kailash 26_nov_ 2010
Accessibility testing kailash 26_nov_ 2010

The document discusses accessibility and its importance on the web. It defines accessibility as designing websites to be usable by people with disabilities. The aim is to ensure that people with any disability can perceive, understand, navigate and interact with content. Guidelines like WCAG provide priorities for making web content accessible for disabled users and all devices. Ensuring accessibility involves careful attention to navigation, separation of design from content, and support for assistive technologies.

Accessibility and inclusive design
Accessibility and inclusive designAccessibility and inclusive design
Accessibility and inclusive design

This document discusses web accessibility and inclusive design. It defines key concepts like accessibility, perceivable, operable, understandable and robust. It notes that accessibility benefits everyone and improves design. The document provides tips on incorporating accessibility into the design process from the start. It shares examples of how making a website accessible increased traffic, conversions and earnings. Resources are included to help get started with accessibility.

a11yaccessibilityinclusive design
Intro to Web Accessibility
Intro to Web Accessibility Intro to Web Accessibility
Intro to Web Accessibility

Anyone should be able to use your website; whether they are blind, deaf, or just have a broken arm. Inclusive design accounts for all of these; it’s a method of thinking that works to provide a more meaningful experience for your entire audience, no matter whom or where they are. We’ll walk through a brief introduction to accessibility, why accessibility matters, and the code changes required to be accessibility compliant. Participants will also get a chance to interact with leading accessibility tools and gain first-hand experience of what it is like to use a screen reader, magnifier, and other assistive devices that have a significant impact on how users interact with websites.

user experienceaccessibilityux
Animation from Interactions.
Flashing visual content.
Three flashes or below threshold.
Bypass content
Easy and sensible navigation.
Breadcrumbs Headings & titles
Creating An Inclusive Web
The Interface content or operation
cannot be beyond the user’s

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User Experience and Accessibility - BrightonSEO March 2021
User Experience and Accessibility  - BrightonSEO March 2021User Experience and Accessibility  - BrightonSEO March 2021
User Experience and Accessibility - BrightonSEO March 2021

This document discusses user experience and accessibility and their importance for SEO. It defines accessibility as ensuring websites can be used by people with disabilities. Around 17% of the population has a disability. Inaccessible websites can negatively impact a business by narrowing their target market, losing revenue, and damaging their brand reputation. The document outlines the WCAG guidelines for accessible websites and common accessibility issues. It describes how user experience provides answers users need quickly on accessible sites across devices. Core web vitals like page load speed and layout shifts impact the user experience and SEO. The document recommends testing tools to evaluate accessibility.

seoaccessibilityuser experience
How to create accessible websites - WordCamp Boston
How to create accessible websites - WordCamp BostonHow to create accessible websites - WordCamp Boston
How to create accessible websites - WordCamp Boston

This document summarizes a workshop on creating accessible websites. It covers why accessibility is important, common accessibility issues, and how to address them. The workshop teaches that accessibility should be considered throughout the design process by following web standards, learning accessibility guidelines, and using testing tools. Universal design principles aim to make digital content usable by all people.

Forms for All: Building Accessibility into UiPath App Design
Forms for All: Building Accessibility into UiPath App DesignForms for All: Building Accessibility into UiPath App Design
Forms for All: Building Accessibility into UiPath App Design

Explore the world of accessible app design. We'll dive into common accessibility challenges faced by users in online forms and uncover practical solutions. Learn how to identify and rectify barriers that hinder user interaction, ensuring your forms are navigable and usable by all. This session will provide valuable insights into creating more inclusive online experiences, making your apps not just functional, but more accessible. Topics covered in this session include: • The Importance of Accessibility • UX Accessibility Examples • Adding Accessibility to Apps Speaker: David Kroll, Director, Product Marketing @Ashling Partners and UiPath MVP

Unusual words Reading levels
Easy to read and understand
Abrevations Consistent layout
Make the behaviour of functional
and interactive components
Present content in a predictable
Accessible error labels &
People with some disabilities have
more difficulty creating error-free
Accessible authetications.
Content must be compatible with
current and future user agents,
including assistive technologies.

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What makes a good website? How mobile devices change higher education today f...
What makes a good website? How mobile devices change higher education today f...What makes a good website? How mobile devices change higher education today f...
What makes a good website? How mobile devices change higher education today f...

This document discusses key factors for building a good website, including user experience, search engine optimization, being dynamic, maintenance, and web hosting. It also examines mobile device usage statistics globally, noting rapid growth in the number of internet and mobile users worldwide. Specifically, over 40% of the global population now has internet access, and mobile traffic accounts for about 35% of global internet traffic. The mobile market is an important channel that is growing, with over half of the world's population now having an active mobile device. Websites need to have mobile versions or be responsive to this growing mobile usage.

ABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 Futures
ABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 FuturesABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 Futures
ABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 Futures

Account Based Marketing best practices. Learn the ins and outs of successful ABM, demand generation, and B2B digital performance marketing in a post-COVID, privacy compliant, hybrid world. ABM is a marketing approach, a philosophy. It is not technology by itself and not all intent data is created equal. In this Master Class, we will go through the key elements to maximize marketing's contribution to sales from pipeline creation to pipeline velocity. Key Takeaways: What ABM really is, what it can and can't do. How to do ABM more effectively. What you need to do high performance ABM and what you should expect from it.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Revolutionizing Advertising with Billion Broadcaster Standee Screen Media
Revolutionizing Advertising with Billion Broadcaster Standee Screen MediaRevolutionizing Advertising with Billion Broadcaster Standee Screen Media
Revolutionizing Advertising with Billion Broadcaster Standee Screen Media

Billion Broadcaster's standee screen media is revolutionizing the advertising landscape with innovative digital screens placed in high-traffic areas such as malls, airports, and residential complexes. These dynamic screens capture attention with vibrant multimedia content, offering a visually engaging platform for advertisers.

social mediatrendsindustry
Web Content
WebAIM Accessibility
Creating An Inclusive Web

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SEO for Revenue - Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand

Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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Explore the dynamic landscape of social media marketing in 2024 with our comprehensive presentation. Delve into the top 10 advantages and disadvantages that digital marketers face in leveraging social media platforms. Understand the opportunities for growth, engagement, and brand visibility, as well as the challenges and potential pitfalls that come with navigating the ever-evolving digital ecosystem. This presentation will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies for maximizing the benefits of social media marketing while mitigating its drawbacks, tailored specifically for the needs of Markonik.

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form iti

Creating An Inclusive Web
Allows automated and
remote accessibility
Accessibility plugin

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CampusEdge offers a comprehensive suite of tools including financial management, human resources, student information, and more. It promotes streamlined processes and data integration. Enhanced efficiency and productivity through automation, data centralization, and real-time insights. Improved decision-making based on accurate data and analytics. Allows for seamless scalability to adapt to the changing needs of educational institutions. Enables consolidation of various functions into a single platform. Initial planning and assessment of requirements. Configuration and customization of the software to fit the institution's unique structure and processes. Comprehensive training programs for staff to ensure effective utilization. Phased deployment strategy to minimize disruptions.

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Importance of Digital Marketing in 2024
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Importance of Digital Marketing in 2024

In 2024, digital marketing is not just an optional strategy for businesses; it's a fundamental component of any successful marketing plan. The rapid evolution of technology and changing consumer behaviors have made digital marketing more critical than ever. Here’s why digital marketing is indispensable in 2024 and how digital marketing agency can propel your business to new heights. EyekooTech is committed to helping businesses navigate the complexities of digital marketing. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, our innovative strategies and data-driven approach can elevate your brand and connect you with your target audience.

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Only 25% of
issues detected
by automated
tools (BIA).
Human judgment trumps
 Non-descriptive alt txt
 Colour that convey meaning
 Skip to content links
Download a
How do

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Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing
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CIIM (Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing) – ISO:9001 Certified & Google Partner Digital Marketing institute in Chandigarh — was founded by Surjeet Thakur in the year 2010. We specialize in training aspirants in various digital marketing domains such as Google Ads, PPC, SEO, SMM, SEM, Video Marketing, Amazon Marketing etc.

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Creating An Inclusive Web
Creating An Inclusive Web
“To be inclusive, companies
have to be more creative,
welcoming, and go beyond the
required regulations.”

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TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...
TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...
TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...

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Create Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick MattarCreate Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick Mattar
Create Content in Half the Time with Generative AI - Nick Mattar

Nick will present his "best of" findings from reviewing and testing more than 200 generative AI platforms over the last three years. While some programs will save you more than half the time, you can bet to save at least 50% of your time creating content if you begin using these tools. Key Takeaways: Attendees will walk away with a comprehensive list of generative AI programs that will make their lives easier. From blogging to video production and even AI marketing assistants, you will learn about nearly 20 AI platforms that are guaranteed to make your life easier in some way.

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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and
includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
TWITTER: @mira_inam

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Creating An Inclusive Web

Editor's Notes

  1. Color blindness affects 300 million people worldwide (Colour Blind Awareness, 2022
  3. In March 2020, guidance was issued to primary care providers, stating that all patients should be triaged before an appointment, ideally through an online consultation, and that remote appointment options should be used where clinically appropriate to reduce the risk of infection from Covid-19.2,3 As a result, the majority of general practices have switched to a system of ‘total triage’, with 99% of GP practices using remote consultation platforms to triage patients before offering them an appointment according to their particular needs.4
  4. In March 2020, guidance was issued to primary care providers, stating that all patients should be triaged before an appointment, ideally through an online consultation, and that remote appointment options should be used where clinically appropriate to reduce the risk of infection from Covid-19.2,3 As a result, the majority of general practices have switched to a system of ‘total triage’, with 99% of GP practices using remote consultation platforms to triage patients before offering them an appointment according to their particular needs.4
  5. In March 2020, guidance was issued to primary care providers, stating that all patients should be triaged before an appointment, ideally through an online consultation, and that remote appointment options should be used where clinically appropriate to reduce the risk of infection from Covid-19.2,3 As a result, the majority of general practices have switched to a system of ‘total triage’, with 99% of GP practices using remote consultation platforms to triage patients before offering them an appointment according to their particular needs.4
  6. Color blindness affects 300 million people worldwide (Colour Blind Awareness, 2022
  10. In March 2020, guidance was issued to primary care providers, stating that all patients should be triaged before an appointment, ideally through an online consultation, and that remote appointment options should be used where clinically appropriate to reduce the risk of infection from Covid-19.2,3 As a result, the majority of general practices have switched to a system of ‘total triage’, with 99% of GP practices using remote consultation platforms to triage patients before offering them an appointment according to their particular needs.4
  14. to tell the user where they are to enable the user to go somewhere else
  15. The intent of this guideline is to allow text content to be read by users and by assistive technology, and to ensure that information necessary for understanding it is available.