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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Unlocking the hidden
potential of product
listing pages
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
In BrightonSEO 2019, I said:
“Technical problems are People problems”
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
In BrightonSEO 2021, I said:
“As SEOs, it’s fundamental that we don’t
work in silos”
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
This year, I’m going to talk about a
*very* specific approach to
delivering value

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Kleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdf
Kleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdfKleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdf
Kleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdf

This document discusses how AI and automation can revolutionize the SEO value chain. It argues that AI can enable a symbiotic relationship between SEO strategy and technical implementation by powering automated competitive analysis, strategy suggestions, and one-click fixes. This represents a new approach that can improve time-to-market and optimize implementation timescales through a no-code model.

Swipe left: Why your content is getting ghosted
Swipe left: Why your content is getting ghostedSwipe left: Why your content is getting ghosted
Swipe left: Why your content is getting ghosted

Creating engaging content is a tricky thing, and even if your work is perfectly targeted to your audience, with all the SEO research to back it up, it doesn’t guarantee engagement. In this talk, Eleni will showcase some of the mistakes she’s made and seen first-hand, explain why this isn’t getting engagement, and reveal how to fix it. From making content more accessible and inclusive, to key research methods that are often ignored, this talk will show you how to turn content that’s being ghosted and ignored, into something that creates meaningful connections.

Holistic Search - Developing An Organic First Strategy
Holistic Search - Developing An Organic First StrategyHolistic Search - Developing An Organic First Strategy
Holistic Search - Developing An Organic First Strategy

The cliché goes that Paid and Organic search work in silos and we have all been a witness to that. I'll be talking you through why you should be developing your search strategy holistically and how to do this.

@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But a story first, to set the scene!
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
During the pandemic, I started an
in-house Head of SEO role for an
e-commerce company
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I applied because the SEO role
sat in the Tech team
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I’ll finally be in the driver’s seat and
sit in the team that has the power to
implement my recommendations

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Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius
Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk RadiusAgile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius
Agile SEO: Prioritise SEO Activities with Cadence and Risk Radius

An SEO professional can learn on how to improve their relationship with developer and get technical SEO errors solved without a hassle This talk is about prioritising SEO activities based on regular cadence and at the same time calculating the risk radius of the high level decisions taken. About me: I have 7 years of experience in SEO, I work as an independent SEO consultant, co-host of #SEOTalk Twitter chat (which is India's oldest digital marketing Twitter chat up and running since 2012). If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out me on Twitter: @parthsuba77 and send me an email on parthsuba77[at]gmail[dot]com

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How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...
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How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...

This document contains the transcript of a presentation about incorporating machine learning into internal linking audits. The presentation discusses analyzing a website's internal link structure using machine learning techniques like topic modeling and fuzzy matching to identify opportunities for new or improved internal links. It provides a 6-step process for discovery, analysis, clustering content by topic, identifying link opportunities, prioritizing where to link, and measuring the impact of implemented links. The goal is incremental improvements to internal linking that can boost SEO over time through better content organization and discoverability.

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Brighton SEO 2023 - ML Lessons For Total Search.pdf
Brighton SEO 2023 - ML Lessons For Total Search.pdfBrighton SEO 2023 - ML Lessons For Total Search.pdf
Brighton SEO 2023 - ML Lessons For Total Search.pdf

This document discusses using machine learning to optimize paid search incrementality. It outlines limitations with traditional approaches that analyze paid and organic search performance separately or through one-time tests. The presented solution uses machine learning to build a full picture of search data and continuously optimize bids to maximize the incremental value of paid search while minimizing costs. Case studies demonstrate how the approach provides unique insights into paid and organic relationships and answers questions about budget efficiencies.

@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I come from the world of large
aggregator websites, where I dealt
with tech debt on 10M+ pages
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But this e-commerce website was
FRESH, it was only a few years old
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
& it was one of the
cleanest I’d ever seen…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
My first thought was:

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David vs Goliath: The rise of sustainable fashion against fast fashion giants Slides from BrightonSEO October 2022. This talk covered the rise of sustainable brands against fast fashion giants. Opening with a brief intro into the David vs Goliath principle and how that can be aligned to online retail today. This talk was a comparison of the ecommerce space, specifically fast fashion and its impact socially, environmentally and lastly online. Providing SEO "stones" to use against the Goliath of your industry.

The Elusive ROI of Content Marketing (by Tim Soulo)
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The Elusive ROI of Content Marketing (by Tim Soulo)

In the past few years we’ve seen a lot of SaaS businesses utilize content marketing as a growth channel. But measuring the ROI of your content marketing is quite tricky and oftentimes plain impossible. So, how can you know if you’re spending money and effort on the right things and not squandering any of your resources? In his talk, Tim will share his experience running content marketing for Ahrefs, a $100M ARR bootstrapped SaaS.

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Lucy Dodds - BrightonSEO Autumn 22
Lucy Dodds - BrightonSEO Autumn 22Lucy Dodds - BrightonSEO Autumn 22
Lucy Dodds - BrightonSEO Autumn 22

Tasked with a content audit? It can seem impossible when you have thousands of URLs to sift through alone. But in this talk, Lucy will provide actionable steps on how to do a content audit, walking you through what to cull and what to keep, plus providing methods to quickly break down pages by different search intents to simplify your work. Built on past experience, Lucy will also offer advice on how to get clients on board with your content audit, plus top tips to get your recommendations implemented.

seocontentcontent strategy
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
My first thought was:
“Oh no, where’s the tech debt?”
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Where are the tech legacy issues?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Where are the tech legacy issues?
The crawl budget issues?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Where are the tech legacy issues?
The crawl budget issues?
The indexability challenges?

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How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress websiteHow to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website
How to improve Core Web Vitals on a WordPress website

Talk by Louise at SEO Brighton in April 2022. It is really easy to design and build a beautiful but slow WordPress website! The Google update for Core Web Vitals is a set of SEO ranking signals to help website owners improve the speed and user experience for their website. In this talk Louise will share with you how to adjust your WordPress site to improve your Core Web Vital scores. The strategies are different for each metric so she will go through each one and give you some practical ideas you can take back and action or ask your developer to implement.

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With the help of my favourite case study, I'm showcasing how I took a data-driven approach to scale SEO for a travel brand. I've covered how I collected data, found trends, and converted them into opportunities. Those opportunities were tested before the grand deployment, which resulted in multifold growth in SEO visibility and revenue.

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How to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performance
How to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performanceHow to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performance
How to leverage indexation tracking to monitor issues and improve performance

Understanding and diagnosing indexation issues is vital to SEO success, but until very recently, getting good data was nearly impossible. Google’s newly-introduced URL Inspection API opens a new world of possibilities for tracking indexation. In this talk, Simon explores how to leverage this data to monitor status, spot changes, and catch issues in realtime — no coding required!

seoseo software
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Redirect chains…
Javascript rendering issues…
Broken internal links…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Where are my usual suspects?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The usual suspects are Tech SEO
issues that we’re used to finding
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The usual suspects are Tech SEO
issues that we’re used to finding
…that make us feel like
we know what we’re doing

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Why Scaling (Great) Content Is So Bloody Hard
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Why Scaling (Great) Content Is So Bloody Hard

The document discusses the challenges of scaling great content. It states that while scaling basic content is easy, scaling high-quality content is difficult. It recommends systematizing, standardizing, and streamlining content production processes to help overcome these challenges. This includes outlining processes, reviewing drafts, editing, and publishing content according to standardized steps.

SEO at Scale - BrightonSEO April 2022
SEO at Scale - BrightonSEO April 2022SEO at Scale - BrightonSEO April 2022
SEO at Scale - BrightonSEO April 2022

The document discusses scaling SEO through a product-led approach. It describes how content production and performance analysis can be scaled using templates, natural language generation, and data aggregation/dashboards. Specific strategies discussed include scaling content production through AI-assisted templates reviewed by specialists, and scaling analytics through custom dashboards integrating internal and external data to surface hidden opportunities. The overall message is that many aspects of SEO can be scaled through automation and data-driven approaches while maintaining quality.

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How to put together a search strategy for a new category
How to put together a search strategy for a new categoryHow to put together a search strategy for a new category
How to put together a search strategy for a new category

The document discusses strategies for developing an effective search strategy for a new category. It recommends aligning messaging through customer interviews, quantifying results with research, researching competitors, creating cornerstone pages to pioneer key phrases, amplifying search with other channels like content marketing, and analyzing traffic to identify top performing keywords and scale with paid search. The goal is to own the new category term through search engine optimization and paid search experimentation.

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
If the usual suspects are missing,
What do we recommend?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Is there anything scarier than a
Tech SEO human
not finding
Tech SEO issues
on the website they’re working on?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The thing is, of course the website
had some issues, but they weren’t
big enough to make an impact
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
As SEOs, we love talking about
identifying quick wins

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Andrew talks through practical ways to think in probabilities to make better decisions in SEO at BrightonSEO. From methodologies to help you increase the chances of successful outcomes, to reframing decisions as bets to prioritise your recommendations.

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We always hope to see our digital PR campaigns take off, but sometimes they can take off in the worst way. From inaccurate data to misleading headlines, there are plenty of ways that we can fall into data-related pitfalls. I explore some of the most common data dangers and how to avoid them so your campaigns don’t end up on the wrong side of digital PR Twitter, keeping you and your clients happy!

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How to inspire content and dev teams to get the results in search you need.
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How to inspire content and dev teams to get the results in search you need.

Hey, In-House SEO - I see you! :) Some top tips for helping content and development teams go the extra mile for SEO. Includes artwork from the amazing @chrisriddell50 with his kind permission.

@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Or that term everyone hates
but still insists on using:
low-hanging fruit
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But we never talk about what we
should do if there are none…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
At this point, I was thinking:
“How do I prove my worth?”
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
So, I decided to spend some time
on where I’m most comfortable…

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Managing filters and facets on your ecommerce website - Bristol SEO and Readi...

Presentation on things to be aware of from an SEO and usability perspective when you use filters and facets on your ecommerce website, including tips for ensuring you don't fall foul of crawl budget issues, thin and duplicate content, aren't blocking important pages etc.

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Martin McGarry - SEO strategy c/o England manager Gareth Southgate

This document outlines an SEO strategy inspired by Gareth Southgate's plan to improve the England football team. It presents a three step target setting framework: 1) Be competitive in 6-12 months, 2) achieve tournament success in 1-2 years, and 3) be number one in 2-3 years. Key metrics such as visibility, site health, traffic, and time on page are identified and targets are set for each step. Accompanying tasks are mapped to the metrics and timeline to execute the plan, such as link campaigns, technical fixes, and content updates. The strategy aims to provide structure through measurable goals and accountability.

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How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content
How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated ContentHow to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content
How to 'SEO' forums, Communities & User-Generated Content

This document contains the tweets from a presentation about optimizing forums for SEO. Some of the key points discussed include: - Using logical and consistent URL paths to improve crawling and trust. - Improving user experience through good internal linking, navigation and search. - Maintaining high quality content through moderation, relevance and preventing spam/duplicate content. - Building authority through links to expert user profiles and published work.

seocontent marketingcontent strategy
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The Data
AKA: My comfort zone
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The first thing I did was dissect the
website and split it into templates
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Category Pages (CPs)
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Product Listing Pages (PLPs)

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Presentation discussing sustainable SEO strategies and advice to help you with ensuring long term success, and areas for constant improvement.

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How to Leverage Content Curation in SEO #BrightonSEO
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How to Leverage Content Curation in SEO #BrightonSEO

Aleyda Solis discusses how content curation can be leveraged for SEO purposes. She explains that content curation involves finding, organizing and sharing the most relevant content on a topic. There are five models of content curation: aggregation, elevation, chronology, mashup, and distillation. An effective content curation strategy can provide more content sources and ideas, in a bot-friendly format, to help improve SEO metrics like links and rankings. She provides tips on setting up tools and processes to efficiently curate content on an ongoing basis.

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Communication is at the heart of great SEO. Whether it's getting that pitch over the line, on-going client communication, winning over writers, getting to know the PR team, or convincing developers that your requests are important, SEOs can feel like we're constantly trying to get people to listen. Here are some useful communication approaches and techniques to help you get SEO stuff done and smooth your path. The talk covers common scenarios & gives you ideas on how to respond to and build bridges with key stakeholders.

brightonseocommunicationdeveloper communication
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Product Detail Pages (PDPs)
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Category pages (CPs)
◉ Product listing pages (PLPs)
◉ Product detail pages (PDPs)
◉ Other (Homepage, blog, etc…)
Core templates
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I needed to figure out which
templates provided the most value

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ReadingSEO Master Deck - 30th May 2019
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ReadingSEO Master Deck - 30th May 2019

This document contains the schedule and speaker details for the Reading SEO event. The first talk will be given by Sean Butcher on "Managing filters and facets on your e-commerce website". It will cover best practices for using filters and facets to improve usability, conversions and organic traffic while avoiding issues like duplicate content, thin content and overwhelming the crawl budget. The talk recommends a data-driven approach to determine which filters to keep, add, merge, re-optimize or block based on keyword research and clustering.

What Makes your SEO Fail (and how to fix it) #BrightonSEO
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What Makes your SEO Fail (and how to fix it) #BrightonSEO

In this session I'll go through the main causes of SEO processes failure and provide actionable tips to overcome the most common challenges to achieve SEO success.

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BrightonSEO 2018 - How to Tighten up Your SEO on Large Websites
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BrightonSEO 2018 - How to Tighten up Your SEO on Large Websites

In this presentation I cover the evolving role of SEOs in a large enterprise environment. I cover a few good ways to sell through to clients and employers. I also provide some actionable SEO tips that big websites should be considering.

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
How do we define value?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
How do we does the business
define value?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
What’s the high level KPI that we’re
being measured against?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
No, it isn’t visibility, rankings
or even sessions…

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[MozCon 2021] Taking Charge of Your Indexability
[MozCon 2021] Taking Charge of Your Indexability[MozCon 2021] Taking Charge of Your Indexability
[MozCon 2021] Taking Charge of Your Indexability

Taking Charge of Your Indexability: How to Optimize and Prioritize Your Technical Work Take charge over the indexability of your website! With a focus on aggregators and classifieds, Areej will share advice on how to best reduce index bloat for large websites. Diving into parameter handling, sitemap logic, robots directives, and more, we'll also assess how to analyze the most impactful changes, how to get sign-off from senior stakeholders, and how to prioritize work with product teams.

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Content Design & its Role in SEO and Accessibility [BrightonSEO Spring 2023]
Content Design & its Role in SEO and Accessibility [BrightonSEO Spring 2023]Content Design & its Role in SEO and Accessibility [BrightonSEO Spring 2023]
Content Design & its Role in SEO and Accessibility [BrightonSEO Spring 2023]

The document discusses how content design impacts SEO and accessibility. It explains that content design means delivering information in the optimal format for users and search engines. It also discusses how users typically scan content in an "F" pattern and how to design content using headings, short paragraphs and other formatting to match this pattern. Well-designed content that provides a good user experience will be rewarded by Google through improved search rankings and user trust. Accessible content design benefits both disabled users and search engines by following best practices like using plain language and clear structuring.

[TurnDigi 2020] Getting Tech SEO Implemented
[TurnDigi 2020] Getting Tech SEO Implemented[TurnDigi 2020] Getting Tech SEO Implemented
[TurnDigi 2020] Getting Tech SEO Implemented

Areej AbuAli shares her experience implementing technical SEO recommendations at agencies and clients. She outlines the problems with traditional lengthy audit reports that see low implementation rates. Her solution is the RPI framework: 1) Recommend - Conduct focused, template-based audits with detailed fixes. 2) Prioritize - Prioritize recommendations based on their SEO impact and development effort using a priority matrix. 3) Implement - Implement the highest priority recommendations one at a time using Agile methodology, with testing and monitoring throughout. The goal is continuous improvement rather than a "done" state.

seotechnical seo
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Organic Revenue
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
So let’s see which one of our templates
drives the most organic revenue
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
This is fictional data
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
This is fictional data
Organic Revenue
Product Listing Pages (PLPs) 60%
Category Pages (CPs) 20%
Product Detail Pages (PDPs) 10%
Other 10%

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Traditional PR professionals are doing a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to link building – without even realising it. This presentation reveals some practical tips on how to tweak ‘traditional’ PR practices, that will help supercharge securing those valuable links and show the SEO value of their work.

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Leveraging AI Bots for SEO Rank #1 on Google - PDF

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing your website and its content to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). A long title on SEO could cover a wide range of topics, including: The Importance of SEO for Small Business: How to Drive Organic Traffic and Boost Your Online Presence The Ultimate Guide to On-Page SEO: Best Practices for Optimizing Your Website's Content Advanced SEO Techniques: How to Rank Higher and Drive More Traffic to Your Website Local SEO Strategies: Tips and Tricks for Optimizing Your Business's Online Presence for Local Search How to Conduct an SEO Audit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Evaluating Your Website's Performance and Identifying Opportunities for Improvement The Future of SEO: Predictions and Trends to Watch in the Coming Years SEO vs. PPC: Which One Is Right for Your Business? A Comprehensive Comparison of Search Engine Marketing Strategies The Impact of Social Media on SEO: How to Leverage Social Media to Boost Your Website's Ranking and Visibility Mobile SEO: Best Practices for Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Devices and Mobile Search The Role of Content in SEO: How to Create Content That Ranks Higher and Drives More Traffic to Your Website. Explore more at:

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Brand: The Only Future Ranking Factor - Malcolm Slade speaking at Brighton SEO
Brand: The Only Future Ranking Factor - Malcolm Slade speaking at Brighton SEOBrand: The Only Future Ranking Factor - Malcolm Slade speaking at Brighton SEO
Brand: The Only Future Ranking Factor - Malcolm Slade speaking at Brighton SEO

Malcolm’s presentation, Brand: The Only Future Ranking Factor, revisits research he carried out back in 2012 to see if he was right about the importance of brand signals in SEO and the influence brand power has in affecting rankings. Additionally, Malcolm also discussed what the state of play for SEO looks like in 2017, and the potential opportunities that will drive search success in the near future.

online marketingdigital marketingseo
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
If PLPs are driving 60% of our
revenue, then let’s focus our effort
and energy in optimising them
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
As SEOs, we tend to focus our
recommendations on site-wide issues
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But the more we dice and slice our
data, the more informed decisions
we can make
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
There’s no reason to put forward
recommendations that would impact
such a small portion of our revenue

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How to Improve Your Website's Indexation  - Sean Butcher Brighton SEO Present...How to Improve Your Website's Indexation  - Sean Butcher Brighton SEO Present...
How to Improve Your Website's Indexation - Sean Butcher Brighton SEO Present...

This presentation, delivered at Brighton SEO in September 2018, looks at issues with website indexing and how to increase your chances of indexing on Google and other search engines from a volume, speed and content importance perspective through providing clear, consistent and aligned signals.

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How to Use Search Intent to Dominate Google DiscoverHow to Use Search Intent to Dominate Google Discover
How to Use Search Intent to Dominate Google Discover

In this talk you will learn how search intent can help you benefit from the growing popularity of Google Discover. You’ll get actionable tips, a case study example and exclusive data from SEMrush.

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How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO
How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEOHow to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO
How to Drive Growth through your SEO Audits at #BrightonSEO

Develop your audits by making them actionable, prioritized & strategical to drive growth in your SEO Process.

search engine optimizationseo
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Instead, we can focus our efforts
on *the* template that drives
the highest revenue
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
All websites have that
ONE template
that makes the most difference
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
In our example’s case, it’s
product listing pages (PLPs)
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Define your one template that’s
worth optimising

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Mobile First & AMP, Structured Data & SERP Features, HTTPS migration - Learn which are the SEO strategies that will allow you to maximize results in 2017.

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Importance of Digital Marketing in 2024
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Importance of Digital Marketing in 2024

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Free Healthcare Marketing Plan for Medical Practices and Healthcare professionals in USA!

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Okay, let’s keep going!
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The Discovery
AKA: My brainstorming
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
We know we want to focus on our
product listing pages, but what
should we do about them?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
A few examples of PLPs

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Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing
Chandigarh Institute of Internet MarketingChandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing
Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing

CIIM (Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing) – ISO:9001 Certified & Google Partner Digital Marketing institute in Chandigarh — was founded by Surjeet Thakur in the year 2010. We specialize in training aspirants in various digital marketing domains such as Google Ads, PPC, SEO, SMM, SEM, Video Marketing, Amazon Marketing etc.

internet marketingdigital marketingfreelancer
SEO for Revenue - Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand
SEO for Revenue - Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale BertrandSEO for Revenue - Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand
SEO for Revenue - Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand

Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
It’s important to break a template
down into its building blocks

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
There are our consistent site-wide
building blocks such as
navigation & footer
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But there are also building blocks
that are unique to each template
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Product Name

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Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Product Name
Product Description
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Product Name
Product Description
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Product Name
Relevant Links
Product Description
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Product Name
Relevant Links
Product Description

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Factsheet pdf
Factsheet                            pdfFactsheet                            pdf
Factsheet pdf


@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I’m trying to define our template’s
building blocks
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
PLP building blocks
Product name Breadcrumbs Filters
Relevant Links
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
PLP building blocks
Product name Breadcrumbs Filters
Relevant Links
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Let’s dive in

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PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language that is particularly suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It is primarily used for server-side scripting but can also be used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is renowned for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration with various databases and web servers, making it one of the most popular languages for building dynamic websites and web applications.led by Mr. Hirdesh Bharadwaj, is an ideal choice for summer training in PHP in Delhi. With Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years of experience in the field, Webs Jyoti offers top-notch training in PHP development. One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects.Ducat offers comprehensive PHP training with a strong focus on practical implementation and live projects. Their course covers the latest industry standards and trends, ensuring that students are well-prepared for job placements​ ​. Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Voice Search Optimization ACIL Computer Education: Known for its industry-standard training, ACIL offers various PHP courses ranging from basic to advanced levels. They emphasize hands-on training with real-world simulations and provide job assistance and placement guarantees for certain courses​. APTRON Gurgaon: APTRON offers a well-structured PHP course with modules on basic to advanced PHP concepts, webs jyoti, and CodeIgniter. They also provide live project experience and job placement assistance. ​​SLA Consultants India: SLA offers an advanced PHP training program designed by experienced professionals. Their course includes live projects, instructor-led classroom sessions, and extensive practical exposure to ensure students are industry-ready​ ​. Each of these institutes has its own strengths, so you might choose one based on specific criteria such as course content, faculty experience, or placement records.Webs Jyoti: This institute provides 100% practical classes, study materials written by the founder, and training on 2-3 live projects. They also offer job placement assistance and grooming sessions for job seekers​​.Webs Jyoti ensures that students receive top-notch education and support to kickstart their careers in coding and software development.One notable aspect of Webs Jyoti is its unique approach. It's not just a training institute but also functions as a development agency. This means that students not only receive theoretical knowledge but also gain practical experience by working on real-world projects. Mr. Bharadwaj's extensive 15 years experien

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
PLP building blocks
Content Tech
Product name Filters Breadcrumbs
Sort Relevant links
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Heading markup
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Heading markup
◉ Description optimisation

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CampusEdge offers a comprehensive suite of tools including financial management, human resources, student information, and more. It promotes streamlined processes and data integration. Enhanced efficiency and productivity through automation, data centralization, and real-time insights. Improved decision-making based on accurate data and analytics. Allows for seamless scalability to adapt to the changing needs of educational institutions. Enables consolidation of various functions into a single platform. Initial planning and assessment of requirements. Configuration and customization of the software to fit the institution's unique structure and processes. Comprehensive training programs for staff to ensure effective utilization. Phased deployment strategy to minimize disruptions.

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Heading markup
◉ Description optimisation
◉ Mobile parity
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Heading markup
◉ Description optimisation
◉ Mobile parity
◉ Hidden content
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Heading markup
◉ Description optimisation
◉ Mobile parity
◉ Hidden content
◉ Thin content
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
PLP building blocks
Product name Breadcrumbs Filters
Relevant Links Sort

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Internal linking
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Breadcrumbs
Internal linking
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Breadcrumbs
◉ Relevant Links
Internal linking
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Content block
Internal linking

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
PLP building blocks
Product name Breadcrumbs Filters
Relevant Links
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Filters can make or break an
e-commerce website
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Websites tend to have filters set up
in one of two ways…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
They either attempt to…

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
They either attempt to…
◉ Index everything to capture as
much ranking opportunity as
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Index everything to capture as
much ranking opportunity as
◉ Noindex a huge chunk to avoid
suffering from index bloat
They either attempt to…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
If we attempt to index everything…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Google might not crawl all our pages
If we attempt to index everything…

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Google might not crawl all our pages
◉ Google might not index all our pages
If we attempt to index everything…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Google might not crawl all our pages
◉ Google might not index all our pages
◉ Our valuable pages might not be
crawled and/or indexed
If we attempt to index everything…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Google might not crawl all our pages
◉ Google might not index all our pages
◉ Our valuable pages might not be
crawled and/or indexed
◉ Our valuable pages might not rank
If we attempt to index everything…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Index everything to capture as
much ranking opportunity as
◉ Noindex a huge chunk to avoid
suffering from index bloat
They either attempt to…

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
If we noindex a huge chunk, we’d
miss out on their ranking potential
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Index everything to capture as
much ranking opportunity as
◉ Noindex a huge chunk to avoid
suffering from index bloat
So, neither option works…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
So, how and where, do we
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Where’s the opportunity?

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
When I say opportunity, I don’t mean
search demand
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Yes, ‘dress’ has 800x the search volume,
but ‘maxi long sleeve dress’ is where
users are more likely to convert
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Opportunity should be measured
based on conversion, not
*just* search demand

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Which filters will more likely lead to
users converting?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
It’s okay if we don’t know the
answer ourselves
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Speak to our
→ customer team
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Speak to our
customer team
→ CRO team

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Speak to our
customer team
CRO team
→ data team
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Speak to our
customer team
CRO team
data team
→ marketing team
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Sift through our data to understand:
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Sift through our data to understand:
User filter

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Sift through our data to understand:
User filter
clicked filters
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Sift through our data to understand:
User filter
clicked filters
searched terms
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Sift through our data to understand:
User filter
clicked filters
searched terms
High converting
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
And yes, of course we can still look
at search volume data

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But, please, we should not base
our entire strategy around it
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
It is only one metric out of many
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
You see, this is where as SEOs we
tend to go wrong
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
We only look at data that we care
about, without considering metrics
that other teams care about

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
We only look at data that we care
about are measured on, without
considering metrics that other
teams care about are measured on
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Align yourself with metrics that
other teams are measured on, and
you're more likely to get their
attention and help
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The Implementation
AKA: The part that actually matters
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
PLP building blocks
Product name Breadcrumbs Filters
Relevant Links

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
PLP building blocks
Product name Breadcrumbs Filters
Relevant Links Sort
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Let’s go back here…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
What rules should we apply for the
filters that we want to surface?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
For 1 *chosen* filter:
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
For 1 *chosen* filter:
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
This should only apply when
choosing one filter, not a
combination of more than one

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
For *more than 1* filter:
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
For *more than 1* filter:
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The same rule should be applied
when choosing a filter that we
do not want to surface
(even if just one)

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
For an *unchosen* filter:
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
For an *unchosen* filter:
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Let’s summarise our logic in
a flow chart

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Automation is key

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
As long as we brief in the exact
rules that need to be applied,
the implementation can and should
be automated
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But before we make any changes…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
We need to set a benchmark so that
we can measure the change
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Setting a benchmark

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Number of indexed pages
Setting a benchmark
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Number of indexed pages
◉ Ranking of filter keywords
Setting a benchmark
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Number of indexed pages
◉ Ranking of filter keywords
◉ Organic traffic of PLPs
Setting a benchmark
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Number of indexed pages
◉ Ranking of filter keywords
◉ Organic traffic of PLPs
◉ Organic revenue of PLPs
Setting a benchmark

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
So, what’s next?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Getting it implemented
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
This is usually the part where I tell
you all about how I spent a full year
fighting for dev resource
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Plot Twist

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
It was fully done in 2 sprints only
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
*pauses for applause*
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Welcome to the joy of
SEO sitting in the Tech team!
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
And here’s a few things I did
to be on the safe side

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Playing things safe
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Test everything in a staging
Playing things safe
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Test everything in a staging
◉ Avoid a site-wide push,
instead break into iterations
Playing things safe
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
◉ Test everything in a staging
◉ Avoid a site-wide push,
instead break into iterations
◉ Have a roll-back plan in place
Playing things safe

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But I’m going to be honest with you
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I wasn’t sure if I should keep the
next few slides in, but here goes…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I over thought every single aspect
about that filters recommendation
before writing it in a ticket
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Coming from the world of
aggregator websites, I’m used to
deindexing pages

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
This time round, I was recommending
surfacing new filter categories
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
This would result in thousands of
new indexed pages
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The idea terrified me.
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
A few thoughts that went through
my head…

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
What if something went wrong?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
What if my recommendation was
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
What if we ended up losing
visibility, traffic, revenue…?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Here’s what *really* scared me…

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
There’s a difference between
writing a ticket knowing it won’t be
picked up for a while…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
& writing a ticket knowing it’s going
in the next sprint
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
There’s something both exciting &
terrifying about the thought of:
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
There’s something both exciting &
terrifying about the thought of:
“Woah, they’re actually going to
implement this.”

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Does thinking and feeling that
make me a bad SEO?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I hope that by being honest with you,
it helps more of us open up about
these internal feelings we have
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The Results
AKA: What *really* happened
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Okay, let’s start with the good news!

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The roll-out was successful
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Everything functioned as expected
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Nothing broke
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The not so good news?

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Plot Twist
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Nothing happened.
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
No impact.
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I have no shiny upward graph
to show off

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But, why?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Remember this?
Product name Breadcrumbs Filters
Relevant Links
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I was so fixated on this…
Product name Breadcrumbs Filters
Relevant Links
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
That I forgot everything else
Product name Breadcrumbs Filters
Relevant Links

Recommended for you

@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
My recommendation was spot-on
but it wasn’t enough to have an
impact on its own
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I’m used to working on 10M+ page
websites where tech changes can
have a massive impact
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
This isn’t necessarily the case with a
relatively small tech debt-free website
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
In my discovery, I plotted out
everything that needed to be done

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But I focused on what I had the
most control on purely based on
where I sat
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Just because I now sit in the Tech
team, it doesn’t mean I have control
over the full process
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The other parts required engaging
with lots of teams outside Tech…
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I should’ve made these teams a part
of my strategy from the beginning

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I’ve spent a lot of time in the last
few years preaching the importance
of prioritisation with tech teams
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Why didn’t I do the same with
other teams?
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
I thought because I now sit in the
Tech team, I’ll have it all figured out

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@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
You’re never in the perfect place
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
The grass isn’t always greener
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
SEO is very cross-functional and no
one has properly figured out where
it should sit yet
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
We need to have these honest
conversations of what’s working
and what’s not working

Recommended for you

@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
As SEOs, we need to find a way to
work well across all teams
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
And share these learnings together
as an industry
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
One Final Thought
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
In BrightonSEO 2019, I said:
“Technical problems are People problems”

Recommended for you

@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
In BrightonSEO 2021, I said:
“As SEOs, it’s fundamental that we don’t
work in silos”
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
This year, I wanted to talk about
how important it is to dive deep into
that *one* opportunity that will help
us deliver value
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
But to ensure that we do it
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Our job isn’t just about knowing SEO…

Recommended for you

@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Our job isn’t just about knowing SEO…
It’s about being effective
@areej_abuali #BrightonSEO
Thank YOU!

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