SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Create Compelling SlideShare
Presentations From Blog Posts
From Blog
• Introduction: Benefits of Repurposing Blog
• Outline Your Presentation
• Create a New Google Slides Presentation
• Title Slide
• Introduction Slide
• Main Content Slides
• Conclusion Slide
• Review and Polish
• Download and Upload to SlideShare
• Publish and Share
Create Compelling SlideShare Presentations
From Blog Posts
Keep it Visual
Conclusion: Encourage Repurposing Blog Content
• Amplify Blog Content Reach: SlideShare
presentations can expose blog posts to a vast
professional network, expanding the audience
and increasing visibility.
• Boost Engagement Metrics: Visually-engaging
SlideShare slides can drive higher
engagement, with users spending more time
consuming the content.
• Drive Traffic to Your Blog: Embedding
SlideShare presentations in blog posts can
funnel readers back to your website,
increasing referral traffic and potential leads.
Introduction: Benefits of
Repurposing Blog Content
• Identify Key Sections: Divide the blog
post into logical sections to structure the
presentation and focus on the most
important topics.
• Align Sections with Slides: Assign each
key section to one or two slides, ensuring
comprehensive coverage of the blog post
• Emphasise Salient Points: Within each
section, highlight the most impactful and
actionable insights to engage the audience
Outline Your
Create a New Google Slides
Open Google
Slides: Accessing
the Google Slides
platform allows
you to create and
edit professional-
Create a New
Starting a new
provides a blank
canvas to add your
blog post content
Choose a
Selecting a pre-
designed template
ensures a visually
consistent and
polished look for
your SlideShare
• Title Slide Elements: Include the blog
post title, subtitle, author, and date to
provide essential context for the
• Visually Engaging Layout: Design the title
slide with an eye-catching and
professional layout to capture the
audience's attention.
• Consistent Branding: Align the title slide's
design with your blog's or company's
branding to establish a cohesive visual
Title Slide
• Summarise Key Takeaways: Provide a
concise overview of the main benefits of
repurposing blog content covered in the
• Highlight Actionable Insights: Emphasise the
practical steps and strategies that the
audience can implement to effectively
repurpose their blog posts
• Engage the Audience: Use a visually
appealing and attention-grabbing
introduction to captivate the audience and
set the stage for the rest of the presentation
Introduction Slide
Main Content Slides
• Leverage Existing Content: Repurposing blog
posts into SlideShare presentations allows you
to maximise the value of your existing content
by exposing it to a new audience.
• Enhance Visual Engagement: Visually-
appealing SlideShare slides can increase
audience engagement and retention, making
the content more memorable and impactful.
• Drive Traffic to Your Blog: Embedding
SlideShare presentations in blog posts can
funnel readers back to your website,
increasing referral traffic and potential leads.
Conclusion Slide
• Recap Key Benefits: Summarise the main
advantages of repurposing blog content,
including expanded reach, increased
engagement, and website traffic generation.
• Highlight Actionable Steps: Emphasise the
practical strategies covered, such as
identifying key sections, aligning with slides,
and designing visually engaging content.
• Call to Action: Encourage the audience to
start repurposing their own blog posts into
SlideShare presentations to amplify their
content and reach new audiences.
Review and Polish
• Review for Errors: Carefully proofreading the
presentation ensures no typos or grammatical
errors, maintaining professionalism.
• Ensure Logical Flow: Reviewing the structure
and transitions between slides creates a
cohesive narrative that engages the audience.
• Maintain Visual Consistency: Aligning the
design and formatting across all slides
reinforces your brand and creates a polished,
professional appearance.
and Upload
to SlideShare
Download Google Slides as PDF:
Exporting the presentation as a PDF
file ensures it can be easily shared
and viewed on any device,
facilitating the upload to
Create a SlideShare Account:
Signing up for a SlideShare account
allows you to upload and manage
your presentations, reaching a
professional audience beyond your
Upload Presentation to
SlideShare: Uploading the PDF
version of the presentation to
SlideShare makes it accessible to
the platform's large user base,
expanding the reach of your blog
Publish and Share
• Promote on Social Media: Sharing the
SlideShare presentation on social platforms
can drive engagement and attract new
audiences to your blog content.
• Optimise for Search: Leveraging relevant
keywords and tags in the SlideShare
presentation can improve its discoverability
and drive more referral traffic to your blog.
• Embed in Blog Posts: Embedding the
SlideShare presentation directly in your blog
posts can enhance the user experience and
encourage readers to explore your content
Keep it Visual
• High-Quality Images: Use visually-striking,
high-resolution images to captivate the
audience and enhance the overall presentation
• Avoid Clutter: Maintain a clean, minimalist
design to prevent visual distractions and
ensure the key message is the focus.
• Visually Appealing Layout: Arrange elements
strategically to create a polished, professional
look that complements the content and
Repurposing Blog Content
• Recap Key Benefits: Summarise the main
advantages of repurposing blog content,
including expanded reach, increased
engagement, and website traffic generation.
• Highlight Actionable Steps: Emphasise the
practical strategies covered, such as
identifying key sections, aligning with slides,
and designing visually engaging content.
• Call to Action: Encourage the audience to
start repurposing their own blog posts into
SlideShare presentations to amplify their
content and reach new audiences. Photo by Robert Kozakiewicz on Pexels

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Blog Post to SlideShare Presentations For Website Traffic

  • 2. Create Compelling SlideShare Presentations From Blog Posts • Introduction: Benefits of Repurposing Blog Content • Outline Your Presentation • Create a New Google Slides Presentation • Title Slide • Introduction Slide • Main Content Slides • Conclusion Slide • Review and Polish • Download and Upload to SlideShare • Publish and Share
  • 3. Create Compelling SlideShare Presentations From Blog Posts Keep it Visual Conclusion: Encourage Repurposing Blog Content
  • 4. • Amplify Blog Content Reach: SlideShare presentations can expose blog posts to a vast professional network, expanding the audience and increasing visibility. • Boost Engagement Metrics: Visually-engaging SlideShare slides can drive higher engagement, with users spending more time consuming the content. • Drive Traffic to Your Blog: Embedding SlideShare presentations in blog posts can funnel readers back to your website, increasing referral traffic and potential leads. Introduction: Benefits of Repurposing Blog Content
  • 5. • Identify Key Sections: Divide the blog post into logical sections to structure the presentation and focus on the most important topics. • Align Sections with Slides: Assign each key section to one or two slides, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the blog post content. • Emphasise Salient Points: Within each section, highlight the most impactful and actionable insights to engage the audience effectively. Outline Your Presentation
  • 6. Create a New Google Slides Presentation 1 Open Google Slides: Accessing the Google Slides platform allows you to create and edit professional- grade presentations. 2 Create a New Presentation: Starting a new presentation provides a blank canvas to add your blog post content 3 Choose a Template: Selecting a pre- designed template ensures a visually consistent and polished look for your SlideShare presentation.
  • 7. • Title Slide Elements: Include the blog post title, subtitle, author, and date to provide essential context for the presentation. • Visually Engaging Layout: Design the title slide with an eye-catching and professional layout to capture the audience's attention. • Consistent Branding: Align the title slide's design with your blog's or company's branding to establish a cohesive visual identity. Title Slide
  • 8. • Summarise Key Takeaways: Provide a concise overview of the main benefits of repurposing blog content covered in the presentation • Highlight Actionable Insights: Emphasise the practical steps and strategies that the audience can implement to effectively repurpose their blog posts • Engage the Audience: Use a visually appealing and attention-grabbing introduction to captivate the audience and set the stage for the rest of the presentation Introduction Slide
  • 9. Main Content Slides • Leverage Existing Content: Repurposing blog posts into SlideShare presentations allows you to maximise the value of your existing content by exposing it to a new audience. • Enhance Visual Engagement: Visually- appealing SlideShare slides can increase audience engagement and retention, making the content more memorable and impactful. • Drive Traffic to Your Blog: Embedding SlideShare presentations in blog posts can funnel readers back to your website, increasing referral traffic and potential leads.
  • 10. Conclusion Slide • Recap Key Benefits: Summarise the main advantages of repurposing blog content, including expanded reach, increased engagement, and website traffic generation. • Highlight Actionable Steps: Emphasise the practical strategies covered, such as identifying key sections, aligning with slides, and designing visually engaging content. • Call to Action: Encourage the audience to start repurposing their own blog posts into SlideShare presentations to amplify their content and reach new audiences.
  • 11. Review and Polish • Review for Errors: Carefully proofreading the presentation ensures no typos or grammatical errors, maintaining professionalism. • Ensure Logical Flow: Reviewing the structure and transitions between slides creates a cohesive narrative that engages the audience. • Maintain Visual Consistency: Aligning the design and formatting across all slides reinforces your brand and creates a polished, professional appearance.
  • 12. Download and Upload to SlideShare Download Google Slides as PDF: Exporting the presentation as a PDF file ensures it can be easily shared and viewed on any device, facilitating the upload to SlideShare. Create a SlideShare Account: Signing up for a SlideShare account allows you to upload and manage your presentations, reaching a professional audience beyond your blog. Upload Presentation to SlideShare: Uploading the PDF version of the presentation to SlideShare makes it accessible to the platform's large user base, expanding the reach of your blog content.
  • 13. Publish and Share • Promote on Social Media: Sharing the SlideShare presentation on social platforms can drive engagement and attract new audiences to your blog content. • Optimise for Search: Leveraging relevant keywords and tags in the SlideShare presentation can improve its discoverability and drive more referral traffic to your blog. • Embed in Blog Posts: Embedding the SlideShare presentation directly in your blog posts can enhance the user experience and encourage readers to explore your content further.
  • 14. Keep it Visual • High-Quality Images: Use visually-striking, high-resolution images to captivate the audience and enhance the overall presentation appeal. • Avoid Clutter: Maintain a clean, minimalist design to prevent visual distractions and ensure the key message is the focus. • Visually Appealing Layout: Arrange elements strategically to create a polished, professional look that complements the content and branding.
  • 15. Repurposing Blog Content • Recap Key Benefits: Summarise the main advantages of repurposing blog content, including expanded reach, increased engagement, and website traffic generation. • Highlight Actionable Steps: Emphasise the practical strategies covered, such as identifying key sections, aligning with slides, and designing visually engaging content. • Call to Action: Encourage the audience to start repurposing their own blog posts into SlideShare presentations to amplify their content and reach new audiences. Photo by Robert Kozakiewicz on Pexels