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Improve Crawling and
Indexing with
User-Friendly Log File
Steven van Vessum | Conductor
Steven van Vessum
Director of Organic Marketing at Conductor
Co-founder & VP of Community at ContentKing
Title Slide Option
Real-Time SEO Auditing & Monitoring

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How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...
How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...
How to Implement Machine Learning in Your Internal Linking Audit - Lazarina S...

This document contains the transcript of a presentation about incorporating machine learning into internal linking audits. The presentation discusses analyzing a website's internal link structure using machine learning techniques like topic modeling and fuzzy matching to identify opportunities for new or improved internal links. It provides a 6-step process for discovery, analysis, clustering content by topic, identifying link opportunities, prioritizing where to link, and measuring the impact of implemented links. The goal is incremental improvements to internal linking that can boost SEO over time through better content organization and discoverability.

seomachine learningmarketing
Product, service and category page links (and how to get them) - Rebecca Moss...
Product, service and category page links (and how to get them) - Rebecca Moss...Product, service and category page links (and how to get them) - Rebecca Moss...
Product, service and category page links (and how to get them) - Rebecca Moss...

Rebecca heads up the Digital PR team at JBH, delivering creative digital PR strategies for lifestyle brands. After working in SEO for more years than she would care to admit, Rebecca's presentation reveals how the SEO industry has fallen out of love with large-scale hero campaigns, and shifted back to fundamentals of earning links using content marketing techniques.

Don't be a cannibal
Don't be a cannibalDon't be a cannibal
Don't be a cannibal

The document discusses keyword cannibalization, which occurs when multiple pages on a website contain the same or similar keywords. This can hurt a website's search engine rankings, traffic from search engines, and conversions. The document provides tips on how to identify cannibalization issues, such as by monitoring keyword rankings and traffic share over time. It also gives recommendations for avoiding cannibalization, such as by regularly auditing content for duplicates and setting policies for user-generated content.

Real-Time SEO Auditing & Monitoring
Technical SEO is the
Foundation of Successful
Organic Marketing
Technical SEO
Ensure discoverability
Address customer needs
Optimize performance
Move faster
Log Files
What are your backgrounds?
Log Files
Technical SEO Content
Developer Other

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Kleecks - AI-Martech as a game changer-DEF.pdf

This document discusses how AI and automation can revolutionize the SEO value chain. It argues that AI can enable a symbiotic relationship between SEO strategy and technical implementation by powering automated competitive analysis, strategy suggestions, and one-click fixes. This represents a new approach that can improve time-to-market and optimize implementation timescales through a no-code model.

Goodbye SEO fck ups! Learn to set an SEO Quality Assurance Framework
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Goodbye SEO fck ups! Learn to set an SEO Quality Assurance Framework

Learn how to avoid SEO F*ck ups by setting an SEO Quality framework by educating, validating and monitoring your SEO process activities.

search engine optimizationseosearch engine optimisation
How SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookies
How SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookiesHow SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookies
How SEO changes, as we say bye bye to cookies

Slides from AccuraCast MD, Farhad Divecha's presentation at Brighton SEO. In his talk, Farhad discussed how the removal of third-party cookies will affect SEO and advised delegates on practical, actionable things they can do to best equip their business to overcome the potential challenges involved.

seocookiesbig data
What are log files?
Log Files
Text files containing records of
● All the requests a server has
received from both humans and
● Its responses to these requests.
Why Are Logs Important to SEO?
Logs show crawlers’
true behavior
The Issues We See at Companies

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BrightonSEO October 2022 - Log File Analysis - Steven van Vessum.pdf
BrightonSEO October 2022 - Log File Analysis - Steven van Vessum.pdfBrightonSEO October 2022 - Log File Analysis - Steven van Vessum.pdf
BrightonSEO October 2022 - Log File Analysis - Steven van Vessum.pdf

This document discusses how log file insights can help companies improve their crawling, indexing and organic marketing performance. It outlines some of the common issues companies face like not understanding search engine behavior and not reflecting on their past work. With log file insights accessible in real-time and automatically distilled, companies can answer critical questions to speed up their crawl times, see how search engines are handling their updated content and troubleshoot issues. The presenter promotes their solution, ContentKing, which provides real-time log file analysis from CDN logs to help companies learn what search engines know and keep sharpening their SEO strategies.

crawling log file analysis
What is in a link?
What is in a link?What is in a link?
What is in a link?

This document discusses the value and uses of hyperlinks. It explains that hyperlinks can help understand a person's influence, interests, and peers. Hyperlinks also allow you to find influencers around a topic or identify the authors of a news site. The key takeaway is that having access to true link data and understanding how to analyze link information can provide new insights.

Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf
Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdfCore Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf
Core Web Vitals Audit - Sophie Gibson - PDF - BrightonSEO.pdf

This document outlines a 4-step process for conducting a Core Web Vitals audit: 1) Benchmark key pages by measuring LCP, FID, and CLS metrics, 2) Investigate audit results to understand issues, 3) Test optimization changes and re-measure metrics, 4) Prioritize fixes based on impact and effort required. The goal is to identify opportunities to improve load performance and user experience.

They just ship X content pieces a month.
The issue we see at companies
The Issues We See at Companies
The issue we see at companies
The Issues We See at Companies
They don’t reflect on
the work they’ve done.
The issue we see at companies
The Issues We See at Companies
They don’t understand and can’t explain
obvious search engine behavior.
How Companies Can Get Better

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The takeaway: 1. Why/What/How of hreflang 2. Some examples of practical application 3. Canonical VS hreflang 4. Common hreflang mistakes 5. Is hreflang a ranking factor?

TechSEO Boost - Apps script for SEOs
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The document discusses how Apps Script can be used to program spreadsheets and leverage JavaScript functions and APIs. It provides examples of parsing URLs, cleaning data, and custom functions. Apps Script allows integrating APIs to scrape search results, classify data using machine learning, and monitor website changes. Functions can make spreadsheets more powerful and automate tasks like notifying users. The document encourages learning JavaScript and Apps Script to unlock these capabilities within spreadsheets.

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The document discusses how to go viral on a budget using public relations (PR). It recommends tying a product or idea into a current trend, validating the trend, identifying the target audience, crafting a compelling pitch, and developing an effective outreach strategy. Specifically, it outlines how the author launched an unknown brand called "2020 Scent" that generated over £20,000 in revenue with a campaign costing under £10 by tying scented products to viral trends from that year.

digital marketing
Easy access to log file insights
How Companies Can Get Better
Companies need easy access
to log file insights.
Thinking critically and getting answers
How Companies Can Get Better
Has Google tried crawling pages
while they had issues?
How often do my pages get
recrawled on average?
Has Google crawled these new
pages yet?
Has Google refreshed the pages
we updated?
Then they can improve
Average time to crawl Average time to index
How Companies Can Get Better
Average time to rank
Then they can improve
SEO forecast
How Companies Can Get Better
Average time to traffic

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In this talk, Beth will give an introduction of what schema is, where it sits within a structured data framework, and its use cases. Then she’ll move on to the types that can be used or are no longer recognised by search engines. This will be followed by a hands-on discussion of how to audit a website, how to write the relevant code, and ways to implement and test.

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In this talk you will learn how search intent can help you benefit from the growing popularity of Google Discover. You’ll get actionable tips, a case study example and exclusive data from SEMrush.

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How to automate a long tail SEO strategy for ecommerce
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BrightonSEO 2022: presentation by Verbolia's CEO on how to automate a long tail SEO strategy for ecommerce.

Easy access to log file insights
How Companies Can Get Better
By providing easy access
to log file insights….
You’ll make SEO
You’ll make SEO fun.
You’ll get buy-in
from management.

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Veronika Holler discusses how Google's MUM AI will impact SEO and PPC optimization. MUM understands language 1000x better than BERT and supports 75 languages. It has a stronger understanding of the relationships between different content types like images, video, audio and text. This will require optimizing sites to include more multimedia content like creating images and videos about products and services. It also means refining content strategy and structure to focus on navigational, transactional and informational content that tells a complete story for users. Veronika provides examples of how her company CGM Medical optimized their site using these strategies and increased click-through rates for SEO and PPC.

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The Full Scoop on Google's Title Rewrites
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The Full Scoop on Google's Title Rewrites

How often is Google rewriting your title tags and creating a custom title link on the SERP? Moreover, why is Google not relying on your title tags anymore for the title on the SERP? Dive in with this look at Google's title rewrites!

seodigital marketing
Get Content Crawled & Ranked Faster: 5 Tips From An SEO Expert
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Wish you knew the secrets to getting your written content seen and ranked faster? Want to know what’s slowing it all down? We can help you understand how your content gets seen and crawled by Google so you can create naturally higher ranking pages, blogs, and more. Once you see your content how Google sees it, you can easily determine how to get it live on the SERPs – faster. Real-time log file insights can become your secret ingredient to better content and SEO. Join our webinar to learn how you can easily use log file insights to improve crawling, indexing, and ranking higher with content. You'll discover how to: - Get content crawled, indexed, and ranked faster. - How to use log file insights for effective content. - Create far better SEO forecasts. Watch Conductor's special guest, Steven van Vessum, Director of Organic Marketing at ContentKing, as he answers your most pressing crawl questions and how it relates to content. Get a better idea of how content impacts the behavior of Google's crawlers and how to use it to rank higher. Most organizations still produce content each month without reflecting critically on how quickly these assets were crawled and indexed. Making future content plans is still a guessing game, but this webinar will get you up to speed.

searchenginejournalcontent marketingcontent strategy
Log File Analysis As We Know It
Log file analysis as we know it….
Log File Analysis As We Know It
Log file analysis as we know it….
Log File Analysis As We Know It
Inefficient and time
Often only performed
once a year
Insights are kept
within silos
to do better
(and we can)

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SEO VS FINADABILITY - BUYNARY Digital introduction to SEO.

SEO involves optimizing website content, code, and links to increase relevance and visibility in organic search engine results. Key factors search engines consider include keywords, page structure with heading tags and metadata, clean HTML/CSS code, and quality backlinks. The goal is to make pages easily crawlable, indexable, and understandable for search engine spiders by following best practices in on-page elements, off-page links, and providing a good user experience.

Demand quest seo training
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Demand quest seo training

The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) training. It discusses how SEO is important for websites to be visible in organic search results. The training covers technical SEO factors like site maps, page speed, and metadata to ensure search engines can access the site. It also discusses on-page optimization like keywords, copy and links. Off-page factors like backlinks, social media and reviews are also reviewed. The training emphasizes the importance of understanding users and creating helpful content. It provides tips for local SEO and tools for ongoing SEO measurement and improvement.

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How to Produce Your Best Content Ever by Writing For Search Engines
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How to Produce Your Best Content Ever by Writing For Search Engines

Kelly Shelton, VP of Marketing at Boostability shares industry insights about what search engines look for. He also gives actionable tips that any small business can use to strengthen their website optimization so they can raise in search rankings.

search engine optimizationmarketingsearch engine marketing
Our Dream
It would be amazing if….
Our Dream
Log data is available
in real-time
Useful insights are
automatically distilled
Made easily accessible for
web and content teams
Getting Your Hands on Logs
Is… tricky
Getting Your Hands on Logs
Access logs aren’t
there (anymore)
Office politics
PII concerns Slow processes

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Demand Quest SEO Training Sept. 2017 - Session 1
Demand Quest SEO Training Sept. 2017 - Session 1Demand Quest SEO Training Sept. 2017 - Session 1
Demand Quest SEO Training Sept. 2017 - Session 1

The document provides an agenda for an SEO training session. It discusses how search engines have evolved as search queries have changed over time. It defines SEO as optimizing a website to be accessible to search engines and relevant to users. The presentation covers technical SEO factors like site structure, page speed and security as well as on-page optimization including keywords, copy and links. It also discusses off-page factors like backlinks, social media and reviews that help search engine rankings. The goal of SEO is to help websites rank higher in organic search results.

trainingseosearch engine optimization
Demand quest SEO training Session 1 May 2017
Demand quest SEO training Session 1 May 2017Demand quest SEO training Session 1 May 2017
Demand quest SEO training Session 1 May 2017

The document provides an agenda for an SEO training session. It begins with introductions and an overview of how search has evolved and how search engines work. It then defines SEO and discusses key on-page and off-page optimization factors such as technical structure, content, and links. Metrics for success and tools for analysis are also reviewed. The training aims to provide actionable tactics for improving search engine visibility and website usability.

SEO Guide For Non Profits
SEO Guide For Non ProfitsSEO Guide For Non Profits
SEO Guide For Non Profits

Quick and easy guide for nonprofits (and other businesses to follow in order to improve their online presence and authority.

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Enter CDN Logs
Getting Your Hands on Logs
Real-time Plug’n Play
Connecting to Content Inventory
Connect log insights to content inventory
Connect to Content Inventory
Coupled to content Enlightenment
Old vs New
Connect to Content Inventory

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SEO Demystified by Havas Digital

Today, most traffic tends to go to the top ranking websites for any specific search term. For that reason websites need Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Review the Basics and Learn How to Apply Advanced On- and Off- page SEO tactics to improve site visibility.

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SEO Training Slides October 2016
SEO Training Slides October 2016SEO Training Slides October 2016
SEO Training Slides October 2016

These are the training slides from the SEO training delivered by Noisy Little Monkey at their offices in Bristol. They cover: technical, on-site, off-site, local and mobile SEO.

digital marketingeducation and trainingtraining
Report on search engines
Report on search enginesReport on search engines
Report on search engines

The document provides information about search engines, including what they are, how they work, and how search engine optimization (SEO) is used to improve search engine rankings. It discusses the main components of search engines like crawling, indexing, ranking, and displaying results. It also covers different types of search engines and how search engines will continue to evolve in the future with improvements to voice recognition, understanding emotions, indexing dynamic content, and more.

Old vs New
Connect to Content Inventory
Improving Crawling & Indexing
New Pages
Improving Crawling & Indexing
How long does it take for search engines
to crawl new pages?
New Pages
Improving Crawling & Indexing
Can you speed up time to crawl
with better internal linking?

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My talk at November 2017 Search London Meetup. Covering how we scaled organic search growth by building products together with full stack engineers & how we operate an autonomous & independent SEO team.

Digital Marketing Talk for RIBA Salisbury
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The slides from the talk I gave to some hot architects in a hot room on the hottest and longest day of 2017.

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User-centered SEO isn’t just some magic you sprinkle on finished web copy right before hitting publish. SEO components—like user intent, internal-linking structures, content hierarchy, structured data, and meta descriptions—are built into content design decisions. After clashing on projects and stepping on each others’ toes, Chris (an SEO) and Rebekah (a content and UX strategist) found smarter ways to integrate their work and create helpful, relevant web experiences that are search-engine friendly, too. In this session, they’ll share what they’ve learned and help you understand when, where, and how to integrate SEO into your content design process. In this presentation, you’ll learn: - A better understanding of how, when, and where SEO essentials play into your web content workflow - Practical approaches and tools you can use to add a search-strategy lens to the content research and design work you already do, without compromising user experience - Ideas on how to collaborate more effectively with SEO stakeholders This presentation is a good fit for people who want to expand on their knowledge of modern search strategy and understand how to account for SEO without compromising user experience.

New Pages
Improving Crawling & Indexing
Can you speed up time to crawl
with better content promotion?
New Pages
Improving Crawling & Indexing
Is there a correlation between
crawl frequency and
internal links?
New Pages
Improving Crawling & Indexing
Move away from
manually parsing raw
logs to automatically
extracted insights.
Updated Pages
Improving Crawling & Indexing
Has Google already picked up my

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Sitecore Solutions to Common Content Problems

This document discusses common content problems organizations face and how Sitecore features can help address them. It outlines four common problems: content that does not meet business or user needs, lack of a content lifecycle leading to outdated content, inconsistent messaging, and content that does not perform well in search engine rankings. For each problem, it lists relevant Sitecore features such as workflows, archiving, personas, and canonical URLs that can help organizations better manage their content and address these issues through an effective content strategy.

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Sourav SEO Case Study - 1k to 100k traffic
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SEO is cool. didn't agree? I have managed to rank keywords like sbi personal loan single handedly. Here are the outcomes of my work: 1. I increased traffic 1k to 100k/pm 2. Increased DA 15 to 30. 3. Got 400+ organic leads. 4. Reduced Spam score 36 to 1. 5. Ranked highly competitive keyword 6. 900+ keywords on first page. 7. Increase High Quality Backlinks { before 400, Now 20k}

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Rocket lawyer Interview Presentation
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The document is a presentation by Joseph Lei applying for an SEO Manager position at Rocket Lawyer. It includes an agenda, background on his experience in SEO roles at PayPal and SendHub, a proposed role and responsibilities for an SEO Manager at Rocket Lawyer, a competitive analysis of Rocket Lawyer's website, an SEO health audit, and proposed SEO projects. The presentation outlines Joseph's qualifications and provides a detailed plan for improving Rocket Lawyer's SEO performance.

Updated Pages
Improving Crawling & Indexing
How soon does Google refresh pages
after making updates?
Updated Pages
Improving Crawling & Indexing
Is there increased crawl activity after
making changes?
Updated Pages
Improving Crawling & Indexing
A timeline with changes
and whether they were
seen by search engines.
Improving Crawling & Indexing
Has Google recrawled the
new robots.txt directives?

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Lecture at Bath Spa Uni
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Lecture at Bath Spa Uni

This document provides an overview of an SEO training held by Noisy Little Monkey in March 2017. It includes an agenda covering on-site SEO topics like technical aspects of websites, content and structure, and off-site factors like backlinks. On-site topics discussed include URLs, page titles, images, meta descriptions and more. Technical SEO topics covered server speed, redirects, error handling and XML sitemaps. The training emphasized optimizing for user intent through keyword research and focusing on long-tail keywords with lower competition. It also stressed the importance of trust signals like reviews and fresh, relevant content.

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Seo Next Presentation

This document is a presentation about search engine optimization (SEO) techniques given by Pete Hooley, an SEO consultant. The presentation covers the basics of SEO, how search engines view websites, keyword research, link building strategies like article submissions and forum posts, and two case studies showing large increases in organic traffic from SEO campaigns.

Digital Marketing For Architects
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Digital Marketing For Architects

This document provides an overview of a training on search engine optimization and social media marketing strategies. It discusses key topics like on-page SEO, technical SEO, off-site SEO, local SEO, mobile SEO, and social media marketing. For on-page SEO, it describes how Google determines relevance and importance of different on-page elements. For technical SEO, it emphasizes the importance of site speed and handling crawl errors. For off-site SEO, it discusses link building and the value of quality, relevant links. It also provides tips for local SEO, mobile SEO, and using social media for awareness, traffic, conversions and advocacy.

seogoogle analyticslocal seo
Improving Crawling & Indexing
Has Google tried requesting the
robots.txt while it had a Disallow: /
Improving crawling & indexing
Learn what search
engines know.
XML Sitemaps
Improving Crawling & Indexing
Has Google recrawled my XML sitemap
after it was updated?
XML Sitemaps
Improving Crawling & Indexing
How frequently does Google crawl my
oldest XML sitemaps?

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This document provides 30 tips for creating content that performs well in search engines. It begins by recommending starting content planning with user personas rather than keywords. It then discusses categorizing content topics, building an intuitive information architecture, writing strategies like outlining with Thruuu and using GPT-3 for drafts, customizing analytics, and maintaining content over time. The goal is to understand users, create helpful content, and continuously optimize performance.

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Lack of SEO Quality Assurance is likely to hold back your SEO Performance. Learn if that's the case, and how to fix it!

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SEO Quality Assurance: Just How Needed Is It? 1,300 SEOs respond
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SEO Quality Assurance: Just How Needed Is It? 1,300 SEOs respond

Lack of SEO Quality Assurance is one of the biggest factors holding
back your SEO performance. Learn how to fix that!

seoquality assurance
XML Sitemaps
Improving crawling & indexing
Learn what content
search engines know
Logs are important
to SEO
Lots of companies
underperform without insights
from logs

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- Event: 2020 - More background info: and

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ContentKing - Digital Olympus - SEO Disasters
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We'll walk through five real-world examples of some of the worst SEO Disasters and examine why the happened and how they could have been prevented.

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SEO fails zijn killing voor webshops. Waar gehakt wordt vallen spaanders, en je maakt het verschil door goed met de fails om te gaan.

seoseo beneluxecommerce
Distilling actionable insights
from logs is time-consuming
and hard
Making insights easily
accessible across teams
is hard
Getting your hands
on logs is hard
insights to content
inventory is hard

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Inspiration for blowing your competition out of the water by analysing what works well for SEOs in The Netherlands. In order to understand why the Dutch do SEO the way they do, we need to go back in time and look at their history.

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Sustainable growth with the Continuous SEO Process
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Sustainable growth with the Continuous SEO Process

We're thinking about SEO in the grow way, and we've got the wrong process and tooling in place. Everything should be geared towards the continuous aspect of SEO. Change the way your proceses and tooling, and change the way you think about SEO and you'll get better overview, better Quality Assurance which all in turn leads to sustainable growth of your organic traffic.

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The Continuous SEO Process (WebExpo, September 2016)
The Continuous SEO Process (WebExpo, September 2016)The Continuous SEO Process (WebExpo, September 2016)
The Continuous SEO Process (WebExpo, September 2016)

The Continuous SEO Process comes down to dealing with change, improving what you have and expanding on what you have.

seoprocesssearch engine optimization
Enter CDN logs.
(With ContentKing)
Learn how
your work moves
the needle
And keep sharpening
your blade.
Questions, comments, ideas…

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During December 2016's SEOloger event I presented "Why YOUR website needs continuous monitoring". Want to give ContentKing a try? Create a free trial at!

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Top 7 PPC and SEO strategies to drive more traffic and conversions. Most companies already own the data, let's share the data and boost the performance of both channels. Key Takeaways: Why PPC and SEO teams should strategize together7 ways PPC and SEO can work together to drive even more conversions

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Know about what is digital marketing.pptx
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Know about what is digital marketing.pptx

Training devistation provides quality training in digital marketing. ChatGPT Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of online strategies and tactics designed to connect businesses with their target audiences, increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and ultimately generate leads and sales. Here’s a comprehensive description: Digital marketing leverages various online channels and platforms such as search engines (Google, Bing), social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), email, websites, and mobile apps to reach consumers. Unlike traditional marketing, which often relies on print ads, billboards, or TV commercials, digital marketing allows for precise targeting and measurement of campaigns in real time. also know about benefits of digital marketing click here - address - industrial area, phase 8, F7, MOHALI, PUNJAB

digital marketingseoppc
FREE 45-day Trial
Experience Real-Time Log File Analysis yourself.
Improve your SEO game in under 20 seconds.

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