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Taking Charge of Your
How to Optimise and Prioritise
Your Technical Work
Areej AbuAli
SEO Consultant
I’m here to talk to you about
something that took me a while to
wrap my head around...
But spending the last 18 months
working on a 40M+ indexed page
website forced me to finally get it...
“ We are IN CONTROL of how
Google crawls and indexes
our website
“ We are IN CONTROL of how Google
crawls and indexes our website
(but it can feel scary!)
Because if we don’t do it properly,
then we won’t benefit from many*
things we’re doing right
*All the awesome content and off page work
So if we’re recommending SEO fixes
(small or large), let’s please
drop the 100-page audit
And focus on prioritising recommendations
that will have an impact
Setting the Scene
We work for a
car aggregator
Our users can...
▸ Search for cars near their location
▸ Search for cars near their location
▸ Filter the search results by make,
model, year, type, transmission,
engine size, colour, price range (and
Our users can...
▸ Search for cars near their location
▸ Filter the search results by make, model, year, type,
transmission, engine size, colour, price range (and
▸ View car listings and contact sellers
Our users can...
▸ Search for cars near their location
▸ Filter the search results by make, model, year, type,
transmission, engine size, colour, price range (and
▸ View car listings and contact sellers
▸ View car history information
Our users can...
▸ Search for cars near their location
▸ Filter the search results by make, model, year, type,
transmission, engine size, colour, price range (and
▸ View car listings and contact sellers
▸ View car history information
▸ Read the latest car news
Our users can...
Our users can...
Most webmasters tend to set up
websites in one of two ways...
1. Index everything to capture as much
ranking opportunity as possible
They either attempt to...
1. Index everything to capture as much
ranking opportunity as possible
2. No-index a huge chunk to avoid
suffering from index bloat
They either attempt to...
Index bloat is when a site has an
excessive number of low-value
pages indexed
We might end up indexing:
▸ Every possible geo-location
▸ Every possible filter combination
▸ Every possible car listing page
▸ Every possible car history information page
If we attempt to index everything...
Why is this a problem?
▸ Every possible geo-location
▸ Every possible filter combination
▸ Every possible car listing page
▸ Every possible car history information page
Will Google bother crawling…?
▸ Every possible geo-location
▸ Every possible filter combination
▸ Every possible car listing page
▸ Every possible car history information page
Will Google bother indexing…?
▸ Every possible geo-location
▸ Every possible filter combination
▸ Every possible car listing page
▸ Every possible car history information page
Do you even want to rank for…?
The answer to all three questions is
most probably: No
1. Google might not crawl all our pages
2. Google might not index all our pages
3. Our valuable pages might not be crawled
and/or indexed
4. Our valuable pages might not rank
If we attempt to index everything…
I’m being generous by using the word
1. Index everything to capture as much
ranking opportunity as possible
2. No-index a huge chunk to avoid
suffering from index bloat
They either attempt to...
We’d miss out on ranking potential for:
▸ Every possible geo-location
▸ Every possible filter combination
▸ Every possible car listing page
▸ Every possible car history information page
If we no-index a huge chunk...
1. Index everything to capture as much
ranking opportunity as possible
2. No-index a huge chunk to avoid
suffering from index bloat
They either attempt to...
So, how and where do we
Before we make any decision on how
to control our indexability, we need
to know the answer to
one question
What’s the high level KPI that we’re
being measured against?
1. Organic rank
It probably isn’t...
1. Organic rank
2. Organic sessions
It probably isn’t...
1. Organic rank
2. Organic sessions
3. Some third party tool’s visibility chart...
It probably isn’t...
It probably isn’t...
It’s most likely
organic leads
or revenue
An organic lead on
our car aggregator site
happens when a user
contacts a seller for a
potential car
Indexed Pages
Organic Leads
So, why don’t we
tie these together?
▸ Search for cars near their location
▸ Filter the search results by make, model, year, type,
transmission, engine size, colour, price range (and
▸ View car listings and contact sellers
▸ View car history information
▸ Read the latest car news
Let’s go back to this list...
I tend to understand things better when
they’re in table format, so...
Core Templates Description
Car search pages (CSP)
Result pages when a user
searches for cars by location
(includes all
search filters)
Car listing pages (CLP)
Listing pages when a user
chooses a car to learn more about
Car history pages (CHP)
Information pages that include car
valuation and history
All other pages (homepage, blog,
about, etc…)
We now need to figure out which
templates provide the most value
Let’s analyse some data
1. # of indexed pages (and % from total)
2. # of organic sessions (and % from total)
3. # of organic leads (and % from total)
Sessions & Leads date range --> past 12
What data do we need per template?
Template Indexed
CSP 35% 55% 75%
Other 10% 20% 15%
CLP 10% 15% 9%
CHP 45% 10% 1%
Template Indexed
CSP 35% 55% 75%
Other 10% 20% 15%
CLP 10% 15% 9%
CHP 45% 10% 1%
Wouldn’t we be better off spreading our
link equity across more
valuable pages?
Wouldn’t we be better off having Google
crawl our more valuable pages?
And most importantly:
Is it worth doubling up our number
of indexed pages for only
1% of organic leads?
Websites do not
(and most probably should not)
need to have every single page indexed
Instead, focus on indexing pages that
have the potential to provide
good search results
Yes, this feels like a fairly straight
forward example...but every
aggregator site tends to have one of these
Template Indexed
CSP 35% 55% 75%
There’s also so much more that can be
dissected on a template by template basis
▸ Make
▸ Model
▸ Year
▸ Type
▸ Transmission
▸ Engine size
▸ Colour
▸ Price range
Our indexed filters
▸ Make (10)
▸ Model (4)
▸ Year (10)
▸ Type (4)
▸ Transmission (2)
▸ Engine size (5)
▸ Colour (10)
▸ Price range (5)
Our indexed filters
That’s 800,000 potential indexed pages
purely based on our search result filters
Template Indexed
CSP 35% 55% 75%
So it’s fundamental that we break this
down to the next level
Template Indexed
“ The more we slice and dice our
data, the more we’ll be able to
make informed decisions.
A typical meeting in the life
of an SEO...
Let’s say hello to a senior stakeholder
named Mark
“Car history information pages are
critical for our consumers. They can
look up any car registration
number and get all the information
they need.”
“Yes, but they are useless for Google.
They’re thin pages that provide low
organic value and double up
our indexed pages.”
“Nevermind Google, what does this
mean for LEADS?”
“Well, I’m glad you asked because I
spent the past 2 weeks doing this piece
of analysis where I used BigQuery to
group our page templates, calculate our
organic leads per template, and…. ”
“1% of our total organic leads. ”
Dream Life Scenario:
“Is that it? De-index these pages
Real Life Scenario:
“Work with Team A to build a strategy
that can convince Team B to convince
Team C to consider convincing Team D
to potentially de-index the pages.”
Joking aside, I promise you there is a
purpose to this story
“ As SEOs, we need to speak the
SAME language as senior
stakeholders to get sign off on
technical fixes.
Let’s Recommend
Template Indexed
CSP 35% 55% 75%
Other 10% 20% 15%
CLP 10% 15% 9%
CHP 45% 10% 1%
Template Indexed
CHP 45% 10% 1%
I know what you’re thinking:
10% of total organic sessions is
a scary thing to simply get rid of...
I’m very risk-averse but in this specific case:
What good is 10% traffic that doesn’t convert?
Every aggregator/classified type website
tends to have something similar to a
car history page
As Mark told us:
These pages are useful for our users
because they want to look up info via
a car registration number
So to be on the safe side, let’s do a few
checks on our car history pages (CHPs)
Do they take up lots of crawl budget?
Yes, we analysed our logs and in an
average week, 50% of Googlebot’s
crawl requests are spent on CHPs.
Do they rank for important terms?
No, we analysed our ranking data
and CHPs barely rank for any
keywords we care about.
Do they have unique content?
Yes, but it’s thin, only useful for
users on a personalised basis
and doesn’t convert.
Do they have high quality backlinks?
No, they barely have backlinks
pointing at them and none that
are high quality.
▸ 45% of total indexed pages
▸ 50% of weekly crawl requests
▸ 10% of total organic sessions
▸ Thin content
▸ Minimal ranking
▸ Minimal backlinks
▸ 1% of total organic leads
So, to summarise:
Now, do we feel more comfortable
de-indexing them?
Things to remember
Make sure your sitemaps are setup
to automatically remove any
noindex pages
This is an example of something that might
seem easy in principle but can be
more complex due to legacy code
Things to remember
Our CHPs won’t de-index overnight,
it could take a few months (or more) for
Google to flush them out of the index
Things to remember
Blocking CHPs from robots.txt
should be on the roadmap but give it
1-3 months to flush out of the index
Let’s Prioritise
As an industry, let’s make a pact to drop the
100-page audit documents
Prioritisation is KEY
I like to use T-shirt Sizing
because it’s simple
How much of an SEO impact will
this recommendation likely have on
our overall organic leads?
SEO Impact
How much Technical Effort will this
recommendation take to
Tech Effort
Tech Effort
For every identified issue:
Prioritisation Matrix
If you want to learn
more about my full
Let’s Communicate
So, what’s the first thing that tends to
happen once an SEO recommendation
gets implemented?
Real Life Scenario:
“Are organic leads up yet?”
*Yup, still
Senior Stakeholder*:
Yes, our senior stakeholder will be expecting
results, and they’ll be expecting it
▸ Communicate before
▸ Communicate during
▸ Communicate after
Manage expectations
De-indexing CHPs is simply a
stepping stone*
for fixing technical foundation
*It won’t magically increase our share of
Communicating updates
is one thing...
Communicating updates that are backed
up with data is a game changer
Indexed Pages
Organic Leads
Let’s go back here...
▸ Update these metrics on a weekly basis
▸ Show WoW, MoM and YoY change
▸ Make our dashboards accessible & open
Keep everyone informed
Stakeholders feel better knowing
the information is there
(even if they don’t bother checking it)
And it’ll serve as a benchmark and
can be used as case studies for
future sign off
One Final Thought…
I’ve personally never worked on a car
aggregator website (yet)
This was just an example
But this methodology can apply to all
forms of aggregator sites:
fashion, jobs, property...
When I first pitched this talk, my aim was
to go into detail about the
technical SEO requirements
for aggregator sites
But the actual technical recommendation
is the easy part...
It’s the backing up our recommendation
with data, the stakeholder management,
the meetings for the sake of meetings…
(those are the hard parts)
The first time I worked on an aggregator-
type site, I panicked
I felt completely out of my depth
and I didn’t know where or how to start
But they’re now the type of websites that
I enjoy working on the most...
Because over time, I’ve come to realise that
they all have similar problems that
require similar solutions
And once we fix the problems that actually
matter, the impact feels very rewarding
Yes, rewarding in terms of
SEO impact
But also in terms of achieving higher level
of trust with stakeholders...
Which makes the process
(and our life!)
easier the next time round
The past 132 slides were based on an
example that simply touched
*one* metric
I tied number of indexed pages
(a technical SEO metric)
to organic leads
(the KPI that matters to the business)
This same concept can be translated
across far more SEO metrics
As SEOs, it’s fundamental that we
don’t work in silos
We can achieve far more if we
measure our wins
using metrics that our business cares about
And please remember...
“ It’s okay to feel overwhelmed
working on something new =)
You can find me on:
▸ @areej_abuali
Thank You!

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[MozCon 2021] Taking Charge of Your Indexability

Editor's Notes

  1. These are imaginary numbers
  2. These are imaginary numbers
  3. These are imaginary numbers
  4. These are imaginary numbers
  5. These are imaginary numbers
  6. If you add noindex and disallow at the same time, this stops Google crawling the URLs. If they don't crawl, they don't see the noindex.
  7. There are lots of different prioritisation tactics that can be used - I like to stick to T-shirt sizing because it's simplest. S = Small M = Medium L = Large
  8. Number of sprints (!)
  9. It looks like a lot but all you need is to plug that table in your Google Sheet then use a VLookUp (or MatchIndex for VLookup haters) to match it with each issue identified!