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How To Solve Problems
You’ve Not Seen Before
I am Mat Davis.
SEO Specialist atVanarama.
Previous BrightonSEO cameo didn’t
cover myself in glory….
A Story In Three Parts : How It Started
A Story In Three Parts : How It Went

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Single Page Apps - Gerry White @ BrightonSEO
Single Page Apps - Gerry White @ BrightonSEOSingle Page Apps - Gerry White @ BrightonSEO
Single Page Apps - Gerry White @ BrightonSEO

SPAs & PWAs are challenging for SEO for a number of reasons, this checklist is what I’ve seen issues arise with- - Google Analytics - JavaScript History API & URLs - Soft 404s - JavaScript links - Heavy code & assets on first load - No metadata for Facebook Twitter and other sharing platforms. - Spider traps & loops - Duplicate Content - Tracking parameters causing issues - Fragments, or Hashbangs - No sitemap Although this list isn’t exhaustive, it is the main issues that crop up that aren’t expected, as with everything in SEO, the more that it can be tested, the more likely it is that issues are spotted earlier.

BrightonSEO - Levi Williams-Clucas - Why local search isn’t just for local bu...
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BrightonSEO - Levi Williams-Clucas - Why local search isn’t just for local bu...

Discover why local search isn’t just for local businesses - presentation slides from September 2021's BrightonSEO conference.

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Do CTR's Really Affect Organic Rankings?
Do CTR's Really Affect Organic Rankings?Do CTR's Really Affect Organic Rankings?
Do CTR's Really Affect Organic Rankings?

The hottest opinion topic in SEO! The old age argurment.. So does the amount of clicks from search results affect your rankings? Find out here!

seosearch engine optimizationgoogle
A Story In Three Parts : How It’s Going
ATop Level Domain migration happened
around 9 months earlier.This resulted in an
instant organic traffic drop without
Stage One: The Brief
Key commercial terms were ranking poorly
on a variety of different pages such as FAQ
or propositional content pages.
Stage One: The Brief
The domain that was migrated from also
still had 1000s of pages indexed, many were
exact duplicates of the new site.
Stage One: The Brief

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Lead Generation on LinkedIn - Brighton SEO kineta kelsall
Lead Generation on LinkedIn - Brighton SEO kineta kelsall Lead Generation on LinkedIn - Brighton SEO kineta kelsall
Lead Generation on LinkedIn - Brighton SEO kineta kelsall

LinkedIn is one of the strongest social media tools available when it comes to generating business leads. And as we enter a cookieless world, evolving and nurturing audience data has become more important than ever. With consumers having more control over consent, businesses need to work harder on creating relevant, value-based experiences for users. Kineta will deep dive into strategic best practices to help you attract audience attention, drive better quality leads over quantity, whilst setting your business up for long-term success.

How Brand Monitoring Impacts Your Online Reputation
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How Brand Monitoring Impacts Your Online Reputation

How many people really listen? The best marketers and salespeople have active listening in their skill set. And although broadcasting is huge these days, marketing is always a dialogue. Media monitoring and social listening are now two active processes in the daily life of any successful marketer. In this presentation Olga, our own Head of Social Media, shares her tips on: -How to measure your brand awareness - How to predict trends & listen to your audience without spending hours searching for information - When and what templates to use when you don't have much time - How to handle negative feedback and crisis situations We also have a webinar recording ready for you with a special treat! Doyle Buehler has joined Olga as a celebrity guest expert to add even more invaluable tips :) Check them out here ->

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Brighton SEO Autumn 2021: Core Web Vitals: Loopholes, Flaws, and Endless Delays
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Brighton SEO Autumn 2021: Core Web Vitals: Loopholes, Flaws, and Endless Delays

The document discusses Core Web Vitals (CWV) and page experience updates by Google. It notes there have been many delays and clarifications around CWV rollout. While CWV can be optimized, the document advises prioritizing high traffic pages and not compromising speed for metrics. Gameable techniques are described but warned against if hurting performance. Overall CWV progress has faced issues, but page speed remains important for users and search engines.

…Fix it
Working agency-side means you
always have a room full of
experienced SEOs to bounce ideas
If there is trouble you can throw up
the bat signal at any time.
Going It Alone
You’re Meant To Be Batman Now
Linear Solution - Why Did The Migration Fail?
100% of the site that I could find from crawls, GA & GSC was correctly set
to 301 redirect from the version to .com.
These redirects were all still present and functioning correctly with no
skips or loops - so why were both versions of the same page indexed in a
wide range of instances?

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Enterprise SEO
Enterprise SEOEnterprise SEO
Enterprise SEO

This document discusses strategies for enterprise SEO. It recommends understanding existing processes, networking across teams, running internal training, and justifying larger projects with smaller test projects. It emphasizes defining metrics and milestones to track progress. It also discusses information architecture, ensuring high quality content across the site to avoid issues from updates like Panda that penalize low quality pages.

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The Best Execution for your Digital PR and Link Building Campaigns
The Best Execution for your Digital PR and Link Building CampaignsThe Best Execution for your Digital PR and Link Building Campaigns
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Presented by Paddy Moogan at BrightonSEO, learn how to execute your digital PR and link building campaigns and to take the step from idea to production without losing focus.

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A Process for Content-Driven Link Building
A Process for Content-Driven Link BuildingA Process for Content-Driven Link Building
A Process for Content-Driven Link Building

This document outlines a 4-step process for content-driven link building: 1) Define strategy and objectives, 2) Generate and validate content ideas, 3) Produce the content, and 4) Promote the content. It emphasizes that the content and story should come before links, and that content ideas need validation to ensure they are link-worthy before production. It also stresses that consistency, not going viral, leads to success, and provides examples of content projects that were successful using this approach.

seocontent marketinglink building
Step 1: Why Did The Migration Fail?
Not All URLs Were Found
Why Not?
The Robots.txt & Sitemaps had also been redirected.
If Google hadn’t found the 301s by itself, it had no way to
discover, recrawl and process the rest.
Not All URLs Were Found
Last Crawl Date
Inspect tool showed the majority of
these URLs hadn’t been crawled
since before the migration took
Problem Solved?
New sitemaps containing all indexed
Robots.txt re-instated
Hammering the request indexing button

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Are You Making These Big Mistakes with Your Google My Business Listing
Are You Making These Big Mistakes with Your Google My Business ListingAre You Making These Big Mistakes with Your Google My Business Listing
Are You Making These Big Mistakes with Your Google My Business Listing

Google My Business can be one of the most valuable tools for any local businesses – one that can help you gain customers or clients – and, most importantly, revenue. However, many GMB listings suffering from all-too-common, critical issues. Watch this Search Engine Journal webinar to make sure you’re avoiding these pitfalls from Local Viking’s Mark Luckenbaugh – whether you manage a single GMB listing – or thousands of them. Are you making it hard for people to find your business when they’re searching for you? In this webinar you will learn how to: • Identify technical GMB issues that can be hurting your visibility. • Avoid technical issues, filters, and ranking stagnation. • Improve local pack rankings – fast. You will also discover some free resources and tools to help boost your local SEO.

gmbgoogle my businesssejwebinar
Ten Things Every CEO Needs to Know About Generating Business on the Internet
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Ten Things Every CEO Needs to Know About Generating Business on the Internet

The internet is one of the hottest sectors of our economy. Facebook has become a significant force with over 600 Million members. Social Media is on everyone’s lips and a new website Groupon has become the fastest company to reach a one billion dollar evaluation, in just 7 months! Consumers are doing over 100 billion searches a month and CEO’s want to know “What does all of this mean for my business?” Jay Berkowitz, CEO of Ten Golden Rules, will answer 10 questions every CEO should be asking about the internet, what it means for their business, what are the strategies that matter and the trends that won’t impact a business. * How to improve my website so it shows up in Google searches * How does my site rank vs. my competitors? * How to generate positive return-on-investment with online marketing * What online business models are working, and not working today? * Does Facebook matter for business? What is a Tweet? Where is FourSquare? * How do we use YouTube videos and should we be Blogging and Podcasting?

facebook marketinggrouponppc
Google PageSpeed: 5 Steps to 100% (Mobile) Success
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Google PageSpeed: 5 Steps to 100% (Mobile) Success

This document outlines 5 steps to achieve a 100% mobile PageSpeed score according to Google guidelines: 1. Ensure clean code by selecting lightweight page builders, plugins, and themes to reduce page bloat. 2. Install a page speed plugin like WP Rocket to optimize JavaScript loading and defer scripts. 3. Upgrade the web host to improve server response time (TTFB) which impacts all page speed metrics. 4. Improve the Largest Contentful Paint score by preloading images, enabling compression, and disabling lazy loading for critical elements. 5. Improve the Time to Interactive score by removing unnecessary sections of the page using the isolation technique to diagnose bottlenecks. Optimizing script

Not really…
Slow Progress
Google didn’t recognise 301s as 301s
any more and only picked up
Slow Progress
As each page was slowly removed
from the index, another took its
PDFs were particularly stubborn
So traffic

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Brighton SEO 2021 | The Mother of all Updates - What Google's MUM update will...
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With the recent announcement of their MUM algorithm update, Google has thrown the world of SEO into a state of flux. With their focus on delivering the most relevant search results to users, irrespective of market or language, international marketers will need to update their strategies and multilingual websites will need to respond to compete effectively in a ‘language agnostic’ future. We take you through how, for those suitably prepared, this can be a massive opportunity not just for global brands but also for those looking to go international for the first time.

The Brand as Publisher Masterplan - Content Marketing for the Next Decade
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The Brand as Publisher Masterplan - Content Marketing for the Next Decade

Content Marketing faces major challenges ahead with increasing competition forcing brands to execute better. That's where brand as publisher comes in. It's content marketing for the next decade!

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Searchlove London 2016 - The Changing Landscape of Mobile Search - Bridget Ra...
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Mobile is becoming an increasingly important traffic channel, and given recent developments like app indexation and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), as well as the addition of new types of devices like wearables and smart tech, understanding how it fits into the bigger search marketing picture is more crucial than ever. This session will take a look at the history of mobile search, how mobile search behaviour has impacted on desktop search, the growing significance of app content and developments such as AMP and app streaming within the search marketing landscape, and some thoughts on where the future of search is heading.

mobile trendssearch engine optimizationmobile search
Not The Progress I’d Hope For
Traffic Remained Flat
Core keywords began to rank on more relevant and
commercially focused pages - but traffic didn’t improve at all.
Ranking tools and search console both reported the average
position of key terms with volumes of around 22,000 to be #2 -
so where was the traffic?
CTR Expectation
We’d expect position 2 to deliver around 15.7% based on a 2020
Sistrix study.
Source: Sistrix
Quick Maths
That would be around 3,400 sessions for a keyword with a volume of
Even if we take local pack and other SERP features into’d
expect some sort of bump traffic from position 2.

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The game of search across Amazon, Google and YouTube
The game of search across Amazon, Google and YouTubeThe game of search across Amazon, Google and YouTube
The game of search across Amazon, Google and YouTube

This presentation discusses search engine optimization across Amazon, Google, and YouTube. It analyzes keyword data and traffic trends to understand differences in search behaviors. Key findings include that mobile search is growing rapidly, especially on Amazon and Google, and that a market-specific strategy is needed since behaviors vary between countries. The presentation recommends aligning SEO strategies with user intent for each search engine and focusing on market-led, engine-led, and user-led approaches going forward.

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Mark Thomas - 10 Step Technical SEO Game Plan (annotated edition)
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This document outlines a 10 step technical SEO game plan for sustainable website optimization. It discusses the importance of engaging stakeholders, comprehensively auditing the site, solution selling top wins, sharing architectural insights with other teams, analyzing impact, and automating processes. The goal is for SEO professionals to be considered the "backbone" of the organization by providing data and insights that support various teams like content, paid media, development, and more. This allows SEO to spend more time influencing strategy rather than manual work.

Stage 2: The Discovery
Vanarama had regional offices which sometimes ranked in
map packs, but the priority was regaining traffic to the main
commercial pages.
Once the migration work had been completed along with
optimisation tweaks of some of the location pages, these
landing pages were consistent, but the ranks were not.
Stage 2: The Discovery
Looking at Mobile UKTracking vs
LondonTracking, the difference was
quite pronounced.
Mobile UK
Location-Based Ranks
*Vanarama HQ Location - for self Googling sanity.
If all location ranks don’t
match national & GSC…
...where are you ranking

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[MozCon 2019] Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework
[MozCon 2019]  Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework[MozCon 2019]  Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework
[MozCon 2019] Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework

[MozCon 2019] How do you turn an unwieldy 2.5 million-URL website into a manageable and indexable site of just 20,000 pages? Areej will share the methodology and takeaways used to restructure a job aggregator site which, like many large websites, had huge problems with indexability and the rules used to direct robot crawl. This talk will tackle tough crawling and indexing issues, diving into the case study with flow charts to explain the full approach and how to implement it.

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Why Great Marketers Must be Great Skeptics: Rand Fishkin,
Why Great Marketers Must be Great Skeptics: Rand Fishkin, Moz.comWhy Great Marketers Must be Great Skeptics: Rand Fishkin,
Why Great Marketers Must be Great Skeptics: Rand Fishkin,

This document summarizes Rand Fishkin's presentation on the importance of skepticism for marketers. It discusses how crap, good, and great skeptics approach new claims and recommendations. Great skeptics thoroughly validate assumptions with data, know that correlation does not imply causation, and don't let imperfect knowledge stop progress. The document provides examples of claims marketers might encounter and how different types of skeptics would respond, emphasizing the need for repeated testing and understanding underlying factors.

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Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great SkepticsWhy Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics
Why Great Marketers Must Be Great Skeptics

This document summarizes a presentation by Rand Fishkin on the importance of skepticism for marketers. It discusses how great skeptics question assumptions, avoid making causal claims without evidence, and thoroughly validate hypotheses through testing before making decisions. Examples show how skeptics would approach common marketing beliefs like the effects of social sharing buttons, anchor text, and Google+ engagement on search rankings. The presentation argues marketers must approach ideas skeptically and use rigorous testing and evidence before implementing strategies.

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What NOT To Do?
Spend too much time
diagnosing and
experimenting on a
problem that didn’t have
a linear solution.
What NOT To Do?
Make tiny, small targeted
changes and wait for
How To Solve Problems You've Not Seen In SEO Before | Spring Brighton SEO 2021 | Mat Davis

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Long term seo - how to win for years - not days
Long term seo - how to win for years - not daysLong term seo - how to win for years - not days
Long term seo - how to win for years - not days

Mark Munroe discusses strategies for long-term SEO success. He advocates for embedding SEO intelligence throughout an organization by closely collaborating with teams like content, engineering, and marketing. This creates an "SEO machine" where everyone understands SEO goals. Key aspects include over-communicating about SEO, answering all SEO questions with explanations, setting aggressive linking goals across teams, and protecting important page templates that drive traffic. Link building remains important but requires earned strategies like content marketing rather than manipulative tactics. Testing changes is important to avoid traffic drops. The overall goal is for SEO strategies to match Google's intent for a long-lasting reputation and organic success.

Lessons from SEO split-testing
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Computers might already be better at your job than you are. Are you ready to partner with them to keep your job? This presentation shows you how hard our jobs have become, gives you the results of some of our testing, and outlines a plan to keep our jobs.

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Keeping up with Google 2014
Keeping up with Google 2014Keeping up with Google 2014
Keeping up with Google 2014

This document provides an overview of key things SEOs need to know to keep up with changes at Google in 2014. It discusses Google making over 500 algorithmic changes per year, fluctuations in search results, and the over 85 unique types of search engine results pages. Major topics that SEOs should be familiar with include algorithm updates, click-biasing changes, and user behavior shifts like the rise of mobile search. The document also provides strategies and tactics for SEOs, including focusing on user satisfaction over rankings, prioritizing better content over more content, and leveraging tools like Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, and Page Speed Insights.

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What To Do - The Usual Approach
Look back through analytics, in-house docs and any historic SEO
data to try to pinpoint what happened.
Search the usual SEO sources for articles and guides.
Post on all manner of forums.
Reach out on SEOTwitter for help.
What To Do - If That Didn’t Help
Take A Step Back
Look at the issue in the wider perspective
the site - is it the only issue or most
What To Do - If That Didn’t Help
Accept There Might Not Be A Direct Solution Or
As much as we do know about SEO, proving direct
causality and attributing it precisely can be very
What To Do - If That Didn’t Help
Focus On What You Can Solve
If you can’t tackle this problem directly, how can you
indirectly tackle it by improving content, technical
problems, links and UX.

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Sourav SEO Case Study - 1k to 100k traffic
Sourav SEO Case Study - 1k to 100k trafficSourav SEO Case Study - 1k to 100k traffic
Sourav SEO Case Study - 1k to 100k traffic

SEO is cool. didn't agree? I have managed to rank keywords like sbi personal loan single handedly. Here are the outcomes of my work: 1. I increased traffic 1k to 100k/pm 2. Increased DA 15 to 30. 3. Got 400+ organic leads. 4. Reduced Spam score 36 to 1. 5. Ranked highly competitive keyword 6. 900+ keywords on first page. 7. Increase High Quality Backlinks { before 400, Now 20k}

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BrightonSEO Takeaways September 2017
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BrightonSEO Takeaways September 2017

What a wonderful day to celebrate the eternal sunshine of the spotless SEO mind! If you weren’t at the conference today or missed something, it’s alright, we’ve got your back - here are the key takeaways from the BrightonSEO September 2017 main stage. Check them out!

Online SEO Meetup
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Online SEO Meetup

Discover actionable SEO tips from industry thought leaders at Online SEMrush and the Melbourne SEO Meetup. The presentation covers the following topics: 1. Copywriting for Search Success (Jim Stewart) Jim will dive into a real-world case study and share tips on how to rank in Google's Featured Answer. 2. Basic E-Commerce Site Audit (Tim Capper) Beginners guide to Auditing your E-Commerce site. Tim will cover the most common problems encountered within an E-Commerce site, and how to check for these problems using both free and paid tools. 3. 10 Techniques to Convert Your Search Visits (Frederic Chanut) Frederic will share his tips on how to increase profits to online business by understanding what exactly makes audience become customers. 4. WordPress SEO Tips and Tricks (Chris Burgess) Chris will share the essential steps to creating and optimizing the perfect WordPress website, popular SEO plugins to use and common mistakes marketers make to when working with WordPress. You can find more tips here:

conversionmarketing digitalecommerce
And Focus On What Got You Here
Slowly….very slowly….realised that
I needed to turn my attention to
tackling things within my control.
How Long This Realisation Took
My three week old was my fully
fledged SEO assistant.
And her advice?
Time To Throw The
SEO Kitchen Sink
At The Site
An Action Packed 120 Days: Content
E-commerce page re-writes.
Created new content hubs &
regular blogs & product reviews.
Overhaul of all internal linking.

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Lily Ray, Vice President of SEO Strategy & Research at Amsive, explores optimizing strategies for sustainable growth and explores the impact of AI on the SEO landscape.

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SEO 101 for Venues: Key Learnings from 25 Website Audits in 4 Weeks
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When our in-house Lead SEO Specialist, Erika, pitched the idea of completing an SEO Audit Marathon, the first reaction from the rest of the team was obviously “challenge accepted.” Rockhouse’s SEO Specialists got to work, and by the 4 week mark, all 25 participating clients received beautifully packaged and actionable SEO Audits in their inboxes. As we reflected on our key findings, we realized that we had developed best practices that could drive impact on ticket sales for anyone in the entertainment industry .

by Etix
searchticketingdigital marketing
120 Days: On-Site & Tech
An endless cycle of tech audits &
New primary navigation, & category
120 Days: Backlink Experiment
Removal of 150,000+ backlinks
Marking up 300,000+ links as
Digital PR with content lead
I Also Wasn’t Going It Alone Any More
Working together, the SEO in-house
now has strong support from
• Dev
• Content
• UX
• Social
So, What Happened
With Traffic And “The

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Ever stared at at Google Analytics reports for hours and still couldn’t figure out what to do next? See how Google analytics can be used to come up with specific actions which impacts your business in a huge way.

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SEO: Debunking The Myths
SEO: Debunking The MythsSEO: Debunking The Myths
SEO: Debunking The Myths

A handy talk covering some top tips for SEO success coupled with advice and info on how to recognize and avoid spammy or old skool tactics.

Take A Sneaky Peak At How Someone Built & Ranked A Site That Beats Penguin 3....
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This document provides a case study on how one individual built and ranked a website using only spammy link building techniques. Some key points: - The individual created a 10-page site on a skincare niche promoting affiliate products and used almost entirely duplicated/PLR content except for a unique homepage. - Link building was done using GSA Search Engine Ranker to build a tiered link network of spammy, machine-generated content pointing to the site. - Despite several Google updates targeting low-quality links (Panda, Penguin), the site was able to rank for dozens of keywords and earn over $5,000 total in affiliate commissions to date. - While some rankings dropped,

case studiespanda 4.1rank
The Ugliest But Most Important Slide…
On The
Focusing On
Stage 3: Relief
How To Solve Problems You've Not Seen In SEO Before | Spring Brighton SEO 2021 | Mat Davis
It’s OK not to know

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For our June 2019 event, Search Social & Attribution, we had two fantastic speakers. Dale Nguyen presented: Developing a Data-Driven Link Building Strategy Using Google, Competitor, & Industry Insights Francois Goube presented: What I learned from crawling 10 billions of Pages and analyzing 5 Trillions of log lines. For full recaps of this and past events, head on over to

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Everyone wants to achieve better search rankings. That's because organic search traffic is a proven ...

SearchLove London | Dave Sottimano, 'Using Data to Win Arguments'
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From past experiences with data, Dave knows relying on your gut can be a mistake. Instead, we need to take comfort in the validation of solid data to ensure we’re making profitable decisions. Sharing real client examples, Dave will run through the essential steps: how to decide on a hypothesis, create conditions, and gather data.

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So “The Issue” Wasn’t Really That Important?
The inconsistent ranking issue
WASN’T the cause of the organic
issues - it was the tip of the iceberg
and highlighted that there were
bigger underlying problems.
What Did I Learn?
A Single Problem Likely Isn’t To Blame Just Because It’s
It probably isn’t the root cause of the issues
No Silver Bullet Solution
There won’t be one catch all solution
What Did I Learn?
Don’t Lose Focus
Trying to solve a riddle can distract you from the more
solvable problems
Focus On Positive Quality Based Improvements
Get back to the basics and attack the four pillars.
Be Excellent To Each Other

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Crafting an SEO Strategy That WORKS [Case Study]

Follow along as I review a recent client case study where we tackled complex business problems and translated them into a scalable SEO strategy that drove a 290% increase in organic traffic.

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SEO for Revenue, Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand
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SEO for Revenue, Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand

Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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Develop a category & retail vision to drive business impact today Join Arnoud from Danone and Tris from Ipsos Strategy3 as they guide you on a journey through the art of leveraging trends and foresights to craft a category and retail vision. Discover the crucial need of future readiness, and understand how the future can lead to new opportunities, here and now. Be prepared to unlock the future potential of your enterprise!

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Any questions?
You can find me @davismathewj

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How To Solve Problems You've Not Seen In SEO Before | Spring Brighton SEO 2021 | Mat Davis

  • 1. How To Solve Problems You’ve Not Seen Before In SEO
  • 2. Hello! I am Mat Davis. SEO Specialist atVanarama. Previous BrightonSEO cameo didn’t cover myself in glory….
  • 3. A Story In Three Parts : How It Started
  • 4. A Story In Three Parts : How It Went
  • 5. A Story In Three Parts : How It’s Going
  • 6. ATop Level Domain migration happened around 9 months earlier.This resulted in an instant organic traffic drop without recovery. Stage One: The Brief 1
  • 7. Key commercial terms were ranking poorly on a variety of different pages such as FAQ or propositional content pages. Stage One: The Brief 2
  • 8. The domain that was migrated from also still had 1000s of pages indexed, many were exact duplicates of the new site. Stage One: The Brief 3
  • 10. Working agency-side means you always have a room full of experienced SEOs to bounce ideas off. If there is trouble you can throw up the bat signal at any time. Going It Alone
  • 11. You’re Meant To Be Batman Now
  • 12. Linear Solution - Why Did The Migration Fail? Redirects? 100% of the site that I could find from crawls, GA & GSC was correctly set to 301 redirect from the version to .com. These redirects were all still present and functioning correctly with no skips or loops - so why were both versions of the same page indexed in a wide range of instances?
  • 13. Step 1: Why Did The Migration Fail?
  • 14. Not All URLs Were Found Why Not? The Robots.txt & Sitemaps had also been redirected. If Google hadn’t found the 301s by itself, it had no way to discover, recrawl and process the rest.
  • 15. Not All URLs Were Found Last Crawl Date Inspect tool showed the majority of these URLs hadn’t been crawled since before the migration took place.
  • 16. Problem Solved? New sitemaps containing all indexed URLs Robots.txt re-instated Hammering the request indexing button (sorry).
  • 18. Slow Progress Google didn’t recognise 301s as 301s any more and only picked up canonicals.
  • 19. Slow Progress As each page was slowly removed from the index, another took its place. PDFs were particularly stubborn
  • 21. Not The Progress I’d Hope For
  • 22. Traffic Remained Flat Core keywords began to rank on more relevant and commercially focused pages - but traffic didn’t improve at all. Ranking tools and search console both reported the average position of key terms with volumes of around 22,000 to be #2 - so where was the traffic?
  • 23. CTR Expectation We’d expect position 2 to deliver around 15.7% based on a 2020 Sistrix study. Source: Sistrix
  • 24. Quick Maths That would be around 3,400 sessions for a keyword with a volume of 22,000. Even if we take local pack and other SERP features into’d expect some sort of bump traffic from position 2.
  • 25. Stage 2: The Discovery Vanarama had regional offices which sometimes ranked in map packs, but the priority was regaining traffic to the main commercial pages. Once the migration work had been completed along with optimisation tweaks of some of the location pages, these landing pages were consistent, but the ranks were not.
  • 26. Stage 2: The Discovery Looking at Mobile UKTracking vs LondonTracking, the difference was quite pronounced. Mobile UK London
  • 28. If all location ranks don’t match national & GSC… ...where are you ranking really?
  • 30. What NOT To Do? Spend too much time diagnosing and experimenting on a problem that didn’t have a linear solution.
  • 31. What NOT To Do? Make tiny, small targeted changes and wait for measurement.
  • 33. What To Do - The Usual Approach Look back through analytics, in-house docs and any historic SEO data to try to pinpoint what happened. Search the usual SEO sources for articles and guides. Post on all manner of forums. Reach out on SEOTwitter for help.
  • 34. What To Do - If That Didn’t Help Take A Step Back Look at the issue in the wider perspective the site - is it the only issue or most issue?
  • 35. What To Do - If That Didn’t Help Accept There Might Not Be A Direct Solution Or Cause As much as we do know about SEO, proving direct causality and attributing it precisely can be very
  • 36. What To Do - If That Didn’t Help Focus On What You Can Solve If you can’t tackle this problem directly, how can you indirectly tackle it by improving content, technical problems, links and UX.
  • 37. And Focus On What Got You Here Slowly….very slowly….realised that I needed to turn my attention to tackling things within my control.
  • 38. How Long This Realisation Took My three week old was my fully fledged SEO assistant. And her advice?
  • 39. Time To Throw The SEO Kitchen Sink At The Site
  • 40. An Action Packed 120 Days: Content E-commerce page re-writes. Created new content hubs & regular blogs & product reviews. Overhaul of all internal linking.
  • 41. 120 Days: On-Site & Tech An endless cycle of tech audits & fixes. New primary navigation, & category pages.
  • 42. 120 Days: Backlink Experiment Removal of 150,000+ backlinks Marking up 300,000+ links as sponsored. Digital PR with content lead campaigns
  • 43. I Also Wasn’t Going It Alone Any More Working together, the SEO in-house now has strong support from • Dev • Content • UX • Social • CRM
  • 44. So, What Happened With Traffic And “The Issue”?
  • 45. The Ugliest But Most Important Slide… Focusing On The Mystery Focusing On Quality Improvements
  • 48. It’s OK not to know
  • 49. So “The Issue” Wasn’t Really That Important? The inconsistent ranking issue WASN’T the cause of the organic issues - it was the tip of the iceberg and highlighted that there were bigger underlying problems.
  • 50. What Did I Learn? A Single Problem Likely Isn’t To Blame Just Because It’s Unusual It probably isn’t the root cause of the issues No Silver Bullet Solution There won’t be one catch all solution
  • 51. What Did I Learn? Don’t Lose Focus Trying to solve a riddle can distract you from the more solvable problems Focus On Positive Quality Based Improvements Get back to the basics and attack the four pillars.
  • 52. Be Excellent To Each Other
  • 53. Thanks! Any questions? You can find me @davismathewj

Editor's Notes

  1. Hi, I’m Mat Davis, an SEO Specialist at Vanarama. Brighton SEO has been hugely influential on my career - my first day ever in digital was a trip to brightonseo. After a machine learning talk where I understood about 7 words in 20 minutes, I wondered I what I’d got myself into, but over the years all of the knowledge shared by the SEO community has been fundamental in helping me upskill and forge a career for myself. So massive thanks to Kelvin and the team for giving me the opportunity to speak today - my only previous SEO appearance of any kind was popping up in a brighton SEO promo where everyone spoke deeply and passionately about the event and whilst I offered...engaging, friendly and slightly boozy. Today I’m looking offer a little more useful info with a look at what to do when you come up against SEO problems that are brand new to you
  2. With a three week old baby in tow and at least 3 hours sleep, I started my first in house role. The brief laid out to me seemed very simple 1:12
  3. With a three week old baby in tow and at least 3 hours sleep, I started my first in house role. The brief laid out to me seemed very simple
  4. With a three week old baby in tow and at least 3 hours sleep, I started my first in house role. The brief laid out to me seemed very simple
  5. Once you’ve moved client side, if you find something you can’t explain and can’t find help on...what do you do? Well you cant’ wait for Batman to save you anymore, in fact it turns out
  6. You’re mean to be Batman now. The problem I came up against made me feel more del boy that dark knight and here’s why...
  7. The logical starting point was understanding why the migration didn’t take. If I could figure out what happened, I fix the problem and finish the migration off. With URL change migrations, the most likely candidate is always redirects.
  8. The logical starting point was understanding why the migration didn’t take. If I could figure out what happened, I fix the problem and finish the migration off. With URL change migrations, the most likely candidate is always redirects.
  9. If we follow the logic that Google crawls your site via internal links and sitemaps that are submitted - then what happens when you prevent that from happening? Google won’t crawl the pages that haven’t migrated if it can’t access them - so make them accessible and it’s game over right?
  10. If we follow the logic that Google crawls your site via internal links and sitemaps that are submitted - then what happens when you prevent that from happening? Google won’t crawl the pages that haven’t migrated if it can’t access them - so make them accessible and it’s game over right?
  11. With the request indexing button now gone I really don’t want to claim responsibility for it disappearing (and who knows how much it helped, but it sure did make me feel better) Did this fix the migration?
  12. Progress was painfully slow. Google didn’t recognize the redirects anymore, and instead only de-indxed the old domain when selecting the new version of URLs as the canonical Also it was like battling the hydra – take one page out and 2 took their place. The chart seems like relatively good progress, but it is very misleading. I had 77 pages in the index for months PDFs proved very stubborn and, learning from my canonical discovery, they didn’t shift until we added canonical headers to all PDF docs to allow Google to find the tag Eventually though, we got there. was out the index and landing pages for key terms made a lot more sense
  13. Progress was painfully slow. Google didn’t recognize the redirects anymore, and instead only de-indxed the old domain when selecting the new version of URLs as the canonical Also it was like battling the hydra – take one page out and 2 took their place. The chart seems like relatively good progress, but it is very misleading. I had 77 pages in the index for months PDFs proved very stubborn and, learning from my canonical discovery, they didn’t shift until we added canonical headers to all PDF docs to allow Google to find the tag Eventually though, we got there. was out the index and landing pages for key terms made a lot more sense
  14. Traffic was flat and If we’re being true to a trendline I wasn’t super keen to add – it was on the decline. So we’d finished migrating, but nothing happened. Sure, it was never going to be overnight but I was looking for a sign things were picking up. Ranks tools and GSC stated an average of position 2 for one of our core keywords – but I was getting no additional clicks or traffic for it. So what was going on?
  15. Traffic was flat and If we’re being true to a trendline I wasn’t super keen to add – it was on the decline. So we’d finished migrating, but nothing happened. Sure, it was never going to be overnight but I was looking for a sign things were picking up. Ranks tools and GSC stated an average of position 2 for one of our core keywords – but I was getting no additional clicks or traffic for it. So what was going on?
  16. This loose CTR is based on only one keyword- and whilst that isn’t a very 2021 approach realistically whether you’re in-house or agency your stakeholders will always wants to dominate organically for the cluster of keywords that describe exactly the service/product they offer
  17. This loose CTR is based on only one keyword- and whilst that isn’t a very 2021 approach realistically whether you’re in-house or agency your stakeholders will always wants to dominate organically for the cluster of keywords that describe exactly the service/product they offer
  18. Vanarama had regional offices which sometimes ranked in map packs, but the priority was regaining traffic to the main commercial pages. Once the migration work had been completed along with optimisation tweaks of some of the location pages, these landing pages were consistent, but the ranks were not. Looking at Mobile UK Tracking vs London Tracking, the difference was quite pronounced. Rank tracking was set up for UK mobile, but not regional. I set this up to see how we performed in areas that we had regional offices vs areas we don’t I figured that this was probably an anomaly and that London was just one bad example, so I set up tracking for other UK cities
  19. Rank tracking was set up for UK mobile, but not regional. I set this up to see how we performed in areas that we had regional offices vs areas we don’t I figured that this was probably an anomaly and that London was just one bad example, so I set up tracking for other UK cities
  20. The story was the same for major cities - as I fell deeper down the rabbit hole and added other cities, towns and anywhere else I could on SEMrush and a variety of other tools the results were the same - the ranks were tracking between 20 and 40 and definitely nowhere near position 2
  21. If your local ranks across all major cities by population is averaging 23.75 but National & GSC average Is #2 ...where are you ranking really?
  22. I’d never experienced this before and couldn’t find any answers that pertained to this scenario anywhere I looked. Local searches are always different, it’s a different algorithm…but our non-local competitors all rank consistently. Areas we never had any local presence in were impacted exactly the same as areas we had offices in. So what to do?
  23. Obsess over looking for the single cause and solution to a problem that likely had a multitude of causes. Make single, small targeted changes and wait for measurement  Instead of focusing on the problems I knew we should fix, I focused a lot of energy and focus into diagnosing and solving a problem that didn’t have a linear solution. Unsurprisingly, traffic continued to remain entirely static whilst I continued to look for the magic answer.
  24. Obsess over looking for the single cause and solution to a problem that likely had a multitude of causes. Make single, small targeted changes and wait for measurement  Instead of focusing on the problems I knew we should fix, I focused a lot of energy and focus into diagnosing and solving a problem that didn’t have a linear solution. Unsurprisingly, traffic continued to remain entirely static whilst I continued to look for the magic answer.
  25. Focusing on one thing you can’t fix when you’re desperate to make an impact is a really lonely place to be – as depicted in this pic stealth taken of me by the UX team
  26. Having never seen a discrepancy like this before, the first port of call was searching through all the usual resources and blogs as well as webmaster hangout archives, forums and twitter too.  Usually this will help - but in this instance no one could offer much insight on what had happened or how to fix it
  27. Between the lines what I’m saying here is stop trying to solve that issue head on. That might feel like a cop-out, but let me explain why letting that go might actually be the answer
  28. Between the lines what I’m saying here is stop trying to solve that issue head on. That might feel like a cop-out, but let me explain why letting that go might actually be the answer
  29. Between the lines what I’m saying here is stop trying to solve that issue head on. That might feel like a cop-out, but let me explain why letting that go might actually be the answer
  30. I’m not batman, or a detective but I am an SEO Once this penny dropped, I stopped trying to crack the mystery and turned my attention to tackling things within my control. You can tell how it took for the penny to drop - by this point my two week old was a fully fledged SEO assistant Taking positive action can really help you reframe the size of the unsolvable issue in your head and get you back in the game
  31. I’m not batman, or a detective but I am an SEO Once this penny dropped, I stopped trying to crack the mystery and turned my attention to tackling things within my control. You can tell how it took for the penny to drop - by this point my two week old was a fully fledged SEO assistant Taking positive action can really help you reframe the size of the unsolvable issue in your head and get you back in the game
  32. If your local ranks across all major cities by population is averaging 23.75 but National & GSC average Is #2 ...where are you ranking really?
  33. Created new hubs of propositional content that supported core commercial topics Re-write every core product category and brand page with original content Regular Digital PR content campaigns launched to acquire relevant, high authority backlinks
  34. Three rounds of SEO tech audits significantly pulling up site hygiene and efficiency New primary navigation with new landing pages created for each product category  New sitemaps created broken down to better monitor indexation and errors
  35. This was by far the most experimental part of the strategy, but with a historic backlink profile almost entirely of sponsorship links – it was worth a shot
  36. Tackling the site issues at a much broader level gave me the chance to interact with the wider team and get buy-in to SEO. SEO has become a central part of marketing and tech strategy which allows us to move through tasks and projects much faster.
  37. Site wide traffic recovery began to sustainably occurred and grew even throughout the lockdowns and continues to grow. Also….the ranks in question all stabilised to national ranks at the same time. My “issue” was now resolved
  38. Also….the ranks in question all stabilised to national ranks at the same time. My “issue” was now resolved
  39. So if you're sitting there thinking OBVIOUSLY things turned around with a concerted effort to throw the kitchen sink at all the problems – I get it..BUT The point is that in switching focus to everything I could do, we made huge progress. The issue resolved itself and never came back on the exact same day that traffic began to dramatically increase. Which part of the kitchen sink approach had the most/best impact? It is impossible to know - and actually.
  40. Don’t Lose Focus Trying to solve a riddle can distract you from the more obvious solvable problems Focus On Positive Quality Based Improvement Get back to the basics and attack the four pillars. You might find lots more complexity here, but you have to keep making positive moves.
  41. Finally, in the last 12 months I think most SEOs and digital marketers have spent an incredible amount of time holed up in a bedroom, a kitchen or living room glued to their laptop working through the pandemic. Probably longer hours that before and probably feeling much more drained and it has been tough. The SEO community is usually pretty supportive, but as we hopefully started to get back to normal this year, let’s double down and take the message of Bill & Ted to heart moving forward - Be Excellent To Each Other