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The Secret Life of Queries:
Parsing, Rewriting & SEO
Rebecca Berbel | Oncrawl
Koray Tuǧberk Gübür | Holistic SEO
@RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur

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SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0
SEO & Patents Vrtualcon v. 3.0

A look at search-related patents from Google that people who do SEO may be interested in learning about

knowledge graphentitiesfeatured snippets
Semantic seo and the evolution of queries
Semantic seo and the evolution of queriesSemantic seo and the evolution of queries
Semantic seo and the evolution of queries

This document summarizes how Google search results are evolving to include more semantic data through direct answers, structured snippets, and rich snippets. It provides examples of direct answers being extracted from authoritative sources using natural language queries and intent templates. It also discusses how including structured data like tables, schemas, and markup can help search engines understand and display page content in a more standardized way. While knowledge-based trust is an interesting concept, current search ranking still primarily relies on link analysis and does not consider factual correctness.

William slawski-google-patents- how-do-they-influence-search
William slawski-google-patents- how-do-they-influence-searchWilliam slawski-google-patents- how-do-they-influence-search
William slawski-google-patents- how-do-they-influence-search

Bill Slawski presented a webinar on analyzing patents related to search engines and SEO. He discussed 12 Google patents covering topics like PageRank, Google's news ranking algorithm, analyzing images to detect brand penetration, and building user location history. The patents described Google's work in building knowledge graphs from web pages, ranking entities in search results, question answering, and determining quality visits to local businesses.

#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur

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How to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With PythonHow to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With Python
How to Automatically Subcategorise Your Website Automatically With Python

The document describes a Python script that can automatically generate new subcategories for an ecommerce website based on clustering product names. It discusses: - Using NLTK to generate n-grams from product names to cluster related products - Filtering the n-grams to keep only those with commercial value by checking for search volume and CPC data - Running the script on a large home improvement site to identify over 1,650 new subcategory opportunities with a total search volume of over 13 million - Sharing the script so others can automate subcategory identification for their own sites to scale up an important SEO tactic.

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The Python Cheat Sheet for the Busy Marketer

What percentage of an Inbound marketer's day doesn't involve working with spreadsheets? How much of this work is time-consuming and repetitive? In this interactive session, you will learn how to manipulate Google Sheets to automate common data analysis workflows using Python, a very easy to use programming language.

Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con
Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA ConSemantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con
Semantic search Bill Slawski DEEP SEA Con

1) Google uses various techniques to extract structured information like entities, relationships, and properties from unstructured text on the web and databases. This extracted information is then used to generate knowledge graphs and provide augmented responses to user queries. 2) One key technique is to identify patterns in which tuples of information are stored in databases, and then extract additional tuples by repeating the process and utilizing the identified patterns. 3) Google also extracts entities from user queries and may generate a knowledge graph to answer questions by providing information about the entities from sources like its own knowledge graph and information extracted from the web.

#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Parsing a query

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Automating Google Lighthouse
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Automating Google Lighthouse

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7 E-Commerce SEO Mistakes & How to Fix Them #DeepSEOCon
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#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Query segments
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Keyword clustering
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Keywords → Questions

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Internal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptxInternal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptx
Internal Linking - The Topic Clustering Way edited.pptx

This document discusses internal linking strategies and techniques. It begins by explaining the benefits of connecting entities within content, rather than just words, and translating those connections into internal links. It then provides an overview of technologies like PageRank, the reasonable surfer algorithm, topical PageRank, chunking, and natural language processing that search engines use to understand contexts and how those ideas can be applied to internal linking at scale. Specific options for approaches to internal linking existing pages are also outlined.

Bill Slawski SEO and the New Search Results
Bill Slawski   SEO and the New Search ResultsBill Slawski   SEO and the New Search Results
Bill Slawski SEO and the New Search Results

Google's search results now include entities and concepts. Entities refer to people, places, things, and 20-30% of queries are for name entities. Google uses meta data like Freebase to build a taxonomy of entities and their relationships. This supports features like the Knowledge Graph, which provides information panels, and allows querying of nearby entities which may soon be available in search results.

SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update
SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core UpdateSEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update
SEO Case Study - From 12 March to 24 September Core Update

This document provides SEO metrics and comparisons for the website over several time periods between April 2019 and September 2019. It shows substantial increases in key metrics like organic traffic, clicks, impressions, and average position after Google algorithm updates in May, June, July, and September. However, it also shows significant drops in these metrics during a server outage in early August. Overall the data demonstrates the site's strong SEO performance and organic growth over the 6-month period analyzed.

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#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Question Templates
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Query refinements
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
User Intent

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Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO
Everything You Didn't Know About Entity SEO

This document provides an overview of entity SEO, including: - What an entity is and why entity SEO is important as search engines have evolved from information engines to knowledge engines - How search algorithms like Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird helped drive this transition by prioritizing high-quality content over low-quality sites - Techniques for entity SEO including entity research, topical maps, schema, internal linking, and case studies - Tools like Google's Knowledge Graph that can help with entity research and understanding how entities are ranked

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BrightonSEO October 2022 - Log File Analysis - Steven van Vessum.pdf
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BrightonSEO October 2022 - Log File Analysis - Steven van Vessum.pdf

This document discusses how log file insights can help companies improve their crawling, indexing and organic marketing performance. It outlines some of the common issues companies face like not understanding search engine behavior and not reflecting on their past work. With log file insights accessible in real-time and automatically distilled, companies can answer critical questions to speed up their crawl times, see how search engines are handling their updated content and troubleshoot issues. The presenter promotes their solution, ContentKing, which provides real-time log file analysis from CDN logs to help companies learn what search engines know and keep sharpening their SEO strategies.

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What is in a link?
What is in a link?What is in a link?
What is in a link?

This document discusses the value and uses of hyperlinks. It explains that hyperlinks can help understand a person's influence, interests, and peers. Hyperlinks also allow you to find influencers around a topic or identify the authors of a news site. The key takeaway is that having access to true link data and understanding how to analyze link information can provide new insights.

#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
User Intent
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur

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Passage indexing is likely more important than you think
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Whilst passage indexing may seem like a small tweak to search ranking, it is potentially much more symptomatic of the beginning of a fundamental shift in the way that search engines understand unstructured content, determine relevance in natural language, and rank efficiently and effectively. It could also be a means of assessing overall quality of content and a means of dynamic index pruning. We will look at the landscape, and also provide some takeaways for brands and business owners looking to improve quality in unstructured content overall in this fast changing landscape.

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This document contains the tweets from a presentation about optimizing forums for SEO. Some of the key points discussed include: - Using logical and consistent URL paths to improve crawling and trust. - Improving user experience through good internal linking, navigation and search. - Maintaining high quality content through moderation, relevance and preventing spam/duplicate content. - Building authority through links to expert user profiles and published work.

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#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Candidate Passages
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#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur

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by Zeo
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Your Brand is a Thing, not a String
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Your Brand is a Thing, not a String

Your Brand = An Entity .(and your most valuable asset). It Has Relationships With other entities. Entities and Relationships = Understanding. So… Brands Need to Leverage Entities and Relationships to Build ‘Understanding’

#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
(but we'll stop here)
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur

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#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Oncrawl / Koray
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Danny Sullivan (Twitter)
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Stefan Neefischer
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Johanna Maier / Lidia Infante / Lazarina Stoy

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This document outlines a 4-step process for conducting a Core Web Vitals audit: 1) Benchmark key pages by measuring LCP, FID, and CLS metrics, 2) Investigate audit results to understand issues, 3) Test optimization changes and re-measure metrics, 4) Prioritize fixes based on impact and effort required. The goal is to identify opportunities to improve load performance and user experience.

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The search engine experience 2.0 - U of U MBA @DESB_UofU

The Search Engine Experience 2.0 - U of U MBA. This is a presentation I gave for some MBA - digital marketing students at the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City on October 20, 2014. The presentation is on "The Search Engine Experience 2.0" which covers the history of Google, Inc., Search Engine Optimization, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Performance Optimization, Page Rank and Domain Authority. You can also view this slide on my website -->

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#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Semantic networks & topical relevance
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Semantic networks & topical relevance
10K to 70K
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(5 months)
10K to 200K+
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(5 months)
0 to 330K+
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#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur
Thank you!
Holistic SEO
#brightonSEO @RebBerbel @KorayGubur

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Search Query Processing: The Secret Life of Queries, Parsing, Rewriting & SEO

Editor's Notes

  1. - Peter Norvig, Director of Research at GOogle (Levenshtein Distance)
  2. 2011 / 2013
  3. Keyword stuffing
  4. Misspellings - 10% of queries ? Pre-2014 tool for "PPC" Digg, August 2008
  5. 2011 / 2013
  6. 2011 / 2013
  7. 2011 / 2013
  8. 2011 / 2013
  9. 2011 / 2013
  10. Probabilistic Graphical Model for the Keywords to Questions system’s “User Inquiry Intent Model” (K2Q)
  11. Probabilistic Graphical Model for the Keywords to Questions system’s “User Inquiry Intent Model” (K2Q)
  12. This is by Jakob Uszkoreit, whose work today is almost exclusively on attention-based transformers (NLP)
  13. 2011 / 2013
  14. "Candidate answer passages are generated from both structured content and unstructured content according to corresponding selection criteria. This allows the user to not only receive prose-type explanations but also to receive a combination of prose-type and factual information, which, in turn, may be highly relevant to the user's informational need."
  15. MuM "Neural matching" SERP features Information retrieval processes Cost optimization
  16. 2011 / 2013
  17. Putting keywords on a page is not sufficient LSI keywords don't exist Websites are evaluated as a whole, not page-by-page