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How to get 25k visitors per month
I’ve got a quick question for you...
If you want more traffic to your site, tell me if any of these statements sound
familiar to you:
“I work my tail off to publish high quality content. But I still don’t get any traffic
from my hard work.”
“My site is in a boring industry. How can I create content that people want to
share and link to?”
“I can’t seem to crack the first page for competitive keywords no matter how
much I great content I put out there. It’s really frustrating to see my
competition’s site perched above me on Google’s first page.”
If you said “Yes” to any of the above, block out the next 8-minutes
and read the rest of this free ebook. Because it’s not your fault.
Here’s the truth:
Most of the “best practices” from so-called “SEO experts” is misguided,
and in many cases, the complete opposite of what you actually need
to do to get your site to the top of Google.
Let me give you an example:
Have you ever read that, “the secret to generating search engine traffic is to
keep your site regularly updated with fresh, quality content”?
That couldn’t be MORE WRONG.
The truth is, Google doesn’t care about how often you update your site…at all.
This makes total sense if you think about it.
If Google rewarded regularly-updated sites, low-quality article directories like
EzineArticles and InfoBarrel (which publish new content several times per day)
would dominate the first page.
But when’s the last time you saw an article directory ranking on the first page?
It’s probably been years, right?
In fact, at the time of writing this ebook, I haven’t published anything new
at Backlinko in over 2-months.
That’s SEO suicide isn’t it?
Because I spent these last 2-months promoting the content I already had
(more on that later), my search engine traffic significantly increased over that
time period. Organic Monthly Traffic Numbers via Google Analytics
You see, most “SEO experts” that publish crummy advice fall into one of two
A) They started doing SEO back in the day, when there was virtually no
competition. In other words, when SEO was really, really easy. Back then
you could just publish great content and gets lots of traffic from Google.
B) They’re the “fake it till you make it” types. They regurgitate what they read
from other SEO and internet marketing blogs and pass it off as their own
No wonder most of the SEO content out there is either recycled garbage
or hopelessly out of touch with how SEO really works today!
Worst of all, following the wrong SEO advice can cost you…big time.
It can cost you traffic, cost you subscribers, cost you customers (and if you
get nailed by a penalty), cost you your business.
But the question remains: “HOW do you create and promote content that
actually generates targeted, high-converting traffic?”.
Well that’s exactly what I’m going to show you.
I’ll Show You How to Get 25,000 Unique Visitors
Every Month
You might be wondering: “This is great
so far Brian…but how do I know you’ll
deliver the advice I need?”
I’m Brian Dean, the founder of
Backlinko. And I’ve got a loooong
track record of building high-traffic,
high-ranking and high-earning sites
from scratch.
1. I built a website in a “boring”
niche from zero to 60,000
monthly unique visitors and $10k in monthly revenue in 4-months.
2. When highly-respected digital marketing agencies need help with clients
in “impossible” industries, they call me for help.
3. I took Backlinko from a blank Wordpress installation to one of the top 100
business blogs online (according to Technorati) in less than a year.
4. Backlinko is on the first page for competitive keywords.
Backlinko founder Brian Dean interviewed after speaking
at an internet marketing conference

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The document discusses various content marketing strategies and algorithmic ranking factors for search engines. It provides tips for developing content over link building, including creating content that builds brands and earns links organically. Various content ideas are proposed, such as creating infographics, mobile apps, blogs and analyzing costumes. The document advocates for developing multi-channel content that builds communities and lasts over various platforms.

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This is the 3rd and final edition to our blackbook marketing manuals. As usual this is no frills and no nonsense, straight to the point book on how to accomplish and execute a variety of original cutting edge methods. We believe this one is the most powerful we have created due to a few concepts that we have connected through our ongoing testing and discovery. The data we have tapped into is immense and when hooked into the available functions of Facebook can be utilized in some really unique and interesting ways. Without further ado, we present our latest work, if you have any questions please direct them through pm.

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The new seo and why you need to understand it - Presentation Transcript

Talk to accompany presentation at

•	 Backlinks (#4)
•	 On page SEO (#3)
•	 Link building (#9)
I’m not telling you this to brag…
It’s so you know that I’m not one of those people that tell you that all you need
to do to rank in Google is “publish great content”.
I know what works in the real world.
And in this ebook I’m going to open my kimono and show you how to get
the results you deserve from your hard work.
Let’s jump right in…
Let’s get one thing straight. The amount of search
engine traffic you get is directly related to…
1. Your ability to find low-competition, high-converting keywords
2. Your ability to create popular and authoritative content around those keywords
3. Promoting your content so that people link to it from authoritative,
relevant sites.
Notice that I didn’t say a word about “keeping your site fresh”, “great content”
or “social signals”.
There’s a very simple reason for that: those things DON’T matter.
When it comes to SEO, people that focus on the three things I listed above
gobble up the lion’s share of organic search engine traffic.
And in this ebook I’m going to show you how become one of those people.
You ready?
Let’s do this.
But first, a quick story about what NOT to do…
Back in 2009, I launched my very first website in the weight loss niche.
Even back then – more than 3-years before Google Penguin – I’d read horror
stories on forums from people saying things like:
“OMG. My site just got slapped by Google. What do I do?!”
I thought to myself: “I’m not going to let that happen to me. I’ll just publish great
content and get links the natural way.”
So that’s what I did: I worked my butt off and published some really great stuff.
There was only one problem:
No one came to my site to read it!
After 5-months of publishing great content, my site was bringing in a pathetic
40 unique visitors per day.
Head…meet desk.
Keep in mind that this was in 2009. Back then, people shared content from
the “blogosphere” on “Digg” (HA!).
In those days there was MUCH less content out there to compete with.
It’s 100x more competitive today.
In fact, in today’s content-crazed world, there are over 2-million blog posts
published every single day.
Think about it:
What are the odds that someone is going to read YOUR post among 2-million?
You probably have a better chance of getting struck by lightning.
The takeaway lesson?
The “publish and pray” approach sounds nice…but it doesn’t work in the
real world.
So what does?
Keep reading…
If Publishing Great Content Doesn’t Work…What Does?
As I mentioned earlier, your SEO success hinges on three things:
1. Your ability to find low-competition, high-converting keywords
2. Your ability to create popular and authoritative content around those keywords
3. Promoting your content so that people link to it from authoritative,
relevant sites.
But you may be thinking: “OK Brian, I get all that. But HOW do I actually do it?”.
Let’s dig in.
How to Find Keywords Your Competition
Doesn’t Know About
There’s no other way to say this:
Keywords are THE most important part of SEO.
More important than on-page, more important than content and (yes) more
important than backlinks.
In fact, it’s not even close.
Unfortunately, most people go about keyword research the complete WRONG
…they start by typing a keyword into the Google Keyword Planner.
In all honesty, the Google Keyword Planner is the WORST way to start the
keyword research process.
Why? There are two big problems with the Google Keyword Planner…
Problem #1: It only spits out keywords that are VERY closely related
to what you put into it
Let’s say that you run a flower shop.
You’ve just launched a new delivery service and need a keyword for the flower
delivery landing page.
So you head over to the Google Keyword Planner and type in a keyword
that customers might use to find you, like “buy flowers online”:
Let’s see what the tool comes up with:

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As you can see, these are VERY close variations of “buy flowers online”, like:
“buying flowers online”
“buy flowers online cheap”
“buy flowers”
“buy flower online”
I don’t know about you, but I don’t need a fancy tool to come up with a keyword
like “buy flowers”.
Unfortunately, those are the exact kind of keywords that the tool spits out.
But that’s not the biggest issue with the Google Keyword Planner…
Problem #2: It gives the same keyword suggestions to everyone…
including your competition
It’s not bad enough that the Keyword Planner hands you a stack of uninspiring
keyword choices…
The biggest issue with the tool is that it tends to give the same set of keywords
to everyone that uses it…
…including your competitors.
No wonder most keywords are so darn competitive!
Fortunately, there’s a simple way around both of those frustrating issues…
Here’s How to Hack the Keyword Planner for Original
and Underground Keywords
There are a thousand and one different ways to find keywords.
And I recommend using as many as possible so that you find untapped
keywords that few – if any – other people are optimizing around.
Actually, I outline over 20 little-known strategies in this guide (definitely worth
a read):
But there’s one powerful keyword research technique that I didn’t include
in my guide…on purpose.
It’s too good to share with the public.
But I will happily share it with Backlinko subscribers like you :-)
It’s called the GKP Hack.
Here’s how it works:
Step #1: Head over to the Google Keyword Planner
Click on the “search for new keywords and ad group ideas” just like you
normally would.
Here’s the screen that you’ll see:
Step #2: Enter a competitor’s landing page into the “your landing page”
Technically, you’re supposed to put YOUR landing page here:
But there’s no rule against entering OTHER pages from the web in there, right?
When you do, you’ll find a boatload of outside-the-box keyword ideas.
Let’s continue our flower shop delivery business example…
As you saw, the GKP didn’t give us any fresh ideas when we used a seed
keyword like “buy flowers online”.
Watch what happens when you enter a weird page…
…like the homepage of a competitor (in this case
We have 3 long tail keywords that the tool doesn’t show most people.
Because these are keywords most people never see, we can easily create
targeted articles or landing pages around them…
…and rank those pages without needing a lot of backlinks.
Another example:
Let’s say that you just launched a blog on your flower shop’s site.
You notice that a lot of your customers order flowers for weddings.
So you decide to create a blog post around wedding tips and advice.
Again, when you enter “wedding tips” into the Google Keyword Planner,
you get dull variations of that keyword:

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1. There are many techniques for link building but no single technique works for every site or keyword. An effective link building strategy requires researching different approaches. 2. Content should be targeted to readers, not just search engines. Ensuring original content is indexed by Google before others can duplicate it is important. 3. Offering useful free resources like surveys or web services can attract links organically. Traditional marketing like contacting websites in your industry can also work if not overused or spammy. Testing new techniques is important as SEO is always evolving.

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Increasing traffic to your website is not an easy thing because there is no one thing that accounts for most of the traffic. If there were two factors that accounted for 50% of your traffic it is very easy to keep a track of it and ensure that there are no mistakes. Unfortunately traffic depends on a lot of small things that together give you the numbers. If you think SEO optimization is what you need to be doing to get higher numbers, you will be surprised to find that it is actually backfiring if you leave out on quality of the content. If you concentrate a lot on the layout and do not spend much time thinking about the browsing experience, you are once again not doing everything. It is like a P a g e | 30 jigsaw that has a number of small pieces that have to mesh together, and even if one is missing there will be a very noticeable hole in the picture. The basics like the content, tagging, linking, and layout are the first thing that you need to think of, but this will only let you achieve a certain amount of the potential that your site is capable of. You will still have to market it properly which is where the “driving traffic” comes in. Because everything is so cheap on the net when compared to traditional marketing, your costs may be lower, but this is offset by the amount of competition that you will have.

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What happens when you use the search results page on Pinterest
for “weddings” instead?
You get some AWESOME keyword ideas:
Now those are some creative keywords!
Here are other pages you can use for GKP Hacking:
•	 Blog posts
•	 News articles
•	 Wikipedia entries (surprisingly good!)
•	 Press releases (search PRWeb for your keywords)
OK, what’s next?
Well it’s time to create content around the keywords you just found.
But not just any content.
Content that gets results.
How to Publish Content That Generates Social Shares,
Comments, Traffic and Backlinks
Look, I’m not going to lie to you:
I’m a BIG believer in the power of awesome content.
But I’ve been in the game long enough to know that “great content”
isn’t enough to get you to the first page of Google.
Here’s what I mean:
I’m a HUGE fan of the TV show Shark Tank.
But I have a friend, Matthew, who wouldn’t watch that show if you tied him
to a chair and pried his eyelids open…Clockwork Orange-style.
To him, Shark Tank is the farthest thing from “high quality content”.
But to me, it’s the best show ever.
So is Shark Tank “great content” or not?
Well, like beauty, “great content” in the eye of the beholder.
In other words, the key to publishing content that gets results is this:
Create content that your target audience thinks is great.
Not you. Not the VP of marketing…your target audience.
Because if I was a TV producer that needed to launch a show that appealed
to my friend Matthew, I’d fall flat on my face with another Shark Tank…
…even though I happen to love the format.
But HOW do you know what your audience wants to read…
…without expensive focus groups or telepathic mind reading powers?
Well that’s what I’m going to show you next.
The Key to Publishing “Predictably Viral” Content
If you want to have success with content marketing, you need to figure
out what people actually want to read.
This may sound like common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people
publish content that they “think” people will like.
Fortunately, you don’t need to guess.
Using something I call The Skyscraper Technique, you can find content topics
and formats that are PROVEN to work.
Actually, I published a post about The Skycraper Technique here (including
a case study of the strategy in action):
But here’s how it works:
Step #1: Find popular content in your niche
Why reinvent the wheel when there are HUNDREDS of successful blogs posts,
articles and videos with a proven track record of success?
So before writing a single word, do a bit of research to find content that’s
already done well.
The best places to look? Good ol’ Google.
Type one of the keywords you found above into Google.
Let’s use “bridal gift ideas” as an example:

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What do you notice about the top 10?
Most of the results have lists of SPECIFIC bridal gift ideas:
In other words, these aren’t “how-to” guides that give advice like: “think about
what the bride needs for her new home” or to “get together with a friend
to brainstorm”.
They have a LIST of ideas that anyone can choose from…like a menu.
That’s important to note:
Successful content on bridal gifts are LISTS.
And when I look at the content itself, I notice that they have a lot of images
(Pinterest actually ranks #2 for that keyword).
For example, look at this article:
It’s actually a slideshow of gift ideas.
Most of the other pages also have a fair share of images.
So we have two pieces of information to help us craft our post:
1. People looking for bridal gift ideas prefer to read a list…not how-to guides
or tutorials
2. People looking for bridal gift ideas prefer lots of images…not text or videos
With that, it’s time to move onto step #2…
Step #2: Make that content better
OK so you’ve identified the common threads that tie popular content together…
Now it’s time to beat the pants out of what’s already out there.
(That’s the “Skyscraper” in “Skyscraper Technique”. You find the “tallest”
Skyscraper in your space and slap 20 stories on top of it).
Actually, I recently published a case study that will show you how one Backlinko
reader used The Skyscraper Technique to triples his blog’s traffic in a week:
Back to our bridal gifts example…
OK, so we know that list content with lots of images do well.
But we also know that the content out there leaves a lot to be desired.
For example, look at the #1 result: “22 Great Wedding Gift Ideas”
Not bad…but that’s a pretty short list.
So step #1 would be to create a post with 50,100 or even 150 ideas.
Big lists like that have a VERY high perceived value…which means people
are more likely to share them.

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When you sign up for the Backlinko newsletter for the first time, you get this email from me:As you ...

What else can we do to improve the content?
Well the author of the #1 result also decided to break the post into 22 different
That’s REALLY bad for user experience (who wants to click through 25 pages?).
So you’d want to make sure that your content had all of the information on
a SINGLE page.
Now that you have your clearly-superior piece of content in hand, it’s time move
onto the final step: content promotion.
Before I get into that I want to share a quick case study with you…
Here’s a Quick Case Study:
When I first started Backlinko, I knew that I was entering the VERY crowded
and VERY competitive SEO space.
I realized that unless I published something jaw-droppingly amazing to stand
out…I’d be invisible.
But I also realized that publishing content that I thought people might like
wouldn’t work.
I needed something based on a proven framework.
Fortunately, I stumbled on a piece of content on this old-school looking site
called Vaughn’s One Pagers.
It was a page that listed a good chunk of Google’s 200 ranking factors:
Pretty nasty looking right?
Well despite the fact that the page was ugly as sin…
…and only listed 118 of the 200 ranking signals…
…it generated A LOT of backlinks:
So what did I do?
I created something better-looking, more thorough, and more up to date.
I called the content: Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List
You can check it out here:
Because my content was based on something PROVEN to work in my industry
(and NOT something that I thought might work)…
…it’s been a smashing success:
Having a piece of content like this on your site can be a link magnet…
…that is, if people actually see it.
Which brings us to the last step…
How to Convince People to Link to Your Content
I don’t need to tell you that great (or even amazing) content is NOT enough.
Unless you already have a huge readership, you need to hustle to get the word
out about your resource.
By emailing people that already linked to the content that you based your
content off of.
For example, in the case of my Google Ranking Factors post, I used
to find all of the links pointing to the old Vaughn’s One Pagers article:

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(You can also use Majestic SEO or Open Site Explorer…they all work pretty
Next, email people linking to the old content to let them know about your
new piece of superior content.
Here’s a word-for-word script:
I was poking around (THEIR SITE’S NAME) today and came across your article:
I noticed that you mentioned (OUTDATED CONTENT) on the page. I also love
that article.
In fact, it inspired me to create a more thorough and up to date version:
I’d be tickled pink if you’d consider adding it to your page.
Because you’re not being pushy and adding value to the other person’s site,
a large chunk of the people you email will be HAPPY to link to your content:
(Yes, that’s a real response that I received)
So Let’s Wrap This Up
The “big idea” I want you to walk away with from reading this report is that your
search engine traffic hinges on these three things:
1. Your ability to find low-competition, high-converting keywords
2. Your ability to create popular and authoritative content around those keywords
3. Promoting your content so that people link to it from authoritative,
relevant sites.
And this guide should help you get better at executing all 3 of these.
Here’s what to do next:
1. Send me a message to my personal email address
to let me know what you think of this report.
2. Actually USE the strategies from the guide. Without action, these strategies
aren’t going to grow your business.
3. Pat yourself on the back. You just read a 20-page ebook ; )

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  • 2. I’ve got a quick question for you... If you want more traffic to your site, tell me if any of these statements sound familiar to you: “I work my tail off to publish high quality content. But I still don’t get any traffic from my hard work.” “My site is in a boring industry. How can I create content that people want to share and link to?” “I can’t seem to crack the first page for competitive keywords no matter how much I great content I put out there. It’s really frustrating to see my competition’s site perched above me on Google’s first page.” If you said “Yes” to any of the above, block out the next 8-minutes and read the rest of this free ebook. Because it’s not your fault. Here’s the truth: Most of the “best practices” from so-called “SEO experts” is misguided, and in many cases, the complete opposite of what you actually need to do to get your site to the top of Google. Let me give you an example: Have you ever read that, “the secret to generating search engine traffic is to keep your site regularly updated with fresh, quality content”? That couldn’t be MORE WRONG. The truth is, Google doesn’t care about how often you update your site…at all. This makes total sense if you think about it. If Google rewarded regularly-updated sites, low-quality article directories like EzineArticles and InfoBarrel (which publish new content several times per day) would dominate the first page. But when’s the last time you saw an article directory ranking on the first page? It’s probably been years, right?
  • 3. In fact, at the time of writing this ebook, I haven’t published anything new at Backlinko in over 2-months. That’s SEO suicide isn’t it? Actually…no. Because I spent these last 2-months promoting the content I already had (more on that later), my search engine traffic significantly increased over that time period. Organic Monthly Traffic Numbers via Google Analytics You see, most “SEO experts” that publish crummy advice fall into one of two categories: A) They started doing SEO back in the day, when there was virtually no competition. In other words, when SEO was really, really easy. Back then you could just publish great content and gets lots of traffic from Google.
  • 4. B) They’re the “fake it till you make it” types. They regurgitate what they read from other SEO and internet marketing blogs and pass it off as their own advice. No wonder most of the SEO content out there is either recycled garbage or hopelessly out of touch with how SEO really works today! Worst of all, following the wrong SEO advice can cost you…big time. It can cost you traffic, cost you subscribers, cost you customers (and if you get nailed by a penalty), cost you your business. But the question remains: “HOW do you create and promote content that actually generates targeted, high-converting traffic?”. Well that’s exactly what I’m going to show you. I’ll Show You How to Get 25,000 Unique Visitors Every Month You might be wondering: “This is great so far Brian…but how do I know you’ll deliver the advice I need?” I’m Brian Dean, the founder of Backlinko. And I’ve got a loooong track record of building high-traffic, high-ranking and high-earning sites from scratch. 1. I built a website in a “boring” niche from zero to 60,000 monthly unique visitors and $10k in monthly revenue in 4-months. 2. When highly-respected digital marketing agencies need help with clients in “impossible” industries, they call me for help. 3. I took Backlinko from a blank Wordpress installation to one of the top 100 business blogs online (according to Technorati) in less than a year. 4. Backlinko is on the first page for competitive keywords. Like… Backlinko founder Brian Dean interviewed after speaking at an internet marketing conference
  • 5. • Backlinks (#4) • On page SEO (#3) • Link building (#9) I’m not telling you this to brag… It’s so you know that I’m not one of those people that tell you that all you need to do to rank in Google is “publish great content”. I know what works in the real world. And in this ebook I’m going to open my kimono and show you how to get the results you deserve from your hard work. Let’s jump right in… Let’s get one thing straight. The amount of search engine traffic you get is directly related to… 1. Your ability to find low-competition, high-converting keywords 2. Your ability to create popular and authoritative content around those keywords 3. Promoting your content so that people link to it from authoritative, relevant sites. Notice that I didn’t say a word about “keeping your site fresh”, “great content” or “social signals”. There’s a very simple reason for that: those things DON’T matter. When it comes to SEO, people that focus on the three things I listed above gobble up the lion’s share of organic search engine traffic. And in this ebook I’m going to show you how become one of those people. You ready? Let’s do this. But first, a quick story about what NOT to do… Back in 2009, I launched my very first website in the weight loss niche.
  • 6. Even back then – more than 3-years before Google Penguin – I’d read horror stories on forums from people saying things like: “OMG. My site just got slapped by Google. What do I do?!” I thought to myself: “I’m not going to let that happen to me. I’ll just publish great content and get links the natural way.” So that’s what I did: I worked my butt off and published some really great stuff. There was only one problem: No one came to my site to read it! After 5-months of publishing great content, my site was bringing in a pathetic 40 unique visitors per day. Head…meet desk. Keep in mind that this was in 2009. Back then, people shared content from the “blogosphere” on “Digg” (HA!). In those days there was MUCH less content out there to compete with. It’s 100x more competitive today. In fact, in today’s content-crazed world, there are over 2-million blog posts published every single day. Think about it: What are the odds that someone is going to read YOUR post among 2-million? You probably have a better chance of getting struck by lightning. The takeaway lesson? The “publish and pray” approach sounds nice…but it doesn’t work in the real world. So what does? Keep reading…
  • 7. If Publishing Great Content Doesn’t Work…What Does? As I mentioned earlier, your SEO success hinges on three things: 1. Your ability to find low-competition, high-converting keywords 2. Your ability to create popular and authoritative content around those keywords 3. Promoting your content so that people link to it from authoritative, relevant sites. But you may be thinking: “OK Brian, I get all that. But HOW do I actually do it?”. Let’s dig in. How to Find Keywords Your Competition Doesn’t Know About There’s no other way to say this: Keywords are THE most important part of SEO. More important than on-page, more important than content and (yes) more important than backlinks. In fact, it’s not even close. Unfortunately, most people go about keyword research the complete WRONG way…. …they start by typing a keyword into the Google Keyword Planner. #facepalm In all honesty, the Google Keyword Planner is the WORST way to start the keyword research process. Why? There are two big problems with the Google Keyword Planner… Problem #1: It only spits out keywords that are VERY closely related to what you put into it Let’s say that you run a flower shop.
  • 8. You’ve just launched a new delivery service and need a keyword for the flower delivery landing page. So you head over to the Google Keyword Planner and type in a keyword that customers might use to find you, like “buy flowers online”: Let’s see what the tool comes up with:
  • 9. As you can see, these are VERY close variations of “buy flowers online”, like: “buying flowers online” “buy flowers online cheap” “buy flowers” “buy flower online” I don’t know about you, but I don’t need a fancy tool to come up with a keyword like “buy flowers”. Unfortunately, those are the exact kind of keywords that the tool spits out. But that’s not the biggest issue with the Google Keyword Planner… Problem #2: It gives the same keyword suggestions to everyone… including your competition It’s not bad enough that the Keyword Planner hands you a stack of uninspiring keyword choices… The biggest issue with the tool is that it tends to give the same set of keywords to everyone that uses it… …including your competitors. No wonder most keywords are so darn competitive! Fortunately, there’s a simple way around both of those frustrating issues… Here’s How to Hack the Keyword Planner for Original and Underground Keywords There are a thousand and one different ways to find keywords. And I recommend using as many as possible so that you find untapped keywords that few – if any – other people are optimizing around. Actually, I outline over 20 little-known strategies in this guide (definitely worth a read):
  • 10. But there’s one powerful keyword research technique that I didn’t include in my guide…on purpose. Why? It’s too good to share with the public. But I will happily share it with Backlinko subscribers like you :-) It’s called the GKP Hack. Here’s how it works: Step #1: Head over to the Google Keyword Planner Click on the “search for new keywords and ad group ideas” just like you normally would. Here’s the screen that you’ll see: Step #2: Enter a competitor’s landing page into the “your landing page” field Technically, you’re supposed to put YOUR landing page here:
  • 11. But there’s no rule against entering OTHER pages from the web in there, right? When you do, you’ll find a boatload of outside-the-box keyword ideas. Let’s continue our flower shop delivery business example… As you saw, the GKP didn’t give us any fresh ideas when we used a seed keyword like “buy flowers online”. Watch what happens when you enter a weird page… …like the homepage of a competitor (in this case
  • 12. Bingo! We have 3 long tail keywords that the tool doesn’t show most people. Because these are keywords most people never see, we can easily create targeted articles or landing pages around them… …and rank those pages without needing a lot of backlinks. Another example: Let’s say that you just launched a blog on your flower shop’s site. You notice that a lot of your customers order flowers for weddings. So you decide to create a blog post around wedding tips and advice. Again, when you enter “wedding tips” into the Google Keyword Planner, you get dull variations of that keyword:
  • 13. What happens when you use the search results page on Pinterest for “weddings” instead? You get some AWESOME keyword ideas:
  • 14. Now those are some creative keywords! Here are other pages you can use for GKP Hacking: • Blog posts • News articles • Wikipedia entries (surprisingly good!) • Press releases (search PRWeb for your keywords) OK, what’s next? Well it’s time to create content around the keywords you just found. But not just any content. Content that gets results.
  • 15. How to Publish Content That Generates Social Shares, Comments, Traffic and Backlinks Look, I’m not going to lie to you: I’m a BIG believer in the power of awesome content. But I’ve been in the game long enough to know that “great content” isn’t enough to get you to the first page of Google. Here’s what I mean: I’m a HUGE fan of the TV show Shark Tank. But I have a friend, Matthew, who wouldn’t watch that show if you tied him to a chair and pried his eyelids open…Clockwork Orange-style. To him, Shark Tank is the farthest thing from “high quality content”. But to me, it’s the best show ever. So is Shark Tank “great content” or not? Well, like beauty, “great content” in the eye of the beholder. In other words, the key to publishing content that gets results is this: Create content that your target audience thinks is great. Not you. Not the VP of marketing…your target audience. Because if I was a TV producer that needed to launch a show that appealed to my friend Matthew, I’d fall flat on my face with another Shark Tank… …even though I happen to love the format. But HOW do you know what your audience wants to read… …without expensive focus groups or telepathic mind reading powers? Well that’s what I’m going to show you next.
  • 16. The Key to Publishing “Predictably Viral” Content If you want to have success with content marketing, you need to figure out what people actually want to read. This may sound like common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people publish content that they “think” people will like. Fortunately, you don’t need to guess. Using something I call The Skyscraper Technique, you can find content topics and formats that are PROVEN to work. Actually, I published a post about The Skycraper Technique here (including a case study of the strategy in action): But here’s how it works: Step #1: Find popular content in your niche Why reinvent the wheel when there are HUNDREDS of successful blogs posts, articles and videos with a proven track record of success? So before writing a single word, do a bit of research to find content that’s already done well. The best places to look? Good ol’ Google. Type one of the keywords you found above into Google. Let’s use “bridal gift ideas” as an example:
  • 17. What do you notice about the top 10? Most of the results have lists of SPECIFIC bridal gift ideas:
  • 18. In other words, these aren’t “how-to” guides that give advice like: “think about what the bride needs for her new home” or to “get together with a friend to brainstorm”. They have a LIST of ideas that anyone can choose from…like a menu. That’s important to note: Successful content on bridal gifts are LISTS. And when I look at the content itself, I notice that they have a lot of images (Pinterest actually ranks #2 for that keyword).
  • 19. For example, look at this article: It’s actually a slideshow of gift ideas. Most of the other pages also have a fair share of images. So we have two pieces of information to help us craft our post: 1. People looking for bridal gift ideas prefer to read a list…not how-to guides or tutorials 2. People looking for bridal gift ideas prefer lots of images…not text or videos
  • 20. With that, it’s time to move onto step #2… Step #2: Make that content better OK so you’ve identified the common threads that tie popular content together… Now it’s time to beat the pants out of what’s already out there. (That’s the “Skyscraper” in “Skyscraper Technique”. You find the “tallest” Skyscraper in your space and slap 20 stories on top of it). Actually, I recently published a case study that will show you how one Backlinko reader used The Skyscraper Technique to triples his blog’s traffic in a week: Back to our bridal gifts example… OK, so we know that list content with lots of images do well. But we also know that the content out there leaves a lot to be desired. For example, look at the #1 result: “22 Great Wedding Gift Ideas” Not bad…but that’s a pretty short list. So step #1 would be to create a post with 50,100 or even 150 ideas. Big lists like that have a VERY high perceived value…which means people are more likely to share them.
  • 21. What else can we do to improve the content? Well the author of the #1 result also decided to break the post into 22 different pages: That’s REALLY bad for user experience (who wants to click through 25 pages?). So you’d want to make sure that your content had all of the information on a SINGLE page. Now that you have your clearly-superior piece of content in hand, it’s time move onto the final step: content promotion. Before I get into that I want to share a quick case study with you… Here’s a Quick Case Study: When I first started Backlinko, I knew that I was entering the VERY crowded and VERY competitive SEO space.
  • 22. I realized that unless I published something jaw-droppingly amazing to stand out…I’d be invisible. But I also realized that publishing content that I thought people might like wouldn’t work. I needed something based on a proven framework. Fortunately, I stumbled on a piece of content on this old-school looking site called Vaughn’s One Pagers. It was a page that listed a good chunk of Google’s 200 ranking factors: Pretty nasty looking right? Well despite the fact that the page was ugly as sin… …and only listed 118 of the 200 ranking signals… …it generated A LOT of backlinks:
  • 23. So what did I do? I created something better-looking, more thorough, and more up to date. I called the content: Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List You can check it out here:
  • 24. Because my content was based on something PROVEN to work in my industry (and NOT something that I thought might work)… …it’s been a smashing success: Having a piece of content like this on your site can be a link magnet… …that is, if people actually see it. Which brings us to the last step… How to Convince People to Link to Your Content I don’t need to tell you that great (or even amazing) content is NOT enough. Unless you already have a huge readership, you need to hustle to get the word out about your resource. How? By emailing people that already linked to the content that you based your content off of. For example, in the case of my Google Ranking Factors post, I used to find all of the links pointing to the old Vaughn’s One Pagers article:
  • 25. (You can also use Majestic SEO or Open Site Explorer…they all work pretty well) Next, email people linking to the old content to let them know about your new piece of superior content. Here’s a word-for-word script: Hey NAME, I was poking around (THEIR SITE’S NAME) today and came across your article: (THEIR ARTICLE’s TITLE). I noticed that you mentioned (OUTDATED CONTENT) on the page. I also love that article. In fact, it inspired me to create a more thorough and up to date version: (YOUR URL) I’d be tickled pink if you’d consider adding it to your page. Cheers,
  • 26. YOUR NAME Because you’re not being pushy and adding value to the other person’s site, a large chunk of the people you email will be HAPPY to link to your content: (Yes, that’s a real response that I received) So Let’s Wrap This Up The “big idea” I want you to walk away with from reading this report is that your search engine traffic hinges on these three things: 1. Your ability to find low-competition, high-converting keywords 2. Your ability to create popular and authoritative content around those keywords 3. Promoting your content so that people link to it from authoritative, relevant sites. And this guide should help you get better at executing all 3 of these. Here’s what to do next: 1. Send me a message to my personal email address to let me know what you think of this report. 2. Actually USE the strategies from the guide. Without action, these strategies aren’t going to grow your business. 3. Pat yourself on the back. You just read a 20-page ebook ; )