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Web Standards Support
      in WebKit
      허 준 회   (Joone Hur)

About me

• WebKit Committer
• Working for Collabora (
• Working on WebKitGtk+, WebKit-Clutter

• Blog:
• Email:

• Custom scheme and content handlers
• AddSearchProvider
• Navigation Timing
• Device API
   o Battery Status Event
   o Contacts API
   o HTML Media Capture API
• Unified Storage Quota API
• Shadow DOM API
• WebKit News
   o WebCL & WebKit2 based Browser
Custom scheme and content handlers
• 웹 사 이 트 에 서 Protocol 이 나 mimetype 을 임 의 로 등 록 하 여 특 정
  URL 에 서 처 리 하 도 록 함
• Interface
   o window.navigator.registerProtocalHandler(scheme, url, title)
   o window.navigator.registerContentHandler(mineType, url, title)
• References
• Firefox, Chromium 지 원
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function RegisterHandler () {
            navigator.registerProtocolHandler ("mailto",
"", "Dottoro mailto
protocol handler");
    <button onclick="RegisterHandler ();">Register a handler for the mailto

• Search Box 에 검 색 엔 진 을 등 록 하 는 기 능  
• 지 원 하 는 interface
   o window.external.AddSearchProvider()
   o window.external.IsSearchProviderInstalled()

• Firefox, IE, Chromium 에 서   지 원
Navigation Timing

• This specification defines an interface for web applications
  to access timing information related to navigation and
• The API will allow web application to gather performance
  metrics about various factors such as page redirect, DNS
  lookup, connection & secure connection statistics,
  request/response time, various events, etc
• Chromium, Firefox Support
• Reference
Performance Timing, Performance Navigation

var start = new Date().getTime();
function onLoad() {
  var now = new Date().getTime();
  var latency = now - start;
  alert("page loading time: " + latency);

function onLoad() {
  var now = new Date().getTime();
  var page_load_time = now - performance.timing.navigationStart;
  alert("User-perceived page loading time: " + page_load_time);
Demo Page for Navigation Timing
Device API

• Battery Status Event Specification

• Contacts API

• HTML Media Capture
HTML Media Capture
<input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera"

• HTML Media Capture is the HTML Form Based specification
  that allows the user to take a picture, record a sound file, or
  record a video like the file picker interface.
• The "capture" attribute can have the following values:
   o camera. microphone, camcorder, filesystem
• References
Unified Storage Quota API

• The feature/API is to allow webapps to request or query per-
  origin storage quota across multiple storage types (e.g.
  IndexedDB, SQL DB and FileSystemAPI)
• References
function errorCallback(error)
    testFailed("Error occurred: " + error);

var grantedQuota;
function quotaCallback(newQuota)
    grantedQuota = newQuota;

    // We must be given 0 quota, the same amount as we requested.
    shouldBe("grantedQuota", "0");


if (window.webkitStorageInfo) {
    window.jsTestIsAsync = true;

    // Requesting '0' quota for testing 
    // (this request must be almost always granted 
    // without showing any platform specific notification UI).
    webkitStorageInfo.requestQuota(webkitStorageInfo.TEMPORARY, 0, quotaCallback, errorCallback);
} else  
    debug("This test requires window.webkitStorageInfo.");
Shadow DOM API

• Expose the minimum subset of the larger Web Component
• Shadow DOM refers to the ability of the browser to include a
  subtree of DOM elements into the rendering of a document,
  but not into the main document DOM tree
   o Element.webkitShadow
   o Element.webkitPseudo
   o document.webkitCreateShadow()
   o window.WebKitShadowRootConstructor
   o window.WebKitTreeScopeConstructor
• References

<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <body> The object's downloading progress:
<progress id="foo" value="33" max="100"></progress> </body> </html>

var download_progress = document.getElementsById("foo");
console.log(download_progress.firstChild); // returns null
root = download_progress.shadowRoot;
/* progress */

progress {
    -webkit-appearance: progress-bar;
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    display: inline-block;                <progress>
    height: 1em;
    width: 10em;                            ┗ <div> ::-webkit-progress-bar
    vertical-align: -0.2em;
                                                ┗ <div>::-webkit-progress-value
progress::-webkit-progress-bar {
    background-color: gray;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;

progress::-webkit-progress-value {
    background-color: green;
    height: 100%;
    width: 50%; /* should be removed later */
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;

Samsung has added WebCL JS API to WebKit

WebCL is a new activity in Khronos that is defining JavaScript
bindings to OpenCL
WebKit2 on Nokia N9

• Provides QtWebKit2 based browser
• Reference
고 맙 습 니 다   !

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Web Standards Support in WebKit

  • 1. Web Standards Support in WebKit 허 준 회 (Joone Hur) Collabora
  • 2. About me • WebKit Committer • Working for Collabora ( • Working on WebKitGtk+, WebKit-Clutter • Blog: • Email:
  • 3. Contents • Custom scheme and content handlers • AddSearchProvider • Navigation Timing • Device API o Battery Status Event o Contacts API o HTML Media Capture API • Unified Storage Quota API • Shadow DOM API • WebKit News o WebCL & WebKit2 based Browser
  • 4. Custom scheme and content handlers • 웹 사 이 트 에 서 Protocol 이 나 mimetype 을 임 의 로 등 록 하 여 특 정 URL 에 서 처 리 하 도 록 함 • Interface o window.navigator.registerProtocalHandler(scheme, url, title) o window.navigator.registerContentHandler(mineType, url, title) • References o registerprotocolhandler o o ContentHandler o rotocolHandler • Firefox, Chromium 지 원
  • 5. Example <head>     <script type="text/javascript">         function RegisterHandler () {             navigator.registerProtocolHandler ("mailto", "", "Dottoro mailto protocol handler");     }     </script> </head> <body>     <button onclick="RegisterHandler ();">Register a handler for the mailto protocol!</button> </body>
  • 6. AddSearchProvider • Search Box 에 검 색 엔 진 을 등 록 하 는 기 능   • 지 원 하 는 interface o window.external.AddSearchProvider() o window.external.IsSearchProviderInstalled() • Firefox, IE, Chromium 에 서 지 원
  • 7. Navigation Timing • This specification defines an interface for web applications to access timing information related to navigation and elements. • The API will allow web application to gather performance metrics about various factors such as page redirect, DNS lookup, connection & secure connection statistics, request/response time, various events, etc • Chromium, Firefox Support • Reference o
  • 9. Example var start = new Date().getTime(); function onLoad() {   var now = new Date().getTime();   var latency = now - start;   alert("page loading time: " + latency); } function onLoad() {   var now = new Date().getTime();   var page_load_time = now - performance.timing.navigationStart;   alert("User-perceived page loading time: " + page_load_time); }
  • 10. Demo Page for Navigation Timing
  • 11. Device API • Battery Status Event Specification o o • Contacts API o o • HTML Media Capture
  • 12. HTML Media Capture <input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera" id="capture">  • HTML Media Capture is the HTML Form Based specification that allows the user to take a picture, record a sound file, or record a video like the file picker interface. • The "capture" attribute can have the following values: o camera. microphone, camcorder, filesystem • References o o
  • 13. Unified Storage Quota API • The feature/API is to allow webapps to request or query per- origin storage quota across multiple storage types (e.g. IndexedDB, SQL DB and FileSystemAPI) • References o webapps/2011JanMar/0346.html o
  • 14. Example function errorCallback(error) {     testFailed("Error occurred: " + error);     finishJSTest(); } var grantedQuota; function quotaCallback(newQuota) {     grantedQuota = newQuota;     // We must be given 0 quota, the same amount as we requested.     shouldBe("grantedQuota", "0");     finishJSTest(); } if (window.webkitStorageInfo) {     window.jsTestIsAsync = true;     // Requesting '0' quota for testing      // (this request must be almost always granted      // without showing any platform specific notification UI).     webkitStorageInfo.requestQuota(webkitStorageInfo.TEMPORARY, 0, quotaCallback, errorCallback); } else       debug("This test requires window.webkitStorageInfo.");
  • 15. Shadow DOM API • Expose the minimum subset of the larger Web Component Model • Shadow DOM refers to the ability of the browser to include a subtree of DOM elements into the rendering of a document, but not into the main document DOM tree • API o Element.webkitShadow o Element.webkitPseudo o document.webkitCreateShadow() o window.WebKitShadowRootConstructor o window.WebKitTreeScopeConstructor • References o
  • 16. Example <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <body> The object's downloading progress: <progress id="foo" value="33" max="100"></progress> </body> </html> var download_progress = document.getElementsById("foo"); console.log(download_progress.firstChild); // returns null root = download_progress.shadowRoot;
  • 17. Example #if defined(ENABLE_PROGRESS_TAG) && ENABLE_PROGRESS_TAG /* progress */ progress {     -webkit-appearance: progress-bar;     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;     display: inline-block; <progress>     height: 1em;     width: 10em; ┗ <div> ::-webkit-progress-bar     vertical-align: -0.2em; } ┗ <div>::-webkit-progress-value progress::-webkit-progress-bar {     background-color: gray;     height: 100%;     width: 100%;     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; } progress::-webkit-progress-value {     background-color: green;     height: 100%;     width: 50%; /* should be removed later */     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; } #endif
  • 18. WebCL Samsung has added WebCL JS API to WebKit WebCL is a new activity in Khronos that is defining JavaScript bindings to OpenCL
  • 19. WebKit2 on Nokia N9 • Provides QtWebKit2 based browser • Reference o opening-the-browser/
  • 20. 고 맙 습 니 다 !