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Drupal point of Vue
Drupal + Vue + GraphQL
How to decouple Drupal with VueJS
and keep your project scalable.
David Ličen

Freelance Front-End Developer

Twitter: @davision

point of Vue
Short introduction to VueJS Framework

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The document provides an overview of Vue.js, including: - Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces that focuses only on the view layer. - It is easy to integrate Vue.js into existing projects or with other libraries. - Vue.js allows developers to progressively adopt capabilities as needed rather than requiring adoption of the entire framework upfront like some other frameworks. - The document then covers various Vue.js concepts like directives, components, routing, communication between components, and connecting Vue.js to a backend.

An Introduction to Vuejs
An Introduction to VuejsAn Introduction to Vuejs
An Introduction to Vuejs

Vue comes with a simple and minimalistic core that is perfect for simple, single page applications that don't require heavy overheads. Vue works primarily on the ViewModel with two-way data bindings and is designed to be simple and flexible, allowing developers to mold the layer as they see fit.

vue js tutorialvuejsvue framework
An introduction to Vue.js
An introduction to Vue.jsAn introduction to Vue.js
An introduction to Vue.js

An introduction to Vue.js. Why would you need something like Vue.js? What is Vue.js? How do you develop with Vue.js?

The Founder
Evan You
• Previously worked as a Creative
Technologist at Google
• Core Dev at Meteor
• From 2016 working full-time on
Vue.JS framework.

• Started in late 2013
• First release Feb. 2014 (v0.6)
• v1.0.0 Evangelion Oct. 2015
• Latest release v2.5.3
Drupal point of vue
Today (on 14.11.2017)
vs. Angular
vs. React

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Vue presentation
Vue presentationVue presentation
Vue presentation

Geekle Vue presentation Code splitting and lazy loading

Deep dive into Vue.js
Deep dive into Vue.jsDeep dive into Vue.js
Deep dive into Vue.js

Vue.js의 깊은 곳을 알아봅시다. 1. Vue.js Architecture 2. Observing 3. Rendering 4. Vue.js Package * 이 자료는 VUE.TIFULE KOREA 6회에서 발표한 자료입니다.

WordPress 2017 with VueJS and GraphQL
WordPress 2017 with VueJS and GraphQLWordPress 2017 with VueJS and GraphQL
WordPress 2017 with VueJS and GraphQL

Christmas holiday experiment: creating a VueJS front that gets data through GraphQL from a decoupled WordPress install on another server. Read more on this blogpost:

Today (on 14.11.2017)
Who is using it?
• Behance & Adobe

the leading online platform for
• GitLab 

integrated solution for the entire
software development lifecycle.
• Weex
• Baidu

Chinese search engine

#1 destination for online chess.
• Codeship

Continuous Integration Platform
• Livestorm

all-in-one web-based webinar
But why Vue?
Source: The state of Vue 2017
Code examples
The syntax
* Relative to space and time

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The Complementarity of React and Web Components
The Complementarity of React and Web ComponentsThe Complementarity of React and Web Components
The Complementarity of React and Web Components

On Github: The component driven, performance focused approach of React is a perfect complement to the modularity and portability of native HTML Web Components. At first glance, React and Web Components might seem like two radically different solutions to the same problem. But when combined properly they complement each other to create an extremely powerful, expressive framework for developing complex web applications.

reactreact.jsshadow dom
Nuxt Talk
Nuxt TalkNuxt Talk
Nuxt Talk

This document introduces Nuxt.js, an open source framework for building server-rendered Vue.js applications. It provides features like automatic code splitting, hot reloading, routing, layouts, async data fetching, middleware, configuration, and more. Nuxt.js makes it easy to write Vue components and leverage server-side rendering capabilities with features inspired by Next.js.

Introduction to VueJS & Vuex
Introduction to VueJS & VuexIntroduction to VueJS & Vuex
Introduction to VueJS & Vuex

Slides of my talk at Coding-Berlin November Meetup on 01.11.2017 ( Also have a look at the demo repo at Github:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="vue.js"></script>
<div id="selector">
<h1>{{ message }}</h1>

// Define a plain JSON
// object to hold the data
let data = {
message: "Hello"
// Instantiate Vue on an element
new Vue ({
el: "#selector",
data: data
// Works since getters/setters
// are now proxied
data.message = "Hi";
How directives looks like

<a v-bind:href="url"></a>

<a :href="url"></a>


<a v-on:click="doSomething"></a>

<a @click="doSomething"></a>
<div :class="{
'active': isActive,
'text-danger': HasError }

data: {
isActive: true,
hasError: false
Binding HTML Classes
<div id="events">
<button @click=“counter += 1”>
Add +1</button>
<p>You clicked {{ counter }}</p>
<button @click=“say(‘what')">
Say what</button>

new Vue ({
el: '#events',
data: {
counter: 0
methods: {
say: function (message) {
Event handling

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Introduction to modern front-end with Vue.js
Introduction to modern front-end with Vue.jsIntroduction to modern front-end with Vue.js
Introduction to modern front-end with Vue.js

Vue.js przebojem zdobywa popularność w środowisku frontendowym. W wielu ofertach pracy możesz spotkać się z nim jako z jednym z sugerowanych frameworków. Zdecydowanie warto poświęcić mu swoją uwagę, ponieważ łatwo się go nauczyć, a może on otworzyć Tobie bramy do pracy jako developer w niejednej firmie. Nasz zespół, jako jeden z pionierów Vue.js w Polsce, na co dzień wykorzystuje tę technologię w wielu projektach komercyjnych. Znasz podstawy HTMLa, CSSa i JavaScriptu? Może na studiach miałeś okazję bawić się jQuery? To wystarczy, by zacząć swoją przygodę z Vue.js. W trakcie prezentacji opowiemy Wam o komponentach - wzorcu na którym opierają się wszystkie nowoczesne frameworki frontendowe. Dowiecie się o również o tym, do czego służą dyrektywy, metody, computed properties i eventy w Vue.js oraz jak z nich korzystać. Stworzymy małą aplikację, aby pokazać Wam jak można zrobić to samemu od A do Z.

Basics of Vue.js 2019
Basics of Vue.js 2019Basics of Vue.js 2019
Basics of Vue.js 2019

Vue.js is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces that has gained popularity recently. It is smaller in size than Angular and React but provides similar functionality like virtual DOM and one-way data binding. Vue.js applications can range from simple single-page apps to complex projects with nested components. Key aspects of Vue.js include reusable components, templates with directives like v-if and v-for, lifecycle hooks, and the use of Vuex for state management and Vue Router for routing. The ecosystem around Vue.js continues to grow with tools, libraries, and support from companies using it in production.

Nuxt.js - Introduction
Nuxt.js - IntroductionNuxt.js - Introduction
Nuxt.js - Introduction

Slides presented at the Vue.js meetup in Paris the 3rd of December 2016. Nuxt.js is a minimalist framework for server-rendered Vue.js applications.

<div v-if="type === 'A'"> A </div>
<div v-else-if="type === 'B'"> B </div>
<div v-else-if="type === 'C'"> C </div>
<div v-else> Not A/B/C </div>
Conditional Rendering
<ul id=“list">
<li v-for="(item, index) in items">
{{ parentMessage }} -
{{ index }} -
{{ item.message }}

new Vue({
el: '#list',
data: {
parentMessage: ‘Parent',
items: [
{ message: 'Foo' },
{ message: 'Bar' }

<a @click.stop=“oThis"></a>

<form @submit.prevent=“onSubmit"></form>

<a @click.stop.prevent="doThat"></a>

<input @keyup.enter="submit">
Event & Key Modifiers
Much more..

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Vue.js is boring - and that's a good thing
Vue.js is boring - and that's a good thingVue.js is boring - and that's a good thing
Vue.js is boring - and that's a good thing

Vue.js is described as a "boring" framework that helps developers get work done without unnecessary complexity. It borrows best practices from other frameworks like React but aims to have simpler dependencies and templates. Vue.js uses reactive templates that can be written with plain JavaScript or JSX, and allows separating component logic from presentation with single file components. It also avoids unnecessary re-renders through its reactive system. The document demonstrates how Vue.js can be preferable for teams with mix of experience levels due to its flexibility and lack of complexity compared to other frameworks like React.

Vue JS Intro
Vue JS IntroVue JS Intro
Vue JS Intro

@ IBTI Palu fiddle: Todo jQuery: Todo Vue: Comment Box: repo:

Love at first Vue
Love at first VueLove at first Vue
Love at first Vue

Vue.js is an open-source progressive framework for building user interfaces that focuses on the view layer. It has a virtual DOM and reactive components. Its core is small and works well with companion libraries. Single file components allow importing of templates, logic, and styles. Popular companion libraries include Vuex for state management and Vue Router for routing. The Vue CLI makes it easy to scaffold Vue projects with features like routing, lazy loading, and preloading for improved performance.

Introducing Nuxt.js
A minimalist framework for creating
universal server side rendered (SSR)
• Shares an idea from the Next.js
• Similar to Ember tries to pack essential set of tools
• UI rendering as main scope (abstracting away the
client/server distribution)
What’s in the box?
• Vue 2
• Vue-Router
• Vuex (included only when
using the store option)
• Vue-Meta

A total of only 28kb 

min+gzip (31kb with Vuex)
Installation using vue-cli
vue init nuxt/starter <project-name>

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Building a Single Page Application with VueJS
Building a Single Page Application with VueJSBuilding a Single Page Application with VueJS
Building a Single Page Application with VueJS

Slides from the 8/27/2019 MKE JS Meetup. Goes through an overview of VueJS, the tools in the ecosystem, and how to build a Single Page Application (SPA) with VueJS.

An introduction to Vue.js
An introduction to Vue.jsAn introduction to Vue.js
An introduction to Vue.js

Do you hear of Vue.js everywhere lately? With this presentation, you will be able to create your first app in just 30 minutes. Understand the basics and get yourself a solid knowledge to start your journey with the new progressive JavaScript Framework.

vue.jsjavascriptweb development
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Vue 2.0 + Vuex Router & Vuex at Vue.js

- Vue.js Tokyo v-meetup="#1" - JS Night at Bizreach

<h1>Hello {{ name }}!</h1>
export default {
data () {
return {
name: 'drupalistas!'
Routing as standard
pages/ is the main API

Nuxt.js automatically generates the vue-router
configuration according to your file tree of *.vue files
inside the /pages directory

--| index.vue ⟶ /

--| about.vue ⟶ /about 

--| contact.vue ⟶ /contact
Dynamic Routes
define a .vue file OR a directory
prefixed by an _underscore.

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ReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparison

This document summarizes a meetup comparing Angular2 and React frameworks. It provides overviews of both frameworks, including their histories, core concepts, and differences. Some key points covered include React's use of a virtual DOM for efficient updates, Angular2's focus on being a full development platform, and both frameworks' growing communities and adoption. The meetup agenda also included rounds for comparing the frameworks and a Q&A panel discussion.

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This is an overview video that shows the scope of work and technology used within the Red Hat JBoss BRMS and BPMS platforms. The technology presented builds with GWT, Errai and UberFire as the foundation. Over 2015 we'll be working to make it for end users to consume the bits they need, paying for only what they use, so others can make power web platforms like BRMS and BPMS.

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Introduction to web application development with Vue (for absolute beginners)...
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Introduction to web application development with Vue (for absolute beginners)...

In this slide deck I show you how you can easily and quickly create quite rich web applications with Vue 3 – without having to study complex concepts or understand many technical details. I have only recently learned how to work with Vue 3 myself and now is the best time for me to share my learning experience (and my enthusiasm) with you. I know what I found essential to understand and what most got me excited in these early steps (what was a little bit hard to grasp). I believe that I can present my steps and guide you to experience the same fun and have a similarly gratifying experience. I am not an expert in this subject – I have barely learned how to walk and that is why I can help you with these first steps with Vue. In this deck, I do not explain how Vue works. I do not really know that. I will show you how to work with it and how to create web applications that are functional, appealing, fast and responsive. The approach I am taking is straightforward: • I will tell you a little bit about web development, browsers and reactive frameworks • I will show the hello world of Vue applications • I will explain about components and nesting, events, data binding and reactive behavior and demonstrate these concepts • I will introduce Vue UI Component libraries – and with no effort at all we will launch our application to the next level – with rich components to explore, manipulate, visualize data collections • We will publish the web application from our development environment to where the whole world could see it – using GitHub Pages • As bonus topic – we discuss state management At the end of this session you will be able to quickly create a simple yet rich web application with Vue 3. You have a starting point to further evolve your skills with the many online resources I am convinced that you will enjoy your newfound powers and the simplicity and power of Vue 3. Note: a tutorial accompanies this slide deck - see

vueweb developmentreactive
--| users/
-----| _id.vue
Dynamic Routes
"routes": [{
"name": "users-id",
"path": "/users/:id?",
"component": "pages/users/_id.vue"
npm run build
npm run start
Server Deployment

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This document outlines Vincent Biret's presentation on Azure Functions and Microsoft Flow. The presentation includes demos of using Flow to automate workflows across various services and using Functions to run pieces of code in the cloud. It also discusses pricing plans for Flow, supported languages for Functions, and best practices for integrating Flow and Functions. The presentation agenda covers introductions to Flow and Functions, demos of each, and a conclusion about how these tools can provide reliable development, save time and money, and empower users.

Vincent biret azure functions and flow (toronto)
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Vincent biret azure functions and flow (toronto)

This document outlines Vincent Biret's presentation on Azure Functions and Microsoft Flow. The presentation includes demos of using Flow to automate workflows across various services and using Functions to run pieces of code in the cloud. The agenda covers introductions to Flow and Functions, demos of each, best practices for using them together, and a conclusion on how they can provide reliable development, save time and money, and empower users.

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SPS calgary 2017 introduction to azure functions microsoft flowSPS calgary 2017 introduction to azure functions microsoft flow
SPS calgary 2017 introduction to azure functions microsoft flow

Slides of the session introduction to Microsoft flow and azure functions during SPSYYC. Lean to create no-code powerful workflows and extend those in a matter of minutes with Azure Functions

microsoft flowsharepointazure functions
npm run generate
Serverless Deployment


--| index.vue ⟶ /index.html

--| about.vue ⟶ /about/index.html 

--| contact.vue ⟶ /contact/index.html
The Drupal part
Connecting the dots with GraphQL
• A query language for API
• Fewer roundtrips to the server
• Get many resources in a single request
• Typesafe client/server contract
GraphQL in a nutshell

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NodeJS & Socket IO on Microsoft Azure Cloud Web Sites - DWX 2014

Presentation used as a support for the "Move you NodeJS application on the cloud" session on the DWX 2014. Contains detailed informations on how to start from a local working application to a fully scalable and highly available one on Microsoft Azure Cloud. See the Github associated project: where you can find all source code: > local branch: the application running on a local machine or a "classic" server > azure-servicebus: the application "almost ready" for use with Azure Service Bus (will be updated) > azure-redis: the application fully working on Azure Web Sites synchronizing data through Azure Redis Cache service and Azure Table Storage

Introduction to VueJS for begginers with examples | Namspace IT
Introduction to VueJS for begginers with examples | Namspace ITIntroduction to VueJS for begginers with examples | Namspace IT
Introduction to VueJS for begginers with examples | Namspace IT

Vue.js is an open-source model–view–viewmodel front end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It was created by Evan You and is maintained by him and the rest of the active core team members.

vuejsvuevuejs for begginers
nodeQuery (limit:10, filter:{type:"article"}) {
entities {
title: entityLabel
uid: entityUuid
created: entityCreated
url: entityUrl {
...on NodeArticle {
fieldImage {
derivative(style:medium) {
fieldTags {
Drupal point of vue
• Drupal 8.x
• youshido/graphql
• drupal/graphql:3.0
• exposed API to public
• CORS settings
Back-end requirements
• Nuxt.JS
• @nuxtjs/apollo
• node graphql
Front-end requirements

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Establish reliable builds and deployments with Magento

Vortrag “Establish reliable builds and deployments with Magento” von Marco Bamert auf der Meet Magento am 24.10.2014 in Zürich.

by Unic
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ColdBox APIs + VueJS - powering Mobile, Desktop and Web Apps with 1 VueJS cod...
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For a long time, some frontend Javascript frameworks have helped you with one or two styles of Apps, but Quasar is an amazing new VueJS framework that allows you to build Single Page Apps (SPA), Server-side Rendered Apps (SSR), Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Mobile Apps (Android and IOS) through Cordova as well as Multi-platform Desktop Apps using Electron. With the Quasar CLI, you can quickly start a project, and have a single code base that can output multiple formats, as needed. Come to this session and find out how. Presented at Into the Box 2019

Front End Development for Back End Developers - Devoxx UK 2017
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Are you a backend developer that’s being pushed into front end development? Are you frustrated with all JavaScript frameworks and build tools you have to learn to be a good UI developer? If so, this session is for you! We��ll explore the tools of the trade for fronted development (npm, yarn, Gulp, Webpack, Yeoman) and learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We’ll dive into the intricacies of Bootstrap, Material Design, ES6, and TypeScript. Finally, after getting you up to speed with all this new tech, we’ll show how it can all be found and integrated through the fine and dandy JHipster project.

• Fully server side rendered,
• fast,
• easy maintaining,
• decoupled Drupal!
What we get?
Clone the repo, and…
Run the demo!
Example blog site with Drupal & Nuxt
Thank you!

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The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and ...

This slide deck was used in support of BTE 102 - The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and domino at IBMConnectED 2015 Presentation was given with Mark Leusink

ibm ibmconnected angularjs domino xpages sharepoin
The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular js an...
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This document provides a summary of a presentation on using AngularJS and IBM Domino to build modern web applications. The presentation introduces AngularJS, an open-source JavaScript framework, and how it uses a model-view-controller architecture. It also discusses using IBM Domino as a RESTful backend service via Domino Access Services or a custom REST API. The presentation demonstrates a sample conference scheduling app built with AngularJS, Bootstrap, and data from an IBM Domino database. The app runs entirely on the client-side and shows how AngularJS allows building portable web apps that can run on any device or platform.

Azure DevOps for JavaScript Developers
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Azure DevOps for JavaScript Developers

The document provides an overview of Azure DevOps and why JavaScript developers should use it. It discusses features like source control, boards for tracking work items, pipelines for continuous integration and delivery, and testing. It also includes a demo of setting up a sample Create React App project in Azure DevOps, including configuring a pipeline to build and deploy the app to an Azure App Service. Resources for learning more about Azure DevOps, using it with JavaScript projects, and understanding Git are also provided.

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Gavin Pickin
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Matt Raible
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Mark Roden
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Mark Leusink
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Chad Campbell
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