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Web Components
Who is this guy?
Web Components
How to Use
<link rel="import" href="/path/calendar.html">
Web Components
Web Components
How to Use
<link rel="import" href="/path/to/map.html">
<open-street-map location-x=”13.252601623535156”
Web Components
Web Components
Web Component
Web Components
● Encapsulation
● Reusability
● Composability
Web Components
Easier and Faster Prototyping
<h2>Welcome to Berlin</h2>
<open-street-map location-x=”13.252601623535156”
Web Components
Web Component
● HTML Templates inert chunks of clonable DOM
● Custom Elements create new HTML elements
● Shadow DOM encapsulation & boundaries inside of DOM
● HTML Imports import html documents
Web Components
Client Side Templating
<script id="clock-template" type="text/x-type-template">
<span class=”hour”></span>:
<span class=”minute”></span>
encourages run-time string parsing (.innerHTML)
user-supplied data → Cross-site scripting
Web Components
HTML Templates
<template id="clock-tmpl">
<span class=”hour”></span>:
<span class=”minute”></span>
var template = document.querySelector("#clock-tmpl");
// comment is a DocumentFragment
var comment = template.content.cloneNode(true);
Web Components
HTML Templates
Web Components
Working directly with the DOM
no runtime script parsing, smaller XSS attack vector
Hidden from document
cannot traverse into its DOM via JavaScript
Content gets parsed, not rendered
<script> tags aren’t executed, images aren't loaded,
media doesn't play, etc.
Shadow DOM
Web Components
Shadow DOM gives us markup encapsulation,
style boundaries, and exposes (to web
developers) the same mechanics browsers
vendors have been using to implement their
internal UI.
Eric Bidelman
Shadow DOM
Web Components
Let’s dig deeper
Web Components
Shadow DOM
<div id="clock"></div>
var host = document.querySelector('#clock');
// use webkitCreateShadowRoot for now
var shadowRoot = host.createShadowRoot();
shadowRoot.innerHTML = "<span>14</span>:
Web Components
Shadow DOM
<h2>Black header</h2>
var host = document.createElement('div');
var shadowRoot = host.createShadowRoot();
var content = "<style>h2 {color: red}</style>";
content += "<h2>Red header</h2>";
shadowRoot.innerHTML = content;
Black header
Red header
Web Components
Shadow DOM
shadowRoot.resetStyleInheritance = false;
shadowRoot.applyAuthorStyles = false;
@host {
*:hover { color: red };
<span pseudo="x-hour"></span>
<my-clock id=”clock”></my-clock>
<style> #clock::x-hour { color: blue; } </style>
Web Components
Component CSS
clock.html Template
Custom Elements
var ClockPrototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);
ClockPrototype.createdCallback = function() {
this.impl.textContent = "14:20";
var Clock = document.register('custom-clock', {
prototype: ClockPrototype
var clock = new Clock();
// adds <custom-clock>14:20</custom-clock> to the DOM
Web Components
<link rel="import" href="clock.html">
var link = document.querySelector('link[rel=import]');
var content = link.import.querySelector('#clock');
HTML Imports
Web Components
<div id="clock">
<span class=”hour”>14</span>:
<span class=”minute”>30</span>
Web Component
Web Components
<template id="clock-tmpl">
<span class=”hour”>14</span>:
<span class=”minute”>30</span>
var ClockProto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);
ClockProto.createdCallback = function() {
var template = document.querySelector('#clock-tmpl');
var shadowRoot = this.createShadowRoot();
var clone = template.content.cloneNode(true);
document.register('my-clock', {prototype: ClockProto});
<link rel="import" href="clock.html">
Use Web Components today
Web Components
Web Component (Polymer.js)
Web Components
<polymer-element name="my-clock">
<span class=”hour”>14</span>:
<span class=”minute”>30</span>
<link rel="import" href="clock.html">
Think Big
Web Components
Thanks for listening!
Web Components
Further Reading
Web Components
Web Components
HTML Templates
HTML Imports
Further Reading
Web Components
Shadow DOM
Custom Elements
Web Components
Lego Bricks
Polymer Architecture

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Web Components

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  • 10. Web Component ● HTML Templates inert chunks of clonable DOM ● Custom Elements create new HTML elements ● Shadow DOM encapsulation & boundaries inside of DOM ● HTML Imports import html documents Web Components
  • 11. Client Side Templating <script id="clock-template" type="text/x-type-template"> <span class=”hour”></span>: <span class=”minute”></span> </script> HTML encourages run-time string parsing (.innerHTML) user-supplied data → Cross-site scripting Web Components
  • 12. HTML Templates <template id="clock-tmpl"> <span class=”hour”></span>: <span class=”minute”></span> </template> <script> var template = document.querySelector("#clock-tmpl"); // comment is a DocumentFragment var comment = template.content.cloneNode(true); </script> Web Components HTML
  • 13. HTML Templates Web Components Working directly with the DOM no runtime script parsing, smaller XSS attack vector Hidden from document cannot traverse into its DOM via JavaScript Content gets parsed, not rendered <script> tags aren’t executed, images aren't loaded, media doesn't play, etc.
  • 14. “ ” Shadow DOM Web Components Shadow DOM gives us markup encapsulation, style boundaries, and exposes (to web developers) the same mechanics browsers vendors have been using to implement their internal UI. Eric Bidelman
  • 17. Shadow DOM <div id="clock"></div> <script> var host = document.querySelector('#clock'); // use webkitCreateShadowRoot for now var shadowRoot = host.createShadowRoot(); shadowRoot.innerHTML = "<span>14</span>: <span>30</span>"; </script> Web Components HTML
  • 18. Shadow DOM <h2>Black header</h2> <script> var host = document.createElement('div'); var shadowRoot = host.createShadowRoot(); var content = "<style>h2 {color: red}</style>"; content += "<h2>Red header</h2>"; shadowRoot.innerHTML = content; document.body.appendChild(host); </script> Black header Red header Web Components HTML
  • 19. Shadow DOM shadowRoot.resetStyleInheritance = false; shadowRoot.applyAuthorStyles = false; @host { *:hover { color: red }; } <span pseudo="x-hour"></span> <my-clock id=”clock”></my-clock> <style> #clock::x-hour { color: blue; } </style> Web Components HTML Component CSS clock.html Template index.html
  • 20. Custom Elements var ClockPrototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); ClockPrototype.createdCallback = function() { this.impl.textContent = "14:20"; }; var Clock = document.register('custom-clock', { prototype: ClockPrototype }); var clock = new Clock(); // adds <custom-clock>14:20</custom-clock> to the DOM document.body.appendChild(clock); Web Components tick_tock_clock.html
  • 21. <link rel="import" href="clock.html"> <script> var link = document.querySelector('link[rel=import]'); var content = link.import.querySelector('#clock'); </script> HTML Imports Web Components <div id="clock"> <span class=”hour”>14</span>: <span class=”minute”>30</span> </div> clock.html index.html
  • 22. Web Component Web Components <template id="clock-tmpl"> <span class=”hour”>14</span>: <span class=”minute”>30</span> </template> <script> var ClockProto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); ClockProto.createdCallback = function() { var template = document.querySelector('#clock-tmpl'); var shadowRoot = this.createShadowRoot(); var clone = template.content.cloneNode(true); shadowRoot.appendChild(clone); }; document.register('my-clock', {prototype: ClockProto}); </script> <link rel="import" href="clock.html"> <my-clock></my-clock> clock.html index.html
  • 23. Use Web Components today Web Components
  • 24. Web Component (Polymer.js) Web Components <polymer-element name="my-clock"> <template> <span class=”hour”>14</span>: <span class=”minute”>30</span> </template> <script>Polymer('my-clock');</script> </polymer-element> <link rel="import" href="clock.html"> <my-clock></my-clock> clock.html index.html
  • 27. Further Reading Web Components Web Components HTML Templates HTML Imports
  • 28. Further Reading Web Components Shadow DOM Custom Elements Resources Web Components Lego Bricks Polymer Architecture Icons