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Hardware Acceleration in

     허준회 (Joone Hur)

         2011. 12/16
about me

• 허준회 Joone Hur (, @joone)
• WebKit Committer
• Working on WebKitGtk+, webkit-clutter

•   Accelerating Browsing
•   Video Acceleration
•   2D Acceleration
•   Accelerated Compositing
•   WebKit-Clutter
•   Demo
Accelerating Browsing

• Off-screen buffer (Backing Store)
• JavaScript engine with JIT (Just-in-Time)
• Graphics Acceleration
Graphics Acceleration?

• Reducing memory copy
• Rendering by GPU instead of CPU
  o alpha blending
  o matrix transforms
  o color space conversion
Graphics Acceleration in WebKit
Video Acceleration

video stream => main memory => video memory
            (CPU)         (CPU)

video stream => decoder (or GPU) => video memory
iPad plays only one video due to hardware

2D Acceleration in WebKit

• GPU accelerated 2D canvas
• Can be tested in Chrome browser
  o   about:flags => Enable "GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D"
How 2D acceleration works
Major steps in HTML page rendering in IE9
Tree structures in WebCore

• Document Tree
   o DOM Tree, Shadow DOM Tree
• Render Tree
   o RenderObject Tree
   o RenderStyle Tree
   o RenderLayer Tree
   o GraphicsLayer Tree
   o LineBox Tree
RenderLayer Tree
A RenderLayer is created if:
   It's the root object for the page (RenderView)
   It has explicit CSS position properties (relative, absolute, fixed)
   It has CSS3 transforms property
   It is transparent (CSS opacity)
   It has overflow, an alpha mask or reflection
   Corresponds to <canvas> element that has a 3D (WebGL) context
   Corresponds to a <video> element
How it works
Accelerated CSS3 with AC

• CSS3 3D transforms
• CSS3 Transitions
• CSS3 Animations

• HTML5 Video
Enabling AC in Chrome => about:flags

• A WebKit port based on Clutter
• The same APIs as WebKitGTK+
• Allows clutter applications to embed a webview
Why Webkit-Clutter

• Embedding applications can animate webviews
• It allows a web page to scroll faster and animations to run
  smoothly with GPU acceleration
Accelerating Compositing in WebKit-Clutter
How to implement AC using Clutter

CSS3 3D Transforms : ClutterActor, ClutterStage, Cogl
CSS3 Transitions: ClutterState
CSS3 Animations: ClutterAnimator

Where do I get it?

Accelerated Compositing Branch

Build instructions here:
Hacking Accelerated Compositing in
• ~/git/WebKit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics
   o ca
   o chromium
   o clutter
   o efl
   o qt
   o textmap

• Use OpenCL to HW accelerate SVG and CSS Filters
• Rendering in WebKit,
• The Architecture of Full Hardware Acceleration of All Web

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Hardware Acceleration in WebKit

  • 1. Hardware Acceleration in WebKit 허준회 (Joone Hur) 2011. 12/16
  • 2. about me • 허준회 Joone Hur (, @joone) • WebKit Committer • Working on WebKitGtk+, webkit-clutter
  • 3. Contents • Accelerating Browsing • Video Acceleration • 2D Acceleration • Accelerated Compositing • WebKit-Clutter • Demo
  • 4. Accelerating Browsing • Off-screen buffer (Backing Store) • JavaScript engine with JIT (Just-in-Time) compilation • Graphics Acceleration
  • 5. Graphics Acceleration? • Reducing memory copy • Rendering by GPU instead of CPU o alpha blending o matrix transforms o color space conversion
  • 7. Video Acceleration video stream => main memory => video memory (CPU) (CPU) video stream => decoder (or GPU) => video memory (DMA)
  • 8. iPad plays only one video due to hardware acceleration HTML5-video-element/
  • 9. 2D Acceleration in WebKit • GPU accelerated 2D canvas o • Can be tested in Chrome browser o about:flags => Enable "GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D"
  • 11. Major steps in HTML page rendering in IE9 the-architecture-of-full-hardware-acceleration-of-all-web-page-content.aspx
  • 12. Tree structures in WebCore • Document Tree o DOM Tree, Shadow DOM Tree • Render Tree o RenderObject Tree o RenderStyle Tree o RenderLayer Tree o GraphicsLayer Tree o LineBox Tree
  • 13. RenderLayer Tree A RenderLayer is created if:  It's the root object for the page (RenderView)  It has explicit CSS position properties (relative, absolute, fixed)  It has CSS3 transforms property  It is transparent (CSS opacity)  It has overflow, an alpha mask or reflection  Corresponds to <canvas> element that has a 3D (WebGL) context  Corresponds to a <video> element
  • 15. Accelerated CSS3 with AC • CSS3 3D transforms • CSS3 Transitions • CSS3 Animations • HTML5 Video
  • 16. Enabling AC in Chrome => about:flags
  • 18. Webkit-Clutter • A WebKit port based on Clutter • The same APIs as WebKitGTK+ • Allows clutter applications to embed a webview
  • 19. Why Webkit-Clutter • Embedding applications can animate webviews • It allows a web page to scroll faster and animations to run smoothly with GPU acceleration
  • 20. Accelerating Compositing in WebKit-Clutter
  • 21. How to implement AC using Clutter CSS3 3D Transforms : ClutterActor, ClutterStage, Cogl CSS3 Transitions: ClutterState CSS3 Animations: ClutterAnimator
  • 22. Demo • cubes.html • circle.html • ml
  • 23. Where do I get it? Accelerated Compositing Branch Build instructions here:
  • 24. Hacking Accelerated Compositing in WebKit • ~/git/WebKit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics o ca o chromium o clutter o efl o qt o textmap
  • 25. Etc • Use OpenCL to HW accelerate SVG and CSS Filters
  • 26. References • Rendering in WebKit, v=RVnARGhhs9w • The Architecture of Full Hardware Acceleration of All Web Page Content, architecture-of-full-hardware-acceleration-of-all-web-page- content.aspx • • ign-documents/gpu-accelerated-compositing-in-chrome