SlideShare a Scribd company logo
San Francisco
February 21-22, 2013
About the W3Conference

•   Website:
•   Twitter:
•   Twitter:
•   Lanyard:
•   Video:
• Client-side storage options
• Security
• Ebooks
• HTML5 capabilities
• CSS advances
• Mobile
• Accessibility
• Open source collaboration
• JavaScript (EcmaScript) advances
Client-side Storage Options
• Cookies
• Web Storage
• Web SQL (being discontinued in favor of IndexedDB)
• IndexedDB
• File APIs
• Frameworks (such as Backbone.js)
Why Use Client-side Storage?
• Mobile applications
• Disconnected applications
 (To Do Lists, Image Processors)

• Partially disconnected applications
 (Mail Clients, Calendar, Field Devices)

• Faster web sites with offline storage
 (Offline Catalogs, User Preferences)

• Reduce network traffic
• Significantly speed up display times
• Save temporary state
• Richer UI experience with user-updated data
• Prevent work loss from network disconnects – Web Storage - IndexedDB
• Included in every http request
• Data is sent unencrypted over the internet
• Restricted to 4KB storage on client-side
• Stores only strings
• Used for:
  - shopping carts
  - user login
  - personalization
  - ad tracking
  - analytics
Web Storage
• W3C Web Storage Recommendation
  Defines an API for persistent data storage of key-value pair data
  in Web Clients
• localStorage and sessionStorage
• Data is stored as string, or objects using JSON.stringify,
  have to convert other types such as ints, floats, objects, and
• Limited to approx. 2.5 - 5MB per application
• Can hook into browser events, such as offline, online, storage
• Can be disabled by the user or system administrator
• Don’t store sensitive data, as like cookies, vulnerable to cross
  site scripting attacks
• Example:
  localStorage.setItem(‘favoriteFish’, ‘herring’);
  $(‘#demo’).html(‘My fav fish is: ‘ + localStorage.getItem(‘favoriteFish’));
HTML5 sessionStorage
• User carrying out single transaction, but could have
  multiple transactions in different windows at the same
  time. Cookies don’t handle this case well. Session ends
  when browser closed
• Each page has own copy of the session storage object
• Example: Two page interaction

 Page 1:
             <input type=“checkbox”
                onchange=“ ? ‘true’ : ‘’ “>
             I want insurance this trip.

 Page 2:
           if ( { your code here }
HTML5 localStorage
• Spans multiple windows, and lasts beyond current
• Is not transmitted with every request like cookies
• Example: Storing user data
  You have viewed this page
  <span id=“count”> number of </span> time(s).
  if (!localStorage.pageLoadCount)
     localStorage.pageLoadCount = 0;
     localStorage.pageLoadCount =
       parseInt(localStorage.pageLoadCount) + 1;
     document.getElementById(‘count’).textContent =
• Indexed Data API W3C Working Draft:
  In-browser database with key-value pairs and basic
• Available in Synchronous API & Asynchronous API
• Stores most JS Objects
• Temporary: up to 20% of available space per app
• Permanent: can request up to 100% of available space
• Example:
  function createDB() {
     var openRequest =‘Favorites’, ‘2’);
     openRequest.onerror = errorHandler;
     openRequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
       db = openRequest.result;
File APIs
• Stores text and binary
• FileReader API and FileWriter API
• Example:
   function fetchImage() {
      var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();‘GET’, ‘/img/childhood.png’, true);
      xhr.responseType = ‘arraybuffer’;
      xhr.onload = function(e) {
Fall-back Strategy
For browsers that don’t support
Web Storage or IndexedDB:

• Cookies
• Backbone.js
• PersistJS
• Amplify.js
• Store.js
• And many more…
Chrome Web Storage
Parashuram Narasimhan Demos
Chrome Web Storage
Chrome Web Storage
Chrome Preferences > Show Advanced Settings >
Privacy: Content settings… > All cookies and site data…
Parashuram Narasimhan Demos
Parashuram Narasimhan Demos
Security of IndexedDB
• Mozilla info: IndexedDB uses the same-origin principle,
  which ties the store to the origin that creates it
  (typically, it is the site domain or subdomain), so it
  can’t be accessed by any other origin
• Doesn’t work for content loaded from another site
  (either <frame> or <iframe>)
• Not recommended for sensitive data
• More on security in another meeting…
•            •

•            •

•            •

•            •

•            •

•            •

•            •

•            •

•            •
Helpful Sites
• browser and device support for features
• Google project about HTML5
•    HTML5 & CSS3 Readiness: Browser support tool
•    HTML Living Standard: Web Storage specifics
•    My Web Store: Example of IndexedDB by Parashuram
•    Using IndexedDB: Mozilla Developer Network How-To
•    Client-side Storage: Interesting comparison
• W3C standards and resources
Further Research
• There was so much information, and so many great
  resources to investigate.

• Thank you!

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Notes on SF W3Conf

  • 2. About the W3Conference • Website: • Twitter: • Twitter: • Lanyard: • Video:
  • 3. Concentrations • Client-side storage options • Security • Ebooks • HTML5 capabilities • CSS advances • Mobile • Accessibility • Open source collaboration • JavaScript (EcmaScript) advances
  • 4. Client-side Storage Options • Cookies • Web Storage • Web SQL (being discontinued in favor of IndexedDB) • IndexedDB • File APIs • Frameworks (such as Backbone.js)
  • 5. Why Use Client-side Storage? • Mobile applications • Disconnected applications (To Do Lists, Image Processors) • Partially disconnected applications (Mail Clients, Calendar, Field Devices) • Faster web sites with offline storage (Offline Catalogs, User Preferences) • Reduce network traffic • Significantly speed up display times • Save temporary state • Richer UI experience with user-updated data • Prevent work loss from network disconnects
  • 8. Cookies • Included in every http request • Data is sent unencrypted over the internet • Restricted to 4KB storage on client-side • Stores only strings • Used for: - shopping carts - user login - personalization - ad tracking - analytics
  • 9. Web Storage • W3C Web Storage Recommendation Defines an API for persistent data storage of key-value pair data in Web Clients • localStorage and sessionStorage • Data is stored as string, or objects using JSON.stringify, have to convert other types such as ints, floats, objects, and booleans • Limited to approx. 2.5 - 5MB per application • Can hook into browser events, such as offline, online, storage change • Can be disabled by the user or system administrator • Don’t store sensitive data, as like cookies, vulnerable to cross site scripting attacks • Example: localStorage.setItem(‘favoriteFish’, ‘herring’); $(‘#demo’).html(‘My fav fish is: ‘ + localStorage.getItem(‘favoriteFish’));
  • 10. HTML5 sessionStorage • User carrying out single transaction, but could have multiple transactions in different windows at the same time. Cookies don’t handle this case well. Session ends when browser closed • Each page has own copy of the session storage object • Example: Two page interaction Page 1: <label> <input type=“checkbox” onchange=“ ? ‘true’ : ‘’ “> I want insurance this trip. </label> Page 2: if ( { your code here }
  • 11. HTML5 localStorage • Spans multiple windows, and lasts beyond current session • Is not transmitted with every request like cookies • Example: Storing user data <p> You have viewed this page <span id=“count”> number of </span> time(s). </p> <script> if (!localStorage.pageLoadCount) localStorage.pageLoadCount = 0; localStorage.pageLoadCount = parseInt(localStorage.pageLoadCount) + 1; document.getElementById(‘count’).textContent = localStorage.pageLoadCount; </script>
  • 12. IndexedDB • Indexed Data API W3C Working Draft: In-browser database with key-value pairs and basic indexing • Available in Synchronous API & Asynchronous API • Stores most JS Objects • Temporary: up to 20% of available space per app • Permanent: can request up to 100% of available space • Example: function createDB() { var openRequest =‘Favorites’, ‘2’); openRequest.onerror = errorHandler; openRequest.onsuccess = function(e) { db = openRequest.result; createStore(db); } }
  • 13. File APIs • Stores text and binary • FileReader API and FileWriter API • Example: function fetchImage() { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();‘GET’, ‘/img/childhood.png’, true); xhr.responseType = ‘arraybuffer’; xhr.onload = function(e) { saveImage(xhr.response); }; xhr.send(); }
  • 14. Fall-back Strategy For browsers that don’t support Web Storage or IndexedDB: • Cookies • Backbone.js • PersistJS • Amplify.js • Store.js • And many more…
  • 15. Chrome Web Storage Parashuram Narasimhan Demos
  • 17. Chrome Web Storage Chrome Preferences > Show Advanced Settings > Privacy: Content settings… > All cookies and site data…
  • 20. Security of IndexedDB • Mozilla info: IndexedDB uses the same-origin principle, which ties the store to the origin that creates it (typically, it is the site domain or subdomain), so it can’t be accessed by any other origin • Doesn’t work for content loaded from another site (either <frame> or <iframe>) • Not recommended for sensitive data • More on security in another meeting…
  • 21. Presenters • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
  • 22. Helpful Sites • browser and device support for features • Google project about HTML5 • HTML5 & CSS3 Readiness: Browser support tool • HTML Living Standard: Web Storage specifics • My Web Store: Example of IndexedDB by Parashuram • Using IndexedDB: Mozilla Developer Network How-To • Client-side Storage: Interesting comparison • W3C standards and resources
  • 23. Further Research • There was so much information, and so many great resources to investigate. • Thank you!