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Open APIs for Open Minds
Fermín Galán Márquez (, Miguel Jimenez (, Carlos Ralli (, Juanjo Hierro (
Telefónica I+D, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Developing your first application using FI-WARE
Let’s go into detail…
IoT Backend Device
Context BrokerTicket Management
Wirecloud (javascript runtime)
Object Storage
Wirecloud (server)
IoT Backend Device
Context BrokerTicket Management
Wirecloud (javascript runtime)
Object Storage
Wirecloud (server)
Context Broker

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Orion Context Broker webminar 2014-04-01
Orion Context Broker webminar 2014-04-01Orion Context Broker webminar 2014-04-01
Orion Context Broker webminar 2014-04-01

The document discusses Orion Context Broker, which is a context management enabler in FI-WARE. It intermediates between context producers and consumers. Orion stores context information using the NGSI information model, which represents context data as entities with attributes. Orion provides a RESTful NGSI API to allow updating, querying and subscribing to context changes. The document provides an overview of how Orion works and its role in FI-WARE applications.

A Complete IoT Backend Infrastructure in FIWARE
A Complete IoT Backend Infrastructure in FIWAREA Complete IoT Backend Infrastructure in FIWARE
A Complete IoT Backend Infrastructure in FIWARE

A Complete IoT Backend Infrastructure in FIWARE presentation, by Tera. How-to session. 1st FIWARE Summit, Málaga, Dec. 13-15, 2016.

Introduction to FIWARE Open Ecosystem
Introduction to FIWARE Open EcosystemIntroduction to FIWARE Open Ecosystem
Introduction to FIWARE Open Ecosystem

Introduction to FIWARE and FIWARE Lab giving an brief overview of the main components (GE) of the platform which could be used for your own business.

Taking a closer look
Context Broker
Ticket Management
Wirecloud Wirecloud
Ticket ManagementDB
The NGSI information model
• Name
• Type
• Value
Context Element attributes
• Name
• Type
• Value
Context Element
• EntityId
• EntityType
1 n 1 n
“has” “has”
(We are not fully supporting
metadata right now)
Node Lamps
Electrical Regulator
location TimeInstant
severity batteryCharge
…and many more (look to app code)
Typical Orion broker utilization steps
Creating new
context elements
“Write” context
To different ways
of “reading”
context elements
Getting aware of new
context elements
Look for existing
context elements
NGSI9 operation (context availability)
NGSI10 operation (context information)
Context platform available at Campus Party
Broker Echo
Global instance at
(at FI-LAB cloud)
(Only for
purposes during the
LiveDemo testbed
Backend Device Management
Dedicated instances at
“FI-WARE Cloud: bringing
OpenStack to the next level”
workshop (Wed 10-12am)
NGSI enabled
SensorsNGSI enabled
SensorsNGSI enabled

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FIWARE: Managing Context Information at large scale
FIWARE: Managing Context Information at large scaleFIWARE: Managing Context Information at large scale
FIWARE: Managing Context Information at large scale

This presentation describes how context management is implemented in FIWARE platform, base don Orion Context Broker GEri. Both basic usage of Context Broker and advanced topics are included.

orion context brokercontext managementfiware
FIWARE Overview of Generic Enablers
FIWARE Overview of Generic EnablersFIWARE Overview of Generic Enablers
FIWARE Overview of Generic Enablers

This document provides an overview of Generic Enablers in the FIWARE platform. It describes Generic Enablers as reusable building blocks that provide common functions across multiple use cases and sectors. The Generic Enablers are divided into 7 technical chapters, including data/context management, interfaces to network and devices, security, and applications/services. Specific Enablers are also described as components that offer domain-specific functions for areas like manufacturing, media, healthcare, energy, and agrifood.

finodexopen datafippp
Orion Context Broker workshop (CPMX5)
Orion Context Broker workshop (CPMX5)Orion Context Broker workshop (CPMX5)
Orion Context Broker workshop (CPMX5)

1) The document discusses Orion Context Broker, which is a component of the FI-WARE platform that intermediates between context producers and consumers to manage context data or context information. 2) Context information always relates to "entities" and has a name, type, and value. Orion Context Broker uses the NGSI information model and stores context information along with metadata in a database. 3) Orion Context Broker provides REST APIs for context availability management and context management to update, query, and subscribe to context information from distributed context sources.

fiware contexbroker cpmx5
IoT Backend Device
Context BrokerTicket Management
Wirecloud (javascript runtime)
Object Storage
Wirecloud (server)
What is Wirecloud?
service Backend
Object Storage
Catalogue of widgets and mashups
 Widget
 .wgt
Store API
Mashup API
Local catalogue
What can I do with Wirecloud?

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FIWARE Developers Week_FIWARE IoT: Beginner's tutorial_conference
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FIWARE loT beginner's tutorial by Carlos Ralli Ucendo (@carlosralli) for the UPM FIWARE Developers Week (Madrid, March 10th 2015).

Fiware, the future internet
Fiware, the future internetFiware, the future internet
Fiware, the future internet

FIWARE aims to transform the future internet by providing open-source generic enablers (GEs) through APIs that can be combined to build applications. These GEs include functions for context data management, big data analysis, device connectivity, and more. FIWARE also offers resources like the FIWARE Lab test environment and FIWARE Academy training to help developers build innovative applications that integrate diverse data and devices. The goal is for FIWARE to become the standard platform for the internet of things and smart cities.

fiware labfiware universityfiware catalogue
Fiware Developers Week Iot exercises (Advanced)
Fiware Developers Week Iot exercises (Advanced)Fiware Developers Week Iot exercises (Advanced)
Fiware Developers Week Iot exercises (Advanced)

This document provides instructions for 8 exercises involving deploying and using an IoT Agent to connect IoT devices to the FIWARE Context Broker. The exercises cover tasks like deploying an IoT Agent, provisioning devices, registering devices using the LWM2M protocol, retrieving and updating sensor data, detecting new data providers, customizing attribute mappings, and provisioning device groups. Contact information is provided for getting help with the exercises.

To create my own application mashup…
 Widgets and operators:
• Widgets can be developed with any Web technology (HTML, Flash, SVG…) that supports
• Operators are coded in JavaScript
 Both widgets and operators can be easily adapted from existing ones, or created from scratch
 Open Widget API
• JavaScript API
• Core Widgets Functionality:
› gain access to external resources (cross-domain problem)
› wiring
› preferences
› …
How to develop a widget?
 Setting up the development environment
• Eclipse, VIM, etc...
• Creating the directory structure (WGT)
 Creating the widget:
• Create the template of the widget (config.xml)
• Widget view: an HTML file + CSS
• Widget app logic: JavaScript (using Widget API)
 Testing your widget
• Uploading the widget to Local Catalogue
› The WGT file is a ZIP file renamed to .wgt
• Add widget to a mashup
› Wiring, preferences, layout…
Widget structure
 config.xml
• definition of the widget (based on WDL)
 index.html
• main view file
• references JS and CSS resources
 /js
• directory for JavaScript files
 /css
• directory for CSS files
 /images
• directory for images
 /doc
• documentation
 The mandatory config.xml file contains the WDL XML template needed to tell Wirecloud what the
widget looks like. This includes:
• Widget metadata (non-functional properties)
• User preferences
• Widget inputs and outputs (wiring)
• Link to the actual widget source code
• Default rendering information

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FIWARE NGSI: Managing Context Information at Large Scale
FIWARE NGSI: Managing Context Information at Large ScaleFIWARE NGSI: Managing Context Information at Large Scale
FIWARE NGSI: Managing Context Information at Large Scale

FIWARE NGSI: Managing Context Information at Large Scale, by Fermín Galán. Orion Context Broker developing team. 1st FIWARE Summit, Málaga, Dec. 13-15, 2016.

orionfiwarecontext broker
FIWARE IoT Proposal & Community
FIWARE IoT Proposal & CommunityFIWARE IoT Proposal & Community
FIWARE IoT Proposal & Community

This document discusses connecting IoT devices and systems to the FIWARE Lab ecosystem. It provides an overview of the FIWARE IoT proposal and community. It then describes the most common scenarios for connecting IoT providers and consumers to the FIWARE Context Broker using the IDAS/SBC Ultralight 2.0 protocol. Step-by-step instructions are provided for registering models and devices and sending measurements and commands. Additional options for connecting IoT systems like MQTT and LWM2M are also mentioned.

fiwaresmart citiesinternet of things
FIWARE Tech Summit - FIWARE NGSIv2 Introduction
FIWARE Tech Summit - FIWARE NGSIv2 IntroductionFIWARE Tech Summit - FIWARE NGSIv2 Introduction
FIWARE Tech Summit - FIWARE NGSIv2 Introduction

Presentation by José Manuel Cantera Senior Expert - Tech Lead, FIWARE Foundation FIWARE Tech Summit 28-29 November, 2017 Malaga, Spain

appscontext brokercontext management
Config.xml example (I)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Template xmlns="">
<Vendor>Company distributing the widget</Vendor>
<Name>Widget name</Name>
<DisplayName>Widget Example</DisplayName>
<Description>Full widget description to be shown in catalogue</Description>
<ImageURI>Absolute or relative path to display image</ImageURI>
<iPhoneImageURI>Path to imate to display on mobile devices</iPhoneImageURI>
<WikiURI>Path to widget doc</WikiURI>
Config.xml example (II)
<Preference name=”pref_name" type="text" description="…" />
<OutputEndpoint name="identifier"
type="text" label="Label to show on wiring"
friendcode="same as compatible input endpoint friendcode"/>
<InputEndpoint name="identifier"
type="text" label="Label to show on wiring"
friendcode="same as compatible output endpoint friendcode"/>
<XHTML href="index.html"/>
<Platform.Rendering width="6" height="24"/>
index.html example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/main.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" />
<!– Create here or create by JavaScript ->
Using the Open Widget API
 Accessing widget preferences
MashupPlatform.prefs.set("color", "red")
 Getting user login name

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FIWARE Developers Week_IoT basic exercises
FIWARE Developers Week_IoT basic exercisesFIWARE Developers Week_IoT basic exercises
FIWARE Developers Week_IoT basic exercises

Internet of Things Basic exercises by Carlos Ralli Ucendo (@carlosralli) for the UPM Developers Week (Madrid, March 10th 2015).

FIWARE Developers Week_BootcampWeBUI_presentation1
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The Synchronization GE provides a generic scene data model and real-time two-way synchronization mechanism for multi-user web applications. It uses an entity-component-attribute structure to represent synchronized data and WebSockets to transmit updates between clients and servers. Developers can leverage the GE's synchronization capabilities to add real-time collaboration features to their applications without building these components from scratch.

FIWARE IoT Introduction 1
FIWARE IoT Introduction 1FIWARE IoT Introduction 1
FIWARE IoT Introduction 1

A description of FIWARE IoT Agents, how to register sensors, connect to Orion Context Broker in the FIWARE Summer School in Cairo

fiware labfiwareiot agents
Wiring endpoints
 Declaration on config.xml
<InputEndpoint name="my_input_name" type="text" label="my_label"
description="my_description" friendcode="some_code" />
<OutputEndpoint name="my_output_name" type="text" label="label"
description="description" friendcode="url"/>
 Input endpoints
MashupPlatform.wiring.registerCallback("my_input_name", inputListener);
 Output endpoints
MashupPlatform.wiring.pushEvent("my_output_name", data);
Making a cross-domain HTTP request
 Perform the invocation and register asynchronous call-backs:
MashupPlatform.http.makeRequest(url, {
method: 'GET',
onSuccess: function (transport) {
var response;
response = JSON.parse(transport.responseText);
onFailure: function (transport) {
Connecting a widget to NGSI
 Register NGSI usage on config.xml
<Requirements> <Feature name="NGSI"/> </Requirements>
 Send a notification through NGSI
var connection = new NGSI.Connection('');
entity: {
id: 'iss8',
type: 'Issue'
name: 'technician',
contextValue: 'tech1'
}], {
onSuccess: function () { //… },
onFailure: function () { //… }
Connecting a widget to NGSI
 Subscribe for notifications on certain entities
var entityIdList = [
{type: 'Van', id: '.*', isPattern: true},
{type: 'Technician', id: '.*', isPattern: true}
var attributeList = null; var duration = 'PT3H'; var throttling = null;
var notifyConditions = [{
type: 'ONCHANGE', condValues: ['name', 'current_position']
var options = {
flat: true,
onNotify: process_entities,
onSuccess: function (data) {
subscriptionId = data.subscriptionId;
refresh_interval = setInterval(refreshNGSISubscript, 1000*60*60*2);//2 hours
connection.createSubscription(entityIdList, attributeList, duration, throttling,
notifyConditions, options);

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FIWARE Internet of Things
FIWARE Internet of ThingsFIWARE Internet of Things
FIWARE Internet of Things

The document discusses connecting IoT devices to the FIWARE IoT platform. It provides steps to connect a device using the UltraLight 2.0 protocol: 1. Specify connection details for the IoT Agent (IDAS) like IP, ports and API key. 2. Create a device model or use an existing one for the sensor type. 3. Register the device by creating an asset using the REST API and specifying the model. 4. Send observations from the device to IDAS using the UL 2.0 API, including the asset ID and API key. 5. Read the measurements from the Context Broker using NGSI queries to the asset entity.

Developing your first application using FIWARE
Developing your first application using FIWAREDeveloping your first application using FIWARE
Developing your first application using FIWARE

This document provides instructions for developing a first application using the FI-WARE platform. It discusses the FI-WARE architecture, including key components like the context broker and Wirecloud. It then describes how to create widgets using Wirecloud, connecting them to context broker and other FI-WARE services. The document also explains how to include IoT devices in a Z-Wave network and register them with the FI-WARE IoT backend.

Nuxeo - OpenSocial
Nuxeo - OpenSocialNuxeo - OpenSocial
Nuxeo - OpenSocial

Nuxeo allows leveraging the OpenSocial standard within its platform. OpenSocial is a common standard used in enterprises that allows for easy development through HTTP, XML, JavaScript and RESTful APIs. Nuxeo includes both a full GWT container and a lightweight JavaScript container for simple gadget integration. It supports OAuth authentication and uses the OpenSocial standard, allowing gadgets from other containers like iGoogle to be used. Nuxeo also provides an automation JavaScript library and templates to simplify building gadgets that interface with the Nuxeo platform.

opensocialnuxeonuxeo platform
Using Object Storage from a widget
 Register Object Storage usage on config.xml
<Requirements> <Feature name="ObjectStorage"/> </Requirements>
 Upload a file
var object_storage = new ObjectStorageAPI(’<Object Storage instance url>');
var fileParts = ["<a id="a"><b id="b">hey!</b></a>"];
var myBlob = new Blob(fileParts, { "type" : "text/xml" });
object_storage.uploadFile('folder_name', myBlob, token, {
file_name: 'myFile.xml',
onSuccess: function () {
alert('File uploaded successfully');
onFailure: function () {
alert('Something went wrong while uploading the file');
Uploading your widget
 Compress (zip) the widget contents
• Rename it as a .wgt file
 Upload the WGT file to Local Catalogue through WireCloud web interface
Wiring your widget
 You can always find the most updated documentation of Wirecloud in:
 User and Programmer Guide:
 Installation and Administration Guide:
 Download from Github:
• Wirecloud source code:
• Widget's source code of FIWARE's Live Demo mashable application component):
 Stuff for this workshop

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Online videos
 FIWARE Live Demo:
 Other videos:
• - Building a mashup from Geowidgets linked to
geospatial services.
• - Using operators in a mashup to allow widgets
to send tweets
• - An example of integration with the marketplace
and the catalogue GEs
IoT Backend Device
Context BrokerTicket Management
Wirecloud (javascript runtime)
Object Storage
Wirecloud (server)
FI-WARE IoT Extended Platform Vision
Plug IoT world to FI-WARE via NGSI notifications.
FI-WARE IoT Functional Architecture (Target)

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Jetpack released new features in 2021 including: - Compose integrations with libraries like Hilt, Paging, and Navigation. - Improvements to CameraX, Room, DataStore, Navigation, and other libraries. - New libraries like AppSearch, Macrobenchmark, and Google Shortcuts. - Support for additional form factors with updates to libraries like Window and Wear. - Many libraries reached stable versions or added new capabilities in alpha/beta stages.

Building the an End-to-End ASP.NET MVC 4, Entity Framework, HTML5, jQuery app...
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This is a talk I gave at the spring 2013 AngleBrackets/DevIntersection conference in Las Vegas. HTML5 is all the rage these days but where do you look to find robust examples of using it along with jQuery, client-side templates, Ajax calls, data access technologies, and more? In this session, Dan Wahlin will walk through an application that demonstrates how key HTML5 technologies can be integrated and used to present data to users in different ways. Topics covered include exposing data to the client using RESTful services created using the new ASP.NET Web API, using Handlebars templates to render data, JavaScript techniques for structuring code, the role of HTML5 semantic tags, as well as how technologies such as the canvas, SVG, and video can be used. If you want to learn server-side as well as client-side techniques and strategies then this session is for you.

FI-WARE IoT Challenge Architecture
z-way server (Razberry HW)
NGSI9 (Register)
NGSI10 (Observations)
Connecting a basic z-wave pack
(A) SensorMLNGSI (B)
Download the PI image with FIGWAY software at:
HOW-TO Get Started - Z-wave basic pack
0) You need: a RaspberryPI + Razbian card plugged in its GPIO
1) Include your z-wave devices into your z-wave network
Complete your sensor details in our “IoT Challenge HUB doc”
2) Edit "fizway_resgister” & "fizway" scripts
Update the Device_ID number of your sensors.
3) Edit the file SensorML/Register_SWITCH
Update the line containing the callback URL:
-> Instead of put the RaspberryPI public IP address
-> Instead of 9999 set the port the switch daemon will be listening (normally, 7777)
4) Check & Edit -if necessary- the figway "Config" file.
Normally, modifications aren't needed so you can skip (4).
A Config.example file is provided and comments should make this task really easy.
5) Register all your working sensors by executing
6) Launch the script to interconnect your sensors to FI-WARE IoT Backend:
>./fizway &
0) Mount RaspberryPI + Razbian

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Building Modern Apps using Android Architecture Components
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Symfony2 first stable release is scheduled for the first week of March 2011. During this session, we will have a look at the new framework architecture and most of its powerfull features. We will show you how Symfony2 implements the MVC pattern and an HTTP request is processed and converted as a response for the end user. Of course, we will talk about the configuration principles and how it's easy to configure Symfony2 project parts like the routing system or the data model. We will also focus on other major components of the framework like the Doctrine2 integration, forms, security (authentication and authorizations) or HTTP cache management.

0.2) Flash FIGWAY.img & Get IP address
1) Include devices into a z-wave Network
- Razberry exclusion mode
- Press 4IN1 inclusion button
- Razberry inclusion mode
- Press 4IN1 Inclusion button
- Select profile Aeon multisensor 1.18
- Press 4IN1 inclusion button 3 times
- Configure to send Group1 all obs (720s)
1) Include devices into a z-wave Network
- Razberry exclusion mode
- Press KEYFOB 4 buttons 5sec (led slow blink)
- Press button “1”, (try twice if it doesn’t work)
- Razberry inclusion mode
- Press KEYFOB 4 buttons 5sec (led slow blink)
- Press button “1”
- Configure remote KeyFob
To apply config: WAKE-UP Device
Press KEYFOB 4 buttons 5sec
- Press button “2” (Try twice)
Buttons in pair mode(1-3, 2-4):
Groups to send:
1) Include devices into a z-wave Network
- Razberry exclude mode
- Switch ON
- Press ON/OFF 3 times between 1,5sec
- Razberry inclusion mode
- Switch ON
- Press ON/OFF 3 times between 1,5sec
NO CONFIG is needed.
2 (4IN1), 3 (KEYFOB) , 4 (SWITCH)

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The Best Way to Become an Android Developer Expert with Android Jetpack
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This document discusses how to become an expert Android developer using Android Jetpack. It recommends using Android Jetpack, which is a collection of components and libraries that make it easier to build Android apps. It describes some key components of Jetpack like architecture components like ViewModel and LiveData for lifecycle-aware data management. It also discusses other topics like navigation, testing, and architecture patterns that are important for Android development. The document encourages learning through online courses and emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and skills development for IT careers and the digital industry.

1) Include devices into a z-wave Network
- Select Zwave Description Record:
Wintop iLED
- Razberry exclude mode
- Switch ON (use a screw-driver)
- Press ON 3 times between 1,5sec
- Razberry exclude mode
- Switch ON (use a screw-driver)
- Press ON 3 times between 1,5sec
1) Include devices into a z-wave Network
Provide your sensors to all: “IoT Challenge HUB doc”
2) Edit "fizway_resgister” & "fizway" scripts
Update correct IDs of your z-wave network (only for Devices you have)
Actuators ports should be: 7777, 7778, etc.
-> Update scripts “fizway_resgister” and “fizway”.
3) Configure the SWITCH to receive commands
Set the IPv4 Address of your Raspberry PI. Port is SWITCH one (7777).

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RESTful Web Applications with Apache Sling
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Sling is a RESTful web framework for building applications on top of Apache Jackrabbit. It allows resources like content, configurations, code, and binaries to be accessed over REST URLs. Sling maps URLs to resources rather than commands, supports various scripting languages as servlets, and has a modular OSGi-based architecture powered by Apache Felix. Examples shown include building a blog and coffee ordering application on Sling to demonstrate how it supports RESTful content creation and management.

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This document discusses building mobile applications using PhoneGap, jQuery, and Dreamweaver. It provides an overview of different mobile application types including mobile HTML, web apps, hybrid apps, and native apps. It then demonstrates how to create hybrid mobile apps with PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile, including accessing device APIs, building user interfaces with jQuery Mobile, and creating lists and charts with JavaScript plugins. It also covers how to package and deploy the app to different platforms using PhoneGap.

4) Check & Edit the figway "Config" file
Pre-configured for IoT Challenge. No modifications are needed.
5) Register all working devices in the Backend
Launch de script “./fizway_resgister”
For every device you’ll see a similar output as shown above.
If it works, your devices are correctly register in the IDAS Backend.
If it fails, increasing DEBUG level in the “Config” file helps a lot.
6) Launch fizway script
Launch de script “./fizway &”
You may redirect the output to a log file if you’ close the window:
“./fizway >> ./fizway_log &”
You’ll see:
- Devices you are listening to and their Device Number (z-wave network ID).
- Daemons listening for Actuators commands coming from the Backend.
Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps
1) IDAS ADMIN API – Check Services, Subscriptions & Details
2) IDAS ADMIN API – Check Devices & Details
3) IDAS ADMIN API – Send a command to a z-wave Switch
4) IDAS ADMIN API - Subscribe your App to Devices Notifications
5) IDAS (or Global Context Broker) NGSI API – Get last observations of a device
6) WIRECLOUD API - Connect a Wirecloud widget

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Dojo is a JavaScript framework that helps build dynamic web applications. It provides tools and techniques to handle data, user interfaces, internationalization, and accessibility. Dojo includes data stores to retrieve and manage data, widgets to display data, and templating to generate interface code on the client-side. It also offers utilities to optimize application loading, such as file merging and minification.

Vaadin 7 CN
Vaadin 7 CNVaadin 7 CN
Vaadin 7 CN

My presentation about Vaadin 7.1 at JavaOne Shanghai on Jul 24, 2013. The slides are mostly in Chinese.

20141002 delapsley-socalangularjs-final
20141002 delapsley-socalangularjs-final20141002 delapsley-socalangularjs-final
20141002 delapsley-socalangularjs-final

The document discusses enhancing the OpenStack Horizon dashboard user interface with AngularJS. It provides an overview of OpenStack and Horizon architectures, and then describes how to add a new panel to Horizon using AngularJS. Key aspects covered include creating RESTful APIs, controllers, views, and templates to integrate new dynamic and client-side functionality within the existing Horizon framework. The approach allows cleaner separation of client and server code for improved user experience, testing, and development velocity.

Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps
1) IDAS ADMIN API – Check Services, Subscriptions to Service & Service Details
Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps
2) IDAS ADMIN API – Check Devices & Device Details
Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps
3) IDAS ADMIN API – Send a command to a z-wave Switch
Follow “sendcommand” example.
N: 0-255. 0 = off, 255 = on
Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps
4) IDAS ADMIN API – Send a command to a z-wave Switch

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Orion Context Broker 4.0.0 introductory presentation

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Orion Context Broker introduction 20240227
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Orion Context Broker introduction 20240227

The document introduces the Orion Context Broker, which is a component of the FIWARE platform for managing context information at large scale. It discusses how the Context Broker allows applications to gather and manage context data through its NGSI API. It provides examples of using the Context Broker to create entities and attributes, retrieve and update context data, subscribe to notifications, and perform batch operations.

context brokercontext managementfiware
Orion Context Broker introduction 20240115
Orion Context Broker introduction 20240115Orion Context Broker introduction 20240115
Orion Context Broker introduction 20240115

The document provides an introduction to context management and the Orion Context Broker. It discusses: - Implementing smart applications requires gathering and managing context information about entities and their attributes. - The Orion Context Broker implements the NGSI API for managing context information and allows applications to create, retrieve, update, and delete entity attributes through RESTful operations. - Context information can come from different sources like sensor networks, systems, and users, and the context broker acts as a common hub to integrate this information.

context brokercontext managementfiware
Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps
5) IDAS NGSI API – Get last observations of a device
Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps
6) WIRECLOUD API - Connect a Wirecloud widget
ANNEX: where to find more docs
- z-way server:
- Aeon 4IN1 Manual
- KeyFob
- Everspring Switch/Dimmer
Object Storage
IoT Backend Device
Context BrokerTicket Management
Wirecloud (javascript runtime)
Object Storage
Wirecloud (server)
• More info at “FI-WARE Cloud: bringing OpenStack to the next
level” workshop (Wed 10-12am)
• Contact Person: John Kennedy
<john.m.kennedy at intel dot com >

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Orion Context Broker 20230606
Orion Context Broker 20230606Orion Context Broker 20230606
Orion Context Broker 20230606

The document provides an introduction to context management and the Orion Context Broker. It discusses: - Implementing smart applications requires gathering and managing context information about entities and their attributes. - The Orion Context Broker implements the NGSI API for managing context information and allows applications to create, retrieve, update, and delete entity attributes through RESTful operations. - Context information can come from different sources like sensor networks, systems, and users, and the context broker acts as a common hub to integrate this information.

context brokercontext managementfiware
Orion Context Broker 20230602
Orion Context Broker 20230602Orion Context Broker 20230602
Orion Context Broker 20230602

The document introduces the Orion Context Broker, which is a component of the FIWARE platform for managing context information at large scale. It discusses how the Context Broker allows applications to gather and manage context data through its NGSI API. It provides examples of basic operations like creating and updating entities and attributes as well as more advanced operations like subscriptions and batch operations. The document recommends using Docker to easily install and run the Orion Context Broker for experimenting with its features and capabilities.

contex brokercontext managementfiware
Orion Context Broker 20221220
Orion Context Broker 20221220Orion Context Broker 20221220
Orion Context Broker 20221220

The document provides an introduction to context management and the Orion Context Broker. It discusses how context information from various sources can be gathered and managed to enable smart applications. The Orion Context Broker implements the NGSI API to allow easy management of context information through standard RESTful operations. Examples are given of creating, updating, and querying entity attributes to demonstrate basic usage.

context brokerorion context brokercontext management
NGSI IoT Adapter
IoT Backend Device
Context BrokerTicket Management
Wirecloud (javascript runtime)
Object Storage
Wirecloud (server)
• Have a look to
• Contact Person: Francisco Romero
<frb at tid dot es>
Extending Live Demo
IoT Backend Device
Context BrokerTicket Management
Wirecloud (javascript runtime)
Object Storage
Wirecloud (server)
Useful additional references
Workshop Homepage
• Long URL:
The FI-WARE Catalogue
• With information about FI-WARE GEis, e.g. Orion Context Broker, Wirecloud,
Dropbox for Workshop stuff:
Dropbox for Raspberry Pi image:
• Use the following as backup in case of problems:
 Follow @Fiware on Twitter !
Thanks !

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Orion Context Broker NGSI-v2 Overview for Developers That Already Know NGSI-v...
Orion Context Broker NGSI-v2 Overview for Developers That Already Know NGSI-v...Orion Context Broker NGSI-v2 Overview for Developers That Already Know NGSI-v...
Orion Context Broker NGSI-v2 Overview for Developers That Already Know NGSI-v...

NGSIv2 is a simplified and enhanced version of NGSIv1 that follows RESTful principles. Key improvements in NGSIv2 include simplified URLs and payloads, support for native JSON data types, improved filtering capabilities, geolocation support, datetime attributes, transient entities, and improved subscriptions and registrations. NGSIv2 provides a more developer-friendly API for managing context data compared to the legacy NGSIv1 version.

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Orion Context Broker 20220526
Orion Context Broker 20220526Orion Context Broker 20220526
Orion Context Broker 20220526

The document introduces the Orion Context Broker, which is a component of FIWARE that provides an API for managing context information. It describes how the Context Broker can be used to store and retrieve sensor data and other context data from various sources. It provides examples of creating entities and attributes, updating and querying data, and setting up subscriptions to receive notifications when data changes. The document recommends using Docker to easily install and run the Orion Context Broker for experimenting with its features and API.

context brokercontext managementfiware
Orion Context Broker NGSI-v2 Overview for Developers That Already Know NGSI-v...
Orion Context Broker NGSI-v2 Overview for Developers That Already Know NGSI-v...Orion Context Broker NGSI-v2 Overview for Developers That Already Know NGSI-v...
Orion Context Broker NGSI-v2 Overview for Developers That Already Know NGSI-v...

- NGSIv2 is a revamped, simplified version of NGSIv1 that is designed to be more RESTful and developer-friendly. - It supports native JSON data types for attributes, simplifies URLs and payloads, and improves capabilities for geolocation, datetime handling, and more. - Some key enhancements in NGSIv2 include support for additional geoshapes beyond points, full datetime handling, and text-based operations for attribute values.

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Developing your first application using FI-WARE

  • 1. Open APIs for Open Minds Fermín Galán Márquez (, Miguel Jimenez (, Carlos Ralli (, Juanjo Hierro ( Telefónica I+D, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Developing your first application using FI-WARE
  • 2. Let’s go into detail… 1
  • 3. Architecture 2 NGSI IoT Adapter IoT Backend Device Management Browser Context BrokerTicket Management CEP Wirecloud (javascript runtime) widgets Object Storage History Location Wirecloud (server) Cosmos
  • 4. 3 NGSI IoT Adapter IoT Backend Device Management Browser Context BrokerTicket Management CEP Wirecloud (javascript runtime) widgets Object Storage History Location Wirecloud (server) Cosmos Context Broker
  • 5. Taking a closer look 4 Context Broker Context Producers Context Consumers subscriptions update query notify notify update update 4 Ticket Management Wirecloud Wirecloud History Ticket ManagementDB 1026 1026
  • 6. The NGSI information model 5 Meta-data • Name • Type • Value Context Element attributes • Name • Type • Value Context Element • EntityId • EntityType 1 n 1 n “has” “has” (We are not fully supporting metadata right now) Node Lamps Electrical Regulator Vans Technicians Issues location TimeInstant severity batteryCharge illuminance presence electricPotential …and many more (look to app code)
  • 7. Typical Orion broker utilization steps registerContext updateContext queryContext subscribeContext Creating new context elements “Write” context elements information To different ways of “reading” context elements information subscribeContext Availability Getting aware of new context elements discoverContext Availability Look for existing context elements NGSI9 operation (context availability) NGSI10 operation (context information)
  • 8. Context platform available at Campus Party 7 Context Broker Echo server 1026 1028 notify Global instance at (at FI-LAB cloud) (Only for demonstration purposes during the workshop) Context Broker LiveDemo testbed Backend Device Management Context Broker Context Broker Context Broker… notify notify updateContext notify Dedicated instances at http://yourvm:1026 “FI-WARE Cloud: bringing OpenStack to the next level” workshop (Wed 10-12am) Nodes AMMS Regulator Vans NGSI enabled SensorsNGSI enabled SensorsNGSI enabled Sensors Shared!!!
  • 9. Wirecloud 8 NGSI IoT Adapter IoT Backend Device Management Browser Context BrokerTicket Management CEP Wirecloud (javascript runtime) widgets Object Storage History Location Wirecloud (server) Cosmos
  • 10. What is Wirecloud? 9 Backend service Backend service Backend service Object Storage API NGSI API Context Broker
  • 11. Catalogue of widgets and mashups  Widget  .wgt Store API Application Mashup API Local catalogue widget .wgt
  • 12. What can I do with Wirecloud? 11
  • 13. To create my own application mashup…  Widgets and operators: • Widgets can be developed with any Web technology (HTML, Flash, SVG…) that supports JavaScript. • Operators are coded in JavaScript  Both widgets and operators can be easily adapted from existing ones, or created from scratch  Open Widget API • JavaScript API • Core Widgets Functionality: › gain access to external resources (cross-domain problem) › wiring › preferences › … 12
  • 14. How to develop a widget?  Setting up the development environment • Eclipse, VIM, etc... • Creating the directory structure (WGT)  Creating the widget: • Create the template of the widget (config.xml) • Widget view: an HTML file + CSS • Widget app logic: JavaScript (using Widget API)  Testing your widget • Uploading the widget to Local Catalogue › The WGT file is a ZIP file renamed to .wgt • Add widget to a mashup › Wiring, preferences, layout… 13
  • 15. Widget structure  config.xml • definition of the widget (based on WDL)  index.html • main view file • references JS and CSS resources  /js • directory for JavaScript files  /css • directory for CSS files  /images • directory for images  /doc • documentation 14
  • 16. Config.xml  The mandatory config.xml file contains the WDL XML template needed to tell Wirecloud what the widget looks like. This includes: • Widget metadata (non-functional properties) • User preferences • Widget inputs and outputs (wiring) • Link to the actual widget source code • Default rendering information 15
  • 17. Config.xml example (I) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Template xmlns=""> <Catalog.ResourceDescription> <Vendor>Company distributing the widget</Vendor> <Name>Widget name</Name> <Version>0.0.1</Version> <DisplayName>Widget Example</DisplayName> <Author>mjimenez</Author> <Mail></Mail> <Description>Full widget description to be shown in catalogue</Description> <ImageURI>Absolute or relative path to display image</ImageURI> <iPhoneImageURI>Path to imate to display on mobile devices</iPhoneImageURI> <WikiURI>Path to widget doc</WikiURI> </Catalog.ResourceDescription> 16
  • 18. Config.xml example (II) <Platform.Preferences> <Preference name=”pref_name" type="text" description="…" /> </Platform.Preferences> <Platform.Wiring> <OutputEndpoint name="identifier" type="text" label="Label to show on wiring" description="description" friendcode="same as compatible input endpoint friendcode"/> <InputEndpoint name="identifier" type="text" label="Label to show on wiring" description="description" friendcode="same as compatible output endpoint friendcode"/> </Platform.Wiring> <Platform.Link> <XHTML href="index.html"/> </Platform.Link> <Platform.Rendering width="6" height="24"/> </Template> 17
  • 19. index.html example <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/main.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" /> </head> <body> <!– Create here or create by JavaScript -> </body> </html> 18
  • 20. Using the Open Widget API  Accessing widget preferences MashupPlatform.prefs.get("google_key") MashupPlatform.prefs.set("color", "red") MashupPlatform.prefs.registerCallback(callbackFunction)  Getting user login name MashupPlatform.context.get("username"); 19
  • 21. Wiring endpoints  Declaration on config.xml <Platform.Wiring> <InputEndpoint name="my_input_name" type="text" label="my_label" description="my_description" friendcode="some_code" /> <OutputEndpoint name="my_output_name" type="text" label="label" description="description" friendcode="url"/> </Platform.Wiring>  Input endpoints MashupPlatform.wiring.registerCallback("my_input_name", inputListener);  Output endpoints MashupPlatform.wiring.pushEvent("my_output_name", data); 20
  • 22. Making a cross-domain HTTP request  Perform the invocation and register asynchronous call-backs: MashupPlatform.http.makeRequest(url, { method: 'GET', onSuccess: function (transport) { var response; response = JSON.parse(transport.responseText); ... }, onFailure: function (transport) { onError(); } }); 21
  • 23. Connecting a widget to NGSI  Register NGSI usage on config.xml <Requirements> <Feature name="NGSI"/> </Requirements>  Send a notification through NGSI var connection = new NGSI.Connection(''); connection.updateAttributes([{ entity: { id: 'iss8', type: 'Issue' }, attributes:[{ name: 'technician', contextValue: 'tech1' }] }], { onSuccess: function () { //… }, onFailure: function () { //… } }); 22
  • 24. Connecting a widget to NGSI  Subscribe for notifications on certain entities var entityIdList = [ {type: 'Van', id: '.*', isPattern: true}, {type: 'Technician', id: '.*', isPattern: true} ]; var attributeList = null; var duration = 'PT3H'; var throttling = null; var notifyConditions = [{ type: 'ONCHANGE', condValues: ['name', 'current_position'] }]; var options = { flat: true, onNotify: process_entities, onSuccess: function (data) { subscriptionId = data.subscriptionId; refresh_interval = setInterval(refreshNGSISubscript, 1000*60*60*2);//2 hours } }; connection.createSubscription(entityIdList, attributeList, duration, throttling, notifyConditions, options); 23
  • 25. Using Object Storage from a widget  Register Object Storage usage on config.xml <Requirements> <Feature name="ObjectStorage"/> </Requirements>  Upload a file var object_storage = new ObjectStorageAPI(’<Object Storage instance url>'); var fileParts = ["<a id="a"><b id="b">hey!</b></a>"]; var myBlob = new Blob(fileParts, { "type" : "text/xml" }); object_storage.uploadFile('folder_name', myBlob, token, { file_name: 'myFile.xml', onSuccess: function () { alert('File uploaded successfully'); }, onFailure: function () { alert('Something went wrong while uploading the file'); } }); 24
  • 26. Uploading your widget  Compress (zip) the widget contents • Rename it as a .wgt file  Upload the WGT file to Local Catalogue through WireCloud web interface 25
  • 28. Resources  You can always find the most updated documentation of Wirecloud in: •  User and Programmer Guide: • _Wirecloud_Mashup_Platform_-_User_and_Programmer_Guide  Installation and Administration Guide: • _Wirecloud_Mashup_Platform_-_Installation_and_Administration_Guide  Download from Github: • Wirecloud source code: • Widget's source code of FIWARE's Live Demo mashable application component):  Stuff for this workshop • 27
  • 29. Online videos  FIWARE Live Demo:  ENVIROFI Demo:  Other videos: • - Building a mashup from Geowidgets linked to geospatial services. • - Using operators in a mashup to allow widgets to send tweets • - An example of integration with the marketplace and the catalogue GEs 28
  • 30. Sensors 29 NGSI IoT Adapter IoT Backend Device Management Browser Context BrokerTicket Management CEP Wirecloud (javascript runtime) widgets Object Storage History Location Wirecloud (server) Cosmos
  • 31. FI-WARE IoT Extended Platform Vision Plug IoT world to FI-WARE via NGSI notifications.
  • 32. FI-WARE IoT Functional Architecture (Target)
  • 33. FI-WARE IoT Challenge Architecture z-way server (Razberry HW) fizway fizway_switchd fizway_register registerdevice addobservation sendobservation CONTEXT BROKER IDAS FIZWAY FIGWAY Devices SensorML NGSI9 (Register) NGSI10 (Observations) SensorML
  • 34. Connecting a basic z-wave pack (A) SensorMLNGSI (B) IDAS CONTEXT BROKER Observations Register Obs. Query Download the PI image with FIGWAY software at:
  • 35. HOW-TO Get Started - Z-wave basic pack 34 0) You need: a RaspberryPI + Razbian card plugged in its GPIO 1) Include your z-wave devices into your z-wave network Complete your sensor details in our “IoT Challenge HUB doc” 2) Edit "fizway_resgister” & "fizway" scripts Update the Device_ID number of your sensors. 3) Edit the file SensorML/Register_SWITCH Update the line containing the callback URL: "<swe:value></swe:value>” -> Instead of put the RaspberryPI public IP address -> Instead of 9999 set the port the switch daemon will be listening (normally, 7777) 4) Check & Edit -if necessary- the figway "Config" file. Normally, modifications aren't needed so you can skip (4). A Config.example file is provided and comments should make this task really easy. 5) Register all your working sensors by executing >./fizway_register 6) Launch the script to interconnect your sensors to FI-WARE IoT Backend: >./fizway &
  • 36. 0) Mount RaspberryPI + Razbian 35
  • 37. 0.2) Flash FIGWAY.img & Get IP address 36
  • 38. 1) Include devices into a z-wave Network 37 EXCLUDE - Razberry exclusion mode - Press 4IN1 inclusion button INCLUDE - Razberry inclusion mode - Press 4IN1 Inclusion button CONFIGURATION - Select profile Aeon multisensor 1.18 - Press 4IN1 inclusion button 3 times - Configure to send Group1 all obs (720s)
  • 39. 1) Include devices into a z-wave Network EXCLUDE - Razberry exclusion mode - Press KEYFOB 4 buttons 5sec (led slow blink) - Press button “1”, (try twice if it doesn’t work) INCLUDE - Razberry inclusion mode - Press KEYFOB 4 buttons 5sec (led slow blink) - Press button “1” CONFIGURATION - Configure remote KeyFob To apply config: WAKE-UP Device Press KEYFOB 4 buttons 5sec - Press button “2” (Try twice) Buttons in pair mode(1-3, 2-4): -> SEPARATELY Groups to send: -> SWITCH ON/OFF ONLY (SEND BASIC SET)
  • 40. 1) Include devices into a z-wave Network 39 EXCLUDE - Razberry exclude mode - Switch ON - Press ON/OFF 3 times between 1,5sec INCLUDE - Razberry inclusion mode - Switch ON - Press ON/OFF 3 times between 1,5sec NO CONFIG is needed. ALL DEVICES INCLUDED. DEVICES IDs SHOWN: 2 (4IN1), 3 (KEYFOB) , 4 (SWITCH)
  • 41. 1) Include devices into a z-wave Network 40 CONFIGURATION - Select Zwave Description Record: Wintop iLED EXCLUDE - Razberry exclude mode - Switch ON (use a screw-driver) - Press ON 3 times between 1,5sec INCLUDE - Razberry exclude mode - Switch ON (use a screw-driver) - Press ON 3 times between 1,5sec
  • 42. 1) Include devices into a z-wave Network 41 Provide your sensors to all: “IoT Challenge HUB doc” SHARE SENSORs IS A MUST SHARE SWITCHES IS OPTIONAL
  • 43. 2) Edit "fizway_resgister” & "fizway" scripts 42 Update correct IDs of your z-wave network (only for Devices you have) Actuators ports should be: 7777, 7778, etc. -> Update scripts “fizway_resgister” and “fizway”.
  • 44. 3) Configure the SWITCH to receive commands 43 Set the IPv4 Address of your Raspberry PI. Port is SWITCH one (7777).
  • 45. 4) Check & Edit the figway "Config" file 44 Pre-configured for IoT Challenge. No modifications are needed.
  • 46. 5) Register all working devices in the Backend 45 Launch de script “./fizway_resgister” For every device you’ll see a similar output as shown above. If it works, your devices are correctly register in the IDAS Backend. If it fails, increasing DEBUG level in the “Config” file helps a lot.
  • 47. 6) Launch fizway script 46 Launch de script “./fizway &” You may redirect the output to a log file if you’ close the window: “./fizway >> ./fizway_log &” You’ll see: - Devices you are listening to and their Device Number (z-wave network ID). - Daemons listening for Actuators commands coming from the Backend.
  • 48. 47 Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps 47 1) IDAS ADMIN API – Check Services, Subscriptions & Details 2) IDAS ADMIN API – Check Devices & Details 3) IDAS ADMIN API – Send a command to a z-wave Switch 4) IDAS ADMIN API - Subscribe your App to Devices Notifications 5) IDAS (or Global Context Broker) NGSI API – Get last observations of a device 6) WIRECLOUD API - Connect a Wirecloud widget
  • 49. 48 Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps 48 1) IDAS ADMIN API – Check Services, Subscriptions to Service & Service Details
  • 50. 49 Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps 49 2) IDAS ADMIN API – Check Devices & Device Details
  • 51. 50 Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps 50 3) IDAS ADMIN API – Send a command to a z-wave Switch COMMANDs TO SWITCHES/DIMMERS Follow “sendcommand” example. Send: “FIZCOMMAND N” N: 0-255. 0 = off, 255 = on
  • 52. 51 Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps 51 4) IDAS ADMIN API – Send a command to a z-wave Switch
  • 53. 52 Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps 52 5) IDAS NGSI API – Get last observations of a device
  • 54. 53 Building your Fi-WARE IoT Apps 53 6) WIRECLOUD API - Connect a Wirecloud widget
  • 55. ANNEX: where to find more docs 54 - IDAS APIs - z-way server: - Aeon 4IN1 Manual - KeyFob - Everspring Switch/Dimmer - Fibaro RGB SWITCH Controller-en-2.1-2.3.pdf
  • 56. Object Storage 55 NGSI IoT Adapter IoT Backend Device Management Browser Context BrokerTicket Management CEP Wirecloud (javascript runtime) widgets Object Storage History Location Wirecloud (server) Cosmos • More info at “FI-WARE Cloud: bringing OpenStack to the next level” workshop (Wed 10-12am) • Contact Person: John Kennedy <john.m.kennedy at intel dot com >
  • 57. Cosmos 56 NGSI IoT Adapter IoT Backend Device Management Browser Context BrokerTicket Management CEP Wirecloud (javascript runtime) widgets Object Storage History Location Wirecloud (server) Cosmos • Have a look to • Contact Person: Francisco Romero <frb at tid dot es>
  • 58. Extending Live Demo 57 NGSI IoT Adapter IoT Backend Device Management Browser Context BrokerTicket Management CEP Wirecloud (javascript runtime) widgets Object Storage History Location Wirecloud (server) Cosmos
  • 59. Useful additional references Workshop Homepage • Long URL: application-workshop The FI-WARE Catalogue • With information about FI-WARE GEis, e.g. Orion Context Broker, Wirecloud, etc. Dropbox for Workshop stuff: Dropbox for Raspberry Pi image: • Use the following as backup in case of problems: 58
  • 60.    Follow @Fiware on Twitter ! Thanks ! 59