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How to keep Drupal relevant in the
Git-based and API-driven CMS era
by Jesus Manuel Olivas / weKnow#BADCamp
$ whoami
Jesus Manuel Olivas

Mexico + California

California + Mexico
$ ifconfig

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Connect your Javascript web app to ownCloud over the WebDAV interface Connect your Javascript web app to ownCloud over the WebDAV interface
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Here you will learn how to connect a pure JS app like TagSpaces to ownCloud over its WebDAV interface. These slides were presented on the #owncloudconf 2014 in Berlin.

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The document outlines training courses on .NET with MVC, ASP.NET, C#, and AngularJS. It includes topics like .NET architecture, C# basics, object-oriented programming, inheritance, collections, errors and exceptions, ASP.NET server controls, MVC routing, model binding, Entity Framework, Angular services, directives, routing, jQuery, and more. The training will take place at 2nd and 3rd floor, Maruthi Complex in Hyderabad and cover both theoretical concepts and practical implementations.

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It's lean, it's crazily fast and it's packed with features: Gatsby is a game changing static PWA generator. This talk starts with a short intro into the consolidated GraphQL content interface and how Gatsby builds pages. We’re then digging into custom content plugins that allow you to connect nearly any data source, explain Gatsby's page generation process and how editors can use MDX to embed dynamic components into their content. We conclude with a build time performance demo that renders and updates a huge amount of pages at once.

Drupal … Drupal … Drupal
When all you have is a
hammer, everything looks
like a nail.

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12.3.16. JS Lab SailsJs - это NodeJS фрэйморк, позволяющий очень быстро и эффективно разрабатывать REST сервисы и Real Time приложения. В рамках этого доклада мы рассмотрим основные возможности фрейморка и напишем небольшое приложение.

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Creating a custom API for a headless Drupal involves using the Services module to define endpoints and resources. The Services module introduces endpoints, which define authentication and attach resources. Resources define CRUD operations and custom actions that can target specific resources. To create an API, endpoints and resources are configured through the Services module to expose the desired data and functionality through the custom API.

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How to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-driven CMS era - BADCamp
Traditional Monolithic CMS
Decoupling the frontend
Traditional Monolithic CMS + Particle (Design System)

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HTML5 and related technologies like CSS3 and JavaScript are evolving the web platform. Browser makers have adopted HTML5 through the WHATWG to evolve browsers together in a backwards compatible way. HTML5 includes new semantic elements, forms, multimedia, graphics, and APIs. CSS3 adds new selectors and properties. JavaScript gets improvements. Browser support is increasing so developers can start using new features now while maintaining backwards compatibility. The modern web stack is taking shape but full support across all browsers will still take time.

Mean Stack - An Overview
Mean Stack - An OverviewMean Stack - An Overview
Mean Stack - An Overview

The document provides an overview of the MEAN stack, which uses JavaScript for full-stack development. It discusses the evolution of web development from separate front-end and back-end work to full-stack JavaScript with Node.js. The MEAN stack combines MongoDB for the database, Express for the web framework, Angular for the front-end, and Node.js as the runtime environment. Each component is introduced, with Node.js using a single-threaded and asynchronous model, Express providing features like routing and middleware, Angular using templates and two-way data binding, and MongoDB as a flexible document database.

html5javascriptweb development
jclouds workshop
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jclouds workshop

The document discusses a workshop on using jclouds, an open-source multi-cloud toolkit for Java. It provides an introduction to jclouds and overview of its features. The workshop covers setting up cloud accounts, installing jclouds, writing a sample application to launch servers on Rackspace and HP clouds, and next steps to explore more jclouds capabilities and contribute to the project.

openstack jclouds rackspace
The Traditional Headless
Drupal Headless API + Front-end library
Symfony API + Front-end library

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Web Development with Node.js

These slides are from a workshop I taught in April 2016 to a group from INTERalliance ( The code examples can be found here: - -

node.jsweb developmentintroduction
Get MEAN! Node.js and the MEAN stack
Get MEAN!  Node.js and the MEAN stackGet MEAN!  Node.js and the MEAN stack
Get MEAN! Node.js and the MEAN stack

This meetup will bring us back to basics with a bootstrapping session on building an all Javascript web application on a MEAN Stack: • MongoDB - NoSQL DB • ExpressJS - Server Application Framework • AngularJS - Client Application Framework • NodeJS - Application Platform I'll cover the basics of getting bootstrapped with Node.js and building out a fully featured web application from backend-to-frontend. I'll highlight some of the advantages of an all javascript web application as well as show some development tips leveraging gruntJS based on Nate's presentation last meetup.

The RAW stack
The RAW stackThe RAW stack
The RAW stack

The document discusses the RAW Stack, which consists of RavenDB, AngularJS, and ASP.NET WebAPI. RavenDB is an open-source NoSQL document database for .NET with asynchronous support. AngularJS is a powerful JavaScript MVC framework for building single-page applications. ASP.NET WebAPI makes it easy to serve data in a RESTful manner and integrate with RavenDB and AngularJS. Additional technologies discussed include ASP.NET MVC, Bootstrap, and how they complement the RAW Stack.

> Performance
> Reliability
> Security
> Hosting
Visitor Server CMS Database
Reliability - The Traditional Stack
Reliability - The Traditional Stack

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You know what iMEAN? Using MEAN stack for application dev on Informix
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You know what iMEAN? Using MEAN stack for application dev on Informix

You know what iMEAN? Using MEAN stack for application dev on Informix. MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS combine to form a MEAN stack for quick appdev. iMEAN is using the same stack to develop applications on Informix.

NodeSummit - MEAN Stack
NodeSummit - MEAN StackNodeSummit - MEAN Stack
NodeSummit - MEAN Stack

This document provides an overview of the MEAN stack and how it can be used to quickly prototype and build web applications. It discusses how MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS work together to allow real-time data binding from the database to the client. The document also covers best practices for adapting applications based on feedback, automating testing, and scaling applications efficiently as they grow in usage.

Introduction to mean stack
Introduction to mean stackIntroduction to mean stack
Introduction to mean stack

The document provides an overview of the MEAN stack, which is a collection of JavaScript technologies used to develop web applications. It consists of MongoDB (a no-SQL database), ExpressJS (a web application framework), AngularJS (a front-end JavaScript framework), and NodeJS (a runtime environment for JavaScript). Each technology is described briefly, outlining its purpose and benefits like performance, scalability, and the use of a single programming language throughout the application stack.

Reliability - The Headless Stack
Reliability - A more advanced Stack
> System dependencies
> Stack dependencies
> Platform dependencies core
> Custom modules dependencies hosted
> Third party libraries hosted
> Managing a complicated stack is not easy.
> Requires knowledge of managing servers, databases,
cache, DNS, backups, automation, and much more.
> The more complex your stack is to support your
production site, the more expensive it becomes.

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This document discusses using Node.JS to accelerate a headless Drupal backend. It explains that headless Drupal involves using Drupal only for content management and delivering content via JSON. While caching can help performance for anonymous users, authenticated users pose challenges at scale. The proposed solution is to index Drupal content into MongoDB using a module and deliver it from Node.JS, gaining significant performance increases over delivering directly from Drupal. An example real-world video platform project is discussed that migrated from Drupal to this architecture for improved performance when integrating with mobile and TV apps.

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Static websites are becoming a viable client application model once again. In this talk I provide a practical example

azurestatic websiteshtml
Drupal South 2018 -  How to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-dri...
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This document discusses how to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-driven CMS era. It outlines some of the challenges with traditional Drupal implementations, including reliability, security, hosting, and performance issues. It then describes moving to a headless Drupal implementation with a GraphQL or REST API and using a front-end framework like Gatsby. This decouples the content management from the production site for better performance, reliability, and security. It recommends using plugins like gatsby-source-drupal to connect Drupal content to a Gatsby site built with React.

PaaS Headless CMS
Strapi, Contentful (PaaS) + Front-end library
Back to the flat-files
Everything old
is new again

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How to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-driven CMS era DrupalCampNJ
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How to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-driven CMS era DrupalCampNJ

The slide deck for the session How to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-driven CMS era at DrupalCampNJ

How to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-driven CMS era Florida
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The slide deck for the session How to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-driven CMS era at Florida DrupalCamp

Embracing the modern web using Drupal as Headless CMS with GatsbyJS NYC
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Embracing the modern web using Drupal as Headless CMS with GatsbyJS NYC

This document discusses embracing a headless CMS approach using Drupal and GatsbyJS. It begins by describing the traditional monolithic CMS model and some of its challenges around performance, reliability, security, and hosting. It then introduces static site generators and the JAMstack as an alternative approach that addresses these challenges. It provides examples of headless CMS options like Contentful and NetlifyCMS that can be used with Gatsby. Finally, it demonstrates a specific setup using Drupal as a headless CMS with an export plugin and Gatsby starter theme to build sites in a decoupled way.

Improving the UX providing a GUI
when using a Git-based CMS.
git-based + UI using a PaaS
GravCMS Flat Files + Particle (Design System)

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Blazing fast sites using Blaze, Hybrid CMS NYC
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Blazing fast sites using Blaze, Hybrid CMS NYC

Blaze is a new Git-based hybrid CMS and PaaS that allows users to: 1. Create headless CMS projects that expose data via REST and GraphQL APIs. 2. Programmatically add, update, and delete content via these APIs. 3. Generate forms using a GUI and process submissions with Serverless functions. 4. Attach Serverless functions to content create/update/delete hooks. 5. Deploy projects to external PaaS providers like Netlify, GitHub, and CDNs. The presentation demonstrated creating a Blaze project, registering for early beta access, and the features planned for the early beta release.

Icinga 2009 at OSMC
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The document provides an agenda and overview for an Icinga project presentation. It discusses the structure of the Icinga project including separate teams for the core, API, web interface, and documentation. It provides updates on the status of each component, including migrations to new databases and programming languages. Live demos of the monitoring interface and roadmaps are also outlined.

Using Drupal to provide a GUI and
content for a Git-based/API-driven CMS.
Drupal CMS + Tome to export as Flat Files
+ ● Build
Decoupling the
"Content Management GUI"
from the
“Production Environment".
How to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-driven CMS era - BADCamp

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The document discusses microservices architecture on Azure and provides an overview of microservices, containers, Docker, Service Fabric, and other Azure services for developing and deploying microservices applications. It covers the evolution of application architecture styles, benefits of microservices, and how technologies like Docker and Service Fabric on Azure can be used to build, deploy and manage microservices applications at scale. Examples of JSON files for deployment and links for further reading are also included.


Lo sviluppo nel Cloud porta con sè una serie di nuove sfide per poter gestire in maniera efficiente le risorse a disposizione e creare architetture in grado di sfruttarne appieno le caratteristiche di flessibilità. In questa presentazione vedremo esempi di possibili approcci alla realizzazione di architetture a micro-servizi.

Blazing fast site generator for React
The Content Mesh
Drupal API + GatsbyJS
● Build
How to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-driven CMS era - BADCamp

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Upgrading to the next major Drupal release can be complex - even stressful. In this webinar, we’ll show you how to take the pain out of the process, and get your Drupal 6, 7, or 8 site up and running on D9 - the latest and greatest Drupal release. During this webinar, we’ll share tips on environment setup, explain how to automate the script process, and discuss the overlaps between D8 and D9. We’ll also walk you through the out-of-the-box D9 migration process. We’ll be joined by our partners at Mediacurrent, who will share their recognized Drupal expertise and thought leadership. They’ll offer insight on identifying, tracking, and fixing common accessibility mistakes in a Drupal upgrade. And, they’ll explain the best ways to prep for a transition, including setting strategy, budgeting, and identifying KPIs to effectively demonstrate ROI. We’ll wrap it all up with a look at some new Acquia tools that can streamline and simplify the migration process even further. With this much information and expertise to gain, this is certain to be a can’t-miss event for any Drupal professional.

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[20200720]cloud native develoment - Nelson Lin
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There is no shortage now of development and CI/CD tools for cloud-native application development. But how do we put the cloud-native concept and think as the cloud-native way on the leftmost side of CI/CD pipeline. During developing phrase, the tools provided with cloud code can help you expedite iteration of source codes, run and debug cloud native applications in an easy and fast way, making cloud-native development turn into real-time process, reduce the gap between deployment and development. 現在不乏用於雲原生應用程序開發的開發和 CI/CD工具。 但是,我們如何將雲原生概念放在的 CI/CD 流水線的最左側呢? 在開發階段,如何用 Cloud code 協助您加快原始碼的迭代速度,以簡便快捷的方式運行和調用雲原生應用程序,使雲原生開發變為即使過程,縮小開發與部署之間的差

How to keep Drupal relevant in the Git-based and API-driven CMS era - BADCamp
Getting Started
● Build● API / GraphQL
Feel free to turn off your Drupal after build

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This document summarizes a presentation about DAB Bank's experience switching to Angular.js for web development. It discusses how Angular.js helped solve problems with AJAX, customization, and legacy code. It provides an overview of how DAB Bank used Angular.js to build a personal finance manager application. Additional slides cover topics like SEO, security, Angular 2.0, TypeScript, and modern tech stacks.

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This document summarizes a presentation by Kevin Reynen titled "CiviCRM for Developers, Designers, and Site Builders" given at DrupalCamp Colorado. It discusses Kevin's background and experience with CiviCRM and Drupal. It provides an overview of Drupal modules that integrate with CiviCRM like Webform, Groups, and Events. It also covers how CiviCRM uses the Smarty template engine differently than Drupal's PHPTemplate engine. The presentation compares using Drupal, Salesforce, or RedHen distributions with CiviCRM and discusses challenges of major upgrades. It demonstrates CiviCRM integrated with both Drupal and WordPress.

Web Ninja
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Web Ninja

This document outlines the agenda for a 5-day training on becoming a web ninja. Day 1 covers why attendees should be ninjas and how to set up their work environments. Day 2 focuses on HTML and CSS basics. Day 3 covers JavaScript and jQuery. Day 4 covers PHP and MySQL. Day 5 has attendees create their own websites combining the skills learned. The document also provides tips on file structures, tools to use, and top web resources for ninjas.

Visitor CDN
The API Driven CMS Stack

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A reusable architectural pattern to migrate legacy application to a cloud service. The architecture pattern can be used by other legacy applications that need to migrate to cloud. The architecture was validated by the Beta release of the IBM Bluemix Workflow service and Docker containers were key capability to manage separate workflow engines for each tenant combined with cloud database for persistence layer and a content-based routing.

multi-tenant cloud service legacy code docker cont
I use drupal / 我是 OO 師,我用 Drupal
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This document contains information about using Drupal presented by Chris Wu. It discusses using Drupal as a designer, programmer, and web administrator. It provides tips on using themes, modules, Views, hooks, databases, performance optimization, and command line tools like Drush.

Docker Introduction
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Docker Introduction

Docker is a system for running applications securely isolated in a container to provide a consistent deployment environment. The document introduces Docker, discusses the challenges of deploying applications ("the matrix from hell"), and how Docker addresses these challenges by allowing applications and their dependencies to be packaged into lightweight executable containers that can run on any infrastructure. It also summarizes key Docker tools like Docker Compose for defining and running multi-container apps, Docker Machine for provisioning remote Docker hosts in various clouds, and Docker Swarm for clustering Docker hosts.

• Use a markdown editor with Drupal. (we wrote a module for that)
• Preprocess inline-images on markdown. (we wrote a fix for that)
• Deploy site from Drupal. (we wrote a module for that)
• Learn Javascript
• Learn ReactJS
• Learn GraphQL
What is Gone
• Twig
• Render array
• Theme layer
• Theme preprocessing
• *Views (use GraphQL instead)
• Data modeling.
• Content editor capabilities,
revisions, moderation and
• Pathauto
• Site Settings
What to keep using
Must have plugins
• gatsby-source-drupal
• gatsby-transformer-remark
• gatsby-remark-images
• gatsby-remark-external-links
• gatsby-plugin-sharp
• gatsby-transformer-sharp
• gatsby-plugin-react-helmet

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Grav CMS
Grav CMSGrav CMS
Grav CMS

Covering Grav's community, scope, purpose and setting up for several weeks of leveraging different CMSs and better understanding their communities.

Remix & GraphQL: A match made in heaven with type-safety DX
Remix & GraphQL:  A match made in heaven with type-safety DXRemix & GraphQL:  A match made in heaven with type-safety DX
Remix & GraphQL: A match made in heaven with type-safety DX

Remix and GraphQL are two of the most exciting technologies in web development today. Remix is a new frontend framework that makes it easy to build efficient and type-safe applications. GraphQL is a query language that makes it easy to fetch data from a variety of sources. In this session, we will discuss how Remix and GraphQL can be used together to create a more efficient and type-safe development experience. We will cover the following topics: - The challenges of developing web applications with traditional templating languages - How Remix can be used to improve state management and data fetching - How GraphQL can be used to improve the development experience for Remix applications - The benefits of using Remix and GraphQL together This session is for anyone interested in learning more about Remix and GraphQL. No prior experience with either technology is required.

Drupal 10 Party GraphQL
Drupal 10 Party GraphQLDrupal 10 Party GraphQL
Drupal 10 Party GraphQL

This document discusses a Drupal 10 party focused on GraphQL. It provides information on GraphQL and how it can be used with Drupal. Specifically, it outlines the Drupal GraphQL and Drupal GraphQL Compose modules which allow generating a GraphQL schema from Drupal entities and structures. It also previews upcoming features for Drupal GraphQL like a GUI for configuring exposed content and fields and support for write actions/mutations. The presenter takes questions at the end.

Choose the right tool for
the job
Design System - Atomic Design
UI Development Environment
Want to see this talk at DrupalCon Seattle?, ask for it

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How to use Drupal to create editorial experiences your content creators will...
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How to use Drupal to create editorial experiences your content creators will...

This document discusses how to improve the content editing experience in Drupal through the use of modules and themes. It recommends using the Claro or Gin admin themes to modernize the interface. It also recommends modules like Paragraphs, Field Group and Layout Paragraphs to provide a better user experience for managing reusable content like paragraphs. Finally, it discusses how to integrate preview of decoupled React components directly in the Drupal content editing interface using GraphQL.

Beyond Static: Building a Dynamic Application with Gatsby
Beyond Static: Building a Dynamic Application with GatsbyBeyond Static: Building a Dynamic Application with Gatsby
Beyond Static: Building a Dynamic Application with Gatsby

This document discusses building a dynamic application with Gatsby by connecting it to a Drupal backend as a decoupled content management system (CMS). It covers using Gatsby to render static content at build time from Drupal, making client-side calls for dynamic content, implementing user authentication, and allowing content updates from Gatsby. The benefits of this JAMstack architecture include performance, reliability, security and easier hosting compared to traditional monolithic server-rendered stacks.

Drupal, GraphQL, Views, View Modes and Gatsby for a US Gov site CMS Philly
Drupal, GraphQL, Views, View Modes  and Gatsby for a US Gov site CMS PhillyDrupal, GraphQL, Views, View Modes  and Gatsby for a US Gov site CMS Philly
Drupal, GraphQL, Views, View Modes and Gatsby for a US Gov site CMS Philly

This document discusses using Drupal, GraphQL, Views, View Modes and Gatsby to build a modern frontend for a US government website while keeping the same editorial experience and reducing infrastructure overhead. It covers migrating content from Drupal to a headless Gatsby site using View Modes and Views to surface content via GraphQL, as well as managing content through YAML files and custom console commands.

Thank you … Questions?
Feel free to ping me during the event,
at the parties, after-parties, and twitter @jmolivas

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