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An Overview on
Nuxt JS
- An SEO Friendly Framework!
Software Engineer,
Squas Apps.
What is Nuxt.js
What is Server Side Rendering?
Why Server Side rendering?
Understanding the SEO
Introducing: Nuxt.js
Directory Structures
What is Nuxt.js ?
● High Level Framework
● Meta Framework for Universal Applications.
● Server Side Rendering
● Improved SEO
● Simplified File Structures
● Improves Routing Mechanisms
● Automatic Code Splitting
● ES6/ES7 Transpilation
● Bundling & Minifying JS & CSS
● Hot Module Replacement
What is Server Side Rendering?
CSR Makes the website entirely rendered in the browser with JavaScript. Creates
each routes dynamically in the browser.
Pre populate a web page with custom user data directly on the server. It is
generally faster to make all the requests within a server.

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Vue.js for beginners
Vue.js for beginnersVue.js for beginners
Vue.js for beginners

I talked about Vue.js at @agenciasomadev. In this talk I showed the basics about the Vue.js JavaScript Framework and it's simplicity. I hope you enjoy :)

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Next.js Introduction

This Next.js slide is for the short introduction. Next.js is a react framework for projection. Some people call it as a full stack react framework. Because we can write both client and server side code on it.

next.jsreact frameworkreact for production
Introduction to React Native Workshop
Introduction to React Native WorkshopIntroduction to React Native Workshop
Introduction to React Native Workshop

This document provides an introduction to React Native. It begins with an overview of what React Native is and how it allows React code to render natively on iOS and Android using a JavaScript bridge. It then discusses starting a new project using create-react-native-app or react-native init. The rest of the document outlines the roadmap, covering working with styles, layouts, lists, navigation, networking and touching the native side.

Why SSR ?
01 Renders Fully Loaded Page
02 Best Feature for Public Sites
03 Best User Experience
Understanding the SEO
Introducing Nuxt js
1. npm install vue-cli -g
2. npx create-nuxt-app <project-name>
3. Configurations
4. cd <project-name>
5. npm run dev
● Server side Frameworks
● UI Frameworks
● Testing Frameworks
● Nuxt Mode
● Axios Module
● ES Lint

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How to implement internationalization (i18n) in angular application(multiple ...
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This blog is a complete solution for how to implement Internationalisation (i18n) or Multiple Language Support in angular application with an example.

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Deep dive into Vue.js
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Deep dive into Vue.js

Vue.js의 깊은 곳을 알아봅시다. 1. Vue.js Architecture 2. Observing 3. Rendering 4. Vue.js Package * 이 자료는 VUE.TIFULE KOREA 6회에서 발표한 자료입니다.

Directory Structure
● The Assets
● The Components
● The Layouts
● The Middleware
● The Pages
● The Plugins
● The Static
● The Store
● The Nuxt Config File
● Basic Routes
● Dynamic Routes
● Nested Routes
● Dynamic Nested Routes
Default Meta Tags(Nuxt.config.js)
export default {
head: {
titleTemplate: '%s - Nuxt.js',
meta: [
{ charset: 'utf-8' },
{ name: 'viewport', content:
'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' },
{ hid: 'description', name: 'description',
content: 'Meta description' }
Custom Meta Tags(Page Specific)
export default {
head () {
return {
title: this.title,
meta: [
{ hid: 'description', name: 'description',
content: 'My custom description' }
HTML Head Contd...
● Open Graphs
● Twitter Card
● Canonical Tags
● Google Analytics

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introduction to Vue.js 3
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introduction to Vue.js 3

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that focuses on building user interfaces and is used for single-page applications. It was created by Evan You and released in 2014. Vue.js uses declarative templates and reactive data binding to render the view layer for an application. Templates in Vue use HTML-based syntax with directives prefixed with v- to dynamically bind expression results. Common directives include v-bind, v-if, and v-for. Vue.js applications can be built with its core library or integrated with other libraries and frameworks.

Workshop React.js
Workshop React.jsWorkshop React.js
Workshop React.js

The document provides an introduction and overview of ES6, React, and Redux. It begins with an in-depth section about new features and syntax in ES6, including variable types, arrow functions, modules, classes, and more. It then discusses React, explaining concepts like the virtual DOM, one-way data flow, JSX syntax, props, nested components, conditionals, and state/setState. Finally, it briefly introduces Redux and mentions using React components on the server and in mobile apps with React Native.

The Point of Vue - Intro to Vue.js
The Point of Vue - Intro to Vue.jsThe Point of Vue - Intro to Vue.js
The Point of Vue - Intro to Vue.js

An introduction to Vue.js (from an online webinar for Certified Fresh Events -

vuevuejsvue overview
01 JavaScript Enable/Disable
02 Page Reloading
03 SEO Crawling
Any Queries?
Thank you!

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An Overview on Nuxt.js

  • 1. An Overview on Nuxt JS - An SEO Friendly Framework! Mohanapriya.R Software Engineer, Squas Apps.
  • 2. Outline What is Nuxt.js What is Server Side Rendering? Why Server Side rendering? Understanding the SEO Introducing: Nuxt.js Installations Directory Structures Routing HTML Head Demo
  • 3. What is Nuxt.js ? ● High Level Framework ● Meta Framework for Universal Applications. ● Server Side Rendering ● Improved SEO ● Simplified File Structures ● Improves Routing Mechanisms ● Automatic Code Splitting ● ES6/ES7 Transpilation ● Bundling & Minifying JS & CSS ● Hot Module Replacement
  • 4. What is Server Side Rendering? CSR Makes the website entirely rendered in the browser with JavaScript. Creates each routes dynamically in the browser. SSR Pre populate a web page with custom user data directly on the server. It is generally faster to make all the requests within a server.
  • 5. Why SSR ? 01 Renders Fully Loaded Page 02 Best Feature for Public Sites 03 Best User Experience
  • 8. Installations 1. npm install vue-cli -g 2. npx create-nuxt-app <project-name> 3. Configurations 4. cd <project-name> 5. npm run dev Configurations: ● Server side Frameworks ● UI Frameworks ● Testing Frameworks ● Nuxt Mode ● Axios Module ● ES Lint
  • 9. Directory Structure ● The Assets ● The Components ● The Layouts ● The Middleware ● The Pages ● The Plugins ● The Static ● The Store ● The Nuxt Config File
  • 10. Routing ● Basic Routes ● Dynamic Routes ● Nested Routes ● Dynamic Nested Routes
  • 11. HTML Head Default Meta Tags(Nuxt.config.js) export default { head: { titleTemplate: '%s - Nuxt.js', meta: [ { charset: 'utf-8' }, { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' }, { hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: 'Meta description' } ] } } Custom Meta Tags(Page Specific) export default { head () { return { title: this.title, meta: [ { hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: 'My custom description' } ] } } }
  • 12. HTML Head Contd... ● Open Graphs ● Twitter Card ● Canonical Tags ● Google Analytics
  • 13. DEMO 01 JavaScript Enable/Disable 02 Page Reloading 03 SEO Crawling