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A High-Performance Solution to
Microservice UI Composition
A High-Performance Solution to Microservice UI Composition @ XConf Hamburg
“[The web] is enabling us to rediscover what we've always
known about being human: we are connected creatures
in a connected world about which we care passionately.”
David Weinberger - “Small Pieces Loosely Joined” via Wikipedia:

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MongoDB Days Silicon Valley: Building Applications with the MEAN Stack
MongoDB Days Silicon Valley: Building Applications with the MEAN StackMongoDB Days Silicon Valley: Building Applications with the MEAN Stack
MongoDB Days Silicon Valley: Building Applications with the MEAN Stack

Presented by Jason Zucchetto, Curriculum Engineer, MongoDB Experience level: Introductory Walk through building a sample application with the MEAN stack (MongoDB-Express-Angular-Node.js). We'll start from the beginning, walking through every component of the MEAN stack, in building a modern web application. The presentation focuses on building MongoMart, a simple application for searching and viewing MongoDB merchandise. You'll walk away with a basic knowledge of MEAN stack components and how to leverage them in building applications.

mongodbmongodb days
Vered Flis: Because performance matters! Architecture Next 20
Vered Flis: Because performance matters! Architecture Next 20Vered Flis: Because performance matters! Architecture Next 20
Vered Flis: Because performance matters! Architecture Next 20

“If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, you could already be losing nearly half of your visitors” Performance is one of the most critical aspects of any web project and plays a major role in the success of any online venture. Your site may have the best services, products, and content found on the web, but if your site performance is off, you’re hurting your brand and driving users to the competition. How can we make sure that performance is not going to hold us back from success? Join me in this session as we tackle these big questions head-on and unravel different approaches and practices that will assist you in writing highly performant web apps as is expected today. ​ ​

Azure and web sites hackaton deck
Azure and web sites hackaton deckAzure and web sites hackaton deck
Azure and web sites hackaton deck

This document discusses cloud computing and Microsoft Azure. It provides an overview of what a cloud is and statistics on the growth of cloud adoption over time. It then discusses Microsoft Azure's global presence and growth metrics. Examples are given of companies using Azure, including their objectives, tactics and results. Key features of Azure Websites are outlined. Traffic Manager and its use for load balancing and disaster recovery are explained. Finally, some tasks for a hackathon on Azure are proposed.

I do
- Breaking apart the monolith using Microservices
- Moving out of the datacenter and to the AWS cloud
- Focus on the JVM and Scala in favor of .NET/C#
- Run it all on Linux instead of Windows
“[...]composition is the placement or arrangement of [...]
elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from
the subject of a work.”
I can do stuff!
Me too!
I can do
two things
at once!
I wish I
could do
I love
Woo! I’m here!
I’m really
boring but
What am I
to do?
I can do
other stuff!

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Best Practices for couchDB developers on Microsoft Azure
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Best Practices for couchDB developers on Microsoft Azure

This presentation covers best practices for collecting, storing, analyzing and distributing data across a scalable data layer on Windows Azure using CouchDB, JSON, and MapReduce. Highlights include best practices for Windows Azure security, performance, accessibility and reliability.

You know what iMEAN? Using MEAN stack for application dev on Informix
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You know what iMEAN? Using MEAN stack for application dev on Informix

You know what iMEAN? Using MEAN stack for application dev on Informix. MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS combine to form a MEAN stack for quick appdev. iMEAN is using the same stack to develop applications on Informix.

Adobe AEM for Business Heads
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Adobe AEM for Business Heads

Adobe AEM overview for Business Heads. How to build a team, What are the phases of development, Tools and technologies, Team composition, Estimations, Deployment and Migration, Sizing - Presented at Adobe Bangalore

adobe aem6aem estimation and sizing
Irish Chambre Orchestra:
© / picture-alliance / dpa
Thomas Hengelbrock
Autonomous teams
As fast and compliant as
“Small pieces loosely joined”
You want people to use this, right?

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The document provides release notes for ASP.NET Core 2.0 and discusses features for building single page applications (SPAs) with .NET Core. Key points include: - New SPA templates for React, Angular, and other frameworks that set up projects with bundling and other build tools. - JavaScriptServices allow running Node.js code from .NET and facilitate building SPAs with .NET backends. - SpaServices provide features like server-side prerendering, routing helpers, and Webpack middleware to improve the SPA development experience. - While SPA templates provide a starting point, separate client and server projects with specialized tooling may provide a better development workflow coreasp .net core
Dos and don'ts in AWS
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The document provides best practices and recommendations for securing resources in AWS. It advises that users should: 1) Grant least privilege to IAM roles and policies, use private subnets, and avoid public buckets or open security groups. 2) Rely on managed AWS services instead of maintaining resources like databases on EC2 instances directly. 3) Implement infrastructure as code and immutable infrastructure to ensure consistency and reliability of deployments. 4) Keep application state in services like ElastiCache instead of on individual instances to ensure high availability. 5) Leverage AWS services, documentation, and community resources to continuously improve security practices.

awssecuritybest practices
Paul Angus: CloudStack new UI (Primate)
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Paul Angus: CloudStack new UI (Primate)

There is currently significant effort going on in the Apache CloudStack community to develop a new, modern, UI (user interface) for CloudStack: Project Primate. In this talk Paul discusses why this new UI is required, the history of this project and how it will be included in future CloudStack releases.

Web app
Great for team
Bad page
Web app
Tricky to get page
performance right
Mobile apps Web app
API Gateway
Bad for team
Great for page
Unified UI frontend

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This document introduces React for .NET developers. It provides a brief history of web development in .NET and discusses how React addresses the needs of modern users and developers. The core concepts of React like components, JSX, top-down data flow, and the virtual DOM are explained. ReactJS.NET is introduced as a way to use React with ASP.NET MVC. In summary, React provides fast load times, rich client functionality, and testable code while having a short learning curve and enabling reusability.

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The 7 deadly sins of micro services
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This document discusses the seven deadly sins of microservices and how to avoid them. The sins include lusting after new technology without consideration for operations, gluttony by not implementing circuit breakers, greed in creating too many small services, sloth by not properly separating services, wrath from ignoring issues in distributed systems, envy of other teams' deployment processes, and pride in thinking tests are not needed. The document provides recommendations to help address each sin such as starting small, service ownership, automated testing, monitoring, and continuous delivery practices.

Azure Bootcamp Louisville - Node js presentation
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Azure Bootcamp Louisville - Node js presentation

This document discusses Node.js applications in Windows Azure. It covers provisioning virtual machines, installing and configuring MongoDB, creating websites, and publishing Node.js applications to Windows Azure. The presenter is Bryan Phillips, a Microsoft Certified Trainer and MVP awardee with experience in SharePoint and application development. The agenda includes demonstrations of creating a Linux VM, installing MongoDB, creating a website, and publishing a Node.js app to Windows Azure.

Header SSI
Index HTML
Footer SSI
SSI module
Header HTML
Footer HTML
are publicly accessible
get called from the client
include fragments
could be cacheable
define contracts
are parts of a page
get called from nginx SSI
could include fragments
should be cacheable
adhere to contracts
SSI Include

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/home/ebacb8194-main.min.css" />

Lorem ipsum....

<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/home/66ee72f9-main.min.js"></script>
SSI Include Resolved

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/home/ebacb8194-main.min.css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/headerservice/08ffaf28-main.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/headerservice/26ed612f-main.js"></script>
Lorem ipsum....

<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/home/66ee72f9-main.min.js"></script>

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Design patterns for microservice architecture
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Design patterns for microservice architecture

The presentation from our online webinar "Design patterns for microservice architecture". Full video from webinar available here: If you’re a CTO or a Lead Developer and you’re planning to design service-oriented architecture, it’s definitely a webinar tailored to your needs. Adrian Zmenda, our Lead Dev, will explain: - when microservice architecture is a safe bet and what are some good alternatives - what are the pros and cons of the most popular design patterns (API Gateway, Backend for Frontend and more) - how to ensure that the communication between services is done right and what to do in case of connection issues - why we’ve decided to use a monorepo (monolithic repository) - what we’ve learned from using the remote procedure call framework gRPC - how to monitor the efficiency of individual services and whole SOA-based systems.

microservicesnode.jssoftware development
SSIS Monitoring Deep Dive
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In this session we'll see everything interesting is hidden in the SSISDB database, where you can gain a lot of insight on the outcome, the performance and the status of your SSIS Packages. I'll share everything I've learned building the SSIS Dashboard we're actually using in production and that you can test here We’ll see the internals of SSISDB database, how we can add custom logging information and how we can use all these data in order to know exactly what happened on a specific point in time.

integration servicesmobile dashboardsdashboard
Modern Web: Trends der Webentwicklung
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Modern Web: Trends der Webentwicklung

Die Welt rund um das Frontend befindet sich im ständigen Wandel. Die Leistung der Computer der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten und auch deren Erwartungen an Software steigen. Während die Server von Webdiensten früher lediglich ein wenig HTML erzeugen mussten, liegt die Logik heutzutage deshalb immer mehr auf dem Client, um eine optimale User Experience sicherzustellen – und das bringt Herausforderungen mit. Im Talk schauten wir uns einige Trends der Webentwicklung an und analysierten die Probleme, die durch das Aufrüsten der Browser durch Google und Co. gelöst werden.

open knowledgelars kölpin freesemodern
ngx_pagespeed: combine heads

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/home/ebacb8194-main.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/headerservice/08ffaf28-main.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/headerservice/26ed612f-main.js"></script>
Lorem ipsum....

<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/home/66ee72f9-main.min.js"></script>
ngx_pagespeed: combine CSS & JS

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/home,,_ebacb8194-main.min.css
+headerservice,,_08ffaf28-main.min.css" />
Lorem ipsum....

<script type="text/javascript" href="/assets/home,,_ebacb8194-main.min.js
+headerservice,,_08ffaf28-main.min.js" defer async />
Page Performance of Composed Page
Page Performance of Composed Page

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Demystifying HTML5
Demystifying HTML5Demystifying HTML5
Demystifying HTML5

This document provides an overview and history of HTML5, summarizing some of the key new features in 3 sentences or less: HTML5 aims to simplify HTML markup and make it more semantic with new elements like <section> and <nav>. It also introduces new JavaScript APIs, richer media like <audio> and <video>, and the <canvas> element for drawing. The development of HTML5 was a collaborative effort between browser vendors to create a common standard that is backwards compatible and supports modern web applications.

Windows azure learning poster
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Windows azure learning poster

The document provides an overview of various topics related to Microsoft's Windows Azure cloud computing platform including creating SQL databases, connecting to HDInsight clusters, uploading images to storage, cloud design patterns, Traffic Manager configuration, Big Data with HDInsight, managing data, infrastructure services, mobile services, web sites, virtual machines, media services, labs and samples, cloud services, SQL databases, and storage. It also includes various tutorials, guides, and resources for learning about and developing on the Windows Azure platform targeted at both newcomers and experienced users.

azuremicrosoftlearning road map
An Unexpected Solution to Microservices UI Composition
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An Unexpected Solution to Microservices UI Composition

This document describes a company's transition from a monolithic .NET application to a microservices architecture hosted on AWS. It details their use of a UI composition pattern using Nginx, ESI, and Jigsaw to compose fragments from different services into complete pages. This allows independent deployment of features while maintaining performance. Key aspects include caching of assets and responses, combining stylesheets and scripts, and isolation of services through separate CSS and JS packages.

Jigsaw Header
Ideal for autonomous teams
Very low response times
Dynamically optimized
For questions or suggestions:
Arif Wider -
Moritz Heiber -

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Dr. Arif Wider

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A High-Performance Solution to Microservice UI Composition @ XConf Hamburg

  • 1. SMALL PIECES LOOSELY JOINED A High-Performance Solution to Microservice UI Composition
  • 4. “[The web] is enabling us to rediscover what we've always known about being human: we are connected creatures in a connected world about which we care passionately.” David Weinberger - “Small Pieces Loosely Joined” via Wikipedia:
  • 6. PROJECT TATSU @ AUTOSCOUT24 - Breaking apart the monolith using Microservices - Moving out of the datacenter and to the AWS cloud - Focus on the JVM and Scala in favor of .NET/C# - Run it all on Linux instead of Windows
  • 7. “[...]composition is the placement or arrangement of [...] elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work.” Wikipedia:
  • 8. I can do stuff! Me too! I can do two things at once! I wish I could do stuff! I love lamp! Woo! I’m here! I’m really boring but important What am I supposed to do? I can do other stuff!
  • 9. Irish Chambre Orchestra:
  • 10. © / picture-alliance / dpa Thomas Hengelbrock
  • 12. Autonomous teams As fast and compliant as possible “Small pieces loosely joined” You want people to use this, right? vs
  • 13. UI COMPOSITION Web app Ads Header Footer Home CSS HTML JS CSS HTML JS CSS HTML JS CSS HTML JS CSS HTML JS CSS HTML JS Great for team autonomy Bad page performance
  • 14. UI COMPOSITION Web app Ads Header Footer Home HTML JS HTML JS HTML JS Tricky to get page performance right CSS HTML JS CSS HTML JS CSS HTML JS CSS CSS CSS
  • 16. API GATEWAY PATTERN Mobile apps Web app API Gateway Ads Header Footer Home Bad for team autonomy Great for page performance Unified UI frontend
  • 17. Jigsaw nginx proxy (Service definitions) 2 Elasticache ngx_pagespeed ngx_srcache /home Header SSI Index HTML Footer SSI 3 Browser1 SSI module 4 /contentservice Header HTML Footer HTML SSI req 5 ngx_pagespeed HTML CSS JS 6 7
  • 18. Pages are publicly accessible get called from the client include fragments could be cacheable define contracts are parts of a page get called from nginx SSI could include fragments should be cacheable adhere to contracts Fragments
  • 19. SSI Include <html> <head> <title>AutoScout24</title> <!-- Minified and combined css used by this page (not by the fragments) --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/home/ebacb8194-main.min.css" /> </head> <body> <!--#include virtual="/headerservice/fragment/header_de_DE" --> Lorem ipsum.... <!-- Minified and combined javascript used by this page --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/home/66ee72f9-main.min.js"></script> </body> </html>
  • 20. SSI Include Resolved 20 <html> <head> <title>AutoScout24</title> <!-- Minified and combined css used by this page (not by the fragments) --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/home/ebacb8194-main.min.css" /> </head> <body> <head> <!-- Minified and combined css used by this fragment --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/headerservice/08ffaf28-main.min.css" /> </head> <ul><li>Home</li><li>Search</li><li>Sell</li></ul> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/headerservice/26ed612f-main.js"></script> Lorem ipsum.... <!-- Minified and combined javascript used by this page --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/home/66ee72f9-main.min.js"></script> </body> </html>
  • 21. ngx_pagespeed: combine heads <html> <head> <title>AutoScout24</title> <!-- Minified and combined css used by this page (not by the fragments) --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/home/ebacb8194-main.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/headerservice/08ffaf28-main.min.css" /> </head> <body> <ul><li>Home</li><li>Search</li><li>Sell</li></ul> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/headerservice/26ed612f-main.js"></script> Lorem ipsum.... <!-- Minified and combined javascript used by this page --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/home/66ee72f9-main.min.js"></script> </body> </html>
  • 22. ngx_pagespeed: combine CSS & JS <html> <head> <title>AutoScout24</title> <!-- Minified and combined css by pagespeed --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/home,,_ebacb8194-main.min.css +headerservice,,_08ffaf28-main.min.css" /> </head> <body> <ul><li>Home</li><li>Search</li><li>Sell</li></ul> Lorem ipsum.... <!-- Minified and combined js by pagespeed --> <script type="text/javascript" href="/assets/home,,_ebacb8194-main.min.js +headerservice,,_08ffaf28-main.min.js" defer async /> </body> </html>
  • 23. Page Performance of Composed Page
  • 24. Page Performance of Composed Page
  • 26. SUMMARY Ideal for autonomous teams Very low response times Dynamically optimized content
  • 27. THANK YOU For questions or suggestions: Arif Wider - Moritz Heiber -

Editor's Notes

  2. THIS IS FOR HAMBURG ONLY Besides being a developer at ThoughtWorks, Arif is a serious coffee geek Between (and while) drinking coffee he thinks about Microservices, writes preferably Scala code, and likes the challenge of generating insights out of large amounts of data
  3. - This is Moritz’ official business card .. he’s calling himself a DevOps Birth Assistant, the male version of a midwife - That’s because he’s helping his customers deliver babies .. software babies, with all their quirks, differences, and joyful moments - and he does all this using the methodologies behind DevOps
  4. This is a quote from the book “Small pieces loosely joined - a unified theory of the web” by David Weinberger, I’ll give you a moment to read it Essentially, it is describing us as human beings in an interconnected world, and there are very true parallels if you want to explain the concept behind UI composition, “Small pieces loosely joined” describes it pretty well The book is about the Internet, and how we use it, how we interact with it and through it, and the Internet as such is a composition! A couple of million servers, in a network, at worldwide scale, presenting content of an incredible large variety It is highly composed, while still performing at absolutely acceptable rates, with individual companies and teams in charge of the responsible layers But what’s happening if things aren’t so well connected, or worse, even centralized and monolithic?
  5. We are able to present this today because one of our clients, AutoScout24, embarked on an ambitious mission almost 2 years ago They are still on it, and with a lot of success! They had the same problem as any larger organization: Large, monolithic applications, very hard to maintain, carrying a lot interest and business logic in one huge blob Inflexible and resistant to change Intersecting responsibilities across teams Architecture is dictated by requirements in existence aeons ago Delivering updates, bugfixes and new features is bound to a single, manual process The advantages though: It’s a single point of entry for consumers! Browsers don’t need to do anything special in order to use it For them the monolith is an easy, one-stop solution, because it carries all the logic and feeds it to browsers But, AutoScout24 wanted change
  6. They wanted to be able to release faster, with teams working autonomously, carrying responsibilities towards business goals and values They chose to not only achieve these goals with a single set of changes, but four separate ones They are breaking apart their monolithic .NET application, moving towards Microservices They are abandoning their own two datacenters for the AWS cloud They are switching away from .NET and C# towards the JVM and Scala in particular And on top of it all they are going to run all of it on Linux Additionally: Continuous Delivery and DevOps Innovation and development in autonomous teams Reduce time to market of features and bugfixes Attract talent Read more about it in their extraordinary IT principles, published on GitHub If you want to start your own transformation it’s an excellent document to start with They also chose the pattern of UI composition for bundling their applications together But what is that exactly?
  7. This is the Wikipedia definition of “Composition”, as you might realize it’s the description for “visual composition”, but it’s very much applicable to compositions of any sort It a way it’s like a symphony, an arrangements of many different strains of instruments in perfect harmony How do we map this to our software composition example, though?
  8. If you want to shift that picture towards Microservices you can see a very easy pattern emerge At first you have a single Microservice, which can do stuff And then maybe there comes another one, and either of them can do stuff, and maybe they can do even more stuff when combined However, as you might have guessed, this space gets crowded pretty easily, especially when you have different business goals driving you forward And it gets even more complicated once each of the components has to talk to one another, has dependencies and expectations etc.
  9. In a sense it’s like an orchestra: They all know the end result they’re supposed to provide, the symphony or in the case of Microservices, their business focus Any individual member of the orchestra might be excellent at what they are doing, and they are probably are going to be able to play beautiful music without any further help by just listening to one another or reading from the same sheet of music Like our Microservices could do But this gets more and more complicated the more interests (i.e. instruments) and intersecting responsibilities (i.e. different melodies) you are accumulating; they need somebody who is able to put it all together, make sense of the chaos. They need a conductor
  10. THIS IS FOR HAMBURG ONLY If you haven’t recognized him from the first slide, this is Thomas Hengelbrock, he’s the current principal conductor of the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra in Hamburg He is the single point within the orchestra that makes the symphony possible with a reasonable amount of coordination and understanding He doesn’t do much physically (waving a baton erratically, essentially), but he has the bigger picture in his head and is keeping track of the pace All the different parts of the orchestra are coming together, they are providing value (music), and the conductor just tells them if they’re on the right track or not And that’s what we need for our Microservices as well! We need a conductor ..
  11. > Arif - Thank you, Moritz - Now let’s move to the actual UI Composition solution that we built at AutoScout and which we called Jigsaw - And of course, we called it Jigsaw because it helps us to cut the AutoScout page into smaller pieces which fit together perfectly
  12. - At the same time, we do not want to compromise page performance by any means - We know that especially on mobile devices the responsiveness of a page dramatically determines how much users enjoy using the page - For measuring page performance, we rely mainly on Google’s PageSpeed Insights. Who knows what PageSpeed Insights is?
  13. - Imagine this is the AutoScout homepage and it consists of several UI components such as - Now with the interpretation of Microservices that we implemented at AutoScout, each service delivers its own UI component, e.g., purple home page, later composed to a single web page - We often speak of vertical slices here, because there is no layered architecture anymore and each service can contain a backend, a UI, and everything in between - This way, each team can change their backend and their UI independently → Great for team autonomy - Now, to allow for real autonomy, services also need to deliver their own assets, such as stylesheets and JavaScript - However, if you naively combine this into one single page, the page performance will be terrible because you have CSS and JS scattered all over the page and render blocking content at various places
  14. - You can then, for instance, try to make each service deliver their assets separately in order to optimize the page structures - For instance by grouping the CSS loading up here - And in fact, that was an approach that went for first - However, things get really messy now when caching comes into play - because a piece of HTML and a corresponding piece of CSS could be invalidated at different times so that you get version mismatches when releasing updates to the page
  15. … of course there are alternatives to this UI composition approach, and a popular one is API Gateway Pattern combined with a Unified UI frontend
  16. - However, there are some drawbacks of applying this pattern from which, for us, the most severe is that independent feature releases are no longer possible (as long as they contain UI changes) - Instead, in the worst case three teams are involved and need to be coordinated when changing a feature: the backend service team, the API gateway layer team, and the web app team - One could say that the API Gateway pattern one goes only half way to split the monolith, namely only in the backend - but because team autonomy is one of the main reasons we went for Microservices in the first place, this issue made the API Gateway pattern no option for us
  17. Here’s a diagram of how Jigsaw, our UI composition conductor, works under the hood: Initially, there is always an entity requesting some resources, for our purposes that’s a browser requesting the content of a website to display to its consumer/user. Let’s say for this request the user wants to see the homepage of AutoScout24 The request, after navigating through Amazon’s CloudFront (not pictured) will hit our composer, Jigsaw, specifically its proxy module. Nginx, internally, knows which services it should serve under a certain Slash URL. For our homepage, which is a special case since it doesn’t usually care any prefix, that is /home. The re-routing is done by CloudFront. Nginx fires off a sub-request to the service registered within its proxy registry, in this case the application responsible for serving the homepage. The homepage app is returning a proper Index page, written in HTML, with a slight trick up its sleeve. It also includes so called Server Side Includes, instructing nginx to do further round-trips to gather other resources the Index needs in order to serve the request it has gotten initially for its Index. Nginx contains a module which is capable of resolving these resources we call fragments from other services via its proxy module, the SSI module. In the diagram the Index needs a fragments for the header and the footer, since those aren’t specific to the homepage, but rather for the whole web presence. There will be sub-sequent request to the service able to resolve the required fragments the other service formulated in its Index. In our case that’s the Contentservice, who’s able to resolve the HTML for the header fragment and the footer fragment It send these HTML fragments back to the SSI module, which is then putting it back together, to represent the Index of the service that was serving the original request, our homepage service. The resulting HTML is then passed on to the truly magical component in all of this: The ngx_pagespeed module. It’s a third party module developed by Google, to apply web development best practices to HTML code on the fly. With it we are able to satisfy the second important requirement we initially formulated: To be as fast as possible. Google, in this case, is our reference. Now, we couldn’t do all of this with every request, especially since about 95-99% of the content doesn’t really change all that frequently. That’s why both, the proxy module and the ngx_pagespeed module are able to cache content dynamically, based on URL keys, parameters, certain headers and content types. Javascript and CSS for example, is cached indefinitely, since all of it is strong cached, by the individual service but also by the ngx_pagespeed module. However, all the other cache handling is at the discretion of the individual services. If they want a certain part cached they will need to use the right Cache-Control headers. This enables all of them to use Jigsaw’s caching facilities autonomously, without any limitations or superimposed guidelines. 7. After ngx_pagespeed is done with its optimizations the results are served back to the browser, strong cached and optimized for the relevant browser at hand, without any specific optimizations having to be done by the individual services. Both, SSI and ngx_pagespeed are solving two very specific problems, and by combining them both we are unleashing their true power, enabling our teams to work without boundaries.
  18. > Arif - So before showing an example how this actually looks in code - I have to explain that we conceptually distinguish between what we call a page and what we call a fragment - ...and does not know the original request - ...and this team is responsible for the performance and the stability of the page - So when this page includes fragments, this team has to define a contract with the providers of this fragment - The fragment on the other hand needs to obey this contract and behave well
  19. Now let's look at a simple example page Page, therefore HTML tag+ head and body styles already minified by service SSI include syntax
  20. SSI resolved = include replaced with fragment (by Nginx) fragment has its own head, with its own minified styles in there also its own script section at its bottom very bad page speed as of now
  21. now comes mod pagespeed combine heads
  22. combine css combine js, defer its loading
  23. > Moritz Obviously, one of the challenges of coming up with this interconnected system, with distributed responsibilities was that the result, the product, still needed to provide the highest value to our customer, i.e. a page that worked We enabled all of our teams to test their composed services with a Jigsaw instance broad to your very machine using Docker and interchangeable services You can, if you want to, run a certain services somewhere else, in a separate environment, on your laptop, on your toaster (as long as it has web access), and emulate the Jigsaw behaviour through the right set of headers A test would use your version of Service A, but the production versions of Services B, C, D, etc. That way you have a high level of assurance when it comes to testing, and you’re more confident when composing your pages This is so easy, you can hand this out to your product management team and they would be able to test new revisions of your software, through Docker deployments, or even separate feature toggles, without any impact on production systems! All the facilities you usually have for testing a monolithic applications are still viable and very much possible
  24. This way of composing web services provides a maximum amount of flexibility for otherwise highly dependent teams; none can work without the other, but they all can work together efficiently and effectively Due to the nature of the dynamic pipeline and the caching mechanism page owners have full control over how fast their pages are served to their customers, none of it is actively impairing performance All the best practices web developers usually have to dance around with we are entrusting to a source of truth (hint: Google) not only responsible for serving a large portion of the traffic websites receives these days, but also an entity who’s at the forefront of best practice web development. The phrase “if it works for Google it should work for us” is truly alive with this concept. This is Jigsaw, our UI composition conductor.