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How to use WebKitGtk+ 허 준회 (Joone Hur) 2012. 1.28 1 st  GNOME Tech Talks, GNOME Korea Community
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Working on WebKitGtk+, WebKit-Clutter
WebKitGtk+ WebKitGTK+ is the GNOME platform port of the WebKit rendering engine. 
Offering WebKit's full functionality through a set of GObject-based APIs
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vulnus ictum

GNOME Shell Amazon Kindle
Current Version Stable version   WebKitGTK+ 1.6.1 ( 2011.9.28)   Development Version WebKitGTK+ 1.7.4  (2012. 1.16)
WebKitGTK+ 1.6.1 The JavaScriptCore library is now installed independently as "libjavascriptcoregtk", and it comes with its own pkg-config file.  
New DOM methods exist to check if editable areas have been modified by the user (webkit_dom_html_{input,text_area}_is_edited).

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WebKitGTK+ status and roadmap to WebKit2 (FOSDEM 2012)
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WebKitGTK+ status and roadmap to WebKit2 (FOSDEM 2012)

By Mario Sánchez Prada and Philippe Normand. In the talk we will talk about WebKitGTK+ [1] current status and work done in the last months since last desktop summit. A lot of things have happened in these months, we will summarize the various WebKitGTK+ improvements in rendering (accelerated compositing), accessibility, networking, etc. Also we will cover WebKit2 architecture and initial version of the API, we will detail the roadmap for WebKit2 support for WebKitGTK+. And or course some nice demos :). The talk should be interesting for embedders and those considering integration of the web with the free desktop.

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WebKit2 And You (GUADEC 2013)WebKit2 And You (GUADEC 2013)
WebKit2 And You (GUADEC 2013)

By Martin Robinson. After two years of work, WebKit2 has arrived to the GNOME platform, bringing security, stability, and performance. This talk will outline the new design and dive briefly into some of the gory technical details. Also, included will be a mountain of practical advice for application developers about the transition, such as whether or not applications should be rewritten for WebKit2 and how best to take advantage of the new multi-process model.

The WebKit project
The WebKit projectThe WebKit project
The WebKit project

The document discusses the WebKit project and how to contribute to it. It describes WebKit as an open source web browser engine used in browsers and other applications. It provides information on WebKit's architecture, goals, features, ports to different platforms, and the WebKit2 API. It also discusses the large WebKit community, how work is tracked, and how developers can contribute through bug fixing, new features, or creating new ports.

webkit web linux opensource linuxcon
A few new spell checking APIs are added, which make implementing spell checking in a user agent much easier. - Added API to set local storage database path.
GTK+ 3.x is now the default toolkit for WebKitGTK+. GTK+ 2 is considered deprecated now and we will stop supporting it in future releases, so please try to move to GTK+3 in the near future.
WebKitWebView is a GtkWdiget GObject      +----GInitiallyUnowned                +----GtkWidget                          +----GtkContainer                                   +----WebKitWebView
  #ifdef GTK_API_VERSION_2 G_DEFINE_TYPE(WebKitWebView, webkit_web_view, GTK_TYPE_CONTAINER) #else G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE(WebKitWebView, webkit_web_view, GTK_TYPE_CONTAINER,                          G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE(GTK_TYPE_SCROLLABLE, 0)) #endif

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WebKit and Blink: open development powering the HTML5 revolution

This document provides an overview of the WebKit technology, community, and ongoing work. It discusses WebKit's goals, features, architecture, ports, and the WebKit2 API. It also covers the Blink fork, the WebKit community and contributing process, and provides statistics on codebase size and contributors.

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The WebKit project (LinuxCon North America 2012)
The WebKit project (LinuxCon North America 2012)The WebKit project (LinuxCon North America 2012)
The WebKit project (LinuxCon North America 2012)

By Juan José Sánchez Penas. WebKit is a popular open source web rendering engine (HTML, JavaScript, CSS) with a generic part (WebCore, JS Engine), and 'ports' for specific platforms which implement bits like rendering, networking or multimedia. The WebKit community is interesting: companies & individuals cooperate successfully to evolve a complex codebase. Given the popularity of HTML5 and web technologies, WebKit is one of the most important open source projects. Our WebKit team at Igalia maintains the WebKitGTK+ port and contributes to WebCore, JSC, V8 & other ports (EFL, Clutter, Qt), being the top committers after Google&Apple. In this talk, we will review the past&present&future of the project, will explain how to interact with it, how to create or maintain ports, and other details very useful for those who in one way or another use or depend on WebKit.

Hybrid Apps (Native + Web) using WebKit
Hybrid Apps (Native + Web) using WebKitHybrid Apps (Native + Web) using WebKit
Hybrid Apps (Native + Web) using WebKit

In term of innovations and mobile availability, WebKit is known to be the premier web rendering engine with the leading support for web standards such as HTML5, CSS3, and SVG. On MeeGo platform, WebKit can be leveraged easily via the use QtWebKit module which combines powerful WebKit features with the ease of use of Qt. The ground of developing applications using native technologies has been much explored, however there are still confusions, myths and misunderstanding as to what can be achieved with web technologies and hybrid native-web approach. This talk will highlight several tools and best practices in developing and testing good looking, feature-rich, and hardware-accelerated applications using web technologies targeting MeeGo platform in particular.


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How to use WebKitGtk+

Editor's Notes

  1. The JavaScriptCore library is now installed independently as     "libjavascriptcoregtk", and it comes with its own pkg-config file. This allows linking to JavaScriptCore without WebKitGTK+.  New DOM methods exist to check if editable areas have been modified by the user (webkit_dom_html_{input,text_area}_is_edited). A typical usecase for these APIs is to warn the user if they are leaving     a page without submitting a form. A few new spell checking APIs are added, which make implementing spell checking in a user agent much easier. - Added API to set local storage database path. GTK+ 3.x is now the default toolkit for WebKitGTK+. GTK+ 2 is considered deprecated now and we will stop supporting it in future releases, so please try to move to GTK+3 in the near future.
  2. Applications can use fontconfig in two ways: by querying it for the available fonts on the system, or by asking it for a font matching certain parameters ( pattern ). Fontconfig will then return a font whose properties match those specified in the pattern as closely as possible.