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•Rust Samurai #4-
•Electrolysis (e10s) ? 
•Firefox OS

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通过 Ktor 迅速打造以 Kotlin 为核心的后端服务应用
通过 Ktor 迅速打造以 Kotlin 为核心的后端服务应用通过 Ktor 迅速打造以 Kotlin 为核心的后端服务应用
通过 Ktor 迅速打造以 Kotlin 为核心的后端服务应用

The document introduces Kotlin and Ktor. Kotlin is a general-purpose programming language developed by JetBrains that is static typed, supports OOP and FP, and can be used for both browser and server development. Ktor is a web framework for Kotlin developed by JetBrains that allows building asynchronous servers and clients. The document demonstrates how to set up a development environment for Ktor using OpenJDK, IntelliJ IDEA, and the Ktor plugin. It provides an overview of building Ktor applications that handle requests and responses.

以 Kotlin 快速打造 Mobile Backend
以 Kotlin 快速打造 Mobile Backend以 Kotlin 快速打造 Mobile Backend
以 Kotlin 快速打造 Mobile Backend

在這場分享裡,將示範如何用 Kotlin 程式語言及 Ktor 框架,快速打造一個 API Mocking 的 Backend Application,並整合 Google Cloud Platform 上的 Cloud Build、Container Registry、Cloud Run 等服務完成一個完整的 CI/CD 開發流程。

Geb presentation
Geb presentationGeb presentation
Geb presentation

GEB - very groovy browser automation Full presentation:

•Firefox / Gecko
•FirefoxOut-Of-Process Plugin 
•Firefox 3.6 
•FirefoxDRM/CDM(Content Decryption Module) 
•Firefox 3x? 
•Firefox OS
Firefox OS 
Kernel / Gonk 
b2g process 
Plugin- container 
Plugin- container process 
Hardware Access 

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Kotlin 在 Web 方面的应用
Kotlin 在 Web 方面的应用Kotlin 在 Web 方面的应用
Kotlin 在 Web 方面的应用

- Kotlin is a general-purpose programming language that is static typed, supports OOP and FP, and was developed by JetBrains. Ktor is a web framework for Kotlin that supports asynchronous servers and clients. - Ktor allows building web applications using routing to define endpoints, application calls to handle requests and responses, and features like HTML rendering, JSON serialization, and database access using Exposed. - A full-stack Kotlin web application example was demonstrated using Ktor, Exposed ORM, and a MySQL database to build both a web UI and RESTful API for a todo list application.

以 Ktor 快速打造 Web 應用
以 Ktor 快速打造 Web 應用以 Ktor 快速打造 Web 應用
以 Ktor 快速打造 Web 應用

受邀至 Kotlin Night Taipei 分享如何以 Ktor 這套 100% 用 Kotlin 打造的框架快速開發 Web 應用,包括網頁及 API 兩種方式,以及如何整合 Exposed SQL Library 做出 CRUD 各種功能。

Drupal @ MediaCamp Athens
Drupal @ MediaCamp Athens Drupal @ MediaCamp Athens
Drupal @ MediaCamp Athens

Drupal is an open source content management system with over 1200 contributed modules. It has a large, active community with over 840 code contributors and 160 local user groups. Drupal powers many large sites and is used because it is free, has extensive features, allows for user control and customization, and is mature and secure. Drupal works by using a hook system that allows modules to add functionality by hooking into core functions and events. It also has an extensible node-based content model and popular modules like Views and CCK that add functionality. The future of Drupal includes ongoing development of new versions and more features.

sync protocol PHal{ 
Vibrate(uint32_t[] pattern, uint64_t[] id, 
class Msg_NotifyBatteryChange: 
public IPC::Message 

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Creating Your Own Static Website Generator
Creating Your Own Static Website GeneratorCreating Your Own Static Website Generator
Creating Your Own Static Website Generator

Many people use popular client-side libraries such as React and Angular, although many don't consider server-side rendering like VueJS, nevermind creating their own.

Kotlin 讀書會 #1
Kotlin 讀書會 #1Kotlin 讀書會 #1
Kotlin 讀書會 #1

本次為熱身場,介紹如何在各作業系統安裝多個版本的 JDK、如何用 JetBrains Toolbox 安裝 IntelliJ IDEA、如何用 Kotlin 寫第一個 Hello World 程式,以及相關學習資源介紹。

kotlinopen sourcestudy group
Banquet 50
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Banquet 50

This document discusses how to create a rich text editor using YUI3. It provides examples of using designMode and contentEditable to enable rich text editing. It also covers using execCommand to implement common formatting commands like bold, italic, links. It discusses implementing ranges and selections cross-browser. The document outlines the plugin architecture in YUI3 Editor including nodeChange and execCommand plugins. It provides links to resources on ranges and an example rich text editor implementation.

class /*NS_ABSTRACT_CLASS*/ PHalParent: 
public mozilla::ipc::IProtocol, 
protected mozilla::ipc::IProtocolManager<mozilla::ipc::IProtocol> 
virtual bool 
constnsTArray<uint32_t>& pattern, 
constnsTArray<uint64_t>& id, 
PBrowserParent* browser) = 0; 
SendNotifyBatteryChange(constBatteryInformation& aBatteryInfo) NS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
class /*NS_ABSTRACT_CLASS*/ PHalChild: 
public mozilla::ipc::IProtocol, 
protected mozilla::ipc::IProtocolManager<mozilla::ipc::IProtocol> 
virtual bool 
RecvNotifyBatteryChange(constBatteryInformation& aBatteryInfo) = 0; 
constnsTArray<uint32_t>& pattern, 
constnsTArray<uint64_t>& id, 
PBrowserChild* browser);
static void Write(Message* aMsg, constparamType& aParam) 
WriteParam(aMsg, static_cast<mozilla::WidgetEvent>(aParam)); 
WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mPluginEvent.mBuffer); 
static boolRead(constMessage* aMsg, void** aIter, 
paramType* aResult) 
return ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, 
static_cast<mozilla::WidgetEvent*>(aResult)) && 
ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mPluginEvent.mBuffer); 
•B2g(Chrome) (Content) 

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Web components
Web componentsWeb components
Web components

Web Components are a set of features that provide a standard component model for the Web allowing for encapsulation and interoperability of individual HTML elements.

Look Towards 2.0 and Beyond - eZ Conference 2016
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Look Towards 2.0 and Beyond - eZ Conference 2016

EZ PLATFORM & EZ STUDIO: WHERE WE ARE, WHERE WE ARE GOING, AND A LOOK TOWARDS 2.0 AND BEYOND The document discusses the current state and upcoming features of eZ Platform and eZ Studio. Short term features include improvements to search, version management, and content on the fly. Upcoming UI features and technical improvements are also outlined, such as improved storage engines, caching with Symfony, and potential future technologies like GraphQL integration. The goal is to continuously enhance the platform based on community input.

ez platformez conferencesymfony
Ktor 部署攻略 - 老派 Fat Jar 大法
Ktor 部署攻略 - 老派 Fat Jar 大法Ktor 部署攻略 - 老派 Fat Jar 大法
Ktor 部署攻略 - 老派 Fat Jar 大法

本次的練功內容要教大家如何將 Ktor 應用程式以 Shadow Plugin 編譯成 Fat Jar,並在 Linux 主機上建置一個可以運行 JVM、有 Nginx、加掛 SSL 的���境,讓 Ktor 應用程式可以實際部署後提供服務。

•Socket (TCP/UDP) 
•Web Activity 
•Inter App Communication
XMLHttpRequest/ WebSocket 
XMLHttpRequest/ WebSocket 
•Firefox OSDaemon ProcessDaemon Process 
•LocalhostNetwork Activity
Socket API 
•TCP or UDP Socket 

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WebdriverIO allows controlling browsers using code and integrates with BDD frameworks like Cucumber and Mocha. It manages Selenium and supports various browsers. Tests are written with Gherkin feature files, step definitions convert these to code, and page objects represent page elements. The browser API allows interacting with pages by URL, waiting for elements, clicking, and more. Challenges include maintaining matching versions as browsers and drivers update.

automated testingcucumberjavascript
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The document discusses the evolution of .NET and ASP.NET. It describes how Microsoft introduced .NET in 2000 and it has evolved since then. It also outlines the architecture of .NET, including the common language runtime, base class library, and how various frameworks like ASP.NET, WPF, and others build upon this foundation. Finally, it highlights some new features in ASP.NET like Web API, SignalR, and OWIN.

women in
[HKOSCon 2020] Build an api service using ktor rapidly
[HKOSCon 2020] Build an api service using ktor rapidly[HKOSCon 2020] Build an api service using ktor rapidly
[HKOSCon 2020] Build an api service using ktor rapidly

Kotlin is not only for mobile development but also for backend (it could be used everywhere actually!). In JetBrains, we build Ktor framework for backend development such as website, API, microservice. In this talk, I will introduce what Ktor is, how to integrated with Exposed SQL library, demonstrate how to build a RESTful API service in just a few lines of code. After listening to this talk, you will learn how to build API with Ktor rapidly.

TCPSocket () 
varsocket = new 
‘’, 8888, { binaryType: ‘string’ } ); 
socket.onopen= function() { 
socket.ondata= function(msg) { 
TCP Server Socket 
varsocket = navigator.mozTCPSocket.listen(8888, { binaryType: ‘string’ }); 
Socket.onconnect= function() { 
UDP Socket 
varsocket = new UDPSocket(); 
socket.addEventListener(‘message’, function() { 
socket.send(‘hello’, ‘’, 8888);
Web Activity 
•Web IntentAPI (Google Chrome) Firefox OSCounter Proposal

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I do not have any additional information to provide. Please let me know if you have any other questions!

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The document discusses various techniques for developing mobile web applications, including: 1. Using viewport meta tags to control layout on different screen sizes. 2. Storing cached content in Web Storage instead of cookies for better performance on mobile. 3. Loading images lazily via Ajax to improve perceived performance. 4. Detecting device orientation changes and resizing content appropriately for portrait and landscape modes.

MozTW Jetpack Workshop: Taichung
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MozTW Jetpack Workshop: Taichung

This document summarizes a workshop about Jetpack extensions. It discusses Mozilla and Jetpack, introduces the speaker as a MozTW member and Jetpack Ambassador, and overviews key Jetpack concepts like the Jetpack Prototype, APIs for UI elements, and the future Jetpack SDK. The workshop demonstrates how to build simple Jetpack extensions using JavaScript APIs and common UI elements like menus, notifications, and slidebars. It provides code examples and discusses techniques like importing future namespaces and using jQuery in extensions.

“Web Activities' intent is not to be a clone of Google's Web Intents with some naming and API details changed. Web Activities aim to be a simple API trying to solve a very clear set of use cases.” intents/2012Jun/0061.html
varactivity = new MozActivity( { 
name: “pick”, 
data: { 
type: “image/jpeg” 
activity.onsuccess= function() { 
// this.result 

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Web Standards Support in WebKit
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Web Standards Support in WebKit

This document summarizes Joone Hur's presentation on web standards support in WebKit. It discusses several new and emerging web APIs including custom protocol and content handlers, AddSearchProvider, Navigation Timing, device APIs for battery status, contacts, and media capture. It also covers the Unified Storage Quota API, Shadow DOM API, and notes that WebCL and WebKit2 have been added to Samsung and Nokia browsers.

Android lessons you won't learn in school
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Android lessons you won't learn in school

This document discusses several lessons about Android development that are not typically covered in school. It covers architectural changes in Android over time, security best practices, techniques for logging user activity and crash reports, strategies for building hybrid mobile-web applications, considerations for creating mobile SDKs, and approaches for testing Android apps on multiple device configurations.

HTML5 on Mobile
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HTML5 on Mobile

This document discusses HTML5 on mobile devices. It begins by explaining why mobile web is growing and why HTML5 is well-suited for mobile. It then provides an overview of what HTML5 is and examples of features like forms, multimedia, geolocation that can be used on mobile. It also discusses considerations for mobile web development like responsive design and frameworks. The document recommends tools for mobile debugging and testing performance.

“name”: ‘<Application Name>’, 
“description”: ‘<Application’s description>’, 
“activities”: { 
“view” : { 
“filters”: { 
“type” : “image/tiff” 
varregister = navigator.mozRegisterActivityHandler({ 
name: “view”, 
disposition: “inline”, 
filters: { 
type: “image/tiff”; 
navigator.mozSetMessageHandler(‘activity’, function(request) { 
Web Activity 

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Firefox OS - The platform you deserve - Athens App Days - 2013-11-27

This document provides an overview of Firefox OS, including: - Firefox OS is an open source mobile operating system that uses HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to build apps. - It has a number of web APIs for accessing device capabilities like the ambient light sensor, battery status, contacts, and more. - Apps can be hosted on the web or packaged; packaged apps have access to more privileged web APIs and web activities. - Web activities allow apps to share data and functionality through activities like making phone calls, picking images, or creating contacts. - Firefox OS has been released in several countries and aims to provide an affordable platform for emerging markets using low-end hardware.

Plone FSR
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Plone FSR

This document provides a summary of a presentation about Full Stack Reactivity using the Meteor framework. It includes a definition of full-stack reactivity as allowing every level of a web application's stack to respond in real-time to changes. The presentation demonstrates a sample Meteor application, discusses key Meteor concepts like publications and subscriptions, and argues that Meteor's approach could help transform how Plone applications are developed. The goal is to integrate Meteor's Distributed Data Protocol into Plone to provide real-time reactivity across the stack using ZODB events.

by fulv
Web Performance Part 4 "Client-side performance"
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Web Performance Part 4 "Client-side performance"

The presentation is devoted to client side performance of a web app. All 4 presentations will help you reduce latency, enrich optimization of javascript code, discover tricky parts when working with API browser, see best practices of networking and learn lots of other important and interesting things. Enjoy! =)

web performanceoptimizationnetwork
Inter-App Communication (IAC) 
•Firefox OS 1.2+ 
•Certified App only 
•Web Activity 
“connections” { 
“<keyword>” : { 
“handler_path”: “/index.html”, 
“description”: “description”, 
“rules” : { 
“manifestURLs”: “<url>”, 
navigator.mozApps.getSelf().onsuccess= function(ev) { 
varapp =; 
app.connet(‘<keyword>’, rules).then(function(ports) { 
// connected 
ports.forEach(function(port) { 
port.onmessage= function(evt) { 
// received data 
port.postMessage({ value: ‘hello’ }); 
}, function(reason) { 
// reject 
function(request) { 
varkeyword = request.keyword; 
varport = request.port; 
port.onmessage= function(evt) { 
varmessage =; 
port.postMessage({ value: “Hello” }); 

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MozTW Jetpack Workshop: Taipei
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MozTW Jetpack Workshop: Taipei

The document summarizes a workshop on Jetpack held in Taipei. It introduces Hsiao-Ting Yu, a MozTW member and Jetpack Ambassador, and provides an overview of Mozilla, Mozilla Labs, and the MozTW community. The workshop then covers the history of Mozilla extensions, introduces the new Jetpack API as a simpler way to build extensions, and demonstrates how to create a basic Jetpack extension and some of Jetpack's UI capabilities like menus, notifications, and slidebars. It also discusses the new Jetpack SDK and the vision for Jetpack-based extensions in the future.

[Serverless Meetup Tokyo #3] Serverless in Azure (Azure Functionsのアップデート、事例、デ...
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The document provides an overview of Azure Functions and serverless computing. It shows how Functions can be used to build asynchronous and scalable workflows using triggers and bindings. Examples include image processing using blob triggers and outputs, processing queue messages, and building serverless APIs. The document compares building such applications on Azure with and without Functions, highlighting how Functions handle infrastructure management and scaling.

Building APIs in an easy way using API Platform
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Building APIs in an easy way using API Platform

The document discusses building APIs in an easy way using API Platform. It describes how API Platform makes it simple to create APIs that support JSON-LD, Hydra, and HAL formats. API Platform is built on Symfony and integrates with common Symfony tools like Doctrine ORM. It provides features like CRUD operations, serialization groups, validation, pagination and extensions out of the box. The document also provides examples of creating a player resource and implementing authentication with JSON Web Tokens.

Inter App Communication 
•Certified App 
•Firefox OS(Web Activity / Inter- App Communication) e10s 
•APINetwork Activity 
•XMLHttpRequest/ WebSocket/ Socket API
• US/docs/Web/API/Navigator.mozTCPSocket 
• US/docs/Web/API/Web_Activities 
•Inter App Communication 

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