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Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -
 Why building a WebGL 3D engine ? 
 Using Babylon.js to create 3D apps and games 
 Discovering the basics 
 Advanced features 
 Handling touch devices & Performance first 
 Content Pipeline 
 Demos, demos & some code 
 From Blender/3DS Max to the browser with no line of code 
 Loading a scene by code 
 Third-parties demos 
 Code session
Why building a WebGL 3D engine ?

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Web xr:vr getting started
Web xr:vr getting startedWeb xr:vr getting started
Web xr:vr getting started

This document provides instructions for getting started with building VR and AR experiences using Unity and WebXR. It outlines the key steps for setting up the project including adding packages, configuring the project for WebXR, adding interactions to a sample scene, building and deploying to a local web server, and launching the experience in a browser. Next steps mentioned include integrating additional frameworks like ARCore, Vuforia and Snap Lens.

webxrmobileunity 3d
Html5 Canvas and Mobile Graphics
Html5 Canvas and Mobile GraphicsHtml5 Canvas and Mobile Graphics
Html5 Canvas and Mobile Graphics

Engin Yağız Hatay gave a presentation on graphics and animation capabilities in web browsers. He discussed several technologies including CSS3, Canvas, SVG, and WebGL, and when each is best suited. He provided details on HTML5 Canvas capabilities and limitations. Hatay also covered browser support for these technologies and recommended several JavaScript libraries that can be used to create graphics and animations, including PaperJS, ProcessingJS, and ThreeJS. He concluded with a discussion of tools and frameworks for mobile graphics development.

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Zoomcharts @
Zoomcharts @ DevClub.lvZoomcharts @
Zoomcharts @

ZoomCharts is an interactive and fast HTML5 charts library for big data visualization. It was created to address graphics challenges on the web like supporting multiple browsers, resolutions, and varying performance across devices. The developers use CoffeeScript, commit to GitHub, and have an automated testing setup to ensure quality. Key features of ZoomCharts include support for Canvas, SVG, and WebGL rendering as well as responsive design for big screens. Future plans include more chart types, an extension API, and memory tracking.

The riseof GPUs 
Hardware accelerated 
2D Canvas, CSS3 animations 
Accelerated 3D 
with WebGL 
H264 & JPG hardware 
Requires a compatible browser or device: 
A new context for the canvas: 
canvas.getContext("webgl", { antialias: true}) || 
canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", { antialias: true});
WebGL is a low level API 
Need to handle everything 
except the rendering: 
 Shaders code (loading, compilation) 
 Geometry creation, topology, transfer 
 Shaders variables management 
 Texture and resources management 
 Render loop
Using Babylon.js to create 3D apps & games

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Building your own metaverse, prepare your own contract with solidity and perform your first transaction in Web 3.0 #metaverse #vr #ar #virtualreality #augmentedreality #solidity #blockchain #nft #web3.0 #3D #threejs

metaverseaugmented realityvirtual reality
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Penjelasan tentang platform NodeJS yang memungkinkan kita menulis code JavaScript di sisi server. Materi dibawakan di meetup Programming Wars Software Architect Indonesia Community tanggal 26 Agustus 2017 di Microsoft Indonesia

WebGL의 무궁무진한 가능성
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WebGL의 무궁무진한 가능성

This document discusses the possibilities of WebGL and how it can be used for 3D graphics rendering on the web. It explains that WebGL allows for GPU-accelerated rendering directly in the browser by using APIs to control graphics processing units. It provides examples of using WebGL to initialize a WebGL context, create and compile shaders, and render 3D graphics by passing vertex and color data to shaders. The document recommends learning resources and frameworks for WebGL and suggests areas where WebGL could be applied, such as games, data visualization, and user interfaces.

한국 웹 20주년webgl
How to use Babylon.js ? 
Open source project (Available on Github) 
How to use it? Include one file and you’re ready to go! 
<script src="babylon.js"></script> 
To start Babylon.js, you’ve just need to create an engine object: 
var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -
Offline support 
Network optimizations 
Incremental loading 
Blender & 3DS Max 
Design & render + 
Complete collisions and 
physics engine
Smart shaders engine and 
Device Orientation API and 
Oculus Rift support 
Advanced texture support 
(Bump, DDS) 
Touch, Gamepad & 
virtual joysticks

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After 20 years of JavaScript, modern web browsers started to understand a new binary format called WebAssembly. WebAssembly is known for its amazing performance, compact file size and portability. In this session, we will compare the execution model of JavaScript and WebAssembly. We also discuss about the techniques that helps WebAssembly to offer an incredible performance.


SceneJS is a JavaScript library that provides an easy-to-use API for WebGL. It uses a JSON-based scene graph structure to define 3D scenes and models. SceneJS aims to lower the barrier to working with WebGL by handling lower-level WebGL calls and optimizations under the hood. It supports features like instancing, level-of-detail, and bounding volumes to improve performance. The library is open source and its architecture is designed to integrate well with other web technologies.

Web Standards Support in WebKit
Web Standards Support in WebKitWeb Standards Support in WebKit
Web Standards Support in WebKit

This document summarizes Joone Hur's presentation on web standards support in WebKit. It discusses several new and emerging web APIs including custom protocol and content handlers, AddSearchProvider, Navigation Timing, device APIs for battery status, contacts, and media capture. It also covers the Unified Storage Quota API, Shadow DOM API, and notes that WebCL and WebKit2 have been added to Samsung and Nokia browsers.

Handling touchdevices
Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -
Creation Pipeline 
Enough of your blah-blah! 
Give us some demos, demos & code!

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Beating Canvas 2D in Its Own Territory WebGL + Tesspathy グリー株式会社 劉 光耀 (Guangyao Liu) ※Chrome Tech Talk Night #8でのLT資料です

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Ustream Techtalks: Google Chrome Developer Tools

This document provides an overview of Chrome Dev Tools and how it can be used for debugging websites. Some key points covered include: - Chrome Dev Tools allows debugging of JavaScript, HTML, CSS and network requests. It provides features like logging, breakpoints, and profiling of frames and memory. - The DevTools UI is based on WebKit, which provides common features across browsers like DOM, CSSOM, and rendering. It shows the DOM tree, render tree, layer tree, and graphics layer tree. - Panels like Elements, Styles, Network, Timeline, Profiles, and Audits allow inspection and debugging of pages, styles, requests, performance, memory usage and more. Settings allow control of caching

ustreamgoogle chromechrome developer tools
Why Javascript matters
Why Javascript mattersWhy Javascript matters
Why Javascript matters

At WordCamp Norway I presented about why Javascript matters when developing for WordPress. The amount of Javascript grows and it's time that developers look more into Javascript. The focus is around the example I build for WordSesh to show what you can do with Javascript and Node.js

Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -
Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -
Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -
Roadmap for v2 
• Web Audio 
• Scene Optimizer 
• LOD 
• Unity Exporter 
• Procedural Textures 
• Asm.js & simd.js

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W3C HTML5 KIG-HTML5 Game Performance Issue
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W3C HTML5 KIG-HTML5 Game Performance Issue

This document discusses HTML5 game performance and compares the graphics capabilities of different platforms. It finds that Canvas 2D is faster than before but WebGL is still much faster for rendering 2D sprites. WebGL provides 3D graphics using OpenGL ES and is accessed through the HTML5 Canvas element. The document tests performance by drawing many blue squares and measuring framerates, finding that WebGL can render significantly more sprites before slowing down.

Advanced Web Graphics with Canvas
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Advanced Web Graphics with Canvas

Talk given at The Rich Web Experience 2008. Check out blog for more demos, and sample code. I hate images. Not pictures or icons, mind you, but user interface graphics. I think that small gradient PNGs that web developers set to repeat are the spacer gifs of today. Images are hard to change, and slower to download.

I can't believe it's java script
I can't believe it's java scriptI can't believe it's java script
I can't believe it's java script

My talk for the JS Monthly London meetup about the cool, new and surprising things we can develop with JavaScript these days. Includes Robots, Internet of Things and Virtual Reality.

atomdesktop approbots
Useful links 
What we’re working on in Internet Explorer: 
• like Web Audio, Media Capture, ES6 features, etc. 
Visit to find ways to test IE11 
• works on Windows, Mac, iOS & Android! 
Play with Babylon.js demos on 
• and try some tutorials via our playground: 
Contact the IE Developer Relations team on twitter: @iedevchat 
and Babylon.js developers: @deltakosh & @davrous
@deltakosh / @davrous

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Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -

  • 3. Agenda  Why building a WebGL 3D engine ?  Using Babylon.js to create 3D apps and games  Discovering the basics  Advanced features  Handling touch devices & Performance first  Content Pipeline  Demos, demos & some code  From Blender/3DS Max to the browser with no line of code  Loading a scene by code  Third-parties demos  Code session
  • 4. Why building a WebGL 3D engine ?
  • 5. The riseof GPUs Hardware accelerated rendering: 2D Canvas, CSS3 animations Accelerated 3D with WebGL H264 & JPG hardware decoding
  • 6. UsingWebGLdirectly Requires a compatible browser or device: A new context for the canvas: canvas.getContext("webgl", { antialias: true}) || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", { antialias: true});
  • 7. UsingWebGLdirectly WebGL is a low level API Need to handle everything except the rendering:  Shaders code (loading, compilation)  Geometry creation, topology, transfer  Shaders variables management  Texture and resources management  Render loop
  • 8. Using Babylon.js to create 3D apps & games
  • 9. How to use Babylon.js ? Open source project (Available on Github) How to use it? Include one file and you’re ready to go! <script src="babylon.js"></script> To start Babylon.js, you’ve just need to create an engine object: var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);
  • 11. Advancedfeatures Offline support IndexedDB Network optimizations Incremental loading Blender & 3DS Max exporters Design & render + Complete collisions and physics engine
  • 12. Advancedfeatures Smart shaders engine and postprocesses Device Orientation API and Oculus Rift support Advanced texture support (Bump, DDS) Touch, Gamepad & virtual joysticks
  • 15. Creation Pipeline .babylon Online/offline converter .FBX .OBJ .FBX .OBJ
  • 16. Enough of your blah-blah! Give us some demos, demos & code!
  • 20. Roadmap for v2 • Web Audio • Scene Optimizer • LOD • Unity Exporter • Procedural Textures • Asm.js & simd.js
  • 21. Useful links What we’re working on in Internet Explorer: • like Web Audio, Media Capture, ES6 features, etc. Visit to find ways to test IE11 • works on Windows, Mac, iOS & Android! Play with Babylon.js demos on • and try some tutorials via our playground: Contact the IE Developer Relations team on twitter: @iedevchat and Babylon.js developers: @deltakosh & @davrous

Editor's Notes

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