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Deploy like a Pro
Damián Serrano Thode
MalagaMakers GeekBeers (20150115)
What is deployment?
Copy source files to the server
What is deployment?
Deploy like a pro!

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002. Working with Webpack
002. Working with Webpack002. Working with Webpack
002. Working with Webpack

Webpack is a module bundler that can bundle JavaScript files and their associated modules and dependencies. It provides features like dependency graph, aliasing, loaders to preprocess files, plugins to customize functionality, and code splitting to optimize bundles. Webpack can also be used to polyfill features and fetch resources. While powerful, Webpack can be difficult for beginners due to its complexity. The document provides an overview of Webpack's key features but is poorly formatted and hard to follow, especially for newcomers.

Production optimization with React and Webpack
Production optimization with React and WebpackProduction optimization with React and Webpack
Production optimization with React and Webpack

This document discusses optimizing React and Webpack applications for production. It recommends: 1. Not optimizing prematurely and ensuring engineering and product goals are aligned before optimizing. 2. Understanding available optimization options at build time like minification, code splitting, and using production builds of dependencies, and at runtime like server-side rendering and component lifecycle methods. 3. Instrumenting the application to measure performance metrics like bundle size, load time, and render time to identify optimization opportunities. 4. Setting meaningful benchmarks based on the actual user experience expected, rather than arbitrary metrics, to determine what constitutes acceptable performance.

006. React - Redux framework
006. React - Redux framework006. React - Redux framework
006. React - Redux framework

This document discusses React and Redux. It explains why Redux is used for state management in React applications, the key concepts in Redux including stores, actions, reducers, and dispatching events. It provides examples of React application state flow without and with Redux. Key terms like actions, providers, stores, and reducers are defined. The basic Redux flow and use of middleware for side effects are demonstrated.

Copy source files to the server
Not just that!
What is deployment?
Optimize assets
What is deployment?
Optimize assets
Run database migrations
What is deployment?
Optimize assets
Run database migrations
Restart dependent services
What is deployment?

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Webpack and Web Performance Optimization
Webpack and Web Performance OptimizationWebpack and Web Performance Optimization
Webpack and Web Performance Optimization

Webpack and Web Performance Optimization discusses using Webpack and other tools to optimize web performance. It introduces Webpack as a module bundler and discusses its features like code splitting and optimizations. It covers setting up loaders and the Webpack build flow. The document also discusses various web optimization techniques including image optimization, reducing requests, minifying assets, critical rendering path, and caching. It provides examples of optimizing sites for mobile and comparisons of optimization approaches with different user and business impacts. The document discusses using tools like Gulp and integrating with Webpack for tasks like Sass compilation and testing. It also covers modularizing JavaScript with React and using Babel to transpile ES6 to ES5. Finally, it demonstrates collabor

front endbundlecss
005. a React project structure
005. a React project structure005. a React project structure
005. a React project structure

This document discusses the structure of a React project and routing. It mentions using the react-router package version 3.0.0 to add routing to a React app. It also discusses organizing source code in React and using routing with JSON as well as route patterns. Additionally, it brings up handling component errors, passing route parameters, and adding authorization to routes using the react-router-role-authorization package.

reactreact structurereactjs
An Overview on Nuxt.js
An Overview on Nuxt.jsAn Overview on Nuxt.js
An Overview on Nuxt.js

Amongst all the big front end frameworks, Nuxt.js stands out as it has a lot of advantages over the other. This presentation covers an overview of Nuxt.js and how Server Side Rendering helps in improving the SEO of a site.

nuxt.jswhat is server side rendering?html head tags
Optimize assets
Run database migrations
Restart dependent services
Provide rollback functionality
What is deployment?
Deploy like a pro!
Optimize assets
Optimize assets
Enter Grunt →

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Bundling your front-end with Webpack
Bundling your front-end with WebpackBundling your front-end with Webpack
Bundling your front-end with Webpack

This document discusses how bundling front-end code with Webpack can help solve issues with large JavaScript files in single-page apps. It introduces Webpack as a module bundler that can handle dependencies across JavaScript, CSS, images and more. It supports loading modules on demand and pre-processing file types. The document provides a demo GitHub repo and references to learn more about Webpack's features and how companies like Instagram use it.

javascript webpack front-end bundle
DotNet MVC and webpack + Babel + react
DotNet MVC and webpack + Babel + reactDotNet MVC and webpack + Babel + react
DotNet MVC and webpack + Babel + react This is a sample for demo how to use .Net MVC5 + Webpack + React + Babel to build Web Application

Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration
Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous IntegrationGrunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration
Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration

A presentation about the build tool grunt js JavaScript for web applications and node.js environments to achieve continous integration. David Amend

node.jsyeomancontinous integration
Optimize assets
Combine and minify javascript
Optimize assets
Combine and minify javascript
You can use grunt-contrib-uglify
Optimize assets
Preprocess, combine and minify styles
Optimize assets
Preprocess, combine and minify styles
You can use grunt-contrib-sass &

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Angular2 ecosystem
Angular2 ecosystemAngular2 ecosystem
Angular2 ecosystem

Jspm is a package manager that supports npm, GitHub registries and extends package.json, allowing installation of packages like jquery, materialize-css and immutablejs using commands like jspm install. It uses SystemJS as its module loader and supports TypeScript, enabling development of Angular 2 applications with features such as components, services and routing. The document provides an overview of the Angular 2 ecosystem including jspm, SystemJS, TypeScript and highlights of the Angular 2 framework.

Drupalcon 2021 - Nuxt.js for drupal developers
Drupalcon 2021 - Nuxt.js for drupal developersDrupalcon 2021 - Nuxt.js for drupal developers
Drupalcon 2021 - Nuxt.js for drupal developers

Nuxt.js is a modern, performant framework that makes developing Vue.js-based frontend applications enjoyable. This session gives an introduction to Nuxt.js for Drupal developers. By providing analogies to known Drupal-APIs developers get ready to start building Nuxt.js applications that can run as a server or are deployed as static website. Finally, attendees will get an overview of the Nuxt ecosystem and the most essential Nuxt.js modules. No up-front Javascript or Vue.js knowledge required!

007. Redux middlewares
007. Redux middlewares007. Redux middlewares
007. Redux middlewares

This document discusses ReactJS Redux middleware. It explains that middleware allows you to extend Redux with custom functionality. Redux Thunk is mentioned as a middleware that lets you write action creators that return functions, to delay or conditionally dispatch actions. It also discusses using Axios and Redux-api together to make API calls from Redux actions and handle asynchronous logic. The document provides code examples of implementing middleware, making requests with Axios, and configuring Redux-api for API integration.

Optimize assets
Optimize and combine images
Optimize assets
Optimize and combine images
You can use grunt-spritesmith &
Optimize assets
Optimize and combine font files
(SVG only)
Optimize assets
Optimize and combine font files (SVG only)
You can use the same grunt-contrib-imagemin

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Grunt and Bower
Grunt and BowerGrunt and Bower
Grunt and Bower

The document discusses Grunt and Bower, two JavaScript build tools. Grunt is a task runner that can be used to automate repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. It uses a Gruntfile to configure tasks and load plugins. Bower is a package manager for front-end web development that allows installing dependencies directly from the command line. It uses a bower.json file to specify dependencies that will be downloaded from the Bower registry.

Pre rendering media sites with nuxt.js & netlify
Pre rendering media sites with nuxt.js & netlifyPre rendering media sites with nuxt.js & netlify
Pre rendering media sites with nuxt.js & netlify

This document discusses using Nuxt.js and Netlify to pre-render media sites from a data source like Drupal for improved performance. Pre-rendering generates static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that are faster to load than dynamic sites. Nuxt.js is a progressive framework for Vue.js that supports server-side rendering and static site generation. Netlify provides hosting for static sites with automatic deployments from Git repositories. The combination provides a decoupled way to serve pre-rendered content without ongoing server costs. Personalization and dynamic updates are also discussed.


Webpack is an advanced module bundler that can customize an application's needs through loaders, plugins, and configurations. It allows for code splitting, multiple entries, and production optimizations to improve performance and integrations. Resources for learning more about webpack include documentation on their website and GitHub as well as tutorials on medium and other sites.

deployment &
Enter Capistrano →
“A remote server automation and
deployment tool written in Ruby.”
“Capistrano is written in Ruby, but it can
easily be used to deploy any language.”
Run “cap install” on your project folder

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遠端團隊專案建立與管理 remote team management 2016
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遠端團隊專案建立與管理 remote team management 2016

對於所有人來說可以仰躺在墾丁沙灘邊曬太陽邊工作,還可以領著薪水,遠端工作是所有開發者心中的夢想,遠端的光鮮亮麗的背後是否有任何不為人知的問題!? 遠端開發在尋求自由後所必須要付出的代��,到底有多高,我們要如何才能建立起遠端團隊的合作與工作模式,這次主題將與大家一起分享。

agile software developmentmanagementsoftware

This document provides an overview of the Vue.js web framework. It discusses key features of Vue like reactivity, components, small size, excellent tooling, and wide ecosystem. It also covers related topics like Vue routing, state management with Vuex, server-side rendering, progressive web apps, and differences between Vue 2 and 3. The document serves as a reference for Vue's capabilities and comparing it to other frameworks.

Quest for the Perfect Workflow for McrFRED
Quest for the Perfect Workflow for McrFREDQuest for the Perfect Workflow for McrFRED
Quest for the Perfect Workflow for McrFRED

Andi Smith provides an overview of setting up an automated workflow for front-end development using Grunt or Gulp. They discuss choosing a task runner, common tasks for setup like concatenation and minification, tasks for development like autoprefixing and live reloading, and tasks for build like image optimization and compression. The presentation emphasizes setting up a workflow that focuses on speeding up the development process and only including necessary tasks.

Capfile defines requirements for your deployment tasks→
config/deploy.rb shared configuration for all the stages→
config/deploy/*.rb defines multiple stage deployment→
lib/capistrano/tasks where your custom tasks are defined→
Lots of tasks off-the-shelf that integrate with the Ruby on
Rails framework
bundler, assets, migrations, Passenger, etc...
You just need to include the gems in your Gemfile and
uncomment the require in the Capfile
Sample Capfile
Sample config/deploy.rb

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WordCamp Atlanta - April 15 2018 - dev team workflow and processes with word...
WordCamp Atlanta -  April 15 2018 - dev team workflow and processes with word...WordCamp Atlanta -  April 15 2018 - dev team workflow and processes with word...
WordCamp Atlanta - April 15 2018 - dev team workflow and processes with word...

This document summarizes some workflows and processes used by a development team for WordPress projects, including version control with Git, environment-aware configuration files, database migrations, and automated deployments. It discusses setting up local development environments, managing code standards and reviews, and deploying code from development to multiple environments.

Rock Solid Deployment of Web Applications
Rock Solid Deployment of Web ApplicationsRock Solid Deployment of Web Applications
Rock Solid Deployment of Web Applications

This document discusses best practices for deploying web applications. It recommends automating deployment using tools like Capistrano, Fabric, or Phing to allow for continuous deployment. It also stresses the importance of monitoring servers and applications during deployment using tools like StatsD, Graphite, Logstash, Graylog, and Kibana. The document provides examples of deployment scripts and emphasizes planning deployment early in the development process.

web applicationdeployment
Toolbox of a Ruby Team
Toolbox of a Ruby TeamToolbox of a Ruby Team
Toolbox of a Ruby Team

The document discusses the tools and practices used by a Ruby development team, including using RVM for managing Ruby versions and gemsets, for the database, Pow for local development, Git for version control, GitHub pull requests for code reviews, CircleCI for continuous integration and deployment to Heroku, Capistrano or Mina for deployment automation, and services like Rollbar and HipChat for error tracking and communication. Consistent coding styles, Sublime Text settings, and code quality practices like testing and reviews are also recommended.

ruby on railsciruby
Sample config/deploy/production.rb
Different roles available:
app, web, db
Also, you can define several servers at once, eg:
Available tasks
Run 'cap <stage> deploy' on your console

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- Mojolicious is a web development framework for Perl that aims to rethink web development - It provides a powerful routing system, full HTTP implementation, simple templating, built-in JSON support, elegant plugin system, and class reloader - Installation is simple using CPAN and has no dependencies beyond Perl 5.8.1 - It includes classes for requests, responses, templates, JSON encoding/decoding, and more - Plugins can hook into various stages of the request lifecycle - Supports generating applications, running commands, and provides a simple but powerful way to build web applications and services in Perl

Lightning branches at RedMart (Js conf Asia 2014 Talk)
Lightning branches at RedMart (Js conf Asia 2014  Talk)Lightning branches at RedMart (Js conf Asia 2014  Talk)
Lightning branches at RedMart (Js conf Asia 2014 Talk)

These are the slides from the talk given at JSConf Asia 2014 --- I will be talking about the "No talk all action" approach we take at RedMart for feature development. You’ll learn how we supercharge development and get code in production fast with an opinionated and automated development workflow. Hint: It’s a cocktail of Git, JS (of course), Chef, Devops & killing pointless meetings.

Ruby on Rails survival guide of an aged Java developer
Ruby on Rails survival guide of an aged Java developerRuby on Rails survival guide of an aged Java developer
Ruby on Rails survival guide of an aged Java developer

Cucumber FactoryGirl capybara shoulda spork database_cleaner launchy selenium timecop simplecov guard spork guard-rspec guard-spork guard-test guard-cucumber guard-livereload guard-bundler guard-rails guard-rspec guard-spork guard-test guard-cucumber guard-livereload guard-bundler guard-rails guard-rspec guard-spork guard-

javaruby on railsrubyday
Deployment flow
Run 'cap <stage> deploy:rollback' on your console
Rollback flow
You can attach to any step to run custom commands using
'before' and 'after' from Capistrano DSL, eg:

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Web Optimization Level: Paranoid
Web Optimization Level: ParanoidWeb Optimization Level: Paranoid
Web Optimization Level: Paranoid

The document discusses various techniques for optimizing web performance, ranging from beginner to advanced levels. At the beginner level, it recommends avoiding redirects, enabling client-side caching, and reducing DOM elements. At the medium level, it suggests minifying JavaScript and CSS. More advanced techniques include image compression, combining files, and server-side gzip compression. The document also provides optimization tips for databases like MongoDB and recommends using asynchronous and non-blocking I/O for costly operations. It advocates for client-side templating to reduce bandwidth usage and improve cacheability.

DevOps For Small Teams
DevOps For Small TeamsDevOps For Small Teams
DevOps For Small Teams

DevOps is a large part of a company of any size. In the 9+ years that I have been a professional developer I have always taken an interest in DevOps and have been the "server person" for most of the teams I have been a part of. I would like to teach others how easy it is to implement modern tools to make their everyday development and development processes better. I will cover a range of topics from "Stop using WAMP/MAMP and start using Vagrant", "version control isn't renaming files", "Automate common tasks with shell scripts / command line PHP apps" and "From Vagrant to Production".

devopsopenwestopenwest 2015
Capybara and cucumber with DSL using ruby
Capybara and cucumber with DSL using rubyCapybara and cucumber with DSL using ruby
Capybara and cucumber with DSL using ruby

This presentation covers detailed overview of capybara and cucumber with DSL using ruby language. it covers below aspects. - Setup for capybara and cucumber - Overview and directory structure. - Capybara using cucumber or any other ruby test framework. Setting up the driver. - The DSL (Navigation, clicking link or button, interacting with forms) - The DSL (querying, finding, scoping) - The DSL (windows, scripting, modals, debugging) - Capybara test execution, tagging, reporting.

Not a Rails shop?
You might need manual work creating your recipes,
although there is some hope in certain cases:
capistrano-node-deploy Node.js apps→
capistrano-virtualenv virtualenv python apps→
capistrano-django Django apps→
capistrano-go Go apps→
Caveat emptor! Might be old, untested or unsuitable
Where to go from here?
Infrastructure management tools like Chef or Puppet for
server provisioning
Continuous integration hooks for automated deployment to
staging servers
Talk deployed
Damián Serrano Thode
MalagaMakers GeekBeers (20150115)

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DevOps, A brief introduction to Vagrant & Ansible
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DevOps, A brief introduction to Vagrant & Ansible

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