SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Solving anything in VCL
Andrew Betts, Financial Times
Who is this guy?
1. Helped build the original HTML5 web
app for the FT
2. Created our Origami component
3. Ran FT Labs for 3 years
4. Now working with Nikkei to rebuild
5. Also W3C Technical Architecture
6. Live in Tokyo, Japan
Pic of me.
1. Largest business
newspaper in Japan
2. Globally better known for
the Nikkei 225 stock
3. Around 3 million readers

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JSONB introduction and comparison with other frameworks
JSONB introduction and comparison with other frameworksJSONB introduction and comparison with other frameworks
JSONB introduction and comparison with other frameworks

This document discusses JSON Binding (JSON-B), including what it is, the JSR specification, default mappings, and comparisons to other frameworks. JSON-B is a standard for converting Java objects to and from JSON documents. It has a default mapping that handles basic types, dates, classes and collections, but also allows for customized mappings. The specification is hosted on and has a reference implementation.

Hacking Android OS
Hacking Android OSHacking Android OS
Hacking Android OS

Lecture note for Chiang Mai University (Thailand) Student by Click Connect Team about how to compile AOSP and create custom ROM for Android devices.

nexusandroidcustom rom
Mobile application development React Native - Tidepool Labs
Mobile application development React Native - Tidepool LabsMobile application development React Native - Tidepool Labs
Mobile application development React Native - Tidepool Labs

The document discusses mobile application development and React Native. It provides an overview of the mobile app development process, from initiation to support. It then focuses on React Native, describing it as a JavaScript framework for building native mobile apps for iOS and Android using similar code bases. Key benefits highlighted are building cross-platform mobile apps using a known technology while still providing native experiences.

react nativeexportmobile application development

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Jakarta EE 10 - Simplicity for Modern and Lighweight Cloud Applications
Jakarta EE 10 - Simplicity for Modern and Lighweight Cloud ApplicationsJakarta EE 10 - Simplicity for Modern and Lighweight Cloud Applications
Jakarta EE 10 - Simplicity for Modern and Lighweight Cloud Applications

**Jakarta EE 10** is packed with new features for simple development of modern, lightweight enterprise Java applications for the Cloud. The new Jakarta EE Core Profile enables developers to develop microservices with Jakarta EE technologies with runtimes smaller than ever. Jakarta EE Core Profile even makes it possible to compile Jakarta EE applications to native images to reduce the footprint even further. In this session, we will explore the new features of Jakarta EE 10 in an interactive way packed with live code demos. Among the features we will go through are the new reflection-free programming model introduced in *CDI 4.0 Lite* and the new Java SE Bootstrap API in *Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1*. But there will be more, so make sure you join this session to get it all! We will even take a peek into the looking glass to see what we can expect from **Jakarta EE 11**.

jakarta eecloud native javajava
SQLite in Flutter.pptx
SQLite in Flutter.pptxSQLite in Flutter.pptx
SQLite in Flutter.pptx

Basics of Sqlite with the procedure to create, read, update and delete. Also to open the database and close too.

La Duck Conf - Les fakes news du low-code
La Duck Conf - Les fakes news du low-code La Duck Conf - Les fakes news du low-code
La Duck Conf - Les fakes news du low-code

Talk de Alain Faure & Sylvain Fagnent L’offre low-code se répand accompagnée de son lot de fake news. Fake news positives, issues de promesses excessives du marketing auxquelles font écho des fake news négatives provenant de préjugés de développeurs ayant une méconnaissance des évolutions de ces outils. Rejoignez-nous pour distinguer l’ivraie du bon grain ! Retrouvez le compte-rendu écrit ici : Retrouvez la vidéo de la conférence ici :

low codecodefake news
Coding on the edge
Benefits of edge code
1. Smarter routing
2. Faster authentication
3. Bandwidth management
4. Higher cache hit ratio
Edge side includes
<esi:include src=""
alt="" onerror="continue"/>
Cache-control: max-age=86400
Cache-control: private
The VCL way
1. Request and response bodies are opaque
2. Everything happens in metadata
3. Very restricted: No loops or variables
4. Extensible: some useful Fastly extensions include geo-ip and crypto
5. Incredibly powerful when used creatively

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Unity 3D game engine seminar
Unity 3D game engine  seminarUnity 3D game engine  seminar
Unity 3D game engine seminar

Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies,[4] first announced and released in June 2005 at Apple Inc.'s Worldwide Developers Conference as an OS X-exclusive game engine. As of 2018, the engine has been extended to support 27 platforms.[5] The engine can be used to create both three-dimensional and two-dimensional games as well as simulations for desktops and laptops, home consoles, smart TVs, and mobile devices. Several major versions of Unity have been released since its launch, with the latest stable version being Unity 2018.2.2, released on August 10, 2018.[6] Unity gives users the ability to create games in both 2D and 3D, and the engine offers a primary scripting API in C#, for both the Unity editor in the form of plugins, and games themselves, as well as drag and drop functionality. Prior to C# being the primary programming language used for the engine, it previously supported Boo, which was removed in the Unity 5[7] release, and a version of JavaScript called UnityScript, which was deprecated in August 2017 after the release of Unity 2017.1 in favor of C#.[8] The engine has support for the following graphics APIs: Direct3D on Windows and Xbox One; OpenGL on Linux, macOS, and Windows; OpenGL ES on Android and iOS; WebGL on the web; and proprietary APIs on the video game consoles. Additionally, Unity supports the low-level APIs Metal on iOS and macOS and Vulkan on Android, Linux, and Windows, as well as Direct3D 12 on Windows and Xbox One.

video gamesdesign thinking3dgames

The document discusses continuous integration using Jenkins and Git. Continuous integration involves integrating code changes frequently from developers on a project to avoid integration problems late in a project. Jenkins is a free and open source continuous integration server that can be used with version control systems like Git to automatically build code, run tests, and generate reports each time changes are committed to the repository. Setting up continuous integration involves installing Jenkins, configuring a Git repository, and configuring Jenkins to clone the repository, build the code, run tests, and generate reports on each change notification from Git.

Introduction to Generative Art with Processing
Introduction to Generative Art with ProcessingIntroduction to Generative Art with Processing
Introduction to Generative Art with Processing

This document provides an introduction to generative art using the Processing programming language. It discusses what Processing is, how to get started with it, and resources for learning Processing like books and websites. It then demonstrates how to create simple generative art by drawing shapes and using loops to manipulate the coordinate space in Processing code. The document shows the user how to set up their first Processing sketch and provides examples of generating simple patterns through nested for loops.

codingprocessinggenerative art
SOA Routing
Send requests to multiple
microservice backends
This is great if...
You have a microservice architecture
Many backends, one domain
You add/remove services regularly
SOA Routing in VCL
Front page
Article page
Content API
Choose a backend
based on a path match
of the request URL
SOA Routing in VCL
}, …
{{#each backends}}
backend {{name}} {
.port = "{{p}}";
.host = "{{h}}";
let vclContent =
Defines all the backends
and paths that they
VCL template with
Handlebars placeholders
for backends & routing
Task script to merge
service data into VCL
SOA Routing: key tools and techniques
● Choose a backend:
set req.backend = {{backendName}};
● Match a route pattern:
if (req.url ~ "{{pattern}}")
● Remember to set a Host header:
set req.http.Host = "{{backendhost}}";
● Upload to Fastly using FT Fastly tools

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Pimp My Confluence Plugin - AtlasCamp 2011
Pimp My Confluence Plugin - AtlasCamp 2011Pimp My Confluence Plugin - AtlasCamp 2011
Pimp My Confluence Plugin - AtlasCamp 2011

How do you enable a richer experience for users of your plugin? With the impending release of Confluence 4.0 we will show you not only how to make your plugins Confluence 4.0 compatible but how to dress them up to take advantage of all the new plugin points Confluence 4.0 has to offer, allowing you to give your users a richer editing experience. Ryan Thomas, Confluence Developer

JSON in Redis - When to use RedisJSON by Jay Won of Coupang - Redis Day Seatt...
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The document summarizes a presentation about when to use the RedisJSON data type. It discusses how Coupang uses Redis extensively for their ad platform. It then compares the performance and memory usage of storing JSON data as strings, hashes, or using the RedisJSON data type. Benchmark results show RedisJSON can provide better performance for retrieving and updating JSON fields compared to strings and hashes, though it uses more memory. The document recommends using RedisJSON for smaller JSON payloads after benchmarking and memory monitoring.

jsondocument storeredis
Introduction to Game Development
Introduction to Game DevelopmentIntroduction to Game Development
Introduction to Game Development

* Introduction * Define "video game" * Video Game Industry Overview * Aspects of Game Development * Game Development Community * Careers Available in Game Development * Testimonies * Options for Developing Required Skillset * Other Avenues for Career Development

game developmentvideo gamecomputer game
"name": "front-page",
"paths": [
"hosts": [ "" ]
"name": "article-page",
Common regex patterns simplified
into shortcuts
{{#each backends}}
backend {{name}} {
.port = "{{port}}";
.host = "{{host}}";
.ssl = {{use_ssl}};
.probe = {
.request = "GET / HTTP/1.1" "Host: {{host}}"
"Connection: close";
sub vcl_recv {
{{#each routes}}
if (req.url ~ "{{pattern}}") {
set req.backend = {{backend}};
{{#if target}}
set req.url = regsub(req.url,
"{{pattern}}", "{{target}}");
{{!-- Fastly doesn't support the host_header
property in backend definitions --}}
set req.http.Host = "{{backendhost}}";
const vclTemplate = handlebars.compile(fs.readFileSync('routing.vcl.handlebars'),
const services = require('services.json');
// ... transform `services` into `viewData`
let vclContent = vclTemplate(viewData);
fs.writeFileSync(vclFilePath, vclContent, 'UTF-8');
UA Targeting
Return user-agent specific
responses without destroying
your cache hit ratio
This is great if...
You have a response that is tailored
to different device types
There are a virtually infinite number of
User-Agent values

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How to fake a database/backend in Axure... and more
How to fake a database/backend in Axure... and moreHow to fake a database/backend in Axure... and more
How to fake a database/backend in Axure... and more

For more information on London Axure Meetup visit: The RP File for the repeater widget presentation can be found here: Meetup Description: Thank you all for voting on what our next topic should be. And the winner is (drum roll)... The Repeater Widget! The Repeater Widget is one of the exciting new feature introduced with Axure 7, and it was created with the purpose of display repeating patterns of text, images, and links or in other words, the ability to "fake" a backend. For Show-and-Tell, Scott from TalkTalk will walk us through the Axure prototype that helped shaped TalkTalk's current YouView TV app. He will demonstrate how to use Axure to prototype TV apps using a TV remote control to control the app…. I know what you all thinking… I had no idea that could even be done! If so, come along and check it out :D Last but not least, I have a very special guest, author of the book Axure for Mobile, Lennart Hennigs, who will be joining us via Skype. I will have a few questions prepared for him, and I will be opening the floor for Q&A, so have your own brilliant mobile prototyping questions ready for him as well. As always, there will be pizza and drinks sponsored by Axure, and I will have plenty this time, I pinky promise ;) Well that's it for now, I hope to see you all in three week! Cheers! Sandra

prototypingmobiletv prototyping
Introductory Session DSC
Introductory Session DSCIntroductory Session DSC
Introductory Session DSC

This document summarizes an introductory session for the Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) at IIITG. The session introduces GDSC as a community for students interested in Google technologies to learn and build projects. It outlines the types of sessions offered, including workshops and talks, and invites students to meet core team members. Benefits of joining include Google certificates, open source collaboration, and insights not taught in class. The timeline of upcoming campaigns is provided, and students are instructed on how to join the IIITG GDSC chapter.

Introduction to State Restoration in Flutter
Introduction to State Restoration in FlutterIntroduction to State Restoration in Flutter
Introduction to State Restoration in Flutter

State Restoration let your user keep the experience intact and land to his app at the same place even if the operating system kills the app in the background.

Polyfill screenshot
UA Targeting
Add the normalised User-
Agent to the URL and
restart the original request
Add a Vary: User-Agent
header to the response
before sending it back to
the browser
We call this a
preflight request
UA targeting: key tools and techniques
● Remember something using request headers:
set req.http.tmpOrigURL = req.url;
● Change the URL of the backend request:
set req.url = "/api/normalizeUA?ua=" req.http.User-Agent;
● Reconstruct original URL adding a backend response header:
set req.url = req.http.tmpOrigURL "?ua=" resp.http.NormUA;
● Restart to send the request back to vcl_recv:
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.url ~ "^/v2/polyfill." && req.url
!~ "[?&]ua=") {
set req.http.X-Orig-URL = req.url;
set req.url = "/v2/normalizeUa?ua="
sub vcl_deliver {
if (req.url ~ "^/vd/normalizeUa" && resp.status == 200 &&
req.http.X-Orig-URL) {
set req.http.Fastly-force-Shield = "1";
if (req.http.X-Orig-URL ~ "?") {
set req.url = req.http.X-Orig-URL "&ua=" resp.http.UA;
} else {
set req.url = req.http.X-Orig-URL "?ua="
} else if (req.url ~ "^/vd/polyfill..*[?&]ua=" &&
req.http.X-Orig-URL && req.http.X-Orig-URL !~ "[?&]ua=") {
add resp.http.Vary = "User-Agent";

Recommended for you

Task modeling: Understanding what people want and how to design for them.
Task modeling: Understanding what people want and how to design for them.Task modeling: Understanding what people want and how to design for them.
Task modeling: Understanding what people want and how to design for them.

This document discusses task modeling and how it can be used to design interactions that fit with how people naturally work. It describes task modeling as understanding the steps users take and decisions they need to make to accomplish a goal. The document also discusses different types of research that can be done, such as observing users in their natural environments or listening to call center interactions, to understand user behaviors and needs. Finally, it provides examples of three common types of behaviors - direct connections, controlled evaluations, and complex evaluations - that should be supported in design based on task modeling research.

C:\Shared\Rapid Results\Training Programmes\Lego Serious Play\15 Top Tips Lsp
C:\Shared\Rapid Results\Training Programmes\Lego Serious Play\15 Top Tips LspC:\Shared\Rapid Results\Training Programmes\Lego Serious Play\15 Top Tips Lsp
C:\Shared\Rapid Results\Training Programmes\Lego Serious Play\15 Top Tips Lsp

The document provides tips for facilitating LEGO Serious Play sessions. It recommends doing at least two skills-building activities and following a four step process of posing a question, building models to represent meanings, sharing stories about the models, and questioning and reflecting. Key tips include framing questions effectively, building models individually but sharing as a group, keeping building time short, and focusing on the stories told rather than the models themselves.

legolego serious playrapid results


Implement integration with your
federated identity system
entirely in VCL
This is great if...
You have a federated login system
using a protocol like OAuth
You want to annotate requests with a
simple verified authentication state
Magic circa 2001
New magic circa 2016
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
Nikkei-UserID: andrew.betts
Nikkei-UserRank: premium
Vary: Nikkei-UserRank
Cookie: Auth=a139fm24...
Cache-control: private

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What’s New in Amazon Aurora
What’s New in Amazon AuroraWhat’s New in Amazon Aurora
What’s New in Amazon Aurora

by Joyjeet Banerjee, Enterprise Solutions Architect, AWS Amazon Aurora is a MySQL- and PostgreSQL-compatible database engine that combines the speed and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. In this deep dive session, we’ll discuss best practices and explore new features in areas like high availability, security, performance management and database cloning. Level 300

awsamazon web servicescloud
神に近づくx/net/context (Finding God with x/net/context)
神に近づくx/net/context (Finding God with x/net/context)神に近づくx/net/context (Finding God with x/net/context)
神に近づくx/net/context (Finding God with x/net/context)

This document discusses different approaches to building an authentication middleware in Go web applications. It begins with using the standard library, then explores Goji and its request context. It settles on using the x/net/context package and kami router, which allow sharing database connections and authentication objects across requests and tests through the request context. Middleware is defined hierarchically in kami. This approach avoids global variables and simplifies testing.

Apache Spark Streaming + Kafka 0.10 with Joan Viladrosariera
Apache Spark Streaming + Kafka 0.10 with Joan ViladrosarieraApache Spark Streaming + Kafka 0.10 with Joan Viladrosariera
Apache Spark Streaming + Kafka 0.10 with Joan Viladrosariera

Spark Streaming has supported Kafka since it’s inception, but a lot has changed since those times, both in Spark and Kafka sides, to make this integration more fault-tolerant and reliable.Apache Kafka 0.10 (actually since 0.9) introduced the new Consumer API, built on top of a new group coordination protocol provided by Kafka itself. So a new Spark Streaming integration comes to the playground, with a similar design to the 0.8 Direct DStream approach. However, there are notable differences in usage, and many exciting new features. In this talk, we will cover what are the main differences between this new integration and the previous one (for Kafka 0.8), and why Direct DStreams have replaced Receivers for good. We will also see how to achieve different semantics (at least one, at most one, exactly once) with code examples. Finally, we will briefly introduce the usage of this integration in Billy Mobile to ingest and process the continuous stream of events from our AdNetwork.

apache sparkspark summit
Authentication: key tools and techniques
● Get a cookie by name: req.http.Cookie:MySiteAuth
● Base64 normalisation:
digest.base64url_decode(), digest.base64_decode
● Extract the parts of a JSON Web Token (JWT):
regsub({{cookie}}, "(^[^.]+).[^.]+.[^.]+$", "1");
● Check JWT signature: digest.hmac_sha256_base64()
● Set trusted headers for backend use:
req.http.Nikkei-UserID = regsub({{jwt}}, {{pattern}}, "1");
if (req.http.Cookie:NikkeiAuth) {
set req.http.tmpHeader = regsub(req.http.Cookie:NikkeiAuth, "(^[^.]+).[^.]+.[^.]+$", "1");
set req.http.tmpPayload = regsub(req.http.Cookie:NikkeiAuth, "^[^.]+.([^.]+).[^.]+$", "1");
set req.http.tmpRequestSig = digest.base64url_decode(
regsub(req.http.Cookie:NikkeiAuth, "^[^.]+.[^.]+.([^.]+)$", "1")
set req.http.tmpCorrectSig = digest.base64_decode(
digest.hmac_sha256_base64("{{jwt_secret}}", req.http.tmpHeader "." req.http.tmpPayload)
if (req.http.tmpRequestSig != req.http.tmpCorrectSig) {
error 754 "/login; NikkeiAuth=deleted; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
... continues ...
authentication.vcl (cont)
set req.http.tmpPayload = digest.base64_decode(req.http.tmpPayload);
set req.http.Nikkei-UserID = regsub(req.http.tmpPayload, {"^.*?"sub"s*:s*"(w+)".*?$"}, "1");
set req.http.Nikkei-Rank = regsub(req.http.tmpPayload, {"^.*?"ds_rank"s*:s*"(w+)".*?$"}, "1");
unset req.http.base64_header;
unset req.http.base64_payload;
unset req.http.signature;
unset req.http.valid_signature;
unset req.http.payload;
} else {
set req.http.Nikkei-UserID = "anonymous";
set req.http.Nikkei-Rank = "anonymous";
Feature flags
Dark deployments and easy A/B
testing without reducing front
end perf or cache efficiency
This is great if...
You want to serve different versions
of your site to different users
Test new features internally on prod
before releasing them to the world

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An introduction and future of Ruby coverage library
An introduction and future of Ruby coverage libraryAn introduction and future of Ruby coverage library
An introduction and future of Ruby coverage library

Ruby's current test coverage feature,, only measures line coverage. The speaker proposes expanding it to support function and branch coverage in Ruby 2.5. This would involve updating the API to return additional coverage data types and structure the output data in a more extensible way. A preliminary demo applying the new to Ruby code showed it can integrate with C code coverage from GCOV and display results in LCOV format. The speaker seeks feedback on the proposed API design to finalize it for Ruby 2.5.

rubyrubykaigi 2017coverage

SRE Meetup Tokyo にて発表

Spiderストレージエンジンの使い方と利用事例 他ストレージエンジンの紹介
Spiderストレージエンジンの使い方と利用事例 他ストレージエンジンの紹介Spiderストレージエンジンの使い方と利用事例 他ストレージエンジンの紹介
Spiderストレージエンジンの使い方と利用事例 他ストレージエンジンの紹介


Now you see it...
Feature flags parts
● A flags registry - a JSON file will be fine
○ Include all possible values of each flag and what percentage of the audience it applies to
○ Publish it statically - S3 is good for that
● A flag toggler tool
○ Reads the JSON, renders a table, writes an override cookie with chosen values
● An API
○ Reads the JSON, responds to requests by calculating a user's position number on a 0-100
line and matches them with appropriate flag values
Feature flags
Flags API
Merge the flags response with the override cookie,
set as HTTP header, restart original request...
Cookie: Flgs-
Override= Foo=10;
Flgs: highlights=true; Foo=42;
Flgs: highlights=true; Foo=42; Foo=10
Vary: Flgs

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AndApp開発における全て #denatechcon
AndApp開発における全て #denatechconAndApp開発における全て #denatechcon
AndApp開発における全て #denatechcon

DeNA TechCon 2017の登壇資料です。

by DeNA
Blockchain on Go
Blockchain on GoBlockchain on Go
Blockchain on Go

The presentation at DevFest Tokyo 2017 / @__timakin__ An introduction of blockchain and why go is nice to implement blockchain. Additionally described about the blockchain projects that are based on Go.

ExpressJS flags middleware
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
if (req.flags.has('highlights')) {
// Enable highlights feature
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Nikkei-Flags
Dynamic backends
Override backend rules at
runtime without updating your
This is great if...
You have a bug you can't reproduce
without the request going through
the CDN
You want to test a local dev version of
a service with live integrations
Dynamic backends
laptopDynamic backend
Check forwarded IP is
whitelisted or auth
header is also present
GET /article/123
Backend-Override: article ->
Dynamic backends: key tools and techniques
● Extract backend to override:
set req.http.tmpORBackend =
regsub(req.http.Backend-Override, "s*->.*$", "");
● Check whether current backend matches
if (req.http.tmpORBackend == req.http.tmpCurrentBackend) {
● Use node-http-proxy for the proxy app
○ Remember res.setHeader('Vary', 'Backend-Override');
○ I use {xfwd: false, changeOrigin: true, hostRewrite: true}

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AWS X-Rayによるアプリケーションの分析とデバッグ
AWS X-Rayによるアプリケーションの分析とデバッグAWS X-Rayによるアプリケーションの分析とデバッグ
AWS X-Rayによるアプリケーションの分析とデバッグ

2017.09.26 OpsJAWS #13

Streaming Data Analytics with Amazon Redshift and Kinesis Firehose
Streaming Data Analytics with Amazon Redshift and Kinesis FirehoseStreaming Data Analytics with Amazon Redshift and Kinesis Firehose
Streaming Data Analytics with Amazon Redshift and Kinesis Firehose

by Joyjeet Banerjee, Enterprise Solutions Architect, AWS Evolving your analytics from batch processing to real-time processing can have a major business impact, but ingesting streaming data into your data warehouse requires building complex streaming data pipelines. Amazon Kinesis Firehose solves this problem by making it easy to transform and load streaming data into Amazon Redshift so that you can use existing analytics and business intelligence tools to extract information in near real-time and respond promptly. In this session, we will dive deep using Amazon Kinesis Firehose to load streaming data into Amazon Redshift reliably, scalably, and cost-effectively. Level: 200

awsamazon web servicescloud


Debug headers
Collect request lifecycle
information in a single HTTP
response header
This is great if...
You find it hard to understand what
path the request is taking through
your VCL
You have restarts in your VCL and
need to see all the individual
backend requests, not just the last

Recommended for you #6 (in Japanese) #6 (in Japanese) #6 (in Japanese) #6 (in Japanese)

issues we have experienced and lessons learned while building large scale microservices.

Operations: Production Readiness Review – How to stop bad things from Happening
Operations: Production Readiness Review – How to stop bad things from HappeningOperations: Production Readiness Review – How to stop bad things from Happening
Operations: Production Readiness Review – How to stop bad things from Happening

The document provides an overview of key areas to review for production readiness including architecture design, monitoring, logging, documentation, alerting, service level agreements, expected throughput, testing, and deployment strategy. It summarizes best practices and considerations for each area such as using circuit breakers in monitoring, consistent logging formats, storing documentation near code, automating level 1 operations, and strategies for testing, deployments, and managing error budgets.

awscloud computingstartups
Microservices at Mercari
Microservices at MercariMicroservices at Mercari
Microservices at Mercari

1) Mercari has transitioned some services to microservices architecture running on Kubernetes in the US region to improve development velocity. 2) Key challenges in operating microservices include deployment automation using Spinnaker, and observability of distributed systems through request tracing, logging, and metrics. 3) The architecture is still evolving with discussions on service mesh and chaos engineering to improve reliability in the face of failures. Microservices adoption is just beginning in the JP region.

google cloudgcpsre
Debug journey
vcl_recv {
set req.http.tmpLog = if (req.restarts == 0, "", req.http.tmpLog ";");
# ... routing ...
set req.http.tmpLog = req.http.tmpLog " {{backend}}:" req.url;
vcl_fetch { set req.http.tmpLog = req.http.tmpLog " fetch"; ... }
vcl_hit { set req.http.tmpLog = req.http.tmpLog " hit"; ... }
vcl_miss { set req.http.tmpLog = req.http.tmpLog " miss"; ... }
vcl_pass { set req.http.tmpLog = req.http.tmpLog " pass"; ... }
vcl_deliver {
set resp.http.CDN-Process-Log = req.http.tmpLog;
Debug journey
HIT (hits=2 ttl=1.204/5.000 age=4 swr=300.000 sie=604800.000);
rnikkei_front_0:/ MISS (hits=0 ttl=1.000/1.000 age=0 swr=300.000
Resource Timing API + data
Fastly exposes in VCL. And no
This is great if...
You want to track down hotspots of
slow response times
You'd like to understand how
successfully end users are being
matched to their nearest PoPs
Resource timing on front end
var rec = window.performance.getEntriesByType("resource")
.find(rec =>'[URL]') !== -1)
(new Image()).src = '/sendBeacon'+

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Fast and Reliable Swift APIs with gRPC
Fast and Reliable Swift APIs with gRPCFast and Reliable Swift APIs with gRPC
Fast and Reliable Swift APIs with gRPC

The document discusses using gRPC and Protocol Buffers to build fast and reliable APIs, describing how gRPC uses Protocol Buffers to define service interfaces and handle serialization, and allows building clients and servers in various languages that can communicate over the network through language-independent services. It provides examples of using gRPC to define and call both unary and streaming RPC services from Swift clients and servers.

grpc swift apis

API Meetup Tokyo #15 〜OpenAPI Specification (Swagger)特集〜 2016-07-22(金)19:00 - 21:00 API公開に向けたパイロットPJにて、設計、実装(単項目チェック)、ドキュメント、仕様公開にSwaggerを採用した際の経験談をお話します。


appengine ja night #35の発表資料です。

Add CDN data in VCL & respond with synthetic
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.url ~ "^/sendBeacon") {
error 204 "No content";
204 No Content
Crunch the data

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So You Wanna Go Fast?
So You Wanna Go Fast?So You Wanna Go Fast?
So You Wanna Go Fast?

This document contains the transcript from a presentation titled "So You Wanna Go Fast?" by Tyler Treat. Some of the key topics discussed include measuring performance using tools like pprof, how different language features in Go like channels, interfaces, and memory management can impact performance, and techniques for writing concurrent and multi-core friendly code in Go like using read-write mutexes. The overall message is that performance depends greatly on the specific situation and trade-offs must be considered between concurrency, memory usage, and execution speed. Measuring first is emphasized to guide any optimizations.

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Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.JS Application

This document provides lessons learned from real world experiences with Node.js applications. It discusses the importance of upgrading to newer Node.js versions for security and features. It also emphasizes the importance of error handling, using promises for async flow control, and scaling applications using Docker containers. Debugging and monitoring Node.js applications for performance is also covered.

Developing your first application using FIWARE
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This document provides instructions for developing a first application using the FI-WARE platform. It discusses the FI-WARE architecture, including key components like the context broker and Wirecloud. It then describes how to create widgets using Wirecloud, connecting them to context broker and other FI-WARE services. The document also explains how to include IoT devices in a Z-Wave network and register them with the FI-WARE IoT backend.

Beyond ASCII
Use these encoding tips to
embed non-ASCII content in
your VCL file.
This is great if...
Your users don't speak English, but
you can only write ASCII in VCL
Everyone does UTF-8 now, right?
synthetic {"Responsive Nikkeiアルファプログラムのメンバーの皆様、ア
ルファバージョンのサイトにアクセスできない場合、 までその旨連絡ください。"};
Quick conversion
char => char.codePointAt(0) < 128 ?
char :

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RESTful Web Applications with Apache Sling
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Sling is a RESTful web framework for building applications on top of Apache Jackrabbit. It allows resources like content, configurations, code, and binaries to be accessed over REST URLs. Sling maps URLs to resources rather than commands, supports various scripting languages as servlets, and has a modular OSGi-based architecture powered by Apache Felix. Examples shown include building a blog and coffee ordering application on Sling to demonstrate how it supports RESTful content creation and management.

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The document discusses load balancing applications with NGINX in a CoreOS cluster. It provides an overview of using CoreOS, etcd, and fleet to deploy and manage containers across a cluster. Etcd is used for service discovery to track dynamic IP addresses and endpoints, while fleet is used as an application scheduler to deploy units and rebalance loads. NGINX can then be used as a software load balancer to distribute traffic to the backend services. The document demonstrates setting up this environment with CoreOS, etcd, fleet and NGINX to provide load balancing in a clustered deployment.

synthetic {"Responsive
synthetic digest.base64decode(
I have 68 backends

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Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.js Applications
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Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.js Applications

The document discusses several pain points experienced with Node.js applications and solutions for resolving them. It covers creating a strong foundation by upgrading to Node.js v5, locking down NPM dependencies, handling errors properly with try/catch blocks and promises, deploying applications using Docker for scaling, addressing security issues, and using tools like debug and profilers to improve performance.

Angular 1 + es6
Angular 1 + es6Angular 1 + es6
Angular 1 + es6

This document provides a summary of Han Janghyun's background and experience. It includes: 1. Han Janghyun previously worked as a senior developer at Samsung SDS and has experience implementing TV platform JavaScript applications and retail solution servers and frontends. 2. He now works as a freelance developer and operates the blog He is also writing a translation of the book Angular 2. 3. Han Janghyun is also involved in operating GDG Korea Web Tech.

2016 W3C Conference #4 : ANGULAR + ES6
2016 W3C Conference #4 : ANGULAR + ES62016 W3C Conference #4 : ANGULAR + ES6
2016 W3C Conference #4 : ANGULAR + ES6

2016년 12월에 진행되었던 W3C HTML5 Conference 2016의 오후 트렉 (웹프레임워크)의 발표 자료입니다. GDG Korea Web Tech 운영진이신 한장현 님께서 ‘AngularJS와 ES6’에 대한 주제로 발표를 진행하였습니다. 이 발표를 통해서 Angular와ES6를 함께 사용하기 위해 필요한 구체적인 내용들을 공유하였습니다. Angular를 현재 사용하시는 분들께 많은 도움이 되는 시간이었던 것 같습니다.

Varnishlog to the rescue
A way to submit a varnish
transaction ID to the API,
and get all varnishlog
events relating to that
transaction, including
related (backend)
> fastly log 1467852934
17 SessionOpen c 47013 :80
17 ReqStart c 47013
17 RxRequest c GET
17 RxURL c /articles/123
17 RxProtocol c HTTP/1.1
17 RxHeader c Host:
Thanks for listening
Andrew Betts
Get the slides

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Solving anything in VCL

  • 1. Solving anything in VCL Andrew Betts, Financial Times
  • 2. Who is this guy? 1. Helped build the original HTML5 web app for the FT 2. Created our Origami component system 3. Ran FT Labs for 3 years 4. Now working with Nikkei to rebuild 5. Also W3C Technical Architecture Group 6. Live in Tokyo, Japan 2 Pic of me.
  • 3. Nikkei 1. Largest business newspaper in Japan 2. Globally better known for the Nikkei 225 stock index 3. Around 3 million readers
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. Coding on the edge 9
  • 10. Benefits of edge code 10 1. Smarter routing 2. Faster authentication 3. Bandwidth management 4. Higher cache hit ratio
  • 11. Edge side includes 11 <esi:include src="" alt="" onerror="continue"/> index.html my-news.html Cache-control: max-age=86400 Cache-control: private Server
  • 12. The VCL way 1. Request and response bodies are opaque 2. Everything happens in metadata 3. Very restricted: No loops or variables 4. Extensible: some useful Fastly extensions include geo-ip and crypto 5. Incredibly powerful when used creatively 12
  • 13. SOA Routing Send requests to multiple microservice backends This is great if... You have a microservice architecture Many backends, one domain You add/remove services regularly 1
  • 14. SOA Routing in VCL 14 Front page Article page Timeline Content API Choose a backend based on a path match of the request URL /article/123
  • 15. SOA Routing in VCL 15 [ { name, paths, host, useSsl, }, … ] {{#each backends}} backend {{name}} { .port = "{{p}}"; .host = "{{h}}"; } {{/each}} let vclContent = vclTemplate(data); fs.writeFileSync( vclFilePath, vclContent, 'UTF-8' ); services.json Defines all the backends and paths that they control. routing.vcl.handlebars VCL template with Handlebars placeholders for backends & routing build.js Task script to merge service data into VCL template
  • 16. SOA Routing: key tools and techniques ● Choose a backend: set req.backend = {{backendName}}; ● Match a route pattern: if (req.url ~ "{{pattern}}") ● Remember to set a Host header: set req.http.Host = "{{backendhost}}"; ● Upload to Fastly using FT Fastly tools ○ 16
  • 17. service-registry.json 17 [ { "name": "front-page", "paths": [ "/(?qs)", "/.resources/front/(**)(?qs)" ], "hosts": [ "" ] }, { "name": "article-page", ... } ] Common regex patterns simplified into shortcuts
  • 18. routing.vcl.handlebars 18 {{#each backends}} backend {{name}} { .port = "{{port}}"; .host = "{{host}}"; .ssl = {{use_ssl}}; .probe = { .request = "GET / HTTP/1.1" "Host: {{host}}" "Connection: close"; } } {{/each}} sub vcl_recv { {{#each routes}} if (req.url ~ "{{pattern}}") { set req.backend = {{backend}}; {{#if target}} set req.url = regsub(req.url, "{{pattern}}", "{{target}}"); {{/if}} {{!-- Fastly doesn't support the host_header property in backend definitions --}} set req.http.Host = "{{backendhost}}"; } {{/each}} return(lookup); }
  • 19. build.js 19 const vclTemplate = handlebars.compile(fs.readFileSync('routing.vcl.handlebars'), 'UTF-8')); const services = require('services.json'); // ... transform `services` into `viewData` let vclContent = vclTemplate(viewData); fs.writeFileSync(vclFilePath, vclContent, 'UTF-8');
  • 20. UA Targeting Return user-agent specific responses without destroying your cache hit ratio This is great if... You have a response that is tailored to different device types There are a virtually infinite number of User-Agent values 2
  • 22. UA Targeting 22 /normalizeUA /polyfill.js?ua=ie/11 /polyfill.js Add the normalised User- Agent to the URL and restart the original request Add a Vary: User-Agent header to the response before sending it back to the browser We call this a preflight request
  • 23. UA targeting: key tools and techniques ● Remember something using request headers: set req.http.tmpOrigURL = req.url; ● Change the URL of the backend request: set req.url = "/api/normalizeUA?ua=" req.http.User-Agent; ● Reconstruct original URL adding a backend response header: set req.url = req.http.tmpOrigURL "?ua=" resp.http.NormUA; ● Restart to send the request back to vcl_recv: restart; 23
  • 24. ua-targeting.vcl 24 sub vcl_recv { if (req.url ~ "^/v2/polyfill." && req.url !~ "[?&]ua=") { set req.http.X-Orig-URL = req.url; set req.url = "/v2/normalizeUa?ua=" urlencode(req.http.User-Agent); } } sub vcl_deliver { if (req.url ~ "^/vd/normalizeUa" && resp.status == 200 && req.http.X-Orig-URL) { set req.http.Fastly-force-Shield = "1"; if (req.http.X-Orig-URL ~ "?") { set req.url = req.http.X-Orig-URL "&ua=" resp.http.UA; } else { set req.url = req.http.X-Orig-URL "?ua=" resp.http.UA; } restart; } else if (req.url ~ "^/vd/polyfill..*[?&]ua=" && req.http.X-Orig-URL && req.http.X-Orig-URL !~ "[?&]ua=") { add resp.http.Vary = "User-Agent"; } return(deliver); }
  • 25. Authentication Implement integration with your federated identity system entirely in VCL This is great if... You have a federated login system using a protocol like OAuth You want to annotate requests with a simple verified authentication state 3
  • 26. Magic circa 2001 26 <?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; ?> http://intranet/my/example/app
  • 27. New magic circa 2016 27 app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.end(req.get('Nikkei-UserID')); });
  • 28. Authentication 28 /article/123 Nikkei-UserID: andrew.betts Nikkei-UserRank: premium Vary: Nikkei-UserRank Article Cookie: Auth=a139fm24... Cache-control: private
  • 29. Authentication: key tools and techniques ● Get a cookie by name: req.http.Cookie:MySiteAuth ● Base64 normalisation: digest.base64url_decode(), digest.base64_decode ● Extract the parts of a JSON Web Token (JWT): regsub({{cookie}}, "(^[^.]+).[^.]+.[^.]+$", "1"); ● Check JWT signature: digest.hmac_sha256_base64() ● Set trusted headers for backend use: req.http.Nikkei-UserID = regsub({{jwt}}, {{pattern}}, "1"); 29
  • 30. authentication.vcl 30 if (req.http.Cookie:NikkeiAuth) { set req.http.tmpHeader = regsub(req.http.Cookie:NikkeiAuth, "(^[^.]+).[^.]+.[^.]+$", "1"); set req.http.tmpPayload = regsub(req.http.Cookie:NikkeiAuth, "^[^.]+.([^.]+).[^.]+$", "1"); set req.http.tmpRequestSig = digest.base64url_decode( regsub(req.http.Cookie:NikkeiAuth, "^[^.]+.[^.]+.([^.]+)$", "1") ); set req.http.tmpCorrectSig = digest.base64_decode( digest.hmac_sha256_base64("{{jwt_secret}}", req.http.tmpHeader "." req.http.tmpPayload) ); if (req.http.tmpRequestSig != req.http.tmpCorrectSig) { error 754 "/login; NikkeiAuth=deleted; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"; } ... continues ...
  • 31. authentication.vcl (cont) 31 set req.http.tmpPayload = digest.base64_decode(req.http.tmpPayload); set req.http.Nikkei-UserID = regsub(req.http.tmpPayload, {"^.*?"sub"s*:s*"(w+)".*?$"}, "1"); set req.http.Nikkei-Rank = regsub(req.http.tmpPayload, {"^.*?"ds_rank"s*:s*"(w+)".*?$"}, "1"); unset req.http.base64_header; unset req.http.base64_payload; unset req.http.signature; unset req.http.valid_signature; unset req.http.payload; } else { set req.http.Nikkei-UserID = "anonymous"; set req.http.Nikkei-Rank = "anonymous"; }
  • 32. Feature flags Dark deployments and easy A/B testing without reducing front end perf or cache efficiency This is great if... You want to serve different versions of your site to different users Test new features internally on prod before releasing them to the world 4
  • 33. 33
  • 34. 34 Now you see it...
  • 35. Feature flags parts 35 ● A flags registry - a JSON file will be fine ○ Include all possible values of each flag and what percentage of the audience it applies to ○ Publish it statically - S3 is good for that ● A flag toggler tool ○ Reads the JSON, renders a table, writes an override cookie with chosen values ● An API ○ Reads the JSON, responds to requests by calculating a user's position number on a 0-100 line and matches them with appropriate flag values
  • 36. Feature flags 36 Flags API Article Merge the flags response with the override cookie, set as HTTP header, restart original request... /article/123 Cookie: Flgs- Override= Foo=10; /api/flags?userid=6453 Flgs: highlights=true; Foo=42; Flgs: highlights=true; Foo=42; Foo=10 Vary: Flgs
  • 37. ExpressJS flags middleware 37 app.get('/', (req, res) => { if (req.flags.has('highlights')) { // Enable highlights feature } }); HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Nikkei-Flags ...
  • 38. Dynamic backends Override backend rules at runtime without updating your VCL This is great if... You have a bug you can't reproduce without the request going through the CDN You want to test a local dev version of a service with live integrations 5
  • 39. Dynamic backends 39 Developer laptopDynamic backend proxy (node-http-proxy) Check forwarded IP is whitelisted or auth header is also present GET /article/123 Backend-Override: article -> ngrok fc57848a
  • 40. Dynamic backends: key tools and techniques ● Extract backend to override: set req.http.tmpORBackend = regsub(req.http.Backend-Override, "s*->.*$", ""); ● Check whether current backend matches if (req.http.tmpORBackend == req.http.tmpCurrentBackend) { ● Use node-http-proxy for the proxy app ○ Remember res.setHeader('Vary', 'Backend-Override'); ○ I use {xfwd: false, changeOrigin: true, hostRewrite: true} 40
  • 41. Debug headers Collect request lifecycle information in a single HTTP response header This is great if... You find it hard to understand what path the request is taking through your VCL You have restarts in your VCL and need to see all the individual backend requests, not just the last one 6
  • 45. Debug journey 45 vcl_recv { set req.http.tmpLog = if (req.restarts == 0, "", req.http.tmpLog ";"); # ... routing ... set req.http.tmpLog = req.http.tmpLog " {{backend}}:" req.url; } vcl_fetch { set req.http.tmpLog = req.http.tmpLog " fetch"; ... } vcl_hit { set req.http.tmpLog = req.http.tmpLog " hit"; ... } vcl_miss { set req.http.tmpLog = req.http.tmpLog " miss"; ... } vcl_pass { set req.http.tmpLog = req.http.tmpLog " pass"; ... } vcl_deliver { set resp.http.CDN-Process-Log = req.http.tmpLog; }
  • 46. Debug journey 46 CDN-Process-Log: apigw:/flags/v1/rnikkei/allocate?output=diff&segid=foo&rank=X HIT (hits=2 ttl=1.204/5.000 age=4 swr=300.000 sie=604800.000); rnikkei_front_0:/ MISS (hits=0 ttl=1.000/1.000 age=0 swr=300.000 sie=86400.000)
  • 47. RUM++ Resource Timing API + data Fastly exposes in VCL. And no backend. This is great if... You want to track down hotspots of slow response times You'd like to understand how successfully end users are being matched to their nearest PoPs 7
  • 48. Resource timing on front end 48 var rec = window.performance.getEntriesByType("resource") .find(rec =>'[URL]') !== -1) ; (new Image()).src = '/sendBeacon'+ '?dns='+(rec.domainLookupEnd-rec.domainLookupStart)+ '&connect='+(rec.connectEnd-rec.connectStart)+ '&req='+(rec.responseStart-rec.requestStart)+ '&resp='+(rec.responseEnd-rec.responseStart) ;
  • 49. Add CDN data in VCL & respond with synthetic 49 sub vcl_recv { if (req.url ~ "^/sendBeacon") { error 204 "No content"; } }
  • 51. 51
  • 53. Beyond ASCII Use these encoding tips to embed non-ASCII content in your VCL file. This is great if... Your users don't speak English, but you can only write ASCII in VCL files 8
  • 54. Everyone does UTF-8 now, right? 54 synthetic {"Responsive Nikkeiアルファプログラムのメンバーの皆様、ア ルファバージョンのサイトにアクセスできない場合、 までその旨連絡ください。"};
  • 55. 55
  • 56. Quick conversion 56 "string" .split('') .map( char => char.codePointAt(0) < 128 ? char : "&#"+char.codePointAt(0)+";" ) .join('') ;
  • 59. 59
  • 60. I have 68 backends 60
  • 61. Varnishlog to the rescue A way to submit a varnish transaction ID to the API, and get all varnishlog events relating to that transaction, including related (backend) transactions 61 > fastly log 1467852934 17 SessionOpen c 47013 :80 17 ReqStart c 47013 1467852934 17 RxRequest c GET 17 RxURL c /articles/123 17 RxProtocol c HTTP/1.1 17 RxHeader c Host: ...
  • 62. Thanks for listening 62 Andrew Betts @triblondon Get the slides