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Automating Research Data Flows and an
Introduction to the Globus Platform
Greg Nawrocki
June 23, 2022
Globus Automation Capabilities
Timer Service
Scheduled and recurring transfers
(a.k.a. Globus cron)
Command Line Interface
Ad hoc scripting and integration
Globus Flows service
Comprehensive task (data and
compute) orchestration with human in
the loop interactions
Globus Auth: Foundational IAM service
• Brokers authentication and authorization among…
– End-users
– Identity providers: enterprise, external (federated identities)
– Services: resource servers with REST APIs
– Apps: web, mobile, desktop, command line clients
– Services acting as clients to other services
• Support high assurance service for use with
protected data (e.g. HIPAA protected data)
Securing Apps with Globus Auth
• Native App (with refresh tokens – extend expiration)
– Authentication as user identity
– Authentication URL / come back with a auth code – exchanged for tokens
– Clients can’t keep a secret - tokens in plain text
– Jupyter Notebook examples / Timer Service
• Auth Code Grant – Templated App
– Authentication as user identity
– Browser redirect to Globus Auth, auth code returned (no manual copy)
– Tokens stored securely
– CLI / Jupyter Hub secured with Globus Auth
• Confidential Client:
– Authentication as application
– ClientID and Secret stored securely
– Custom apps
– - Client ID / Secret / Client Identity Username

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Tutorial: Leveraging Globus in your Research Applications
Tutorial: Leveraging Globus in your Research ApplicationsTutorial: Leveraging Globus in your Research Applications
Tutorial: Leveraging Globus in your Research Applications

This tutorial was given at the 2019 GlobusWorld Conference in Chicago, IL by Globus Director of Customer Engagement.

globusglobusworldresearch data management
Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - Columbia University)
Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - Columbia University)Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - Columbia University)
Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - Columbia University)

This document discusses various ways to automate research data workflows using Globus. It describes automating regular data transfers through recurring tasks scheduled with sync options. It also discusses staging data automatically as part of compute jobs by adding directives to job scripts. The document outlines how applications can programmatically submit transfers when users complete tasks. It provides an overview of relevant Globus platform capabilities for authentication, authorization, and automation using the Globus CLI and SDK.

globusresearch data managementglobusworld tour
Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - STFC)
Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - STFC)Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - STFC)
Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - STFC)

This document discusses automating research data workflows using Globus capabilities. It covers automating data replication and recurring transfers, staging data with compute jobs, and application-driven automation. Relevant Globus platform capabilities for automation include Globus Auth for native apps, refresh tokens, and the Globus command line interface (CLI) for tasks like batch transfers, permission management, and parsing CLI output. Scripting automation with the CLI or portals is also discussed.

globusglobusworld tourresearch data management
Globus Timer Service
Use case: Data replication
• For backup: initiated by user or system back up
• Automated transfer of data from science instrument
Recurring transfers
with sync option
Copy /ingest
Daily @ 3:30am
The Globus Timer service
• Scheduled/recurring file transfers
• Supports all Globus transfer and sync options
• Service accessible via web app and CLI
• Example: NIH –
Using the Globus Timer service
$ globus–timer session {login, logout, whoami}
$ globus–timer job transfer 
--name example–job 
--label "Timer Transfer Job" 
--interval 28800 
--start '2020–01–01T12:34:56' 
--source–endpoint ddb59aef–6d04–11e5–ba46–22000b92c6ec 
--dest–endpoint ddb59af0–6d04–11e5–ba46–22000b92c6ec 
--item ~/file1.txt ~/new_file1.txt false 
--item ~/file2.txt ~/new_file2.txt false

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Automating Data Flows with the Globus CLI (GlobusWorld Tour - UMich)
Automating Data Flows with the Globus CLI (GlobusWorld Tour - UMich)Automating Data Flows with the Globus CLI (GlobusWorld Tour - UMich)
Automating Data Flows with the Globus CLI (GlobusWorld Tour - UMich)

This document discusses automating data transfers with the Globus CLI and relevant Globus platform capabilities. It provides examples of using the CLI to search for endpoints, list contents, transfer files and directories in batches, manage notifications, and set permissions. It also discusses using the CLI in job submission scripts and how portals can automate transfers by storing refresh tokens to act on behalf of users. Relevant code examples and support resources are referenced.

globusglobusworld tourresearch data management
Globus Automation
Globus AutomationGlobus Automation
Globus Automation

We introduce the various Globus approaches available for automating data flows, including the command line interface (CLI), the Globus Timer service and the Globus Flows service.

data automationfile sharingdata sharing
Automating Research Data Flows with the Globus Command Line Interface (CLI)
Automating Research Data Flows with the Globus Command Line Interface (CLI)Automating Research Data Flows with the Globus Command Line Interface (CLI)
Automating Research Data Flows with the Globus Command Line Interface (CLI)

This presentation was given at the GlobusWorld 2020 Virtual Conference, by Greg Nawrocki from the University of Chicago.

data managdata sharingfile transfer
Timer options
in the Globus
web app
Globus Command Line
Interface (CLI)
Globus Command Line Interface
Open source, uses
the Python SDK
Because of this
correspondence the CLI is
an excellent tool for getting
the gist of how he SDK
Very scriptable!
Globus CLI
• It’s a stand alone application distributed by Globus
• Easy install and updates
• Command “globus login” gets access tokens
• All interactions with the service use the tokens
– The CLI is acting as you (your identity)
• Command “globus logout” deletes those

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Tutorial: Automating Research Data Workflows
Tutorial: Automating Research Data WorkflowsTutorial: Automating Research Data Workflows
Tutorial: Automating Research Data Workflows

This tutorial was given at the 2019 GlobusWorld Conference in Chicago, IL by Globus Head of Products Rachana Ananthakrishnan and Director of Customer Engagement Greg Nawrocki.

globusglobusworldresearch data management
Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - UCSD)
Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - UCSD)Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - UCSD)
Automating Research Data Workflows (GlobusWorld Tour - UCSD)

Presented at the GlobusWorld Tour workshop at the University of California, San Diego on May 8, 2019.

globusresearch data managementglobusworld tour
Working with Globus Platform Services and Portals
Working with Globus Platform Services and PortalsWorking with Globus Platform Services and Portals
Working with Globus Platform Services and Portals

We describe how developers can use Globus APIs to integrate robust data management capabilities into their research applications. We also demonstrate the new Globus portal framework that can be used in conjunction with the Globus Search service to simplify data search and discovery.

data portalapirest api
CLI Basics – “globus” is the executable
$ globus endpoint search 'Globus Tutorial'
$ globus task list
$ globus get-identities --verbose
• Getting help / list of commands
– globus list-commands
– globus –help
• UUIDs for endpoint, task, user identity, groups…
• Can query to discover the UUIDs
– Use search / list / get options
Use case: Sharing out data
Researcher initiates
transfer request; or
requested automatically
by script, science
access to
shared files on
storage; no
need to move
files to cloud
selects files to
share, selects
user or group,
and sets access
Collaborator logs in to
Globus and accesses
shared files; no local
account required;
download via Globus
Personal Computer
Compute Facility
Globus transfers files
reliably, securely
Step 1: Transfer
• Using a Batch Transfer
– Transfer tasks have one source/destination, but can have any
number of files
– Provide input source-dest pairs via local file
– File may have embedded comments
$ export ep1=ddb59aef-6d04-11e5-ba46-22000b92c6ec
$ export ep2=af7bda53-6d04-11e5-ba46-22000b92c6ec
$ globus transfer $ep1:/share/godata/ $ep2:/~/automation-example-
data-share/outbound/Vas --label "Files to share" --batch
# this is the contents of files.txt:
# a list of source paths followed by destination paths
file1.txt file1.txt
# file2.txt file2.txt # inline-comments are also allowed
file3.txt file3.txt
Step 2: Share - Set permissions
• Set and manage permissions on guest collection
• Requires access manager role
$ globus endpoint search 'automation-example-data-share’
$ export share=bf4445c4-ecfd-11ec-aed7-6f7c2b57b05c
$ globus endpoint permission create --permissions r --identity $share:/Vas/

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Leveraging the Globus Platform (GlobusWorld Tour - Columbia University)
Leveraging the Globus Platform (GlobusWorld Tour - Columbia University)Leveraging the Globus Platform (GlobusWorld Tour - Columbia University)
Leveraging the Globus Platform (GlobusWorld Tour - Columbia University)

The document discusses how the Globus platform can be leveraged to build science gateways, web portals, and other applications. It provides examples of how the Globus Auth, APIs, and Connect services can be used to enable authentication, file transfer, and data sharing. The Globus Python SDK and helper pages are also described as tools for developing applications that integrate Globus functionality.

globusresearch data managementglobusworld tour
Jupyter + Globus: The Foundation for Interactive Data Science
Jupyter + Globus: The Foundation for Interactive Data ScienceJupyter + Globus: The Foundation for Interactive Data Science
Jupyter + Globus: The Foundation for Interactive Data Science

This tutorial from the Gateways 2018 conference in Austin, TX showed participants how Globus may be used in conjunction with the Jupyter platform to open up new avenues—and new data sources--for interactive data science.

globusglobus onlinejupyter
Globus Platform Overview
Globus Platform OverviewGlobus Platform Overview
Globus Platform Overview

This presentation was given at the GlobusWorld 2020 Virtual Conference, by Vas Vasiliadis from the University of Chicago.

data sharingfile transferglobus
Useful submission commands
• Safe resubmissions
– Applies to all tasks (transfer and delete)
– Get a task UUID, use that in submission
– $ globus task generate-submission-id
– --submission-id option in transfer
– Useful for lazy branching or when dealing with unreliable
• Task wait
– useful for scripting conditionals on transfer task status
Parsing CLI output
$ globus endpoint search --filter-scope my-endpoints
$ globus endpoint search --filter-scope my-endpoints --format json
$ globus endpoint search --filter-scope my-endpoints --jmespath
'DATA[].[id, display_name]'
• Default output is text; for JSON output use --format
• Extract specific attributes using --jmespath
Managing notifications
• Turn off emails sent for tasks
• Useful when an application manages tasks for a user
• Disable notifications with the --notify option
--notify off (all notifications)
--notify succeeded|failed|inactive (select notifications)
Globus Flows Service

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Introduction to Research Automation with Globus
Introduction to Research Automation with GlobusIntroduction to Research Automation with Globus
Introduction to Research Automation with Globus

We present an overview of Globus services for automating research computing and data management tasks, to accelerate research process throughput. This content is aimed at researchers who wish to automate repetitive data management tasks (such as backup and data distribution to collaborators), as well as those working with instruments (cryoEM, next-gen sequencers, fMRI, etc.) who wish to streamline data egress, downstream analysis, and sharing at scale. This material was presented at the Research Computing and Data Management Workshop, hosted by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on February 27-28, 2024.

globusglobusworld tourresearch data management
Data Publication and Discovery with Globus
Data Publication and Discovery with GlobusData Publication and Discovery with Globus
Data Publication and Discovery with Globus

This tutorial from the Gateways 2018 conference in Austin, TX explored the capabilities provided by Globus for assembling, describing, publishing, identifying, searching, and discovering datasets.

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Instrument Data Orchestration with Globus Search and Flows
Instrument Data Orchestration with Globus Search and FlowsInstrument Data Orchestration with Globus Search and Flows
Instrument Data Orchestration with Globus Search and Flows

This document discusses various Globus services for instrument data orchestration including the Timer service, platform services, authentication, search, transfer, flows, and the upcoming Trigger service. The Timer service allows for scheduled and recurring transfers. Platform services provide comprehensive data and compute orchestration. Authentication is handled by Globus Auth. Search allows for data description and discovery. Transfer shares and moves data. Flows automate distributed research tasks. Triggers will start flows based on events.

data automationdata commonsdata sharing
Managed automation of tasks
• Flows: A platform service for defining, applying, and
sharing distributed research automation flows
• Flows comprise Actions
• Action Providers: Called by Flows to perform tasks
• Triggers*: Start flows based on events
* In development
Automation services ecosystem
GET /provider_url/
POST /provider_url/run
GET /provider_url/action_id/status
GET /provider_url/action_id/cancel
GET /provider_url/action_id/status
Create Action
Define and
deploy flows
{ “StartAt”: ”ToProject”,
”States” : {
”ToProject” : { … },
”SetPermission” : { …},
“ProcessData” : { … } … }}
Run flows
Automation with Globus Flows
• Built on AWS Step Functions
– Simple JSON-based state machine
– Conditions, loops, fault tolerance, etc.
– Propagates state through the flow
• Standardized API for integrating
custom event and action services
– Actions: synchronous or asynchronous
– Custom Web forms prompt for user input
• Actions secured with Globus Auth
Globus-provided flows

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Tutorial: Introduction to Globus for System Administrators
Tutorial: Introduction to Globus for System AdministratorsTutorial: Introduction to Globus for System Administrators
Tutorial: Introduction to Globus for System Administrators

This tutorial was given at the 2019 GlobusWorld Conference in Chicago, IL by Globus Chief Customer Officer Vas Vasiliadis.

globusglobusworldresearch data management
Introduction to Globus for System Administrators
Introduction to Globus for System AdministratorsIntroduction to Globus for System Administrators
Introduction to Globus for System Administrators

We review the Globus Connect Server v5 (GCSv5) architecture and deployment model, and describe the process for creating a Globus endpoint on your HPC cluster, lab server, or other multi-user storage system. You will experiment with installing Globus Connect Server, and configuring basic options on the endpoint.

globus connect server v5gcsv5globus endpoints
Globus Compute wth IRI Workflows - GlobusWorld 2024
Globus Compute wth IRI Workflows - GlobusWorld 2024Globus Compute wth IRI Workflows - GlobusWorld 2024
Globus Compute wth IRI Workflows - GlobusWorld 2024

As part of the DOE Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) program, NERSC at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and ALCF at Argonne National Lab are working closely with General Atomics on accelerating the computing requirements of the DIII-D experiment. As part of the work the team is investigating ways to speedup the time to solution for many different parts of the DIII-D workflow including how they run jobs on HPC systems. One of these routes is looking at Globus Compute as a way to replace the current method for managing tasks and we describe a brief proof of concept showing how Globus Compute could help to schedule jobs and be a tool to connect compute at different facilities.

globusglobusworldresearch data management
Run flows: Guided input
Notify user
Dynamic forms generated
from input schema
Managing runs at scale
Globus Flows
Extending the ecosystem: Action providers
• Action Provider is a
service endpoint
– Run
– Status
– Cancel
– Release
– Resume
• Action Provider Toolkit
ACLs Identifier
Describe Xtract
funcX Web
Custom built
Globus Provided

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The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) is a global network of data servers that archives and distributes the planet’s largest collection of Earth system model output for thousands of climate and environmental scientists worldwide. Many of these petabyte-scale data archives are located in proximity to large high-performance computing (HPC) or cloud computing resources, but the primary workflow for data users consists of transferring data, and applying computations on a different system. As a part of the ESGF 2.0 US project (funded by the United States Department of Energy Office of Science), we developed pre-defined data workflows, which can be run on-demand, capable of applying many data reduction and data analysis to the large ESGF data archives, transferring only the resultant analysis (ex. visualizations, smaller data files). In this talk, we will showcase a few of these workflows, highlighting how Globus Flows can be used for petabyte-scale climate analysis.

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Globus Compute Introduction - GlobusWorld 2024
Globus Compute Introduction - GlobusWorld 2024Globus Compute Introduction - GlobusWorld 2024
Globus Compute Introduction - GlobusWorld 2024

We describe the deployment and use of Globus Compute for remote computation. This content is aimed at researchers who wish to compute on remote resources using a unified programming interface, as well as system administrators who will deploy and operate Globus Compute services on their research computing infrastructure.

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Globus Connect Server Deep Dive - GlobusWorld 2024
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Globus Connect Server Deep Dive - GlobusWorld 2024

We explore the Globus Connect Server (GCS) architecture and experiment with advanced configuration options and use cases. This content is targeted at system administrators who are familiar with GCS and currently operate—or are planning to operate—broader deployments at their institution.

globusglobus connect serverglobusworld
The Globus
APIs and the SDK
Custom portals? Science Gateways? Unique workflows? Our open
REST APIs and Python SDK empower you to create an integrated
ecosystem of research data services and applications.
Data centric applications leveraging Globus
App Access to Collections
• Globus Transfer – Authentication with access tokens
– Individual: Globus login to get tokens
– Application: Apps are people too!
o - Client ID / Secret / Client Identity Username
• Collection access
– GCSv4 Mapped Collections – user consent
o Activating endpoint means binding a credential to an endpoint for login
– GCSv5 Mapped Collections (no user certificates, OAUTH tokens and consents)
o Request the data_access scope (per collection) to be able to access the collection.
o The storage gateway must permit identities from the '' identity domain
o Identity Mapping Policy that maps the ‘' identity to a valid local user
– Guest Collections
o Guest Collections auto-activate - need to do this before API calls to endpoints
o Use Guest Collections whenever possible
– Remember to set your ACLs (WebApp)

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Large Language Models (LLMs) are currently the center of attention in the tech world, particularly for their potential to advance research. In this presentation, we'll explore a straightforward and effective method for quickly initiating inference runs on supercomputers using the vLLM tool with Globus Compute, specifically on the Polaris system at ALCF. We'll begin by briefly discussing the popularity and applications of LLMs in various fields. Following this, we will introduce the vLLM tool, and explain how it integrates with Globus Compute to efficiently manage LLM operations on Polaris. Attendees will learn the practical aspects of setting up and remotely triggering LLMs from local machines, focusing on ease of use and efficiency. This talk is ideal for researchers and practitioners looking to leverage the power of LLMs in their work, offering a clear guide to harnessing supercomputing resources for quick and effective LLM inference.

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Providing Globus Services to Users of JASMIN for Environmental Data Analysis
Providing Globus Services to Users of JASMIN for Environmental Data AnalysisProviding Globus Services to Users of JASMIN for Environmental Data Analysis
Providing Globus Services to Users of JASMIN for Environmental Data Analysis

JASMIN is the UK’s high-performance data analysis platform for environmental science, operated by STFC on behalf of the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). In addition to its role in hosting the CEDA Archive (NERC’s long-term repository for climate, atmospheric science & Earth observation data in the UK), JASMIN provides a collaborative platform to a community of around 2,000 scientists in the UK and beyond, providing nearly 400 environmental science projects with working space, compute resources and tools to facilitate their work. High-performance data transfer into and out of JASMIN has always been a key feature, with many scientists bringing model outputs from supercomputers elsewhere in the UK, to analyse against observational or other model data in the CEDA Archive. A growing number of JASMIN users are now realising the benefits of using the Globus service to provide reliable and efficient data movement and other tasks in this and other contexts. Further use cases involve long-distance (intercontinental) transfers to and from JASMIN, and collecting results from a mobile atmospheric radar system, pushing data to JASMIN via a lightweight Globus deployment. We provide details of how Globus fits into our current infrastructure, our experience of the recent migration to GCSv5.4, and of our interest in developing use of the wider ecosystem of Globus services for the benefit of our user community.

First Steps with Globus Compute Multi-User Endpoints
First Steps with Globus Compute Multi-User EndpointsFirst Steps with Globus Compute Multi-User Endpoints
First Steps with Globus Compute Multi-User Endpoints

In this presentation we will share our experiences around getting started with the Globus Compute multi-user endpoint. Working with the Pharmacology group at the University of Auckland, we have previously written an application using Globus Compute that can offload computationally expensive steps in the researcher's workflows, which they wish to manage from their familiar Windows environments, onto the NeSI (New Zealand eScience Infrastructure) cluster. Some of the challenges we have encountered were that each researcher had to set up and manage their own single-user globus compute endpoint and that the workloads had varying resource requirements (CPUs, memory and wall time) between different runs. We hope that the multi-user endpoint will help to address these challenges and share an update on our progress here.

remote computationglobus computeglobusworld
Globus APIs
• Auth
• Groups
• Transfer
• Search
• Timer
• Flows
• GCS Manager
• Globus Web App consumes public
Transfer API
• Resource named by URL (standard
REST approach)
• Globus APIs use JSON for documents
Globus Python SDK
• Python client library for the Globus REST APIs
• Largely direct mapping to REST API
• globus_sdk.TransferClient class handles
connection management, security, framing,
TransferClient higher-level calls
• One method for each API resource and HTTP verb
• Largely direct mapping to REST API

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Cross-facility research orchestration comes with ever-changing constraints regarding the availability and suitability of various compute and data resources. In short, a flexible data and processing fabric is needed to enable the dynamic redirection of data and compute tasks throughout the lifecycle of an experiment. In this talk, we illustrate how we easily leveraged Globus services to instrument the ACE research testbed at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility with flexible data and task orchestration capabilities.

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Understanding Globus Data Transfers with NetSage
Understanding Globus Data Transfers with NetSageUnderstanding Globus Data Transfers with NetSage
Understanding Globus Data Transfers with NetSage

NetSage is an open privacy-aware network measurement, analysis, and visualization service designed to help end-users visualize and reason about large data transfers. NetSage traditionally has used a combination of passive measurements, including SNMP and flow data, as well as active measurements, mainly perfSONAR, to provide longitudinal network performance data visualization. It has been deployed by dozens of networks world wide, and is supported domestically by the Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC), NSF #2328479. We have recently expanded the NetSage data sources to include logs for Globus data transfers, following the same privacy-preserving approach as for Flow data. Using the logs for the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) as an example, this talk will walk through several different example use cases that NetSage can answer, including: Who is using Globus to share data with my institution, and what kind of performance are they able to achieve? How many transfers has Globus supported for us? Which sites are we sharing the most data with, and how is that changing over time? How is my site using Globus to move data internally, and what kind of performance do we see for those transfers? What percentage of data transfers at my institution used Globus, and how did the overall data transfer performance compare to the Globus users?

network measurementdata analysisbig data
How to Position Your Globus Data Portal for Success Ten Good Practices
How to Position Your Globus Data Portal for Success Ten Good PracticesHow to Position Your Globus Data Portal for Success Ten Good Practices
How to Position Your Globus Data Portal for Success Ten Good Practices

Science gateways allow science and engineering communities to access shared data, software, computing services, and instruments. Science gateways have gained a lot of traction in the last twenty years, as evidenced by projects such as the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) and the Center of Excellence on Science Gateways (SGX3) in the US, The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) and its platforms in Australia, and the projects around Virtual Research Environments in Europe. A few mature frameworks have evolved with their different strengths and foci and have been taken up by a larger community such as the Globus Data Portal, Hubzero, Tapis, and Galaxy. However, even when gateways are built on successful frameworks, they continue to face the challenges of ongoing maintenance costs and how to meet the ever-expanding needs of the community they serve with enhanced features. It is not uncommon that gateways with compelling use cases are nonetheless unable to get past the prototype phase and become a full production service, or if they do, they don't survive more than a couple of years. While there is no guaranteed pathway to success, it seems likely that for any gateway there is a need for a strong community and/or solid funding streams to create and sustain its success. With over twenty years of examples to draw from, this presentation goes into detail for ten factors common to successful and enduring gateways that effectively serve as best practices for any new or developing gateway.

data portalscience gatewaysresearch data management
Synchronous Tasks
• Endpoint search (with scopes)
• List directory contents (ls)
• Make directory (mkdir)
• Rename
• Note:
– Path encoding & UTF gotchas
– Don’t forget to auto-activate first
Asynchronous Tasks
• Transfer
– Sync level option
• Delete
• Get submission_id, followed by submit
– Once and only once submission
• Use task id to “follow up”
The Globus API / SDK with a Jupyter Notebook in a
Jupyter Hub – Auth Code Grant
{ “tokens”:…
Bearer a45cd…
Walkthrough API with our Jupyter Hub
– Sign in with Globus
– Verify the consents
– Start My Server (this will take about a minute)
– Open folder: globus-jupyter-notebooks
– Run Platform_Introduction_JupyterHub_Auth.ipynb
• If you mess it up and want to “go back to the beginning”
– Just stop and restart the server
• If you want to use the notebook outside of our hub
– Authentication is a manual cut and paste of exchanging the
authorization code for an access token – Native App

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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has made substantial investments in meeting evolving scientific, technical, and policy driven demands on storing, managing, and delivering data. As these demands continue to grow in complexity and scale, the USGS must continue to explore innovative solutions to improve its management, curation, sharing, delivering, and preservation approaches for large-scale research data. Supporting these needs, the USGS has partnered with the University of Chicago-Globus to research and develop advanced repository components and workflows leveraging its current investment in Globus. The primary outcome of this partnership includes the development of a prototype enterprise repository, driven by USGS Data Release requirements, through exploration and implementation of the entire suite of the Globus platform offerings, including Globus Flow, Globus Auth, Globus Transfer, and Globus Search. This presentation will provide insights into this research partnership, introduce the unique requirements and challenges being addressed and provide relevant project progress.

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The Department of Energy's Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI)
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The Department of Energy's Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI)

We will provide an overview of DOE’s IRI initiative as it moves into early implementation, what drives the IRI vision, and the role of DOE in the larger national research ecosystem.

Support Resources
• Globus Documentation:
• Globus Timer:
• Globus CLI:
• Globus Automation Services and Flows:
• YouTube Channel:
Developer References
• Globus API / SDK Documentation
– Transfer API :
– SDK:
• Globus GitHub:
– Jupyter Notebooks
o Stand alone notebooks and hub integrations that walk through much of the
functionality of our SDK
– Automation Examples
o Shell scripted CLI and Python module examples of common research data
management use cases

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  • 1. Automating Research Data Flows and an Introduction to the Globus Platform Greg Nawrocki June 23, 2022
  • 2. Globus Automation Capabilities Timer Service Scheduled and recurring transfers (a.k.a. Globus cron) Command Line Interface Ad hoc scripting and integration Globus Flows service Comprehensive task (data and compute) orchestration with human in the loop interactions
  • 3. Globus Auth: Foundational IAM service • Brokers authentication and authorization among… – End-users – Identity providers: enterprise, external (federated identities) – Services: resource servers with REST APIs – Apps: web, mobile, desktop, command line clients – Services acting as clients to other services • Support high assurance service for use with protected data (e.g. HIPAA protected data) 5
  • 4. Securing Apps with Globus Auth • Native App (with refresh tokens – extend expiration) – Authentication as user identity – Authentication URL / come back with a auth code – exchanged for tokens – Clients can’t keep a secret - tokens in plain text – Jupyter Notebook examples / Timer Service • Auth Code Grant – Templated App – Authentication as user identity – Browser redirect to Globus Auth, auth code returned (no manual copy) – Tokens stored securely – CLI / Jupyter Hub secured with Globus Auth • Confidential Client: – Authentication as application – ClientID and Secret stored securely – Custom apps – - Client ID / Secret / Client Identity Username 6
  • 6. Use case: Data replication • For backup: initiated by user or system back up • Automated transfer of data from science instrument 12 Recurring transfers with sync option Copy /ingest Daily @ 3:30am
  • 7. The Globus Timer service • Scheduled/recurring file transfers • Supports all Globus transfer and sync options • Service accessible via web app and CLI • Example: NIH – 13
  • 8. Using the Globus Timer service 14 $ globus–timer session {login, logout, whoami} $ globus–timer job transfer --name example–job --label "Timer Transfer Job" --interval 28800 --start '2020–01–01T12:34:56' --source–endpoint ddb59aef–6d04–11e5–ba46–22000b92c6ec --dest–endpoint ddb59af0–6d04–11e5–ba46–22000b92c6ec --item ~/file1.txt ~/new_file1.txt false --item ~/file2.txt ~/new_file2.txt false
  • 9. Timer options in the Globus web app
  • 11. Globus Command Line Interface Open source, uses the Python SDK Because of this correspondence the CLI is an excellent tool for getting the gist of how he SDK functions. Very scriptable!
  • 12. Globus CLI • It’s a stand alone application distributed by Globus – – • Easy install and updates • Command “globus login” gets access tokens • All interactions with the service use the tokens – The CLI is acting as you (your identity) • Command “globus logout” deletes those
  • 13. CLI Basics – “globus” is the executable $ globus endpoint search 'Globus Tutorial' $ globus task list $ globus get-identities --verbose • Getting help / list of commands – globus list-commands – globus –help – • UUIDs for endpoint, task, user identity, groups… • Can query to discover the UUIDs – Use search / list / get options
  • 14. Use case: Sharing out data Researcher initiates transfer request; or requested automatically by script, science gateway Instrument Globus controls access to shared files on existing storage; no need to move files to cloud storage! Researcher selects files to share, selects user or group, and sets access permissions Collaborator logs in to Globus and accesses shared files; no local account required; download via Globus Personal Computer Transfer Share Compute Facility Globus transfers files reliably, securely
  • 15. Step 1: Transfer • Using a Batch Transfer – Transfer tasks have one source/destination, but can have any number of files – Provide input source-dest pairs via local file – File may have embedded comments $ export ep1=ddb59aef-6d04-11e5-ba46-22000b92c6ec $ export ep2=af7bda53-6d04-11e5-ba46-22000b92c6ec $ globus transfer $ep1:/share/godata/ $ep2:/~/automation-example- data-share/outbound/Vas --label "Files to share" --batch /Users/gregnawrocki/Greg/Globus/Demos/ornl20220623/files.txt # this is the contents of files.txt: # a list of source paths followed by destination paths file1.txt file1.txt # file2.txt file2.txt # inline-comments are also allowed file3.txt file3.txt
  • 16. Step 2: Share - Set permissions • Set and manage permissions on guest collection • Requires access manager role $ globus endpoint search 'automation-example-data-share’ $ export share=bf4445c4-ecfd-11ec-aed7-6f7c2b57b05c $ globus endpoint permission create --permissions r --identity $share:/Vas/
  • 17. Useful submission commands • Safe resubmissions – Applies to all tasks (transfer and delete) – Get a task UUID, use that in submission – $ globus task generate-submission-id – --submission-id option in transfer – Useful for lazy branching or when dealing with unreliable networks • Task wait – useful for scripting conditionals on transfer task status
  • 18. Parsing CLI output $ globus endpoint search --filter-scope my-endpoints $ globus endpoint search --filter-scope my-endpoints --format json $ globus endpoint search --filter-scope my-endpoints --jmespath 'DATA[].[id, display_name]' • Default output is text; for JSON output use --format json • Extract specific attributes using --jmespath <expression>
  • 19. Managing notifications • Turn off emails sent for tasks • Useful when an application manages tasks for a user • Disable notifications with the --notify option --notify off (all notifications) --notify succeeded|failed|inactive (select notifications)
  • 21. Managed automation of tasks • Flows: A platform service for defining, applying, and sharing distributed research automation flows • Flows comprise Actions • Action Providers: Called by Flows to perform tasks • Triggers*: Start flows based on events * In development
  • 22. Automation services ecosystem GET /provider_url/ POST /provider_url/run GET /provider_url/action_id/status GET /provider_url/action_id/cancel GET /provider_url/action_id/status Create Action Providers Define and deploy flows { “StartAt”: ”ToProject”, ”States” : { ”ToProject” : { … }, ”SetPermission” : { …}, “ProcessData” : { … } … }} Run flows
  • 23. Automation with Globus Flows • Built on AWS Step Functions – Simple JSON-based state machine language – Conditions, loops, fault tolerance, etc. – Propagates state through the flow • Standardized API for integrating custom event and action services – Actions: synchronous or asynchronous – Custom Web forms prompt for user input • Actions secured with Globus Auth
  • 25. 32 Run flows: Guided input Label Notify user Timeout Dynamic forms generated from input schema
  • 28. Extending the ecosystem: Action providers 35 • Action Provider is a service endpoint – Run – Status – Cancel – Release – Resume • Action Provider Toolkit action-provider- Search Transfer Notification ACLs Identifier Delete Ingest User Form Describe Xtract funcX Web Form Custom built Globus Provided
  • 30. 37 Custom portals? Science Gateways? Unique workflows? Our open REST APIs and Python SDK empower you to create an integrated ecosystem of research data services and applications.
  • 31. Data centric applications leveraging Globus 38
  • 32. App Access to Collections • Globus Transfer – Authentication with access tokens – Individual: Globus login to get tokens – Application: Apps are people too! o - Client ID / Secret / Client Identity Username • Collection access – GCSv4 Mapped Collections – user consent o Activating endpoint means binding a credential to an endpoint for login – GCSv5 Mapped Collections (no user certificates, OAUTH tokens and consents) o o Request the data_access scope (per collection) to be able to access the collection. o The storage gateway must permit identities from the '' identity domain o Identity Mapping Policy that maps the ‘' identity to a valid local user – Guest Collections o Guest Collections auto-activate - need to do this before API calls to endpoints o Use Guest Collections whenever possible – Remember to set your ACLs (WebApp) Automation
  • 34. Globus APIs • Auth • Groups • Transfer • Search • Timer • Flows • GCS Manager • Globus Web App consumes public Transfer API • Resource named by URL (standard REST approach) • Globus APIs use JSON for documents
  • 35. Globus Python SDK • Python client library for the Globus REST APIs • Largely direct mapping to REST API • globus_sdk.TransferClient class handles connection management, security, framing, marshaling 42
  • 36. TransferClient higher-level calls • One method for each API resource and HTTP verb • Largely direct mapping to REST API endpoint_search(filter_fulltext=None, filter_scope=None, num_results=25, **params) 44
  • 37. Synchronous Tasks • Endpoint search (with scopes) • List directory contents (ls) • Make directory (mkdir) • Rename • Note: – Path encoding & UTF gotchas – Don’t forget to auto-activate first 46
  • 38. Asynchronous Tasks • Transfer – Sync level option • Delete • Get submission_id, followed by submit – Once and only once submission • Use task id to “follow up” 47
  • 39. The Globus API / SDK with a Jupyter Notebook in a Jupyter Hub – Auth Code Grant login REST APIs { “tokens”:… {“tokens”:… REST APIs REST APIs Bearer a45cd…
  • 40. Walkthrough API with our Jupyter Hub • – Sign in with Globus – Verify the consents – Start My Server (this will take about a minute) – Open folder: globus-jupyter-notebooks – Run Platform_Introduction_JupyterHub_Auth.ipynb • If you mess it up and want to “go back to the beginning” – Just stop and restart the server • If you want to use the notebook outside of our hub – – Authentication is a manual cut and paste of exchanging the authorization code for an access token – Native App 49
  • 41. Support Resources • Globus Documentation: • Globus Timer: recurring-transfers-now-available-globus-web-app • Globus CLI: • Globus Automation Services and Flows: • YouTube Channel:
  • 42. Developer References • Globus API / SDK Documentation – Transfer API : – SDK: • Globus GitHub: – Jupyter Notebooks o Stand alone notebooks and hub integrations that walk through much of the functionality of our SDK o – Automation Examples o Shell scripted CLI and Python module examples of common research data management use cases o