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Webpack and Web
Performance Optimization
• Webpack Introduction
• Web Optimization
• Modularized Javascript and React
• Collaborate with .net MVC
Webpack Introduction
• Today’s Web Apps Trendy
• More and more JavaScript is being used.
• Modern browsers are offering a wider range of interfaces.
• Fewer full page reloads → even more code in a page
• As a result there is a lot of code on the client side! A big code base
needs to be organized. Module systems offer the option to split your
code base into modules
Current problems
Webpack - A Module Bundler
• A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few
bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the
application on demand. Through "loaders," modules can be
CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript,
LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
• Usage:
• Split the dependency tree into chunks loaded on demand
• Keep initial loading time low
• Every static asset should be able to be a module
• Ability to integrate 3rd-party libraries as modules
• Ability to customize nearly every part of the module bundler
• Suited for big projects
• Code Splitting
• allows you to split your codebase into multiple chunks. Chunks are loaded asynchronously at
runtime. This reduces the initial loading time.
• Optimizations
• can do many optimizations to reduce the output size of your JavaScript by de-duplicating
frequently used modules, minifying, and giving you full control of what is loaded initially and
what is loaded at runtime through code splitting.
• Loaders
• enables use of loaders to preprocess files. This allows you to bundle any static resource way
beyond JavaScript. You can easily write your own loaders using node.js.
• Module Format (AMD/CommonJS)
• supports both AMD and CommonJS module styles.
• Plug-in System
• webpack features a rich plugin system and allows you to customize
Webpack flow
• Loaders allow you to preprocess files as you require() or “load”
• Loaders are kind of like “tasks” in other build tools, and provide
a powerful way to handle frontend build steps.
• Loaders can transform files from a different language like,
CoffeeScript to JavaScript, or inline images as data URLs.
• Loaders even allow you to do things like require() css files right in
your JavaScript! You can import other Loaders to help you.
Loader - Sample
• Webpack transform a module with a loader
• ! syntax separating the loader from the module path? Loaders, like modules
can also be specified with a relative path (as if you were requiring it) instead
of the loader name
• Chained together by separating loaders with the !
• Loaders with Parameters
• loaders by config
var moduleWithOneLoader = require("my-loader!./my-awesome-module");
var moduleWithLoaders = require("style-loader!css-loader!less-loader!./my-styles.less");
var moduleWithLoaderHasParameters = require("loader?with=parameter!./file");
module: {
loaders: [ { test: /.coffee$/, loader: "coffee-loader" } ],
preLoaders: [ { test: /.coffee$/, loader: "coffee-hint-loader" } ] }
Webpack Config File
• entry
• Setup entry file
• output
• Determine output path and file name
• module(optional)
• Setup loaders
Environment Setup
• Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript
engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that
makes it lightweight and efficient.
• Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open
source libraries in the world.
• Setup
• Project: npm install webpack --save-dev
• Global: npm install webpack –g
• Common Commands(usually execute with webpack.config.js file)
• webpack:execute one time in dev mode. E.g. webpack main.js bundle.js
• webpack -p: execute for production-ready
• webpack --watch:execute and watch change to execute on background
• webpack --progress --colors: execute with progress bar and colors
• npm install --save-dev webpack-notifier
WebPack Task Runner
Webpack Tutorial
Welcome Webpack
Web Optimization
• Unoptimized Resource(js, css, images)
• Sites impacted: 90%
• Content Served Without HTTP Compression
• Sites impacted: 72%
• Without Concatenate Resource(js, css or images) to one Request
• Sites impacted: 69%
• Too much HTTP Requests
• Sites impacted: 69%
• Without Caching Information
• Sites impacted: 65%
• Domain Sharding Not Implemented
• Sites impacted: 64%
Top issue for Web Performance
• Image Optimization
• Reduce HTTP Requests
• Minify CSS and Javascript
• Critical Path and Render Blocking Resources (CSS + JS)
• Reduce Latency with a CDN
• Avoid 301 Redirects
• Caching
• Web Font Performance
• Enable Gzip Compression
• Fix 404 Errors
• Serve Scaled Images
Top tips for Web Performance Optimization
Adaptive Web Concept
• CSS, icon and fonts
• Most file can Concatenate
(CSS merge and image sprite )
• Loading first and sequence with blocking
• Body content, JS and other resource
• Bigger file size than Header
• Most file can’t Concatenate
(exclude JS bundle and image sprite )
• Loading/Executing later when read the content with non-blocking
Loading JavaScript Dynamically
Delaying Image Loading
• a.k.a Image Lazy Loading
Solution To Lazy Loading SEO Impact
Web Optimize Before Mobile Lite
• Now
• SBK have 15 requests for total 500KB transferred
• 188 have 8 requests for total 600KB transferred
• Action
• Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
• Less request
• Can improve 40% for latency issue on too many requests, from 23 to 14
• Combine JS request
• 188(Brand)
• Combine JS request
• Refine 188(Brand) header/footer for provide less request version for
Reduce less with low User impact
• Changes
• General
• No image(jpg, png and gif) file
• Use CSS, Font(include icon) and HTML
• Only one kind of font for Mobile Lite(Only Lato-Regular, no Lato-Bold)
• Pagination for Today
• Homepage
• No image on each feature event
• All Market
• Score Board with simple background color
• Estimated improvement
• Reduce 4 request
• Reduce 180 KB
Reduce more but high User impact
• Changes
• General
• No Auto refresh, using manually refresh(e.g. can click every 30s)
• All Market
• No Live Center(5 sec auto-refresh with 2.5 KB=>1 min with 30KB)
• Estimated improvement
• Reduce 1 request
• Reduce 20 KB(exclude Live Center)
Cut function but Company impact
• Changes
• Homepage
• Only display 1st feature event
• Only display top N priority sports events
• Main Odds
• Only display top N priority competition event
• All Market
• Display predefine priority markets only
• Estimated improvement
• Reduce 50 KB
Original Web Optimized Low User Impact High User Impact Company Impact
Request 23 14 10 9 9
Transferred size(KB) 1, 100 1,100 920 930 880
Play with Gulp
Gulp is a Task Runner build by JavaScript to
help automation. The less work you have to
do when performing repetitive tasks like
minification, compilation, unit testing,
linting, etc. After you've configured it
through a Gulpfile, a task runner can do
most of that mundane work for team
•Minify JavaScript, CSS files
•Combine JavaScript, CSS files(including
compile Sass and Less) and Image
•Format or Code Rule check
Development Flow - Developing
• Integrate with Visual Studio with Task Runner Explorer, Gulp for VS
• Help doing below task when ITC doing developing
• Concatenation and minifying
• Compile SASS file to CSS file on runtime
• Testing minify JavaScript, CSS files
• Testing combine JavaScript, CSS files(Sass and Less) and Image Sprites
• Validate front-end coding rule
Gulp Plugin
• gulp-concat:file concatenate
• gulp-minify-css: CSS minifying
• gulp-uglify: Compressed Javascript(Can replace by Webpack)
• gulp-rename:File rename
• gulp-html-replace :Replace target source path
• gulp-minify-html : Compressed HTML
• Ref
Integrate with Webpack
• With webpack-stream (not recommened)
• Run webpack as a stream to conveniently integrate with gulp.
• Big issue=>gulp & webpack整合,鱼与熊掌我都要!
• Without webpack-stream
var gulp = require("gulp");
var gutil = require("gulp-util");
var webpack = require("webpack");
var WebpackDevServer = require("webpack-dev-server");
gulp.task("webpack", function(callback) {
// run webpack
// configuration
}, function(err, stats) {
if(err) throw new gutil.PluginError("webpack", err);
gutil.log("[webpack]", stats.toString({
// output options
Development Flow – Build and Release
• Gulp help doing below task
• Compile SASS file to CSS file
• Minify JavaScript, CSS, HTML files(Release version)
• Concatenate JavaScript, CSS files(including compile Sass and Less) and Image
Sprites(Release version)
• [Optional]Generate Format or Code Rule report
• [Optional]Generate Front-end test report
• Jenkins help doing below task
• Trigger Grunt to build Release version
• Build and Release DEV(daily)
• Validate Unit test
• Validate Integration test
• Validate Automation test(Selenium)
• Validate Web performance test(YSlow, Phantomjs or etc…)
• Build and Release QAT
• Prepare UAT release package
• Aggregate and Sent release report
• General
• Avoid 301 Redirects
• Fix All 404 Errors
• Loading Resources On-demand
• Avoid Render Blocking
• Static content optimize
• Concatenate(CSS merge、JS bundle、image sprite )
• Compression(gzip、minify, image compression)
• Request optimize
• Front-end Cache
• Request Tuning and Combine
• Domain Sharding
Web Optimize
Modularized JavaScript
and React
Modularized JavaScript
• Pros
• Encapsulation
• Decoupling
• Organization
• No global scope pollution
• Security
• Re-use
• Cons
• More difficult to release
• Complex dependency
Thinking in React
ReactJS+Webpack Structure
Babel Introdcution
Babel - A Tool to convert ES6 to ES5
• A Tool to convert ES6 to ES5
• Babel is the most popular tool used to convert ES6 to ES5. It has
various interfaces like a CLI, Node-module and also an online
converter. I use the node module for my apps and use theonline
version to quickly see the differences.
• Why ES6
• 5 JavaScript “Bad” Parts That Are Fixed In ES6
• Modularized for React, Babel can convert JSX syntax and strip out type
Grunt/Gulp for React
• Not all browsers are supporting ES6 yet, so we're going to have to
transpile our ES6 code, turning it into ES5. We're also going to have
to handle 'JSX', the special Javascript that we can use for React. We
also need to play well with existing code.
Webpack for React
• Webpack is a bundler. It'll take a bunch of loose Javascript files and
build a single file from the lot
Webpack+Babel for React
• Even better, we can configure webpack to run files that match a
certain pattern to go through other 'loaders', which can process the
files further.
• We can use the Babel transpiler to turn an ES6 file to ES5. We just
need the glue to let Webpack use Babel as a loader. That comes in
the form of the Babel Loader:
• This package allows transpiling JavaScript files using Babel and
• React uses JSX as the XML-like syntax extension over JavaScript to
specify component tree structure, data flow, and event handlers. JSX
is processed by Webpack module bundler using specific loaders or
Environment Setup
Visual Studio 2015 with latest update
• React's JSX is now natively supported
• ECMAScript 2015 (formerly ECMAScript 6) support
React Snippet Pack
Collaborate with .net
• Demo Download
• Original post : detail of how to setup up front-end in core
and MVC5, sample is clone from AspNetReactSamples
• Setup
• Install node and NPM
• Go to root directory and use NPM to install js dependency
• npm install
• Build with install nuget dependency
• Run App
Project Structure
Layout and View
ES6 to ES5(using Babel)
Advance Webpack
• 設定開發React的環境
• 設定開發React的環境 - React Hot Loader
• Production optimization with React and Webpack
Q & A
11F., No.399, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan
TEL: +886 2 2798 8529 Fax: +886 2 2798 8531 Website :
• WEBPACK入門教學筆記
• 18 Tips for Website Performance Optimization
• Performance Guide for Tizen Web Applications(1): Resource Loading
• How-To: Integrate Webpack into Visual Studio 2015
• webpack-howto
• Pro React : Appendix A: Webpack for React
• 如何使用 Webpack 模組整合工具
• Webpack: your final module bundler
• Getting Started with React & ES6
• React Speed Coding
• Parallel Downloads Across Domains
• dependencies are installed on both:
• npm install from a directory that contains package.json
• npm install $package on any other directory
• devDependencies are:
• also installed on npm install on a directory that contains package.json, unless
you pass the --production flag
• not installed on npm install "$package" on any other directory, unless you
give it the --dev option.
• are not installed transitively.
• Most important
• dependencies are required to run, devDependencies only to develop, e.g.:
unit tests, Coffeescript to Javascript transpilation, minification, ...
[NPM] dependencies and devDependencies

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Webpack and Web Performance Optimization

  • 1. Webpack and Web Performance Optimization Blackie.Tsai 2016/11/18
  • 2. Agenda • Webpack Introduction • Web Optimization • Modularized Javascript and React • Collaborate with .net MVC
  • 4. • Today’s Web Apps Trendy • More and more JavaScript is being used. • Modern browsers are offering a wider range of interfaces. • Fewer full page reloads → even more code in a page • As a result there is a lot of code on the client side! A big code base needs to be organized. Module systems offer the option to split your code base into modules Current problems
  • 5. Webpack - A Module Bundler • A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the application on demand. Through "loaders," modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff. • Usage:
  • 6. Goals • Split the dependency tree into chunks loaded on demand • Keep initial loading time low • Every static asset should be able to be a module • Ability to integrate 3rd-party libraries as modules • Ability to customize nearly every part of the module bundler • Suited for big projects
  • 7. Features • Code Splitting • allows you to split your codebase into multiple chunks. Chunks are loaded asynchronously at runtime. This reduces the initial loading time. • Optimizations • can do many optimizations to reduce the output size of your JavaScript by de-duplicating frequently used modules, minifying, and giving you full control of what is loaded initially and what is loaded at runtime through code splitting. • Loaders • enables use of loaders to preprocess files. This allows you to bundle any static resource way beyond JavaScript. You can easily write your own loaders using node.js. • Module Format (AMD/CommonJS) • supports both AMD and CommonJS module styles. • Plug-in System • webpack features a rich plugin system and allows you to customize
  • 9. Loader • Loaders allow you to preprocess files as you require() or “load” them. • Loaders are kind of like “tasks” in other build tools, and provide a powerful way to handle frontend build steps. • Loaders can transform files from a different language like, CoffeeScript to JavaScript, or inline images as data URLs. • Loaders even allow you to do things like require() css files right in your JavaScript! You can import other Loaders to help you. • E.g. CSS-LOADER, IMAGE LOADER, BUNDLE-LOADER
  • 10. Loader - Sample • Webpack transform a module with a loader • ! syntax separating the loader from the module path? Loaders, like modules can also be specified with a relative path (as if you were requiring it) instead of the loader name • Chained together by separating loaders with the ! • Loaders with Parameters • loaders by config var moduleWithOneLoader = require("my-loader!./my-awesome-module"); var moduleWithLoaders = require("style-loader!css-loader!less-loader!./my-styles.less"); var moduleWithLoaderHasParameters = require("loader?with=parameter!./file"); { module: { loaders: [ { test: /.coffee$/, loader: "coffee-loader" } ], preLoaders: [ { test: /.coffee$/, loader: "coffee-hint-loader" } ] } };
  • 11. Webpack Config File • entry • Setup entry file • output • Determine output path and file name • module(optional) • Setup loaders
  • 13. NodeJS • Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. • Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world. • •
  • 14. [NPM]Webpack • • Setup • Project: npm install webpack --save-dev • Global: npm install webpack –g • Common Commands(usually execute with webpack.config.js file) • webpack:execute one time in dev mode. E.g. webpack main.js bundle.js • webpack -p: execute for production-ready • webpack --watch:execute and watch change to execute on background • webpack --progress --colors: execute with progress bar and colors
  • 16. WebPack Task Runner • 474c-8991-1438ae47012a
  • 20. • Unoptimized Resource(js, css, images) • Sites impacted: 90% • Content Served Without HTTP Compression • Sites impacted: 72% • Without Concatenate Resource(js, css or images) to one Request • Sites impacted: 69% • Too much HTTP Requests • Sites impacted: 69% • Without Caching Information • Sites impacted: 65% • Domain Sharding Not Implemented • Sites impacted: 64% Top issue for Web Performance
  • 21. • Image Optimization • Reduce HTTP Requests • Minify CSS and Javascript • Critical Path and Render Blocking Resources (CSS + JS) • Reduce Latency with a CDN • Avoid 301 Redirects • Caching • Web Font Performance • Enable Gzip Compression • Fix 404 Errors • Serve Scaled Images Top tips for Web Performance Optimization
  • 22. Adaptive Web Concept Header HTML iframe img media • CSS, icon and fonts • Most file can Concatenate (CSS merge and image sprite ) • Loading first and sequence with blocking • Body content, JS and other resource • Bigger file size than Header • Most file can’t Concatenate (exclude JS bundle and image sprite ) • Loading/Executing later when read the content with non-blocking body
  • 24. Delaying Image Loading • a.k.a Image Lazy Loading Solution To Lazy Loading SEO Impact
  • 25. Web Optimize Before Mobile Lite • Now • SBK have 15 requests for total 500KB transferred • 188 have 8 requests for total 600KB transferred • Action • Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content • Less request • Can improve 40% for latency issue on too many requests, from 23 to 14 • SBK • Combine JS request • 188(Brand) • Combine JS request • Refine 188(Brand) header/footer for provide less request version for SBK
  • 26. Reduce less with low User impact • Changes • General • No image(jpg, png and gif) file • Use CSS, Font(include icon) and HTML • Only one kind of font for Mobile Lite(Only Lato-Regular, no Lato-Bold) • Pagination for Today • Homepage • No image on each feature event • All Market • Score Board with simple background color • Estimated improvement • Reduce 4 request • Reduce 180 KB
  • 27. Reduce more but high User impact • Changes • General • No Auto refresh, using manually refresh(e.g. can click every 30s) • All Market • No Live Center(5 sec auto-refresh with 2.5 KB=>1 min with 30KB) • Estimated improvement • Reduce 1 request • Reduce 20 KB(exclude Live Center)
  • 28. Cut function but Company impact • Changes • Homepage • Only display 1st feature event • Only display top N priority sports events • Main Odds • Only display top N priority competition event • All Market • Display predefine priority markets only • Estimated improvement • Reduce 50 KB
  • 29. Comparison Original Web Optimized Low User Impact High User Impact Company Impact Request 23 14 10 9 9 Transferred size(KB) 1, 100 1,100 920 930 880
  • 31. Gulp Gulp is a Task Runner build by JavaScript to help automation. The less work you have to do when performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc. After you've configured it through a Gulpfile, a task runner can do most of that mundane work for team •Minify JavaScript, CSS files •Combine JavaScript, CSS files(including compile Sass and Less) and Image Sprites •Testing •Format or Code Rule check
  • 32. Development Flow - Developing • Integrate with Visual Studio with Task Runner Explorer, Gulp for VS • Help doing below task when ITC doing developing • Concatenation and minifying • Compile SASS file to CSS file on runtime • Testing minify JavaScript, CSS files • Testing combine JavaScript, CSS files(Sass and Less) and Image Sprites • Validate front-end coding rule
  • 33. Gulp Plugin • gulp-concat:file concatenate • gulp-minify-css: CSS minifying • gulp-uglify: Compressed Javascript(Can replace by Webpack) • gulp-rename:File rename • gulp-html-replace :Replace target source path • gulp-minify-html : Compressed HTML • Ref • •
  • 34. Integrate with Webpack • With webpack-stream (not recommened) • • Run webpack as a stream to conveniently integrate with gulp. • Big issue=>gulp & webpack整合,鱼与熊掌我都要! • Without webpack-stream • var gulp = require("gulp"); var gutil = require("gulp-util"); var webpack = require("webpack"); var WebpackDevServer = require("webpack-dev-server"); gulp.task("webpack", function(callback) { // run webpack webpack({ // configuration }, function(err, stats) { if(err) throw new gutil.PluginError("webpack", err); gutil.log("[webpack]", stats.toString({ // output options })); callback(); }); });
  • 35. Development Flow – Build and Release • Gulp help doing below task • Compile SASS file to CSS file • Minify JavaScript, CSS, HTML files(Release version) • Concatenate JavaScript, CSS files(including compile Sass and Less) and Image Sprites(Release version) • [Optional]Generate Format or Code Rule report • [Optional]Generate Front-end test report • Jenkins help doing below task • Trigger Grunt to build Release version • Build and Release DEV(daily) • Validate Unit test • Validate Integration test • Validate Automation test(Selenium) • Validate Web performance test(YSlow, Phantomjs or etc…) • Build and Release QAT • Prepare UAT release package • Aggregate and Sent release report
  • 36. • General • Avoid 301 Redirects • Fix All 404 Errors • Loading Resources On-demand • Avoid Render Blocking • Static content optimize • Concatenate(CSS merge、JS bundle、image sprite ) • Compression(gzip、minify, image compression) • Request optimize • CDN • Front-end Cache • Request Tuning and Combine • Domain Sharding Web Optimize
  • 38. Modularized JavaScript • Pros • Encapsulation • Decoupling • Organization • No global scope pollution • Security • Re-use • Cons • More difficult to release • Complex dependency
  • 42. Babel - A Tool to convert ES6 to ES5 • A Tool to convert ES6 to ES5 • Babel is the most popular tool used to convert ES6 to ES5. It has various interfaces like a CLI, Node-module and also an online converter. I use the node module for my apps and use theonline version to quickly see the differences. • Why ES6 • 5 JavaScript “Bad” Parts That Are Fixed In ES6 • Modularized for React, Babel can convert JSX syntax and strip out type annotations.
  • 44. Grunt/Gulp for React • Not all browsers are supporting ES6 yet, so we're going to have to transpile our ES6 code, turning it into ES5. We're also going to have to handle 'JSX', the special Javascript that we can use for React. We also need to play well with existing code.
  • 45. Webpack for React • Webpack is a bundler. It'll take a bunch of loose Javascript files and build a single file from the lot
  • 46. Webpack+Babel for React • Even better, we can configure webpack to run files that match a certain pattern to go through other 'loaders', which can process the files further. • We can use the Babel transpiler to turn an ES6 file to ES5. We just need the glue to let Webpack use Babel as a loader. That comes in the form of the Babel Loader:
  • 47. Babel-loader • This package allows transpiling JavaScript files using Babel and webpack.
  • 48. Dependency • React uses JSX as the XML-like syntax extension over JavaScript to specify component tree structure, data flow, and event handlers. JSX is processed by Webpack module bundler using specific loaders or convertors.
  • 50. Visual Studio 2015 with latest update • cript-editor-improvements-in-visual-studio-2015/ • vs.aspx • React's JSX is now natively supported • ECMAScript 2015 (formerly ECMAScript 6) support
  • 51. React Snippet Pack • 41e1-a926-850da8e8c7d7
  • 53. • Demo Download • Original post : detail of how to setup up front-end in core and MVC5, sample is clone from AspNetReactSamples • Setup • Install node and NPM • Go to root directory and use NPM to install js dependency • npm install • Build with install nuget dependency • Run App Demo
  • 59. Reference • 設定開發React的環境 • 設定開發React的環境 - React Hot Loader • Production optimization with React and Webpack
  • 60. Q & A
  • 61. 11F., No.399, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan TEL: +886 2 2798 8529 Fax: +886 2 2798 8531 Website : THANK YOU!
  • 62. Reference • WEBPACK入門教學筆記 • 18 Tips for Website Performance Optimization • Performance Guide for Tizen Web Applications(1): Resource Loading • How-To: Integrate Webpack into Visual Studio 2015 • webpack-howto • Pro React : Appendix A: Webpack for React • 如何使用 Webpack 模組整合工具 • Webpack: your final module bundler • Getting Started with React & ES6 • React Speed Coding • Parallel Downloads Across Domains
  • 63. • dependencies are installed on both: • npm install from a directory that contains package.json • npm install $package on any other directory • devDependencies are: • also installed on npm install on a directory that contains package.json, unless you pass the --production flag • not installed on npm install "$package" on any other directory, unless you give it the --dev option. • are not installed transitively. • Most important • dependencies are required to run, devDependencies only to develop, e.g.: unit tests, Coffeescript to Javascript transpilation, minification, ... [NPM] dependencies and devDependencies