SlideShare a Scribd company logo
at initial load
Speeding up your JavaScript application
● JavaScript & Java Frontend
Developer &Architect
● @Dab-Bank: Angular.js, BPMN, OSGi
That’s me
Client- Server-
Better User-Experience?
1. History of Web-Rendering Techniques
2. The Application Workflow
3. Decision to the best architecture

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What is Mean Stack Development ?
What is Mean Stack Development ?What is Mean Stack Development ?
What is Mean Stack Development ?

The document provides an overview of the MEAN stack, which is a full-stack JavaScript solution for building web applications. It consists of MongoDB (a NoSQL database), Express (a Node.js web application framework), AngularJS (a client-side framework), and Node.js (a JavaScript runtime). The document discusses each component, how they work together, advantages like using a single programming language throughout and ability to build fast applications, and disadvantages like MongoDB not being as robust as SQL databases. It concludes that MEAN provides a fast, easy way to create modern, responsive dynamic web sites.

mean stackmean stack training
AngularJS + React
AngularJS + ReactAngularJS + React
AngularJS + React

Your Angular app grew up and became too slow, so that you want to make it faster by implementing React framework. How to do it? Is it worth it? What's the easiest way? What are pros and cons? You can derive all of that from this presentation. (It may also be useful if you're just making a choice between these two frameworks.)

angular angularjs react reactjs ngreact
Booting up with polymer
Booting up with polymerBooting up with polymer
Booting up with polymer

In this presentation we'll take a look at building a full stack web application using Polymer and Web Components. After a quick introduction to Polymer, we’ll see how we can handle things like authentication, pagination of large data sets, and adapting our UI to different viewports. We’ll also review what’s needed for moving our app to production and optimizing our User Experience with quick load times and transition animations.

web componentsvaadinspring
Process of Rendering-Technologies
19951989 C,Shell,CGI-Scripts,
Phyton VB-Scripts, Perl ASP, PHP, Ruby,
Process of Rendering-Technologies
ActiveX, XAML
Ruby on Rails, .
Net, Wicket, GWT
Node.js based
“JS Everywhere”
Express, Derby, Meteor, OPA, ...
Process of Rendering-Technologies
Today Future
● Before
Framework Comparison matters
→ Richness & stability of Frameworks
● Now
Technique & Architecture matters
→ Surpass limitations
● Future
Webtechnologies get more important, HTML-5, ECMA-Script 7
→ Optimized & Fast Development

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MEAN Stack
MEAN StackMEAN Stack
MEAN Stack

MEAN Stack is a full-stack JavaScript solution that helps you build fast, robust and maintainable production web applications using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js.

mean stack
Angular 2 vs React. What to chose in 2017?
Angular 2 vs React. What to chose in 2017?Angular 2 vs React. What to chose in 2017?
Angular 2 vs React. What to chose in 2017?

The number of web development frameworks and libraries based on JavaScript continue increasing. The most popular client-side technologies are Angular and React, but you might ask - What should I use?

React js Online Training
React js Online TrainingReact js Online Training
React js Online Training Learntek is global online training provider on Big Data Analytics, Hadoop, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IOT, AI, Cloud Technology, DEVOPS, Digital Marketing and other IT and Management courses. We are dedicated to designing, developing and implementing training programs for students, corporate employees and business professional.

react jsjsreact js online training
Server or Client rendering ?
Client Server
Shared Definition
Client Server
I18n, View-Templates
UI Session-State on Server
Client Server
Clicked On Button
Return HTML & pass
JavaScript to be executed
- Resources
Less Control over

Recommended for you

React Native
React NativeReact Native
React Native

How to write JavaScript native iOS (and later android) apps? React Native, basics, components and infrastructure.

react nativejavascriptios
Understanding Page Load / Ziling Zhao (Google)
Understanding Page Load / Ziling Zhao (Google)Understanding Page Load / Ziling Zhao (Google)
Understanding Page Load / Ziling Zhao (Google)

Large websites with large customer bases should have fast page loads no matter where your customers are coming from. In this day and age speed is expected. Getting there requires engineers to both have data and the ability to analyze and find problems. This talk will address page load speed in two parts. A "cold" load where a user first comes to your site and a "warm" load which deals with intra-site page load speed. We will dive into the details of each page load and what is really going on. From network optimization to browser render performance, all things matter when it comes to optimizing the load of your web page. Furthermore, we will look into some tools that can be used to analyze and help developers discover and address problems.

React native: building native iOS apps with javascript
React native: building native iOS apps with javascriptReact native: building native iOS apps with javascript
React native: building native iOS apps with javascript

React-Native is Facebook's React based native application framework. You can write iOS applications using native Views and Controls, while the whole application logic is written in Javascript (the good parts of it in fact). Soon Android version will be released but for now we can build iOS apps with it.

react nativeiosandroid
Flow of Page-Initialization
1. 2. 3. 4.
Worst Case Flow
Loading Screen
User sees page
in one shot
1. 2. 3. 4.
Worst Case Flow
Loading Screen
1. 2. 3. 4.Possible
Hack the intialization process
● Minify
● Cache
● Load assets asynchronously
● Load content asynchronously
● Reducing Requests
Faster file loading

Recommended for you

React Vs AnagularJS
React Vs AnagularJSReact Vs AnagularJS
React Vs AnagularJS

This document provides an overview of ReactJS and Angular, comparing their key features. It discusses their different architectural approaches, with Angular following MVVM and React following Flux. It also covers important React concepts like JSX, components, props, state, the virtual DOM, and React's event system. The document aims to help understand the core differences between these two popular frontend frameworks.

Reactjs workshop
Reactjs workshop Reactjs workshop
Reactjs workshop

The document outlines a React workshop covering what React is, its core concepts, and coding with React. It begins with an introduction and overview of React. It then covers key React concepts like components, the virtual DOM, JSX, state and props. Finally, it demonstrates how to start coding with React by rendering a component, using state, and working with forms. Resources for further learning are also provided at the end.


This document provides an introduction to JavaScript by explaining what it is, how it differs from Java, how it works within web browsers to make pages interactive, and some common uses of JavaScript including form validation and manipulating HTML elements. It discusses how JavaScript code is embedded in HTML pages and executed on the client-side, and provides some simple examples of JavaScript statements and using JavaScript with HTML forms.

Async Loading, splitting files
Ajax &
Async(e.g. module loader)
Apply Binding
Client-Only, Single file,
Ajax &
Concat & precomile to single file
Apply Binding
Combination of ng-init & UIRouter
Grunt.js build:
● Precompile
● Concat files
Reducing Requests
Load Asynchronously
Faster file loading

Recommended for you

001. Introduction about React
001. Introduction about React001. Introduction about React
001. Introduction about React

This document provides an introduction to ReactJS, including: - ReactJS was developed by Facebook in 2013 and is currently at version 15.3.2; it is a view library rather than a framework - Reasons for choosing ReactJS include faster websites, reusable views, a large community, ease of writing tests, and integration with other frameworks - The document discusses Webpack, JSX, ES6 features, and Redux, which are important technologies to learn when using ReactJS

React js Demo Explanation
React js Demo ExplanationReact js Demo Explanation
React js Demo Explanation

Rama Krishna is an online trainer based in Hyderabad, India with over 11 years of experience in frontend and backend development. He provides training in various technologies including ReactJS, Angular, NodeJS, and more. This document outlines his experience and skills, provides a detailed course outline for a ReactJS training, and shares positive testimonials from past students who praise his teaching abilities and patience.

React.js - and how it changed our thinking about UI
React.js - and how it changed our thinking about UIReact.js - and how it changed our thinking about UI
React.js - and how it changed our thinking about UI

This document discusses React.js and how it changed the author's thinking about building user interfaces (UI). It describes how developing UI was previously slow, error-prone, and not fun using Handlebars templates, jQuery DOM manipulation, and redrawing on every change. React.js introduced a declarative and component-based approach that is faster, less error-prone, and more enjoyable. Components have properties (props) and state, re-render only when needed for performance, and can be reused and remain independent. This new approach to UI development freed the author to focus more on experimentation rather than fighting the framework.

Public Private
Lazy Template Rendering
<div ng-template=”pizzaTemplate”>
<h2 ng-model=”{{i18n.header}}></h2>
<li ng-repeat=”pizza in pizzas”>
● h2 and li render deferred
● Render when data are available, independent
● Render when data changed: Databinding
Less Requests & Non Blocking UI
<script>/* Inline Angular.js asset*/</script>
<script>/* Inline async asset loader*/</script>
$script([ 'js/app.js'], function() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']); });
<div ng-view></div>
Client vs Server Templating: Speed up initial load for SPA with Angular as an example

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Angular 4
Angular 4Angular 4
Angular 4

Angular is a framework for building single-page applications. It uses TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript, and includes features like modules, components, directives, and services. Modules contain components and the root module is AppModule. Components have an HTML template and class with logic to control the template. Services provide reusable functionality like data access. Directives modify views by providing instructions within component templates. Setting up Angular involves installing Node.js, TypeScript, typings, Angular CLI, and creating a new project with ng new. The main.ts file acts as the entry point and bootstraps the app module. The tsconfig.json file provides TypeScript configuration and compiles TS to JS.

Combining Angular and React Together
Combining Angular and React TogetherCombining Angular and React Together
Combining Angular and React Together

This document discusses using AngularJs and React together. It provides an overview of AngularJs and React, explaining that AngularJs is a framework for dynamic web apps while React is a library for creating user interfaces. It describes how components in React can be built to work with AngularJs and encapsulate concerns. Performance is generally better with React, especially for long lists. Ng-React is introduced as an AngularJs module that makes it easy to use React components in AngularJs applications. Examples are provided of how to render React components using Ng-React, including data bindings.

How NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscape
How NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscapeHow NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscape
How NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscape

This document discusses how to avoid getting lost in the current JavaScript landscape. It begins by looking at modern web development trends like HTML5, CSS3, ES6, and expectations of fast page loads. It then examines traditional page lifecycles versus single page applications and various JavaScript frameworks. The document advocates for progressive enhancement and outlines strategies like "Hijax" and using the HTML5 History API to improve traditional approaches. It also discusses issues like code duplication, the benefits of isomorphic JavaScript, and tools for frontend development including Grunt, Gulp, asset bundlers, and test runners. It concludes by providing recommendations on technologies to adopt, consider, or stop using to develop with a progressive enhancement approach.

ng-cloak & ng-hide
● ng-cloak
Disables lazy-rendering for all children
● ng-hide
Replacing of initial HTML
with deferred template-rendered
● No Flicking
Display Initial HTML
→ Performance Boost
Ajax &
Apply Binding
● Load assets after HTML is loaded
● Will not freeze UI
How to combine Initial HTML with
deferred template Rendering ?
● Share Model Information
● Share HTML within template
● SEO ( Disabled JS support)
Mixture of Client-Server Code
#{for pizza:pizzas}
<li ng-repeat={{pizza}}>
● Hard to understand
● No separation

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The document discusses LinkedIn's adoption of the Dust templating language in 2011. Some key points: - LinkedIn needed a unified view layer as different teams were using different templating technologies like JSP, GSP, ERB. - They evaluated 26 templating options and selected Dust as it best met their criteria like performance, i18n support, and being logic-less. - Dust templates are compiled to JavaScript for client-side rendering and to Java for server-side rendering (SSR) through Google's V8 engine, allowing templates to work on both client and server. - SSR addresses challenges like SEO, supporting clients without JavaScript, and i18n by rendering

web developmenttemplatesjavascript
JSFest 2019: Technology agnostic microservices at SPA frontend
JSFest 2019: Technology agnostic microservices at SPA frontendJSFest 2019: Technology agnostic microservices at SPA frontend
JSFest 2019: Technology agnostic microservices at SPA frontend

We'll go through the possible ways to bring technology agnostic microservice architecture to the frontend, review pros/cons of each of them. We also will check the "ultimate solution" that handles microservices with SSR in SPA manner. This talk will be interesting for ones who have multiple teams working on the same frontend application.

JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Влад Федосов. Technology agnostic microservices at SPA f...
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Влад Федосов. Technology agnostic microservices at SPA f...JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Влад Федосов. Technology agnostic microservices at SPA f...
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Влад Федосов. Technology agnostic microservices at SPA f...

We'll go through the possible ways to bring technology agnostic microservice architecture to the frontend, review pros/cons of each of them. We also will check the "ultimate solution" that handles microservices with SSR in SPA manner. This talk will be interesting for ones who have multiple teams working on the same frontend application.

Complete Separation
index.vm, Server side:
index.html, Client Side:
● Separation
● Duplication
Share model Information:
Save in variable
var model = #{pizzas.toJson()}
● Works with all frameworks
● Simple
● Need to touch logic code
Share model Information:
Separate Service call
app.get(‘pizzas’), function(request, response){
$scope.pizzas = response;
● Clear separation of Data
● No server-side code in client-code
● Additional service call
● Blocking UI
Share model Information:
Separate Service call
<div ng-init=’#{pizzas.toJSObject()}’>
● No need to touch logic
● Executed before Angular.js Bootstrap
● Minimum Server-Templating needed
● Needs Angular assets to be loaded
● Angular.js specific

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Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration
Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous IntegrationGrunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration
Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration

A presentation about the build tool grunt js JavaScript for web applications and node.js environments to achieve continous integration. David Amend

node.jsyeomancontinous integration
Building a Better Web with HTML5 and CSS3
Building a Better Web with HTML5 and CSS3Building a Better Web with HTML5 and CSS3
Building a Better Web with HTML5 and CSS3

HTML5 and CSS3 provide improvements to building the web. HTML5 introduces more semantic tags that improve accessibility and cleaner code. It also provides native support for video, audio, local storage and better interactions. CSS3 enhances presentation. HTML5 is supported across modern browsers and on mobile, allowing responsive design. New features like canvas and WebGL enable graphic effects. Geolocation allows accessing a user's location with permission. HTML5 aims to make the web platform more powerful and flexible.

html5cssweb design and development
Pagespeed what, why, and how it works
Pagespeed   what, why, and how it worksPagespeed   what, why, and how it works
Pagespeed what, why, and how it works

This document discusses PageSpeed, a tool for just-in-time performance optimization of web pages. It provides automatic image compression and resizing, CSS and JavaScript minification, inline small files, caching, and deferring JavaScript among other optimizations. While most performance issues are well understood, not all websites are fast due to the tradeoff between speed and ease of maintenance. PageSpeed tools like mod_pagespeed can automate optimizations to improve performance without extra work from developers.

Render Client-Template
before init-phase
Ajax &
Apply Binding
Usage of ng-init
Share init HTML within template
Reuse of HTML
within template at Initial State
Template Engine not rendered, yet
Reuse of HTML
within template at Initial State
Template Engine not rendered, yet

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JavascriptMVC: Another choice of web framework
JavascriptMVC: Another choice of web frameworkJavascriptMVC: Another choice of web framework
JavascriptMVC: Another choice of web framework

JavascriptMVC is another client side web MVC framework based on jQuery. It has totally solution to build a web application. This slide will introduce basic features of JavascriptMVC3.2

Angular (v2 and up) - Morning to understand - Linagora
Angular (v2 and up) - Morning to understand - LinagoraAngular (v2 and up) - Morning to understand - Linagora
Angular (v2 and up) - Morning to understand - Linagora

Slides of the talk about Angular, at the "Matinée Pour Comprendre" organized by Linagora the 22/03/17. Discover what's new in Angular, why is it more than just a framework (platform) and how to manage your data with RxJs and Redux.

Beginners Node.js
Beginners Node.jsBeginners Node.js
Beginners Node.js

Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment that allows building scalable network applications. It uses Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine and runs on a single thread without blocking I/O operations. Node.js is optimized for non-blocking event-driven operations and has a large ecosystem of reusable modules. Some common uses of Node.js include real-time web applications, REST APIs, streaming data applications, and networking servers.

Reuse of HTML
within template at Initial State
Template Engine not rendered, yet
<div ng-model={{pizza.price}}></div>
● Reuse of html within
the template for initial state
Client or

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Shining a light on performance (js meetup)
Shining a light on performance (js meetup)Shining a light on performance (js meetup)
Shining a light on performance (js meetup)

This document discusses various tools and techniques for optimizing web performance, including Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights, the Rendering tab in DevTools, memoization, virtual scrolling, removing unused code, optimizing fonts and images, service workers, and media optimizations like lazy loading and CDNs. Useful links are provided for each topic to learn more about improving performance.

Pre rendering media sites with nuxt.js & netlify
Pre rendering media sites with nuxt.js & netlifyPre rendering media sites with nuxt.js & netlify
Pre rendering media sites with nuxt.js & netlify

This document discusses using Nuxt.js and Netlify to pre-render media sites from a data source like Drupal for improved performance. Pre-rendering generates static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that are faster to load than dynamic sites. Nuxt.js is a progressive framework for Vue.js that supports server-side rendering and static site generation. Netlify provides hosting for static sites with automatic deployments from Git repositories. The combination provides a decoupled way to serve pre-rendered content without ongoing server costs. Personalization and dynamic updates are also discussed.

Optimization 2020 | Using Edge SEO For Technical Issues ft. Dan Taylor
Optimization 2020 | Using Edge SEO For Technical Issues ft. Dan TaylorOptimization 2020 | Using Edge SEO For Technical Issues ft. Dan Taylor
Optimization 2020 | Using Edge SEO For Technical Issues ft. Dan Taylor

This document discusses using edge computing technologies like content delivery networks (CDNs) to overcome technical barriers to SEO implementation and perform edge SEO. CDNs allow SEO implementations to be done serverlessly at the edge without touching origin source code. Examples of edge SEO include dynamically generating meta titles and tags, redirecting, AB testing, collecting pseudo server logs, and dynamically rendering JavaScript to resolve issues. Edge SEO provides benefits like speed, security, and enables implementations that may otherwise be restricted by platforms. Potential issues include impacting all requests and introducing latency, but recent developments have reduced these concerns.

edge seoedge seo dan tayloroptimization 2020
● Knownledge in team
○ Java or Web-Developers?
● Context of Webapplication
○ Webpage behind Login?
■ Prefetch & Initialize
○ Only used in company or
■ Performance & browser support
can be ignored
○ Public
● Save Money
○ Do not do overegineering
Same Template Framework
Client WebServer
Template Files
Initial Request
● e.g. Mustache
Google Closure, Dual,...
● Share template files between Client & Server
Render JS on Server
Initial Request
Identical Client Code
● Independant of template engine
● No extra development effort
● Could be Dependant on Browser Node.js
Lessons learned
● Twitter
● Yahoo
● Angular.js 2.0: Announced
● Google, Closure Tools
● Google Apps Script

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Developing high performance and responsive web apps using web worker
Developing high performance and responsive web apps using web workerDeveloping high performance and responsive web apps using web worker
Developing high performance and responsive web apps using web worker

A brief talk on web application performance and responsiveness. Why it is important and how web worker can help achieve it. It also covers a simple example implementing web workers.

html5web workerwebworker
Angularjs practical project experiences with javascript development in a bank
Angularjs practical project experiences with javascript development in a bankAngularjs practical project experiences with javascript development in a bank
Angularjs practical project experiences with javascript development in a bank

This document summarizes a presentation about DAB Bank's experience switching to Angular.js for web development. It discusses how Angular.js helped solve problems with AJAX, customization, and legacy code. It provides an overview of how DAB Bank used Angular.js to build a personal finance manager application. Additional slides cover topics like SEO, security, Angular 2.0, TypeScript, and modern tech stacks.

You Can Work on the Web Patform! (GOSIM 2023)
You Can Work on the Web Patform! (GOSIM 2023)You Can Work on the Web Patform! (GOSIM 2023)
You Can Work on the Web Patform! (GOSIM 2023)

Have you ever wanted to work on a web browser? Servo is an experimental web engine written in Rust. Its small code base and friendly community mean that it is an ideal project for those looking to dip their toes into the world of web browser engineering. In this, Martin Robinson covers the basics of building and running Servo on your own computer. In addition, we'll take a tour of Servo's main subsystems and see what kind of work goes into building them. Additionally, we'll cover a variety of types of contributions to Servo, adapted to different kinds of experience and specialization. By the end you should have the tools you need to explore contributing yourself. (c) GOSIM Workshop 2023 Sept 23-24 Grand Hyatt, Pudong, Shanghai

servowebweb engines hackfest
Hybrid:Executed page in JavaScript Environment
Are in experimental state:
● Headless browsers: PhantomJS
● Services: BromBone
● Ruby solutions
● Rendr (Backbone & Handelbars)
● Google Scripts
● Meteor
● Mojito
Any Questions ?
Client vs Server Templating: Speed up initial load for SPA with Angular as an example
Additonal Slides

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DPC2007 Zend Framework (Gaylord Aulke)
DPC2007 Zend Framework (Gaylord Aulke)DPC2007 Zend Framework (Gaylord Aulke)
DPC2007 Zend Framework (Gaylord Aulke)

The document discusses the Zend Framework, an open-source PHP framework. It provides the following key points: 1. The Zend Framework provides a high-quality PHP framework for developing web applications and web services, following principles of extreme simplicity and best practices. 2. It is developed by the PHP community led by Zend and is open-source under a BSD license. 3. Major companies like IBM and Google use the Zend Framework for various projects.

by dpc
Making sense of the front-end, for PHP developers
Making sense of the front-end, for PHP developersMaking sense of the front-end, for PHP developers
Making sense of the front-end, for PHP developers

The complexity of frontend web development has increased measurably. Gone are the days of jQuery. New frameworks like React and Vue and tools like Webpack are the new deal. In this talk, we will try to make sense of the current state of front-end development and how it changes how we write backend code. More specifically, we will see how Symfony and Laravel help us in that regard.

Optimizing a React application for Core Web Vitals
Optimizing a React application for Core Web VitalsOptimizing a React application for Core Web Vitals
Optimizing a React application for Core Web Vitals

The performance of your web application can define the success of your website, the core web vitals are key metrics that help you to keep track and improve the user experience. This talk we will see how to optimize and measure a React application performance using some basic techniques, like code splitting with webpack, SEO optimization and bottleneck resolutions with examples.

Client vs Server Templating: Speed up initial load for SPA with Angular as an example
● By Server-centric
● By Client-centric
● By complete Client-Server Separation
● By sharing same Client-Server Template API
→ How about i18n-texts ?
● By sharing logic between Client-Server
(Validation, DataTransferObjects...)
→ Angular.js as an example
Server or Client rendering ?
Syntax forces
JavaScript, XML:
Reuse of code:
Less Money
For Slow
Slow Network
Syntax forces
Initial Load
is x5 faster
Programming for
Controller&View on
the Client machine
Full control
over Client
Rich User
Use of Data-
● Authentication-Information Request
● i18n Request

Recommended for you


This document provides an overview of web development using technologies like PHP, jQuery, AJAX, Comet and HTML5. It discusses client/server architecture and how web applications use a traditional three-tier model. It also outlines and describes key server-side technologies like PHP and client-side technologies like JavaScript, how they interact with documents using the DOM, and how jQuery can be used to simplify DOM manipulation and AJAX requests.

Componentization css angular
Componentization css angularComponentization css angular
Componentization css angular

The document discusses CSS componentization strategies in Angular applications. It covers: - Angular's emulated view encapsulation and how it adds prefixes like _nghost and _ngcontent to isolate CSS - Using :host, :host-context and ::ng-deep to style components and apply themes - Different CSS architectures like OOCSS, BEM and SMACSS that can be used to structure CSS components - The benefits of separating CSS into standalone, reusable style components vs embedding styles directly in components - Best practices like defining styles using standalone CSS files and applying view encapsulation: None for performance

angular 2web componentsshadow dom
Angular 2 : learn TypeScript already with Angular 1
Angular 2 : learn TypeScript already with Angular 1Angular 2 : learn TypeScript already with Angular 1
Angular 2 : learn TypeScript already with Angular 1

TypeScript can be used to add types to JavaScript for better integration with IDEs and refactoring support. It allows defining interfaces to support modular projects and combining client and server models. Key things to know about TypeScript include interfaces, decorators, module support, and ES6 features. There are many benefits to using TypeScript like refactoring support, code exploration, and self-documentation.

Client Only
“Server is Overkill”, Tim Oxley
“Goodbye Server, Welcome Client”, Sandro Sonntag
Performance Templating
Depending on App
● Profiling Tools
● Batarang, check yourself
● Bind-Once
● Use Value by Reference
Acceptance Criteria
● Peformance
● Component model
Goals for the View-Part
Software Quality/Features
● Data binding
● Standard supports
● Internationalization
● Long term
● Reduce duplication
● Less Development Time
Goals for the View-Part

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Performance monitoring measurement angualrjs single page apps with phantomas
Performance monitoring measurement angualrjs single page apps with phantomasPerformance monitoring measurement angualrjs single page apps with phantomas
Performance monitoring measurement angualrjs single page apps with phantomas

Phantomas is a tool for monitoring web performance and Angular.js applications. It passively monitors performance through a JavaScript virtual machine and Node.js. It generates reports on metrics like requests, assets, DOM complexity, and events in JSON, CSV, TAP, and other formats. It has an easy setup through Grunt and focuses only on frontend performance without network latency.

Story about module management with angular.js
Story about module management with angular.jsStory about module management with angular.js
Story about module management with angular.js

Angular.js angular some thoughs and learnings about module management. some ideas about usefulness of amd and alternatives up to async loading of content and execution Speakers: Johannes Weber David Amend

Multi modularized project setup with gulp, typescript and angular.js
Multi modularized project setup with gulp, typescript and angular.jsMulti modularized project setup with gulp, typescript and angular.js
Multi modularized project setup with gulp, typescript and angular.js

The document discusses setting up a multi-module build process for an Angular and TypeScript application with Gulp at DAB Bank. It describes challenges with their initial Grunt-based approach and outlines their new Gulp-based solution using a common setup module to define shared build tasks and provide a base configuration. It also covers managing dependencies between files and modules through Angular's module system and TypeScript's module syntax.

Want to hide/wrap/ignore
the Web?
Code Generation
Too Abstract Layering
Easy extendable
Easy combination
of Frameworks
Easy Customizeable
Angular.js Primary
Bad: Different model concepts
Ajax &
Apply Binding
<script src=”#{locale}.js>
● 3 Different ways to save i18n
static asset.js I18n: within JSON data
Techniques & Webtechnologies
Angular.js possibilities
<div ng-init=”pizzaModel”>
<h2 ng-cloak ng-bind=”{{pizza.header}} ></h2>
<img src=”loading.gif” ng-hide=”true”></img>
<ul ng-hide=”{{doneLoading}}”>
<li ng-repeat=”pizza in pizzas”>

Recommended for you

Reasons to migrate to modern web development with JavaScript
Reasons to migrate to modern web development with JavaScriptReasons to migrate to modern web development with JavaScript
Reasons to migrate to modern web development with JavaScript

advanced, angular, angular.js, architecture, cons, dab-bank, java, javaee, javascript, jsf, lessons learned, migration, node, pro, serverside, techstack, typescript, vaadin, webframework, java

Thin Server Architecture SPA, 5 years old presentation
Thin Server Architecture SPA, 5 years old presentationThin Server Architecture SPA, 5 years old presentation
Thin Server Architecture SPA, 5 years old presentation

The document discusses the future of web technologies with thin-server architectures. It outlines the history of web development from early desktop applications to modern rich internet applications. The thin-server architecture moves more functionality to the client side, making applications more scalable, cacheable, and stateless. Major companies are investing in client-side technologies like Google Web Toolkit, and emerging standards like HTML5 support more intelligent clients.

single page applicationspa
Javascript & Angular .js for the enterprise, lessons learned, typescript scal...
Javascript & Angular .js for the enterprise, lessons learned, typescript scal...Javascript & Angular .js for the enterprise, lessons learned, typescript scal...
Javascript & Angular .js for the enterprise, lessons learned, typescript scal...

javascript angular.js angular using typescript scalable code enterprise quality directives services demo project lessons learned advanced manageable code

angular.jsangularlessons learned
Combination of View-Rendering
Logic ViewLogic
XML,XSLTHard to merge
Sencha, Dojo,
Fits to
Always Code-Generation
Types Of View-
Drag & Drop / Generation
Wavemaker, Oracle Forms...
UI Session-State on Server, Client-
Client Server
Clicked On Button
Trigger Rendering of Window
e.g. GWT(Vaadin),
- Resources

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Grunt.js is a build tool like Rake, Ant, Maven, and Groovy that uses npm and JSON syntax. It is easy to extend and supports various environments. The document discusses several Grunt plugins for text input/output including grunt-figlet, grunt-cat, grunt-attention, grunt-prompt, and grunt-notify. It also briefly describes the Grunt API and configuration utilities.

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Grunt js for the Enterprise Vol.1: Frontend Performance with Phantomas. This is the first presentation of an upcoming series to achieve a proper Continous Integration process for big JavaScript projects, memory leaks javascript, David Amend

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This document provides an overview and comparison of different GWT frameworks, including plain GWT, SmartGWT, Ext-GWT/GXT, and Vaadin. It discusses the features and limitations of each framework, including architecture, components, licensing, and support. The presentation compares the frameworks on factors like learning curve, performance, customization capabilities, and integration with other technologies and aims to help attendees decide which framework may be best for their needs and projects.

Imperative vs. Declarative
<div ng-hide=”condition”>content</div>
Performance: Flow of Rendering
Ajax &
Apply Binding
does Lazy
Types of View Definition
Simple String-
e.g. JSP, PHP,
Ruby, ASP
Dojo, Angular,
Initial state is
Do not fight the
DOMExpensive !!!

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NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company

NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company Enhance Your Financial Services with Comprehensive NBFC Software NBFC software provides a complete solution for non-banking financial companies, streamlining banking and accounting functions to reduce operational costs. Our software is designed to meet the diverse needs of NBFCs, including investment banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds. Key Features of NBFC Software: Centralized Database: Facilitates inter-branch collaboration and smooth operations with a unified platform. Automation: Simplifies loan lifecycle management and account maintenance, ensuring efficient delivery of financial services. Customization: Highly customizable to fit specific business needs, offering flexibility in managing various loan types such as home loans, mortgage loans, personal loans, and more. Security: Ensures safe and secure handling of financial transactions and sensitive data. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, reducing the learning curve for employees. Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for additional manpower by automating tasks, making it a budget-friendly solution. Benefits of NBFC Software: Go Paperless: Transition to a fully digital operation, eliminating offline work. Transparency: Enables managers and executives to monitor various points of the banking process easily. Defaulter Tracking: Helps track loan defaulters, maintaining a healthy loan management system. Increased Accessibility: Cutting-edge technology increases the accessibility and usability of NBFC operations. Request a Demo Now!

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dachnug51 - HCL Sametime 12 as a Software Appliance.pdf
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dachnug51 | HCL Sametime 12 as a Software Appliance | Erik Schwalb

Load All In One Shot/Request
Lazy/Async Modularized
e.g. jQuery Mobile
Full Conditions,
Loop, Logic
Logic-Free Templates
Less as possible
e.g. Handlebars
Read-Logic only
● 2.0v (server-side-prerendering, modularized,
● Maintaining?
● Speed?-Initial Load ? Flicker?
● Needed? - SEO, Work without JS?
Templating 2nd
● (shameless plug)
● Angular magically does template rendering of the view
○ Optimization
○ Huge potential of optimization on the client side
○ Optimization of server side rendering is an illusion.
● Async, ng-cloak
● ng-bind vs. {{}}
● class usage disturbs designers
● make the DOM your friend
“80% DOM, 20% logic” ( Misko Hevery)
● Load all in one shot vs load all lazy loaded
● lazy loading in the background (jquery Mobile)

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WhatsApp Tracker Software is an effective tool for remotely tracking the target’s WhatsApp activities. It allows users to monitor their loved one’s online behavior to ensure appropriate interactions for responsive device use. Download this PPTX file and share this information to others.

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User Experience matters
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Lazy Code Loading
Angular.js Performance improvement

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Ansys Mechanical enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions. With the finite element analysis (FEA) solvers available in the suite, you can customize and automate solutions for your structural mechanics problems and parameterize them to analyze multiple design scenarios. Ansys Mechanical is a dynamic tool that has a complete range of analysis tools.

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Attendance Tracking From Paper To DigitalAttendance Tracking From Paper To Digital
Attendance Tracking From Paper To Digital
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