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Google Polymer
Model View ViewModel(MVVM) - UI paradigm for applying context to data objects
JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) - A succinct syntax for representing data objects in text
Data Binding - Linking a data object to an interface component so that the interface and data object react
naturally to user interaction
Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) - Syntax for setting the look of an HTML element
Data Object Model(DOM) - Model that the browser uses to identify what/how elements should be
presented on the screen as well as how to interact with them.
Web Components - web standard for creating reusable custom widgets. Current state of implementation.
Material Design - Adds inherited characteristics to attributes like z-index. Allows page layout to react to
spontaneous events.
What is Polymer?
CSS Styling and Layouts JavaScript Widgets Databinding Uses Web Components
* What you get out of the box.
What does it solve?
Reduces spaghetti code in your JavaScript
Reduces coupling between groups of elements
Packages all dependencies with element for easy reuse
Gives you a bunch of cool custom controls

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Web Components
Web ComponentsWeb Components
Web Components

Web Components are like Lego bricks. Easy to assemble and every piece simply fits together. But there is even more to it. Being able to create your own HTML-Tags with encapsulated style & logic changes the way you think about structuring your web applications. Get a sneak peek on how to develop scalable & maintainable applications in the future.

Web Components with Polymer (extra Polymer 2.0)
Web Components with Polymer (extra Polymer 2.0)Web Components with Polymer (extra Polymer 2.0)
Web Components with Polymer (extra Polymer 2.0)

This document discusses Web Components and the Polymer library. It begins with an introduction to Web Components and their benefits like reusability. It then discusses what Polymer is and why it is useful for building Web Components, including its templating features. The remainder covers Polymer 2.0 updates, tools like the Polymer CLI, learning resources, and a question/answer section.

Building a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / Spring
Building a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / SpringBuilding a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / Spring
Building a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / Spring

Polymer is the latest web framework out of Google. Designed completely around the emerging Web Components standards, it has the lofty goal of making it easy to build apps based on these low level primitives. Along with Polymer comes a new set of Elements (buttons, dialog boxes and such) based on the ideas of "Material Design". These technologies together make it easy to build responsive, componentized "Single Page" web applications that work for browsers on PCs or mobile devices. But what about the backend, and how do we make these apps secure? In this talk Scott Deeg will take you through an introduction to Polmyer and its related technologies, and then through the build out of a full blown cloud based app with a secure, ReSTful backend based on Spring ReST, Spring Cloud, and Spring Security and using Thymeleaf for backend rendering jobs. At the end he will show the principles applied in a tool he's currently building. The talk will be mainly code walk through and demo, and assumes familiarity with Java/Spring and JavaScript.

What does it solve? Pt.2
Batch Product Operator
000-01 Product1 Dan
000-02 Product2 Jack
000-03 Product1 Sam
000-04 Product2 Dan
What does it solve? Pt.3
Batch Product Date
000-01 Product1 12/8/15
000-02 Product2 12/9/15
000-03 Product1 12/10/15
000-04 Product2 12/11/15
Adding Polymer to
ASP MVC Project
Polymer can be added to your
Content folder.
The file structure should look
similar to the this.
The only file that will need to be
included is the MyElement.html.
In this example it would be google-
Getting Started
WebComponents.JS adds support
for web components on older
Include Steps
Add Reference to
Add Includes for all components
that you want to use
Uses the included element.


<link rel="import" href="google-

<google-map latitude="37.790"

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The rise of Polymer and Web Components (Kostas Karolemeas) - GreeceJS #17
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The rise of Polymer and Web Components (Kostas Karolemeas) - GreeceJS #17

Google Polymer builds a comprehensive web platform on the foundation of the emerging standard of Web Components.

Web Components + Backbone: a Game-Changing Combination
Web Components + Backbone: a Game-Changing CombinationWeb Components + Backbone: a Game-Changing Combination
Web Components + Backbone: a Game-Changing Combination

Web Components promise to change how we think about modularity on the web, and when combined with the structure and organization of Backbone.js we can create portable, dynamic, encapsulated UI modules that fit into any web application.

backbone.jsjavascriptweb components
Polymer & the web components revolution 6:25:14
Polymer & the web components revolution 6:25:14Polymer & the web components revolution 6:25:14
Polymer & the web components revolution 6:25:14

Polymer & the Web Components Revolution from Google I/O on 6/25/14 by Matthew McNulty. An overview of Web Components, Polymer, and the ecosystem and tools being created surrounding them.

Notable Pieces of an Element
Each element definition has a
section for defining the
endpoints for properties and
event handlers.
Has includes for all underlying
Has include for default CSS

<dom-module id="product-form">
Product:<input value=”{{product}}” />
Batch: <input value=”{{batch}}” />
Operator: <input value=”{{operator}}” />
is: 'product-form',
properties: {
product: String,
batch: String,
date: String
Why Should I Use It
Common integration pattern for all elements
Support for one-way and two-way data binding
Implements Web Components
Extensible HTML elements
Setting Data Binding
Double mustache notation represents
two-way binding “{{myObject}}”
Double square brackets represents
one-way binding “[[myObject]]”
Data binding usually uses the “items”
Use the “as” attribute to set the name
for a single item in the items list.
<template is="dom-bind">
<iron-ajax url="data.json" last-response="{{data}}" auto></iron-ajax>
<iron-list items="[[data]]" as="person">
Name: <span>[[]]</span>
Customizing CSS
Even though all elements will likely
come with a default styling. Polymer
allows for modifications of an
element's CSS.
paper-button.fancy {
background: green;
color: yellow;
paper-button.fancy:hover {
background: lime;
paper-button[toggles][active] {
background: red;

Recommended for you


Polymer is a library for creating reusable web components. It allows developers to define custom elements with associated JavaScript behaviors to provide sophisticated user interfaces. Key features include defining local DOM, data binding with templates, declaring custom element properties, and composing elements from other elements. Properties support default values, configuration from markup, and two-way data binding for dynamic updates.

Web Components and Modular CSS
Web Components and Modular CSSWeb Components and Modular CSS
Web Components and Modular CSS

Given at CSS Dev Conf 2014 in New Orleans on October 14, 2014. This full presentation written with Web Components can be viewed with Chrome 36+ online at The source of the presentation is available on GitHub:

cssweb componentsjs
A brave new web - A talk about Web Components
A brave new web - A talk about Web ComponentsA brave new web - A talk about Web Components
A brave new web - A talk about Web Components

The document discusses emerging web component technologies including templates, shadow DOM, custom elements, and HTML imports. It provides examples of how each technology addresses limitations of past approaches like jQuery plugins and Angular directives by allowing developers to build reusable, encapsulated widgets and components using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These new standards enable building complex web UIs in a modular, component-based way.

web componentshtml5polymer
Demo Project
Feel free to look through the demo project
Also feel free to use the live demo
Here is the Polymer element catalog
Vulcanize - Tool for optimizing Web Component includes

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Google Polymer Introduction

  • 2. Buzzwords Model View ViewModel(MVVM) - UI paradigm for applying context to data objects JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) - A succinct syntax for representing data objects in text Data Binding - Linking a data object to an interface component so that the interface and data object react naturally to user interaction Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) - Syntax for setting the look of an HTML element Data Object Model(DOM) - Model that the browser uses to identify what/how elements should be presented on the screen as well as how to interact with them. Web Components - web standard for creating reusable custom widgets. Current state of implementation. Material Design - Adds inherited characteristics to attributes like z-index. Allows page layout to react to spontaneous events.
  • 3. What is Polymer? CSS Styling and Layouts JavaScript Widgets Databinding Uses Web Components * What you get out of the box.
  • 4. What does it solve? Reduces spaghetti code in your JavaScript Reduces coupling between groups of elements Packages all dependencies with element for easy reuse Gives you a bunch of cool custom controls
  • 5. What does it solve? Pt.2 Product Batch Operator Submit Batch Product Operator 000-01 Product1 Dan 000-02 Product2 Jack 000-03 Product1 Sam 000-04 Product2 Dan
  • 6. What does it solve? Pt.3 Product Batch Operator Submit Batch Product Date 000-01 Product1 12/8/15 000-02 Product2 12/9/15 000-03 Product1 12/10/15 000-04 Product2 12/11/15 CustomBatchForm setContext() insertRow() CustomBatchTable
  • 7. Adding Polymer to ASP MVC Project Polymer can be added to your Content folder. The file structure should look similar to the this. The only file that will need to be included is the MyElement.html. In this example it would be google- map.html
  • 8. Getting Started WebComponents.JS adds support for web components on older browsers. Include Steps Add Reference to WebComponents.js Add Includes for all components that you want to use Uses the included element. <!-- Polyfill Web Components for older browsers --> <script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponen ts-lite.min.js"></script> <!-- Import element --> <link rel="import" href="google- map.html"> <!-- Use element --> <google-map latitude="37.790" longitude="-122.390"></google- map>
  • 9. Notable Pieces of an Element Definition Each element definition has a section for defining the endpoints for properties and event handlers. Has includes for all underlying dependencies Has include for default CSS <!-- Add all inherited web components --> <!-- Add CSS as include or inline --> <dom-module id="product-form"> <template> Product:<input value=”{{product}}” /> Batch: <input value=”{{batch}}” /> Operator: <input value=”{{operator}}” /> </template> <script> Polymer({ is: 'product-form', properties: { product: String, batch: String, operator:String, date: String } }); </script> </dom-module>
  • 10. Why Should I Use It Common integration pattern for all elements Support for one-way and two-way data binding Implements Web Components Extensible HTML elements
  • 11. Setting Data Binding Double mustache notation represents two-way binding “{{myObject}}” Double square brackets represents one-way binding “[[myObject]]” Data binding usually uses the “items” attribute. Use the “as” attribute to set the name for a single item in the items list. <template is="dom-bind"> <iron-ajax url="data.json" last-response="{{data}}" auto></iron-ajax> <iron-list items="[[data]]" as="person"> <template> <div> Name: <span>[[]]</span> </div> </template> </iron-list> </template>
  • 12. Customizing CSS Even though all elements will likely come with a default styling. Polymer allows for modifications of an element's CSS. paper-button.fancy { background: green; color: yellow; } paper-button.fancy:hover { background: lime; } paper-button[disabled], paper-button[toggles][active] { background: red; }
  • 13. Demo Project Feel free to look through the demo project Also feel free to use the live demo Here is the Polymer element catalog Vulcanize - Tool for optimizing Web Component includes

Editor's Notes

  1. Only focusing on Web Components for this speech. I may misrepresent Angular and other technologies due to lack of experience with them The approach that polymer takes is to package all of the CSS and JavaScript for an element into one file. Polymer syntax looks a lot more like WPF than Angular does. Blog describing the current state of Web Components implementation. Mozilla also has a framework called X-Tag.
  2. In many cases an input value may map directly to a specific cell. This will cause issues if the implementation of the table changes.
  3. Each dotted box represents a custom element Use the black box approach to element groupings Create well defined points of entry. Also can make use of the observer pattern.
  4. Note that these are .HTML files and not CSS or JavaScript
  5. A public function would be represented as property like setContext: function(contextObj) { }