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Top 10 HTML5 Features for
Oracle Cloud Developers
Brian “Bex” Huff
Chief Software Architect
 Intro to Oracle Cloud
• Which ones use HTML5 extensively?
 Intro to HTML5
• Why lightweight HTML5 frameworks are usually superior
 Top 10 HTML5 features
• The big ones you should know about
 HTML5 Frameworks
• Oracle JET, jQuery, node.js, etc.
 Questions/Comments?
The most recent version of this presentation is on SlideShare:
Intro to Oracle Cloud
 Oracle Sites Cloud Service
• Extension of Oracle Document Cloud Service
• HTML5 centric application for website design
 Oracle Social Cloud
• Deep integrations with the other cloud applications
• Soon to be bundled with Document Cloud
 Oracle Mobile Cloud
• Create rich mobile web apps with the power of native
• Leverages HTML5 browser built into all smartphones
Why HTML5?
 HTML5 is critical for cloud development
 Accepted on almost all platforms
• Easier to support homogenous environment if based on open standards
 Rapid development cycles
• Less need for server-side code development
 Cheaper hosting model
• Heavy CPU processing on client browser, not server hardware

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Presentation given at DevCon 2011 San Diego by Ryan McVeigh and Gi Lee. Video accompanying this session is at: In this session, we will explain how the Alfresco iOS Mobile Application was designed and developed. We’ll focus on the implementation details including the CMIS client, when the application talks directly to Alfresco API’s and some details, tips and tricks for Objective-C iOS development. You’ll learn the Open Source project hierarchy including how to modify, build and run the application. You’ll also learn about our future plans for the application and the project, and perhaps become a contributor yourself!

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Why HTML5 for the enterprise
 Enterprise apps are (slowly) moving to the cloud
 Cloud apps use a more open and friendly architecture
• Based on standard protocols
 Heavy frameworks still have value (ADF, etc)
• But entire point of the cloud is the least complex way to solve problems
• Heavily customized system? Probably need on-premise solution w/ADF
• Simplified front end? JavaScript and HTML5 are the future
Brief History of HTML5
 Initiated in 2004 by Apple, Mozilla, Google, and Microsoft
 XHTML dropped by the W3C in favor of HTML5 in 2009
 Apple bundles HTML5 compliant browser into iPhone
 Apple officially rejects mobile Flash in April 2010
 Adobe stops developing mobile Flash in November 2011
 Became a W3C 1.0 standard in October 2014
 But the most critical event in the history of HTML5???
 Microsoft drops support for browsers older than IE 11/Edge in
January 2016
Top 10 Features
1. Semantic HTML
2. Local Storage
3. Geolocation
4. New security options: OAuth2
5. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
6. Advanced HTML forms
7. WebSockets
8. WebWorkers
9. Built in Audio/Video support
10.Custom DOM Elements and Attributes
1) Semantic HTML
 Explicit tags for the sections of a page everybody uses
• header, footer, article, section, nav, menu
 Structure
 Semantic web comes closer, but probably wont happen yet
• RDFa protocol
• microdata

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We got to the point where the old Drupal mantra of creating content first to see it later is not enough to suceed with content editors. Drupal is competing and replacing other CMS and platforms where the lack of flexibility is the problem #1 for content editors. They are expecting full flexibity on how content is created, displayed, approved and published. However this introduce a common problem for web developers and site builders: how can you provide this full flexibility without having to be constantly on the hook for further development or configuration. Modules like panels and panelizer, projects like Spark and distributions like panopoly and demo framework helped change the panorama in Drupal and the expectations that are set when sites are built. In this session we will look to a set of common problems and real examples when creating content and layout for pages with demanding editorial teams. We will look and evaluate common options and recipes. How can complex content and rich pages be structured ? Free HTML format in different fields? Structured data in complex fields? Use paragraphs or field collection? Different content items in different items/entities? How to glue it all together? How can indivual page layout be managed providing flexibility but also control? Rely on templating system and view modes? Use contrib modules like panels and panelizer or display suite? Mix several approaches and modules? How can I add any content to any page and choose its display ? How can I have a list of curated widgets ready to use by the content team to deploy anywhere or in any section? How can pages and sections be managed before approved and published? Use preview systems and inline editors? Use workbench or workflow for layout? Rely on more complex content staging systems? Use separated environments? These are daily problems that architects and developers face in every project. As a technical architect in Acquia it is uncommon a project where I am involved that does not need to solve one or more of these problems. In this session I will give some real examples and resume options and recipes that can be used to solve those problems today in Drupal 7 and look to Drupal 8 to explain how it can improve some of our possibilities and options and easy the life of one of our most important personas: the content editor.

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This document discusses the top 10 web application security vulnerabilities as identified by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). It provides an overview of each vulnerability, examples, and recommendations for countermeasures. The vulnerabilities covered are injection, broken authentication and session management, cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure direct object references, security misconfiguration, sensitive data exposure, missing function level access control, cross-site request forgery (CSRF), using components with known vulnerabilities, and unvalidated redirects and forwards. The document emphasizes using features in Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) to help address many of these vulnerabilities.

Semantic HTML Example
<h1>Welcome To Our Website!</h1>
<h2>Please select one!</h2>
<li>Menu 1</li>
<li>Menu 2</li>
<h2>Get To Know Us Better!</h2>
<h3>Popular Posts</h3>
Semantic HTML Example, cont.
<h1>Title of Article</h1>
<h2>Subtitle of Article</h2>
<h3>First Logical Part (e.g. "Theory")</h3>
<p>Paragraph 1 in first section</p>
<h4>Author Bio</h4>
<p>Paragraph in Article's Footer</p>
<div>Social Media Links</div>
2) Local storage
 Allows large “offline” storage of structured data
• Bye bye cookies, hello database!
• By default, up to 5 Megs per website
• Expandable with user permission
 All browser support basic offline Web Storage for strings:
localStorage["foobar"] = "my data";
localStorage.setItem("foobar", "my data");
sessionStorage["colorScheme"] = "oracle-red";
 Objects must be explicitly serialized into JSON:
localStorage["foobar"] = JSON.stringify("my data");
var foobar = JSON.parse(localStorage["foobar"]);
2) Local storage, cont.
 contenteditable
• Cool flag to auto-add this functionality
• But keep in mind, the UI is kind of terrible
<section id="editable" contenteditable="true">
<p>This text is natively editable in the browser</p>
var editable = document.getElementById('editable');
addEvent(editable, 'blur', function () {
localStorage.setItem('contenteditable', this.innerHTML);

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2) Local storage, cont.
 Query languages exist, but are not universal
• LocalStorage
• Supported by all browsers, but just name-value pairs
• WebSQL
• Supported in Chrome and Safari, but deprecated since 2010
• IndexedDB
• Successor to both, but browser support is very spotty
• Kind of slow, weird API
 Query Performance is in its infancy
• IndexDB blocks the DOM unless run as a Web Worker (discussed later)
 Not hopeful for any decent query standard any time soon
• Classic example of why WHATWG was better than W3C
3) Geolocation
 Allows web sites to determine the location of the client
 Not just for mobile web: also for laptops and mobile web sites
3) Geolocation, cont.
 How does it know my location???
• This is left up to the implementers of the spec to determine
• Each browser and platform has a different process
 Mobile web: location is usually known
• Either GPS or cell tower info
 Desktop
• In Chrome, it sends a message with your network info (IP address, MAC
address, Access Point, signal strength) to a Google service
• Compares to data Google Maps gathered about WiFi access points
• Or get closest known public router based on IP address
4) OAuth2
 Add-on to HTML5, built into most Oracle Cloud apps
• Not strictly part of the spec, but critical for its future
 Think of OAuth2 as the “valet key for the web”
• Grants limited access to specific resources, without giving it all away
 OAuth2 process:
1.An application requests authorization on a user's behalf.
2.The application obtains a Grant Token.
3.The client requests an Access Token by using the Grant Token.
4.The authorization server validates the Grant Token and issues an Access
Token and a Refresh Token.
5.The client requests the protected resource, authenticating using the
Access Token.
6.The resource server verifies the Access Token and serves the request.

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4) OAuth2
5) Cross Origin Resource Sharing
 Previously, AJAX calls could only go back to original server
• Probably the most irritating security ‘feature’ in HTML4
 Could not host HTML and JS on two domains without hacks
• Google Maps was ‘hackable’ but most sites were not
• Each loaded JavaScript file needed a ‘callback’ to load
• Every developer had to roll their own callback API
 Now, new HTTP header to load sources from multiple servers
• Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
5) Cross Origin Resource Sharing, cont.
 Use standard AJAX objects across domains
var req = new XmlHTTPRequest();"POST", "");
 Use new window.postMessage to message across domains
window.postMessage("hello world!", "");
function receiveMessage(event) {
// minimal security checks
if (event.origin !== "")
window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
6) Advanced Web Forms
 HTML5 adds form options that have been sorely needed for
 New input types
• url, tel(telephone number), email, number, color, range, datetime, etc
 Automatic in-line validation: critical for mobile web
• Use the pattern attribute to do regular expression validation
• Also specify min, max, required and a placeholder text
<input type="text" id="productId" pattern="[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{3}"
placeholder="XXX999" maxlength="6" required/>
<input type="number" id="quantity" min="0" max="100" step="1" />

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7) WebSockets
 Web protocols (HTTP) are “stateless”
• By design, as soon as the page is drawn, the data might be out of date
• How do we know when the data has been updated?
 Prior to HTML5, had to use JavaScript to “poll” for new data
• JavaScript timeouts to load in new data
• Every application/framework had to roll their own
• Fairly high overhead, depending on the framework
 WebSockets act like normal sockets
• Allows back-end HTTP server to “push” new notifications to web front end
7) WebSockets, cont.
var connection = new WebSocket('ws://');
connection.onerror = function (error) {
alert('WebSocket Error ' + error);
connection.onmessage = function (e) {
alert('Server said: ' +;
// send a string, binary data, or even a file!
connection.send('your message');
var binary = new Uint8Array(;
var file = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]').files[0];
8) WebWorkers
 JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language
• All scripts and events handled by one single thread
• So if one function takes a long time, the whole web page hangs!
• Major reason why JavaScript cant run heavy enterprise apps
 The solution? WebWorkers!
• Runs in the background, instead of the foreground
• No more JavaScript errors from hogging the CPU resources
• Send messages from main window to worker window
8) WebWorkers, cont.
 Typically, the main page will start a worker, and post JSON
formatted messages to it
• Binary data in buffers can also be transferred
<output id="result"></output>
var worker = new Worker('doWork.js');
worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
document.getElementById('result').textContent =;
}, false);
worker.postMessage({'cmd':'doStuff', 'msg':'my message...'});

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8) WebWorkers, cont.
 The worker page (doWork.js) creates an event listener, and
responds to messages from the main page by posing a message
to the ‘self’ object:
self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
var data =;
switch (data.cmd) {
case 'doStuff':
self.postMessage('DOING STUFF: ' + data.msg);
self.postMessage('Unknown command: ' + data.msg);
}, false);
8) WebWorkers, cont.
 For security, performance, and thread-safety a web worker has
more limited access to JavaScript functions
 The following objects are not available:
• The DOM (it's not thread-safe)
• The window object
• The document object
• The parent object
9) Audio and Video Support
 New elements: <video> ,<audio>, and <track>
 Mostly eliminates the need for JavaFX, Flash, or Silverlight
 HTML5 is now the enterprise video/audio standard
 YouTube made HTML5 its default delivery platform in 2015
9) Audio and Video Support, cont.
 YouTube wanted to make the jump years ago, but several pieces
were missing that have been recently added:
• Fullscreen mode
• WebRTC: real time video communication between browsers
• Google hangouts
• Encrypted media extensions
• Adaptive Bitrate: downgrade to lower video quality based on bandwidth
• MediaSource extensions: allow JavaScript to create and manage streams

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10) Custom DOM Elements and Attributes
 In addition to semantic HTML, you can make your own custom
elements and attributes
• Make HTML more like XML, and avoid pages of <div> soup
 Custom elements can be declared in the HTML like others:
 The behavior of the custom element is like the <span> tag, until
you register the element and its behavior:
var myElem = document.registerElement('my-elem', {
prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype)
document.body.appendChild(new myElem());
10) Custom DOM Elements and Attributes, cont.
 Custom data attributes can be added to all elements:
<div id="foo" data-my-attribute="bar"></div>
 Access data with the standard getAttribute function:
var foo = document.getElementById('foo');
var data = plant.getAttribute('data-my-attribute');
 Limitations and best practices:
• Custom elements must contain a dash
• Ensures it will be compatible with future HTML6 tags
• Custom attributes must start with data-
• HTML5 spec strongly states that data attributes be PRIVATE to that page
• Only JavaScript on that page should interact with those attributes
• Should not be considered a replacement for microformats
• IE 11 supports custom attributes, not custom elements (yet)
Tips & Tricks
 HTML5 opens new security holes that need to be plugged
• WebSockets and Cross Origin Resource Sharing in particular
• Never, ever, ever assume LocalStorage can be trusted!
 Double check for browser compatability
• Check to verify
 Performance will likely be an issue for a while
• Plan on using web workers a lot!
HTML5 Frameworks to Use
 Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)
• Lightweight JS framework for Oracle apps
• Use in Oracle Dev cloud, Social cloud
 jQuery
• Most battle-tested HTML/JS framework
• Uses HTML5 features when possible, or downgrades to HTML4 for older
 Node.js
• Front end and back end JavaScript framework
• More free developer packages that Ruby, Python, or Rails
 All can be added to DEV cloud or Sites cloud

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RESTx is a tool for easily creating RESTful web services. It allows defining resources with URIs and representing them in different formats. RESTx hides implementation details and makes resources self-documenting. To use it, developers create components by annotating methods, then compile and deploy them on the RESTx server. The goal of RESTx is to simplify REST development so services can be built by non-experts and integrated from various data sources and languages.

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The document discusses offline web applications and provides tips for developing them. It includes: - An overview of offline web apps and how they allow users to access cached content without an internet connection using the Application Cache API. - Details on the manifest file format and sections for specifying cached, network, and fallback resources. - Steps for initial caching of resources and how the cache is updated when the manifest or cached files change. - Tips for debugging the offline cache, accessing cached resources, and configuring cache settings and clearing the cache in different browsers.


HTML5 will be the new standard for HTML and is a cooperation between W3C and WHATWG. New features in HTML5 include the canvas, geo location, video and audio, web storage, application cache, server sent events, web workers, and new form input types and elements. The canvas allows for drawing on an HTML page using JavaScript. Geo location allows getting a user's geographical position. Video and audio elements standardize embedding video and audio. Web storage provides secure local storage of data. Application cache allows offline and faster loading of cached resources. Server sent events provide automatic updates from a server. Web workers run scripts asynchronously without affecting page performance. New form input types include color, date, and email. New form elements

 My Company:
 My Blog:
 My Self:

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Top 10 HTML5 Features for Oracle Cloud Developers

  • 1. Top 10 HTML5 Features for Oracle Cloud Developers Brian “Bex” Huff Chief Software Architect
  • 2. 2 Agenda  Intro to Oracle Cloud • Which ones use HTML5 extensively?  Intro to HTML5 • Why lightweight HTML5 frameworks are usually superior  Top 10 HTML5 features • The big ones you should know about  HTML5 Frameworks • Oracle JET, jQuery, node.js, etc.  Questions/Comments? The most recent version of this presentation is on SlideShare: 
  • 3. 3 Intro to Oracle Cloud  Oracle Sites Cloud Service • Extension of Oracle Document Cloud Service • HTML5 centric application for website design  Oracle Social Cloud • Deep integrations with the other cloud applications • Soon to be bundled with Document Cloud  Oracle Mobile Cloud • Create rich mobile web apps with the power of native • Leverages HTML5 browser built into all smartphones
  • 4. 4 Why HTML5?  HTML5 is critical for cloud development  Accepted on almost all platforms • Easier to support homogenous environment if based on open standards  Rapid development cycles • Less need for server-side code development  Cheaper hosting model • Heavy CPU processing on client browser, not server hardware
  • 5. Why HTML5 for the enterprise  Enterprise apps are (slowly) moving to the cloud  Cloud apps use a more open and friendly architecture • Based on standard protocols • HTTP, XML, JSON  Heavy frameworks still have value (ADF, etc) • But entire point of the cloud is the least complex way to solve problems • Heavily customized system? Probably need on-premise solution w/ADF • Simplified front end? JavaScript and HTML5 are the future 5
  • 6. Brief History of HTML5  Initiated in 2004 by Apple, Mozilla, Google, and Microsoft  XHTML dropped by the W3C in favor of HTML5 in 2009  Apple bundles HTML5 compliant browser into iPhone  Apple officially rejects mobile Flash in April 2010  Adobe stops developing mobile Flash in November 2011  Became a W3C 1.0 standard in October 2014  But the most critical event in the history of HTML5???  Microsoft drops support for browsers older than IE 11/Edge in January 2016 6
  • 7. 7 Top 10 Features 1. Semantic HTML 2. Local Storage 3. Geolocation 4. New security options: OAuth2 5. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing 6. Advanced HTML forms 7. WebSockets 8. WebWorkers 9. Built in Audio/Video support 10.Custom DOM Elements and Attributes
  • 8. 8 1) Semantic HTML  Explicit tags for the sections of a page everybody uses • header, footer, article, section, nav, menu  Structure • •  Semantic web comes closer, but probably wont happen yet • RDFa protocol • microdata • JSON-LD
  • 9. Semantic HTML Example <body> <header> <h1>Welcome To Our Website!</h1> </header> <nav> <header> <h2>Please select one!</h2> </header> <ul> <li>Menu 1</li> <li>Menu 2</li> </ul> </nav> <aside> <h2>Get To Know Us Better!</h2> <section> <h3>Popular Posts</h3> </section> </aside> 9
  • 10. Semantic HTML Example, cont. <article> <header> <h1>Title of Article</h1> <h2>Subtitle of Article</h2> </header> <section> <h3>First Logical Part (e.g. "Theory")</h3> <p>Paragraph 1 in first section</p> </section> <footer> <h4>Author Bio</h4> <p>Paragraph in Article's Footer</p> </footer> </article> <footer> <div>Social Media Links</div> </footer> </body> 10
  • 11. 11 2) Local storage  Allows large “offline” storage of structured data • Bye bye cookies, hello database! • By default, up to 5 Megs per website • Expandable with user permission • the-html5-localstorage-size-on-ipad-like-the-f  All browser support basic offline Web Storage for strings: localStorage["foobar"] = "my data"; localStorage.setItem("foobar", "my data"); sessionStorage["colorScheme"] = "oracle-red";  Objects must be explicitly serialized into JSON: localStorage["foobar"] = JSON.stringify("my data"); var foobar = JSON.parse(localStorage["foobar"]);
  • 12. 12 2) Local storage, cont.  contenteditable • Cool flag to auto-add this functionality • • But keep in mind, the UI is kind of terrible • <section id="editable" contenteditable="true"> <p>This text is natively editable in the browser</p> </section> <script> var editable = document.getElementById('editable'); addEvent(editable, 'blur', function () { localStorage.setItem('contenteditable', this.innerHTML); }); </script>
  • 13. 13 2) Local storage, cont.  Query languages exist, but are not universal • LocalStorage • Supported by all browsers, but just name-value pairs • WebSQL • Supported in Chrome and Safari, but deprecated since 2010 • IndexedDB • Successor to both, but browser support is very spotty • Kind of slow, weird API  Query Performance is in its infancy • IndexDB blocks the DOM unless run as a Web Worker (discussed later)  Not hopeful for any decent query standard any time soon • Classic example of why WHATWG was better than W3C
  • 14. 14 3) Geolocation  Allows web sites to determine the location of the client • •  Not just for mobile web: also for laptops and mobile web sites
  • 15. 15 3) Geolocation, cont.  How does it know my location??? • This is left up to the implementers of the spec to determine • Each browser and platform has a different process  Mobile web: location is usually known • Either GPS or cell tower info  Desktop • In Chrome, it sends a message with your network info (IP address, MAC address, Access Point, signal strength) to a Google service • Compares to data Google Maps gathered about WiFi access points • Or get closest known public router based on IP address
  • 16. 16 4) OAuth2  Add-on to HTML5, built into most Oracle Cloud apps • Not strictly part of the spec, but critical for its future  Think of OAuth2 as the “valet key for the web” • Grants limited access to specific resources, without giving it all away  OAuth2 process: 1.An application requests authorization on a user's behalf. 2.The application obtains a Grant Token. 3.The client requests an Access Token by using the Grant Token. 4.The authorization server validates the Grant Token and issues an Access Token and a Refresh Token. 5.The client requests the protected resource, authenticating using the Access Token. 6.The resource server verifies the Access Token and serves the request.
  • 18. 18 5) Cross Origin Resource Sharing  Previously, AJAX calls could only go back to original server • Probably the most irritating security ‘feature’ in HTML4  Could not host HTML and JS on two domains without hacks • Google Maps was ‘hackable’ but most sites were not • Each loaded JavaScript file needed a ‘callback’ to load • Every developer had to roll their own callback API  Now, new HTTP header to load sources from multiple servers • Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
  • 19. 5) Cross Origin Resource Sharing, cont.  Use standard AJAX objects across domains var req = new XmlHTTPRequest();"POST", "");  Use new window.postMessage to message across domains window.postMessage("hello world!", ""); function receiveMessage(event) { // minimal security checks if (event.origin !== "") return; alert(; } window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); 19
  • 20. 20 6) Advanced Web Forms  HTML5 adds form options that have been sorely needed for decades  New input types • url, tel(telephone number), email, number, color, range, datetime, etc  Automatic in-line validation: critical for mobile web • Use the pattern attribute to do regular expression validation • Also specify min, max, required and a placeholder text <input type="text" id="productId" pattern="[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{3}" placeholder="XXX999" maxlength="6" required/> <input type="number" id="quantity" min="0" max="100" step="1" />
  • 21. 21 7) WebSockets  Web protocols (HTTP) are “stateless” • By design, as soon as the page is drawn, the data might be out of date • How do we know when the data has been updated?  Prior to HTML5, had to use JavaScript to “poll” for new data • JavaScript timeouts to load in new data • Every application/framework had to roll their own • Fairly high overhead, depending on the framework  WebSockets act like normal sockets • Allows back-end HTTP server to “push” new notifications to web front end
  • 22. 7) WebSockets, cont. var connection = new WebSocket('ws://'); connection.onerror = function (error) { alert('WebSocket Error ' + error); }; connection.onmessage = function (e) { alert('Server said: ' +; }; // send a string, binary data, or even a file! connection.send('your message'); var binary = new Uint8Array(; connection.send(binary.buffer); var file = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]').files[0]; connection.send(file); 22
  • 23. 23 8) WebWorkers  JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language • All scripts and events handled by one single thread • So if one function takes a long time, the whole web page hangs! • Major reason why JavaScript cant run heavy enterprise apps  The solution? WebWorkers! • Runs in the background, instead of the foreground • No more JavaScript errors from hogging the CPU resources • Send messages from main window to worker window
  • 24. 8) WebWorkers, cont.  Typically, the main page will start a worker, and post JSON formatted messages to it • Binary data in buffers can also be transferred <output id="result"></output> <script> var worker = new Worker('doWork.js'); worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) { document.getElementById('result').textContent =; }, false); worker.postMessage({'cmd':'doStuff', 'msg':'my message...'}); worker.terminate(); </script> 24
  • 25. 8) WebWorkers, cont.  The worker page (doWork.js) creates an event listener, and responds to messages from the main page by posing a message to the ‘self’ object: self.addEventListener('message', function(e) { var data =; switch (data.cmd) { case 'doStuff': self.postMessage('DOING STUFF: ' + data.msg); break; default: self.postMessage('Unknown command: ' + data.msg); }; }, false); 25
  • 26. 8) WebWorkers, cont.  For security, performance, and thread-safety a web worker has more limited access to JavaScript functions  The following objects are not available: • The DOM (it's not thread-safe) • The window object • The document object • The parent object 26
  • 27. 27 9) Audio and Video Support  New elements: <video> ,<audio>, and <track>  Mostly eliminates the need for JavaFX, Flash, or Silverlight  HTML5 is now the enterprise video/audio standard • enterprise-standard/  YouTube made HTML5 its default delivery platform in 2015 • html5_27.html
  • 28. 28 9) Audio and Video Support, cont.  YouTube wanted to make the jump years ago, but several pieces were missing that have been recently added: • Fullscreen mode • WebRTC: real time video communication between browsers • Google hangouts • Encrypted media extensions • Adaptive Bitrate: downgrade to lower video quality based on bandwidth • MediaSource extensions: allow JavaScript to create and manage streams
  • 29. 29 10) Custom DOM Elements and Attributes  In addition to semantic HTML, you can make your own custom elements and attributes • Make HTML more like XML, and avoid pages of <div> soup  Custom elements can be declared in the HTML like others: <my-elem></my-elem>  The behavior of the custom element is like the <span> tag, until you register the element and its behavior: var myElem = document.registerElement('my-elem', { prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype) }); document.body.appendChild(new myElem()); ;
  • 30. 30 10) Custom DOM Elements and Attributes, cont.  Custom data attributes can be added to all elements: <div id="foo" data-my-attribute="bar"></div>  Access data with the standard getAttribute function: var foo = document.getElementById('foo'); var data = plant.getAttribute('data-my-attribute');  Limitations and best practices: • Custom elements must contain a dash • Ensures it will be compatible with future HTML6 tags • Custom attributes must start with data- • HTML5 spec strongly states that data attributes be PRIVATE to that page • Only JavaScript on that page should interact with those attributes • Should not be considered a replacement for microformats • IE 11 supports custom attributes, not custom elements (yet)
  • 31. 31 Tips & Tricks  HTML5 opens new security holes that need to be plugged • WebSockets and Cross Origin Resource Sharing in particular • Never, ever, ever assume LocalStorage can be trusted! •  Double check for browser compatability • Check to verify  Performance will likely be an issue for a while • Plan on using web workers a lot!
  • 32. 32 HTML5 Frameworks to Use  Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) • Lightweight JS framework for Oracle apps • Use in Oracle Dev cloud, Social cloud  jQuery • Most battle-tested HTML/JS framework • Uses HTML5 features when possible, or downgrades to HTML4 for older browsers  Node.js • Front end and back end JavaScript framework • More free developer packages that Ruby, Python, or Rails  All can be added to DEV cloud or Sites cloud
  • 33. 33  My Company:  My Blog:  My Self: Questions?