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Building Your First Web
App in Go
Andy Watson
Ionic Security
#ATOWebGo #ATO2015
All Things Open
About Me
Who: Andy Watson
What: Code Flinger
Where: Ionic Security @andrewwatson
I used to write PHP
Lots of PHP.
I’m a Gopher Now

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OpenStack Introduction
OpenStack IntroductionOpenStack Introduction
OpenStack Introduction

OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform that consists of a series of related projects that control large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, all managed through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface. It is developed as an open source project by an international community of developers and corporate sponsors and supports both private and public cloud deployments. Major components include compute (Nova), object storage (Swift), image service (Glance), networking (Quantum), and an identity service (Keystone).

An Introduction to OpenStack
An Introduction to OpenStackAn Introduction to OpenStack
An Introduction to OpenStack

I gave this presentation on 5/17 to the New Mexico VMUG in Santa Fe. The presentation provides an overview of OpenStack, what it is (and isn't), and some things you might learn to get started with OpenStack.

Kubernetes security and you
Kubernetes security and youKubernetes security and you
Kubernetes security and you

A lightning talk I gave at CloudAustin in 2018 on Kubernetes security covering kube-bench, kubesec, and kubeAudit

Take the Tour at
Web Apps in Go
• No need for a wrapper like Apache or Nginx
• Create a self-contained, statically compiled
• Cross Compile from your laptop to your
server architecture
Simple Web App
package main
import (
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello, worldn")
fmt.Print("Listening on :8080n")
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
Easily render well formed HTML using data
from your application
Nest templates inside each other (partials) for
easy re-use

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Structured Container Delivery by Oscar Renalias, Accenture
Structured Container Delivery by Oscar Renalias, AccentureStructured Container Delivery by Oscar Renalias, Accenture
Structured Container Delivery by Oscar Renalias, Accenture

With tools like Docker Toolbox, the entry barrier to Docker and containers is rather low. However, it takes a lot more to design, build and run an entire container platform, at scale, for production applications. This talk will focus on why it is important to have a well-defined reference model for building container platforms that guides container engineers and architects through the process of identifying platform concerns, patterns, components as well as the interactions between them in order to deliver a set of platform capabilities (service discovery, load balancing, security, and others) to support containerized applications using existing tooling. As part of this session will also see how a container architecture has enabled real projects in their delivery of container platforms.

securityplatform capabilitiesload balancing
Infrastructure-as-code: bridging the gap between Devs and Ops
Infrastructure-as-code: bridging the gap between Devs and OpsInfrastructure-as-code: bridging the gap between Devs and Ops
Infrastructure-as-code: bridging the gap between Devs and Ops

Ops are overwhelmed with support. Devs are mad because their cannot deploy the changes as fast as they want. Sounds familiar? Infrastructure-as-code can make your life easier by empowering developers and reducing operations' routine toil. It can cut down the lead time for infrastructure provisioning from hours or even days to minutes. This talk reviews several IaC tools and approaches, showing how to integrate them into continuous delivery pipeline. It covers the problems and challenges that engineers may face while working with infrastructure-as-code tools and provides a few hands-on recipes to address them.

infrastructure-as-codeinfrastructure12 factor app
Security model for a remote company
Security model for a remote companySecurity model for a remote company
Security model for a remote company

Security model for a remote company like Qovery. Usage of OICD, Kubernetes, double auth, Hashicorp Vault and Boundary

Simple Template Example
func handleRoot(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
var templateStr =
var templ =
templ.Execute(w, "Hello!")
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", handleRoot)
fmt.Print("Listening on :8080n")
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
Simple Logic
{{if .}}
type Book struct {
Author, Title string
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// var bookList Book[]
bookList, err := lookupBooksForSale()
templ.Execute(w, bookList)
Template with range Operator
<h1>Books For Sale</h1>
{{range .}}
<h3>{{.Title}} by {{.Author}} </h3>

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KURMA - A Containerized Container Platform - KubeCon 2016
KURMA - A Containerized Container Platform - KubeCon 2016KURMA - A Containerized Container Platform - KubeCon 2016
KURMA - A Containerized Container Platform - KubeCon 2016

Kurma is a container runtime that is based on the container instrumentation built into the Apcera Platform. Kurma, and its accompanied “KurmaOS” is our vision of a lightweight, fully containerized operating system. This presentation will cover Apcera’s journey in its container instrumentation. Beginning with the pre-Docker landscape, how it grew over the course of 3+ years, and the “next-gen” adaption of it, where the base container instrumentation has been adapted to stand on its own, and growing it to be used beyond just Apcera’s own usage. Kurma incorporates a lot of lessons learned with both development and operations of a container platform, including building modular vs monolith, extensibility being built in vs built on, and managing a cluster of hosts and containers. We’ll also cover our experiences with introducing it to Kubernetes as another first class runtime provider. Taking how Kurma works and have it work with Kubernetes, and how we’d like to see Kubernetes grow in some of the areas we see Kurma growing.

trusted cloudcloud computingcloud management platforms
The Future of SDN in CloudStack by Chiradeep Vittal
The Future of SDN in CloudStack by Chiradeep VittalThe Future of SDN in CloudStack by Chiradeep Vittal
The Future of SDN in CloudStack by Chiradeep Vittal

The core of CloudStack networking has always been software-defined. As the networking industry evolves to a software-defined future, CloudStack will have to evolve with it. The presentation will examine the present state of SDN in CloudStack, look at some industry directions and attempt to predict the evolution of CloudStack with those trends. Bio Chiradeep Vittal is a Distinguished Engineer in the Converged Infrastructure Group at Citrix where he has technology leadership responsibilities around Citrix Cloud Platform, Citrix Lifecycle Manager and Citrix Workspace Pod. He is also a Project Management Committee member of the Apache CloudStack Project. At (acquired by Citrix), he was a founding engineer, often tasked with the thorny details of virtualized networking and storage. Prior to, he worked at several Silicon Valley startups in various architectural roles. Chiradeep has a B.Tech in Computer Science from IIT, Bombay and a M.Sc from the University of Alberta. He has spoken / presented at several conferences, including CloudStack Collab, LISA, OSCON, ONS, SDN Summit and LinuxCon. His twitter handle is @chiradeep and occasionally blogs at

sdncloudstack networkingcloudstack
Kubernetes Summit 2019 - Harden Your Kubernetes Cluster
Kubernetes Summit 2019 - Harden Your Kubernetes ClusterKubernetes Summit 2019 - Harden Your Kubernetes Cluster
Kubernetes Summit 2019 - Harden Your Kubernetes Cluster

This document discusses various ways to harden a Kubernetes cluster. It covers topics like building secure container images, scanning for vulnerabilities, using network policies and Istio for traffic control, credential management with Vault, runtime security tools like Pod Security Policies and Falco, and policy as code with Open Policy Agent and Rego. The overall message is on implementing practices and tools throughout the development, deployment and runtime phases to minimize security risks for a Kubernetes environment.

kubernetesopen policy agentfalco
<h3>Sorry.</h3> <h3>The Thing by
Stephen King</h3>
<h3>Moby Dick by
Herman Melville</h3>
With Empty List With Data
It’s the Methods, man!
func uploadHandler(…) {
if r.Method != "POST" {
err := doPostThings()
Use a routing library like httprouter or mux to
match requests to handlers
Routes defined using paths and HTTP verbs
r := httprouter.New()
r.POST(”/login", LoginHandler)
r.GET("/", HomeHandler)
Gets executed with every request
Used for logging, instrumentation, error
handling and more

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Introduction to OpenStack : Barcamp Bangkhen 2016
Introduction to OpenStack : Barcamp Bangkhen 2016Introduction to OpenStack : Barcamp Bangkhen 2016
Introduction to OpenStack : Barcamp Bangkhen 2016

OpenStack is a open source software for creating private and public clouds that coordinated collection of software from a few dozen related projects. This presentation will walk through the basic of OpenStack. BarCamp Bangkhen 2016 at Kasetsart University on November 13, 2016

cloudcloud computingdevops
New Features of Kubernetes v1.2.0 beta
New Features of Kubernetes v1.2.0 betaNew Features of Kubernetes v1.2.0 beta
New Features of Kubernetes v1.2.0 beta

The version 1.2.0-beta.0 of Kubernetes included improvements to scalability with more nodes and pods per node. It stabilized and added features from version 1.1, including the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, Ingress, Job, DaemonSet, Deployment, ConfigMap, and Secret APIs. It also made it easier to generate resources like namespaces and secrets.

OpenStack Cloud Tutorial | What is OpenStack | OpenStack Tutorial | OpenStack...
OpenStack Cloud Tutorial | What is OpenStack | OpenStack Tutorial | OpenStack...OpenStack Cloud Tutorial | What is OpenStack | OpenStack Tutorial | OpenStack...
OpenStack Cloud Tutorial | What is OpenStack | OpenStack Tutorial | OpenStack...

This Edureka OpenStack Cloud tutorial explains how to setup your own OpenStack Cloud infrastructure and also tells you the different OpenStack Cloud deployment models. It also focuses on how to setup different types of cloud infrastructure according to your needs like storage focused, network focused etc. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1. Cloud Computing Virtualization Concepts 2. Cloud Services 3. Types of Cloud 4. What is Openstack? 5. Openstack Architecture 6. Openstack Community 7. Openstack Cloud Deployment Models 8. Openstack Cloud Design Guide

openstack edurekaedurekaopenstack services
func main() {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Welcome to the home page!")
n := negroni.Classic()
Negroni Classic
Common set of middleware
• Logging
• Recovery (from panics)
• Static Content Handling
• Cleans Up boilerplate template rendering code
• Handles Errors
• Takes care of headers for HTML, JSON, XML
• Stores values shared during a request
• Useful for easily passing the full context of a
request to multiple handlers

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Introduction to cloud and openstack
Introduction to cloud and openstackIntroduction to cloud and openstack
Introduction to cloud and openstack

This document provides an introduction to cloud computing and OpenStack. It defines cloud computing and its service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS). It discusses public, private and hybrid cloud deployments. It also covers OpenStack components, how to install and use OpenStack, common OpenStack implementations, and hypervisors.

cloudopenstackcloud infrastructure
CloudStack Clients and Tools
CloudStack Clients and ToolsCloudStack Clients and Tools
CloudStack Clients and Tools

This is an early version of a deck I am working on to describe the clients and tools that you can use with CloudStack. CloudMonkey is covered in another presentation, apache libcloud is a python package which provides abstractions to many cloud providers, deltacloud is a ruby abstraction layer similar to libcloud which provides a standard CIMI frontend, jclouds is a leading abstraction for java applications. Apache Whirr builds on jclouds to provide on-demand big data infrastructure on clouds. All tools are within the Apache Software Foundation, either top level projects of in the incubator (jclouds). this makes the ASF a one stop shop for your cloudplatform, your big data solution and your cloud clients. With Stratos from WSO2 joining the incubator, this means that the ASF now has a PaaS solution, completing the cloud ecosystem. One foundation, clear governance and processes, IaaS, BigData, PaaS and clients.

Vancouver open stack meetup presentation
Vancouver open stack meetup presentationVancouver open stack meetup presentation
Vancouver open stack meetup presentation

This document outlines Sean Winn's experience and credentials working with OpenStack as a cloud delivery specialist. It then provides an agenda for discussing OpenStack 101, the Juno update, contributing to OpenStack, and building a career in OpenStack. The bulk of the document consists of slides on these topics, providing overviews of OpenStack components, new features in Juno, ways to contribute to OpenStack, and skills needed for a career with OpenStack.

Keep data between requests to maintain state
• User information
• Shopping Cart
Setting up Session Handling
var sessionstore = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(secret))
func init() {
sessionstore.Options = &sessions.Options{
Path: "/",
MaxAge: 3600,
HttpOnly: true,
Using Sessions
session, _ := sessionstore.Get(req, "OthrNumbr-session")
session.Values["loggedin"] = true
session.Values["cust_id"] = cust.CustomerId
session.Values["description"] = cust.Description
session.Save(req, w)
http.Redirect(w, req, "/home/", 302)
Rapid Development
• Gin wraps your process
• Recompiles and Restarts Automatically

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Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference...
 Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference... Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference...
Openstack - An introduction/Installation - Presented at Dr Dobb's conference...

Slide was presented at Dr. Dobb's Conference in Bangalore. Talks about Openstack Introduction in general Projects under Openstack. Contributing to Openstack. This was presented jointly by CB Ananth and Rahul at Dr. Dobb's Conference Bangalore on 12th Apr 2014.

Building Angular 2.0 applications with TypeScript
Building Angular 2.0 applications with TypeScriptBuilding Angular 2.0 applications with TypeScript
Building Angular 2.0 applications with TypeScript

Groupe .NET/ASP.NET - Building Angular 2.0 Applications with TypeScript Bill Wagner 21 mars 2016 Come learn to build next generation web applications using the most modern tools: Angular 2.0 and TypeScript. Angular 2.0 will be built using the TypeScript language. It will embrace TypeScript's idioms for working with immersive web experiences in larger applications. You can get those same benefits by working with TypeScript and Angular together. In this session, you'll learn how Angular 2.0 and TypeScript work together to create single page applications. You'll see how you can leverage the features of ECMAScript 6, and still support today's browsers. You'll see how adopting TypeScript can be as easy as changing the extensions on your .js files. How you use the TypeScript features is completely in your control. Even if you are not ready to move to these tools yet, learn what's in store in the future.

Nodejs and WebSockets
Nodejs and WebSocketsNodejs and WebSockets
Nodejs and WebSockets

Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime that allows JavaScript to be used on the server-side. It uses a non-blocking I/O model that makes it suitable for real-time web applications. WebSockets provide a standardized way for the browser and server to establish two-way communication. However, not all browsers support WebSockets yet. addresses this by providing a WebSocket-like experience across all browsers through fallbacks like long-polling. It allows real-time applications to be developed more easily.

Deploy to Production
• Cross Compile for Linux
• SCP to production
• Wrap in upstart script etc
Get up
and Go
Contain Yourself
The GoLang library Docker images make it
easy to build and run your Go app in a
FROM golang:1.5-onbuild

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1.6 米嘉 gobuildweb
1.6 米嘉 gobuildweb1.6 米嘉 gobuildweb
1.6 米嘉 gobuildweb

The document provides an overview of the author's experience building web applications using Go. It discusses the author's background with various backend and frontend technologies. It then summarizes building web apps in Go, covering routing, handlers, middleware, models, rendering, frameworks, and packages. The author advocates composing simple packages together rather than relying on magic or large frameworks. The document also touches on developer tools for assets, hot reloading, and distribution packaging.

Building TweetEngine
Building TweetEngineBuilding TweetEngine
Building TweetEngine

Ikai Lan gave a talk about building cloud applications using Google App Engine. They demonstrated TweetEngine, an open source Twitter application built on App Engine, to explain key concepts. These included OAuth for secure authentication, internationalization (i18n) for localized versions, AppStats for application profiling, and Task Queues for background processing. The talk aimed to show how App Engine handles infrastructure concerns so developers can focus on code, and whet the audience's appetite for building cloud applications.

Web Standards Support in WebKit
Web Standards Support in WebKitWeb Standards Support in WebKit
Web Standards Support in WebKit

This document summarizes Joone Hur's presentation on web standards support in WebKit. It discusses several new and emerging web APIs including custom protocol and content handlers, AddSearchProvider, Navigation Timing, device APIs for battery status, contacts, and media capture. It also covers the Unified Storage Quota API, Shadow DOM API, and notes that WebCL and WebKit2 have been added to Samsung and Nokia browsers.

Docker Commands
$ docker build -t hello-world .
$ docker run --rm -it --name fred hello-world
Google App Engine
• GAE supports Go runtime
• Automatically scales up instances
• Provides highly available datastore
• Supports Go 1.4 at this time
• Soon: Migrate GAE to Managed VMs
GAE DataStore
type Greeting struct {
Author string
Content string
Date time.Time
Fetch from DataStore
func root(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
q := datastore.NewQuery("Greeting").
greetings := make([]Greeting, 0, 10)
if _, err := q.GetAll(c, &greetings); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(),500)

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GDG Addis - An Introduction to Django and App Engine
GDG Addis - An Introduction to Django and App EngineGDG Addis - An Introduction to Django and App Engine
GDG Addis - An Introduction to Django and App Engine

This document provides an overview of developing and deploying Django applications to Google App Engine. It begins with an introduction to Django and how to set up a Django development environment using virtualenv and pip. It then covers common Django components like models, views, templates, URLs and forms. It concludes with a brief discussion of deploying Django applications to App Engine. The key topics covered include setting up a virtual environment for Django development, the model-view-template architecture of Django, and using Django tools and components to build an application that can be deployed to App Engine.

web developmentpythondjango
CouchDB for Web Applications - Erlang Factory London 2009
CouchDB for Web Applications - Erlang Factory London 2009CouchDB for Web Applications - Erlang Factory London 2009
CouchDB for Web Applications - Erlang Factory London 2009

This document summarizes CouchApps, which are pure CouchDB applications that are standalone and hosted entirely on CouchDB. CouchApps have single step deployment via replication and enforce scalable thinking. The document discusses the couchapp tool for developing CouchApps and the resulting directory structure and design documents. It also covers JavaScript templating, URL routing, sending emails, form validation, and several example CouchApps including a blog.

Php on the Web and Desktop
Php on the Web and DesktopPhp on the Web and Desktop
Php on the Web and Desktop

This document discusses using PHP for both web and desktop applications. It introduces PHP-GTK, which allows PHP to create graphical desktop applications with a native look and feel across platforms. It provides examples of creating windows, containers, working with signals and the main loop. The document also discusses installing PHP-GTK, some key considerations for desktop applications, and examples of creating widgets like trees and working with models.

zendcon 2009php-gtkdesktop
GAE Example
Shows session handling, data storage,
authentication and more
Other Resources
Building Web Apps with Go – by codegangtsa
Google Cloud Platform - Go
Deployed To GAE
SMS Voting Application for CSS Dev Conf
• Takes votes via SMS (Twilio) and stores
them in GAE Datastore
• Outputs them as CSV
Deployed to GAE
• Burner Numbers for
texting with strangers
• Written in Go, Deployed
on App Engine
• Users Datastore,
memcache, Twilio, Stripe

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introduction to node.js
introduction to node.jsintroduction to node.js
introduction to node.js

This document provides an introduction to Node.js, a framework for building scalable server-side applications with asynchronous JavaScript. It discusses what Node.js is, how it uses non-blocking I/O and events to avoid wasting CPU cycles, and how external Node modules help create a full JavaScript stack. Examples are given of using Node modules like Express for building RESTful APIs and Socket.IO for implementing real-time features like chat. Best practices, limitations, debugging techniques and references are also covered.
Azure F#unctions
Azure F#unctionsAzure F#unctions
Azure F#unctions

This document provides an overview of Azure Functions and F# support within Azure Functions. It discusses that Azure Functions runs on App Service and WebJobs, uses a consumption or fixed plan pricing model, and supports a variety of triggers including HTTP, timers, queues, blobs, and others. It also summarizes that Azure Functions supports F# and other languages, how to define functions using the Functions CLI, attributes, or precompiled code. Finally, it briefly discusses orchestrating functions using durable functions.

Cape Cod Web Technology Meetup - 2
Cape Cod Web Technology Meetup - 2Cape Cod Web Technology Meetup - 2
Cape Cod Web Technology Meetup - 2

Text Editors (Atom / Sublime) Apache Server (sftp/ssh/php) – Todd's Server! CPanel / Wordpress (server side details) Working with any Web API (Mapping Example) (facebook, linkedin, twitter, maps, d3.js, jquary) JSON and HTML &lt;img> GIT

Thank You
Kitty wants to learn concurrency
Concurrency in Go
• In Go, concurrency is accomplished by
passing shared values around on channels
• Not by sharing memory between threads
Repeat After Me
“Do not communicate by sharing
memory; instead, share memory by

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Notes on SF W3Conf
Notes on SF W3ConfNotes on SF W3Conf
Notes on SF W3Conf

The document discusses client-side storage options for web applications, including cookies, Web Storage, IndexedDB, and File APIs. It provides details on each technology, including examples, limitations, and browser support. It emphasizes that IndexedDB and client-side storage can provide benefits like faster loading, reduced network usage, and the ability to work offline. The document also lists several sites that provide more information and tools for exploring these web storage technologies.

CGI by rj
CGI by rjCGI by rj
CGI by rj

This document defines basic terms related to web applications and HTTP protocols. It explains that a web application is delivered over the internet via a browser and HTML, dynamic pages can display different content than static pages. It also defines that HTTP is the set of rules for file transfers on the web and uses the TCP/IP protocol. The document discusses GET and POST methods for form data submission and that GET appends data to the URL while POST appends to the HTTP request body. It defines CGI as a standard for server-program interaction where requested files are executed as programs.

HTML5: An Overview
HTML5: An OverviewHTML5: An Overview
HTML5: An Overview

Slides from an HTML5 overview session I presented at work... This presentation has an accompanying sample webapp project:

Concurrent Routines
Created by putting “go” in front of function calls
func Announce(message string, delay time.Duration) {
go func() {
}() // Note the parentheses - must call the function.
Go has a built in primitive types for
communicating between goroutines
c := make(chan int) // Allocate a channel.
// Start the sort in a goroutine; when it completes, signal on the channel.
go func() {
c <- 1 // Send a signal; value does not matter.
<-c // Wait for sort to finish; discard sent value.
• Can be buffered or unbuffered
• Can be declared to carry any other type,
even channels!
Concurrency in Go
The essential guides:

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HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....
HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....
HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....

1. HTML5 provides new semantic elements like header, footer, nav and article that improve accessibility and help structure documents. It also extends existing APIs and adds new APIs for multimedia, geolocation, offline storage and more. 2. HTML5 introduces new form input types for dates, times, numbers and more. It also provides built-in form validation without JavaScript. 3. The <video> and <audio> elements allow native playback of multimedia across browsers without plugins. The <canvas> element allows dynamic drawing via JavaScript. 4. While still evolving, many HTML5 features can be used today through progressive enhancement and feature detection. It offers developers new capabilities for building web applications and interactive experiences on

htmlaudioweb design
HTML5 vs Silverlight
HTML5 vs SilverlightHTML5 vs Silverlight
HTML5 vs Silverlight

The document compares various features of HTML5 and Silverlight, including platforms supported, storage options, databases, offline capabilities, threading models, communication APIs, notifications, audio/video support, canvas drawing, and other miscellaneous features. Key differences discussed include HTML5's broader platform support versus Silverlight's reliance on the .NET framework and browser plugins. The document provides overviews and comparisons to help understand how the technologies compare in various areas.

An Introduction to Tornado
An Introduction to TornadoAn Introduction to Tornado
An Introduction to Tornado

Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library. It is a scalable, non-blocking web server that allows applications to handle multiple requests simultaneously using a single thread. Some key features include lightweight and fast templates, asynchronous request handlers, and integrations with databases, caches and other services. Tornado is best suited for building real-time web services and can be used alongside other front-end web servers.

web application developmentpythontornado

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How to Build Your First Web App in Go

  • 1. Building Your First Web App in Go Andy Watson Ionic Security #ATOWebGo #ATO2015 All Things Open 2015
  • 2. About Me Who: Andy Watson What: Code Flinger Where: Ionic Security @andrewwatson
  • 3. I used to write PHP Lots of PHP. Tons.
  • 5. Take the Tour at
  • 6. Web Apps in Go • No need for a wrapper like Apache or Nginx • Create a self-contained, statically compiled binary • Cross Compile from your laptop to your server architecture
  • 7. Simple Web App package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) func main() { http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello, worldn") }) fmt.Print("Listening on :8080n") http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) }
  • 8. Templates Easily render well formed HTML using data from your application Nest templates inside each other (partials) for easy re-use
  • 9. Simple Template Example func handleRoot(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { var templateStr = "<html><body><h1>{{.}}</h1></body></html>n" var templ = template.Must(template.New("qr").Parse(templateStr)) templ.Execute(w, "Hello!") } func main() { http.HandleFunc("/", handleRoot) fmt.Print("Listening on :8080n") http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) }
  • 11. Iterations type Book struct { Author, Title string } func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // var bookList Book[] bookList, err := lookupBooksForSale() templ.Execute(w, bookList) }
  • 12. Template with range Operator <h1>Books For Sale</h1> {{range .}} <h3>{{.Title}} by {{.Author}} </h3> {{else}} <h3>Sorry.</h3> {{end}}
  • 13. Outputs <h3>Sorry.</h3> <h3>The Thing by Stephen King</h3> <h3>Moby Dick by Herman Melville</h3> With Empty List With Data
  • 14. It’s the Methods, man! func uploadHandler(…) { if r.Method != "POST" { err := doPostThings() handleErrors(err) return } }
  • 15. Routing Use a routing library like httprouter or mux to match requests to handlers Routes defined using paths and HTTP verbs r := httprouter.New() r.POST(”/login", LoginHandler) r.GET("/", HomeHandler)
  • 16. MiddleWare Gets executed with every request Used for logging, instrumentation, error handling and more
  • 17. Negroni func main() { mux := http.NewServeMux() mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Welcome to the home page!") }) n := negroni.Classic() n.UseHandler(mux) n.Run(":3000") }
  • 18. Negroni Classic Common set of middleware • Logging • Recovery (from panics) • Static Content Handling
  • 19. Render • Cleans Up boilerplate template rendering code • Handles Errors • Takes care of headers for HTML, JSON, XML etc
  • 20. Context • Stores values shared during a request lifetime • Useful for easily passing the full context of a request to multiple handlers
  • 21. Sessions Keep data between requests to maintain state • User information • Shopping Cart • ETC
  • 22. Setting up Session Handling var sessionstore = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(secret)) func init() { sessionstore.Options = &sessions.Options{ Path: "/", MaxAge: 3600, HttpOnly: true, } }
  • 23. Using Sessions session, _ := sessionstore.Get(req, "OthrNumbr-session") session.Values["loggedin"] = true session.Values["cust_id"] = cust.CustomerId session.Values["description"] = cust.Description session.Save(req, w) http.Redirect(w, req, "/home/", 302)
  • 24. Rapid Development • Gin wraps your process • Recompiles and Restarts Automatically •
  • 25. Deploy to Production • Cross Compile for Linux • SCP to production • Wrap in upstart script etc
  • 27. Contain Yourself The GoLang library Docker images make it easy to build and run your Go app in a container
  • 29. Docker Commands $ docker build -t hello-world . $ docker run --rm -it --name fred hello-world
  • 30. Google App Engine • GAE supports Go runtime • Automatically scales up instances • Provides highly available datastore • Supports Go 1.4 at this time • Soon: Migrate GAE to Managed VMs
  • 31. GAE DataStore type Greeting struct { Author string Content string Date time.Time }
  • 32. Fetch from DataStore func root(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c := appengine.NewContext(r) q := datastore.NewQuery("Greeting"). Ancestor(guestbookKey(c)).Order("-Date").Limit(10) greetings := make([]Greeting, 0, 10) if _, err := q.GetAll(c, &greetings); err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(),500) return } }
  • 34. Other Resources Building Web Apps with Go – by codegangtsa Google Cloud Platform - Go
  • 35. Deployed To GAE SMS Voting Application for CSS Dev Conf • Takes votes via SMS (Twilio) and stores them in GAE Datastore • Outputs them as CSV
  • 36. Deployed to GAE OthrNumbr • Burner Numbers for texting with strangers • Written in Go, Deployed on App Engine • Users Datastore, memcache, Twilio, Stripe
  • 38. Kitty wants to learn concurrency
  • 39. Concurrency in Go • In Go, concurrency is accomplished by passing shared values around on channels • Not by sharing memory between threads
  • 40. Repeat After Me “Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating.”
  • 41. Concurrent Routines Created by putting “go” in front of function calls func Announce(message string, delay time.Duration) { go func() { time.Sleep(delay) fmt.Println(message) }() // Note the parentheses - must call the function. }
  • 42. Channels Go has a built in primitive types for communicating between goroutines c := make(chan int) // Allocate a channel. // Start the sort in a goroutine; when it completes, signal on the channel. go func() { list.Sort() c <- 1 // Send a signal; value does not matter. }() doSomethingForAWhile() <-c // Wait for sort to finish; discard sent value.
  • 43. Channels • Can be buffered or unbuffered • Can be declared to carry any other type, even channels!
  • 44. Concurrency in Go The essential guides:

Editor's Notes

  1. Hello everyone, thank you for coming. I’m Andy Watson and I’m here to talk to you about ways to use cryptography correctly in your applications
  2. I’m currently a senior engineer at Ionic Security which is a data protection security company based out of Atlanta, GA I’ve been a software developer professionally since 1996 when I got my first job developing large scale, distributed systems for processing streams of data collected out of particle accelerators with some Physics professors at FSU. This was “cloud” computing before it had a name. Since then I’ve built mobile, desktop and web applications for companies like The Walt Disney World Resort, Maersk Sealand, Cox Communications, CoffeeCup Software and many many others.