SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Condensed edition
• Selector performance
  – ID
  – Tag name
  – Name, Class
• Use CSS classes to control state
• Specificity helps
  – Ex: $(‘div.ui-content’); instead of $(‘.ui-content’)
Visibility:                             Business:
    – Install Firebug & Yslow               – Performance is important for
    – Know what is slowing down               the product
      your page loads                       – Performance can be expensive
                                            – Optimize intelligently - weigh
                                              the LOE and the utility gained
                                            – Performance is most important
    – Profile your $.ready                    to sites that get millions of hits
    – Minimize initialization on page
                                            – Low hanging fruit first
                                            – Google Analytics to record data
    – throttle/debounce events                about your loads
                                            – 8-bit PNG's with alpha
Contextual jQuery
•   Handle initial state with CSS
•   Write reusable code
•   Delegate event handling
•   Anticipate user actions
    – Scrolling
    – Focus/blur
    – Typing
• .one()

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Unleashing WebGL & WebAudio with babylon.js
Unleashing WebGL & WebAudio with babylon.jsUnleashing WebGL & WebAudio with babylon.js
Unleashing WebGL & WebAudio with babylon.js

During this session, we will see how, thanks to babylon.js, we can easily create and use 3D content associated with sounds directly with JavaScript. We will also see how to interact with DCC tools like Blender or 3DS Max to work with 3D designer. With simplicity in mind we will be able to use complex topics like collisions, physics or even spatial sound with the minimal amount of code! #jquk 2015

Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -
Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js - Codemotion.esCreating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -
Creating 3D Worlds with WebGL and Babylon.js -

We'll see in this session how to create 3D HTML5 WebGL games for the desktop & mobile web. For that, I’ll show you our open-source Babylon.JS WebGL gaming engine available on GitHub. It has been recently used by Ubisoft for the Assassin’s Creed Pirates web experience. We’ll see how to cover the complete gaming pipeline from the 3D assets created & exported from Blender/3DS Max/Maya to BabylonJS, the various camera's types (touch, virtual joysticks, gamepad, etc.), the usage of the embedded physic engine. At last, of course, how to implement the game logic in JavaScript. We'll build a simple game to better understand how to use this free engine.

Modular & Event driven UI Architecture
Modular & Event driven UI ArchitectureModular & Event driven UI Architecture
Modular & Event driven UI Architecture

The document discusses modular and event-driven UI architectures. It describes modules as single, solid units with defined interfaces that can be composed of other modules. An event-driven architecture uses a publish/subscribe pattern where events can be triggered and other parts of the code can listen and respond to those events. Backbone.js is presented as a popular MV* framework for building modular single page apps in an event-driven and RESTful way using models, views, collections, and a router.

modularevent drivenbackbone.js
Unit Testing
•   qUnit
•   qUnit
•   qUnit
•   And qUnit
• Build tool for JS
• Included tasks
   – Creates scaffolding
   – Lint (JSHint)
   – Unit testing (qUnit)
   – Concat/Minify (UglifyJS)
• Headless WebKit
  – Like the horseman? Why is this cool?
• Grunt + PhantomJS + qUnit = ?

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SharePoint Ribbon Deep Dive
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Customizing the SharePoint 2010 ribbon - adding new tabs/groups/buttons, how to implement commands, advanced ribbon controls, FlyoutAnchor controls.

Tibco advantage
Tibco advantageTibco advantage
Tibco advantage

I have discussed, How to choose frameworks. Tibco General interface architecture and advantages.


This document discusses the Paperclip gem, which allows ActiveRecord models to manage file attachments. Paperclip aims to treat file attachments like normal attributes, delaying file operations until save. It handles validations, transformations, and removing files when set to nil. Setup involves declaring attachments with has_attached_file and Paperclip provides methods like exists? to check files.

Recap of Steps
•   brew install node
•   brew install phantomjs
•   npm install -g grunt
•   grunt -help (Optional)
•   grunt init (Optional)
•   grunt init:jquery
•   grunt qunit
•   YSlow, PageSpeed
•   JavaScript Errors Notifier Chrome Extension
•   iWebInspector
•   JSHint (for vim)
• Wiki pages
  – jQuery Conf 2012
  – Best Practices: jQuery
  – Web Dev Quirks
• Read more
  – Introducing Grunt
  – jQuery Plugins w/ Grunt & qUnit
  – qUnit Intro

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jQuery Conf 2012

  • 2. Review • Selector performance – ID – Tag name – Name, Class • Use CSS classes to control state • Specificity helps – Ex: $(‘div.ui-content’); instead of $(‘.ui-content’)
  • 3. Performance Visibility: Business: – Install Firebug & Yslow – Performance is important for – Know what is slowing down the product your page loads – Performance can be expensive – Optimize intelligently - weigh the LOE and the utility gained Interactivity: – Performance is most important – Profile your $.ready to sites that get millions of hits – Minimize initialization on page load Tips: – Low hanging fruit first Responsiveness: – Google Analytics to record data – throttle/debounce events about your loads – 8-bit PNG's with alpha
  • 4. Contextual jQuery • Handle initial state with CSS • Write reusable code • Delegate event handling • Anticipate user actions – Scrolling – Focus/blur – Typing • .one()
  • 5. Unit Testing • qUnit • qUnit • qUnit • And qUnit
  • 6. Grunt • Build tool for JS • Included tasks – Creates scaffolding – Lint (JSHint) – Unit testing (qUnit) – Concat/Minify (UglifyJS)
  • 7. PhantomJS • Headless WebKit – Like the horseman? Why is this cool? • Grunt + PhantomJS + qUnit = ?
  • 9. Recap of Steps • brew install node • brew install phantomjs • npm install -g grunt • grunt -help (Optional) • grunt init (Optional) • grunt init:jquery • grunt qunit
  • 10. Tools • YSlow, PageSpeed • JavaScript Errors Notifier Chrome Extension • iWebInspector • JSHint (for vim)
  • 11. Resources • Wiki pages – jQuery Conf 2012 – Best Practices: jQuery – Web Dev Quirks • Read more – Introducing Grunt – jQuery Plugins w/ Grunt & qUnit – – qUnit Intro

Editor's Notes

  1. Explain the format, # of attendees, the general vibeBreakout sessions
  2. Explain why the selector performance orderExplain why the specificity helps
  3. If it takes you more than a day to implement 1 increase in performance, it is probably not worthwhile. Gauge the effort with the importanceYslow - Initialization after page loadProfilingThrottle/debounce
  4. Initial state with CSS goes against jQuery Mobile, that may mean a change for UIE.Delegating event handling - CPU saved on initial binding: 1 container vs multiple child elementsExamples: - Scrolling – FB Like/audio/images - Focus/blur – form validation/autocomplete - Typing – load next pages in a multi-step process
  5. It seems that the jQuery community has chosen a unit testing framework unanimously.A unit testing framework is only a unit testing framework.qUnit has thrived because of Grunt & PhantomJS
  6. This was created by Ben Alman of Bocoup.He created this to solve many problems, but the biggest problem he solved was eliminating the configuration/setup phase of a project to use Linting, unit testing, and Concat/Minify.
  7. PhantomJS is cool because it runs like a phantom.Typical qUnit opens an actual browser, this runs on the command line.
  8. JSHint has plugins for other editors as well.
  9. Slides and notes from the conferencecan be found in the wikiBest PracticesWeb dev quirks – this may or may not be useful to you