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by Dzmitry Varabei
Page Rendering Cycle
• Parse HTML and CSS files
• Build the DOM
Nodes and the DOM tree

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WebKit and Blink: Bridging the Gap Between the Kernel and the HTML5 Revolution
WebKit and Blink: Bridging the Gap Between the Kernel and the HTML5 RevolutionWebKit and Blink: Bridging the Gap Between the Kernel and the HTML5 Revolution
WebKit and Blink: Bridging the Gap Between the Kernel and the HTML5 Revolution

This document summarizes Juan J. Sánchez's presentation on WebKit and Blink. It discusses: 1) The history and goals of the WebKit project from 2004-2013, including its features, architecture, ports, and licenses. 2) The WebKit community, including types of contributors, tools used, and events held. 3) The creation of Blink in 2013 when Google forked WebKit, the motivations behind it, and its impact on the WebKit community. 4) The current status of WebKit and Blink projects and their future perspectives.

WebKit and Blink: open development powering the HTML5 revolution
WebKit and Blink: open development powering the HTML5 revolutionWebKit and Blink: open development powering the HTML5 revolution
WebKit and Blink: open development powering the HTML5 revolution

This document provides an overview of the WebKit technology, community, and ongoing work. It discusses WebKit's goals, features, architecture, ports, and the WebKit2 API. It also covers the Blink fork, the WebKit community and contributing process, and provides statistics on codebase size and contributors.

webkit blink javascriptcore v8 web linux opensourc
How Browser Works?
How Browser Works?How Browser Works?
How Browser Works?

The document provides an overview of how a browser works by breaking it down into key components and subcomponents. It discusses the user interface, browser engine, rendering engine, networking, JavaScript interpreter, UI backend, data persistence, and web APIs that make up a browser. It then dives deeper into specific subcomponents like the HTML parser, CSS parser, DOM, rendering tree, layout and reflow process, and event loop. The document uses diagrams and examples to illustrate how each component interacts and the main flows and processes involved in rendering web content in the browser.

browserkharkivjssoftware development
Page Rendering Cycle
• Parse HTML and CSS files
• Build the DOM
• Calculate CSS property values
• Build the rendering tree
RenderObject Tree
This is a data structure that helps the
browser perform layout tasks.
anonymous line box
Page Rendering Cycle
• Parse HTML and CSS files
• Build the DOM
• Calculate CSS property values
• Build the rendering tree
• Calculate layout
• Paint
• Composite
• Draw the final screen image onto the screen
Display refresh rate
~ 60Hz
~16.6ms to make a frame

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Chromium vs. Firefox
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Chromium vs. Firefox

The document compares the architectures and features of the Firefox and Chromium web browsers. It outlines their reference architectures, functional requirements like user interfaces, media playback, and downloads management. It also discusses their non-functional requirements including security, performance, and extensibility. Finally, it provides a high-level comparison of their architectures and a deeper look at differences in their security models.

mozilla firefoxchromiumopen source
Web browser architecture
Web browser architectureWeb browser architecture
Web browser architecture

The document discusses the main components of a web browser, including the user interface, browser engine, rendering engine, networking, JavaScript interpreter, UI backend, and data storage. It provides details on how different browsers use different rendering engines, such as Gecko, WebKit, Blink, and Trident. The rendering engine is responsible for parsing HTML and CSS to construct the DOM and render tree before layout, painting and displaying the web page.

safarijavascriptcorev8 engine
Architecture of the Web browser
Architecture of the Web browserArchitecture of the Web browser
Architecture of the Web browser

A presentation depicting the most important aspects regarding the internal architecture of a Web browser.

console> chrome.exe
Google Chrome Canary
Trace Event Profiling Tool
Read more:
Demo – CSS Paint Order
The phase of rendering where
RenderObjects make calls into the
GraphicsContext API to make a visual
representation of themselves

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This document discusses techniques for optimizing the performance of HTML5 games on mobile devices. It begins with an overview of HTML5 game architecture and the WebKit rendering process. It then analyzes sources of performance issues, such as painting size and DOM complexity. The document recommends several optimization techniques, including DOM/canvas hybrid rendering, static object pooling, smart repainting of invalidated areas only, and minimizing source image scaling. Case studies demonstrating these techniques for real games are also presented.

canvasdommobile device

HTML5 introduces several new features including new semantic elements, support for embedded video and audio, canvas element for 2D/3D graphics, offline web applications, and drag and drop. It also removes some older HTML elements. HTML5 is still a work in progress but is supported by all major browsers. It aims to make web pages more compatible with new technologies and reduce the need for browser plug-ins.

html5 new elements
Components now!
Components now! Components now!
Components now!

1) The document discusses libraries versus components in web development. Libraries are described as large, tightly coupled, and difficult to understand, while components are proposed as a simpler alternative being lightweight, standalone, and isolated. 2) It provides an example of building a simple "my-share" component using modern web standards and design principles like CommonJS modules, BEM methodology, and external dependency management. 3) The conclusion advocates for writing and using more standalone components instead of libraries to take advantage of the increased capabilities now available in the web platform.

Skia Graphics Engine
Skia is the open source C++ graphics
library for drawing Text,
Geometries, and Images.
Skia is currently used in
Android Sublime
Text 3
Skia Debugger - Demo
How to save .skp files from Chromium?

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This is some kind of report for implementation and experimentation about "Hardware Accelerated WebKitGTK+ for the embedded device" which is running on the Raspberry Pi device in real. Authored by Changseok Oh, who is working in the Collabora from 2013.

Web Components the best marriage for a PWA
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Web Components the best marriage for a PWA

Location: Progressive Web App Dev Summit, GDG Madrid 21-Jul-2016 Abstract: Progressive Web Apps (PWA) have responsive layout, works offline, and can be on the home screen. WebComponents allows build all those missing HTML pieces. Polymer is a library for manipulating Web Components. This presentation joins all those new technologies for creating the Future Apps.

pwa polymer web-components vaadin gdg
[D2 오픈세미나]2.browser engine 이형욱_20140523
[D2 오픈세미나]2.browser engine 이형욱_20140523[D2 오픈세미나]2.browser engine 이형욱_20140523
[D2 오픈세미나]2.browser engine 이형욱_20140523

This document discusses how web browsers work and techniques for improving rendering performance. It covers how browsers parse HTML and CSS to build a render tree. The render tree is then laid out and painted to the screen. It also describes different rendering paths including software rendering, hardware accelerated rendering using the GPU, and techniques like layering and compositing. Guidelines are provided for optimizing CSS animations and using developer tools to analyze rendering performance.

What cause complex painting?
• image decodes/resizes
• box-shadow (essentially
improved over
the past 2 years)
• border-radius
• border-radius + box-shadow
Read more: CSS Paint Times and Page Render Weight
Software mode VS Accelerated
compositing mode
Accelerated compositing mode
Layer bitmaps are transferred to the
GPU, combined ("composited"), and
drawn on the screen.

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Browsers. Magic is inside.
Browsers. Magic is inside.Browsers. Magic is inside.
Browsers. Magic is inside.

Browser internal components Main processes during page load or dynamic changes Performance tips and tricks Chrome Devtools in action

devexpertssoftware developmentweb development
Polymer / WebComponents
Polymer / WebComponentsPolymer / WebComponents
Polymer / WebComponents

- Nuxeo has historically used different technologies for its UI such as ZPT, JSF, and AngularJS but is now exploring using Web Components with frameworks like Polymer and React. - Polymer helps build custom elements and adds sugar to remove boilerplate from element registration, lifecycle callbacks, and observers. Nuxeo elements could provide reusable UI building blocks. - The new Nuxeo Web UI would use the DOM as the framework and include Nuxeo elements for data and UI, layouts for convention-based dynamic loading, and testing with WCT and nuxeo-ftest.

Building Real-World Dojo Web Applications
Building Real-World Dojo Web ApplicationsBuilding Real-World Dojo Web Applications
Building Real-World Dojo Web Applications

This document discusses building real-world web applications with Dojo. It provides an overview of how web applications have evolved from static Web 1.0 models to more dynamic Web 2.0 models using AJAX, REST, and JSON. It introduces Dojo as a JavaScript library for building rich web applications and discusses Dojo concepts like widgets, modules, and best practices for designing, developing, and testing Dojo applications.

dojo web20
Layer: section of the page, subtree of the
DOM. Painted independently,
composited on the GPU, and can
stretch, move, and fade without
Which elements have their own layer?
• Root page object
• Canvas
• Video element
• plugins (flash and etc)
• Elements with CSS properties: TranslateZ,
Translate3d, Opacity, ScaleZ, RotateZ...
• 2D Transforms do not create layer
The cost of too many layers:
Additional GPU and memory usage
Render profiling tools
• Show FPS
• Show paint rectangles
• Continuous page repainting
• Show composited layer borders
• Timeline -> Frames

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HTML5와 오픈소스 기반의 Web Components 기술
HTML5와 오픈소스 기반의 Web Components 기술HTML5와 오픈소스 기반의 Web Components 기술
HTML5와 오픈소스 기반의 Web Components 기술

HTML5 의 표준 권고안이 채택되면서 HTML5는 엄청난 속도로 웹 전반에 걸쳐 보급되고 있습니다. HTML5 와 기존의 HTML4 / XHTML 1.1 과의 가장 큰 차잇점은 웹을 바라보는 관점입니다. 웹브라우저를 저작 플랫폼이 아닌 실행 환경으로 바라보는 HTML5의 독특한 관점은 webcomponent 에 잘 드러나 있습니다. 이 발표에서는 webcomponent 의 개념 및 역사를 훑고, webcomponent 오픈소스 구현체들인 webcomponents.js 및 구글의 Polymer, 모질라의 x-tag 과 함께 페이스북의 React 와의 비교 및 브라우저 대응에 대한 내용을 다룹니다.

web componentshtml5react
Firefox Architecture Overview
Firefox Architecture OverviewFirefox Architecture Overview
Firefox Architecture Overview

An overview of the technical architecture of Firefox and a glimpse into extending the browser's functionality.


The document discusses different types of paints used for interior and exterior surfaces. It describes the key ingredients in paint like pigments, binders, liquids, and additives. It also outlines different types of surface finishes like white wash, color wash, distemper, cement paint etc. The preparation of surfaces prior to painting and application methods for different paint types are explained. Water based and oil based paints are compared in terms of their advantages.

paintsmanitspecifications of paints
• How Browsers Work
• Jank Free: Chrome Rendering Performance
• Compositing in Blink and WebKit
• Trace Event Profiling Tool (about:tracing)
• GPU Accelerated Compositing in Chrome
• CSS Paint Times and Page Render Weight

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